Cody Rhodes & the tag team shuffle

CM Steel

A REAL American
The grandson of a plummer Cody Rhodes debut in the WWE shortly after Wrestlemania 23. He had alot to learn before shooting off as a single's star on the WWE roster. So Cody was tagged up with various partner's over the years.

-Hardcore Holly: Former WWE tag team champions (On RAW)
-Ted Dibiase: Former two-time WWE tag team champions (On RAW)
-Drew McIntyre: Former unified WWE tag team champions

And soon after the break-up of the "Chosen One's" tag team with McIntyre. Came Cody Rhodes reign as the WWE IC champion for over like 7 months. Now Cody Rhodes is a former two-time IC champion and is now currently in another tag team with Damian Sandow. Team Rhodes Scholars has broken-up and gotten back together and is now feuding with Brodus Clay & Sweet T.

But after Cody Rhodes lost the WWE IC title the second time wasn't he due to go after the WWE world heavyweight championship? The WWE WHC is more of a Smackdown brand world title reguardless of the brand split being over with. And Cody had such a great streak as the IC champion. He was a bonafied contender for the WWE world heavyweight championship while on Smackdown. But yet still he's in the tag team division.

What should the WWE do with Cody Rhodes this year of 2013 as a WWE superstar?
It's "plumber", not "plummer".

And I've always seen huge potential in Cody Rhodes, but unfortunately I think WWE dropped the ball with him by making him the "B" player in Rhodes Scholars. I think Rhodes will likely wind up winning the United States Championship before the year is out, most likely as a face, but now I can't ever see him being World Heavyweight Champion,
In my opinion, Cody Rhodes had the potential to be a World Champion or at least have world title matches. He was one of my favourites and a big reason why I tuned into SmackDown for a while.

I think WWE dropped the ball with him when he changed from dashing/undashing into current cody rhodes. He is now just another generic heel, the same as half the roster.

I now can't see him doing much more than be a midcarder for a while than eventually overrun by more interesting, unique characters. Eg. Sandow, Fandango, Wyatt.
Cody's just too generic of a heel right now. What stands out about him? Nothing. He's completely overshadowed by the hilarity that is Damien Sandow.

Rhodes seems to do better as a more eccentric heel. I loved Dashing Cody Rhodes. I thought he was hilarious. A lot of people around here seem to have loved him as the hideous freak when he wore the mask and put bags over everyone's heads. And he was getting a decent push back then as well.

Now he's the same as pretty much every other generic heel. Sure, he can put on good matches, but so can Tyson Kidd and he's not exactly hogging the spotlight either. He suffers the same issues that his brother did. Without a more extreme gimmick, he's lost in the shuffle.
I think first of all they need to turn Cody and make him a face, then he should have another run with the Intercontinental Championship to build himself back up. While still IC Champion Cody should win the Money In The Bank Ladder Match and somewhere down the line before 2014 he should become World Heavyweight Champion.

I Have always liked Cody and even though he is a heel I have always thought he could be a World Heavyweight Champion, and should have been before now.
I´m not trying to bash the guy or anything like that, but like i said before, Cody has gone as hi as he´ll ever go in the WWE, when he was the IC champion, he lasted like 7 months, but that´s because he didn´t defend the title much, and the fact that the WWE put him in tag teams most of the time should tell you something, like an earlier poster said, he may get the US title, but i think that´s about it......
Looking to create the stars of tomorrow, the company has to select the people they think are going to merit a spot at the top.....and push them for all they're worth. Unless a performer has so much charisma that "champion" is written all over him (like John Cena) the only way to know if a guy can be "made" into a star is to do the push.

Sometimes it pans out, sometimes it doesn't.

As I see it, the company wanted badly for Cody to be a champion. He was on our TV screens at every opportunity and had gimmick after gimmick written for him. The problem today what it was these past years: the man's presence is simply too bland. Management must have hoped that by showing Cody's teeth gleaming when he looked in the mirror would cause us to see him as exciting.

He isn't. My guess is that the company finally gave up and figured all their hard work (and his) would leave him as a pretty good mid-card wrestler, but they've realized that's as far as he's going no matter how hard they try to make a star of him.

I'm sure there are guys who sit in the back having received 1/4 of the effort Cody got wondering: Why Cody and not me?
I forgot all about him and Mcintyre. Beside Holly, he has been paired with guys of a similar level. They have all been good matches as well.

I think Cody Rhodes is much better than a tag-team wrestler. He should be challenging at the very top. The Big Show was in the main-event picture and Cody is not - this worries me. My only concern is that this has been the case for the last few years and his major push may never come.

Ziggler has the MITB. Barrett has the IC. They are his main rivals but they have something going on. Rhodes does not. That needs addressed and maybe a feud with Del Rio or Cena awaits. Even using his history with Orton or creating a feud with Sheamus.
Cody Rhodes has great potential. I wasn't a fan of his Dashing gimmick. What turned me on to him was his disfigured gimmick where he had to wear a mask. He cut some great promos and had some great matches. He turned into a "reborn" Cody Rhodes out of nowhere, but it worked for him. His IC run was good. He brought back the old title, feuded with Booker and his best feud with Big Show.

His IC run showed that he's not just a tag team wrestler and if paired with the right person, he can really shine. I don't about others, but I enjoyed with program with Show last year going into Mania. I think he still needs a little work, but I wouldn't mind seeing him hold The World Title one day.
I like Cody. I still believe when he took the mask off he should have had the line "I dont need a mask, to kick your ass" but thats neither here nor there.

If the WWE choose to push him again which I think they will, it will be as a face. He hasnt been face in a long time and really I liked the idea that Cody could feud with Sandow. That feud could go on for years and still be entertaining. It could be like a long term thing.
He isnt in the main event but some how people like Khali are gaining attention ( yes I now he is massive in India) and taking away the glory from the people that can actually tell a match.
I remember watching Cody vs Kofi and going "WOW these guys have IT". Both have been held back for far too long. Maybe with Hunter letting superstars create their own lines they can show their own characters and put their own twists on things.

Do I think Cody can be a champion? Yes, but I think it will be WWE champ.
Meh....I've never been a big Cody Rhodes fan. I've always preferred Ted and I still think Ted should've been the one to take the IC title from him. I don't know why they seemingly dropped his little storyline with Kaitlyn, but I think they should've gone that route. It's doubtful it would've been as good as Jericho trying to win Trish over all those years ago, but they could at least try. Besides, Kaitlyn makes my eyes happy. I find Damien Sandow to be a much more interesting character than Cody. I'm fine with Cody never being WWE champion or WHC. Goldust was never a World Champion. What makes people think Cody is any better or as good as his brother? I just don't see it.
have him feud with Sandow over the Kaitlyn mess and then put him back with Dibiase. These 2 have both struggled since being seperated.
The funny thing about how many people on here like Cody Rhodes (myself included), is that we tend to ignore a certain fact about his run. You have to actually look back at the time of his IC push in 2011-early 2012. He wasn't getting consistent responses from the crowd and most of the time; they were dead. I loved his Dashing Cody Rhodes gimmick and even the Disfigured gimmick was entertaining to me but the majority of fans still did not react. At the end of the day, he was pushed solely because the creative team wanted to see if they could manufacture a star mainly on their own. And given that he never got bashed online much and the front row of arenas played along by wearing bags on their heads, it worked.

I'm sure he'll be back in the midcard eventually but as for the main event picture, not anytime soon. There's too many visually acceptable threats in the ME. You should only have one Jericho-stature guy running around in the big leagues for each title. And currently, that guy is Dolph Ziggler. Rhodes will have to wait and will hopefully use this mustachio gimmick to revert back into Dashing or Disfigured sometime soon.
» Cody Rhodes place in the company right now, is quite frankly a shocker to me! I mean, the guy had it all and is to this date one of the best intercontinental champions in recent memory. I mean, his reign was pretty dull but his character was intriguing, the way they booked him was good in spite of not really defending the championship. He started at WrestleMania 27 with a good victory over former world champion Rey Mysterio, it was a great boost and everybody got excited, specially since his "damaged" gimmick was pretty darn good.

He eventually won the intercontinental championship against Ezekiel Jackson, proving that he's in an above midcard position. Then he defended it against people like John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Ted Dibiase Jr. He got into a feud with his former mentor, Randy Orton, one feud that I actually enjoyed since it kept to boost Rhodes career. It only seem fit at this point, that after he lost the championship, he would be in campaign for a world title shot. But, he lost at WrestleMania, against a seasoned veteran who should have jobbed, or at least put Rhodes as an intelligent guy and pose him as a treat, but no, he knocked him out cold and took the championship, only to lose it a month later, proving that creative fucked up right there, and killed him.

But instead of trying to relaunch Rhodes again, they pretty much shot themselves again in the same spot by giving him a stupid title reign, only to make him job to Christian. His title reign pushed him, but the way it ended both of them, killed his momentum.
Cody Rhodes' career has been an odd one. I always thought his best days were with the "Dashing" and "Un-Dashing" gimmicks. Nowadays he is, as you've put it, stuck in a tag team shuffle. Whilst I enjoy the Rhodes Scholars as a team, and both as individuals. However, out of the pair, I see Sandow going further. Cody is just a man who is seemingly un-pushable to the next level, on the same page as Kofi Kingston, for example.

After the Rhodes Scholars is done (hopefully after a title reign), Cody will probably be in for another IC title reign or at least have an attempt at it, before being thrown in another tag team. But please, WWE, prove me wrong!
I think he is fine where he is at right now. He is not high enough in the company to win the significant titles. I do think that he will get the IC championship again. I would like his next step to be a MITB this year or the next one.

It will depend on who is cut from the roster.

I do not think he is in any way in danger of being cut or stuck in the midcard realm forever. He is young and talented. every match is experience under his belt. The top guys are not getting any younger. Cena and Orton are both in their thirties. Cena could work into his forties but I do not see Orton doing the same. He is too injury prone. Same with Mysterio. These guys will need to be replaced. Cody is younger than Swagger and some of the guys ahead of him right now.

He is here to stay and things will fall into place for him.

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