Night Of Champions: Cody Rhodes & Hardcore Holly vs. Ted Dibiase & Mystery Partner

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Rhodes & Holly are still champions. It's sad when Hardcore is elevated by being with his bland, rookie partner. It's time to retire. Anyway I think it's all but confirmed that Ted Dibiase will be facing them with a partner. He interrupted them and mentioned gold. Which they have. Although I have my suspicions that the title belts aren't actual gold. Apart from the one Triple H holds. So I'm thinking Ted Dibiase wins a worthless title in this match. I'm unsure who his partner will be, D.H. Smith, Mike Dibiase, I don't know.

Or I might be wrong and we'll get a match with Cryme Tyme (Type of herb?) or Santino & Carlito.
They are going to have to do something with the tag titles real soon with ECW moving from the SD over to Raw in a couple of weeks. That is of course unless they plan on leaving The Miz And Morrison on Smackdown. I personally would like to see them combine the titles. Miz and Morrison are much better champions and put on a better show then Holly and Rhodes. Heck anybody puts on a better show then Holly and Rhodes. It still amazes me that they have the titles with teams like Cryme Tyme and Londrick around.
I'm trying to second guess (admittedly badly) the line up. I rememeber hearing the creative guys were looking into a 2nd generation stable.

Ted DiBiase Jr is a given after that promo. I suspect he'll come out on his own, and Cody will turn.

Wishful thinking much?

After seeing that promo, I thought the same thing. Hardcore Holly will start losing matches, Cody will be pissed, DiBiase says he has a partner but nobody shows up. Everyone starts acting like "oh the rich boy got screwed, he's got no chance now", but all the fans that have been through the angle before know what's coming next. Rhodes DDTs Holly, DiBiase pins him, hands Rhodes the other title.

I wouldn't mind it. Rhodes has talent but he's still too green to go for the IC title, so he works as a tag team champion right now. This could give him some decent heat to work with, and they could start spreading the seeds for the "new generation" stable that they want. Plus, we'd get less Hardcore Holly.

Whatever happened to Carlito & Santino getting the tag titles? Wasn't that the plan a few weeks ago? Guess they're going to ship Carlito over to Smackdown or ECW.
I think the Rhodes turn is very plausible, but I don't think he will turn in that sort of way. Dibiase will get one of the new generation guys as his tag team partner ie Afa jr. or TJ Wilson, someone who hasn't debuted yet. They will have the title match at noc, with the dibiase team winning. Then on raw the next night or next week, Rhodes and Holly put in their rematch clause, but in this match Rhodes turns on Holly, stating he is a loser and holding him back. Rhodes then is able to join with dibiase and his partner to form that new young guy stable. I think they will do it this way just because Rhodes has been tag team champion too long now. He has established himself fairly well now, and I think its time for him to move up in the card. He can definitely go for the IC title with his new stable behind him.
Yea, fairly obvious to me that we will see Dibiase come out with no one out there with him, leading to a RHodes heel turn, and new tag champs, and possibly the formation of the young heel stable. Maybe even a tearfull emotional Dusty Rhodes promo sometime in the future out of it.
I would love for this proposed 2nd gen stable to really happen and this a great way to do it. As everyone has said about Cody Rhodes turning heel, that would be awesome. But I think Dibiase, Jr. will have DH Smith as his partner. But no matter who they face, Rhodes and Holly are boring and rarely defend the titles. Whether it be Dibiase and whoever, Cryme Tyme, Londrick, or Santino and Carlito, the titles need to change hands soon to bring a little more excitement to the belts.
I really hope they go through with the second-generation stable. It's great for both the WWE and the superstars involved because not only does it give their careers a jump start, but it also makes the Tag division at least a little better.
i know this is unlikely, and honestly, i dont think anyone wants to see this for WAY too many reasons. I'm throwing this out there; In Survivor Series 1990, as part of the Million Dollar Team, Ted DiBiase announced there would be a "Mystery Partner." Sound familiar? Well, a few of you may know who this is, but for those who don't, I'll spill it; The Undertaker :undertaker2:

I know the WWE has been slacking recently, but they wouldn't do something that bad... would they?
i know this is unlikely, and honestly, i dont think anyone wants to see this for WAY too many reasons. I'm throwing this out there; In Survivor Series 1990, as part of the Million Dollar Team, Ted DiBiase announced there would be a "Mystery Partner." Sound familiar? Well, a few of you may know who this is, but for those who don't, I'll spill it; The Undertaker :undertaker2:

I know the WWE has been slacking recently, but they wouldn't do something that bad... would they?

No. Why would they ever do that? That would make no sense. TD2 is playing the role of a cocky heel. UT plays the role of a mysterious babyface. TD2 - no matches. UT - hall of famer. This would be an absolute horrendous display and would ruin the Undertaker. There is less than a 0% chance that this will occur.
Remember, TD2 keeps saying that everyone has a price. He might just pay Rhodes to lie down for him and then award him the other belt for his co-operation. Or pay Rhodes to no-show on Holly and then to have someone like DH Smith or Afa Anoai Jr. to be his partner.
Today marks 6 months since their tag title run began. Wow, just 6 months? And they've had what, 5 title defenses? This title reign just proves that the tag titles and the tag division are simply dead. Maybe Dibiase could make them work, but the main thing they have to do in my mind is to put the tag championships in the main event. They're just filler matches at this point. Dibiase could be something fresh, but having him as a tag champion just simply couldn't work for me. They're not anything worth meaning now, and it's just flat out sad.
I've changed the title of the thread, as it's all but confirmed that it's the champs vs. Ted Jr & a mystery opponent. Several problems with this:

#1 The tag titles are worthless. I was thinking the other day, and I really struggled to remember who was holding the titles.

#2 The mystery partener. It's hard enough to get fans to react to wrestlers who've been around a while but don't recieve pushes. I'm not sure how they'll get a reaction for whoever his partner is. Be it D.H. Smith, Chris Harris or anybody. If it is Chris Harris don't expect a reaction. The gulf between TNA & WWE is huge. His popularity there means nothing in WWE.

#3 What to do with them after. They win the titles, then what? They have titles that won't get defended on PPV. Pointless.

#4 There's actually several teams in the division now. Not good ones. But you've got a couple. I suggest a match with Cryme Tyme. For some reason fans love them.
If the mystery partner isn't Cody turning heel this match is wasted...Of course it could be argued any match featuring Cody Rhodes is a waste....

DH Smith has one fan in the audience a night out of respect for Davey Boy.

Afa Jr keeps getting thrown around...But I couldn't give 2 shits about him and I doubt anyone else can either. You can't debut a no-name on a PPV and expect a response.

Who cares about Chris Harris? And why would Vince push a TNA guy? He wouldn't push a WCW guy and WCW at one point had a higher profile than WWE. People knew Booker T and how long did it take him to get pushed? A TNA wrestler who more than half of Vince's audience doesn't know would be a mistake.

The only logical thing is turning Cody heel. And even then who cares? Cryme Tyme should take the belts if only because they have a following. And them having gold fits their characters. And it'd also be a real tag team competing for a change. Instead of Wrester A and Wrestler B teaming up because creative is at a loss.
You can't debut a no-name on a PPV and expect a response.

Last time I checked, the Rock debuted on PPV, and he became one of the most regonizable people in wrestling. With his gimmick at the time, a happy-go-lucky babyface. people first were intrigued but then just were sick of it being pushed down their throats, but all in all he did get a response. Who knows? Maybe DH Smith, Teddy Jr, Afa Jr and others could be the next main eventers of the next generation. Right now I doubt it but with time they could very well be there.

I also think the best way for this to work out is to have Cody Rhodes to turn of Hardcore Holly to start a "New Blood-esque" faction of young wrestlers. If not, its always possible they could bring back someone who hasnt been on TV for awile, or someone already established not in a major storyline.
see this is how it's gonna go.

ted dibiase will have the match with Hardcore cody. he will then say his mystery partner is DH. they will have a promo that mention their dads as great tag team wrestlers. they win the titles, cody gets pinned. this sparks a fight that cause holly to A-slam cody. he gets pissed and after 2-3 weeks of convincing cody joins the nexgen (next generation)
after a attack from hardcore on the 3 with probably a chair afa jr. will come out and levels hardcore.

hardcore will get some help from cryme tyme, london/kendrick and maybe murdoch. in tag team competitions but will lose alot, this leads up to a PPV match where it'll be a hardcore match where holly and a partner will have a tag title match and if holly loses he will retire.

thats my opinion.


ted dibiase reminds me of randy orton. anyone? he has that build like him and the same facial structure. with the same attitude.

DH smith will be just like his dad a great wrestler but never a world champion. he will eventually feel guilty when the group harms a girl (maybe nattie neidhart. the draft could move her to raw) and he turns face.

afa. will be a tomko like charater for Ted,

and carlito will (NOT) be the leader, becuase he wants to go to smackdown.

i say the leader will be ted if not his dad
I don't think they're gonna bring in a completely fresh face yet to be Dibiase's partner. I see a kind of scanerio like several have brought up with Dibiase coming out alone for the match at Night of Champions.

However, at that point, a Cody Rhodes heel turn would be so painfully obvious that I really don't think they should go that route. Not yet, anyway. I mean, Cody's been involved in backstage viginettes with Dibiase already, he's kinda being pushed into the forfront.Plus, if they did that? What would become of Hardcore? A short, meaningless feud with Cody then disappear?

What I believe would be a better storyline is if Hardcore Holly was actually the one to turn on Cody Rhodes. Keep Rhodes the face for now and Holly would be a tag champion with Dibiase. I mean, think about it....Hardcore Holly's been completely quiet during this whole entire thing. It would don't even have to turn Holly a full-fledged heel either. You can have him justify his actions just by simply saying that he was made an offer he couldn't refuse.

So there you would have Holly and Dibiase as champions, keeping Rhodes the face. Dibiase and Holly would be a dysfunctional team with Holly getting the attitude that the rookie should be taking his lead and not the other way around, but the Dibiases continue to remind Holly who's paying the bills.

Finally, Holly and Dibiase lose their titles to a team like Cryme Time with Holly being pinned. Dibiase gets pissed and blames Holly for the loss so they get into it. All of a sudden, a new blood like DH Smith comes from out of the crowd and joins Dibiase in beating down Holly. Now we've got a team of Dibiase and DH Smith.

Holly has an attack of conscience after being betrayed and he tries to go back to Cody Rhodes to apologize to him for not staying loyal....and he asks Cody to help him take down Dibiase and Smith once and for all. Cody eventually accepts Holly's offer and we have ourselves a tag team match.

During this match, Cody Rhodes is FINALLY the one to turn on Holly and he joins the team of Ted Dibiase and DH Smith to re-form Money Inc. Rhodes claims that when Holly turned on him the first time, he showed him that it doesn't pay to be the good guy and it doesn't pay to be loyal to your friends......but what does pay is showing loyalty to the man with the money.

All of a sudden, just like just made a couple months of a semi-entertaining program and created a promising stable out of it with everybody having their own agenda.
#1 The tag titles are worthless. I was thinking the other day, and I really struggled to remember who was holding the titles.

They have been worthless ever since the Spirt Squad won them from Big Show and Kane. Show and Kane squashed everyone during their reign. The Squad got squashed by DX numerous times while champions. That set the tone for what being the tag champs means today.

#2 The mystery partener. It's hard enough to get fans to react to wrestlers who've been around a while but don't recieve pushes. I'm not sure how they'll get a reaction for whoever his partner is. Be it D.H. Smith, Chris Harris or anybody. If it is Chris Harris don't expect a reaction. The gulf between TNA & WWE is huge. His popularity there means nothing in WWE.

I think they are just going for suspense on this one. Maybe hoping they can get people to care about Ted Jr's debut and possible tag title run. This match is obviously not the one selling the PPV.

#3 What to do with them after. They win the titles, then what? They have titles that won't get defended on PPV. Pointless.

This has been the WWE's problem with any title other than WWE and World Championships, they don't follow up with any bit of momentum they gather. Night of Champions is a perfect night to gain credibility for all of their titles. Start this story, get a few people to care and maybe more will follow. However, the WWE isn't good at long term plans and they will probably have Ted Jr on Heat after winning the gold.

#4 There's actually several teams in the division now. Not good ones. But you've got a couple. I suggest a match with Cryme Tyme. For some reason fans love them.

We had this conversation in a different thread about the tag division, there are enough team to make a decent division but they are never properly used. Take Deuce and Domino for example. They are nothing special, but can be used to enhance the division for more than what it is now. Instead, they get squashed in handicap matches by Khali and Batista, two stars who don't need the rub. Then, when they go against another tag team, they hold their own leading everyone to think that all tag teams are weaker than any singles star. Other than Miz and Morrison, every tag team is shit on.

Its hard to get excited about this when all the recent tag team trends will lead you to believe this match is taking all four invloved no where.
On under the listing for this match, it apparently has a link that leads into D.H. Smith's profile.

All I have to say is, unless they revamp his entire gimmick, and give him something useful, or he has hidden mic skills or in-ring talent that just have not yet been shown.. this will be a major disappointment.

Originally everyone was hinting at the fact that it could end up being Cody Rhodes doing a swerve/heel turn on Hardcore Holly, ala Hogan joining the n.W.o. perhaps. When I originally thought of that, I felt it was a horrible decision, because in the end it would end up that Hardcore would either find a partner and feud with them over the course of the next few monthes. Or the Tag Team Championships would be held up in general, due to a loop hole of sorts claiming Rhodes can't turn on his partner, to remain Champions with someone else.

However, when you tell me that D.H. Smith is the other option in this two option situation. I'd rather take Cody turning heel and Hardcore teaming with Trevor Murdoch, or Hacksaw Jim Duggan, or anyone.. but just not a D.H./Dibiase Tag Team. I mean, seriously, I'm just not a Smith fan and unless he does something that truly blows my mind.. a simple heel turn is not going to cut it..

And in the end, I'm worried that he'll drag Ted Dibiase Jr. down with him. That, in the end, would definately NOT be Priceless.
I've changed the title of the thread, as it's all but confirmed that it's the champs vs. Ted Jr & a mystery opponent. Several problems with this:

#1 The tag titles are worthless. I was thinking the other day, and I really struggled to remember who was holding the titles.

#2 The mystery partener. It's hard enough to get fans to react to wrestlers who've been around a while but don't recieve pushes. I'm not sure how they'll get a reaction for whoever his partner is. Be it D.H. Smith, Chris Harris or anybody. If it is Chris Harris don't expect a reaction. The gulf between TNA & WWE is huge. His popularity there means nothing in WWE.

#3 What to do with them after. They win the titles, then what? They have titles that won't get defended on PPV. Pointless.

#4 There's actually several teams in the division now. Not good ones. But you've got a couple. I suggest a match with Cryme Tyme. For some reason fans love them.

In response of this rep comment by BrooklynBuc: Can you be any more negative?!

I don't think I was being overly negative. The division doesn't get showcased. Winning the titles doesn't elevate anybody. And after the pretty impressive debut so far of Ted Dibiase I'm not sure how holding the titles will aid him one bit. Especially if he get's paired with the charisma free D.H. Smith. It's not like Smith has recieved any push since the two weeks after his debut. There is no reason for fans to care about him. Even if he does win a title.
Apparently WWE had an error on their webpage, the link on Ted diBiase's name on the preview for this match would link to DH Smith's profile.

It could be an error just because he is young in the company and the webmasters of the website didn't knew who he was and believed he was DH Smith.

But there is the possibility that DH Smith ends up being Ted diBiase's partner, if he is I don't see them winning the belts just because Smith isn't a little over with the crowd.
I don't think they're gonna bring in a completely fresh face yet to be Dibiase's partner. I see a kind of scanerio like several have brought up with Dibiase coming out alone for the match at Night of Champions.

However, at that point, a Cody Rhodes heel turn would be so painfully obvious that I really don't think they should go that route. Not yet, anyway. I mean, Cody's been involved in backstage viginettes with Dibiase already, he's kinda being pushed into the forfront.Plus, if they did that? What would become of Hardcore? A short, meaningless feud with Cody then disappear?

What I believe would be a better storyline is if Hardcore Holly was actually the one to turn on Cody Rhodes. Keep Rhodes the face for now and Holly would be a tag champion with Dibiase. I mean, think about it....Hardcore Holly's been completely quiet during this whole entire thing. It would don't even have to turn Holly a full-fledged heel either. You can have him justify his actions just by simply saying that he was made an offer he couldn't refuse.

So there you would have Holly and Dibiase as champions, keeping Rhodes the face. Dibiase and Holly would be a dysfunctional team with Holly getting the attitude that the rookie should be taking his lead and not the other way around, but the Dibiases continue to remind Holly who's paying the bills.

Finally, Holly and Dibiase lose their titles to a team like Cryme Time with Holly being pinned. Dibiase gets pissed and blames Holly for the loss so they get into it. All of a sudden, a new blood like DH Smith comes from out of the crowd and joins Dibiase in beating down Holly. Now we've got a team of Dibiase and DH Smith.

Holly has an attack of conscience after being betrayed and he tries to go back to Cody Rhodes to apologize to him for not staying loyal....and he asks Cody to help him take down Dibiase and Smith once and for all. Cody eventually accepts Holly's offer and we have ourselves a tag team match.

During this match, Cody Rhodes is FINALLY the one to turn on Holly and he joins the team of Ted Dibiase and DH Smith to re-form Money Inc. Rhodes claims that when Holly turned on him the first time, he showed him that it doesn't pay to be the good guy and it doesn't pay to be loyal to your friends......but what does pay is showing loyalty to the man with the money.

All of a sudden, just like just made a couple months of a semi-entertaining program and created a promising stable out of it with everybody having their own agenda.

Like the thought process, but what if Cody is the mystery partner and the two of them defeat Holly in an impromptu handicap match. DiBiase and Rhodes win the titles, Holly saves face because he was eaten by two guys, and some mid-carder who makes the post-match save could be Holly's partner (Finlay perhaps).

DH Smith could be brought in later to stack the deck against Holly and his Finlay.

This angle will not work however unless WWE allows some established stars to not only get beaten down by the heel stable but these stars must also do the job for them in some high profile matches.
Good idea about Holly turning on Cody. I liked Holly better as a heel anyway. But I don't think it's going to pan out that way.

And it's not possible that Mike Rotunda returns as IRS and teams with DiBiase, is it? To form The New Money Inc? He still wrestles in the independent circuit as far as I know and just wrestled in December in the legend battle royal at RAW's anniversary show.

I know that's probably not happening either, just a random thought that popped into my head while writing this.
This is going to sound a little unusual but it was just a thought.
I don't see Cody being the partner, but rather an older name, maybe one who's due a surprise return to the ring and recently signed a talent contract. The superstar I have in mind to be Teddy's partner is D'lo Brown. I mean, I don't see Ted DiBiase being teamed with some new guy looking to make a name for himself, but rather saying he bought in D'Lo to bulk up the team, have him as the guy who takes the brunt of the offense and Jr picks up the win and the gold.
As I said...this is just a thought and i'll probably be proven wrong/laughed out of the thread.
Who is going to be Ted Dibiase Jr's partner? I see three possible chioces for his partner.

1. DH Smith-I think this is the most likely choice and also the most boring choice.
2. Cody Rhodes-Dibiase could pay Rhodes to be his partner and result in a heel turn for Rhodes to start the rumored 2nd generation stable.
3. One of the other 2nd generation stars in development like Afa Jr., I doubt that they would let two people that have never wrestled on a main show challenge for the titles.

Whoever is his partner, I'm sure that it will start this new stable. I think the second option would be best and then have Dibiase and Rhodes influence DH Smith to join. Then you could have Afa Jr show up with them on night on raw. To bad Orton's injured as he could have been the leader. I also wonder if Carlito would join this stable? I guess I'll just have to watch and find out.
Personally, I'd like to see Cody turn on Hardcore. A move like this, while painfully obvious, will finally give the Rhodes character the balls he's been lacking since the Orton feud. Heel Rhodes = Money. Mark my words (or equations).

I wouldn't like to see The Canadian Bulldog in this mystery partner role but there's no denying that a team of Smith and Dibiase could capitalize on the fact that both of their fathers are tag team greats. You've got the raw power of Smith with the brains of the Million Dollar Boy. I could live with it.

Unless this PPV is in Orlando, Chris Harris would not get much of a reaction upon his debut. This simply isn't a good move and it's not likely. Vince likes to push his own creations. Period.

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