NoFate007 For WZ Columnist


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
What I'm looking for:

1) Quality storylines that are believable and actually mean something.

2) Showcasing the strengths of the wrestlers and making them lose via their weaknesses.

3) A mix of different wrestling styles. Not spot after spot, but not headlock after headlock.

4) Surprises that are the result of actual value, rather than pure shock. If you shock me by having Kofi Kingston come out tomorrow night on Raw and win the title from Edge, the fact that I didn't see it coming doesn't mean its a good idea.

5) For HHH to start losing matches like everybody else. I'd have no problem having him as a main event guy and even a champion once every so often if he would just simply lose like everybody else does.

6) A mix of short and long title reigns. This situation that we've unofficially declared "the hot potato" is annoying in some ways and good in some ways. It'd be much better if it was back and forth between people that were just out-performing each other, rather than booking it so Edge can't possibly win without cheating. At the same time, when a title reign is a bore, you need to change it. HHH's title reign in 08 was horrible in my mind because I didn't find any of it the least bit interesting. The same went for Cena back in 07. I wanted him to lose it every time I saw him on Raw and on every ppv just for something to be different...except for when he was against Lashley as I thought Lashley would be an even worse option lol.

7) For them to stop insulting my intelligence with stuff like Mysterio beating every super heavyweight every time he's facing them. The same goes for Hornswoggle. Everything about Hornswoggle. Everything. The stupid "ack! ack!" speech he does, the fact that he always has makeup that looks like dirt on his face, that he gets more air time than some of their impressive talent, etc. Sure, some kids might like it, but they don't need to do it every single week and they CERTAINLY don't need to make their superstars look like complete idiots in the process.

8) Some originality now and then. How many matches has Finlay won in the past 2 years that weren't as a result of either the shillelagh? Maybe like, 3, tops? How many times have we had some heel debut and beat jobbers for several months with nothing that differentiates that push from the push of all the other heels that just beat up jobbers?

9) For the WWE to listen to the fans if something's going wrong rather than try to just beat it into the audience's heads that they're wrong and the WWE is right. Isn't that what happened that transformed Austin into the superstar he became? They listened to the fans chanting Austin's name and used that to change him into a face, instead of just refusing to and saying "no, we want him to be heel, so stop chanting him, cause you're wrong".

10) For them to stop freaking running so many goddamn repetitive promos. I'm so sick of seeing the same exact Raw footage on Monday night, then on the recap Tuesday, then on the recap Friday, then a "let's look at what happened last week" recap twice on Monday again, and then seeing it AGAIN on the ppv! If you multiply this by 3 shows worth of doing it, you're seeing the same 3 segments so many times that you feel so sick of watching it by the time the next week comes along and it doesn't resonate that "gotta check it out next week" idea because its already a tired storyline. If they're hell bent on showing some recaps, they should make them 15-30 seconds long and that's it.

Not really too many outlandish demands there, right?

Yeah I read that too. Amazing. The guy is almost too good for Wrestlezone Forums. With a majority of shit posts we are seeing, his posts stand out a lot more.

Seriously, I hope he applies to become a WZ Columnist.
I should edit out the dirty words and send my Triple H rant to the main site, just for kicks.
I think it would be great if WZ acknowledged us forum-ers more often, and even had a sort of contest/opportunity for one of us to be able to write for the main site in some capacity. That'd be awesome.
Nofate has always been one of my favorite wrestling posters on the sight. It'd be great if he became a columnist.
I've thought about calling in to the VOW radio show a few times and saying "this is NoFate007 from the forums" but I don't think they'd have a clue what I'm talking about. Seems like they'd rather talk about what people say in the chat room than even mention that their forum exists, so I doubt they'd be willing to let a forum person write columns on the website. Maybe if I start going to that chat they'd take notice lol.

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