Best Anti-American Wrestler

Greatest Anti-American Heel

  • The Iron Sheik

  • Sergeant Slaughter

  • Yokozuna

  • Bret Hart

  • Muhammed Hassan

  • Other

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Can I state (for the record) that assasination threats were made against Slaughter, AS WELL AS Hassan and the Iron Sheik?? The only reason why Slaughter is more well known for drawing death threats from the fans is because his were better documented on WWE home video! Therefore, that shouldn't even be a major factor in anyone's decisions!!

Let's look at the big picture here, people!!
Can I state (for the record) that assasination threats were made against Slaughter, AS WELL AS Hassan and the Iron Sheik?? The only reason why Slaughter is more well known for drawing death threats from the fans is because his were better documented on WWE home video! Therefore, that shouldn't even be a major factor in anyone's decisions!!

Let's look at the big picture here, people!!

Slaughter had death threats, Sheik has death threats, Hassan had death threats. Well I'm sure during the course of history Hulk Hogan has had death threats, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Vince McMahon etc. Watch ECW One Night Stand RVD vs Cena, I think the crowd really would have rioted if Cena would have won.I agree with you, heel heat isn't measured by death threats.

I think its close but I have to give the edge to Slaughter.Shiek was hated, but Slaughter was a traitor.I think its worse to turn your back on your own country than to play a foreign wrestler who gains heat by trashing the US.Because of Slaughter, they actually had to move the location of Wrestlemania. That is hate.

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