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Not impressed with Big E Langston


Ryback Rules
Hey guys I'm here to share my opinion on the current Intercontinental Champion, Big E Langston. As the title says, I'm not impressed with the guy. He just sucks. Let's start with his look, he's too big and not tall enough. Really can't take him seriously. Then there are his nonexistent mic skills. Sure he's a big guy and he doesn't need to talk much because he lets his actions in the ring talk for him. But he's still god awful on the mic. He sounds kinda ******ed.


What the hell was that? Look at AJ and Ziggler's reaction, even they were upset at him. He could never cut an epic promo like the one Ryback cut on the top of an ambulance.
He has no character. He's just a powerhouse who squashes random heels week after week and that's it. At least Ryback was doing some impressive shit as a babyface like picking up two guys for the Shell Shocked. Oh yeah speaking of Shell Shocked, what is Big E's finisher? The Big Ending aka the second worst finisher in WWE after Ziggler's Zig-Zag. Just t-e-r-r-i-b-l-e. If you think about it, there's absolutely no reason to support this guy. I really hope WWE gave him the IC title as a test to see if he has what it takes to be a decent babyface. It would be perfect if he dropped the title to Ryback (who actually deserves it, he busted his ass for 8 years to get to the WWE. He wasn't someone's "workout buddy"), faded into obscurity and Ryback turned face again. That's what would be best for business. They should stop shoving Big E Langston down our throats. Just take the title off him and send him back to NXT.
Big E is simply the most recent faceless guinea pig in Vince McMahon's on-going Next Big Meathead Project. He failed with Ezekiel Jackson in 2010/2011, and he failed with Ryback in 2012/2013. Now he's trying again with Big E Langston.

Why does he keep trying? Because McMahon is still stuck in the 1980s mindset the ungodly muscles triumphs over character development, mic-work, and wrestling ability. Times have changed, and look is the least important factor to a Superstar's ability to get over. But you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and Vince has lived a half a mllenium in canine years.
I agree. However there is just one problem. Big E. is just really likable for some reason. I can't put my finger on why I like him. Like you said, he looks ridiculous, he's not a good worker and his mic skills are nonexistent. But man, I hope he succedes.
I don't mind Big E, but I think he's pretty limited in terms of what he can achieve. Every week the commentators back him to the hilt and keep telling us he's a shoe in to be a future World Champ, but I just don't see it.

I think my opinion would change if they stop putting him in squash matches against Axel and others, and start developing a proper feud with someone like Ryback or Sandow - so he can actually show a bit of personality and interact on the mic.

His last few title defences, although good for the belt, have basically been randomly selected mid-card guys who Big E has just squashed, and then they go away. He needs a proper feud for a while and that'll help him - in my opinion.
They just haven't allowed him to do much. If you follow him on Twitter you'll see how he actually has a personality and is quite funny. I he were able to transfer that to a promo he'd be gold. However I feel the writers don't want him to be funny and want him to be the aforementioned big meat head face.

Honestly for a guy his size he's pretty decent in the ring. It's just the writers haven't given him anything to work with. A good feud would be able to solidify Big E as a good midcarder (or not, depending on how you feel)
I'm going to have to disagree with the OP. I think Big E has had moments when he's shown to be good in the ring and the mic. Check out some his NXT stuff he cut some pretty good promos on SD these past few weeks etc. I do agree his finisher is trash as was the promoup there but like someone else is he's a likeable guy and should be a face and that was relatively early into his career. I think we'll get a feud with Ryback which I am excited for because I like both but hopefully on the Road to WM season he'll have more chances to be facey in his promos and put on some good matches with Ryback because they're both underrated in the ring and on the mic.
You made a point about big e but ryback sucks just about the same or worse. theres just nomore good really big guys anymore besides brock and i think hes a shell of his former self
While his delivery could use some work and he definitely needs more time to prove himself, to say his mic skills are nonexistant is just blind hatred. Using one (possibly, I didn't waste my time) bad promo as an example is not nearly enough to prove a point. But I'm also not one to use his Twitter as a defense. That's so different it's comparing apples to suspension bridges, as oranges would still be too close.

His in ring work is definitely better than most big men. He's very athletic for such a big guy. The problem is most people around here are blind in their own right that guys need to be 6'0 175 pounds because that's "real wrestling." If they're any bigger than that it's a "VKM guy." That's just close-minded stupidity. The key to wrestling is variety. If everyone's the same, it's absolutely boring. And if you're going to have big men, having someone as athletic as Big E is not a bad thing.

All that being said, it's still way too early for him to be judged. Give him at least another year before there's any mention of how he might end up. But hey, this is the internet.

EDIT: Oh yeah I do agree though that his finisher is junk.
I'm not impressed with him either and fail to see what anybody sees in him. What exactly does he bring to the table? Absolutely nothing. He's nothing special in the ring, he's awful at promos, so what is there? I need a reason to cheer for a face other than their location on the heel/face spectrum. Until Big E Langston has given me a reason to care about him, I won't. I've rooted for him before, but only if he faced an opponent I legitimately dislike more than him.

Here is a conversation I had with a friend of mine just the other day:

Me: Dang, Big E Langston is so BORING.

Friend: What are you talking about man, he's awesome!

Me: No he's not. He sucks both in the ring and on the mic.

Friend: But he's.... he's so FUNNY!

Me: No he isn't.

Friend: Yeah he is! (begins to laugh hysterically)

Me: Show me a promo, even one, where he's hilarious.

Friend: I ummmm.... I dunno, he's just funny dude.

Me: If you say so. In other words, he sucks and you could not disprove it.

Even my friend who is a fan of Langston's couldn't provide any insight as to why he's worth rooting for other than him supposedly being "funny" but could not prove it. So I give the Langston fans of the forum the same challenge. Give me a reason to cheer for this guy, let alone be impressed by him, since I sure don't have one due to him sucking.
I like Langston, he's got a good image, very energetic, athletic, lot of potential and room for growth and improvement. But I really cannot find any evidence to the contrary as regards to his promo skills.

Consider the following... (skip to approx 1.10)

Now, the 5 gimmick in NXT was perfect since all it required was looking intense and shouting "FIVE! FIVE! FIVE!" repeatedly, but this all boiled down to his size and strength getting him over coupled with a simple cheer-leading catchphrase (cf. Ryback, 2012), but talking about your fingers and toes? Good grief. I see a future in him, but he's going to need some serious coaching to bring his online personality into his onscreen character.
Not much to say on the topic but the man has only been a performer 3 years. I would not expect to much out of him at this point. Not afraid to say I'm a fan of big e
I agree. However there is just one problem. Big E. is just really likable for some reason. I can't put my finger on why I like him. Like you said, he looks ridiculous, he's not a good worker and his mic skills are nonexistent. But man, I hope he succedes.

LOL. Love Dagger Dias' comment.

However, as Y2Jake has said, he is likeable for whatever reason. Look at this past Monday Night when he was coming out from the back and there were a few legends(MDM,IRS...) there. You couldn't help but smile at the legends doing their thing and also how Big E seemed to become a star struck fan/young up and comer when he was walking past them.
He needs more time in the ring. Promo wise, I have not seen much of him,tbh, until then, can't say if he is good enough or crap based on a promo from quite a while back before he got his push as a face. Will he make it to the Main Event? I think so, but more a guy who flits in and out. He won't always be in the Main Event as time goes on. Looking forward to his possible feud with Ryback coming up.
It's because he has the IC strap of doom. He will never go anywhere with that stupid thing. His problem is not that he doesn't have the charisma because if you've seen any of his work in NXT, the dude has a buttload of charisma. He doesn't have anybody to elevate him and give him a meaningful feud to make you impressed or care about his character. He keeps getting Ryback, Axel, Fandango, etc... All guys themselves who can't get the wheels turning on their career.

I didn't bother watching the video because you don't need to. Basing your opinion off one clip or instance is just awful. Just looking at the first frame of the video tells you everything you need to know about it. It's when AJ was there and Ziggler had the briefcase. I believe that's the very first time he was ever given a mic. Before that, he was just the muscle and emotionless heavy for Ziggler. So we've established at this point, Big E was never given a mic in WWE. Big E never had a match in the WWE. Big E never had a feud in the WWE up to this point...and you're shitting on him because he's not Austin right off the bat? Name a guy that lit the world on fire with his VERY FIRST MIC OPPORTUNITY on WWE television. You can't do it because NOBODY HAS DONE IT. So why hold Big E. to some ridiculous standard that you've basically made up yourself because nobody has ever done what you're dumping on Big E for not doing.

Have you ever heard him do commentary? He's pretty good there. It can transfer over to the ring and his character. But you have to give his character something meaningful in terms of a feud so we can care.

Also... it's tough to take the OP any type of serious because he used the words "epic" and "Ryback" in the same sentence. Plus, they're hardly shoving Big E down our throats. You've seen him in a singles capacity as a face for what... maybe 3 months and champion for like.. .a month? As opposed to Ryback who can't talk his way out of a wet paper bag... whose finisher is WORSE than Big E's... and who had opportunity after opportunity over a year ago to make us give a shit... and we couldn't care less about Ryback right now. Get off Big E's back and let him try to impress you.

You know who didn't impress me due to his complete lack of personality like 18 years ago or so? The Ringmaster. Oh... what? You don't know who that is? Do some Googling and see how that turned out.
Yes, Big E Langston sucks right now. To me, he appears as Daniel Bryan during his first few months in the WWE main roster. Bryan did not have an intriguing or memorable character, his ring gear was stale, his entrance theme wasn't good either. I remember having an argument with reviewer Joe Thunder where he insisted that ring gear or entrance theme have no role in making a pro-wrestler more interesting... Anyway, coming back to the topic, Daniel Bryan used to have a difficult time getting a satisfactory reaction from the people, many (myself included) thought he would never become a world champion.
Then they changed his character into a funny coward, doing antics like offering a handshake but moving the hand away when the other guy reciprocates, then into a whiny coward, followed by the Yes! chants, No! chants, little angry guy, the goat, and now Daniel Wyatt- lots of interesting characters, new entrance themes, T-shirts etc. and he is one of the most entertaining people on the show.
Similarly, they need to change a few things about Big E Langston as well. His ring gear sucks as well, and the singlet is also infamous for showing his butt crack. He looks badass when he pulls down the straps trough. So why not make him wear trunks instead? His entrance theme might appeal to some, but I don't see it suited for being a theme song for any successful wrestler, so that needs a change too. Also, he needs to be given the mic more often, so that he gets used to it and starts talking in a flow. Recorded segments would do too. Finally, he needs better opponents than Ryback and Axel, people that can make him look good. Daniel had Big Show, Mark Henry, CM Punk and Kane as rivals; Big E too should be put in the ring with established wrestlers more often.
So if the WWE is willing to put more effort on developing the above aspects of his character, I'm positive that he won't come off as someone that is being "shoved down our throats".
Big E Langston aka Short E Langston is a joke.

He sucks in the ring and on the mic. His entrance is extremely lame.

He's pretty green if you ask me, he's the modern day Rocky Maivia except that Rocky Maivia was far more athletic, better looking, bigger, taller, more charismatic... than Big E Langston. Also, Rock became the greatest of all time while Big E won't amount to anything.

He should stay a mid-carder his whole career and towards the end of his career, they can give him a "thank you" world title.

He's flat out boring, like HEELKris said, he isn't talented whatsoever, the only reason he's getting pushed is because he's John Cena's butt buddy and he probably dances to him in his little singlet and Cena gets h0rny at it. Probably the reason Cena got divorced because Cena likes to *********e to short chubby black bodybuilders dancing in singlets.

Before Cena returned at HIAC, Big E was never to be found on WWE TV then boom Cena comes back and Big E is IC Champ and beating everyone SMH.

His entrance is a rip off of LeBron James and Kevin Garnett, they do it in the NBA, the powder thing and clapping to get the powder in the air, yeah that thing he does.

It doesn't add to his extremely lame gimmick. He doesn't even have a gimmick.

He isn't believable as a monster heel / face like Roman Reigns is. In the Henry / Reigns confrontation on SD, Big E looked like a child in front of two men.

He isn't believable as a monster face / heel nor is he an underdog so he is basically a nobody.

He got no gimmick, no charisma, no nothing. Just have a bandwagon of !diots. "OOH BIg E WON A SCRIPTED MATCH, HE'S THE BEST" smh.

I just see him as another green bodybuilder who got pushed because Vince has a weird fetish for those guys, just like Ezekiel Jackson, Ahmed Johnson... he will fail.
I love Big E. I can't help it. He's one of us: A guy with lots of witty, important things to say who can't help but sound like he has marbles in his mouth. You've seen the man's Twitter. He's the ultimate IWC hero. He's the funniest guy in the room... from behind his computer screen.

Between that and his ill-fitting, unflattering clothes, you'd think more of us would love him. After all the bitching about Cena being superman, we finally have someone who can be the future people's champion. A man who failed to be a football star, so he had to settle for something else.

We're all losers here. We know a lot about settling. And I'm settling for Big E. For me, five is enough.
I don't understand why people say he's not good in the ring. He's pretty damn good considering what he can do with all of that muscle. You'd have to look at his NXT stuff to see everything that he can offer truly.

While I agree he does need to work on his microphone skills, he is a pretty interesting guy. I think that Vince doesn't want him to come off as the "cool guy", instead he wants him to be intimidating.

Stuff like this is funny


But if he takes what he has from Twitter and puts it on air, then everything will be golden.
Big E is simply one of the most endearing wrestlers in a long time. I love him and I haven't found an exact reason why. His use of Twitter and Instagram helps. He is funny/entertaining on both and does a good job on social media. He debuted on the main roster with A.J and Ziggler - that helps.

Big E can definitely wrestle. He has put on some decent matches in NXT and on the main roster. I'd agree that he isn't exceptional in the ring but he is still young and surely he can only improve. On the mic, he definitely has potential. He is naturally witty and he knows what to say. Again, he might not be Cena or Punk but there is still enough to make me believe he can be a star.

He has the look. He is certainly above average in the ring and on the mic. Young. Friendly with Cena. He will definitely be a success but that will take time. Of course he can improve but he has already impressed and I haven't see anything from Big E to make me doubt him.
Big E is rising fast and deserves it. He is big,he is actually quite funny on twitter and is pretty athletic for a guy his size.. He is above average in the ring,and is a future WHC in the making.. I look forward to his career and how it progresses. He is limited on what he can say on the mic,if he can find a way to be funny on the mic like he is on twitter,he is golden!!
Uh on, here it goes with the "I hate a wrestler who I was crying about getting pushed, but now that he's pushed, I don't like him anymore" thread. Just give the guy a chance. He's fresh out of developmental, plus he hasn't been wrestling for 3 years.
Uh on, here it goes with the "I hate a wrestler who I was crying about getting pushed, but now that he's pushed, I don't like him anymore" thread. Just give the guy a chance. He's fresh out of developmental, plus he hasn't been wrestling for 3 years.

Speak for yourself. I've hated the guy since day one and I've NEVER seen anything even remotely impressive about him. Not in NXT, not in WWE. This guy has done nothing to deserve being Intercontinental Champion, let alone this INSANE push he's being given.
I like Big E personally. I think the dude is funny and personable. A lot of the examples of his promos that are posted I agree are bad but one example I have is the one he cut with Dolph and AJ at last years Royal Rumble. The has personality and his intense hard hitting style works well to me. I agree he does need to work with better talent becuz Curtis Axel isnt making him look good at all. Maybe a feud with Big Show or Ryback where he could show off his strength would help. If I was in charge of booking I would put him in a feud with Dolph or Seth Rollins. With Dolph there's history and the fact that Dolph is a former World Champ would be a good push. Plus with both Ziggler and Rollins they would sell the shit out of every one of Big E's power moves which would make him look more dominate.
In terms of charisma, Big E. simply hasn't been allowed to shine on the main roster as he was in NXT. When it comes to booking decisions regarding certain wrestlers, Triple H & Vince McMahon live in two different worlds.

When it comes to certain wrestlers, Vince prefers more traditional booking roles. Big E. is a big ol' muscular powerlifting champion. As a result, Vince wants him in the sort of role in which he's, mostly, a silent bruiser who bulldozes his way through opponents. In NXT, Triple H allowed Big E. to display some genuine charisma and ability on the mic. He showed that he could be a lot more, character wise, than a big silent bruiser who bulldozes his way through opponents. Watching NXT, Triple H is someone who doesn't frequently peg wrestlers in to certain roles because of their build or overall look. In NXT, Langston's personality wasn't remotely as generally one dimensional as it's been since coming to the main roster. The difference is that, for the most part, Vince allows Triple H to run things in NXT his way, so long as Vince allows it, while the main roster is all Vince's and things are done the way he wants them. It works sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't.

As far as his in-ring work goes, I've got no complaints about the guy. Some are a little prejudice against Langston because he's a muscular powerhouse, which is supposed to signify that he can't wrestle. He's leaps & bounds ahead of where he was at this time last year, however, and he's not some big, lumbering clod like Mason Ryan or Khali. Langston may not be the next big thing, but I think he's doing just fine as a solid, babyface mid-card champion at this point.
I like the guy. He doesn't always show it but I've certainly seen enough flashes of talent to suggest the guy is very capable of having a sucessful career.
As for the people saying they like him but they don't know why. It's because he's a nerd. He's basically Carlton Banks with muscles.
I'm not a big fan of Big E Langston and I actually think that he is underserving of the IC belt. He could be a big deal in the future, but for that he actually needs to be put into meaningful feuds and get more mic time, which he has barely got since he spilt from Ziggler. And for all those people that are saying that Big E Langston is above average in the ring, can anyone even name a good match that he has had because I sure can't.

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