Next in line Please..


It's goin' down forreal!
Next in line for Cena's Championship?

I gotta say that it might still be R-truth. I thought it'd be Alberto Del Rio, but looks like he'll be busy with Big Show for a while due to Show's new character (which I love by the way). So yeah, R-truth again I guess. Yay? Truth has been doing good since his heel change so I guess it's alright for another shot.

I want it to be CM Punk though. Punk has proven he can work well with Cena. That match they had on Raw was awesome. I can definitely see Punk winning this and feuding with let's say Miz who'll turn face eventually. I hope they give Cena some time off.

So guys, who do you think is next?
CM Punk would be my choice atm.

Del Rio - Isn't over enough -Isn't Good Enough
Ziggler - Just won us title
Truth - Will be in MITB and my tip for the win
Miz - Has had his chances
Rey - Please No

Punk fits perfectly. a good 2 month feud and that will be a good way to write him out if he leaves.
It is going to be CM Punk, he said something about honesty yesterday, so I can see him assaulting Cena today.
For R-Truth, reports say that he is going to feud with Percy Watson for the next months, but we know WWE, ideas are scratched in a heart bit.

I can easily see The Miz winning Money in The Bank again, and Alberto Del Rio will have his chance at SummerSlam...
So at Money in The Bank its going to be

CM Punk vs John Cena - WWE Championship
For me, it's a tie between Truth and Punk. I really like the feud Cena and Truth had going on and I really don't want to see Truth fade away after his loss to Cena. On the other hand, Punk beat Cena last Monday which would logically put him in line for a title match in the near future. I won't rule out the possibility of Truth competing and most likely winning the RAW MITB, Punk being the next in line for a title shot, and Del Rio getting his shot at Summerslam.
O I can see truth and cena till summer slam !! but they should of let truth win th title last night not have that water gimmick be the end of the match. so the wwe going to have R-truth play he unstopable until he gets tired and needs a drink of water. and I hope the wwe knows that kids are going to start splashing the roster with other than water now because they are going to think there going to get to hang with cena after the match!!
I would like to see that happen again but have cena get hit by a little jimmy and cost cena the belt it would be a great storyline going into summer slam
Alberto Del Rio is getting the SummerSlam feud with Cena so I'd expect maybe another ppv main event with R Truth or a shift toward CM Punk.

BTW Whoever said Alberto Del Rio isn't good enough or over enough doesn't watch enough WWE television. That man is brilliant and one of the more over heels the company has had in years.
Alberto Del Rio - He is set to face John Cena at Summerslam, so they can possibly start building up the feud early for extra suspense and a better story behind it.

Alex Riley - He has been getting a major-push by going over the Miz at Capitol Punishment, but I dont think he is WWE CHAMPIONSHIP material, he should chase the U.S. for a while. Also, has anyone forgotten that he was drafted to Smackdown in April? Since his feud with the Miz is probably over, I wouldnt be surprised if he chased the IC Title.

CM Punk - He is very deserving of a title. I believe his last title reign was in 2007-08? Correct me if I'm wrong. He can also work great with John Cena, which has been proven in the past.

Dolph Ziggler - Has just captured the US Title (which I love!) Dont see him being in the main event until a year or maybe longer.

Drew McIntyre - Seems to be loved by a lot of... and I quote... "10%ers." But I really dont see anything in his character. He hasnt even been in matches on Raw in a while.

John Morrison - Again. Another person who people believe should be main event material. I actually enjoy this guy. I just wish he wouldnt be a spot monkey, and an actual competitor.

Kofi Kingston - His title loss might've been a hint that he is moving up to main event status? I wouldnt mind, as long as he uses his persona from his feud with Randy Orton (which I thought was doing wonders for him)

R-Truth - He might be back in line, but I dont see another singles match. Maybe he'd be involved in a Triple Threat. But seeing that MITB PPV is coming up, he most likely will be in the Raw one.

Rey Mysterio - Yes. A Cena/Mysterio feud has never legit happened. I would love it. But, I'd think the kids would explode in a confusion to choose who to cheer for.

The Miz - Hopefully. Why drop him down to Alex Riley? He is main event material! He should be fighting with the top dogs. Yes, they are trying to get Riley over, but he has been countlessly humiliated by Riley in the past month. He belongs on top.

So, my choice would go to CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, and the Miz.
I say let Jo mo win the raw money in the bank. But cm punk should drop the nexus and fight for the wwe title, and win it. I've also heard punk was wanting to leave wwe because he didn't fell like he was treated as main event material. this would fix it all. Then I would love for punk to hold the title for a while then get a taste of his own medicine and John Morrison cash in the money in the bank and take the wwe title. I want to see another punk morrison feud.
To add to this..... Let cena vs. Morrison, John vs. John at royal rumble cena take back the title, punk win the rumble punk then take a world title match at wrestle mania vs. Orton and cent rock can have there match.
CM Punk would be my choice as well, for a variety of reasons.

First of all, he's flat out the best choice right now. Everyone else has been breaking each potential candidate down, but they've all missed the number one reason CM Punk should be the next challenger for the WWE Title instead of Miz, Truth, or Del Rio, and that's because CM Punk is flat out better than any of them. After Cena, Orton, and Rey (in that order), CM Punk is the WWE's biggest asset due to the fact he makes every feud and match he's in interesting regardless of who he's working with. Put him in a match with the best guy in the company, and you could have a potential feud of the year. None of the other guys named can provide that.

Another major reason is because the WWE needs to give Punk an incentive to resign with them. Punk isn't going to want to be in the WWE if he has to job to the stars on a weekly basis, but if he gets to put on world title matches with Cena, he might think twice about walking out on a sizable WWE contract.

And finally, CM Punk's first feud with John Cena ended somewhat abruptly on Raw shortly after Punk took control of the Nexus. Their last match together was on Raw, so they never really had the proper blow off to what could have been a red hot feud. These guys have already proven they can work well together, so I fully expect to see them just about pick up where they left off and have Cena finish of CM Punk and the Nexus for once and for all.
CM Punk

I think Miz should get a rematch with Riley at MiTB which I assume is the next PPV and Miz should get a victory over him before he moves onto someone else at Summerslam or both Riley & Miz could be in MiTB before they have a rematch at Summerslam.

Punk's already been in there and won twice, so he doesn't need to be in there. And with my pick of Punk going up against Cena, my lineup for Raw's MiTB would be...

Truth vs. Morrison vs. Mysterio vs. Ziggler vs. Kingston vs. Swagger vs. Riley vs. Miz

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