Nigel McGuinness Signs With TNA, Allegedly Given Major Storyline

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Dark Match Winner is reporting that former Ring of Honor talent Nigel McGuinness will most likely be heading to TNA Wrestling instead of WWE. It's being reported that McGuinness is currently backstage at the TNA Impact tapings in Orlando, and word is that he either has or is going to sign a contract with the company.

Additionally, it is being rumored that Bryan Danielson, another former Ring of Honor talent who announced he was WWE-bound, might also be considering signing with TNA. The feeling is that WWE has taken too long to sign both McGuinness and Danielson, so TNA decided to come in and sign them while they were still free agents.

Both talents announced awhile back that they had agreed in principle with WWE, which means that although discussions had taken place, no contract had officially been signed with WWE by either wrestler.

PLEASE TNA sign these two guys.
Wow. All I have to say is this is great news for those of us that are fans of both Bryan and Nigel. If this turns out to be true of course. If it is, I'm very excited. The odds of them being treated correctly in the WWE would have been minimal at best, but you know a company like TNA will definitely put big time support behind both of these guys. At the very least if they only get Nigel, they've already just added a star that will make me tune in every week (though I do already mostly). But if they signed Bryan too? Are you kidding me? As much as TNA's booking can be lacking sometimes, I'm certain they'd give these two huge pushes, I mean, AJ Styles is their World Champion. That's one thing I love about TNA and will take over the WWE any day of the week, and that's how much less restrictions (if any) there are on TNA wrestlers as compared to the WWE. You'd never see half of the things from guys like AJ Styles or Christopher Daniels if they were in the WWE.

This could be a big-time move for TNA. Obviously it's not going to skyrocket their ratings or anything, but signing two young guys with this much talent and buzz can only help them, there's no downside here. And considering how much the TNA audience loves guys like AJ Styles, I think either of these two would get over huge with their audience.

This is simply phenomenal news.
This kinda sucks if you ask me. I mean if you're going to leave ROH for the big time, at least go to WWE. Nothing against TNA, I'm a huge fan, but being a star in TNA is not the same as being a star in the WWE.

The entire point in them leaving was to pursue stardom on a global stage and knock WWE all you want, it is THE stage. I thought they wanted the challenge of seeing if they could make it in the big league and if they can't then there is a home waiting for them back in ROH, or TNA if they so choose.

Then again... I think I'd jerk off to a Bryan Danielson vs Kurt Angle match...
First post...

I would not get to excited about this. Though is a credible website I am a little confused by this.

independent wrestler's don't make much money.. I think. Since Bryan and Nigel have both had their farewell matches neither has worked.. I think. If neither has worked and Independent Wrestlers fail to make much money then I cam going to assume that someone is paying them.

I could be wrong but I am not sure I believe what is being reported. I am not so sure they are "heading" to TNA. My opinion and I could be wrong.
I'm totally happy with this.

It's obviously true that McGuinness and Danielson are better suited for TNA. Like it's been said on a million different occasions, they will get lost in the star power-pool of the WWE and since their biceps, height and weight don't exceed a specified limit, they're instantly going to either be stuck together as a tag team with a 2-year shelf life or ECW rejects.

Their in-ring skills would completely gel with TNA's current talent pool. They would gain instant notoriety (since true TNA fans know the majority of their stars came from ROH) and there's a million different directions that their characters can go in. They'll have a guaranteed spot on TV each week on the promotion's premier, weekly show.

I hope this is true... it's great news.
So McGuinness is official!

This is huge (and adds value to the tickets D-Man and I have to the TNA show in NJ next month!) as it adds a level of credibility to TNA again, and represents a time TNA was able to swoop in and TAKE AWAY two solid names from the WWE people. We may yet see a little competition now if creative handles these guys properly.
This would be huge for TNA. They need to create more and more new stars and with Steiner and Booker possibly on the way out it would be huge to get new stars that most TNA fans already know that aren't WWE related. I'm incredibly excited to see if TNA pulls this off. Imagine Nigel in British Invasion teaming with doug williams and imagine Danielson vs. Angle even Joe vs. Danielson or AJ vs. Danielson. It would be incredible if TNA pulled that off it would prove that they are moving in the right direction and can take stars from WWE before they can get to them
I had mix feelings when both Danielson and McGuiness were reportedly signing with WWE, as WWE certainly was going through a phase where they were taking cues from the original ROH product and making their product solely about wrestling, with no character development, storylines, etc. They have improved from that phase somewhat, but it is still a very heavy wrestling-oriented product compared to what it used to be.

Where as Danielson and McGuiness are by all accounts, absolutely outstanding technical wrestlers, again I feared this being one more account of WWE moving their product in the direction of ROH, which is a product I simply don't feel is exciting enough.

However, now that McGuiness (and most likely Danielson) are signing with TNA instead, I know they will be utilized for their matches very well. But with Vince Russo at the helm, they can be guaranteed to actually be provided with characters and personas that will be developed and that will connect with the audience. Plus, I know he will feature them in storylines, as well.

Had they gone to WWE, you would see them in matches, and that's about it. You would be lucky to see them ever speak or be given chances to develop on the mic.

So this is a good move for TNA. McGuiness I see is reported as a lock, and Danielson I expect to follow suit. But TNA has two good wrestlers, and you can be sure that Vince Russo will push them properly. said:
Nigel McGuiness is getting a new name in TNA. He will be called "Dylan Wolfe."

Yikes, really? Why change his name to something like that? Sounds like something WWE would do. Wonder who thought that was a good idea...

Now, the real question is...will he be a part of the British Invasion? He would make the perfect leader for that group in my opinion, and despite what some people might tell you Nigel has improved by leaps and bounds on the microphone. He'd make that group interesting again.

Changing his name to Dylan Wolfe though...well it makes sense from a trademarking point of view, which is what this name change is likely motivated by.
Yikes, really? Why change his name to something like that? Sounds like something WWE would do. Wonder who thought that was a good idea...

Now, the real question is...will he be a part of the British Invasion? He would make the perfect leader for that group in my opinion, and despite what some people might tell you Nigel has improved by leaps and bounds on the microphone. He'd make a perfect leader for that group.

Changing his name to Dylan Wolfe though...well it makes sense from a trademarking point of view, which is what this name change is likely motivated by. Still, not too keen on that name.

Yeah, sadly I've read that Dixie Carter is now taking pointers from Vince about trademarking names. I think there was a report out about a month or two about it.

So unfortunately, this comes as no surprise. Dylan Wolfe. Hmmmmm.
If they are going to TNA then i am pumped i am not only a TNA fan but i love both of these guys and some non mafia heels or a new face is great and they will get a huge push. Although WWE is "the place" TNA is going to make more out of there skills and who knows ether of them could be champ some day.

I really hope this is true sorry WWE.....TNA is the $hit !!! haha i am so damn happy right now.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Dylan Wolfe!?!?!?

All the excitement for this signing just lost all of it's steam.

I think this is a mistake by McGuinness. A huge one at that. WWE is fiending for new stars more than ever right now. The younger guys are getting pushed to the sky. Eric Escobar and Drew Mcintyre are already in the main event this Sunday. CM Punk has already reached huge success, although he will be the last wrestler that gets to use his independent name....(Dylan Wolfe HAHAHAHAHHAHA)
So McGuinness is official!

This is huge (and adds value to the tickets D-Man and I have to the TNA show in NJ next month!) as it adds a level of credibility to TNA again, and represents a time TNA was able to swoop in and TAKE AWAY two solid names from the WWE people. We may yet see a little competition now if creative handles these guys properly.

Hardly. These guys are only "solid names" to people in the IWC. I don't see how this is a great move for either of these guys. At least they are on a major cable network is a plus but to imply that TNA has stolen two huge talents from WWE is just silly.

Also to those who said the WWE wouldn't have used them right... Ummm look at CM Punk. He came from ROH and seems to be doing pretty well for himself in the WWE.
it was just confirmered that Nigel signed to TNA and it is expected that Bryan will do the same. I'm sure the WWE is aware of the breaking news and is trying to grab Bryan before TNA, but hopefully not. Also TNA would be wise to go after the other ROH talent that WWE wanted, so they can build there ranks. I noticed that TNAs divisions all have the same wrestlers. They need a few new tag team, men and womens, and x-division.
I'm not really sure what to make about this. I don't really follow ROH so I'm not all that familiar with either of these two. I've heard that they're outstanding technical wrestlers, I understand that some wrestling journalists have a constant hard on for Danielson, but I've also heard that both are boring as shit to watch in the ring.

I dunno, just have to see what TNA cranks out.
Yeah, sadly I've read that Dixie Carter is now taking pointers from Vince about trademarking names. I think there was a report out about a month or two about it.

So unfortunately, this comes as no surprise. Dylan Wolfe. Hmmmmm.

Yeah, but I'm sure they will let second and third generation wrestlers, like Lacey Von Erich, keep their name if the last name means enough.

I can't say I really watch ROH, so I'm not really fimiliar with either guy. I looked at some of Nigel's matches and I agree with the person who said he would make a great add to the British Invasion, except he might get a little lost in the schuffle of the World Elite if he was put with them. Either way, I know this is a good move by TNA, and the fact that they swooped him up before the WWE did is kind of funny. I bet thats why they changed/trademarked his name, because they probably figure WWE will still probably want him and will offer him contracts after his are up with TNA and who knows if he would take it or not down the road.

Can anyone recomend any good matches to watch to watch to get fimiliar with these Danielson and Mcguinness?
Hardly. These guys are only "solid names" to people in the IWC. I don't see how this is a great move for either of these guys. At least they are on a major cable network is a plus but to imply that TNA has stolen two huge talents from WWE is just silly.

I'm so sick of this attitude. "Anyone that isn't from the WWE isn't talented/sucks!", man, how do you guys think young talent was recognized by the big promotions in the territory days? From the indy scenes. What do you think Vince thought when signing Hulk Hogan "Oh, but people only know him in Minnesota, nobody knows this guy"?

Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness are the two biggest names on the independent wrestling scene right now, a scene that is a huge part of TNA's audience. Bryan and Nigel are both extremely talented, and could be huge for TNA.

So yeah, it is kind of a big deal.
I guess for the fans of TNA, this would be great news, signing two young guys who are supposedly top notch. I know nothing about ROH except what I read on this site, I have never seen either of these guys wrestle, but if they're as good as everyone says, good for TNA.

In terms of WWE, sort of irrelevant. They clearly were in no big hurry to sign them or they would have already. There's plenty of fish in the sea, so to speak, I'm sure WWE will have no trouble whatsoever filling their shoes. Does little to nothing in regards to making TNA plausible competition for WWE.

In terms of the wrestlers themselves, career death. A parallel move at best. If they were content to wrestle in obscurity they would have been just as well served by staying in ROH. I thought the whole point was leaving ROH, where they were a big deal, to try their hands at the big time on the big stage. But now all they've done is go from one school gymnasium to another, where they will continue to toil in obscurity for little to no money with no audience. That being said, what will be different now for them from where they were? From zero visibility and recognizability, to virtually zero. And now a future move to WWE will be unlikely as Vince will likely be pissed off. Now they will either never see the WWE or if they do, they'll have a lot of ass kissing to do to get over.

Much like Sting, I guess better to say that you never went to WWE on principles, rather than go there and fail. Better to be a theoretical superstar and have everyone wonder what could have been, rather than go there and either prove it, or fail and show that it was all hype after all.
I'm not really sure what to make about this. I don't really follow ROH so I'm not all that familiar with either of these two. I've heard that they're outstanding technical wrestlers, I understand that some wrestling journalists have a constant hard on for Danielson, but I've also heard that both are boring as shit to watch in the ring.

I dunno, just have to see what TNA cranks out.

I wont lie im not the biggest ROH fan out there and i havent kept up with the product in a while ( i stopped paying attention around last year)
but I have seen Danielson and Nigel wrestle in person and on DVDs
Danielson is very good and was a Great heel when he had the title.
Nigel was very good and very over those are awesome in the ring and i wouldnt call it boring just technical.
TNA would be lucky to grab them sucks WWE couldnt do it as i wouldve liked that but oh well
In terms of the wrestlers themselves, career death. A parallel move at best. If they were content to wrestle in obscurity they would have been just as well served by staying in ROH. I thought the whole point was leaving ROH, where they were a big deal, to try their hands at the big time on the big stage. But now all they've done is go from one school gymnasium to another, where they will continue to toil in obscurity for little to no money with no audience.

What? Do you watch TNA? You've admitted you don't watch ROH. I'm sorry, but TNA is a big step up from ROH. Saying they're moving from "one gymnasium to another" is ridiculous, TNA is drawing quite a bit more than ROH is right now, and wrestling in larger venues with bigger crowds. They have a PPV deal and a weekly television show on a network that a large portion of the country actually gets, unlike ROH.

Plus, the schedule is a lot less daunting than the WWE's. That, and TNA will pay the both of them more than ROH. Oh, and I'm pretty sure TNA provides health insurance as well, which is the main reason both Bryan and Nigel have left the indies in the first place. They really aren't that interested in becoming big time stars and both have said to love the indies, the only reason they had to move on was because of piling medical bills for the both of them.

With TNA they would be paid more to work less and get more exposure on television and PPV...seriously, where's the downside here?
Hardly. These guys are only "solid names" to people in the IWC. I don't see how this is a great move for either of these guys. At least they are on a major cable network is a plus but to imply that TNA has stolen two huge talents from WWE is just silly.

Also to those who said the WWE wouldn't have used them right... Ummm look at CM Punk. He came from ROH and seems to be doing pretty well for himself in the WWE.

I am going to have to utter X's comments in response to this, as well as add a different spin of my own.

The overwhelming majority of the IWC feels that the wrestling business is in a huge rut right now, as WWE is not performing anywhere near the level Creative-wise that we know that it is capable of doing. And as we know, the reason because of that is because Vince has zero motivation since he has no competition that is a threat to him.

Vince was at his best when he had competition around with WCW. Competition brings out the best in people.

So my question to you is "Do you not feel that competition is the best thing that is actually needed right now for the wrestling business?" It's clear that Vince will not change on his own and rather needs competition in order to do so. Why would you wish to see such efforts thwarted then, especially given the popularity of Danielson and McGuinness? Those two names are certainly the biggest names that have been signed as of late in any wrestling organization.

I guess for the fans of TNA, this would be great news, signing two young guys who are supposedly top notch. I know nothing about ROH except what I read on this site, I have never seen either of these guys wrestle, but if they're as good as everyone says, good for TNA.

In terms of WWE, sort of irrelevant. They clearly were in no big hurry to sign them or they would have already. There's plenty of fish in the sea, so to speak, I'm sure WWE will have no trouble whatsoever filling their shoes. Does little to nothing in regards to making TNA plausible competition for WWE.

In terms of the wrestlers themselves, career death. A parallel move at best. If they were content to wrestle in obscurity they would have been just as well served by staying in ROH. I thought the whole point was leaving ROH, where they were a big deal, to try their hands at the big time on the big stage. But now all they've done is go from one school gymnasium to another, where they will continue to toil in obscurity for little to no money with no audience. That being said, what will be different now for them from where they were? From zero visibility and recognizability, to virtually zero. And now a future move to WWE will be unlikely as Vince will likely be pissed off. Now they will either never see the WWE or if they do, they'll have a lot of ass kissing to do to get over.

My same comments above would apply to you, as well.

What I think is amusing was IF TNA were held in arenas each week, and got out of the Impact Zone, and if Bound For Glory were held in a stadium, then the mentality from you guys would be completely different.

You aren't analyzing the product itself.

Rather, it is this Wal-Mart mentality of wrestling fans which clouds their vision of the product.

"TNA sucks."

"Why does it suck?"

"Because they aren't as big as WWE" (meaning: They don't hold their shows in arenas every week like WWE does.)


You can be guaranteed that Russo and Ferrara will use these guys far better than anyone in WWE would.
Congrats to Nigel McGuiness for officially signing a contract with TNA. Unfortunately, they have christened him Dylan Wolfe (I may never acknowledge that name change). Regardless, Vince McMahon messed around with the contract situation too long and now his loss is TNA's gain.

The past year, I have really been unsatisfied with the product TNA was putting out. In fact, I haven't watched a full episode of Impact in about 6 or 7 months. That will officially change this week. Nigel McGuiness is a huge pick up and is enough to spark a renewed interest in TNA for me. And the fact that Nigel will be working for TNA instead of the WWE leaves the door open for special appearances at ROH shows. That makes me happy.

I can only hope that Bryan Danielson turns his back and walks away from McMahon as well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I just hope that Nigel McGui...ahem, I mean Dylan Wolfe, will be used right, creatively wise, in TNA. I was actually pumped and him going to TNA would have probably gotten me to watch TNA, yet Dylan Wolfe (the name) has made me decide not to change my mind and will revert back to my "I Won't Watch TNA Until Kurt Angle Is Released Or Dead" state of mind. Hopefully Davey Richards does sign to WWE and if that happens, hopefully he is treated like CM Punk (no name change, keeps finishing moves, etc).
I'm so sick of this attitude. "Anyone that isn't from the WWE isn't talented/sucks!", man, how do you guys think young talent was recognized by the big promotions in the territory days? From the indy scenes. What do you think Vince thought when signing Hulk Hogan "Oh, but people only know him in Minnesota, nobody knows this guy"?

Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness are the two biggest names on the independent wrestling scene right now, a scene that is a huge part of TNA's audience. Bryan and Nigel are both extremely talented, and could be huge for TNA.

So yeah, it is kind of a big deal.

I never once said either of these guys sucked. I did however say it's not a big deal. Because its not. It might be one day but to say that right now TNA has potentially made a huge move and stole away two huge stars from the WWE is a huge overstatement.

Will these guys become huge stars one day? Maybe and it's always a good idea to sign new talent but you can't say this is huge news.
I also love how everyone assumes Vince took too long so Nigel walked away from the WWE. How do we know that? Isn't it very possible the WWE had second thoughts about him and decided he wasn't worth the money or time?
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