No More Divas In Playboy? The PG Rating Has Gone Too Far

If you want that, go watch a hardcore indy fed. Those things don't happen anymore because most people simply got tired of them. How does going through a table improve a storyline? Explain that to me. It's a spot and that's it. It's mindless violence for the sake of mindless violence. I can go out and put someone through a table. Does that mean I can wrestle a 20 minute match? Of course not.

Sure she does and she looks damn good doing it. However, who's the biggest named diva to do Playboy that's currently in the company? Candice I suppose. Compare her to Trish or Lita, who are by far and away the most accomplished wwe women of oh probably the last 20 years. They dressed the same way Kelly does and never did playboy. They went over farther than Kelly ever will. And the reason they did so: they have talent. Kelly has some, but having her pose nude isn't going to make her a better worker.

Im pretty sure no one got tired of them, as long as they were being used correctly/appropriately. Remember how excited everyone got when ECW was brought back? All of the Hardcoreness! Everyone wass looking forward to it- and then they found out it was nothing like the original hardcore ECW, so it tanked. My point is, I know you cant base a company around spotfests, but I'm not asking for them either. I want more edginess/unpredicabilty with more superstars willing to (if need be) "snap" and do brutal things like they used to.

And your point about Playboy, again its not because anyone is dying to see new Diva nude pics, its just that they do sell and its good for the company and the divas who do it end up being very happy about doing it. Wrestlezone reported that that has now stopped due to the PG rating. Im not debating whether or not its good for their careers, im just saying that it should be an option for them and the WWE if they want it to be. If they want to do it, a stupid new rating that has only watered down the overall quality of what the product COULD BE should not be there to stop them.
First off, to everyone who said that without the Attitude Era there's no wrestling today...did it occur to any of you that without the mostly kid friendly era before the Attitude Era, there would be no Attitude Era that you love so much? It's pretty clear that the WWE has had to make a demographic change. They lost a lot of fans post Rock/Austin, and since adult fans are going to be hard to catch back, why not tap into kids? They're more easily drawn to the product, and hell - it's not like we're watching Barney here. As KB has pointed out, we still get plenty of action, with plenty of hardcore match (Cages, ladders, tables, TLC, Hell in a Cell, Chamber, etc., etc.) and in 2008 there were several great storylines (Jericho/HBK, Edge/'Taker), great wrestling, great promos. Plenty of action to keep you interested unless you're some kind of crack addict.

Anyway, for the Divas not being in Playboy. Really. This is an issue? In terms of story, has anything ever actually come (no pun intended) out of the Playboy shoots? It's never really made anything special of a woman. Just gotten them a match at WrestleMania. Woo. As for the actual with it. So you don't get to see the object of your weekly sexual lust naked. The stuff they were and pose for online is close enough, go look at some of that. The Divas galleries on .com are basically a fountain of smut, and the things they wear weekly are plenty revealing. So please, don't whine about no more Divas Playboy pictures. A regular issue of Playboy will be just as good, trust me. Or if not, hey. The object of your fantasy is just a Google search away. The WWE will survive, the Divas will survive, and above all, the common fans will survive. It's really not a big deal.
No one was whining about the lack of pics... I've posted this fact numerous times.. its just because WHY it wont be happening anymore. And I agree with you that the kid-friendly Hogan era secured the WWE in its early years, but that was only because things from the eventual Attitude Era were not on TV back then- they werent anywhere in a mainstream fashion. The A.E. was what Vince made WWE into when he HAD to boost up ratings, when he actually had to care about the quality of the product, back when there was competion. Now that there is no competition, he'll just take the easy route by attracitng kids with a decent, watered down product. It could be so much better if the PG rating wasnt there.
If you want that, go watch a hardcore indy fed. Those things don't happen anymore because most people simply got tired of them. How does going through a table improve a storyline? Explain that to me. It's a spot and that's it. It's mindless violence for the sake of mindless violence. I can go out and put someone through a table. Does that mean I can wrestle a 20 minute match? Of course not.

Sure she does and she looks damn good doing it. However, who's the biggest named diva to do Playboy that's currently in the company? Candice I suppose. Compare her to Trish or Lita, who are by far and away the most accomplished wwe women of oh probably the last 20 years. They dressed the same way Kelly does and never did playboy. They went over farther than Kelly ever will. And the reason they did so: they have talent. Kelly has some, but having her pose nude isn't going to make her a better worker.

yea if i wanted that i would but i want the original ecw violence that we all knew and loved. and as far as the tables,i dont know about everyone else but i loved it when the dudleys where putting the divas and everyone through tables. it made me like their spots and hate them for being sadistic bastards.
and candice has been extremely successfull since playboy and all the fans love her.
No one was whining about the lack of pics... I've posted this fact numerous times.. its just because WHY it wont be happening anymore. And I agree with you that the kid-friendly Hogan era secured the WWE in its early years, but that was only because things from the eventual Attitude Era were not on TV back then- they werent anywhere in a mainstream fashion. The A.E. was what Vince made WWE into when he HAD to boost up ratings, when he actually had to care about the quality of the product, back when there was competion. Now that there is no competition, he'll just take the easy route by attracitng kids with a decent, watered down product. It could be so much better if the PG rating wasnt there.

i agree with you on the pg rating it has gone way to far. theyve changed moves,whats wrong with calling it the fu and the stfu? nothing and theyve even changed one night stand to extreme rules. who cares if it has a sexual conontation to it. and the fact that they cant swear in promos anymore sucks. it should be like jericho used to be and he should call stephanie a two-timming,bottom feeding, trailer trash, scum bag ho.
Candice has been successful? She isn't being used, she spends more time out injured than in and she will be retitinr soon.

Maria hasn'y done anything either. They put the ones in playboy who can't wrestle and they get a storyline ahead of diva's who can wrestle. The only Divas who are any good currently are Beth, Mickie and Melina who get over by their wrestling skills, not their boobs.

And crazy spots are not needed for a good match. Good story-telling and solid wrestling skills are. The big spots are best saved for a PPV, not on each week. Stop whining about the past, it's gone, Enjoy the current product or stick to your DVD'S.
While I agree he PG thing may have gone a little too far, I couldn't care less about no more Playboy. I got my copy with ashley, I couldn't be happier with it, but thats not my point.

Being a fan since 2004, I don't see how wrestling has gotten too bad. It's only the people that want the old days to return that ain't happy with this. I know it's about the money and ratings for the WWE, and i know I personally think it's getting blander for my taste, but I still enjoy it. if anything, the new PG Rating could have one huge positive for me, that being an earlier start time. I mean, if tey want younger ids to watch, why not put it on the air at a time when those very kids CAN watch it?
the way I see it you can't really blame the wwe for having to change its image. if your gonna blame anyone blame the FCC. they have been all over vince for years to tone it down. nothing will ever be as good as it was and that's just a fact of life

as far as the divas go...I think people just stopped caring. I mean yeah its great to see them nude but there just isn't the hype around it like there used to be. and yeah its tasteful nudity but vince wants a clean image and to get new generation of fans watching his entertainment
I am on both sides of this. I could care less seeing a Diva naked once a year but some of the stuff has gone too far.For example the Extreme Rules PPV that was once called One Night Stand.I mean you could take many things in WWE as a Sexual refrence.I think the kid friendly WWE will raise the raitings of the youth but not appeal to older wrestling fans.Today's heels are like the faces of 10 years ago.
I have been a wrestling fan for.....what....18 years I have seen it all. I could tell you all that the WWE ratings become low everytime they change their style. From 1995 to 1997, the WWF ratings became low, partly due to the Nitro, steroid allegations, and partly because they were changing to adult-oriented television. The wrestling industry as a whole was weakened by this shift in demographic, and back then, people criticized divas even being in Playboy. I loved the Golden Age of wrestling between '85 and early '90's, which was PG television. I love the Attitude Era as well.

The storylines are no longer edgy, besides the occasional death faking (which is dumb). There is hardly any blood anymore, even on the PPV's. Everyone loves blood. You cant honestly say that when blood is introuduced in a match, the match is taken onto the next level. Cursing is now down to a minimum, reducing the quality of many promos that could have been elevated by a few choice words (think in terms of Rock/stone cold promos).

To be honest, I could care less if I don't see blood or hear swearing. Also, there are little to no differences between storylines either.

The problem I see if anything is the brand split. Could you imagine if Undertaker, Triple H, Big Show, Edge, Orton, Jericho & HBK on the same show twice a week?? The WWE would be near god-like. People's interest in wrestling would falter because of that, not because Kelly Kelly or other Divas won't be in Playboy. Like....who the hell cares??
I have to truly ask.. does it even matter? How many people that are on this forum, viewing this page, literally watch W.W.E. (or wrestling in general) merely because they get to see a nude diva once a year? NO, the answer is no, and if anyone thought yes, get the fuck off a wrestling forum, and go find an adult site.

The fact is, the divas are only one (honestly small) group within a large industry. You can pull in merch. sales of Playboy, and make a profit off that, but its not like it's going to cause the W.W.E. to lose a shit ton of money if they stop having their divas pose.

Maybe if anything, this will cause them to begin hiring female wrestlers who can actually go.. instead of the ones who just look good screwing up all the time.

And in my personal opinion, only Christy Hemme was a success in Playboy anyways. Candice is one of the uglier divas they have. Chyna has a bigger penis than some guys. Sable may of worked about 10 years ago, but *shudders* not now. Torrie just doesn't work for me. And Ashley was a huge failure, both on and off the pages.

I watch wrestling, and will continue to watch wrestling, for the storylines, the action, the great matches, and the overall product. Not solely for a nude diva once a year.
Back when Hogan was champion you could get away with having a softer,more kid friendly show.But let's face it folks,Cena is no Hogan.WWE is making a big mistake by ignoring that 18-35 demographic.Mainly because they buy the tickets,PPV's,merchandise,etc.Utimately Vince will be forced to change the product when adult fans get sick of this kiddy crap he's feeding us.
Honestly I'm not too bother ]ed about not seeing Divas in Playboy anymore. I still got my copy of two Sable was in. WWE is sports entertainment and the last time I checked a bunch of glorified cheerleaders with their tits out wasn't sports (although it makes for great entertainment) the only thing I'm upset about is them doing this before I got to see Mickie James fine ass in playboy (she is so HOTT), as well ass KELLY KELLY although her face isn't much to look at I think they should've ended it all with her because of her gimmick of being a stripper was played out on T.V. seeing her pose in playboy would've been great for her.

Candice Michelle doesn't even count as she was already successful in the adult entertainment industry before coming into WWE she did a few hardcore porns as well as some softcore for skin-a-max
I don't care much about the playboy deal either, but you have got to be kidding me? Mickie James is hott and Kelly Kelly's face isn't much to look at? That is one of the craziest things I have heard in a while. Mickie James has a horseface grill and actually looks pretty nasty naked. Kelly Kelly is probably one of the three hottest Divas ever to come through. Damn....Mickie James??? Come on bro.
Ever since the WWE has opted to change its shows to fit a PG rating, the overall product has been watered down. The product is obviously not even close to what it used to be a decade ago during the Attitude Era, but thats not what I'm complaining about- im saying that its not even what it used to be compared to what it was in the early 2000's, and thats just sad.

You clearly are complaining about that. After all, wasn't the Attitude Era so hardcore and edgy?

The storylines are no longer edgy, besides the occasional death faking (which is dumb). There is hardly any blood anymore, even on the PPV's. Everyone loves blood. You cant honestly say that when blood is introuduced in a match, the match is taken onto the next level. Cursing is now down to a minimum, reducing the quality of many promos that could have been elevated by a few choice words (think in terms of Rock/stone cold promos). Instead, all we get is Cena's child-oriented promos (which suck). And, on top of all of this, we get Cena, who makes Hulk Hogan's character actually look mature (at least Hogan is cool). The PG rating has even made Cena change the names of his finishers. Thats just lame.

So your telling me that the Orton/McMahon's storyline isn't interesting? What about the HBK/JBL storyline? Both are great and interesting storylines in my opinion. And yes, both are "edgy". Also, a feud doesn't need blood to be edgy, brutal and personal.

Oh no, not another Cena hater *sigh*. Don't make me go through this again. John Cena is THE best promo cutter in the WWE at the present moment. I don't care what anyone says, because he puts so much emotion into everyone of his promos. No matter if he's meant to be serious or not. Cena's character is the most over in the company, so what exactly is your point? Just because his character doesn't appeal to you, doesn't mean it sucks and is immature. And wow he changed the name of his finisher, so what? You probably hated the name "FU", but now think it's a great name for a finisher, am I right? That seems to be the common trend around here.

And now, the final straw has come. There are now rumors that the WWE might have severed its relationship with Playboy, and will no longer be having a diva pose in the magazine on annual basis. When is this CRAP going to stop? Whats next? No more fighting in wrestling? No more arguing? No more disagreements? No more wrestling?

Seriously, let me ask you this, do you watch WWE for wrestling, or to see playboy playmates pose all night? I think this is a good move from the World Wrestling Entertainment here. Maybe this means that the WWE want people to see their Divas as classy women who can actually wrestle. Instead of ****s who are only on screen to flash their tities. If the WWE wants to make the Womens Division more serious, then this is definately a great move for them. Apart from a few Divas like Layla, The Bella Twins and Eve Torres, most of them can wrestle fairly decently. I have no problem with the Divas wearing revealing tops and underwear, because let's face it, sex sells.

But what good storyline has ever come out of the whole posing for Playboy angle? Last year at Wrestlemania, Maria (who posed for Playboy) was involved in a fricken tag team match. The WWE Divas should be seen as wrestlers, just like the men. They can still look sexy, but posing for Playboy barely does anything for the WWE. I mean, would a Playboy reader want to watch the WWE because they saw Candice or Maria naked? I don't think so. This is a great move, well done WWE.
You can blame Kelly Kelly for WWE severing ties with Playboy. Kelly Kelly stood up for herself and said "I'm not getting naked for a push" Now she'll never win a title and probably will slowly end up like all the other who did pose. Lets see Torrie gone, Sable gone, Candice on her way out or tipping the scales you could say. Maria still can't get the title she was promised. Christy Hemme gone to TNA, Chyna in and outta rehab. Now ask yourself why WWE would want to put another Diva in playboy. Since Kelly said no who else would the have got,Michelle, Taker would never let that happen. Stepanie, she has more money than Hef. Maryse has already been in Playboy, that leaves who? Layla she looks a little heavy in the waste lately like candice. Alisha Fox would be a good candidate but doesn't have the skills to get a good womens push. That leaves you with only women who have wrestling talent and don't need to get naked for a push.
You can blame Kelly Kelly for WWE severing ties with Playboy. Kelly Kelly stood up for herself and said "I'm not getting naked for a push" Now she'll never win a title and probably will slowly end up like all the other who did pose. Lets see Torrie gone, Sable gone, Candice on her way out or tipping the scales you could say. Maria still can't get the title she was promised. Christy Hemme gone to TNA, Chyna in and outta rehab. Now ask yourself why WWE would want to put another Diva in playboy. Since Kelly said no who else would the have got,Michelle, Taker would never let that happen. Stepanie, she has more money than Hef. Maryse has already been in Playboy, that leaves who? Layla she looks a little heavy in the waste lately like candice. Alisha Fox would be a good candidate but doesn't have the skills to get a good womens push. That leaves you with only women who have wrestling talent and don't need to get naked for a push.

Melina and Beth could pose I would love to see that myself, but Melina said she wouldn't pose and I think Beth would do it. So, playboy is done from WWE forever. Well maybe the Divas can now learn to wrestle instead just being a pretty face or body.
If you have a problem with the current WWE PG rating, and it has completely ruined your feelings towards the product then I suggest going and finding some combat zoen wrestling or stupid shit like that, because that's honestly all you probably care about.

Good wrestling does not involve someone maiming themselves or their opponent, or cussing up a storm and saying Ass 1200x times in a two hour show, or commiting blasphemy on probably the most important phrase in the bible. It also certainly doesn't involve naked tramps spreadin themselves annualy for playboy.

If that's what it takes to be a wrestling fan, then count me out. Give me good storylines and good wrestling week to week, and that's all I need. All that other stuff is simply simple minded fluff.
Rhodes, I wasnt complaining about missing the A.E. im just saying nothing is even close anymore. Its just not. It would be dumb to hink the orton-mcmahon storyline is truly edgy if u ever saw the A.E.

And WWE is not just wrestling. Again, that would be stupid if you thought that. Its ENTERTAINMENT. Get over it. They could do Playboy if they wanted to. Idc tho, thats not the true purpose of this thread anyway if u actually read all of the posts which im guessing u didnt, cuz u just like to make assumptions dont u?

And Cena sucks. Best promo man? why? cuz all the kids cheer for him when he talks? Cena sucks. Get over it.
The playboy thing, im happy with the rid of it. it did nothing but give the women a bad rep with the playboy bunny angle. about a year ago, i made a giant rant about it and now im getting my wish, playboy no more.
now everything else, i can see arguments. little to no blood isnt to much of a problem for me, unless the announcers try to put blood in a match over as " takeing it to the extrem". the garner towerds kids thing, now THAT is stupid. every week i see traces of "kid"problems in school inserted in a storyline. for example, rey repusents the kid who gets beat down but always stands up for himself in hopeing one day he will win his battle agents the bullys, in this case, mike knox and the same with kane. another example is John Cena, who is the jock everyone loves and can do anything even when odds are agents him to.
John cena is another huge topic on the PG descusion. he trys to talk like hes "one of the people". i absoultly hate it when he speaks for us, the fans, who have voices. and for him to think just because he hears shriks rather then cheers, witch are much louder then cheers may i add, sickens me. i find it a little hypicriticaly for a man to say hes for the fans, but haveing only kids and moms cheering for him and haveing all men boo him is very funny.
it has its problems, i like to see change and soon but i wont force it down anyones mouths
this is dumb. The really annoying thing about WWE PG is not no nude divas. Nobody cared about that anyway. It's frickin ******ed storylines, like everything surrounding Hornswoggle and Khali. If they stopped throwing bones like this to the 5 year olds I would be perfectly happy with the product. Stop moaning about the frickin Attitude Era. Nowadays you get a much more professional product, and better wrestling matches. You have Jericho, Edge, Orton, Jeff Hardy, John Cena, all at the top of their games - names that will go down in history along with the greats of the past. You've got exciting up-and-comers like Swagger and Bourne, and you have some of those past greats still around and putting on fine matches - HBK and Taker, most obviously.

Fuck, even Triple H has put on some great matches recently, for all that every storyline centred around him sucks. This sort of thread is part of the whole "dumb smark" phenomenon, the type who grew up with a big hard-on marked "DX" and boo Cena like crazy because of it. Face up to it guys...those days are not coming back. Maybe they weren't that good anyway. Just enjoy the wrestling.
Man I have no problem about the new PG rating as long as the storylines are entertaining and the new characters are being built up and decent matches I am happy. As for the end of divas in playboy that pisses me off. Dont get me wrong I hated the bunnymania storyline as much as the next guy but there is something about seeing the sexy divas in playboy that just as cena said "keeps me in touch with myself". So if this is true then would somebody just tell the WWE to bring back the annual wwe divas dvds or are we never gonna see melina in a thong? Man I miss you keibler.
You can blame Kelly Kelly for WWE severing ties with Playboy. Kelly Kelly stood up for herself and said "I'm not getting naked for a push" Now she'll never win a title and probably will slowly end up like all the other who did pose. Lets see Torrie gone, Sable gone, Candice on her way out or tipping the scales you could say. Maria still can't get the title she was promised. Christy Hemme gone to TNA, Chyna in and outta rehab. Now ask yourself why WWE would want to put another Diva in playboy. Since Kelly said no who else would the have got,Michelle, Taker would never let that happen. Stepanie, she has more money than Hef. Maryse has already been in Playboy, that leaves who? Layla she looks a little heavy in the waist lately like candice. Alisha Fox would be a good candidate but doesn't have the skills to get a good womens push. That leaves you with only women who have wrestling talent and don't need to get naked for a push.

This is the first and only time I will say I respect Kelly Kelly. For a girl who has 'got them out' in the past, I respect her for having the guts to stand by what she wants and tell two of the biggest companies in the world 'No'.

Finally the Playboy thing that has been the curse of WWE since Chyna can be laid to rest. Why does it matter if they don't pose for Playboy? Does it make them any better in the ring? Eh, no. Do people on here complain that the Diva is only getting pushed because they're in Playboy, yet bitch that there won't be one this year? Yes.

PG WWE isn't a bad thing. Why? Because it focuses on the in-ring ability of the athletes, not their willingness to remove clothes the fastest, or how many chair shots they can take. I fail to see how it's a bad thing
You know, this really sucks. WWE has the hottest women in the world, and most of them gladly do Playboy. It won't be the end of the world if they sever there relationship with Playboy because it hasn't been very successfull lately anyways, but seriously, who wouldn't want to see Kelly Kelly naked? She's hotter then hell and you oviously don't like women if you don't want to see her in Playboy. I think it's stupid, but what do I know.

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