No Surrender: American Champion Kurt Angle against Anti-American?


SORRY! About you damn luck!
No Surrender will be on 9/11, the date that marks 10 years since September 11 from 2001, the day that the World Trade Center was attacked by terrorists.

The new TNA World Heavyweight Champion is the Olympic Hero Kurt Angle, do you think that TNA will use some special storyline just because of the 10 year anniversary of September 11?

How would you book it? Do you find it appealing as a storyline or TNA shouldn't focus in something that was so bad for American as a nation? Just wanted to know your thoughts on this one.
I wouldn't want them to make THAT big a deal out of it, maybe a nice tribute video at the beginning of the show?

They did have a PPV on September 11 in 2005 too (Unbreakable), but they didn't say anything there.

I don't think a story line should be used to exploit it
I think it would be in bad taste to build a feud around this. If they had a main event player that was already anti-American then I think they might build something around it. Not that I would think it would tasteful I just think they would.

I think Kurt may bring it up in a pre-match interview. Just to dedicate this match to the people who lost their lives on that day. I would leave it at that, have him win and the last shot of the show is Kurt holding the belt while holding up a flag. Maybe celebrating ring side with people in army shirt or camo. If he loses and it turns into a story line with him letting these men and women down, and him kinda turning heel cause he is disappointed in himself. I think would also be in bad taste.

So I would either leave it alone or have Kurt dedicate his match to those who lost their lives on 9/11.
If Angle hadn't gone heel to win the belt you might have something, but it'd be a big character leap for him to go from smacking Sting with a chair to defending our country's honor within a month. Besides, who would he feud with that would make sense? Hernandez isn't getting that push, so it'd have to be someone completely new.

Bring back Muhammad Hassan!!
So that's one month to introduce a new character and build him up to World Title stature, or one month to take a guy with no build and make him into a rabid anti-American. In order to get any kind of significant heat with a crowd in the 2 tapings before then, this guy would probably have to piss on the American flag in the center of the ring. This is before we even start talking about how hokey-early-'90s this would be, bearing in mind that the people who would promote this are the same people that are so tactful as to compare their little fake wrestling club to a natural disaster that devastated an entire first-world country.

We'd also have to take a guy who's teasing a heel turn and forget about that so that he could play the role of the clean cut do-gooder; people don't like to see America win by a chair shot, they like the clear victory with the foot on the chest.

No, no, no, no, a thousand times no.
I wouldn't want them to make THAT big a deal out of it, maybe a nice tribute video at the beginning of the show?

They did have a PPV on September 11 in 2005 too (Unbreakable), but they didn't say anything there.

I don't think a story line should be used to exploit it

I do not think that the tragedy should be brought up at the PPV, I don't even think they need a tribute video at the start of the show to be honest.

However, if the events of 9/11 have to be referenced then the only way it should be done if for Kurt Angle, the American Hero just to come out and dedicate his match to the people who lost their lives that terrible day and to all the armed forces fighting to defend their country's honour all around the world. If done tastefully then that would be ok. If he won, he could also raise the American flag after the match.

But, with Kurt winning the title after a chairshot to head of Sting, he may even be a heel by the time the PPV comes around, and if he is then the tribute to the troops probably wouldn't be something TNA would do.
I agree with all the posters, bringing up the 9/11 attacks would just be cheap and tacky. WWE tried to do a show straight after it, and it was god awful.

I'd rather just see a good match, put Angle against Styles. American v American. Leave the connection between the attacks as subtle, exploiting them would do no good for the company
As everyone else has said, that would be a flat out low blow to bring up the 9/11 attack and try making a storyline on it. BUT this is Tna/Impact Wrestling so I wouldn't put it pass them. Kurt should go on the show, pay his respects and somebody of main event caliber comes and says something like "aww that's so sweet and all but paying your respects won't protect you from losing your world title". Maybe something along those lines, just as long as they don't go overboard.
There's no need too. TNA already did the American vs. "The Military is crap" heel during the Anderson vs. Angle feud in 2010.

Considering there is no real contender, I hope they book AJ Styles to get a title shot. Just to spice things up.

I think the Mexican America vs. Beer Money storyline might play out into the next PPV or British Invasion vs. Beer Money. That's about it.
its not a horrible idea but the only problem is....they have nobody who would work in that role against kurt angle! lets look at the possible people to face angle at no surrender (im leaving out the people in the BFG series)

1. Sting- this guy doesnt really work as a heel and sense dixie carter loves his joker gimmick (and im liking it as well) no chance an anti american gimmick is gonna work for him his joker gimmick wouldnt work for it and hes 1 of those guys who cant turn heel again i think.

2. Mr.Anderson...Anderson- great wrestler and yes hes a heel but i cant see him being unamerican i dont think he would be that good with a gimmick like that i think hes better off staying with the asshole gimmick hes genius with it and it works for him...if its not broken why try to fix it?

3. Jeff Jarrett- yes i know he just had a long ass fued with kurt angle and nobody really wants to see it start up again but if Immortal wants someone besides anderson to face Angle at No Surrender it would seem Jarrett is the only one sense Bully Ray,Scott Steiner,Gunner are all in the BFG series and abyss looks to be heading towards a face turn (besides the fact Abyss shouldnt be main event level unless they give him James Mitchell again)

the ONLY person who could have an antiamerican gimmick and face kurt possibly would be the leader of Mexican America...Hernadez hes already got the anti american part but i would be shocked if he even was in the same match as kurt angle on impact this year nvm headlining a ppv against him! but if Impact Wrestling REALLY WANTS someone anti american to face angle this guy is the only real choice but i hope it doesnt happen
I would like to see Angle as the "Anti-American" in a match at No Surrender. If he is really going heel, what better way than for him to turn his back on America just before such a date. Obviously, the only person to feud with is Sting. They don't need to make a direct reference to 9/11, but just to have this implied through out.
I would like to see Angle as the "Anti-American" in a match at No Surrender. If he is really going heel, what better way than for him to turn his back on America just before such a date. Obviously, the only person to feud with is Sting. They don't need to make a direct reference to 9/11, but just to have this implied through out.

I wouldn't mind if they do that only if Kurt lose the title. He the US wrestling champ at the Olympics would do an anti-US promo at No Surrender, crapping on the country, making people mad at him so there would be a lot of heat on him losing the title. That would be the perfect time to put someone really over.

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