New York City's "Insane Wrestling Federation"


That's all folks.

Broadcasted from the "Institute" arena in New York City, New York.

Founded By: Aaron "The" Hamler and Nicholas "The Disturbed" Taylor​

The Insane Wrestling Federation is broadcasted live on it's website in the "Institute" arena the most famous city in the the World, New York City. Its founders include Vets of the wrestling business, "The Hamler" and "The Disturbed". Our roster is made up of the best there are in the wrestling world. Our "Bitch" divison gives you something you don't see in other PG wrestling, women who can wrestle...with weapons.

(H)= Heel (F)=Face
CM Punk (H)
Daniel Bryan (F)
Samoa Joe (F)
Rob Van Dam (F)
Taz (F)
Dean Malenko (F)
Mark Briscoe (H)
Jay Briscoe (H)
Mike Knox (H)
Husky Harris (H)
Michael McGillicutty (H)
Super Crazy (F)
Pscicosis (F)
Shelton Benjamin (F)
Bubba Ray (H)
D-Von (H)
Christopher Daniels (H)
La Parka (H)
Vampiro (H)
Juventud (F)
Nunzio (H)
Johnny "the Bull" Stamboli (H)
Chuck Palumbo (H)​

Lita (F)
Awesome Kong (H)
Tara (H)
Chyna (F)
Ashley Massaro (F)
Gail Kim (F)
Daffney (H)

Stright Edge Survivors- CM Punk, Mark Briscoe, Jay Briscoe
Dudleys-Bubba Ray and D-Von
FBI-Nunzio, Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli, Chuck Palumbo
Briscoe Brothers- Mark Briscoe, Jay Briscoe
Mexi-cools- Juventud, Psicosis, Super Crazy
La Parka, Vamprio
Teddy Hart, Jack Evans​

Other On-Air Talent Include:
Ring Announcer-Justin Roberts
Announce Team- "The Disturbed" and "The Hamler"
General Managers- "The Disturbed" and "The Hamler"
Backstage Interviews- Maria
Occasional Apperences- Tommy Dreamer, Mick Foley, Paul Heyman​

Championships include the IWF Heavyweight Championship, IWF Bitch Champion, IWF Tag Team Championship

Pay Per View Line Up: Hardcore Hell, Hardcore Erection, Born To Bleed, Crazy as Hell, King of The Extreme. More will come...

Looking for something violent? Looking for something for adults? Looking for Insane Hardcore Wrestling. You're in the right place.

The IWF's shows are very violent. Not intended to be taken lightly. We show blood, stunts, and partial nudity. Our storylines are not intended for childen. The IWF is not respnsible for People injured in the stunts they see on this show. Parental Discretion is Advised.


Our First show will be a PPV. The show should be up Friday at the latest.Matches advertised for the show:

A massive 8-man Tournament to crown our first ever IWF Heavyweight Champion
Daniel Bryan vs. Matt Hardy
CM Punk vs. Rob Van Dam
Dean Malenko vs. Taz
Shelton Benjamin vs. Christopher Daniels​
*Cards are ALWAYS subject to change.*
The Insane Wrestling Federation Predents: the IWF Debut PPV
Date: November 12, 2010
Episode: 1

The pyro goes off at the Institute Arena and the 800 fans in attendence rise to their feet. The spotlight then focuses on the ring. Standing in the ring are Aaron "The" Hamler and Nicholas "The Disturbed" Taylor, the founders of the Insane Wrestling Federation. The Disturbed grabs the mic.

Disturbed: (screaming)Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the Insane Wrestling Federation.

The crowd give a loud chant.

Hamler: As some of you may know from our advertisments, we've been promoting a huge 8 man tournament to name our first ever IWF Heavyweight Champion.

Disturbed: Our matches will feature some of the best underrated in ring performers of today's wrestling world. Tonight, we promise vilolence, great matches, and amazing wrestling.

Hamler: And each one of the match here in the IWF are contested under Insane Rules.

Disturbed: That's right Hamler, here in the IWF, there are No DQs, No countouts, Only extreme Insane Hardcore Dumbass shit you'd see only here. We make the ECW look like bitches.

Hamler: Ain't nobody wanna hear us cut a promo. Let's get down to fucking business. Our first match...


Match One
Taz vs. Dean Malenko

Justin Roberts: The following contest, is schedualed for one fall.
Taz's misic hits
Justin Roberts: Introducing first, from the East Hook section in Brooklyn, New York. Weighing in at 245 pounds. "The Human Suplex Machine" Taz!

Diturbed: Hamler, what a jackpot we've hit, in the "Human Suplex Machine".

Hamler: No doubt aboout it. I've wrestled Taz on many occasions and what an expirience. Taz comes at you at all angles, Nick. A very skilled Technition my friend.

The music winds down and the crowd answers in silence.

Justin Roberts: And his opponent...
Malenko's music hits. Fans rise to their feet and a cheer starts.
Justin Roberts: From Tampa Bay, Florida weighing in at 230 Pounds, "The man of 1000 holds", the "Ice Man", Dean Malenko.

Disturbed: Wow Hamler, what a match you've thrown together here.

Hamler: These guys have never really crossed paths. Malenko a former Cruiserweight Champion and Taz as we all know, a former ECW Champion. They are truely the best at what they do. Let's get this going.

The match starts out in a lock up between the two. Taz wins the power struggle. Malenko kicks Taz's feet out from underneith him. Taz falls. Malenko answers with a standing Elbow. Taz knips up. The crowd claps and cheers. The two try another lock up. Malenko wins the lockup this time. Forces Taz into a headlock. Malenko gets irish whipped into the ropes. Taz answers with a shoulder block. Malenko gets knocked down. Taz runs against the ropes Malenko gets up. Tries an arm drag. Taz reverses. Taz goes for the pin after an arm drag. Gets a one count. At 4:37. Taz has the upper hand. Very back and forth. At this point in the match, Taz and Malenko are battling outside of the ring. Malenko gets thrown into the gaurd rail. Taz rushes Malenko with a clothline over the railing. Into the audiance they go. A few hits later Taz tries to suplex Malenko on the concrete. Malenko the does a "go behind". German Suplex on the floor. Malenko re-enters the ring. Taz slowly follows as Malenko collects himself in the ring. As Taz gets in the ring, Malenko stomps at his legs. Taz clintches his leg. Malenko tries the Texas Cloverleaf. Taz kicks him into the ropes Knips up, and catches him instantly in a Tazmission. After a minute of stuggling, Malenko makes it to the roopes. Malenko once again rolls to the outside to avoid pinfall. As soon as Taz follows to the outside, Malenko rolls back in. Taz follows. Sprints at Malenko with a clothesline. Malenko ducks and grabs Taz's arm and locks him in a full Nelson. Malenko then hit a Dragon Suplex for the Pinfall.

After the match: Malenko offers a handshake to Taz. Taz looks him up and down as the crowd cheers. Taz turns his shoulder as he climbs out of the ring. Malenko looks upset.

Winner: Malenko Via Pinfall at 13:23.


Match Two
Christopher Daniels vs. Shelton Benjamin

Justin Roberts: The next match in our Tournament. Introducing First... from Orangeburg, South Carolina, weighing in at 243 Pounds, Shelton Benjamin.

As Benjamin walks down the ramp, Daniels appears from behind attacking him agressively. Daniels looks under the ring. He searches for a weapon. Daniels pulls out a Chair and a trash can. He starts to hit the downed Benjamin in the back repeatively. Benjamin is screaming in Pain after the 11th chair shot. Daniels climbs to the apron of the ring. He does a springboard splash onto Benjamin's already injured back. He pulls Benjamin to his feet. Pushes the dead weight to the ring. Goes for a pin. Benjamin kicks out just in time as the Ref's hand came down for the three. Daniels tried the BME. Benjamin gets his knees up into the chest of Daniels. Benjamin is now limping holding his ribs. Daniels makes it to his feet as well. Benjamin runs toward Daniels and hits him with the jumping complete shot and pins Daniels.

Hamler: What a short but exciting match. Benjamin getting extremely lucky here tonight.

Disturbed: No doubt about that. Chris Daniels attacked Benjamin before the bell in a cowardly attack. Benjamin with, in my opinion, an upset here tonight over the Fallen Angle.

Hamler: Hopefully we see these two lock up again in a quote, unquote, Fair Fight.

Winner: Shelton Benjamin via Pinfall at 5:04


Match Three
Rob Van Dam vs. CM Punk

Justin Roberts: The following contest is schedualed for one fall.
RVD's music hits.
Justin Roberts: From Battlecreek, Michigan, weighing in at 235 pounds, Rob Van Dam.
RVD taunts and hypes up the crowd. They're excited to see him. Punk's music hits mid taunt.
Justin Roberts: ...and his opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing 225 pounds, CM Punk.

Disturbed: Another great match by Hamler here.

Hamler: Hahaha! Thanks foir the credit. Ladies and Gentleman, right here we have two of the most athletic guys to ever step in the ring. Both like to use Kicks to their advantages. I'd give the speed advantage to RVD.

Disturbed: And that might give him the advantage in this match. And here we go...

The two start up in the very original lock up. Punk wins the struggle. Punk kicks RVDs head. Tries a very early pin. RVD quickly kicks out. Punk drags him to the corner. Punk climbs to the second rope. Punk then began to hit RVD until the ref pulled him off. Punk says IT'S NO DQ! He pushes the ref. The Ref pushes back. Punk then gives a GTS to the ref. RVD returns with a kick toi the skull. Goes for a pin on Pounk but no ref in sight. RVD gets a look in his eye. He rolls out of the ring gets a ladder and a table. Punk is back up to his feet. RVD leans the ladder on the riopes from the outside and runs up the ladder and kicks Punk. He rolls back out. RVD picks up the table. He sets it up. RVD then takes a match from his boot. He lights the already soaked in lighter fluid table on fire. He puts Punk in a powerbomb position. Lifts him upo but Punk escapes. Punk quickly gets out of the ring. RVD leaps oiver the ropes with little moving momentum. Nails Punk. RVD looks for a chair. Punk re-collects himself. RVD throws the chair at Punk and kicks it in his face. Punk is laid out once again. RVD picks him up. Punk pushes him into the gaurd rail back first. Punk rolls RVD in. Punk looks at the table. Punk climbs to the top rope. RVD Knips up and climbs to the top with him. They trade punches. Punk gets the upper hand and scoop slams RVD into the table. RVD is on fire. A new Ref and trainers come out to put out the fire. Punk has faded away from the camra and spot light. They begin to put RVD on the stretcher. Punk inerviens and lifts RVD up and delivers a GTS. The ref is hesitant to count. Owner and Announcer, Hamler gets up and yells "Count the fuckin pin, there's no god damn rules!" Punk wins.

After the Match: Punk delivers another GTS. RVD looks really Hurt here.

Winner: Punk Via Pinfall at 14:57.


Match Four
Matt Hardy vs. Daniel Bryan

Justin Roberts: The last match in the first round of the tournament is schedualed for one fall. Introducing First.
Daniel Bryan's music hits
Justin Roberts: From Seattle, Washington weighing in at 190 Pounds. Daniel Bryan!
Matt Hardy enters.
Justin Robers: From Cameren, North Carolina, weighing in at Approx 240 pounds, Matt Hardy!

Distubed: This is Matt Hardy's first apperance since leaving the very PG rated WWE.

Hamler: Who signed this peice of Shit?

Disturbed: Me, Matt is a vauable talent.

Hamler: He won't last through the night Nick.

Disturbed: Highly disagree, he's my poick to win the championship tonight.

Hamler: Let's find out.

Matt Hardy flicks Daniel off. Daniel shows his lovely smile. Matt runs at Daniel Bryan. Goes for a clothesline. Daniel Bryan quickly reacts with the labelle lock. Matt Taps in shame in a few second.

Hamler: Hahahaha! What in the bluest of blue fucks, was that shit? Nick, you were way wrong. Matt's a little bitch and he knows it

Disturbed: I'm Speechless.

Hamler stands up and yells "fuck this ******". The crowd joins in. Matt looks pissed. He's pulling his hair out and covering his ears. He grabs the mic.

Matt Hardy:
I am not a ******. I've nailed Lita numerous times. The crowd continues. I don not care...fuck this! I....I....I QUIT!

Hamler got up from the announcer's table and walked up to Matt. Hamler slaps the living shit out of Matt. Security stops Matt from attacking.

Hamler: Next Match please...

Winner: Daniel Bryan Via Submission in00:08


Round Two- Match Five- Fatal Four Way Elimination
Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk vs. Dean Malenko vs. Daniel Bryan

CM Punk, Benjamin, Malenko follow each other to ring. No time for introductions as they begin attacking each other. Benjamin is attacking Bryan while Malenko has his hands tide with Punk. Malenko attacks Punk in the corner. He's using his knees, legs, hands and everypart of his body to make sure he doesn't get a breath in. The camra focuses on Benjamin taking it to Bryan. Benjamin tries a suplex, Bryan reverses and and tries the labelle lock. Benjamin rolls through and rolls up Bryan. 2 count. Punk gets the upper hand on Malenko. Hits the shining wizard in the corner to Malenko. Goes for the GTS. Malenko rolls him up. Gets the two. Bryan and Benjamin have made their way to out side the ring and are now fighting over a kendo stick. Back to the ring with Malenko/Punk. Malenko hits a dragoin suplex on punk. Gets yet another two count. Malenko taunts and calls for the Texas Cloverleaf. Taz runs out and gives a Tazplex to Malenko. CM Punk hits the GTS. First Elimination is handed to Dean Malenko. Punk recoperates in the ring. Benjamin is nailing Bryan with the Kendo stick. Bryan has welts and scars on his back Benjamin re-enters the ring and focuses his attention to Punk. Benjamin runs for Punk and Punk reacting on instinct, gets him up and hits the GTS. Gets a lucky pin on Benjamin. Benjamin Eliminated. Daniel is still out. Punk is down. The crowd is on their feet cheering them on. "We want Bryan, CM Punk" Punk and Bryan get to their feet. Bryan still on the outside. Punk runs to the ropes and dives through. Hits the gaurd rail and misses. Bryan then looks under the ring. He grabs a screwdriver. He sits Punk up. Takes the screwdriver and Carves away at Punks forehead. Punk is busted open. The crowd loves it. Bryan heads to the top rope. Jums to the outside for a legdrop to Punk. He rolls Punk in. Slowly locks in the Labelle lock. At this point you can't tell who's bleeding. Punk is out of it. Punk can't even tap. Daniel Bryan looks pissed. He rolls him over. Punk rolls up the shoulder. The roof is blown off. Daniel Bryan is waiting for Punk to slowly rise to his feet. Punk rises. Punk snaps and lifts Bryan up for a GTS, he hits it. The ref counts. 1.....2....and Bryan kicks out of the GTS! Punk has no facial expression. Punk goes to the top. Bryan knips up like Kurt Angle and Jumps to the top. He's beating Punk with his fists. Punk nails a knee to Bryan. Punk goes for a powerbomb like move. Punk then goes for the pedigree hold. Hits the infamous Pepsi Plunge and pins Daniel Bryan for the three. Punk is bloodied.

Hamler: I....I...have nothing to say.

Disturbed and Hamler are speechless.

Disturbed: What an outstanding match. Punk desrved to win here. He deserves our IWF Heavyweight Championship.

Justin Roberts: Laddies and Gentleman, please welcome your new...Insane Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion of the World...CM Punk!

The Camera fades away as Punk lies motionless in the exact same position as he was when he pinned Bryan. Both lay there without moving. CM Punk is our New, First ever Champion.

Malenko eliminated at 12:02. Benjamin eliminated 20:08. Bryan eliminated at 27:16
Winner and NEW IWF Champion: CM Punk at 27:16



We'll see "The Ice Man" Dean Malenko confront "The Human Suplex Machine" Taz.


See your NEW Insane Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion CM Punk in action!
My views are
1. Every book this i have seen starts with a tourney for the Main title
2.Tournamet should of beem spread out more and endeed at your first PPV
3. more back stage promos
4. IHardy quit wow...
5. Pm me when a update is written to lazy to sub to the thread
IWF EPISODE #1 11-15-10

Hamler - Hello everybody and welcome to the Institute. I hope you are ready for some hardcore, extreme, insane wrestling action.

Taylor - Indeed and what a lineup we have for you tonight. Last week at our debut pay per view, CM Punk became the first ever IWF World Heavyweight Champion.

Hamler - And as much as I hate to say it, the man deserved it. He won that blowout tournament and he did it fair and square. Next week we are going to crown our first ever tag team champions as the Briscoe Brothers are going to take on the Dudley Boyz in a match in which they made famous, a flaming tables match.

- I can’t wait for that one but I guess I will have to so we will all see that explosive match next week. We are kicking things off tonight in a rematch from IWF’s debut pay per view. Shelton Benjamin is taking on Christopher Daniels.

Hamler - Lets send it to Justin Roberts in the ring.

Justin Roberts - This contest is scheduled for one fall and will be contested under regular insane rules.

Shelton Benjamin’s music hits and the crowd goes wild.

Roberts - From Orangeburg, South Carolina, weighing in at 242 pounds, Shelton Benjamin.

Roberts - From the City of Angels, weighing in at 220 pounds, The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels.

Daniels comes from the crowd and jumps Benjamin from behind.

Hamler - That coward did it again.

The crowd is chanting “ You’re a pussy “
Daniels is beating him down, hitting him and kicking him repeatedly. Daniels rolls out of the ring and is searching for weapons. He grabs a trash can and throws it in the ring. He slides in the ring and grabs the trash can. Shelton finally gets to his feet but gets nailed in the head with the trash can. Daniels then, puts the trash can over Shelton’s head. The Fallen Angel drop kicks the trash can hitting Shelton’s head. Benjamin falls to the mat and Daniels goes for a pin but he kicks out at two. Daniels then makes his way to the top rope. Shelton (out of nowhere) jumps to his feet, runs and leaps to the top rope. He superplexes Daniels from the top rope, crashing down to the mat.

Taylor - Oh my fucking God, Hamler did you see that?

Hamler - You bet your ass, I saw it. Benjamin is the most athletic competitor in IWF.

Shelton crawls over to Daniels for the pin. The ref counts, “ 1, 2 “ and Daniels kicks out at a two and a half. Shelton rolls out of the ring and high fives a fan. He looks under the ring and grabs a cookie sheet. Daniels comes running and dives through the ropes towards Shelton but he retaliates and hits Daniels in the head with the cookie sheet, in mid air.

Hamler - He might have a concussion.

Taylor - Who gives a fuck? This is IWF.

A fan hands Shelton Benjamin his chair.

The crowd chants “ Fuck him up Shelton, Fuck him up. “

Shelton hits Daniels in the back with the chair and grabs Daniels. He throws him over the guard rail, sending him into the crowd. Shelton jumps the rail and they are trading blows, back and forth in the stands. Daniels low blows him and steals a chair from one of the fans. He threatens to hit the fan but instead hits Shelton in the head with the chair. Benjamin is busted wide open.
Crowd is chanting “ We want blood “

Daniels hits him repeatedly with the chair. He lies the chair down and ddts Shelton on the concrete floor. Benjamin is now bleeding abruptly. Daniels picks him up and goes for an Irish whip but Shelton reverses sending him back over the guard rail. Shelton Benjamin runs and leaps over the guard rail and hits Daniels with a lariot. He grabs a table and lays Daniels on it. He Benjamin climbs to the top rope and does a flip into a leg drop, landing on Daniels and crashing through the table. He rolls Daniels in the ring and goes for the pin but Daniels kicks out at a near three. Crowd is chanting “ IWF, IWF, IWF “

- What does he have to do to finish him?

Shelton proceeds to the outside and gets another table. He slides it in the ring and positions it in the corner. He picks Daniels up and places him in front of the table. Benjamin goes for his T Bone suplex but Daniels reverses and drop kicks him into the table but it doesn’t break. Daniels then, backs up and runs into Shelton, spearing him through the table. Daniels gets up on the second rope and hit’s a BME on Shelton and goes for the pin and he gets the three count, winning the match.

Winner in 18 minutes The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels.

- What an epic match to kick off IWF’s premier episode.

Hamler - That was Iwf for you, straight up insane.

Daniels grabs a microphone.

Daniels - Unless you want to end up like Shelton Benjamin, I suggest you stay out of my way. I am going to run through the roster and not look back. I am climbing to the top of the mountain and climbing the IWF world Heavyweight Championship.

The lights go out in the institute.

A video appears on the screen and it is Samoa Joe up on the screen.

Joe - Next week, I make my IWF debut and Daniels since you are so cocky, why don’t I debut against you. You might jump Shelton Benjamin from behind but you can’t do that to me because I have eyes in the back of my head. So if you want to climb to the top of the mountain, you are going to have to make a pit stop, a pit stop named Samoa Joe. Tonight when you go to sleep, think about having to face me next week and remember the Samoan Submission Machine is out to get you.

The video goes off and the lights flicker and come back on. Daniels walks off in disbelief.

- What an acquisition, Hamler.

- I personally signed him myself and I can’t wait to see what he does to Christopher Daniels next week.

- Lets send it to Maria in the back.

- Thanks Nick. Last week at IWF’s debut pay per view, RVD was seriously injured and had to be taken off on a stretcher. So my guest at this time is none other than Rob Van Dam himself.

- Thanks for the great intro Maria.

Maria - So how are you feeling after your match with Punk?

RVD - Well, I got third degree burns but a little burn isn’t going to stop me from competing.

Maria - But the doctors have not cleared you to compete.

- Fuck the Doctor. If I have to fight, I will fight.

- But Rob, I don’t want you to get hurt.

RVD - Don’t worry Maria. I have never listened to the Doctor and I probably never will. I am always ok. I guess that’s because, I am just one of a kind.

Justin Roberts - This contest is scheduled for one fall and will be contested under regular insane rules. From Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 190 pounds, Daniel Bryan.

- What a fight he put up against CM Punk. I also signed him personally and he is arguably the best wrestler in the world.

Taylor - Well, I signed this freak.

Roberts - Weighing in at a near 330 pounds, Mike Knox.

Knox comes through the curtain with a dead stare at Bryan.

- This should be interesting.

They lock up but Knox over powers Bryan and sends him across the ring. Bryan gets banged up a bit but that doesn’t stop him from getting up. He runs and attacks Knox with blow after blow. He throws left and rights but Knox hits him with a head butt. Bryan exit’s the ring and trys to get himself together. He gets back in the ring and Knox comes at him with a clothesline. Bryan ducks and dropkicks him sending him to the outside. Bryan runs across the ring and suicide dives on Mike Knox. They both hit the arena floor but Bryan quickly gets to his feet. Bryan grabs a kendo stick and swings at Knox but he catches it and breaks it over his leg like a little twig. Knox then hits Bryan with a big boot.

- I have never seen anyone break a Singapore cane over their leg before.

Knox throws Bryan into the ring and body slams him to the mat. He picks Bryan up and goes for a power bomb but Bryan reverses locking in the labelle lock. Knox is fighting, trying to break the hold but he can’t resist the pain any longer and he taps out.Winner in 5 minutes Daniel Bryan.

Hamler - Knox has never tapped out before in his career.

Taylor - Well, it looks like he has now.

- Up next, Dean Malenko is going to confront Taz about his actions at the pay per view.

- Last Friday was IWF’s debut show. Going into the pay per view, I had my heart and my mind set on one thing. That was walking out as the first IWF World Heavyweight Champion. But hey, I didn’t accomplish that, now did I? You want to know why? Ask Taz. We had a great match to kick off the night and after that match, I offered my hand to Taz. I thought he deserved a handshake, out of my respect. He refused to shake my hand but I didn’t care. I just thought, who gives a rat’s ass? It is just Taz being Taz. I had no problem but then later on that night, Taz decided to come down during my championship match and cost me the title, getting me eliminated. That Taz, I have a problem with. So Taz, looks like you got a problem with me and I got a problem with you. So why don’t you come down to this ring, so we can solve our problem.

RVD’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring.

Malenko - Is it just me or does this guy look a whole hell of a lot different than Taz?

RVD - Whoa, Whoa, calm down Dean. No need to get smart with me man.

Malenko - What’s wrong Rob? Do you have a problem too?

- Actually, you know what, I do have a problem. My problem is that you, Taz, and myself should be a team. You two shouldn’t be fighting. The three of us need to be role models for those young guys in the back. We are the veterans in that locker room. You know how Taz is, just let it go, man.

Malenko - Why the fuck should I let it go? Taz started it and I am about to finish it.

Taz’s music hits and he comes down to the ring.

Taz - Rob, I can speak for myself. You didn’t have to come down here and play peacemaker. Are you scared I can’t defend myself? No never mind, I know what your scared of Rob. I know exactly what you are scared of. You were scared I was going to come down here and break Malenko’s neck. Well now, I am about to break both of your necks.

- Just chill. Calm down.

- Back the fuck off Rob! He isn’t going to break anyone’s neck. Now Taz before a brawl breaks out, I just need to know one thing. Why did you cost me my match? Were you jealous because I beat you?

Taz - Dean, Dean, Dean, it all goes back to fifteen years ago. Everything was going great for ECW. Paul E. had high hopes for the man of 1,000 holds and what happens? Mr. big shot here walks out on the company. You decide to sell out and go down south.

- Lets get a few things straight. I never and I never will sell out. I left ECW for WCW because I never thought ECW would amount to anything. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I also went to WCW because I heard about the cruiserweight division. I needed that Taz. I needed somewhere I could go and compete with small guys like myself.

Taz - Don’t try to fool anyone. We all know, you left ECW for one reason and that was the fame and the fortune. You wanted to wrestle in front of 20,000 people making tons of money, living the high life. Wrestling in a little high school gym wasn’t good enough for you.

- Taz, are you jealous of me? I went to WCW and I became a multi time cruiserweight champion, getting more expose than you ever did as ECW Champion.

RVD - Now don’t go there man.

Malenko - He calls me a sell out, and you take up for him.

RVD - Well maybe, you did.

Malenko - Hold up Rob, are you accusing me of selling out?

The Straight Edge Survivors make their way out to the ring.

- This doesn’t concern you guys.

CM Punk - Why are you all even arguing? All that happened in the past. You can’t live in the past. You have to worry about the present. The present is the IWF Straight Edge World Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk. Rob earlier, I heard you say that you, Dean Malenko, and Taz should be role models to the rest of the guys in the back. Why would anyone want to look up to you guys? Everybody wants to be straight edge and everyone wants to survive. All of the addicts in the audience I am talking to you. You should all tell your kids to look up to the Briscoes and your World Heavyweight Champion.

RVD - Nobody wants to look up to stuck up, selfish, dicks like you three.

Punk - Yeah Rob, you are a great role model, considering you are an addict yourself.

Taz - Listen here Punk. I don’t care if you are the world champion or not. Rob is like a brother to me and even though we argue at times, if you diss him, you diss me. You don’t want to fuck with the Human Suplex Machine.

Punk - Oh my God. I am shaking in my boots. What are you going to do Taz?

Taz - Choke your straight edge ass out.

Punk - Mark, Jay, did you hear that? He is going to choke me out. I am really proud of him. He actually quit hitting from the bong long enough to come out here.

Taz - Either shut up or take the three of us on in a six man tag.

Punk - What an offer Taz, but hang on one sec. I have to talk it over with my boys.

SES talks it over.

Punk - Alright, your on. It’s a match.

Hamler - Looks like we are going to have an official match.’

Mark Briscoe Is going to start the match off for the Straight Edge Survivors. It looks like Malenko will start for his team.

Taz gets out of the ring and grabs the mic.

Taz - Dean, Rob, I have known you both for a very long time, so you should both no one thing about me. When I hold a grudge, I hold a grudge! I just don’t let things go. Did the both of you honestly think, I would be wanting to kill you one minute, and then wanting to team with you the next? Looks like you two just got played. Tonight, I let the Straight Edge Survivors do my dirty work. So long Bitches!

Hamler - I can’t believe Taz is just going to walk out of the Institute like a little punk.

Malenko and RVD are frustrated. Malenko stares Mark Briscoe down. Briscoe walks right up to him and smacks him across the face. Malenko fires back, attacking him with punch after punch. He sends Mark into the ropes and hit’s a back body drop on him. He goes for a pin but Jay runs in to break it up. Mark and Malenko are both on their feet now and they lock up with a collar and elbow tie up. Malenko grabs the arm of Mark Briscoe and twists it trying to snap his arm in half. He then brings Mark down to the mat and locks him in an armbar. Mark Briscoe is screaming in pain. CM Punk and Jay Briscoe run in and break the submission hold. They throw Dean to the outside. RVD hops off the apron and runs over to check on his partner. Jay and Punk get Mark to his feet and the three of them makes their way to the outside of the ring and gang up on RVD and Dean Malenko. They beat them down and send Malenko back into the ring. Mark goes for the pin but he kicks out at two. Mark sends Malenko into the corner and sets him up on the top rope. Mark tags in his brother Jay. Both of them go to the top rope and double suplex on Malenko.Jay goes for the pin but Malenko kicks out once again. Jay gets Malenko up and locks in a headlock. Malenko is fighting but can’t break it. Jay has him about to pass out but Malenko finally reverses it into a suplex and is slowly crawling to his partner RVD. He makes the tag, and RVD grabs Jay before he can tag in one of his partners. RVD sends him across the ring and he comes back with a clothesline but RVD ducks and dropkicks Jay Briscoe. Briscoe rolls out of the ring. The rest of the Straight Edge Survivors runs and checks on him. RVD runs and flips over the top rope crashing down on all three men. RVD grabs a chair and launches it at CM Punk. Malenko walks over and applies a Texas Cloverleaf on Jay Briscoe. Crowd is chanting “We Want Tables”

RVD listens to the fans and grabs a table. He sets it up outside the ring. He then grabs another table and stacks it up on top of the bottom one.

- What is he going to do with two tables at the 15 minute mark?

He lays Punk across the bottom table. Then he proceeds to the top rope. He goes for a five star frog splash but Punk rolls off the table and RVD crashes down through two tables.

- My God, look at the Carnige all over the Institute.

Taylor - You can call me sick because I love it.

Punk gets to his feet and rolls RVD into the ring for a pin but Malenko runs in and breaks it up. Dean throws knife edge chops at Punk repeatedly. Mark Briscoe is on the top rope and drop kicks Malenko in the back of the head. Jay has a chair and brings it into the ring. He goes for a shot on Dean but he ducks and kicks it right back into Jay’s face. Malenko picks up the chair but Punk also has a chair in hand. Malenko and Punk face off in the middle of the squared circle, both with a chair in hand. Malenko looks Punk in the eye and yells “give me your best shot!” Punk hits him with a shot to the head but he takes it and fires back with a chair shot to Punk’s head. IWF chants are circulating throughout the institute arena. Jay and Mark Briscoe jump Malenko from behind, hitting him with a chanchairtoe. Malenko is busted open and CM Punk goes for the pin on him. RVD crawls over and breaks it up at a near three count.The crowd is chanting “This is Awesome!”

The Briscoe brothers grab a sheet of plywood covered in barbed wire from under the ring. They throw it into the ring and pick Malenko up for a suplex on it. RVD blocks it and moves Malenko out of the way. They are now beating down RVD but Malenko jumps back in to even the odds. RVD and Malenko body slam both members of the Briscoes on to the barbed wire. Punk comes from behind and hit’s a GTS on RVD. He then gives Malenkov a GTS and pins him, picking up the win for SES.Winners in 32 minutes The Straight Edge Survivors.
Post match, Punk picks the Briscoes up and they start to celebrate when out of nowhere the Dudley Boyz and Daniel Bryan run down to the ring. Bryan locks in the labelle lock on Punk, while the Dudleys attack the Briscoes. The Dudleys grab a table and lights it on fire. Bubba Ray goes to the top rope and Dvon hands Mark Briscoe to him. Bubba Ray power bombs him from the top rope through the table on fire.Taz runs down and hits everyone in the ring with a steel chair. He grabs the mic.

Taz - I am the reason you are all here. I made ECW and if it wasn’t for ECW the IWF would not be here. So Aaron Hamler and Nick Taylor, you should thank me for what I did. I defined hardcore wrestling. The fans of IWF should also thank me. If anyone is Insane around here it is me. Many great competitors fought in this arena tonight, Christopher Daniels, Shelton Benjamin, Daniel Bryan, Mike Knox, CM Punk, The Briscoe Brothers, Rob Van Dam, and Dean Malenko. Well they can all kiss my ass! Because none of them respect me for what I have done for them. They should appreciate the fact that they are able to wrestle a hardcore match and I am the reason hardcore is still around. Terry Funk and Mick Foley are always known as the Hardcore Legends. I would piss on both there graves because I invented Hardcore. They are nothing but trailor park trash compared to me. I am an Extreme God and all of you should bow down and worship me.

Taz poses and the fans launch there chairs into the ring. The ring is covered in chairs.

The show goes off air.
November 22, 2010
Hamler-Hello everybody, and welcome to the Institute.

Taylor-What a show we have for you tonight. If you thought last week was good, you will be blown away at the end of the night.

Hamler-At the debut pay per view, it came down to Daniel Bryan and CM Punk in the elimination match for the IWF World Heavyweight Championship

Taylor-Punk was the better man that night. But at Hardcore Erection, Bryan might be the better man. Hamler and myself have talked it over and decided Byan deserves the number one contendership more than anyone else. So at IWF's second pay per view, Hardcore Erection, the main event will be Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Hamler-Tonight each competitor will choose who the other will be in action against tonight. Since CM Punk is the World Champ, he can come out first and announce who Daniel Bryan will be facing.

Punk makes his way out.

Punk-Last week, Daniel Bryan laid his hands in me. So tonight I get my revenge. Daniel Bryan you will be taking on the man that is pissed at everyone in IWF, The Human Suplex Machine, Taz.

Taylor-And that match will start, right now.

CM Punk is joining Nicholas Taylor, and Aaron Hamler at the the announce table.

The first match will begin shortly.

Roberts-This contest is scheduled for one fall. Weighing in at 190 punds, from Seattle, Washington, Daniel Bryan.

Bryan makes his way out.

Punk-Couldn't you two find me a better opponet for me to defend my title against at the pay per view?

Hamler-You weren't saying that last week when he had you in the Labelle Lock and you were screaming in pain.

Taylor-You were crying like a little baby.

Punk-Just watch what Taz is going to do to this poor little kid.

ROberts-Weighing in at 280 pounds, from the East Hook section in Brooklyn, New York, The Human Suplex Machine, Taz.

Taz vs. Daniel Bryan
Taz goes after Bryan and sends him into the corner. He strikes him repeatedly while in the corner. Taz tries to send him into the opposite corner but Bryan reverses and dropkicks Taz into the corner. He sets Taz up on the top rope. He backs up and sprints across the ring, leaps, and kicks Taz, knocking him down to the outside. When Taz gets to his feet, he is quickly knocked back down because Bryan jumped out of the ring and hit a suicide dive on Taz. Bryan gets to his feet and picks up Taz. He goes for a kick to the head but Taz grabs his leg and reverses it into a suplex on the unprotected arena floor. He rolls Bryan into the ring and goes for the pin. Bryan kicks out at two.

Taylor- Just think Punk, you have to face Bryan at the Pay Per View. If you asked me, I would say he is going to take the title from you.

Punk-Yeah, well nobody asked you.

Taz picks up Bryan and body slams him down to the mat. Taz gets out of the ring and gets a chair. He goes to the top rope with the chair in and. He dives onto Bryan, smacking the chair across his face on the way down. He goes for a pin but Bryan somehow kicks out at a near three. Taz is furious so he goes for a tazmission to end it. He has it locked in but Bryan is fighting. He turns Taz over and reverses the Tazmission into a Labelle Lock. Taz quickly taps out.

Winner in 11 minutes, Daniel Bryan

Punk-Oh my God, what a fucken fluke.
Sorry didn't know you could only edit so many times. It will continue here.

Post match, the Dudley Boyz run down to the ring and they have a table with them. They set the table up and hit a 3D on Taz, through the table.

Bubba Ray grabs a mic.

Bubba Ray-First off, that was a little preview for what we are going to do to the Briscoes later on tonight. Secondly, Taz, that was revenge for hitting Dvon and myself with a chair last week. On a side note, you have to understand, the Dudley Boyzn are also originals. So RVD and Dean Malenko are our brothers. Taz, we also thought you were our a brother but apparently we were wrong since you stabbed us in the back. You want war Taz? Well, you got one!!!

Dvon-Oh my brother, testify.

Dvon gives Daniel Bryan the mic and Team 3D leaves.

Daniel Bryan- Well Punk, the opponet you picked for me tonight, just wasn't good enough. I know the man that I picked for you is good enough. So Punk, looks like you have yourself a match, up next with Shelton Benjamin.

Punk takes off his headset and gets in the ring. Bryan leaves.

Roberts-Weighing in at 240 pounds, from Orangeburg, South Carolina, Shelton Benjamin.

Selton Benjamin makes his way out.

Shelton Benjamin vs. CM Punk
Benjamin and Punk lock up with a collar and elbow tie up. Punk sends Benjamin with an Irish whip across the ring. Benjamin comes back with a shoulderblock. Punk falls on his back so Shelton gets down and they begin to mat wrestle. THey get to there feet and Shelton hits Punk with a belly to back suplex into a pin. Punk lifts his shoulder at one and a half. Punk rolls out of the ring. Shelton runs and leaps over the top rope and lands on Punk. Shelton jumps to his feet and grabs a steel pipe. He tries to hit Punk but Punk ducks and sqaures up and responds, kicking shelton in the head. He rolls Benjamin into the ring and throws a trash can full of weapons into the ring as well. Punk has a road sign in his hand and is about to hit him with it but Shelton kicks him in the mid section and picks up the sign. Benjamin nails Punk in the head wth the sign. He tries to hit himn again but Punk ducks and goes for the GTS. He hits it and gets the three count on Benjamin.
Winner in 10 minutes CM Punk

Hamler-What a good 10 minute match.

Taylor-You bet but up next is the debut of Samoa Joe and he will be taking on Daniels.

ROberts-This contest is scheduled for one fall. Weighing in at 280 pounds, from America Samoa, Samoa Joe.

He makes his way out and Daniels appears on the screen.

Daniels-Joe, I will not be facing you tonight. I am at home training for us to have a huge match next week. I want to be in good shape if I am wrestling Samoa Joe. But don't worry I have found you a reasonable opponet.

Nunzio makes his way out and Joe looks pissed.

Samoa Joe vs. Nunzio
Samoa Joe runs and strikes him with punch after punch. He sends him across the ropes and hits Nunzio with a samoan drop. He sets him on the top rope and hits a muscle buster on him and gets the three count.

Winner in less than a minute Samoa Joe

The rest of the F.B.I runs out but Joe takes them all out.

Hamler-Now that was a Fucken debut.

Taylor-Yes it was but we promised the fans a flaming tables match and up next they are getting just that.

ROberts-This contest will be a flaming tables match. The only way to win is to set up a table, light it on fire and put both members of the opposing team through the tables. The winning team will be crowned, the first ever IWF WOrld tag team champions. From Dudleyville, The DUdley Boyz.

Dudley Boyz come out to the ring.

Roberts-And there opponets, from the south end of Delaware, The Briscoe Brothers.

The Dudley Boyz vs. Briscoe Brothers
The two teams are staring each other down. The Dudleys go after the Briscoes first. They are beating them down and DVon sends Mark to the outside. The Dudleys are attacking Jay Briscoe and hit him with a double suplex. Bubba Ray rolls out of the ring and runs over to Mark Briscoe but Mark had a chair and launched it at Bubba Ray, hitting him across the face. Mark gets into the ring with the chair and hits Dvon across the back. Now the Briscoes have the upper hand and they grab a table. Jay is setting the table up and Mark is getting a lighter and fluid. Mark gets attacked by Bubba when going for the lighter and now they are brawling on the outside. The table is set up. He picks DVon up but Dvon responds and sends him into the ropes. When he comes back, Dvon hits a back body drop sending him through the table. It doesn't matter because the table was not on fire. Dvon goes to the outside and gets a cheese grader. He gets back into the ring and goes to for Jay but Jay reverses it and grabs the cheese grader. Jay Briscoe has the Cheese Grader, grading DVon's head.

Crowd is chanting, your fucked up!!!

Bubba Ray gets back into the ring and hits Jay with a steel chair in the back of the head. He then picks up the cheese grader and is grading it across Jays face. Mark is up on the top rope and when Bubba turns around, Marks hits a crossbody landing on top of him. Now, Mark has the Cheese Grader and is grading Bubba's head. Bubba Ray, Dvon, and Jay Briscoe are all three bleeding like a stucked pig, Mark Briscoe wipes Bubba's blood across his chest. He then goes to the outside and grabs a table, lighter, and the fluid. He sets the table up and lights it on fire. Mark tries to suplex Bubba Ray through the flaming table but he can't pick him up. Bubba responds by reversing it and powerbombs him through the table. Now if Jay goes through a flaming table, the match will be over.

Crowd is chanting, "This is Awesome"

Mark rolls out of the ring on fire and is freakin out. Jay grabs a fire exstinguisher and sprays him off, putting out the fire. Dvon is running at Jay and goes for a larriot but he ducked and hit him with a the extinguisher. Bubba Ray comes at him and he plants him over the hand with it too. Jay grabs a table and sets it up on the outside. He lights it and it is up in flames. Jay and Mark pick Bubba up and double suplex him through the flaming table. The next team that gets put through a flaming table will lose. Bubba is screaming and a fan jumps the barricade and picks up the extinguisher. He sprays Bubba but the security knocks the fan out and takes him away. Both teams are in the ring and are brawling. It is just a back and forth slow fight because both teams are so tired and in pain. The Dudleys have chairs and hits both members of the Briscoes in the head. They go to the outside and get a table. They slide it into the ring and light it on fire. Bubba goes to the top rope and DVon grabs Jay Briscoe. He gives Briscoe to Bubba on the top rope and Bubba tries to powerbomb him through the table. Jay reverses with a hurricanrada off the top rope through the table. It doesn't matter because Dvon needs to go through a table not Bubba. Bubba is on fire and doctors rush to the ring. It is the second time he has been put through a flaming table. Dvon is left to take on both Briscoe brothers. Mark has a table and is setting it up. Dvon is checking on Ray but Jay attacks him behind. Mark lights the table and they send Dvon to the ropes and hit him with the Dudleys own 3D through the flaming table picking up the win.
Winners and new Tag Champions, The Briscoes in 22 minutes

Hamler-Oh My God, what a match. That is all we have time for, see ya next week.
INSIDE STORY: is reporting that Nick "The Disturbed" Taylor has been having problems with the pay cuts because of the bad economy. A source within the company (who will remain un-named) has said "There is a lot of tension backstage regaurding pay cuts of the lower mid-card wrestlers." A source very close to Hamler claims "Hamler knows it's the independents, we're not the WWE or some big cooperation. Our wrestlers should know they won't get high pay like other wrestlers."

We will follow this story as it developes.



Striaght from
The IWF has come to terms to terminate the contract of Nicholas "The Disturbed" Taylor. The Insane Wrestling Federation wishes Nick Taylor the best in his future endeavores.

It is being reported that although Taylor has been released, his contract states he must fullfill his duty on IWF TV until written off. It is being said that he might be written off in the next two or three shows.

No word on who will be his replacement at the announcer's desk.


Our Next PPV

The Insane Wrestling Federation presents: Jingle My Balls
Date: December 25, 2010 Christmas Day

Main Event: CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan for the IWF Championship

Card Subject to Change

Insane Wrestling Federation Presents:
Jingle My Balls

The Institute Arena
Announcer's Desk: Disturbed and Hamler
Date: Rescheduled January 1, 2011

As you may know, the IWF's Chistmas Day PPV was rescheduled because of weather conditions in the New York area. As the arena fills we begin to see just how much the IWF has brought in the fans. The Institute is filled with screaming fans as we follow the spiot light to the ring where we see Kanye West in the ring. The crowd silences. Justin Roberts grabs the mic.

Roberts: Laddies and Gentlemen--performing the United States' Natioinal Anthem.Multi Platnem recording artist, Kanye West!

Kanye West: (In Auto-Tune) Oh say can you see...

The music ends as Kanye's voice slowly ends in auto-tune. The crowd goes crazy for him.

Hamler: Well dammit, that may've been the best Musical performence in Wrestling's history.

Disturbed: Ah shut up! He's nothing impressive.

Hamler: Exactly what your dead mother said.

Hamler laughs as the Disturbed bows his head in shame. The Camera fades to the ring where we see Roberts standing. He puts the mic to his mouth.

Lita vs. Awesome Kong

RobertsThe following Bitch Contest is scheduled for one fall. And it is for, the Insana Wrestling Federation Bitch's Championship.

Awesome Kong's music thunders as the arena is dead silent. All of a suden, Lita attacks friom behind. The ref calls for the bell. And we're off. Kong is being attacked by Lita which is a twist due to the fact Lita is a face. Lita knocks Kong into the ring post. Lita crawls in the ring and taunts to the phenomenal crowd. The crowd is 100 percent behind her. Kong climes in the ring un effected by the beat down. She flipps her hair back and charges Lita. Lita kicks Kong's feet from beneath her. She falls flat on her face. Lita taunts some more. As Kong rises. She charges once again. This time Lita runs. Kong follows as Lita tries a right hook to Kong. Kong shakes it off and grabs Lita, Chokeslamming her. Kong goes for the pin. Two count. Kong goes to the outside as Lita gets to her feet. Kong has the chair. Lita does a suicide dive over the top and connects on Kong. Lita taunts. Kongs gets right back up, no stalling. Lita has the chair and nails Kong with the chair. Kong is still standing. Lita hits her once again. She still stands. Lita goes to the apron and jumps to the outside swinging the chair. Kong is Down and bleeding! Lita gets in the ring and goes to the top. Lita hits the moonsault from 15 feet in the air. One! Two! Three! Lita pins Awesome Kong at 6:22.

Hamler: The baddest bitch ion this planet just beat the baddest bitch on the planet! Wow. A true battle of the bitches.

Disturbed: I don't know what to say other than fantastic job by Lita. Our NEW Bitch Champion.

Lita celebrates as the camera fades to a video package.
As we arrive back from the video package we see Todd Grisham standing with Dean Malenko in the back.

Todd: Ladies and Gentleman, join me as I welcome "The Ice Man" Dean Malenko. Dean, over the past few weeks you've been trying to get your hands in Taz. How does it feel to finally get your shot tonight?

Malenko: Feel ok.

Malenko walks off as Todd has a puzzled look on his face.

Hamler: Now what the fuck was that? See, that's why he's just weird.

Disturbed: I think Malenko doesn't want to give away to much feelings toward Taz, he wants to keep his cool.

Hamler:Did I ask you?

Disturbed: Well yeah you...

Hamler: (Very Quickly)Loser says what...

Disturbed: What?

Dean Malenko's Music hits as Justin Roberts pulls the mic to his mouth.

Roberts: The following contest is a submission match. Already in the ring, "The Ice Man" Dean Malenko. And his Opponent...

Taz's music hits.

Roberts: From Brooklyn New York, Taz!!!!

Taz isn't coming. Dean has a puzzled look on his face. Justin Roberts tried the introduction again. Taz doesn't come. The crowd doesn't like this.

Dean Malenko: You queer bait, get out know what? No. I'm coming back there.

Malenko exits the ring. Walks to the back. He shouts for Taz. He walks past the conssession stands. He walks to the parking lot where Taz is waiting in a Semi Truck. He floors it aiming for Malenko. Malenko dodges the truck but somehow grabs on to the mirror oin the side. He opens the door forcing Taz out. Malenko jumps after him. Taz is running toward the building. He makes it inside and locks the door. Malenko tries to open the door. Malenko gets back in the truck and crashes it into the building. He walks inside to find Taz laying oin the floor. He picks Taz up and walks back into the ring area. As he enters the crowd goes wild. Malenko rolls Taz in the ring.

Taz vs. Dean Malenko

He goes for a choke. Taz isn't budging. The ref wants to call the match but can't, seeing how it is the IWF not WWE. Malenko releases the hold. Taz starts to move as Malenko takes a break against the turn buckle. Taz gets up as Malenko runs towards him and get clothesline. Taz get the two. Taz is setting up for the Tazzmision. Malenko reverses ti an arm drag, another arm drag, and another. Malenko is fired up. He gets a greman. Goes for the pin. Two count. Taz kicks Malenko in the head but Malenko counters with a Leg Sweep into the Texs Clover leaf for the tap out at 14:23.


Disturbed: Not really! Taz deserved to get his ass kicked. What a phenomenal match!

Hamler:Malenko needs to be fired for almost killing our companiy's top draw.

Another Video Package plays this time, promoting the IWF's Next PPV due out January 28th.
Roberts: Laddies and Gentleman, this here is your main event of the evening. On his way to the ring, from Seattle, Washington, Daniel Bryan!

The crowd is really into Daniel Bryan. We here a loud chant for Dnaiel Bryan as he warms up in his corner.

Roberts: and his opponent, from Chicago, Illinoise, he is your Insana Wrestling Federation Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk!!

The crowd gives out a huge Boo. They stare each other down as Punk is kissing his IWF Belt.

Hamler: ah Hell yeah, let's get this going...

CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan

The two lock it up. Punks attacks Bryan in the corner on the sound of the bell. Irish whip into the ropes goes Bryan, Punk nails him with an Elbow. Fast paced. Bryan reverses sending Punk to the ropes. Punk knocks Bryan down with a shoulder blocks runs to the ropes as Bryan rolls to stomach, Punk Jumps over him, runs back to Bryan, Brayn leaps over Punk's head, Daniel falls back for the monkey flip sends Punk to the rope. Punk rises to the corner. Daniel pulls the arm on the ropes as Punk is pulling his hair. Arm Wrentch from Bryan, as he takes him into a modified armbar. Punk will not tap. Crowd says Punk sucks. Punk breaks loose and shoulder block into Daniel's gut into the corner. Repeated shots to the face and head area. Punk goies for the cover with his feet on the ropes. Kick out at two by Bryan. Punk yells at the crowd and taunts turning his back to Bryan.Bryan stands eget irished whiped reverse by Punk, Bryan does a set of japanease arm drags. Kick to Punk as Bryan is fired up. Bryan Scoop Slams Punk in the middle of the ring. Bryan goes up top, Punk get drilled with a drop kick from the top. Two count. Bryan gets back to work on Punk's arm. Punk fights his way up, and pulls bryan's hair. Hits a kick to the skull. Kicks back ti the skull. Punk is oince again taunting. He's on a roll. Suplex. Two count. Punk tries a sleeper.the crowd is coming alive and trying to build momentum. Bryan is to his feet. Bryan battles out. Irish whip to Punk. Bryan goes for the Labelle lock.

He's got it. The crowd is going crazy. Punk rolls through and Bryan loses his grip. Punk hits the super kick and collapses on Bryan. Two count. Bryan nips up and hits Punk with a tiger suplex and rolls outside. He gets a ladder. Punk counters with a drop kick as Bryan tries to re-enter the ring. Punk rolls to get another ladder and comes back in. He slams Bryan onto the ladder. Punk place the other ladder on top of Bryan. Punk goes to the top rope. Punk nails the leg driop on Bryan. Anoither dmn two count. Punks sets up the ladder and goes to the very top. Daniel Bryan sprints up and suplexes Punk from the top. The crowd is livid. They're loving this. Punk kicks out. More chants. Daniel sets up the ladder. Trying to climb to the top. Both men very spent. Punk catches him at the top of the 8 foot ladder. Punks got him in the death valley stance. Jumps...brings his knee up. GTS cionnects from the top for the three at 41:10.

Disturbed: Bryan is dead.

All of a sudden Punk Slips in the anaconda vise on an already out Bryan. Security runs out as we go to black.



Lita d. Awesome Kong for Bitch Championship

Dean Malenko d. Taz via submission

CM Punk d. Daniel Bryan to retain IWF Championship.

Date: April 6, 2011

Venue: The Institute Arena in New York, New York.

Hamler: Hello everyone and welcome to IWF's return to pay per view. Boy do we have a card for you tonight.

Taylor: No need to discuss the card Hamler. We will just let them watch instead of wasting there time talking.

Roberts: This conetest is scheduled for one fall and will be for the IWF World Tag Team Titles.


Roberts: At a combined weight of 560 lbs, they hail fom Dudleyville, The Dudley Boyz!!!

As they are walking out, the Briscoe Brothers come from out of nowhere and jump them from behind. The bell rings and each Briscoe brother picks up a chair. Mark beats down Bubba as Jay takes care of D-Von. The crowd in the Institute are potraying a lot of heat throughout the building.

Hamler: Remember in a New York City Street Fight, falls count anywhere and everywhere.

Jay picks up D-Von and trys to hit a snap suplex. D-von reverses it and retaliates with a snap suplex of his own to Jay Briscoe. He then picks up a chair and goes after Mark. D-von swings the chair at Mark Briscoe but Mark ducks and kicks him in the gut. Mark then connects with a ddt down to the arena floor. Mark picks up and Bubba and trys to Irish Whip him down to the ring. Bubba reverses and sends Mark crashing into a guard rail. Bubba then takes him and pulls him in the ring. Bubba grabs a singapore cane from under the ring and slides into the ring. Mark is up to his feet but quickly knocked back down when he is hit over the head with the cane. Bubba plants him with some shots to the ribs. Jay Briscoe has made his way to the ring and is on the top rope. When Bubba turns around, Jay dives and lands on Bubba with a cross body into a pin. D-von rolls in and breaks up the count. Mark who is still suffering from the shots of the cane, rolls out of the ring. D-von picks up Jay and press slams him on to Mark who is on the outside. Jay lands on Mark and they crash hard on the concrete of the Institute. Bubba is up to his feet and beside D-von. Bubba pushes D-von and yell, "D-von, get the tables!!!" D-von rolls outside and grabs a table as Bubba rolls out and grabs Jay Briscoe and rolls him into the ring. Bubba then rolls Mark in too. D-von sets up the table and they lay Jay Briscoe across the table. Bubba is looking to the top rope with Mark and is looking to powerbomb Mark off the top rope down on top of Jay who is laying on the table. Bubba goes for the powerbomb but in the process, Jay rolls off the table and Mark reverses the powerbomb into a hurricanrada. Big Bubba Dudley, flips and crashes through the table. "Holy Shit" chants erupt in the arena.

Taylor: What a move by Mark Briscoe. Doesn't look like Bubba's plan worked out.

Mark hops up quickly and launches himself at D-von with strike after strike as Jay rolls over on Bubba for the pin. Bubba somehow lifted his shoulder at a near three. Mark just body slammed D-von to the mat and goes to the top rope. He leaps off the top rope and lands on D-von with a wicked splash. Mark covers D-von but he kicks out as well. Jay and Mark go to the outside and grab a ply wood sheet of barbed wire. They lay it in the ring but D-von and Bubba have rolled to the outside to get away from the Briscoes for the time being. A fan hands each Dudley a chair and with a chair in hand both men crawl back into the ring. The Briscoes see that they have chairs so they quickly exit the ring to avoid the Dudleyz. Another fan hands each Briscoe a chair and now they have a look of violence in there eyes. The Dudleyz signal for them to come back in the ring with the chairs. The Briscoes look at each other, shake there hand and hop over the guard rail as they begin to walk out.

Hamler: The Briscoes are playing it smart.

Taylor: No, the Briscoes are being cowards.

The fans begin to chant, " *****es..... *****es..... *****es...." Each Briscoe is about to walk out a door in the corner but before they do, they look at the Dudleyz and give both of them the finger as they walk out. The Dudley Boyz now run after them and out the door. When the Dudley Boyz go out the door, the camera man and referee follows them and they are in the parking lot. However, the Briscoes are no where to be found. Then out of nowhere, each Briscoe comes out from the side and plants both of them with a chair shot to the head. Bubba Ray is now busted wide open with a huge gash in his forehead. The Briscoes pick up D-von and double suplex him on top of a car. D-von hits with a thud on the car's windshield and breaks the glass. The briscoes then carry Bubba back into the arena with D-von still layed out on top of an atuomobile. They throws Bubba into the ring. The barbed wire board is still laying there. The Briscoes go to double suplex Bubba on top of the barbed wire. Bubba reverses into a suplex to both of them and they crash hard on the canvas. Bubba rolls out of the ring and sets up a table on the outside. Jay briscoe rolls to the outside and trades blows with Bubba. As they fight back and forth, Mark comes to the outside and they double team Bubba. D-von is now making his way back into the arena and he has a cheese grader in hand. D-von nails both Briscoes with the cheese grader over the head. He lays Jay on top of the table on the outside and is grading the head of Jay Briscoe while he's on the table. Jay is cut now and is bleeding severely while the crowd chants, "this is awesome!" Bubba goes to the top rope and is looking for a big splash on Jay through the table while D-von holds him down. When he gets to the top ropes a man with a ski mask jumps the guard rail and pushes Bubba off the top rope. Instead of Bubba leaping to the outside on Jay, he gets pushed off the top turnbuckle into the ring, and lands on the barbed wire sheet.

Hamler: Oh my fuckin God!!!!

Taylor: Who is that man with the mask?

The masked man then picks up a chair and beats down D-von. Jay gets off the table while Mark rolls into the ring and lays over top of Bubba for the three count.

Roberts: Here is your winners and still IWF Tag Team Champions, The Briscoe Brothers!

The Briscoes celebrate with the mask man as D-von is knocked out on the outside and Bubba is still lieing in the barbed wire. The masked man then takes his mask off and throws at the helpless Bubba Ray Dudley.

Taylor: I know who that is! That's Spike Dudley.... That is Bubba Ray and D-von's younger brother. He must be allied with the Straight Edge Survivors. He just stabbed both his brothers in the back for the Briscoes and Cm Punk.

The fans are pissed as they throw trash in the ring while the Briscoes and Spike Dudley pose with the IWF Tag Gold. Once they leave, officials have to come down to the ring and help clean up because it is covered in trash.

Taylor: Even though I am pissed about the conclusion, that was one hell of a match.

Hamler: You are damn right it was, and we are just now kicking shit off. We still have two and a half hours left in the show.

We now go backstage where Maria is standing by with me Spike Dudley and the Briscoes.

Maria: First off, congrats on your victory tonight Briscoes but Spike why would you do that to Bubba and D-von?

Spike: Why would I do that Maria? I have plenty of reason why I would do that. The main reason was because I was helpless. I was in pain. I was hooked. I was a drugie. I stayed away from full time wrestling for a long time because I was busy shooting up. Where were Bubba and D-von while I was doing all this? They were nowhere to be found. While I was in pain, they were on the road making big bucks. That shows that they didn't give a fuck about me. I realized that. I approached Cm Punk one day and seeked his help. Punk welcomed me with open arms into Straight Edge. He showed me what it was like to be Straight Edge. I am now clean. I am now a better person. I am better than D-Von. I am better than Bubba Ray. I am better than all of these drunken idiots who came to the show and who are watching at home tonight. Cm Punk saved me and I am now a Survivor. I am apart of the Straight Edge Survivors. I helped the Briscoes retain there tag titles tonight and who knows? I might make an appearance during the steel cage match later on tonight.

The Survivors walk off as we go back to the ring.


Roberts: Hailing from Italy, the Full Blooded Italians! And there opponent, hailing from Amerca Samoa, Samoa Joe!


Hamler: Joe is looking badass now but he won't be after this match is over.

Joe is in the ring and Chuch Palumbo is squaring off against him as Nunzio and Stamboli make there way to the corner. Joe asks for a mic.

Joe: Hold up! I don't want this to be a regular handicap match. I say we make it an elimination style match where I have to pin all three members of the FBI. Call me stupid but I want to defeat each of these *****es, not just one.

The crowd is cheering in respect as the FBI laugh like they will have an easy victory. The bell rings and Joe goes balls out at Palumbo. Samoa Joe is firing with lefts and rights. Joe whips Palumbo into the corner and Palumbo comes back with a clothesline but Joe ducks. Joe then locks in a sleeper hold and pulls him to the mat in a rear naked choke position. Palumbo is fading away quickly. The ref picks up his arm and drops it. He drops it a second time and then drops it a third time. Palumbo is out cold. The ref calls for Joe to let go as Palumbo is eliminated and helped out of the ring. Stamboli and Nunzio run at him and begin to beat him down 2 on 1. Joe fights out of it though and trades blows with both men. Joe headbutts Nunzio and then headbutts Stamboli. Joe throws Nunzio out of the ring and works on Stamboli. He sets Stamboli on the top turnbuckle and positions him for a muscle buster. Joe connects and then covers him for the three count. It is now, Nunzio vs. Joe one on one. Joe gets out of the ring and grab Nunzio. He is beating him down and coming at him full throttle. Joe whips him into the ring post and whips him into the guard rail. Joe gets out a table and slides it into the ring. He then rolls Nunzio in and sets up the table. Joe sets Nunzio on the top turnbuckle and goes for a muscle buster. He positions Nunzio on his shoulders and hits a Muscle Buster on Nunzio through the table. Joe pins him and EMT's quickly make there way out to the ring.

Roberts: Here is your winner, Samoa Joe!


Taylor: Wow, Nunzio may have a broken neck.

Hamler: All three of the FBI are tuff sum bitches and Samoa Joe just beat all three of them in under five minutes.

Joe walks off while his entrance music continues to play. The paramedics are carrying Nunzio to the back.

We go to the back where Maria is in Daniel Bryan's lockeroom.

Maria: Daniel, do you think Spike Dudley joining SES will hurt you more in your steel cage match later tonight?

Bryan: Spike who? I doubt anyone in this arena even remembers that idiot. No, Maria. Spike joining SES will not hurt my chances of walking out as champion tonight. If he wants to interfer somehow then so be it. The cage match was announced, that way the Briscoes couldn't interfer. However, if Mark and Jay find some way to get inside that cage then I will be more than happy to beat the living hell out of them. Same goes for Spike. I will walk out IWF World Heavyweight Champion and there isn't a damn thing The Briscoes, Spike Dudley, Cm Punk, or anyone else for that matter can do about it.

A video package recapping the Malenko/Taz/RVD feud is being shown. RVD is out first.


Roberts: Hailing from Battlecreek, Michigan Rob Van Dam!


Roberts: From Tampa Bay Florida, The Man of 1,000 holds, Dean Malenko.


Roberts: And there opponent, from the East Hook Section of Brooklyn, New York Taz!

The bell rings as Taz and Malenko quickly trade blows as RVD just stands and looks on. Taz backs Malenko into the corner and takes him down with a hip toss. RVD now runs at Taz and plants a spinning heel kick to Taz's temple. RVD then runs across the ring and connects with Rolling Thunder on Dean Malenko. RVD is back to his feet and connects with another Rolling Thunder, this time on Taz. RVD covers him but Taz kicks out at one. RVD then picks up Dean and whips across the ring. RVD goes for a spinning heel kick but Malenko ducks and hits a Northern Lights Suplex into a pin. Taz rolls over and breaks the count. Taz throws some knees at Malenko and looks for a suplex of his own. Taz hits a belly to belly suplex and goes for the cover. RVD breaks it up this time. Taz gets to his feet and throws a strike at RVD. He ducks and then rolls Taz up for a pin. Malenko breaks up the pin this time around. Malenko gets up and hits some european upper cuts to both me. He whips Taz across the ring into the corner. He then whips RVD at Taz but RVD does a cartwheel into a summersault into a flying forearm to Taz's head. RVD then runs back at Malenko but Malenko sends him with a back body drop to the outside and down to the arena floor. Dean sets Taz up on the top turnbuckle. He goes for a frankensteiner to Taz but Taz won't go down and Malenko flips back and lands face first on the mat. Taz dives off the top rope on Malenko with an elbow drop to Dean Malenko's heart. Taz hops up and RVD is on the top rope with a chair. He launches the chair at Taz but Taz catches it. RVD then leaps and drop kicks the chair into Taz's face. RVD then lays the chair on top of Taz and hits a Rolling Thunder, crashing down on him. RVD places it back on Taz and goes for the top rope looking for a Five Star Frog Splash. Malenko gets to his feet and runs and leaps on to the turn buckle to suplex RVD down to the canvas as Taz rolls out of the way. They hit the ring hard and both men are laying knocked out. Taz rolls over and covers RVD but he kicks out at two and a half.

Hamler: How did RVD raise his shoulder from that?

Taz then covers Malenko but he also kicks out at a near three count. Taz grabs the chair and hits both men with chair shot after chair shot. Taz is beating them down and not showing any remorce. Taz makes his way to the outside as he gets booed. Taz grabs a table and brings it into the ring. He positions it in the corner. Taz then picks up Dean Malenko and trys to suplex him through the table. RVD then launces the steel chair at Taz from across the ring. Taz falls back on the table and Dean Malenko spears him through it.

Taylor: What a spear! I didn't even know Dean Malenko had that in his move set.

Malenko goes for the cover and RVD runs and hits Rolling Thunder on top of both men to break up the pin count. All three men roll to the outside and Malenko and Taz brawl into the crowd. RVD gets back into the ring and on the top turnbuckle. He leaps and does a front flip off the top rope, out into the crowd, landing on both men. "Holy Shit" begins to be chanted throughout the arena. RVD picks up Malenko and rolls him into the ring as he goes to the top rope. RVD hits a five star frog splash and pins Malenko for the win.

Roberts: Here is your winner, Rob Van Dam!


Hamler: Up next we are going to see two bitches go at it and prove there dominance.



Once they have both entered, Daffney acts like she's going to flash the crowd and show them her tits but she instead mocks them as the bell rings. They lock up and Lita backs her into the corner. Daffney reverses and sends Lita into the corner. Daffney throws some chops at Lita's chest. Daffney is beating her down in the corner and is mocking Lita and the crowd in the process. Daffney sets her on the top rope and trys to suplex her off. Lita smacks Daffney and knocks her off the top rope. Lita then connects with a moonsault and lands on Daffney. Lita covers her and Daffney kicks out at two. Lita then picks her up and goes for a tornado ddt. Daffney reverses and throws her off. Daffney goes for the pin but Lita kicks out at one. Daffney is on top of her, smacking, and pulling Lita's hair. Daffney then picks her up and whips her across the ring. Lita comes back with takedown and is now on the offensive end beating her down. Lita picks her up off the mat. She then lifts her for a suplex but Daffney reverses into a ddt. Daffney then rolls out of the ring and is looking for a weapon. She finds a barbed wire baseball bat and brings it into play. Daffney tries to hit her with the barbed wire but but she moves out of the way and then kicks Daffney in the stomach. Lita then ddts Daffney, face first on to the barbed wire baseball bat. Daffney is busted open. As blood flows the crowd is chanting, "IWF" repeatedly. Lita goes to the top rope and dives off with another moonsault. Daffney rolled out of the way and Lita crashed down hard. Daffney rolled out of the ring and grabs a bag of thumbtacks. She scatters the tacks in a pile in the ring. Daffney lifts up Lita to suplex her but Lita reveres into a suplex of her own. Lita goes for the cover but Daffney kicks out. Lita picks her up again and tries to throw her in the tacks. Daffney reveres and whips Lita across the ropes. Lita runs back and Daffney connects with a back body drop. Lita flips over Daffney and lands hard on the tacs. Daffney rolls in the tacs and pins her for the win. The crowd is stunned and the announcers are speachless.

Roberts: Here is your winner, and new Bitch Champion, Daffney!

Highlights and replays are now shown.

Taylor: I have never seen women compete like those two just did.

We go to a video package, highlighting the Bryan/Punk feud.

Roberts: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for your main event of the evening. This contest is scheduled for one fall. It will be contested inside a steel cage. The only way to win is by escaping the cage or pinning your opponent or making your opponent submitt. This contest will be for the World Heavyweight Championship. From Chicago, Illinois, the IWF World Champion, Cm Punk.


Roberts: And the challenger, from Seatle, Washington The American Dragon, Daniel Bryan.


Both men are in the ring and the cage lowers. It isn't like your typical cage. There is no door so if you want to escape, you have to climb over the cage and both feet must touch the arena floor. The cage is down and the bell rings. They stare one another down before they lock up. Bryan locks a choke hold on punk and brings him down to the ring. Punk reverses into a head scissors. Punk's legs are clinched together around Bryan's neck. Bryan pulls them off and locks in a figure four lock. Punk's shoulder are down and the ref counts but he sets up at one and a half. Punk is trying to reverse it. He sets up and trades blows with Daniel bryan while still locked in the leg lock. Punk is triding to roll over and he finally does. The pressure is now applied to Daniel Bryan's legs. Punk is leaning back and switches it up into a one legged boston crab. Punk now has it locked in and you can see the pain and agony from Daniel Bryan's face. Daniel crawls out of it but it took a toll on his left leg. Bryan is trying to stand up and Punk takes him back down with a chop block to the injured left leg. Punk covers him but Bryan kicks out very quickly. Punk now takes Bryan's left leg and rams it up against the cage.

Taylor: If Bryan can't walk, he can't climb out of the cage.

Hamler: Thanks for the info.... captain obvious.

Punk is now grinding Bryan's left leg on the cage as he taunts all the fans and gets a ton of heat. He now pulls Bryan into the middle of the ring and goes for another figure four. Bryan reverses with a kick and Punk gets knocked down. Punk runs back at him and Bryan rolls him up with a small package pin. Punk kicks out very quickly. They get back up and Bryan connects with some kicks to Punk's temple, using his un-injured right leg. Punk falls to his knees and Bryan continues to kick him hard. Bryan is trying to climb out of the cage and he is almost to the top before Punk gets to his feet and climbs up as well. Punk is on the top turnbuckle and positions himself under Bryan. He now has him in a powerbomb position and leaps off the top turnbuckle. Bryan hits the ring hard and bangs his head pretty badly.

Taylor: He may have a concussion.

Punk rolls over on top of him. One.... Two.... Thr no! Bryan lifts his shoulder at a near three. Punk can't believe his eyes. He picks the ref up in anger and hits a Go To Sleep on the referee. There are no doors so paramedics can't come in to help the ref. Punk then picks Bryan up for a GTS but Bryan reverses into a Lebelle lock. Punk is tapping out but the ref is knocked out so it doesn't matter. Punk continues to tap but Bryan lets go and tries to get the ref up. The referee is out cold and Bryan looks pissed. Punk is trying to get up and Bryan runs at him with a kick. Daniel Bryan throws him off the cage facefirst, hard. Bryan then sets him up on the turnbuckle and is looking for a suplex. He is going to hit Punk with a side suplex off the top rope but as Bryan goes for it Punk reveres it into a cross body. They hit the mat hard when they land. Punk gets up first and is crawling to the ring post. He climbs the turnbuckle and is looking to climb over. Bryan is up and is following him. They both get to the top of the cage and are trading blows 20 feet in the air. Finally Bryan, plants a kick to Punk's head and he falls back in the ring. Bryan stands up on the cage and looks down at Cm Punk.

Hamler: Don't do it! That's suicide.

The fans are marking out as Daniel Bryan leaps from the top and connects with a diving headbutt from 20 feet above the air.

Taylor: How are both men even living after that?

Neither men has moved and three minutes go by. Finally, Daniel Bryan crawls very slowly and covers Punk with one arm. They just lay there until the ref finally crawls and begins a slow count. One.... Two..... Thre no! He somehow just kicked out of that.

Taylor: How the hell did he kick out of that?

Both men and the referee are laid out. Bryan and Punk are very slowly getting to there feet on opposite sides of the ring. They turn around and give everything they got as they run at each other, both looking for a clothesline. They both connect with the same move and are knocked on there asses. Once the two men get to there feet, Punk tries to strike with a martial arts kick but Bryan ducks and picks Punk up for the GTS. Daniel Bryan connects. He just used Cm Punk's own finisher against him. Bryan falls on top of him and looks for the pin. One...... Two..... Thre no! Another near fall once again. Bryan can't believe it and neither can the fans. The crowd is going crazy! Bryan then picks him up and is trying to powerslam him into the steel cage. Punk jumps down and then turns Bryan around. He grabs him around the neck and pulls him down to the canvas with an Andaconda Vise submission manuaver. Bryan is doing his best to fight out of it but is quickly fading away. Bryan then gives it all he has and sets up. He breaks the hold and sends Cm Punk on his back. Bryan then locks in the lebelle lock once again. Punk can't get out and the hold is locked in extremely tight. Punk won't tap so Bryan lets go and tries to climb out of the cage. He slowly makes his way to the top but is finally there. As he looks down and tries to climb out, the Briscoe Brothers and Spike Dudley jump the guard rail. The Briscoes climb up the side of the cage where Bryan is and Spike climbs up the other side. The Briscoes are holding him at the top of the cage and won't let him go anywhere. Spike is now in the ring and is helping Punk. He gets Punk to his feet and Spike, and Cm Punk climb out of the cage on the other side. Bryan can't go anywhere because he is held down by the Briscoes. Punk has both feet on the arena floor as he stands by Spike Dudley and the bell rings.

Roberts: Here is your winner and still IWF World Heavyweight Champion, Cm Punk!

The fans are giving SES a lot of heat and Bryan just now realizes that Punk has won the match. The Briscoes then pull Bryan down and begin to beat him down inside the cage. The fans are extremely pissed and Daniel Bryan is bleeding badly as The Briscoes are beating him down and sending him up against the cage. As they beat him down inside, Punk and Spike are at the top of the entrance ramp smiling as the show goes to a close.​
We are live for Friday Night Fire at the Institute Arena in New York City, New York. As soon as the show opens, Aaron Hamler is standing in the ring with a microphone.

Hamler: Hello IWF fans and welcome to the Institute Arena to see Friday Night Fire. Last week's PPV, Born to Bleed had nothing but great reviews. We certainly did not disappoint. That is why I am here in the ring to talk about our next ppv. Our next ppv will be No Remorce and it will air live on PPV in three weeks. I was thinking extremely hard on a main event and I finally have come up with a new insane match. This match is nothing you have ever seen before. This match will consist of six superstars all looking to capture the IWF World Heavyweight Championship. It will be contested inside a chamber like structure, very similar to WWE' s Elimination Chamber except much more Insane. There will be four inclosed pods in each corner and steel on the outside of the ring. The structure will feature of chain just like WWE's Elimination Chamber. However, the chained structure will be covered in barbed wire. So it will be chain with barbed wire around each piece of chain. Now the barbed wire will not be on the roof of this structure. Why? Because the competitors are going to need to climb out of the top. Here is how the rules go. Two men will start at random while six are locked into each pod. A pinfall or submission will eliminate you from the match. Every five minutes a new participate will enter. When it finally comes down to two men, pinfalls and submissions will not occur any longer. Once it comes down to two men, the only way to win is to climb the top of the structure where there is no barbed wire and climb your way out of the cage. In the center of the top, there is a whole and that is the part that you climb out of. Once you climb out of the structure, you are the winner and proclaimed IWF World Heavyweight Champion. If WWE wants to have an Elimination Chamber then we will take it and we will make it Insane. We will call it "The Insane Asylum!" Now, Nick and myself have thought out the participants and have finally came to a conclusion on six wrestlers. Yeah, here in IWF they are wrestlers, not entertainers! The six participants in the Insane Asylum will be the World Champion himself of course, Cm Punk. His five opponents are Daniel Bryan, Rob Van Dam, Dean Malenko, Taz, and Shelton Benjamin. This will be something you have never seen before.

Hamler is interupted by Daniel Bryan limping out to the ring with a microphone in his hand.

Daniel Bryan: I want out of the Insane Asylum. Now hold up, before you all think I am an idiot for wanting out of a championship match, I have a very important reason. My reason is, I have been getting title shot after title shot since I joined IWF. Why do I never come out victorious? Because of those two Briscoe Brothers. That's exactly why. No matter what, I can't win because Punk's Straight Edge Lackies want to come to the ring and screw shit up. So I am giving it up. Well at least for now. My goal going forward is to take the Briscoes out of the equation. Once I do that, I will go right after the World Title but for now, taking out the tag champs is my main goal! So Aaron....

Hamler: Hey! That's Mr. Hamler to you.

Bryan: Ok whatever. I just want out of the Insane Asylum and I want you to put someone else in. What about Christopher Daniels? He wasn't even on the Born To Bleed PPV card and he is one hell of a wrestler. He would make for a fine World Champion. He deserves it and he has been held back since coming to IWF.

Hamler: Fine, fine.... You want Daniels as your replacement than you got it.

Hamler walks out of the ring and back to the commentary table.

Bryan: Now that we have that taken care of, Briscoes get your sorry asses out here now. I don't care if I can barely walk. I don't care if I am bruised from head to toe. From now on, the only thing I have on my mind is taking out the Briscoes. I will live, sleep, and breath, going after the Straight Edge Survivors. So come on, I am waiting. Get out here now or I will limp my ass to the back and find you.

The Briscoes jump the guard rail and run into the ring. Bryan doesn't see him and they jump him from behind. Mark has a led pipe and is beating Daniel down with it. Bryan's forehead has already re-opened from the cut he suffered in the cage match at Born to Bleed. Daniel Bryan is bleeding severly as the Briscoes continue the beat down. Spike Dudley comes out with a smirk on his face as he slides into the ring and helps the Briscoes beat down on Daniel Bryan.

Taylor: For those of you who don't know, Spike is the youngest Dudley and he debuted in IWF at Born to Bleed, turning on his brothers the Dudleyz and joing Cm Punk and the Briscoes as a Straight Edge Survivor.

As they beat down Daniel Bryan, the D-Von and Bubba Ray rush to the ring with steel chairs to make the save. As SES runs away the Dudleyz grab a mic.

Bubba Ray: Spike, you want to turn on us? We practically raised you and this is how you repay us. Well that's fine because it was the worse mistake you could have ever made. You are no longer our brother. You are now our enemy. So what do you say, you three come back into this ring and we will have a six man tag?

Spike has a mic and begins to speak.

Spike: That's where you're wrong Ray. My decision to join SES was not the worst mistake of my life. It was the best decision I have ever made. As for your challenge, hell yeah we fucken accept!

SES runs back into the ring as the bell rings.

Spike Dudley and The Briscoes vs. Bubba Ray, D-Von, and Daniel Bryan

Mark Briscoe is starting the match off with D-Von Dudley.

Taylor: The Dudleyz, Daniel Bryan, and the Briscoes all have to be soar as fuck from their matches at Born to Bleed.

Hamler: Well the *****es can suck it up and compete.

D-Von charges at Mark but he ducks and then throws some strikes. Mark irish whips him across the ring and D-Von charges back at him with a clothesline. Mark gets bumped pretty hard and D-Von looks for a quick pin. Jay runs in and breaks up the pin. Jay gets back in his corner but D-Von is staring him down with a look of frustration. As D-Von is distracted, Mark rolls him up with a schoolboy. D-Von kicks out very quickly but Mark jumps up fast and makes a quick tag to Jay. Jay goes to the top rope but D-Von runs at the top rope and grabs him. He flips Jay off the top turnbuckle and crashes down to the mat hard. D-Von cathes him with an elbow drop into a pin and Jay kicks out at a near two. D-von irish whips him into the corner and tags in Bubba Ray. Bubba throws some chops at Jay's chest and then sends him across the ring. Bubba cathes him with a double A spine buster into a pin. Spike runs in and breaks the pin this time. Spike stays in the ring and gets in Ray's face. They have a stare off before Spike knees him in the groin and Bubba drops to his knees. As Spike laughs, the crowd is giving him tons of heat. Spike plants Bubba with a ddt and D-Von runs in after Spike. He slides out of the ring and the Briscoes cut off D-Von. Mark and Jay beat down D-Von but Daniel Bryan grabs a chair and runs at them. Bryan nails both Briscoes with a steel chair and is now running after Spike. Bryan is chasing him out of the building. Spike runs and hops into a car and drives off. Bryan comes back into the Institute with the chair and is now charging at both the Briscoes. Daniel tells D-Von that Spike has left in the car so D-Von makes his way out to the parking lot. As D-Von looks for Spike, out of nowhere a car, comes right at D-Von and hits him full force. Everything is shown on the titantron as the car window rolls down and Spike was the driver of course. He laughs constantly and then drives off. Bubba is still with Bryan fighting off the briscoes and has no idea what has happened to D-von.

Taylor: My God, Spike Dudley just ran over D-Von with that car. Someone get him some help.

EMT's and Paramedics help D-Von and Bubba notices what is going on by looking at the titantron. Ray runs out of the arena and is by D-Von's side. Ray is pissed and is yelling at all the paramedics. D-Von is put on a strether and is loaded into the ambulance. Bubba hops in the ambulance with him and rides to the hospital by D-Von's side. Daniel Bryan is left in the ring to fight both Briscoes by himself. It is pretty much now a handicap match. As daniel beats down Mark Briscoe, Jay jumps him from behind with a chair to the skull. Jay helps Mark to his feet, and gives him a chair as well. The pick Bryan up and hit him with both chairs with a canchairto. Mark covers him for the pin and the win.

Justin Roberts: Here are your winners, The Briscoe Brothers and Spike Dudley!

Trainers and officials come out to help Daniel Bryan as it looks like he may have a concussion.

We go to the back where Maria is in Christopher Daniels' lockeroom.

Maria: Chris, how do you feel that Daniel bryan gave up his spot in the Insane Asylum and suggested you take his spot?

Daniels: I admire Daniel Bryan as a person and a competitor. I thank him for that and that is all I can really do I guess. I am honored that he chose me. When I first came in, I wanted to be the poster boy of this company and I haven't done shit. However, I won't whine and complain. I will take this oppurtunity to show everyone what Christopher Daniels can do. I will walk or should I say climb out of the Insane Asylum world heavyweight champion!

We head back down to the ring where we see Husky Harris and Mike McGillicutty. They both have a mic in hand.

McGillicutty: We were in the WWE and it seemed like they were keeping us down. They wanted us as a tag team and nothing else. We are here in IWF to compete as tag team and singles competitors. WWE also wanted us to use these stupid ass names. My real name is not Mike McGillicutty. His name is not Husky Harris. My real name is Joe Hennig and I am damn proud of it. So from now on I want to go by Joe Hennig.

Harris: As for me I want to now go by my real name, Duke Rotundo. I am proud to be a Rotundo dammit and I don't want to hide my legacy by some ridiculous ass names. So piss on Husky Harris. I am Duke Rotundo bitch!

Super Crazy and Pscicosis come out to the ring to a loud pop on their signature Jaun Deere lawn mowers.

Duke Rotundo with Joe Hennig vs. Super Crazy with Pscicosis

Super Crazy charges at Rotundo and they lock up. Rotundo backs him down into the corner and spears him hard over and over into the corner. Rotundo then backs up and charges at him but Crazy ducks and then plants him with a drop kick. Crazy hops up and runs across the ropes. Crazy comes back and flips on top of Rotundo. He manages to lift up his knees and Crazy crashes down on the knees of Duke Rotundo. Duke rolls over on him but Crazy kicks out at two. Duke picks up Husky and goes for a snap suplex. Super crazy reverses it into a tornado ddt. The crowd in the Institute begin to chant "holy shit" while Crazy rolls over on him. Joe Hennig runs over and puts Rotundo's leg on the bottom rope. The ref never saw it but he notices Rotundo's leg on the bottom rope. The crowd gives them a ton of heat and Crazy gets a pop as he climbs to the top rope. Rotundo is up to his feet and Crazy flips back for a moonsault but Rotundo cathes him and reveres it into a powerslam hard. Rotundo then runs and jumps on top of Crazy with his signature body drop landing full force on Crazy. Rotundo pins him for the three count.

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner, Duke Rotundo!

Hamler: This show has been wild and crazy since the start and we still have one more match for you. Let's send it back to Justin Roberts for this next and final match of the night.

Roberts: This contest is scheduled for one fall and is your main event of the evening. Weighing in at a near 248 pounds from Orangeberg South Carolina, Shelton Benjamin!

He comes out to a massive pop as he enters the ring.

Roberts: And his opponent from Battlecreek, Michigan, weighing in at a near 240 lbs Rob Van Dam.

"One of a Kind" he gets a massive pop when his music hits and he runs to the ring.

Taylor: RVD managed to pull out a victory over both Taz and Dean Malenko at Born to Bleed. Tonight he battles another fan favorite, RVD.

Shelton Benjamin vs. Rob Van Dam

Shelton and RVD lock up. RVD catches him in an arm lock and then trips him up with his feet. RVD knocks him on his back but Shelton brings him down with him. They both hit the mat and jump up quickly. Shelton offers a handshake and then RVD shakes his hand before they lock up once again. Shelton applies a headlock and brings him down with a hip toss. Shelton has the headlock wrenched in tightly. RVD gets to his feet and pushes Shelton off. Benjamin runs across the ropes and comes back. RVD cathes him into a backbreaker and then goes for a pin. RVD only gets a one count before Shelton kicks out. RVD gets him to his feet and Irish whips him but Shelton reverses into an Irish Whip to RVD into the corner. RVD bounces off the turnbuckle and runs back. Shelton Benjamin picks him up and flips him into a back body drop. Shelton picks him up once again and goes for a side suplex. RVD flips off of it and reverses into a northern lights suplex, pin. Shelton lifts his shoulder at two. Shelton rolls out of the ring but RVD runs and leaps over the top rope into a flip on top of him as they crash on the concrete of the Institute. RVD picks him up and puts him in a piledriver/powerbomb position. Shelton flips him back and he hits with a wicked thud on the concrete. Shelton hops back into the ring and flips himself over the top rope and lands on RVD on the floor.

Taylor: Holy shit, that could have just fucked RVD's intestines up!

Shelton rolls him back into the ring and goes for a pin. RVD kicks out at a near three. Shelton picks him up for a T-Bone Suplex. RVD reverses into a T-Bone Suplex of his own. RVD connects and heads to the top rope.

Hamler: The cunt just used Shelton's finisher against him.

RVD taunts and then leaps off for a Five Star Frog Splash. He connects and pins him for the three.

Roberts: Here is your winner, "The Whole Fucken Show' Rob Van Dam.

The crowd pops loudly as RVD gets Shelton up and they shake hands as we go off air.

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