Night Of Champions: Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly vs. Ted Dibiase & Mystery Partner

Reverse Logic: Okay, the majority of everyone is suggesting that Cody Rhodes would be bought out and turn heel on Hardcore Holly, forming a "young guns" type stable together. Another idea is that D.H. Smith is rumored to become the Tag Team partner.

Well, instead of Cody turning on Hardcore.. why not have Hardcore turn on Cody? I mean, Holly has been a heel before. Hes got a "nasty" attitude.. and I can see him cutting a decent promo about being fed up with training the "n00bs" while he gets no respect, so hes finally taking a payoff since he apparently isn't "earning" respect.

I know its a far stretch, but in all honesty no more than Cody turning on Holly. I mean either way, creative would have to pull something out of their butts. And for Cody to turn on Holly.. that means they'd still have to feud. While I'd rather see Rhodes heel.. at least I KNOW Hardcore can be.. so its just a theory.
That could also work, Will, with Holly turning heel. I would like to see the new young heel stable personally, but to see Holly beat the crap out of Rhodes wouldn't be too bad. I just am not too sure on who should be the leader of the stable if it does form. Rhodes or DiBiase could be the leader. Somebody previously suggested Orton, but I think that would kind of be a step down for him since he was in the WWE Title picture from August 07 till June 08. I guess we'll just have to see what happens. Either way, I still think a title change is gonna go down.
Really tough one to call this. I dont think DH Smith will make his PPV debut on this one. I think some of the suggestions about Holly turning on Cody or Vice Versa are much more likely to happen.
And I would hate to see it happen....
he might have one of the WWE Monsters as his mystery partner, as a way to ensure he wins the titles, he might bring out Khali, or Henry!
This one will keep me guessing up until last minute. I hope WWE dont f*ck this one up. it could make Ted Dibiase look really crap.
This is the way I see this match going down. Before the match starts we see a promo in the back involving dibiase and rhodes. When the match starts we find out that his mystery partner is Dh Smith. The match continues until the last minute when holly is trying to make a tag to rhodes and he ignores the tag causing holly to either be rolled up or beaten up with dibiase and smith leaving as the champs. The next night on Raw we find out the backstage promo between dibiase and rhodes was about dibiase trying to pay rhodes off which he finally decides to take at the last minute causing them to lose the championships. I think this would be the best way for the " new stable " angle to develop. No matter what though this is way more interesting than the other tag title match on the card.
Doesn't anyone else think that if its D.H. Smith, it'll kill all the momentum? Lol.

"My mystery partner is....this guy that's lost more times on Raw than won!"

They'd really need for either Rhodes or Holly to turn on the other one or something to make it interesting afterward unless they're planning on making this a long-running plot where DiBiase tries to coax Rhodes into joining the stable..but if they want it to run that long, they'll need to show Smith and DiBiase looking SOLID, without making Rhodes and Holly look BAD. Tough job, especially considering how Holly gets no reaction, Rhodes is still learning, DiBiase hasn't had a match yet, and Smith was just beat down with ease by JBL of all people the last time he was on TV lol.
DH Smith just cannot be the partner he cannot. Not even the WWE is that stupid to waste time building up an actual tag team story than reveal the big suprise to be someone that no one gives a shit about. If they were just going to throw these two together to win the tag belts they would/should have done it from the start. Actually now that I think about it, keeping DH Smith's name off the card would actually be better than advertising him for the PPV. However, if the fans are anticipating a nice suprise than Smith will definately induce more than a few groans.

I don't know who would make a good partner for Ted Jr, but NOT DH SMITH is on the top of my list.
It's not Cody Rhodes. It's not D.H. Smith. It's the one and only. Deuce, or Domino. I don't know which is which. The one that looks like Count Dracula not the one who looks like a Lost Boy. Jimmy Snukas son. The one who turned on his partner on Smackdown. He's going to be the mystery partner.

This is great. Sure he's not terribly over. But his dad was. A team involving Son of Sunka & Son of Dibiase should generate heat. Especially when Son of Dusty turns heel and joins them, at my guess, The Bash.
I hope that WWE will be serious and give him someone to team up with and not just a singles wrestler but I have a feeling that its going to be Khali. Khali has been doing fuck all recently and hes not in a storyline, I think Dibiase will 'buy' Khali and just let him destroy Rhodes and Holly. Sure it will suck but it gives Khali something to do, and will give Dibiase a lot of heat. My personal preference for his partner would actualy be MVP, like Khali he's not doing anything but this would work equaly as well at getting them heat because MVP is quite a good heel, but it would also probably be good matches and chemistry between them both. I have gone off MVP as a singles wrestler for the time been I think a run as a tag team while he improves would be a good idea, like what wwe did with miz and morrrison.
What if, for the ultimate surprise, it ends up being Teddy Hart! no one on the internet would think of it, due to te heat between Hart and the WWE...and most wrestling promoters. But it wount be Hart, if a Hart was introduced, there wouldnt be any heat on him, its a Hart!, that said, I dont think it will be DH Smith. That said, I cant think of anyone people know about that isnt out of the WWE main rosters, because they wouldnt get over enough. Ill guess Chris Harris, some will know him, some will boo him, but other wise, I cant see who it is. New Tag Team champions though
Could it be that Ted Dibiase's partner be Ted Dibiase? Million Dollar Man and his son win the tag titles, and have Ted Sr. pay off Rhodes Natayla and DH to join up for the Youth stable everyone's been talking about.
Just an idea. Doubtful at this point but who knows until next Sunday I guess.
Maybe Ted DiBiase said "The son of a Bulldog" (when some fans asked) as a distracting maneuver. Maybe WWE told him to say that... Or maybe he was drunk and said it. Anyway, I´m looking forward to see him wrestle and REALLY lookinf forward to see who his partner turns out to be.
Well its not D.H. Smith he was just Drafted to Smackdown in the Supplemental Draft.....I'm almost positive Cody Rhodes is turning on Hardcore Holly here. Just you watch. I'm expecting about a 2 minute match at most. Dibiase makes like his partner isnt coming out he locks up with hardcore only to be ddt'd by rhodes, Dibiase does whatever finisher he does. Bam match over.
I been saying the same thing for a while now... I said in a prediction on who was gonna do what at Night of the Champions and I said that Cody Rhodes will be turning against Hardcore Holly, but no one would believe me they kept going on saying DH Smith, but I felt like he got his suspension for drugs he hasn't been looked at the same and now that he has been drafted to smackdown it looks even more like Cody will turn against him...
Seriously Im thinking Ted's mystery partner way very well be his father Ted Sr. It makes since cause its his own dad plus if they still plan to do that stable of 2nd Gen stars then Ted Sr. can be the mouth piece. It sounds crazy but its very possible. Plus this would be a way to get Ted Jr over since it could help to get him over with older fans plus everyone knows Ted Sr. he's a classic
I have to agree with the people that said Cody Rhodes will turn on Holly. But will DiBiase have a new partner and Cody will still turn giving Ted Jr. and his new partner the titles, or will Ted Jr. come out on his own and then Cody turns on Holly and then DiBiase awards Cody Rhodes with the tag team gold? If it's the first way, I don't see it being DH Smith, maybe Deuce or a new superstar. I wanna see this one just to see who it is, unless it ends up just being a Rhodes heel turn.
I think that DiBiase's team mate will be none other than randy orton. Think about it, DH is drafted to smackdown. Orton said on monday that he would be back sooner than anyone could believe. They are starting a heel faction of all second/third generation superstars. And I do not believe that Orton's injury was serious considering that he did not need any surgery and about 95% of all clavicle injuries require surgery. The whole injury could be staged in order to throw in one hell of a surprise four short weeks later. Mark my words, come sunday Randy Orton will be one half of the new world tag champs.
Thats a great idea but I don't know if he'll be back that soon unless ur right and he pulls a Cena/Royal Rumble moment. Orton would be a great leader for the next gen faction but I would rather see Orton and Batista start a new evolution.
Yeah Orton and Batista seems to be the plan, especially since having Batista turn heel balances out Raw losing Umaga.

As for DiBiase's partner, I still think either Rhodes or Holly will turn on the other. It'll be that typical "DiBiase shows up with no partner" scenario.

If that's not the case, then I have no idea. Someone brought up a good point of how he said his partner isn't priceless but close to it, and Punk is now on Raw with the Money in the Bank...however, I think they might be planning to have him use his case on Triple H and turn heel, bringing the WWE title back to Raw and starting a feud with Cena.

No matter what happens, though, DiBiase is most likely going to win a title come Sunday...even if he has to lose the match and bring out the Million Dollar Championship lol.
I think its gonna be deuce just for the fact that he was drafted to raw in the supplemental draft. it gives perfect opportunity. he has some heat so he will come out better than DH or Afa jr would. and screw chris harris the guy has no charisma. storm made that team.
I would put money on Ted DiBiase's partner being Cody Rhodes himself. Would be a great swerve. Ted announces his tag team partner is,,, CODY RHODES. Then Cody, standing beside Holly, would sucker punch Holly. A double team would ensue. Holly puts up a fight, but DiBiase and Rhodes take him down. DiBiase hits a finisher and the new Tag Team Champs are Ted DiBiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes. I hope that actually happens. Doesn't look like DH Smith is in the running anymore, considering he is on SmackDown now.
It won't happen, but wouldn't it be wonderful if DiBiase's partner turned out to be Evan Bourne? That would be a great curveball. Too new? Not over? Doesn't matter. I've seen this guy's ECW matches and my reaction was....holy fuck. He's amazing to watch, probably the best moveset of anyone in the entire WWE. It gets him over in about two seconds flat.
have my word it is gregory helms or charlie hass. Helms wants to be pushed further than a cruiserweight, hass has been testing his mic skills. If not cody rhodes. Helms return has been looming for a bit of time to be honest. I do not see it being orton as the tag team championship is a big step backwards
Well I have to utmost confidence that DiBiase will at least win the match. They aren't builiding up all this hype for nothing to happen, that would be stupid and a waste. Also Cody and Holly are coming off a win, so they have momentum to fall back on... kinda.

As for DiBiase's partner here are the line ups:
-"The son of a bulldog". D. H. Smith was the guess.
-One, Cody or Holly. He will buy one of them, and they will turn heel. Either way it is intersting except people are expecting it now. I think it would be a good choice though.
-Gregory Helms. He is ment to make his return, so why not. He could fit and it is partly believable. Except for the fact that technically DiBiase would have never wrestled a WWE match, and Helms would be considered rusty.
Most situations it isn't super believable that Holly and Cody lose, but Ted should pull something out of the bag.

DiBiase will win no matter what really, it doesn't seem like anything else is applicable.
Wow I love the idea of Orton coming back to be Dibiase's parter but I seriously doubt it. Randy was in the WWE title hunt when he was injured. If you were him and you were coming back from injury what would you want WWE title or tag team title? That would be awesome but i don't see it happening. I do see Dibiase "buying" Cody Rhodes not Holly. If they put Holly there they might as well put Orton there...and that won't happen.
I must say, I was pretty confused when DH Smith got drafted because I was almost certain he was going to be the partner. However, I did notice that RAW drafted another second generation star, in a sense, Deuce. Now, some may not know but Deuce is the adopted son of Jimmy Snuka so he is technically a second generation wrestler. It would be pretty interesting, but unlikely, if WWE exploited this.

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