Night Of Champions 2015: WWE Divas Championship - Nikki Bella (c) VS Charlotte

After NOC, Who's "The Face Of The Divas Division?"

  • Nikki Bella

  • Charlotte

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After winning the Beat The Clock Challenge on tonight's Raw, Charlotte is officially #1 contender and will take on Nikki at Night of Champions.

I think this will be a pretty good match, I can see Charlotte bringing out the best in Nikki, but I don't see her winning the title with the first shot, though I could be wrong. There are reports & rumors that Charlotte was originally gonna win the title her first night on Raw like Paige did, but the idea was nixed; allegedly, the reason why is because John Cena used his stroke and has used his stroke to keep the title on Nikki whenever talk has started up of having her drop the title. I don't know if it's true, though it wouldn't surprise me and Cena's most definitely someone who has that kind of power. Still, it's possible Nikki could drop the title; She's has approximately 2 weeks before she officially holds the title for 296 days, so the record will be hers for almost a week by the time NOC comes around.

However, I don't see it happening for Charlotte just yet as there's still too much of the faction warfare going on and it's likely that Team Bella & Team PCB will mix it up resulting in Nikki retaining.
I saw this match coming. I was hoping Sasha would have gotten into this mix but I guess her title shot comes in the future like WrestleMania. NoC is too small of a stage for Nikki to lose her title. I assume Nikki gets DQ'ed at NoC and beats Charlotte with the help of Paige, breaking of Team PCB.
I'm hoping they don't hotshot the title off Nikki and onto Charlotte. Everyone is expecting Charlotte to pick up the win. The best thing to do for the storyline is have Nikki retain the championship. No cheating, no interference, no Twin Magic, just beat Charlotte in the middle of the ring, 1...2...3. The title change should mean something, not just to have the belt change hands. Keep the belt on Nikki for a few more months and have her beat all challengers, to validate her reign, then have her drop the title at Survivor Series after reaching a full year as champion.
I reckon Charlotte will win the title at the Nights of Champions. Because, you see, The Bella twins aren't going to renew their contracts with the WWE once it expires (later part of this year, which I assume I had read once on the main page). And WWE wouldn't want to kick them out as soon as they lose their title. It'll be good feud for Charlotte to face off against the Bella twins by defending the title multiple times. Then maybe either one of the PCB members can turn heel and feud among themselves.

Still, it's possible Nikki could drop the title; She's has approximately 2 weeks before she officially holds the title for 296 days, so the record will be hers for almost a week by the time NOC comes around.

I keep asking whether it's possible that the only reason Nikki has held the title this long has been as a taunt to CM Punk. Yes, I'm sick & tired of that name, but I still wonder if the whole damn title picture for the women has been held up because Vince McMahon doesn't want the record for title longevity held by Punk's wife.

Seems ridiculous, yes........but is it true? If it is, then I would think WWE can't wait to get the belt from Nikki and give it to Charlotte or Sasha.

Especially given the recent infusion of wrestling talent from NXT, the divas have several gals who would be a better fit wearing the championship belt than Nikki Bella. So, whether it's Charlotte or someone else.......'bye Fearless Nikki!
I've already forgotten why I liked the NXT women's division. That's main roster fatigue for you.

Legit don't care who wins. And I used to be a fan of Charlotte. Seems like years ago now.
I voted Charlotte because that's who it should be. Ultimately, I would be shocked if WWE takes the belt off Nikki Bella before Survivor Series. Charlotte should beat Nikki Bella if WWE is indeed "serious" about a new image for women's wrestling. Nikki has improved, but Charlotte is far more talented.

The NXT style of women's wrestling has not made its way to the main roster as of yet, that has to change sooner than later, or this revolution will end as a fad.

I DESPISE the Bellas. From Brie yelling BRIE MODE, (woman, you ain't no Marshawn Lynch), to Nikki being booked as Mrs. John Cena all the way to the Bella's flipping from heel to face on a minute-to-minute basis I have never had less affection for two hot twins.
Most definitely Nikki is going to past AJ for the longest Divas reign just a little slap in the face for CM Punk! Don't the Bellas contract expire at the end of the year? Anyway I suspect Charlotte will beat Nikki at NOC for the Divas title then again I could be wrong..

By the time NOC comes around the record will be hers for a whole week or so,plenty of time for her to boast and then drop the title to the fabulous Charlotte WOOOOOOOOOO
I don't think Nikki lose the title at NOC. Paige interfere the match and cost Charlotte a DQ win or she attack Charlotte and Becky do the divas version of shield split. I think Sasha is next contender to win the title before Charlotte.
Nikki should remain champion here, it would seem odd if she loses the title as soon as she breaks the record, she should retain 1 more month, maybe lose the title at HITC or Survior Series. Nikki Bella is the better overall diva, she has a better look and she can cut a decent promo, so i think Nikki will remain one of the faces of the divas division going forward, at least until they move on from wrestling.
Whoever said The Bellas' contracts are up clearly doesn't watch Total Divas haha. Had to plug that in because I know people bash it.

Nikki and Brie re-signed.

Lastly, I've said it before in another thread, but I think it is MORE likely that Nikki would drop the title on Raw since they LOVE being "creative" and doing the exact same matches on Raw from the night before. It would bring attention to the title that otherwise would be overshadowed on NOC. Just a thought.
I think that once Nikki has beaten AJ's record (which is only being done as a shot at CM Punk and AJ), then I reckon she loses the title pretty quickly, hopefully at Night of Champions.

This so-called "Diva Revolution" will only work if one of the NXT girls gets the title pretty quickly, otherwise they run the risk of another Nexus-style fuck up, where the momentum and crowd interest is there, but they don't give the "revolutionary" group the division's main title belt.

Give it to Charlotte, let her put on some show stealing matches like she did in NXT and we can move on from this Bella-mania which is getting a bit boring now. I'd rather the gorgeous Becky Lynch won the title, but I'd take a Charlotte win.
....allegedly, the reason why is because John Cena used his stroke and has used his stroke to keep the title on Nikki whenever talk has started up of having her drop the title.

Sad to think that might be true, but in any case, once Nikki holds the record for longest title reign, there's not much reason for her to keep the belt, is there? If the main idea was to give her the record.....whether Cena's idea or Vince McMahon's, she will have done it.......and at the same time, she's obviously going to have to drop it somewhere along the line, especially if she's leaving. I certainly wouldn't care for the idea of her surrendering the belt when she retires.

So, Charlotte is a worthy challenger and WWE hasn't repeated the deed of having a NXT diva win the title on her first night on the main, go 'o heir of Ric Flair.
While Nikki wears the belt, she really doesn't serve any other purpose on the roster. She's a decent performer, but she's very plain even for a Diva. I'm not getting into the who Bella Army deal, it's not making Nikki any more endearing unto me.

Charlotte has a lot going for her: she's Ric's daughter, she's cut like an Olympian and she's riding the wave of momentum afforded to her by her time in NXT.

Forget all this "breaking AJ's record" hoopla. Charlotte is obviously the future of the Diva's division and would make that belt worth more than the cost of its materials.
Nikki should remain champion here, it would seem odd if she loses the title as soon as she breaks the record, she should retain 1 more month, maybe lose the title at HITC or Survior Series. Nikki Bella is the better overall diva, she has a better look and she can cut a decent promo, so i think Nikki will remain one of the faces of the divas division going forward, at least until they move on from wrestling.

If it was up to me, I'd have her lose her title at WM 32, however, WM is probably the worst PPV to book a meaningful Divas title match since they barely get any time.
The Bella's re-signed with the WWE, so that will not be an issue. Charlotte has her title match on Raw this Monday so I see Nikki winning on Raw somehow probably by DQ. This will be just a preview for NOC to hype this match up and in the mean time Nikki keeps her title and erases A.J. from the record books. Now back to the question Charlotte should win at NOC, the only way Charlotte loses is if there is interference by her team meaning Paige turns on PCB or Team B.A.D. comes out and gets involved.
Whatever happens if Nikki Bella retains the title? There's literally nobody else for her to go and his feud with Charlotte is probably the closest thing she'll get of a big match. I hope the title changes hands. Maybe it's a little bit soon for Charlotte to get in and win it, but she can handle it very well and it would give a lot of depth to the feud with The Bellas. You could have a rematch, a match with Brie Bella and a multi-woman match. If Charlotte loses what will happen to her? She will lose credibility and that's enough of it after that shitty Divas Revolution. Give her the title, do what I said and save Paige vs. Charlotte for WrestleMania!

The Bellas can be in an angle with future US President Kanye West and his ********. I mean, Kim.

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