Next week: McGillicutty/Harris vs. Cena/Orton!

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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As RAW wrapped up, the Anonymous GM made the announcement that next week, John Cena and Randy Orton will have to go two-on-two with Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty! After the announcement, Wade Barrett grabbed the mic, and in an awesome segment told Cena that if he lost, McGillicutty and Harris would join Nexus, and that Cena "knew what to do".

So, my question to you is: How will this match play out?

Now, on the surface, it seems pretty obvious. What I believe will happen will be that Cena will either be forced to betray Orton by attacking him, or even be forced to lay down and give Harris or McGillicutty the victory. Honestly, though it's a little predictable, it doesn't mean it isn't awesome. It should be a great, story-furthering match. And who knows; maybe WWE will surprise us!

What say you?
I agree with you, I fully expect Cena into laying down or betraying Orton. What I don't understand is the the "anonymous GM" should be able to see the Barrett is undermining him, with the way the GM went after Edge, why shouldn't the GM go after Barrett?
I agree with you, I fully expect Cena into laying down or betraying Orton. What I don't understand is the the "anonymous GM" should be able to see the Barrett is undermining him, with the way the GM went after Edge, why shouldn't the GM go after Barrett?

It is because Edge was taking shots at the GM and the GM made it personal as opposed to Barrett beating Cena with the stipulation being that if he lost he would have to join Nexus and with Barrett as the leader he gained the ability to undermine Cena all he wants now. Personally I think that this has the potential to shock us somehow even if it goes either of the predictable routes simply because Cena has been turned into a bit of a wildcard for once and for the first time in over 5 years he is forced to act out of "character" and whether or not he decides to snap back to the old Cena, simply lie down for the Harris and Perfect Jr, or go the heelish way of betraying Orton completely remains to be seen. I for one think that Cena will spend the majority of the match looking conflicted while Orton either gets pwned by the rookies or goes into SuperOrton Mode and just beats the shit out of everything in sight until Cena makes the final blow that will have all of us buzzing afterward. All in all it will probably be a marginal match but the end should be worthwhile.

Since HIAC I have been extremely for Nexus adopting these two rookies as their own simply because their numbers have been shrinking due to exiles, unfortunate injuries, or Cena face roid rage and they need that extra edge again since Cena has been less than cooperative with their goals except when he has absolutely been forced to do so. This win would refresh Nexus and keep the storyline going for months without becoming stale...unless they fuck things up again.
I agree with you, I fully expect Cena into laying down or betraying Orton. What I don't understand is the the "anonymous GM" should be able to see the Barrett is undermining him, with the way the GM went after Edge, why shouldn't the GM go after Barrett?

Maybe the GM turns out to be the 'higher power' of Nexus?
I don't know. I don't even think the WWE have even decided who the GM is yet either.

I think that Hennig/Rotunda (aka McGillicutty/Harris) will win somehow and join the Nexus, since the Nexus is being killed by injuries just now.
Technically the reason the GM restarted the match with Edge was because it never should have ended in the first place. Cena's leg was under the rope and since the ref didn't see it the GM corrected that.

I'm seeing this actually being a match. I see Randy Orton hitting an RKO and ending up a little too close to the corner, Cena tagging himself in and taking out Orton and then somehow allowing the Mcgulihusky team to get the pinfall. I think he'd go for the pin at first but then Barrett comes out and Cena does that whole intro-spection thing and either gets a roll-up loss or just lays down and lets them pin him.
Well nobody can complain as of yet because the WWE is handling this Nexus/John Cena angle excellently every week a new twist or demand is added which adds to John Cena's turmoil, makes for excellent viewing. Im interested to see if Cena does lay down for either of his opponents, or turns on Orton with the first option i stated being way more interesting and would be a welcome boost to the Nexus.
I expect the obvious to deffinatley happen. Barrett Will command Cena to help beat down Orton and then lay down for a McGillicutty and Harris win. Cena will reluctanltly do just that, futhering the whole Cena being Barretts biotch story.

Honestly this will be a really good pick up for Nexus, they seem so much weaker with only 3 supporting members behind Cena and Barrett. These two joining the Nexus will give them numbers again, and mabe the whole don't f*ck with the NExus feel will return. Besides Kaval I enjoyed McGillicutty and Harris most on season 2 of Nxt, and after that complete fail of an attempt to make season 2 Nxt stable, I'd say this is the way to go with McGillicutty and Harris
Technically the reason the GM restarted the match with Edge was because it never should have ended in the first place. Cena's leg was under the rope and since the ref didn't see it the GM corrected that.

In saying this though, tehnically the general manager should of restarted the match between Cena and Barrett at HIAC but idk, most likely the GM is the "higher power" of Nexus.

But, to the match. I see Cena reluctant to do anything to either of them, so Orton starts getting into his face and Orton being Orton, snaps. So this leads to Cena and Orton fighting, with Harris and McGillicutty helping Cena out and Cena AA'ing Orton from them to get the win.
Cena will turn on Orton and therefore, will turn heel. And with McGillicutty n Harris joining Nexus, it cud be a three-way match at Bragging Rights. TEAM RAW vs TEAM SMACKDOWN! vs TEAM NEXUS
Im thinkin that Cena will unwilling lose the match. Either he'll lay down and take the loss due to having to do what Barrett says. If Orton is in the ring and kickin ass then Cena will do something to Orton causing him to lose. If its booked and they do put on a wrestling match it should be a good one. All but Cena are 2nd/3rd generation stars. In the end though, Cena somehow will cause him/Orton to lose.
I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

Honestly, I'm just really glad to see that Husky Harris and mike McGillicutty are getting pushed into a premier match so quickly. Great to see all this young talent developing this year for WWE.... that is what will keep them on top for decades, constantly birthing new future stars.
This match will most likely turn into something ala Chris Jericho & John Cena vs Miz and.. Someone I forgot.. I think it was Sheamus? Either way, that time Miz actually pinned John Cena.

There's 4 ways this could go down. Randy Orton or John Cena gets pinned, and looses the match cleanly. Rather simple.

John Cena looses the match after an RKO by Randy Orton. Sure it could happen. Not likely, but it could happen. Because let's face it, Randy is still a tweener, and he would most likely get a pop from actually RKO'ing John Cena. Ultimately Miz pinning John.. Once more.

John Cena looses the match because Wade Barrett tells him to loose it. Or Nexus interferes in some way or another. This actually seems like the most possible situation of them all. Considering the fact that John Cena is pretty much Wade Barrett's bitch as of now. If Wade wants Michael and Husky in Nexus, he'll make it work.

Also, we could see the superpowers defeating the rookies, Randy Orton style. Double RKO for the pin or something.
First and foremost, I'm stoked about this match for one reason: Husky Harris!! I absolutely love this guy. He has the "it" factor and I can't get enough of watching this guy work. The fact that he will be having a match against John Cena means that he's going to look good. Cena does a tremendous job of selling and is always willing to put people over. Obviously, in the grand scheme of things, this match will be about further the Cena/Nexus storyline. I see this match ending in a huge brawl when the Nexus interfere, which is almost sure to happen.
I think there's only one way this will go down, and that's Orton being put to slaughter. Think about it, Wade has a Championship match against him at Bragging Rights so he will want Orton to be weakened down. This could either happen in the match or after.

If creative still wants Cena to be the anti-member then Barret will tell him to lose one way or another, and most of them have been mentioned already so i'll save myself some typing.

Or if They are going to turn Cena heel this could be the start of a slow process, Orton gets destroyed by Harris and McGillicutty then goes for a tag to have Cena turn his back and walk away. Giving Cena heat for betraying Orton and basically adding 2 new members to Nexus

The former is alot more likely though because Cena has no reason to want more members in the Nexus (although it would be a nice twist in the story)
Cena is NOT going to turn heel after this Jack said, it's more likely to be a slow build up, if WWE's intention is to turn Cena heel at all. My opinion is that WWE are going to put Cena against Orton to test the water and to gauge the crowd's reaction. If the majority of the crowd start booing Cena and cheering Orton, WWE knows that it can turn Cena heel and get away with it. This is a very interesting match for many reasons, not only for Perfect Junior's proper debut, but also because it marks the beginning of WWE officially testing the water to determine what direction they plan on taking with John Cena's character.
I hope the direction for Cena's character is to turn heel cause it woud be refreshing and make him more entertaining and exciting to see. Bt if tat were to happen, Cena have to then become the leader of the Nexus. If Cena turn heel I like to see him be more aggressive and violent. Way he is built it work and be perfect aswell.
Like you guys said, it could go down so many ways.

Cena wrestles the match until Wade comes out and gets in Cena's face where in Cena could lay down and get pinned (which would show how he's forced to obey Wade and further that story line) or he could attack Randy (which would make sense for Wade since he wants Randy weakened on Bragging Rights) or Cena lays down gets pinned, then Wade attack Randy to weaken him with the help of Husky and McGillicutty. Randy RKO's both Husky and McGillity and Wade orders Cena to attack or hold Randy while Wade strikes him until he gets weakened coming to Bragging Rights. That will definitely will get Wade even greater heat and the fans will not know what to do with Cena.

Another option is to further David Otunga side story of wanting to be the leader. Right when Cena lays down and is about to let Husky and McGillicutty part of Nexus, Otunga, Gabriel and Slater come out to distract them and that's when Orton tags in and lays out the season 2 rookies to get the pin, but Wade orders Cena to prevent that and Cena lays out Randy, drags Husky or McGillicutty on top of him to get the pin. Then hold Randy while Wade gives him a beat down. Then the Raw after Bragging Rights, Wade can confront Otunga about their actions, but that can be on another thread.

Like I said, a lot of options here, but since WWE monitors these forums, they won't do it since somebody else came up with it.

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