Not Bad Cards

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
TNA has announced the lineups for their June 12th & 13th events in Great Britain at the Liverpool Olympia:

6/12 -
*TNA champion Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle
*TNA Tag Team champions LAX vs. The Motor City Machineguns
*TNA X-Division champion Petey Williams vs. Jay Lethal vs. Sonjay Dutt
*TNA Knockouts champion Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim
*Rhino vs. Booker T
*AJ Styles vs. Robert Roode

6/13 -
*TNA champ Samoa Joe vs. Booker T
*TNA Tag Team champs LAX vs. James Storm & Robert Roode
*TNA X-Division champion Petey Williams vs. Jay Lethal
*TNA Knockout champ Awesome Kong vs. Gail Kim
*Plus AJ Styles, The Motor City Machineguns, Rhino and Sonjay Dutt.

True story. I'm goin on the Friday one.
Hmm, now if Impact only had one of those matches on it's card, it might be watchable.
Attempted watching IMpact last night. or at least the last 20 minutes of it. and was sorta kinda feelin it thru the first two minutes of it. Then Don (?) West sold a top rope to the outside cross body block by christian harder than JR sold Foley's HIAC bump. Which greatly insulted my intelligence. the channel was then changed promptly.
I missed the Wrestle Fan fest.

I'm in danger of forgetting too, same with the NOAH shows. You are my diary same. If you don't tell me, nobody will.
Got a leaflet for NOAH, but I don't wanna bother going on my own. At least I know people semi-interested in TNA.
I have no friends who like wrestling. So it's up to the child to keep me company. She'll like the TNA shows, obviously 5 years olds is the demographic they're appealing too. But I think she'll only be entertained by the green NOAH ring for so long. She fell asleep at the ROH shows I took her to.

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