WZ tries to get Doc laid... again.

It's different this time. Since I actually know who the person is, and I'm probably not just going in with the sole purpose of getting laid. I'm not that kind of person. She's not bad looking, she's nice, and since she'll be closer I can actually hang out with her and see if she's the kind of person I'll want to hook up with or not. She may be crazy, and if she is then it's a no-go, yo.

If she's female chances are she's crazy... oh and make sure she doesn't have 7 deadly ex's for you to battle;)
Gotta say, I'd hate to be known as the guy who needed the help of a wrestling forum to lose my virginity, perhaps we should let Doc tackle this one on his own?
Angel's, Crock's and Norman's heads just collectively imploded with the influx of gargantuan irony from this

Not really irony as stinger was commenting on his STD's. I believe that Stinger is clean as it would be difficult to catch anything from his desired age. Stinger may be a pedo, but atleast he has standards.
I'm expecting the NorCal/Bin Laden sex tape sooner than Doc getting laid.

And 2 things:
1. Why do we care if Doc partakes in the sexy times? I like Doc, he's awesome, but what he does in his own time is his own business. You guys are acting like you want him to webcam it or something.

2. What is with this whole Stinger being a pedophile? The first time it was maybe funny. Every other time it just got old. I highly doubt Stinger is a Pedo, so it isn't right to accuse him of such.

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