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Next World Champion: Angle or Anderson?

The Shockmaster

Pre-Show Stalwart
With the WHC now vacated and the Semi Final Tournament bracket set a new "world champion" will be crowned very soon. From the looks of it at Bound For Glory we are destined to see a title match between Mr. Anderson vs Kurt Angle.Now given Kurt Angle's current run through the top 10 it seems like it would be a pretty safe to say that Angle has a very good chance at winning. However given that this storyline had to be cut short by this tournament it seems like it doesn't mean as much anymore(at least to me).

Then i began thinking what about Mr. Anderson winning the Title at Bound for Glory. It seems that TNA is looking at him to become the next top guy. Somewhere along the lines of a Rock or SCSA for TNA. He is funny, has the attitude, and the right gimmick to (maybe) lead TNA in this attitude era style programming it looks like there aiming for.

But back to the match...Mr. Anderson winning would do a lot more for him then it would for Angle. Winning his first title is a milestone...winning your first title against Angle puts you way over and gives you instant credibility. Add in the fact he could "Kayfabe" retire Angle and this is the ultimate opportunity for TNA to make Anderson a top guy in there company.

Also if it did happen i would like to see him be a true "asshole" or in other words just the ultimate tweener. No friends, just enemies and a whole lot of asskicking

So the Questions..

Who do you think will win the title at BFG(Angle or Anderson)?

Who do you see gaining more from winning the title?
I hope what you say is true except for 1 case. He doesn't retire kurt. The guy is the best wrestler in the world from last year till 5 years back. He still can wresle. He looses to anderson, goes back to his top 10 list, beats them all, then go after anderson at bound for glory. (happy to see any of the two win)

I know it won't put anderson as much but it would work great for him and his match with kurt in steel cage (they had to up a ladder match in impact and they suceed) was the best match in TNA since hogan came before MCMG vs Beer Money series.
Who do you think will win the title at BFG(Angle or Anderson)?
I don't see Kurt Angle retiring, so he is my pick! It's obvious, because if he loses, he retires!

Who do you see gaining more from winning the title?
Obviously Anderson, his first ever World title at BFG would be huge, bug for Kurt Angle, this could be his last reign and hoping it will be one to remember!
I say Anderson Win the strap and If TNA is having their own little Attidude Era who better then to hold the title then Anderson you then have a immediate tie in to the entire Fortune stable, especially if Fortune goes in the route that would really draw, by taking out ric flair, hogan, bischoff, all of ev2.0, and runs a promo that they are "TNA" (originals) and TNA now belongs to them. You then immidately have them going after the new WHC Mr. Anderson, and like was stated Anderson is his own man, no alliances with hogan, bischoff, sting, hardy.... no one.

Then the show can start to revolve around a story line Fortune a heel/tweener stable. I say tweener just because i can see alot of TNA die hards obviously siding with fortune. Against Anderson who goes to his own drum, and everyone else in TNA, With teasing of Mid-carders getting a push like a hernandez, jay lethal, or samoa joe which can then associate themselves with fortunes cause.

Its a great idea hope TNA has the guts to go in that direction.
1st of all they've dropped that storyline so Angle can lose IMO. Obviously Pope or Anderson are going to be put over as they should. But also IMO I think either of those two will face Hardy. I see a fresh main event for BFG in Pope vs. Jeff Hardy for the title. They haven't had a feud and have actually been played off as buds(which is why he had the match against Ken in the first place, of course), and the TNA World Title(any world title as a matter of fact-even ECW) is an excellent reason for anyone to be feuding over.

To be true to the OP's post, though. I would say Anderson all the way. I know Angle is a 13-time World Champion and thats what bugs the shit out of me. Naturally, I have to agree he is among the best of all time(Rock, HHH, SCSA, and Angle are all associated with making the WWE the best it ever has been or will be during the attitude era). However when you have not one but TWO out of FOUR superstars who have never held the prestige of a world title, it's time to step aside and let someone(who was jipped out of a WWE Title run due to injury) take the ball and the audience on a joy ride.
I say anderson wins the belt but kurt will most likely stick around because what will happen is he will end up a back stage guy for awhile then pull a flair or hogan and come back but this will give kurt the chance to go back to being a heel

Anderson is the right guy to lead TNA into this new Era RVD as champ gave them the opening to do their ecw thing now its time to incorperate ecw and tna together and anderson is the man at the helm to handle both sides
I can't stand anderson hes a little bitch who couldn't get it done on the big stage because he was injured every two months. He doesn't deserve the belt Angle should get the belt for the way they have built him up it wouldn't make any sense not to give angle the title
anderson should win so angle can "retire" and go and have his last match for the wwe and be put in the hall of fame which is something he truely deserves
Im sure it wont happen but i really hope Stone Cold Ken Anderson goes to the finals and wins the title. Dont get me wrong,im a huge Angle fan but its time for a new champion.
And D'Angelo Dinero? Would a 3 Way be that rare? I mean both him and Anderson are being pushed hard. Not only that, but if Kurt isn't gonna win, then he shouldn't lose either. It would mean retirement. Putting these two up against Kurt Angle and one emerging victorious would be huge for whoever it is. In my eyes, it won't be Kurt Angle. At least not there. Later for sure.
Honestly BFG a star needs to be made, the main event has to steal the show, and then carry over to somehow connect with Fortune. Angle feuding with AJ again is not what TNA needs right now
Anderson will most likely win. Angle beat him in their feud so Anderson will get the nod here, turning heel in the process. Angle will then have to go through various trials to get another shot at Anderson.
Anderson will win. Angle's contact is set to expire soon, and he has said many times that he wants to get into MMA.
Angle is a good wrestler indeed was a big fan of his when he was in double,double,E

but now hes in TNA i feel as if his character in tna is going downhill what is left for angle in Tna???????? what is left for him to accomplish? hasnt he already accomplished everything? the only thing you can do with angle is line him up against new competition for every match for the rest of his carear and by that i mean bring in a new guy just to face angle not wrestling the same people over and over and over again! I feel anderson should be champ hes fairly new and is ready to be champ.

A good storyline for abyss is for him to be crazy about the TNA world title and stalk it, he should state he does not want anybody to win the title because hes crazed and infactuated over it. have him steal the title keep it on his possesion (but not legally his title) have anderson face kurt for the title and pronounced champion but since abyss has the champ the winnernever receives the belt this making abyss face the champ for he title!!!!!!!! BOOOYA
If am am choosing between Anderson or Angle i would have to go with Anderson, Angle has had is time at the top and TNA need a new face with the world Championship. I think if angle does retire after the match (witch apparently angle is still going with the if he loses he will retire Gimmick) it would be a Nice moral boost for Anderson to be known as "The guy who retired Kurt Angle" witch could easily work in to a Heel Turn. Personally based of the 4 Finalist we have now i Think Pope Vs Hardy would be a Much Better Main Event and if it was the Case I would love for Hardy To Win but I wouldent really be upset if The Pope walked out with the Gold
In my opinion...

Who benefits between the 2 of them by becoming TNA World Champion? The answer is Anderson. For the simple fact it would be his FIRST ever World Title as opposed to Angle capturing his 14th or whatever it is by now.

I think Angle needs one more run in The WWE, preferably Raw. Even if it's only for a year or 2. I think Angle can still go. I understand the WWE's work schedule is more demanding than TNA's but maybe they can work something out.

But I think the true question surrounding this Storyline or angle here. Is who would benefit TNA the most by winning the Title. It's not like they are dominating ratings and are living on top of the world. Where they can just be like, "OK! We are so IT, that whoever we put on top will be credible"....

That is false. They are trying or at least WANT to close the gap between them and WWE. The way to do that is not to put "new guys" or unestablished Main Event talent as the crown holder for the company. Especially when this guy being spoke about, has been fired from WWE, because he couldn't stay healthy, and/or get the job done.

Angle is in a different category than Anderson. Sure, he didn't leave WWE on the greatest terms. But just a few months before he left, he was WHC and was also dominating. RVD being champion was fine because I like RVD. But the reign lasted a little longer than I expected!

I think what TNA needs as a company right now is someone like or maybe even ONLY Kurt Angle as the champion. He is a guy that no matter who is holding the strap in WWE, Angle can compete with, if not own them in a match!

This is a crucial time for TNA. Having Angle as champion is a step in the right direction. It at least gives them some sort of credibility and relevance to them as a whole. Having Abyss or RVD (Who hasn't been relevant since WWE dumped him on his ass a few years ago and walks right into TNA and takes their top title) or Anderson or Pope as Champion is just bad timing. I think each one of those guys should and will have their time.

I think TNA should maximize their strengths and take chances involving other aspects of their company. Not take chances as to who can lead them as their top guy. There are other ways to push guys besides a World Title reign too...
As much as I am a fan of Kurt I think it's time for his reign to come to an end. I hope they really push that BFG could be his last match and I'm hoping it is. The guy has done everything there is to do in wrestling. I don't care if it's Pope or Anderson but I think one of them should win simply due to the fact that as someone mentioned a star must be made on that night and Angle winning would be anti-climactic. Had he gone through the top ten and did it that way then yeah I would want him to win, but with the tourmoment I'm hoping for a Pope or Anderson victory.
Everyone who said Kennedy is fucking high. Angle might retire yes, but do you guys really think he will go out HBK-style with a loss? Hell no. Angle will win the tournament, hold the title. From there, one of two things will happen. He will either vacate the title once he retires (which will lead to another tournament... that most likely van dam will win and regain the title)... aside from the second part of my comment though, Angle is def. fucking winning the tournament, he isn't going to be retired by fucking Ken Anderson... never happening
Angle will win
if Angle loses he will "retire"
TNA isnt ready to let him go
he is the one of the only wrestlers who can still wrestle with the best at his age
plus Anderson has time which Angle doesnt
I Want it to be Mr.Mr.Mr. Anderson so bad. He got done dirty by WWE over some crazy BS. Be Super Asshole like Austin was in his day.
a ppv ad ran last week already previewing kurt vs hardy for the championship. so u can look forward to that. and i saw be4(a while ago) that bfg was going to have angle against the champion so let left me little doubt in my mind that angle was going to win
I'd have Angle win. Immediately turn heel and reincarnate the main event mafia (with maybe 6 people in it). Then they could do some weird 3way dance feud ev2 vs mem vs 4tune.


I'd have "they" do a run in and steal the belt with some sort of cheesy trumped up contract angle.
With the obvious choice being Angle winning the title as he set out to do, I would absolutely love for Anderson to not only win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Bound for Glory, but heel turn in the process by cheating to win despite working for weeks/months at trying to convince angle (in an angle) that he's a straight shooter and that he "respects" him, just as they alluded to on ReAction.

Anderson could go weeks as the heel champion the company needs right now touting about how he retired "The Greatest Wrestler in the World", and that as a result, he is now the greatest, all while refusing to acknowledge the fact he cheated to win, or refuse to give Angle a rematch.

Fuck the obvious choice – I want controversy!
With the obvious choice being Angle winning the title as he set out to do, I would absolutely love for Anderson to not only win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Bound for Glory, but heel turn in the process by cheating to win despite working for weeks/months at trying to convince angle (in an angle) that he's a straight shooter and that he "respects" him, just as they alluded to on Xplosion.

Anderson could go weeks as the heel champion the company needs right now touting about how he retired "The Greatest Wrestler in the World", and that as a result, he is now the greatest, all while refusing to acknowledge the fact he cheated to win, or refuse to give Angle a rematch.

Fuck the obvious choice – I want controversy!

You know I think you got it right. I knew that there was something weird in that segment. They're setting something up with this.

I mean, what's more heelish than stealing the World Title at fuckin' Bound For Glory under Kurt Angle's nose and retiring him in the process?

And there's a simple and effective explanation to why he pretended to be all goodie two shoes and screw Angle - he's an asshole.

Plus, why do people act as if Angle is REALLY gonna retire. We all know how retirement storylines go in the business. 90% of the guys who "Retired" actually went on hiatus, healed up, packed themselves up and came back in a glorious way to fight the evil jackass who put them out of the game.

It's better for Kurt from a physical stand point ( let's face it, he doesn't need the belt he's great and we know t ), it's better for TNA to have a credible fucking Champion who can talk. It's better for Anderson too. There are no downsides to this.

Anderson all the freakin' way.
With the obvious choice being Angle winning the title as he set out to do, I would absolutely love for Anderson to not only win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Bound for Glory, but heel turn in the process by cheating to win despite working for weeks/months at trying to convince angle (in an angle) that he's a straight shooter and that he "respects" him, just as they alluded to on Xplosion.

Anderson could go weeks as the heel champion the company needs right now touting about how he retired "The Greatest Wrestler in the World", and that as a result, he is now the greatest, all while refusing to acknowledge the fact he cheated to win, or refuse to give Angle a rematch.

Fuck the obvious choice – I want controversy!

If you booked for TNA, I think I would shit my pants. I would LOVE to see this happen and the slim chance that it might actually happen is what keeps me watching TNA Wrestling. I think that after looking at all of the New Signings TNA brought in, Mr. Anderson has to be the standout. I can't remember a time when I was bored during his segments or not enjoying his matches. That's what sets him apart from all the rest. You also mention him being Champion for weeks.. Make that months. You want your ratings TNA? You've got them!

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