Night Of Champions: Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly vs. Ted Dibiase & Mystery Partner

I highly doubt it will be Deuce, Randy Orton, Gregory Helms, Charlie Haas, or anyone else you guys are throwing out there.

Seriously, and I don't mean to sound like a douche, but those are terrible ideas. Randy Orton is too big of a superstar to have his return be DiBiase's first match. Deuce is a nobody when it comes to RAW, and unfortunately so is Haas. I think Helms will probably return on the ECW brand, and like I said, Orton is too big of a superstar.

I, like most people, believe Cody Rhodes will turn on Hardcore Holly and the Rhodes and TiBiase will create that second/third generation stable. I actually like this idea of DiBiase "buying" other talent... especially since that would make for a good break up in the end... even with a line from someone who's likely to say "sorry, but this superstar is off the market/not for sale"

Tell me what you guys think.
Well, since they really have nothing forseeable in place for this, it looks like the Rhodes turn is emminent. And it would make the most sense, since Rhodes has cocky heel written all over him. Allll over. I guess Deuce could be an option, but that would be met with huge amounts of apathy. Maybe they could go the monster rout, and have Big V or Kahli return, using "purchased services" or something like that. Either way, Holly and RHodes are finally gonna drop these titles. About 2 months after it mattered
Well it's pretty obvious that Ted Dibiase Jr. will be a champ by the end of the night. Now all that matters is who will be champion with him. Randy Orton is injured, and even if he could return he definitely wouldn't pair up with Dibiase. Charlie Haas, Deuce, and Evan Bourne aren't over enough. So a great idea would be for Gregory Helms to make his return, and pair up with Dibiase. And if that can't happen, I wouldn't mind seeing Dibiase buying out Cody Rhodes for a heel turn. But then again those two options are too good to be true, and NorCal's "monster" idea looks pretty favourable, unfortunately. So Dibiase would buy out Snitsky, Khali, or whoever, and they win the titles for him.

As I said I would love to see Helms return, or Rhodes to turn heel, but most probably that won't happen. And we'll have Dibiase, and some random monster heel win the titles.
I'm with most everyone else in thinking that a title change here is pretty obvious. It needs to happen, and it almost surely will. As for DiBisase's partner, well, I'm not too sure, but perhaps Duece with a new gimmick? I don't know.

Whoever it is, I just hope they have Cody turn on Holly. I really, really, really want to see a stable with a bunch of young second-generation guys, like Cody and Ted, and so on. I think that is such a good and sensible idea, that I don't know why it hasn't alreday happened.

It would get all of them over so well, and esepcially if they had a strong mouthpiece. But of course, I'm only repeating what most of you have said or feel.

Anyway, I see new champions and hopefully, a Cody Rhodes turn. But they may end up saving that for later. We'll have to wait and see.
This much is the probably the biggest slam dunk of the night, and we know that Ted Jr is going to be one half of the tag team champions. I see two options going on for this match, one being the one I want to see and that is Ted Jr found Cody's "price" and Cody joins forces with Holly to become Ted Jr's partner. And option 2, which I could live with is Deuce using his Jimmy Snuka Jr. gimmick and being an enforcer type to help Ted Jr win the gold. But either way I see two things out of this match, new champs and a Cody Rhodes heel turn.
Just a final thought, just in case it happens and I get no credit for it (!), but what if....he brought out...Reid Flair?? I know, I know, dont laugh, but this is the WWE, and stranger things have happened. Ric Flair could be manager. But then, we've never seen the guy wreslte and I doubt WWE would risk it on a live PPV. Just a thought. I'm desperate to know who its going to be!!!
I've been saying it for the last month, and still believe it's going to be Cody Rhodes that does the ole switcharoo, and I think he is ready for it. Honestly, there isn't much more you can get out of Hardcore Holly at this point, so it's time to let that piece of crap go.

Some of the names have been good, but I don't think they have shock value. No one will care about Chris Harris (how TNA let him go after the feud with Storm last year is still beyond me) or K-Kwik Killings, and no one will know who the Young Mr. Perfect is at this point. Rhodes is the only choice that I see in this one.
I'm kinda glad that WWE went through with this. The end result was figured out by most pretty early one. I'm kind of glad WWE didn't try to swerve, and as a result give a tag partner who has even less heat than Rhodes.

But from what I hear each wrestler, the turn, and title change got very little rection. Not a great start. They've pushed Dibiase pretty hard for the past couple of weeks. They'll need to do something really special if he';s to get any momentum. But as he's a current tag champ he'll probably go to the sidelines now.
I like the Rhodes heel turn. You could see it coming but it was done well. I would have rather have seen Ted and Holly wrestle a bit and then have Cidy turn but this was ok too. Now it will be intersting to see if a new heel stable comes out of this.
I'm kinda glad that WWE went through with this. The end result was figured out by most pretty early one. I'm kind of glad WWE didn't try to swerve, and as a result give a tag partner who has even less heat than Rhodes.

But from what I hear each wrestler, the turn, and title change got very little rection. Not a great start. They've pushed Dibiase pretty hard for the past couple of weeks. They'll need to do something really special if he';s to get any momentum. But as he's a current tag champ he'll probably go to the sidelines now.

That seems to be the trend with anyone who is slapped with a Raw undercard belt. Hopefully this marks the end of that trend(unlikely).

As for the heel turn, it was mediocrity personified. I love the idea but I was pretty underwhelmed by the execution. "My partner is ten minutes late." What? Was it necessary to tip your hand altogether WWE? A hand that was tipped already? Poor execution. Rhodes isn't over. Dibiase has somehow gotten stale since they debuted him 4 weeks ago and all he has done is show up creepily behind Rhodes' shoulder to tell him his priceless for the fourth time. Now you have a tag team with, admittedly, potential, but no momentum. And who will they defend against that will give them any sort of credibility? Will they even defend the belts? Dammit, we haven't even seen Dibiase wrestle yet save a variation of the Million Dollar Dream that ended up russian leg sweep(pretty cool move). Hopefully these questions will be answered tonight but I've lost faith in creative to be proactive with undercard belts.

On a sidenote, I like Dibiase Jr. He can talk. He looks good. More importantly, he's a fresh face and a fresh talent. Now he has a partner. Please, WWE, do something with it!

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