Gail Kim
Taylor Wilde
Mickie James
Cheerleader Melissa
Madison Rayne
Beth Phoenix
Christy Hemme
WPWF Nightmare
Main Event
Shawn Michaels (F)
Edge (H)
Chris Jericho (H)
Batista (F)
Samoa Joe (H)
Upper Card
Christian (F)
Hernandez (F)
Abyss (F)
Kane (H)
Christopher Daniels (F)
Chris Masters (H)
Jay Lethal (F)
Jeff Hardy (F)
Matt Hardy (F)
Chris Sabin (H)
Alex Shelley (H)
Kenny Dykstra (H)
Dr. Stevie (H)
Brian Kendrick (F)
Paul London (F)
R-Truth (F)
Shark Boy
Jimmy Wang Yang
WPWF Intercontinental Championship
WPWF International Tag team Championships
WPWF Rampage
GM: Teddy Long
Commentators: Mike Tenay & Taz
PPV's: The Massacre, Breakdown
Interviewers: Becky Bayless
Main Event:
CM Punk
A.J. Styles
Nigel McGuiness
Austin Aries
Upper Mid:
Amazing Red
Elix Skipper
Steve Corino
Paul Burchill
Tommy Dreamer
The Sandman
Teddy Hart
Eric Young
Lance Cade
Consequences Creed
Petey Williams
Doug Williams
Mustafa Saed
New Jack
Mike Knox
Scott Steiner
Trevor Murdoch
Juventud Guerrera
Cheerleader Melissa
Madison Rayne
Beth Phoenix
Christy Hemme
WPWF Television Championship: Vacant
WPWF Rampage Tag Team Championship: Vacant
WPWF Womens Rampage Champions
Riot by Three Days Grace hits and kicks off WPWF Catastrophe.
Todd Grisham-Welcome Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and everyone at home to the first episode of WPWF Catastrophe! Todd Grisham here and I will be joined every week by my broadcast colleague, Matt Striker. Matt Striker-Thank you Todd. It is my honor to be sitting along side you broadcasting the first episode of Catastrophe brought to you by the new upstart wrestling organization, World Pro Wrestling Federation. Grisham-Im flattered Matt, but in all seriousness this is a great moment in wrestling history and the roster that the WPWF has created is a great mix of wrestlings best. Striker-I dont wanna sound bias Todd, but I feel Catastrophe has the best talent of all the shows. But that is why Im working on this brand and not the others.
Emperor hits as General Manager, William Regal approaches the ring.
William Regal-It brings me great honor to be here in front of you as the general manager of one of the WPWFs new brands. And to be apart of the WPWFs first show is even more honoring. Monday Night Catastrophe, with me guiding it will be the highest rated show in the WPWF. With that said, I was given a memo from the Board of Directors here in the WPWF about crowning a WPWF Undisputed champion. Now while I feel the championship should be given to Catastrophe off the bat, I have no choice but to select a superstar from our brand to represent us in the Championship match at our first major PPV, December to Remember. Now Im going to hold three qualifying matches tonight and the winners will face off next week with the winner of that going on to represent Catastrophe at December to Remember.
Striker-What an announcement from our general manager! Who could these participants be Todd? Grisham-You know about as much as I do Matt. But I like our chances of capturing the Undisputed Championship.
Justin Roberts-This is a qualifying match for a spot in the Undisputed Championship match for Catastrophe!
Roberts-Introducing first, from Venice Beach, California .THE ICON STING!!!!
Sting comes out to a huge pop from the fans. As he makes his way to the ring for a potential shot at the Undisputed Championship.
Grisham-Here comes The Icon Sting. A fan favorite over the years and he still has it Todd and he is looking for a spot in the match to represent Catastrophe at December to Remember.
Roberts-And his opponent, from Silsbee, Texas THE WORLDS STRONGEST MAN MARK HENRY!!!!
Striker-It is going to be a tough duty for Sting to get into that match next week. He has to cross paths with the Worlds Strongest Man. This will be a tough task, but if anyone can take out the silverback, it is Sting.
Sting starts off trying to avoid Mark Henry. This last for a minute or so until Henry has Sting cornered. Henry goes to grab Sting, but Sting moves out of the way and Henry crashes into the corner. Sting starts to dish out some lefts and rights into Henrys back. Ref breaks them up and Henry turns and Sting goes for a Stinger Splash, but Henry catches him and throws him into the corner. Henry then squashes Sting into the corner. Sting falls to the ground and Henry drags him to the middle of the ring and goes for the cover.
Henry argues with the ref and he lifts Sting up and clubs him in the back off the head, knocking him back onto the canvas. Henry has a sadistic smile on his face as he lifts Sting up again and clubs him. Henry then kicks Sting in the ribs four times and goes for another cover.
Striker-You know what Todd, it is gonna take more than a few kicks and clubs to keep the Icon down for a 3 count. Grisham-Sting is a wily veteran and he knows his limits and Henry is trying to break his spirit here, but Sting will not give in that easily.
Henry lifts Sting back off the canvas and whips him into the ropes and takes him down with a body avalanche. Sting holds his ribs as Henry has a serious look on his face. He is getting major heat as he kicks away at Stings ribs. Henry lifts Sting up and throws him into the corner. He runs at Sting, but Sting counters and hits Henry with a big boot. Henry is barely fazed by it and goes for another splash. Sting yet again hits Henry with a big boot. Henry is a little woozy, as Sting builds up the strength to get on the middle rope and hit Henry with a flying bulldog.
Striker-What a desperation move by the Stinger. Out of nowhere he pulls off a bulldog from the middle rope Grisham-Both men are down Matt. Can Sting pull off the comeback or will Henry take control, find out after a short break.
Grisham-Welcome back from the commercial break folks. During the break, Mark Henry took back control of the match with a monstrous clothesline and now has Sting locked it a bearhug. Striker-Henry has that bearhug locked in perfectly. His massive arms are sucking the life out of the Stinger as we speak. Im not sure how much longer Sting can hold on.
Henry continues to apply pressure on Sting as the ref signals that Sting has yet to give up. Sting looks as if he has passed out and the ref lifts his arm up and it drops back down. The ref does this a 2nd time and again his arm falls. The ref goes to do it a 3rd and when he drops Stings arm it stays in the around. Sting gets a sudden burst of energy as he punches Mark Henry in the head until the hold is release. Stings energy is building as he hits off numerous lefts and rights. He runs across the ropes and nails Henry with a flying forearm. It doesnt budge the big man. Sting goes for another, but to no avail. Sting goes for a 3rd and this time Henry falls to one knee. Sting then runs across the ropes and hits Henry square in the head with a dropkick, knocking the big man down. The crowd pops as Sting has got him down and goes for the cover.
Striker-What strength by Mark Henry! He just threw Sting right off him like he was a sack of feathers Todd.
Henry starts to get back to his feet, but Sting tries to keep the momentum in his favor with a series of chops across Henrys chest that stagger the big man. Sting then tries to whip Henry into the corner, but he cant get the big man to budge. Henry counters and tosses Sting into the corner. He goes to splash Sting, but Sting rolls out of the way and Henry runs straight into the turnbuckle. Sting takes advantage and gets Henry in a school boy.
Sting stays on the offensive and keeps Henry on the ground and hits him with a series of lefts and rights until Henry tosses him off. Henry starts to get to his feet, but Sting hits him with a dropkick to his knee, knocking him down. Sting tries to seize the opportunity and goes for the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting tries and tries, but he cant get Henry to budge. Sting looks as if he finally has it, but Henry kicks him off and Sting goes flying, crashing into referee Mickie Henson, knocking him to the outside.
Grisham-The ref is down! The ref is down!
Sting pays no attention to the ref being knocked out and heads straight back to Henry. Henry is dazed as he needs the ropes to get back on his feet. Sting capitalizes and nails Henry with a Scorpion Deathdrop. Sting gets back up and tries to attempt another Scorpion Deathlock. This time he gets it locked in and Henry immediately taps out.
Grisham-Sting has the match won Matt, its over! Striker-Not so fast Todd. The referee is still down and has not seen Mark Henry tap out.
Sting releases the hold and goes out to check on Mickie Henson. Sting helps Henson to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Henry is starting to get back up as Sting heads to him. Sting starts to get Henry to his feet, but Henry nails Sting with a low blow. Sting falls to the ground and Henry gets back up. Henry then runs across the ropes and hits Sting with the a Running Splash. Henry then lifts Sting up and drops him with the Worlds Strongest Slam. He hooks the leg and goes for the cover.
Referee Mickie Henson signals for the bell.
Roberts-The winner of the match, by pinfall MARK HENRY! Grisham-I dont believe this Matt. Mark Henry is sneaking out of here with a victory and moves one step closer to representing Monday Night Catastrophe in the Undisputed title match. Striker-As much as Id like to agree with you Todd, the referee didnt see any of this go down, so Mark Henry, despite the dirtiness, is walking out of here with a clean victory.
Grisham-Welcome back folks. In case you just joined us, Mark Henry has moved on to the match next week to earn a spot in the Undisputed Title match at December to Remember. Henry used a little shortcut, but that is for here nor there.
***Grisham is interrupted by the music of The Game, Triple H***
Triple H shows up on stage. He heads towards the ring, as the crowd gives him a standing ovation.
Triple H-Tonight embarks a new era in professional wrestling. Tonight is the beginning of the WPWF era! And what better place for the game to be than Monday Night Catastrophe! The roster is full of new faces. And none of them are going to get in my way to the top of the WPWF mountain and becoming the WPWF Undisputed World Champion!
Striker-Here he is Todd, The All-American American. What could Swagger have on his mind here? Grisham-Who knows Matt, but Triple H doesnt look too pleased about the interruption.
Swagger (in his lisp)-Now Hunter, dont look so surprised. You had to be expecting this. I mean you are out here running your mouth how you are the King of Kings and no one can dethrone you. You see Hunter, your success has been based on who you associate with. You married Vinces daughter, putting you on good terms with the boss. You were best buddies with Shawn Michaels, giving you backstage power, as you were sided with one of the top stars. You also had some time with Ric Flair. You rode his coattails for all it was worth. You used all of them to get where you are today. You wouldnt have been able to do it by yourself Hunter. You needed others to help you get to the top. Well guess what Hunter, this aint the WWE. Your wife isnt here to feed you title reigns. You arent getting anywhere in the WPWF because of who you know. See Hunter, we are all equals here. No one cares that you are the so called face of Catastrophe. That doesnt matter. What matters is what you do to establish yourself. And you are just my first stepping stone Hunter. After I take out the so called face of the brand, I will move on to bigger and better thing. I have a list of every superstar in the back who I plan on taking out on my way to the top. Cause you see Hunter, this isnt your show; this here is MY show.
Triple H (with a smirk on his face)-You listen here kid, I dont need you here running your mouth and telling me how this is your show. Have you even hit puberty yet? And when you get rid of that ridiculous lisp, then come out here and run your mouth and tells how this is your show.
Swagger (with a snarl)-You know what your problem is Hunter? You have given into all these fans. You are now one of their beloved heroes. You arent the guy you once were. The guy that didnt give a crap what these idiots thought about him. Youre a has been Triple H, and you need to realize that and step out of the limelight and allow me to take over as wrestlings top dog.
Triple H-Listen Swagger, how bout you stop running your mouth and do something about it. You know what, you are right. I had it good in the WWE. But just because I had it good doesnt mean I didnt need to work to get where I am today. I have tore ligaments and I have put my body through hell to get to where I am today. I worked to become a top star in the wrestling business Swagger.
Swagger (smiling)-Hunter, you need to stop kidding yourself. Dont be feeding these idiots that garbage that you feed reporters or interviewers. Why dont you admit it Hunter? Huh? Why dont you tell these so called beloved fans that you used those people to get where you are? You have done nothing of significance when you were all alone. But once the stars aligned, you took advantage of them, and your career sky rocketed to the top.
Triple H-I dont have to admit anything to you Swagger. You are a punk who doesnt think before he speaks. What you are doing is the biggest mistake of your life. What you are doing is putting your career in jeopardy, because once I got a piece of you, there will be no Jack Swagger.
Swagger (chuckling)-The only mistake I made is not calling you out sooner. Hunter, you may be able to put fear into the eyes of most of those backstage and threaten them if they attempt to call you out. That wont work with me Hunter. Im not afraid of you. You know that I am better than you and you are afraid of me surpassing the legacy you have achieved. Hunter, you are nothing more than a fraud in this business. You should be treated like all those in baseball known of using steroids. Your career achievements should be marked with an asterisk. All that you are Hunter is an asterisk in the mind of all the fans and to all the superstars in the back.
Triple H has heard enough and he knocks Swagger down with a big right hand. He rips off his leather jacket, as Swagger rolls out of the ring holding his jaw. Triple H is signaling for him to get back into the ring, but Swagger heads up the entrance ramp staring a hole right through Triple H.
Grisham-Jack Swagger could be barking up the wrong tree Matt. What is going through his mind that would make him want to come out here and interrupt The Game? Striker-Well Todd it is simple. Swagger is trying to make a name for himself here in the WPWF. Why not come out and call out of wrestlings greatest. Its a gutsy move Todd and only time will tell if it will pay off. Todd we are going to have to cut this conversation short, because I understand that Lauren is backstage with a VERY special guest. Lauren take it away.
Lauren-Thank you Matt. You are right Matt, I am here with a very special guest. Im backstage with none other than THE IMMORTAL HULK HOGAN! Thank you for joining me Mr. Hogan. Hogan-You know what Lauren? Theres no need to call me Mr.. Just stick to Hulk, Sister. Lauren-Alright Hulk. How do you feel to be back around wrestling here in the WPWF? Hogan-Its awesome Lauren! The Hulkster is back and Im ready to make an impact in the wrestling world again Sister. All the Hulkamaniacs are back and their juiced up more than ever to see the Hulkster get back into the ring. Lauren-That brings me to my next question Hulk. Tonight you go one on one with
Out of nowhere Jack Swagger blindsides Hogan with a chop block. Swagger beats away on Hogan. Swagger rips the mic from Laurens hand and starts beating Hogan in the head with it. Lauren runs off screaming for help, as Swagger continues to assault Hogan. Swagger rips the camera out of the cameramans hands and he nails Hogan in the face with it. Hogan starts bleeding profusely. Swagger lifts Hogans motionless body up and drops him with a Gutwrench Powerbomb. Swagger grabs the mic.
Swagger (breathing heavily)-This is just the start. One top star down and plenty more to go. Triple H, you think you can embarrass me?
*Swagger walks over to Hogan and kneels down and lifts his bloody head off the ground*
This is your fate Hunter (as Swagger points to Hogan). Your end is near. You better be watching your back because what I did here to the so called Immortal Hulk Hogan is nothing compared to what Im gonna do to you.
Swagger slams down the mic and walks away as we cut to commercial.
Grisham-Welcome back. Before the break Hulk Hogan was viciously attacked by Jack Swagger. We have learned that Hulk Hogan was rushed to the hospital and will miss his match against John Cena later tonight. Striker-As a Hulkamaniac Todd, this is disappointing news. No matter how old the Hulkster is he can still go in the ring. This is a big blow to our opening episode. William Regal has a big decision to make as to what to do with that match and some sort of punishment for Jack Swagger.
Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and the winning lady gets a shot next week at the Ladies Championship!
Roberts-Introducing first, from Richmond, Virginia MICKIE JAMES!!!!
Mickie comes out to a huge pop as she hurries to the ring for a chance at the Ladies Championship.
Grisham-And here comes Mickie James. One of, if not the fans favorite diva.
Roberts-And here opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada GAIL KIM!!!
Striker-And here comes a tough opponent for Mickie. Gail Kim is no slouch. This should be a fantastic battle of these lovely ladies.
Kim and James shake hands as referee Jack Doan rings the bell. They lock up and Kim gains the advantage and gets James into a headlock. James pushes out of the hold and throws Kim across the ropes. Kim hits the ropes and James goes for a clothesline, but Kim ducks and manages to roll James up in the process. Doan goes for the count.
Grisham-Gail Kim almost got a quick win there Matt. Striker-A fantastic counter by Gail Kim. Mickie James lucky to not be caught off guard.
Back to the match and James this time wins the lock up and gets Kim in the headlock. Kim tries to break out of it, but James hangs on. Kim tries again and fails. Kim gives it a third try and is able to get James up for a side suplex. Kim goes for another cover.
Kim lifts James up off the mat, but James hooks Kim into a small package.
Striker-A sneaky sneaky move there by Mickie James. Almost got Kim for the 3 count, but Gail managed to kick out just in time
Both ladies get right back up and start swapping forearm shots. Kim gains control and whips Mickie across the ropes and nails her with a spinning heel kick. Kim then hits Mickie with consecutive elbow drops. She goes for the cover.
Kim picks James up and hits her with a couple of body chops. Kim goes for a suplex, but Mickie blocks it and hits Kim with a couple of shots to the midsection. James continues the assault with consecutive forearms shots. Mickie goes for Mickie-DT, but Kim pushes her off. James bounces off the ropes and Kim ducks down and Mickie counters with a Sunset Flip into a cover.
Referee Jack Doan signals for the bell.
Justin Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall MICKIE JAMES!
Grisham-And it looks like Mickie James will get a shot at the Ladies Championship next week on Catastrophe Matt. And she will know just who she is facing later on tonight. Striker-Both females brought it tonight Todd, but Mickie got the win out of nowhere.
Kim and James shake hands. Kim heads out as Mickie continues to celebrate her victory.
Lauren-Now joining me, Dol . Ziggler-Dolph Ziggler Lauren-Well tonight Dolph you are in action and fighting to earn a spot in the Regional Championship match. Ziggler-You see Lauren, I am the epitome of perfection. I am what the WPWF is looking for in a franchise player. I bring everything to the table Lauren. And when I win the Regional championship here on Catastrophe, people will remember the name DOLPH ZIGGLER!
Regal-Get him out of here, you are ruining my show you hooligan!
*Security has Jack Swagger contained and they start to drag him out of the arena*
Lauren-Mr. Regal, Mr. Regal, what are you going to do about Hulk Hogans match against John Cena? Regal-Well Lauren, I have no other choice but to give Cena the win by forfeit and put him into the match against Mark Henry next week along with the winner of Triple H and The Undertaker match that will main event our show tonight.
Grisham-What an announcement by William Regal. We will hear from John Cena later tonight and well get his thoughts on getting into the triple threat match to represent Monday Night Catastrophe at December to Remember. And earlier tonight Mark Henry earned a spot with a victory over Sting. Striker-And with two of those three known we know what two have a shot at that third spot. Undertaker and Triple H in our main event tonight. William Regal really knows how to run a show!
Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and the winner will earn a spot in a future match for the Regional Championship!
Roberts-Introducing first, from Hollywood, California DOLPH ZIGGLER!
Striker-And here comes the young, brash, epitome of perfection, Dolph Ziggler. He isnt the shy kind Todd. He is never afraid to approach you and let you know who he is.
Ziggler receives a negative reaction from the crowd as he flings water from his hair at them.
Roberts-And his opponent from Calabria, Italy SANTINO MARELLA!
Grisham-And here comes the Italian Stallion, the Milan Miracle, Santino Marella. Dont let Santinos goofiness fool you, he can sneak a victory by you. Dolph better keep his eyes open.
Referee Noah Wilson signals for the bell and the match is underway. Ziggler puts his hand out for a shake. Santino goes to shake it, but Ziggler pulls it away, strokes his hair and flings the residue at Santino. Santino shakes it off and runs at Ziggler. Ziggler catches Santino with a knee in the sternum and then hits him with a forearm shot in the back, knocking Santino onto the ground. Ziggler goes for a quick cover, but Santino kicks out before the ref can make a count. Ziggler lifts Santino up and drops him with a vertical suplex. Ziggler then locks Santino in a headlock. Ziggler screams at the ref to ask Santino if he quits. Santino wont quit as the crowd starts to chant his name.
Grisham-Listen to these people Matt. You can tell they despise Ziggler and love the very lovable Santino Marella!
Santino starts to get behind the crowd as he gets up on one knee and nails Ziggler with an elbow. Ziggler keeps the hold intact as Santino is up one both feet and he hits Ziggler with consecutive elbows. Santino now has the control and he hits Ziggler with lefts and rights. He grabs Ziggler and whips him across the ropes and hits him with a running clothesline. He then follows that up with his trademark saluting headbutt. He goes for the cover.
Santino lifts Dolph up and whips him across the ropes and goes for another clothesline, but Ziggler ducks. Ziggler bounces off the ropes and the two men hit a double crossbody and are both knocked out.
Striker-I dont know about you Todd, but a double crossbody is pretty painful and could do some serious damage to your ribcage. Grisham-Ill take your word Matt. Who will gain the advantage now that is back to a neutral setting, both men down, stay tuned!
Grisham-Welcome back! Ziggler back in the driver seat as during the break Ziggler played possum and got Santino with a poke to the eye. And now he is working on Santinos back with a bearhug.
Ziggler has a tight grip as Santino hits Ziggler, but cant garner enough strength to break the hold. Santino begins to fade and the ref lifts his arm and it falls back down. The ref goes to do it again, but Dolph drives Santino into the turnbuckle and rams his shoulder into Santinos sternum. Dolph goes for a splash, but Santino moves out of the way and rolls Dolph up.
Santino is quick to his feet, as is Dolph. Santino ducks a Dolph clothesline and gets Dolph into a small package.
Santino is quick to his feet again and hits Dolph with consecutive chops to the chest. Santino then hits him with an elbow. Dolph is dazed and Santino whips him into the corner. Santino runs at him and nails him with a running elbow. Ziggler remains in the corner and Santino goes for running clothesline. Ziggler moves as Santino crashes chest first into the corner. Ziggler capitalizes and nails Santino with a Zig Zag. Dolph goes for the cover.
Roberts-The winner of the match, by pinfall .DOLPH ZIGGLER!
Ziggler rolls out of the ring celebrating as he is generating some heat for mocking the crowd and Santino.
Striker-He may not be the most likeable guy and he may handle his business a little disrespectfully, but Ziggler brings it all in the ring and he will earn a future shot at the Regional Championship.
Lauren-As you just saw Dolph Ziggler has earned a future shot to win the Regional Championship. Well I have just talked to Mr. Regal and he has informed me that next week another superstar will join Ziggler in a chance to win the regional title. The match taking place next week will feature Ezekiel Jackson and my guest at this time, The Blueprint Matt Morgan. Matt, what is your strategy next week? Morgan-Strategy Lauren? Strategy? Zeke is a big man, dude is a monster. But Im bigger, Im faster, Im stronger, Im more elite. I am the Blueprint, I am the DNA of the WPWF. Im the future of this business and I can guarantee you that I will make my impact next week and look on to win the Regional championship and accomplish my goals of being the best in the WPWF.
Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and the winning lady will face Mickie James next week for the Ladies Championship!
Roberts-Introducing first, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada MARYSE!!!!
Striker-Here comes the Sultry Diva, the Sexiest of Sexy, the French-Canadian Beauty, the plus belle femme of the WPWF Grisham-I have no idea what you just said, but it definitely sounds like Maryse.
Roberts-Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California VICTORIA!!!!
Victoria receives a huge pop as she makes her way down the ring.
Striker-The Vicious Vixen, The Black Widow, Victoria. Maryse is going to have her hands full if she wants to get a title match.
Maryse mocks Victoria as referee Mickie Henson rings the bell. Victoria runs at Maryse, but she ducks under the ropes and Mickie Henson keeps Victoria back. Maryse continues to mock her. Victoria is pissed and she goes after Maryse, who runs out of the ring, but Victoria chases. Maryse ducks back in the ring and Victoria gets in as well. Maryse takes advantage and beats on Victoria while she is down on the mat. Maryse hammers away with elbow shots, fists, and axe handles to the back of Victoria. She goes for a cover.
Maryse takes Victoria by the hair and smashes the back of her head on the mat. Maryse goes for another cover.
Maryse lifts Victoria up and smacks her across the chest. She then whips her into the corner. Maryse runs for a clothesline, but is greeted with a big boot by Victoria. Maryse shakes it off and attempts another running clothesline and again is greeted by a Victoria big boot. Victoria hops up to the 2nd rope and nails Maryse with a diving bulldog. Victoria then hops on top of Maryse and starts pounding away. Hitting her with fists, forearms, headbutts, and head smashes on the mat. Maryse is able to roll her over and she does the same to Victoria. Victoria counters and does the process over again. Referee Mickie Henson breaks up the scuffle and manages to separate the two ladies.
Grisham-Look at these two ladies go, they really wanna shot at the Ladies Championship. Striker-Can you blame them Todd? We are talking about being the top Lady here on Catastrophe. Id be fighting my heart out. Grisham-Hold that thought Matt. Look what we have here. It looks like La Resistance, Sylvain Grenier and Rene Dupree are making there way to the ring. What do they have in mind?
Meanwhile, back in the ring, Victoria has regained control of the match as she has Maryse down on the mat and has her arms wrapped around her waist. Maryse wont submit as Mickie Henson continues to ask. Victoria notices La Resistance on the outside and seems distracted, as Maryse gets back to her feet and gets out of the hold. Maryse runs across the ropes, but Victoria connects with a clothesline. She goes for a cover.
Victoria starts to lift Maryse up off the mat. Meanwhile Sylvain climbs on the apron and Mickie Henson yells for him to get down. Victoria drops Maryse and tries to go after Sylvain. Mickie Henson holds her back. While this is going down Dupree slides his flag into the ring. Victoria backs away and Henson continues to yell at Sylvain. Victoria turns towards Maryse and she gets clotheslined across the throat with the flag pole. Maryse slides it back out to Dupree and goes for the cover. Sylvain jumps off the apron and Mickie Henson goes for the count.
Roberts-The winner of the match, by pinfall .MARYSE!
Grisham-I cant believe Maryse is going to walk away with a victory like this. Striker-While I may not agree with the tactics taken to win the match, it is still a win Todd. And we get a quality match next week no matter what. Maryse going up against Mickie James for the Ladies Championship next week on Catastrophe.
Lauren-Ladies and Gentlemen JOHN CENA!!! John, tonight you were scheduled for a match with Hulk Hogan to earn a spot in next weeks triple threat match to fight for the WPWF Undisputed Championship. But with what happened earlier tonight when Jack Swagger took out Hulk Hogan, the match was determined a forfeit and you were placed in the match with Mark Henry for next week.
Cena-Well Lauren, you know me, the fans know me, and all the talents here in the WPWF know me. I dont like things given to me Lauren. I was born and raised on the fact that you need to earn it to get it. And to be frank, I havent earned a shot into the match next week. Mark Henry, he earned his spot in the match by defeating Sting. And the winner of Triple H and Undertaker in our main event on our first ever show in the WPWF will have earned their spot. But me on the other hand, I was given my spot because some young punk, Jack Swagger felt he had to make a name for himself and take out Hulk Hogan. Well Swagger, you are making a name for yourself kid. You are becoming the most hated guy on Catastrophe. You think by calling people out and taking people out is going to make you more popular? Well guess what Swagger, you are now on Hunters bad side, your on Hogans bad side, and you are on my bad side. I imagine William Regal is pleased with you that you ruined a potential historic showdown between myself and the Immortal Hulk Hogan. A match of a lifetime, a dream match, a match of epic proportions, and you took it and crumbled this dream in your hands. You took something these fans were looking forward to and you took it away from them. So while I may not like you, and Hogan may not like you, and Hunter doesnt like you, the more important thing is THESE FANS dont like you. Swagger you better watch yourself cause you keep running your mouth and taking out the stars you, youll have another thing coming and trust me you wont like it!
Grisham-Cena doesnt seem to thrilled, but the fans and those at home should be on the edge of their seats, cause up next is Triple H against The Undertaker in our MAIN EVENT!!!!
Justin Roberts-This is a qualifying match for the final spot in the Undisputed Championship match for Catastrophe! The winner will join Mark Henry and John Cena next week in our main event!
Roberts-Introducing first, from Greenwich, Connecticut THE GAME TRIPLE H!
Grisham-Listen to the ovation for The Game! The WPWF fans just love Triple H and who could blame them Matt. He is one of the greatest stars to ever step foot in the squared circle. Striker-Triple H is one of the greats, but what Jack Swagger said earlier in the night has to make you think, could he have done it by himself?
Triple H does his trademark entrance as he awaits The Deadman.
Roberts-And his opponent, from Death Valley THE UNDERTAKER!
Grisham-And I thought The Games ovation was huge. It could only be topped by one man and that man is the Phenom! Striker-The Demon of Death Valley Todd. The Undertaker can play mind games with the best. He can get into your head before he even gets to the ring. You hear the gong and it sends chills down your back. A pitch dark arena with the glow of purplish blue lights and fog and you start to shake in your boots. And the ovation, the aura that follows Taker when he appears from behind those curtains, it is truly one of the greatest sites in wrestling today. Grisham-While that is usually the case Matt, we arent talking about any ordinary superstar going up against Taker. We are talking about Triple H. The Game knows what Taker is made of and The Game doesnt back down from anyone. This should be a classic main event on our first ever episode!
Taker and Triple H have a stare down in the middle of the ring. The flash bulbs go off, as this match has that main event feel. Neither man wants to make the first move as they continue the stare down. Triple H starts to talk smack and Undertaker talks back. Referee Jack Doan rings the bell and the two men break off from the stare down and get into a wrestling stance. The two are trying to get a feel for each other. Triple goes to lock up, but Taker swats him away. The two finally lock up and Triple H gets Taker into a headlock. Taker lifts him up, but Triple H uses his strength to get him back down to the mat. Taker lifts him again and drops him with the side suplex. Both men get right back to their feet. The crowd cheers as Triple H nods his head as a sign of respect towards Taker. The two lock up again and Taker gains the control and gets Triple H in the headlock. Triple H tries to lift him up, but Taker keeps himself grounded. Triple H pulls at Takers hair and drags the lockup to the ropes. He tries to throw Taker but Taker just moves back to the middle of the ring. Triple H again tugs on Takers hair, but Taker shakes him off. Hunter manages to drag Taker to the ropes again and he throws him off and whips him across the ring. Taker hits the ropes and Triple H takes him down with a shoulder block. Taker gets right back up and adjusts his gloves and points at Triple H and nods his head.
Grisham-While these two men arent the best of friends, you know they respect each other. Striker-Yes they do Todd. And the fact they have the same goal, that being to be the king here in the WPWF. Triple H, the King of Kings, and Undertaker claims the ring as his yard. These two men hold rights to those claims and definitely can make the monikers. Two of the best!
The two get into another stare down and a battle of smack talk. Triple H goes for a punch, but Taker blocks and nails him with one of his own. Taker goes for another, this time Triple H blocks and hits with his own fist. The two trade fists back and forth as the crowd is in aw of the match in the early going with neither man taking control. The crowd is split, Triple H chants followed by Undertaker chants flow throughout the arena. Triple H gains control of the fist fight and he gets Taker backed into the corner. Triple H keeps the punches going to the head and the sternum of Taker. Triple H then starts driving his shoulder into Taker. Triple H finishes it off with three more shoulder thrust. He goes back to punching Taker, but Taker starts to block the blows. Taker grabs Triple H and throws him into the corner. Taker starts punching away furiously to the sternum of Triple H. Triple H falls to the ground as the Jack Doan separates him and Taker. Triple H pulls himself back to his feet. He is woozy in the corner and Taker runs at him, but Triple H moves and Taker blows into the corner. Triple H goes for a quick roll up.
Triple H doesnt let Taker get back to his feet as he pummels away at Takers head with fist shots. Referee Jack Doan manages to pull Hunter off Taker. Taker is now woozy as he starts to get to his feet. Triple H runs at him, but Taker ducks and back body drops him over the top rope and crashing down to the floor. Taker falls to the ground, as Triple H rolls on the outside.
Grisham-What a match! Both men are down, who will gain control and earn the final spot in the triple threat to earn a shot at the WPWF Undisputed Championship?
Grisham-Welcome back everyone. During the break, Undertaker went on to bring Triple H back into the ring, but the sneaky veteran Hunter is, he took the Phenom and pulled him into the steel turn post. Striker-That was a smart veteran move by The Game. You gotta keep Taker grounded, you dont want to give him any sense of control or hell finish you off quickly. Triple H knows this Todd. These two have faced off many times in the past and now that Triple H has control he is going to be looking to end this sooner rather than later.
Triple H has Taker in a sleeper hold. Taker is starting to fade out. The fans are getting behind him. Jack Doan goes to lift Takers arm and he drops it. Doan goes to do this again, and Takers arm falls back to his side. Doan goes for a third time, but Taker grabs Doans arm. The crowd erupts as Taker starts moving around. Taker gets himself on one knee, Hunter keeps the move locked in. Taker hits Triple H with consecutive elbow shots. Triple H breaks the hold and runs across the ropes. Taker is just about up to his feet. He turns as Hunter is running at him and he catches him in a body slam. Taker goes for the cover.
Taker lifts Triple H up and he starts working on the arm. He twists it and Triple H screeches in pain. Taker does it again and Triple H squints, as he tries to push Taker off. Taker keeps the pressure and hold applied and he heads towards the ropes. Taker climbs the ropes and goes for Old School. He balances himself and starts walking the top rope. Triple H has other plans as he pushes Taker off the ropes. Taker lands on the apron and Hunter pulls down on Takers arm bouncing it off the top rope and knocking Taker to the outside. Hunter holds his arm as the ref checks on him and starts a ten count on Taker. Jack Doan gets to a five count, but Triple H breaks up the count as he goes outside to get Taker. Hunter tries to drag him in, but Taker refuses. Triple H lifts Taker up, but Taker greats him with an throat thrust. The two men start brawling on the outside. Referee Jack Doan stops his count and he goes outside to try to break up the scuffle. He has no affect, as Hunter throws Taker into the steel stairs and he flips over them. Triple H runs over at Taker, who is getting back up to his feet. Triple H jumps but Taker catches him and drives him into the steel post. Taker throws Triple H back into the ring. Taker rolls back into the ring and he lifts Hunter up on his shoulder. He runs to the corner and drops him on his face, good old fashion Snake Eyes. Hunter is dazed and Taker runs across the ropes and hits a turning Triple H with a giant big boot. Taker goes for the cover.
Taker cant believe it. He lifts Hunter off the mat and whips him across the ropes. He goes for another big boot, but Triple H ducks out of the way. He bounces off the other ropes and hits Undertaker with a running high knee. Triple H lifts Taker off the mat and goes for a Pedigree. But Taker counters and pulls Triple H onto the mat. He grabs Hunters legs and slingshots him into the corner. Taker then grabs Hunter and sets him up for a Tombstone. Triple H slides off Takers head and grabs his head and hits Taker with knee smash. Triple H lifts Taker up and whips him across the rope and goes for a Spinebuster, but in mid air Taker counters the move with a DDT. Both men are down as Jack Doan starts his ten count.
Both men start to slowly move to get on their feet.
Both men grab the ropes and manage to pull themselves to their feet right before Jack Doan got to ten. Both men are exhausted and can barely stand.
Grisham-What an amazing battle between two of wrestlings best. These men are taking each other to the limit and neither of them wants to be on the losing end of the battle. Striker-You got that right Todd. These two are putting on a classic and it is a shame that one of them has to be on the losing end of the effort here tonight.
Both superstars are practically holding each other up. Taker hits Triple H with a right hand, knocking him down on one knee. Triple H hops back up and hits Taker with a right of his own. Taker falls to one knee. Taker hops back up. Triple goes for a clothesline, but Taker ducks, runs across the ropes and hits a flying clothesline, knocking Triple H to the ground and rolls outside. Triple H needs the apron to get back to his feet. Taker runs across the ropes and hurdles the top rope and nails Triple H as both men crash into the front of the announce table. Jack Doan runs to the outside and checks to make sure neither of the superstars are injured. Jack Doan gives the ok symbol as the two are still able to go. Both men slowly get back to their feet and roll into the ring. The two men trade fists for nearly a minute. Taker gains control and he goes for a Chokeslam. He lifts Hunter up, but Triple H breaks out and goes for a Pedigree, but Taker back body drops out of it. Undertaker lifts Triple H up and goes for a Tombstone. Triple H counters and hits Taker with a Tombstone of his own. He goes for a cover.
Triple H cant believe Taker kicked out.
Grisham-What the hell is this? How in the hell did Jack Swagger get out here? He just hurdled the guard rail and is now heading his way into the ring. Striker-We saw Swagger escorted out of here by security and he managed to find a way back into the arena
Jack Swagger gets into the ring and Triple H, who has Taker set up for a Pedigree, drops Taker and starts yelling at Swagger. He starts yelling at him to get out of the ring. Swagger just smiles and shakes his head. Hunter is getting furious as Swagger just stands there not making a move. Hunter dares him to hit him. Taker slowly gets back to his feet as Swagger continues to stare Hunter down. Hunter is still yelling at Swagger to hit him. Taker gets back to his feet and Swagger nails him with a giant right hand. The ref rings the bell and Swagger clocks Triple H and runs out of the ring and up the entrance ramp.
Roberts-The winner of the match by disqualification THE UNDERTAKER!!!
Grisham-I dont believe this Matt. Jack Swagger got Triple H disqualified and cost him a shot at the Undisputed Championship. Swagger has some nerve Matt and I must say he may be clinically insane. Striker-Well Todd, Swagger said he wanted to make a name for himself and it is clear that no one likes the way he handles his business. We heard Cena call him out, you know Hogan wants a shot at him, and Triple H, if he gets his hands on Swagger we might not see him in the WPWF again.
Triple H is yelling at Swagger as Swagger mocks Triple H from the entrance ramp. Taker meanwhile is on his feet and he is staring a black hole through Swagger. Swagger runs to the back as Triple H and Taker remain in the ring. The crowd is on their feet applauding the two superstars for a fantastic match. Triple H puts his hand out and Taker shakes it. Both men give each other a nod of approval as Triple H rolls out of the ring.
Striker-Todd, you know both men didnt want the outcome of the match to end in a DQ. Taker gets the win, but you gotta think he doesnt feel satisfied with the way it happen. Both men took each other to the limit and each went up a notch in their opponents respect book. Grisham-It goes to show what kind of competitors these two guys are. Triple H will have his shot at championship gold here in the WPWF, but right now The Undertaker moves on step closer as he will join Mark Henry and John Cena next week with the winner representing Catastrophe for a shot at the WPWF Undisputed Championship! For Matt Striker, I am Todd Grisham. Thank you for joining us this evening for this historic event. Good Night!!!!
The show closes with Takers music blaring in the background and the lights set at that blueish purple. Taker does his trademark celebration as the screen fades black and the show comes to a close.
The intro video airs with the new theme song playing over it.
The video blends into the opening pyro display. The cameras show the crowd going nuts.
Cole- Hello and welcome to the first ever edition of WPWF Nightmare! We have an action packed show for you, I’m Michael Cole and this is my broadcast partner, J-.
JBL- No! I will introduce myself! I am John…Bradshaw…Layfield a wrestling god turned commentating icon. There is not one person that can claim they are better.
Cole- ...Tonight, the winner of every match will go into the main event- a 6 man battle royal for the Intercontinental Championship . We also will see the first ever international tag team champions crowned in a triple threat tag team match between The Hardyz, London and Kendrick and the M-
JBL- The Motor City Machineguns, the two most talented guys in this buisness. There is not a doubt in my mind that these guys will win the tag team championships.
Cole- Well, that’s a matter of op-
JBL- Shut up Cole! We have to start the show!
Jay Lethal vs R-Truth
R-Truth comes in through the crowd, he's not singing his theme song. Jay Lethal is out next. The bell rings and the two lock up. Truth pushes Lethal into the ropes and rebounds him off. Lethal duck a clothesline and misses a springboard back elbow. Truth hits a leg drop and rolls out of it. He goes to the top rope for a moonsault but Lethal jumps up and hits a super-electric chair
Lethal plays to the crowd and hits a springboard moonsault. He locks in a figure four leg lock to get the crowd going. Lethal lets go after some time and picks Truth up. He hits a snap suplex and holds on. He gets back on and hits a stalling suplex. He goes to the top rope and hits an elbow drop for a close two count.
He picks Truth up and whips him into the corner. Lethal hits a rolling monkey flip followed by a powerbomb attempt. Truth reverses it into a hurracanrana driver. He runs for the rebound and hits a spin-out forearm shot. 1, 2 and lethal gets the ropes. Truth goes to the ropes and tries to play to the crowd. He tries a springboard clothesline but Lethal catches him and hits the Lethal combination. 1...2...3!
Lethal celebrates his victory until Truth spins him around and looks like he's about to hit him. Instead, Truth offers his hand and Lethal accepts. Both play to the crowd before going backstage.
Kevin Nash's theme hits and he walks out to a huge amount of heat. He gets a mic and steps over the ropes into the ring.
Nash- First off, I really don't appreciate getting booed like that. I mean, I'm legend of this buisness and deserve to get some damn respect around here.
Crowd boos even harder, Nash waits about 2 minutes for it to die down.
Nash- Now that we've stopped being so immature, I think it's about time that I announced that...I am officially retired and will no longer be wrestling.
Huge pop reaction for that.
Nash- But...but, that doesn't mean that I won't be on the show.
Straight back to boos.
Nash- I'm the general manager and this roster has to follow every single thing I say! Now, I'm out here to announce Nightmare's world title match representative. I looked through all of the talent and chose the most qualified, most talented, most capable and most competent man I could. He was the first ever undisputed champion and will be the first WPWF Undisputed champion...Chris Jericho!
Jericho's theme hits. He walks out in a suit. He gets in the ring and Nash gives Jericho a mic.
Jericho- Kevin, every single hypocrite, every sycophant, every drug abuser, every alcoholic, every little piece of filth in this building knows that you made the right, no, the perfect choice. I defeated the almighty Rock and Stone cold Steve Austin in the same night to become the first ever undisputed champion, so what stops me from beating four other nobody's to become the first ever undisputed champion for the second time?
Nash- exactly what I'm talking about.
Jericho- Damn right. And while these people may not know what talent is, you and I do. That's all that matters.
Nash- And to prove that you are the right guy, you are automatically being placed in the battle royal tonight for the Intercontinental championship!
Jericho- Tonight will be start of my tenth reign as Intercontinental champion and I will become the greatest intercontinental in history.
He drops the mic and walks off with Nash.
Hardyz vs London and Kendrick vs MCMG
(International Tag team Championships)
London and Shelley start off. London ducks a clothesline, rebounds and hits a flip-out dropkick. Shelley avoids a springboard leg drop and kick London in the back. Shelley hits an elbow and covers.
He tags in Sabin and they hit a double suplex followed by a double kip-up. Sabin picks London up and goes for the Cradle shock. London rolls up a crucifix for a two count and dives for the tag to Kendrick.
Kendrick runs in and hits a dropkick, followed by a hurracanrana, followed by a monkey flip. Kendrick jumps to the top rope and hits a moonsault. He tags in London, who hits a standing shooting star press. Shelley gets in and clotheslines them both. He hits a springboard back elbow to both and tries a double crossbody but both men get their knees up. London jumps up into a cradle shock attempt. Matt tags in through London before he London gets a Cradle shock.
Matt quickly hits a twist of fate to Sabin and tags Jeff in, who hits the Swanton bomb. He covers Sabin but Shelley breaks up the count. Shelley hits the Sliced bread to Jeff but turns into sliced bread from Kendrick. Matt gets in and hits Kendrick with a side effect. He turns into a mule kick from London. London runs at Hardy for a barrel roll, but Sabin superkicks him. He hits Matt with a Cradle shock and picks Jeff up. They try to hit a sliced bread/powerbomb but Kendrick pushes Shelley off of the turnbuckle, climbs up and hits a suicide dive.
Jeff kicks Sabin away and hits the whisper in the wind. He runs to the top and hits the Swanton for the three count.
Matt starts celebrating and gets the titles. Jeff gets to his feet and is given his title. They do an extended celebration with the fans.
Cole- So much for your theory, John.
JBL- What? I told you that the Hardyz would win. Shut up!
The Hardyz continue to celebrate until the camera fades into the next segment.
Edge walks into the locker room and walks over to Christian.
Edge- Hey...buddy. I know that we've had our differences but, hell, who hasn't?
Edge laughs nervously.
Christian- What's this about? Because I've got a match in like 2 minutes.
Edge- I know, so do I. That's what this is about.
Christian- Oh, I see. You want us to form an 'alliance' in our tripe threat match.
Edge- Yeah...what do you say?
Christian- ...Under any other circumstances, I would. But not tonight.
Edge- Why not?
Christian- because as soon as we've taken out Samoa Joe, you'll stab me in the back and do whatever you can to get into that battle royal.
Edge snorts.
Edge- Yeah, when was the last time I did that?
Christian- I'll think about it.
Christian goes to leave
Christian- Oh yeah, turn around.
Christian leaves. Edge turns around to see Joe standing behind him. Edge backs away and runs out of the locker room. Joe smirks and walks off in the same direction.
Samoa Joe vs Edge vs Christian
Edge is out first, followed by Christian and finally, Samoa Joe.
Right as the bell rings, Edge tries to make a deal with Joe. You can see him pointing to Christian and punching his hand. Joe looks from Edge to Christian and suddenly blindsides Edge with a jumping enziguri. Edge falls through the ropes and out of the ring. Christian tries to take advantage but Joe hits a hard shoulder block. Joe bounces himself off of the ropes but Christian rolls under him. Christian jumps to his feet and tries a dropkick but Joe clings on to the ropes. Christian gets up again but gets nailed with a vicious clothesline for a two count.
Joe picks Christian up and lifts him into an over-the-shoulder piledriver. Edge rolls back into the ring and walks into a spinning wheel kick. Joe starts taunting the crowd. Edge and Christian get up behind him and throw him from the ring. Christian runs to the opposite ropes and hits an aided suicide dive with Edge. Christian rolls into the ring and starts playing to the crowd with Edge. Christian turns into a quick spear. 1...2...3/Kickout!
Edge looks on in shock. He picks Christian up and tries a Edgecution but Joe and hits a clothesline to Edge, who hits a DDT to Christian. Joe picks Edge up but gets whipped into the turnbuckle. Edge hits a corner spear and lifts him up for a superplex. Christian runs over and lifts Edge up. Christian falls backward and hits the electric chair/superplex. Edge climbs to the top rope and waits for one to stand. Edge gets up and turns into a missile dropkick for a close two count. Christian sets the Killswtich but Edge spins around and hits it himself! 1...2...Joe breaks up the count and throws Edge out of the ring. He covers Christian himself and gets the three count.
Joe mocks the crowd while he celebrates. He makes the belt sign around his waist. He walks off up the ramp. Edge and Christian slowly get up. Christian offers his hand to Edge. Edge considers it before tentatively accepting it. They shake hands and Edge rolls out of the ring. Christian's music hits and he starts getting the crowd to cheer in turn.
Cole- Ladies and gentlemen, welcome my guest tonight. He is right off of a huge push from TNA, he is Hernandez.
Hernandez steps in.
Cole- Welcome, Hernandez. Tonight you have a shot at winning the Intercontinental championship but first, you have to beat your opponent...Batista! What's your strategy going in to this match?
Hernandez- My strategy? My strategy tonight is to match Batista's skill and beat it. I'm stronger, faster, quicker and younger than him. I don't mean to sound cocky but it's true. He spent three years with Tripe H and Ric Flair. He has enough psychology to beat me hands down. But I'm unpredictable.
Cole- And, Hernandez, what if you won the intercontinental championship tonight? Imagine how far that would push you.
Hernandez- Whether I win tonight, in a few months or in a few years. It will happen. It may be sooner than a lot of you guys think. Te gusta o no!
Hernandez walks off, leaving Cole happy.
Abyss is walking through the parking lot until Dr. Stevie attacks him from behind with a Singapore Cane. He repeatedly strikes Abyss with it.
Stevie- This feud isn't over, Chris! Hell, it's only just begun.
Stevie grabs Abyss' head and throws him through a car window. He runs off as officials arrive.
Batista vs Hernandez
These two start off with some power games, pushing each other around the ring. Batista picks up the pace with a running shoulder block. Hernandez is straight back up with a forearm shot. Hernandez ducks a clothesline and lands a haymaker. Batista falls into the ropes. Hernandez whips Batista and sets a back body drop but Batista kicks Hernandez and hits a clothesline for a quick Kickout.
Batista whips Hernandez and hits a big boot. He picks Hernandez up for a running powerslam. Hernandez reverses it into a reverse DDT. He hits an elbow drop, followed by a knee drop. He picks Batista up and lifts him for a suplex...5 seconds and the crowd start focusing...10 seconds and crowd get excited...20 seconds...30 seconds and Hernandez hits the suplex! The crowd go crazy for it. Hernandez climbs to the top for a big splash but Batista kicks the ropes, crutching Hernandez. He climbs up and hits a superplex for a two count.
Both men get up together. Hernandez lands a punch (Cheer)...Batista lands a punch (Boo)...Hernandez lands a punch (Cheer)...Batista lands a punch (Boo)...Hernandez lands a punch...and another...and another. Hernandez bounces off of the ropes and hits a flat liner clothesline. Batista rolls out of the ring to catch a breath but Hernandez hits the big man suicide dive! He rolls Batista into the ring and covers for close two count.
Hernandez picks Batista up and hits the Crackerjack. He whips Batista into the ropes but gets a spear! Both men lay on the floor and get up at roughly the same time. Hernandez kicks Batista and sets a Border Toss. Batista drops down behind him and hits a spinebuster. Batista pumps up and shakes the ropes. He sets Hernandez for the Batista bomb...He hits it! 1...2...3/Kickout!
Batista stares at the referee. He picks Hernandez up and sets him for another Batista bomb but gets a back body drop. Hernandez pulls himself up the turnbuckle but Batista runs over and pulls him away in a Batista bomb set-up. Hernandez hits a hurracanrana over the ropes! Batista slowly gets up but Hernandez runs across the ring apron and hits a flying crossbody. The referee is already at 4. Hernandez starts showing signs of life and starts to drag Batista as well. The referee is at 7 when Batista spears Hernandez into the ring post and collapses. The referee gets to 10 and calls for the bell.
Neither man moves for a while. Batista manages to drag himself up before Hernandez. He looks around and helps Hernandez up. He offers his hand to Hernandez, who accepts without hesitation. They leave together.
Cole- Ladies and gentlemen, with me tonight, Christopher Daniels. Chris, what are your goals in WPWF Nightmare?
Daniels- Well, Mike-
Chris Masters walks in, flexing his muscles.
Masters- Please remind me why he is getting this interview slot instead of me.
Cole- You didn't make it obvious to Kevin Nash-
Masters- I am Chris Masters! I don't need to ask for these things. I should be handed them. I am already better than him because he never made it to WWE.
Daniels- I didn't go to WWE because I didn't want to! At least I can wrestle, you're just a glorified body-builder.
Masters gets angry.
Masters- I'll prove to you that I'm better. Next week sees the return of the masterlock challenge. You will be the first participant. You will be the first of many to fall at my feet.
Daniels- We'll see about that.
Masters walks off, leaving Daniels and Cole. Cole mutters to himself.
Cole- Vintage Masters.
Daniels looks at him before walking the other way.
Dr. Stevie is walking back through the parking lot and passes the shattered himself. He starts laughing and carries on walking. He gets blindsided by Abyss, who starts beating down Stevie. Abyss walks off screen. The camera turns to see Abyss has a table set up and is emptying a bag of tacks onto it. He goes over and picks Stevie up. He drags him over to the table and chokeslams him through the table of tacks! Stevie starts screaming and writhing in pain while Abyss laughs and walks off.
Shawn Michaels vs Kane
Kane enters first, Michaels second. Kane attacks Michaels before the he's even in the ring. Kane gets out of the ring and smashes Michaels' head into the ring post. He whips Michaels into the steel steps before rolling him into the ring. He shouts at the referee to start the match but the referee refuses. Abyss runs down with a chair and slides climbs into the ring. Kane turns into a chair shot and falls to one knee. Abyss drops the chair and chokeslams Kane onto it. Abyss drags Michaels over to Kane and puts one of Michaels' arms over him.
The referee rings the bell and counts the fall.
Abyss helps Michaels up, celebrates with him and leaves with him. Almost immediately after they leave, Kane sits up. He looks around before getting and leaving. He makes it half-way up the ramp before looking back, walking back to the ring, grabbing the chair and leaving with it.
Jericho is walking backstage. He knocks on a door and tentatively enters.
Joe- Did I say you could come in?
Jericho- Hey Joe, I was just wondering if...
He takes a breath.
Jericho- You'd do me a favour.
Joe- And that favour is?
Jericho- Hear me out. You help me out in the battle royal tonight and in return you'd get the first title shot.
Joe- I'll help you win the intercontinental championship if you give me your spot in the Undisputed Championship match at December to Remember.
Jericho- You know what? Pretend I didn't ask.
Joe- Yeah, I figured.
Jericho leaves.
Lethal vs Jeff vs Matt vs Jericho vs Michaels vs Joe
(Intercontinental Championship)
Lethal is out first, followed by the Hardyz with their belts. Jericho comes out and mocks the other three. Michaels comes out to the biggest pop. Joe comes out last. As he enters the ring, he looks around at the competition and smiles.
As the bell rings, Jeff, Matt and Lethal all go for Joe. They beat him into the corner and start working on him. Michaels and Jericho both wait for them to stop. Lethal pulls away first and turns into a codebreaker from Jericho. Matt turns into sweet chin music, and Jeff does the same. Jericho tries to hit a codebreaker to Michaels but Michaels catches him and tries to throw him over the ropes. Jericho clings on to the ropes so Michaels turns to Joe. He hits a back chop to Joe in the corner, then climbs up and delivers a flurry of punches. Joe quickly reverses it into a powerbomb. Lethal is the first to get up. He jumps on Joe's back and tries to lock in a sleeper. Joe grabs Lethal's head and throws him over the ropes, eliminating Lethal.
Matt and Jeff both get up, run at Joe and get hit by a double STO. Michaels does a Kip-up behind Joe and nails him with sweet chin music! Jericho gets up a hits Michaels with a clothesline. Jericho picks Matt up and throws him over the ropes, but Matt holds on. Jericho picks Jeff up and throws him into Matt, eliminating Matt.
Jeff turns into a Walls of Jericho that really accomplishes nothing. Michaels hits a clothesline to the back of Jericho's head. Michaels picks up Jeff and crouches in front of Joe, who is in the corner. Jeff goes to hit the poetry in motion but Joe ducks and Jeff does a backflip out of the ring and onto the floor.
Michaels, Jericho and Joe are all standing in the ring. Joe and Jericho both go for Michaels, kicking him and throwing him into the corner. They both kick him and Jericho goes to walk away but Joe shoves him into Michaels, takes a step back and spears them both. Joe takes a run-up for a turnbuckle sandwich but Michaels and Jericho both avoid. Michaels and Jericho both whip him over the ropes. Joe clings on to the top rope. Michaels and Jericho start fighting between themselves. Joe gets in and tries to take advantage with a running double clothesline but Michaels and Jericho both duck and Joe flies over the top rope and hits the ground hard. Michaels hesitates a second to see if he's alright and Jericho grabs him and throws him over the top.
The bell rings and Jericho falls to his knees. Parts of the crowd start filing out almost instantly. Jericho rolls out of the ring, grabs his belt and tries to celebrate in the crowd but nobody responds to him. Nightmare ends with Jericho holding the intercontinental championship at the top of the ramp.
Jim Ross: Hello WPWF fans, and Welcome to WPWF Attitude! I'm Jim Ross alongside Jerry the King Lawler and King do we have an incredible show tonight or what?
Jerry Lawler: We do King. We're going to crown three new champions tonight as well as determine our brands representative in the 5 Man Undisputed Championship Match at December to Remember. Where Attitude will take home the gold.
making his way to the ring from Battle Creek Michigan, standing 6'0 tall weighing 237 lbs. Rob Van Dam!
and his opponent from Atlanta Georgia, standing 5'11 inches tall weighing in at 234 lbs. Chris Benoit!
Rob Van Dam vs Chris Benoit (WPWF Hardcore Championship)
Van Dam and Benoit shake hands and the bell rings. They lock up collar and elbow tie up and Benoit breaks it and throws a knife edge chop at Van Dam firing the first blow.Van Dam turns around and throws a wild roundhouse kick at Benoit knocking him down. He then leaves the ring and goes underneath the ring apron and pulls out a steel chair. He slides it in under the bottom rope and climbs back under. Benoit picks up the chair as RVD gets to his feet and smashes it over RVD's skull. Benoit wedges the chair in between the middle and bottom rope and lifts Van Dam to his feet who hits Benoit with a jawbreaker stunning the Crippler. Van Dam grabs Benoit's arm and goes to irish whip him into the corner where the chair is but Benoit reverses and Van Dam goes skull first into the chair. Van Dam looks to be unconscious when Benoit goes for the cover but RVD kicks out at 2. Benoit frustrated trys to lock in the Crossface early but RVD pulls himself to the ropes and climbs out to the floor forcing benoit to break the hold. Benoit goes to the outside but as he is exiting the ring Van Dam grabs out a Kendo Stick and swats Benoit in the head. Benoit lands on the apron from the blow and RVD climbs up there with him and does a running leg drop across the apron striking Benoit. Van Dam rolls Benoit into the ring and goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Van Dam is now frustrated and picks the chair up off the mat and climbs to the top rope and hits an Atomic Arabian Facebuster! He goes for the cover but Benoit kicks out at 2 again! RVD pulls a table out from underneath the ring now and sets it up in the middle of the ring. He picks Benoit up and attempts a suplex but Benoit blocks it and hangs RVD up on the top rope. Benoit climbs up and attempts a superplex through the table but RVD blocks and pushes him off the top rope. On the way down Benoit hits his face on the table. He uses it to pull himself back up and he is on the table enough for RVD to leap off and hit a 5 Star Frog Splash through the table onto Benoit. He goes for the cover and gets the three count.
Jim Ross: No doubt about it. I can't wait for our main event tonight. A Fatal Four Way match between the Viper Randy Orton,Kurt Angle,Brock Lesnar,and Goldberg!
making her way to the ring from Minneapolis Minnesota, standing 5'7 inches tall weighing in at 132 lbs. ODB!
and her opponent from Jacksonville Florida, standing 5'5 inches tall, weighing 108 lbs. Kelly Kelly!
from Anniston Alabama, standing 5'6 inches tall weighing in at 130 lbs. Daffney!
finally from New Orleans Louisiana, standing 5'4 inches tall weighing in at 148 lbs. Jazz!
ODB vs Kelly Kelly vs Daffney vs Jazz (WPWF Knockouts Championship)
ODB and Daffney start brawling right away while Jazz tees off on K2. Jazz kicks Kelly in the midsection and tosses her through the middle rope. ODB is on the right side of the ring pounding away on Daffney Jazz turns ODB around and slaps the taste out of her mouth.ODB fires back and Daffney leaves the ring and sets up a table on the outside. ODB tosses Jazz off the ropes and gives her a back drop. Kelly Kelly is back in now and clotheslines ODB she then dropkicks Daffney who just got back in the ring. Kelly is starting to get some momentum going when Jazz takes her down with a single leg takedown and locks in her Single Legged Boston Crab. Kelly is about to tap when ODB and Daffney break it up. ODB goes up top and hits a bulldog on ODB. She goes up again to hit one on Jazz but Jazz runs to the turnbuckle and shoves Daffney off sending her through the table she set up on the outside. Jazz is overlooking the carnage she just created when K2 rolls her up with a schoolgirl for a two count. Jazz now furious Kelly tried to take advantage of her hits her finisher Fisherman Suplex. ODB grabs Jazz by the hair and tosses her out of the ring. She then climbs up top and hits a splash off the top rope onto a prone Kelly Kelly for the win.
Jim Ross: Don't we all King. Two championships down. One to go. The WPWF World Tag Team Champions will be determined later tonight as Legacy takes on Team 3D.
Jerry Lawler: Don't forget JR. We also have the Fatal Four Way to determine Attitudes' representative in the 5 Man Unisputed Championship match at December to Remember.
making his way to the ring being accompanied by Big Rob Terry from The U.K standing 6'4 inches tall weighing in at 240 lbs. Brutus Magnus!
and his opponent from Cleveland Ohio, standing 6'1 inches tall weighing in at 231 lbs. The Miz!
Brutus Magnus w/Rob Terry vs The Miz
The Miz grabs a microphone and says I'm the Miz and I'm...Magnus snatches the mic away and says in his British accent...Awful.The Miz is now furious and fires away right hands on Magnus. Miz comes off the ropes and fires a reverse elbow. Miz locks in a chinlock and applies pressure as Terry looks on from ringside. Magnus flips Miz over his head after a few seconds and gets back to his feet. He lifts Miz up by the neck and delivers a huge chokeslam. He goes for the cover but Miz kicks out after two. Miz rolls Magnus up with a cradle but Rob Terry is on the apron so the referee is distracted. Miz is furious and goes over to the apron and slaps Terry in the face. Terry clotheslines Miz knocking him out cold but the official doesn't disqualify him because Miz initiated the contact. Magnus goes for the cover and gets a three count.
making his way to the ring from Parts Unknown, standing 6'1 inches tall, weighing in at 215 lbs. The Dark Savior Suicide!
and his opponent being accompanied to the ring by Daivari from Detroit Michigan, standing 6'2 inches tall weighing in at 230 lbs. Muhammad Hasan!
Muhammad Hassan: You americans make me sick! Your lies and deceit. Your constant racism towards people of Arab American desent is despicable and I have had enough of it. I am going to be a success in the WPWF and prove that people like me and Daivari can be successful in America despite this country's pregidous ways. One example of the prejudices I am already facing is the fact that I have not been included in tonights Fatal Four Way match. I should be handed the WPWF Undisputed Championship. I am the most talented perfomer in the entire WPWF and it is a travesty that I am not being given an opportunity to compete for the championship.
Mick Foley: You Muhammad Hassan are not in the Fatal Four Way tonight because you have not earned it. Quite frankly noone likes you. Your a whiny little baby and it sickens me to know that im going to be stuck with babysitting you and Daivari when the two of you are so talented and should be focused on your careers. Instead you come out here and complain.
Muhammad Hassan: Your a typical fat american who doesn't care about people like myself and Daivari. Your a racist Foley and I'm filing a complaint about you to the board of directors.
Hassan is in shock and hits Suicide with an STO and locks him in the Camel Clutch. Foley makes the save and chases off Hassan and Daivari with his barbed wire bat.
Jim Ross: Me too King. Up next though we have our third and final championship match of the evening. The WPWF World Tag team Championships are on the line as Team 3D takes on Legacy.
the following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WPWF World Tag team championships. Making their way to the ring from West Palm Beach Florida, weighing in at a combined weight of 458 lbs. Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase!
and their opponents from New York City, weighing in at a combined weight of 585lbs. Brother Ray,Brother D-Von, Team 3D!
Legacy vs Team 3D (WPWF World Tag team Championships)
Rhodes and Ray start off the match and lock up. Ray works very stiff over Rhodes powering him down to the mat with a scoop slam and delivering four elbow drops onto Rhodes' sternum. Ray tags out to D-Von. D-Von lifts Rhodes up for a vertical suplex and lets the blood rush to his head before dropping him to the mat. D-Von tags back out when he notices Spike Dudley coming down the ramp. Spike is there for motivation for Team 3D. But the distraction does give Cody enough time to tag out to Dibiase. Spike Dudley goes under the ring apron and slides in a steel chair. Ted picks up the chair and swings it at D-Von who dodges adn snatches the chair out of his hand. Spike snatches it away from D-Von before smashing Rhodes in the skull with it. The ref rings for the bell and awards the match AND the titles to Legacy as a result of a Disqualification. Spike storms up the ramp as 3D looks on in shock. Ted grabs the belts and helps Cody up the ramp shocked but happy they won the titles.
Jim Ross: Up next is our main event. The Fatal Four Way Match to determine the number one contendor for Attitude to the Undisputed Championship Match at December to Remember.
The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring from St.Louis Missouri standing 6'4 inches tall weighing in at 245 lbs. Randy Orton!
and his opponent from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, standing 5'10 inches tall, weighing in at 240 lbs. The only olympic gold medalist in professional wrestling history...Kurt Angle!
from Minneapolis Minnesota, standing 6'3 inches tall, weighing in at 265 lbs. he is the UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar!
and finally standing 6'3 inches tall, weighing in at 270 lbs. Goldberg!
Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg vs Kurt Angle
As the bell rings Orton immediately leaves the ring and goes for a steel chair. Angle picks at Lesnar's ankle and Lesnar counters sending Angle through the ropes. Lesnar and Goldberg stand soley in the ring now. They lock up and Lesnar pushes Goldberg off into the ropes. Goldberg bounces back and hits Lesnar with a shoulderblock. Lesnar gets to his feet and runs off the ropes and hits Goldberg with one knocking him down. Orton is back in the ring now and he charges Lesnar with the chair. Brock catches him with a belly belly suplex and tosses him right over the top rope sending him to the outside. Brock gets on the top rope and poses and Kurt Angle runs up and attempts a german suplex off the top rope. Goldberg goes underneath and powerbombs Angle while Kurt hits the german on Lesnar. All three men are down and Legacy comes down and slides Orton back in the ring. Orton covers Angle for a two count. Since that failed he covers Lesnar and gets another two count. Frustrated he covers Goldberg also for a two count. Randy gets to his feet and attempst to Punt Angle. He runs up and Kurt catches him with the Ankle Lock. Randy is screaming in agony when Brock breaks up the submission. Lesnar turns right around into a spear from Goldberg. Goldberg signals that he is gonna spear Orton or Angle next and when he runs at them Orton pushes Angle into the oncoming Goldberg spear. Goldberg is uncaring about which man he hit but turns right around into an RKO. Orton quickly attempts a cover but Lesnar breaks it up. Brock throws Orton through the middle rope and sets up Angle for the F-5. He puts him up on his shoulders but Goldberg gets up and spears Lesnar. Both men fall out of the ring. Orton comes back in and Goldberg kicks him int he midsection and hits the Jackhammer Slam! for the pinfall.
*Ante Up by M.O.P. hits & the fireworks go off to kick off the first ever episode of WPWF Rampage.*
Mike Tenay- Welcome to the very first edition of Friday Night Rampage. I'm Mike Tenay & alongside my partner Taz & we're very excited to be broadcasting this show.
Taz- No doubt about that Tenay. Some of the greatest athletes in professional wrestling is showcase right here on Rampage.
Mike Tenay- With that being said let's take you to the first match up of the show.
Ring Announcer- The following tag team contest is a first round match up in the WPWF Television Championship Tournament. Introducing team number 1 first at a combined weight of 372 pounds. The team of Amazing Red & "Primetime" Elix Skipper.
*Amazing Red & Elix Skipper walk down to the ring to a great reception from the crowd.*
Ring Announcer- And introducing their opponents first from Milwaukee, Wisconsin weighing in at 202 pounds Austin Aries.
*Austin Aries confidentally walks down the ramp to a mixed reaction from the crowd.*
Ring Announcer- And introducing his tag team partner from London, England weighing in at 220 pounds Nigel McGuinness.
*Nigel McGuinness walks down the ramp to a mixed reaction from the crowd.*
Match 1: Round 1 match in the WPWF Television Championship Tournament: Amazing Red & Elix Skipper vs Austin Aries & Nigel McGuinness.
Amazing Red & Austin Aries start the match up for their teams as this highly anticipated tag team match up gets underway. Amazing Red gains the early advantage in the match up by hitting Aries with a series of speed moves to take him down to the mat. Aries then comes back & hits Amazing Red with the Snap Suplex. Aries then locks Amazing Red in a Figure-Four Necklock. Amazing Red then gets out of the hold & then hits Aries with the Hurricanrana to take him down. Amazing Red then hits Aries with the sitting dropkick. Amazing Red then tags Elix Skipper into the match up & Skipper keeps the momentum in his teams favor by hitting Aries with the Sleeper Slam.
Skipper then goes to the top rope & tries to hit the Springboard Facebuster, but Aries instead reverses the move into a sitdown powerbomb. Aries then tags Nigel McGuinness into the match up & McGuinness wastes no time as he hits Skipper with the Delayed Suplex. McGuinness then locks Skipper in an armbar. McGuinness then breaks the hold himself & then gets Skipper up & hits him with the Neckbreaker. McGuinness then gets Skipper back up & nails him with the Guvnor's Crumpet (Double Hammerlock Kneeling Facebuster). McGuinness then drags Skipper over to his corner & then tags in Aries.
Both McGuinness & Aries then work over Skipper by hitting him with a series of double team moves. McGuinness & Aries then start tagging each other in & out & also execute more double team moves to Skipper. Aries then hits Skipper with the Enzuigiri Kick to keep the advantage in his teams favor. Aries then hits Skipper with the Standing Moonsault & the pin attempt, but Skipper just kicks out at 2. Aries then locks Skipper in a Body Scissors hold. After a couple of minutes of being locked in the hold, Skipper finds a way to get out of the hold & then hits Aries with the Complete Shot & both men are now down in the middle of the ring. Skipper then attempts to make the tag, but McGuinness catches him & then nails him with the European Uppercut to take Skipper down to the mat. Aries then gets Skipper up & tries to hit him with the Suplex, but Skipper reverses it & then nails Aries with the Roundhouse Kick. Skipper then makes the hot tag to Amazing Red & Amazing Red is cleaning house as he uses a series of speed moves to take Aries down & shift the match up into his teams favor.
Amazing Red then goes to the ropes & proceeds to hit Aries with the Springboard Frog Splash & the pin attempt, but Aries just manages to kick out at 2. Amazing Red then gets Aries up to his feet & attempts to hit him with the 718 (Tiger feint kick), but Aries ducks the move & then hits Amazing Red with the Death Valley Driver & both men are now down in the middle of the ring. Aries then gets to his feet & goes to the top rope & attempts to hit the 450 Splash, but Amazing Red just manages to move out of the way & Aries comes crashing down onto the mat. Amazing Red then gets up & hits Aries with the Red Eye (Jumping side slam twisted into a sitout side facebuster) while his partner Elix Skipper knocks McGuinness off of the ring apron & then hits him with the Springboard Suicide Dive to take him out. Amazing Red then goes to the top rope & successfully hits Aries with the Infrared (540° corkscrew senton). Amazing Red then goes for the cover.
1...2...3. Your winners of the match at a time limit of 11:25. Amazing Red & "Primetime" Elix Skipper.
*Both Amazing Red & Elix Skipper then celebrate their victory while both Austin Aries & Nigel McGuinness are still down & out.*
*We then go to the backstage area where Becky Bayless is standing by with Petey Williams.*
Becky Bayless- Hello everybody. I am Becky Bayless & i'm standing by with "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams. Now Petey tonight you will go one on one with "The King of Old School" Steve Corino in a first round match up in the WPWF Television Championship tournament. Petey what are your thoughts on being in the WPWF Television Championship tournament?
Petey Williams- Well Becky. I am very excited & honored to be featured in the tournament to crown the first ever WPWF Television Champion. Judging from my fellow TNA alumni's Amazing Red & Elix Skipper, this tournament's definitely gonna have some competition & I for one cannot wait to face this competition.
*Just as Petey was about to finish his interview, Steve Corino comes up*
Steve Corino- Tell me something Petey. Just what makes you think that you will even make it past me in this tournament huh? Don't answer that cause I know the outcome of our match up tonight & that outcome is that I will be moving on to the next round of this tournament.
Petey Williams- And what will happen if you do infact get beaten by me?
Steve Corino- I'm not answering that cause like I said before, I won't be losing this match up tonight. Just wait & see what happens.
*Steve Corino then confidently walks away.*
*We then go back to the ring where the ring announcer announces the second match up of the night.*
Ring Announcer- This contest is a womens match up & it is scheduled for 1 fall & it is for the WPWF Womens Rampage Championship. Introducing first from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada by way of Mexico City, Mexico she is Sarita.
*Sarita makes her way down to the ring to a huge ovation from the crowd.*
Ring Announcer- And introducing her opponent from San Francisco, California she is Cheerleader Melissa.
*Cheerleader Melissa makes her way down to the ring to a huge ovation as well despite being the heel in this match up.*
Match 2: WPWF Womens Rampage Championship: Sarita vs Cheerleader Melissa.
Sarita & Cheerleader Melissa lock up in the middle of the ring as this championship match up gets underway. Sarita gains the early advantage by hitting Cheerleader Melissa with the Crucifix Headscissors to take her down. Cheerleader Melissa however comes back & hits Sarita with a Scoop Powerslam. Cheerleader Melissa then locks Sarita in a sitdown Dragon Sleeper hold. Sarita then uses her leg strength to get out of the hold & then proceeds to hit Cheerleader Melissa with the Hurricanrana. Sarita then locks Cheerleader Melissa in an Inverted Boston Crab. Cheerleader Melissa then reverses the hold into a victory roll pin attempt, but Sarita kicks out at 2. Sarita then tries to hit Cheerleader Melissa with another Hurricanrana, but Cheerleader Melissa then reverses it into a sitout powerbomb & another pin attempt, but Sarita kicks out at 2.
Cheerleader Melissa then start to repeatedly stomp on Sarita's legs & then locks her in a single-legged Boston Crab. Sarita then manages to get to the ropes which forces Cheerleader Melissa to break the hold. Cheerleader Melissa then drags Sarita to the middle of the ring & then repeatedly stomps on Sarita's legs again. Cheerleader Melissa then goes to the top rope & hits Sarita with the Moonsault & the pin attempt, but again gets another near fall as Sarita kicks out at 2 & a half. Cheerleader Melissa then gets Sarita up & nails her with a Samoan Drop. Cheerleader Melissa then drags Sarita back to the middle of the ring & then proceeds to lock her in an Abdominal Stretch. After minutes of fighting the move, Sarita then reverses the move & then hits Cheerleader Melissa with a Snap Suplex & both women are now down in the middle of the ring. Both Sarita & Cheerleader Melissa both get to their feet & start throwing punches at each other with Sarita getting the upperhand. Sarita then hits Cheerleader Melissa with the Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to shift the momentum into her favor.
Sarita then goes to the top rope & hits Cheerleader Melissa with a Corkscrew Moonsault. Sarita then gets Cheerleader Melissa up & tries to hit her with the Sitout double underhook powerbomb, but Cheerleader Melissa reverses it into a Hurricanrana. Cheerleader Melissa then grabs Sarita & then hits her with the Kudo Driver (Vertabreaker) & the pin attempt, but Sarita just manages to kick out at 2. Cheerleader Melissa then gets Sarita up & this time has her in position for the Air Raid Clash (Over the shoulder back to belly piledriver), but Sarita somehow manages to land on her feet & then hits Cheerleader Melissa with a DDT & both women are again down in the middle of the ring. Sarita then gets Cheerleader Melissa up & this time hits her with the Sitout double underhook powerbomb & the pin attempt, but Cheerleader Melissa just barely kicks out as the referee's hand was about to make the 3 count. With both women clearly exhausted & frustrated as hell, Sarita then gets Cheerleader Melissa up & hits her with a Snap Suplex. Sarita then goes to the top rope & attempts to hit a Diving Moonsault, but Cheerleader Melissa moves out of the way & Sarita comes crashing down onto the mat. Cheerleader Melissa then this time hits Sarita with the Kudo Driver (Vertabreaker) & goes for the pin attempt, but amazingly Sarita kicks out yet again & Cheerleader Melissa is clearly frustrated.
Cheerleader Melissa then drags Sarita into the middle of the ring & proceeds to lock Sarita in the Kondo Clutch (Inverted Cloverleaf). After minutes of being in the hold, Sarita then gets out of the hold by using her legs & then propelling her body up just enough so she can hit Cheerleader Melissa with the Tornado DDT & both women are again down in the middle of the ring. Both women suprisingly get back up to their feet & are once again throwing punches at each other with Sarita gaining the upperhand over Cheerleader Melissa. Sarita then hits Cheerleader with the Enzuigiri. Sarita then gets Cheerleader Melissa up to her feet & then plants her down to the mat with La Reienera (Modified spinning backbreaker rack) & then Sarita goes for the cover.
1...2...3. Your winner of the match at a time limit of 19:44 & new WPWF Womens Rampage Champion Sarita.
*The referee then hands Sarita the WPWF Womens Rampage title belt. Sarita then goes to the top rope & celebrates her victory by raising her championship high in the air while the crowd gives her a standing ovation.*
Mike Tenay- Wow what an impressive match up by these two lovely ladies.
Taz- No kidding there Mike. That match just further proves that Rampage has the best women in the entire WPWF.
Mike Tenay- With that being said, let's send it to Becky Bayless who is standing by with Amazing Red.
*Camera's then go to Becky Bayless & Amazing Red.*
Becky Bayless- Amazing Red. Tonight both you & Elix Skipper defeated Nigel McGuinness & Austin Aries in a tag team match to move on to the second round in the WPWF Television Championship Tournament.
Amazing Red- I'm grateful to have won the tag team match up & i'm also grateful to have Elix Skipper watching my back out there. Whoever my 2nd round match up is against, well i'll do my all to win the match.
*Amazing Red then walks away.*
*Scott Steiner then walks up behind Becky Bayless & grabs her ass.*
Scott Steiner- Damn baby. That's a really nice ass. You know if you play your cards right then you can become one of my freaks.
Becky Bayless- Well i've heard about your "freaks" & well let's just say that i'm not interested at all.
Scott Steiner- That's too bad.
*Steiner then grabs Becky Bayless' hands & rubs them all over his chest. Becky then frees herself from Steiner & slaps him in the face.*
*Steiner then grabs Becky & tries to suplex her onto the floor, but Consequences Creed nails Steiner in the back with a steel chair. Creed then hits Steiner repeatedly with the chair & eventually busts him open.*
*Creed then goes over to Becky Bayless & consoles her while the camera goes back to the ring.*
Taz- Wow never thought of Consequences Creed as a man of the ladies.
Mike Tenay- Well would you stand seeing Scott Steiner trying to abuse a woman.
Taz- No not at all. I applaud Consequences Creed for standing up for Becky Bayless, but at what price will Creed be paying for attacking Scott Steiner.
Mike Tenay- You make a point there Taz. Wait what the hell is this?
*CM Punk then slowly walks down to the ring with the entire arena booing him. Punk then enters the ring & grabs a microphone as his music starts to die down.*
CM Punk- Wow real mature. All of you weak minded people boo me. Wow doesn't suprise me one bit. It's already well known that I am the only Straight Edge World Heavyweight Champion in WWE, no in professional wrestling history & once i'm done beating A.J. Styles, then I will not only become the first ever WPWF World Heavyweight Champion, but I will also be your first & only Straight Edge WPWF World Heavyweight Champion & do all of you weak minded sheep want to know why? It's because I am Straight Edge & I am better than all of you.
*Teddy Long then comes out onto the stage to cheers from the crowd with a microphone in hand.*
CM Punk- Teddy just what the hell are you doing out here? This is my time.
Teddy Long- Well in case you haven't figured out already. I am the General Manager of Rampage.
*Crowd then cheers as CM Punk has an angry look on his face.*
CM Punk- You have got to be kidding me. This is bullshit.
Teddy Long- Oh if you think me being the General Manager of Rampage is all bullshit then i'll gladly take you out of the running of representing Rampage in the WPWF World Heavyweight Championship match.
CM Punk- You know what. Fine i'll deal with you being the GM of Rampage despite your past history of screwing me over on a weekly basis.
Teddy Long- Anyways enough of this crap. The other reason why I came out here is to announce another stipulation for the CM Punk vs A.J. Styles.
CM Punk- Oh great what odds are you gonna put up against me this time?
Teddy Long- Well if you would shut your damn mouth for two fucking seconds then I could tell you what the stipulations are. Now anyways if either Punk or A.J. win then they will be representing Rampage in the WPWF World Heavyweight Championship match & the loser of the match will get a second round match up in the WPWF Television Championship tournament.
CM Punk- So either way an undeserving person like A.J. Styles will be rewarded after he loses to me. Well here's my opinion of what I think about it.
*CM Punk then picks Teddy Long onto his shoulders & then gives him the Go To Sleep.*
Mike Tenay- CM Punk just made our General Manager "Go To Sleep".
Taz- That right there is a statement made by "The Straight Edge Superstar". Don't screw with CM Punk.
*CM Punk then leaves the ringside area as Teddy Long is down in the ring.*
*We then go backstage where Eric Young & Teddy Hart have a conversation with each other.*
Eric Young- You know this doesn't suprise me.
Teddy Hart- What doesn't suprise you Eric?
Eric Young- The fact that American wrestlers get to automatically be ahead on the food chain while non American citizens such as myself & you are just sitting here backstage being overlooked by the terrible WPWF Management.
*Doug Williams & Paul Burchill then come up after hearing the conversation.*
Paul Burchill- Both Doug & myself couldn't help, but overhear the conversation that you two were having.
Eric Young- Oh yeah & what do you guys think about it?
Doug Williams- We both find it very disgusting that we are being overlooked here in WPWF.
Eric Young- Well if you guys don't mind, I have a plan to help us get to the top of the WPWF ladder & make all of these American maggots pay attention to us. Doug, Paul, Teddy. Are you three interested in what I have to hear?
*All 3 of them nod their heads in agreement & then follow Eric Young away from the camera.*
*Cameras then go back to the ring where the ring announcer the third match of the night.*
Ring Announcer- The following tag team contest is a first round match up in the WPWF Television Championship Tournament & it is also for the WPWF Rampage Tag Team Championship. Introducing team number 1 first at a combined weight of 495 pounds. Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman
*The Sandman's music hits as both Sandman & Tommy Dreamer enter the arena through the crowd & the fans are giving them a huge ovation.*
Ring Announcer- And introducing their opponents at a combined weight of 505 pounds. New Jack & Mustafa Saed together they are The Gangstas.
*The Gangsta's come down to the ring to a huge reception from the crowd.*
Match 3:Round 1 match in the WFPW Television Championship Tournament & WPWF Rampage Tag Team Championship Match: Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman vs The Gangstas
The Sandman & New Jack start the match off for their teams as this championship match up gets underway. New Jack gains the early advantage by hitting The Sandman with a suplex. The Sandman then comes back & hits New Jack with a Flapjack. The Sandman then goes to the outside & starts throwing a steel chair, a Singapore Cane, a Table, a Barbed Wire Bat & other weapons into the ring, The Sandman then grabs the Singapore Cane & whacks New Jack repeatedly in the back. The Sandman then wraps the Singapore Cane around New Jack's neck & starts choking him with it. New Jack then grabs the end of the Singapore Cane & hits The Sandman with the Jawbreaker. New Jack then places The Sandman on his knees, grabs a Guitar & smashes The Sandman in the head with the Guitar. New Jack then makes the tag to Mustafa Saed & Saed immediately hits The Sandman with a running Lariat.
Saed then gets The Sandman up & hits him with a Scoop Slam & follows that up with a running senton. Saed then gets The Sandman up & tries to hit him with a suplex, but The Sandman reverses it & hits Saed with a Back Suplex. The Sandman then tags Tommy Dreamer into the match & Dreamer hits Saed with the Running Knee Strike. Dreamer then hits Saed with an elbow drop & a pin attempt, but Saed kicks out at 2. Dreamer then gets Saed up & hits him with a suplex. Dreamer then gets Saed up & whips him into his corner & tags in The Sandman. Both Dreamer & The Sandman then work over Saed by hitting him with a series of double team moves. Dreamer & The Sandman then start tagging each other in & out & also execute more double team moves to Saed.
The Sandman then attempts to lock Saed into a single-legged Boston Crab, but Saed kicks The Sandman off of him. Saed then grabs a steel chair & whacks The Sandman in the head with it. Saed then gets The Sandman up & shoves him into his teams corner & tags New Jack back into the match. Both New Jack & Saed then work over The Sandman by proceeding to hit him with a series of double team moves. New Jack & Saed then start tagging each other in & out & also execute more double team moves to The Sandman.
New Jack then sets the table up in the middle of the ring, he then picks up The Sandman & tries to give him the Death Valley Driver through the table, but The Sandman reverses it & then hits New Jack with a Spinebuster through the table & both men are now down. Both men then crawl to their corners as The Sandman tags Dreamer in the match while New Jack tags New Jack in the match & Dreamer hits New Jack with a series of clotheslines to take him down & shift the momentum into his teams favor.
Dreamer then hits New Jack with the Sky High (Sitout spinebuster pin) & goes for the pin attempt, but New Jack kicks out at 2. Dreamer then goes to the top rope & as New Jack gets to his feet, Dreamer then flies off of the turnbuckle & hits New Jack with a Flying Clothesline. Dreamer then gets New Jack up & tries to hit him with the Dreamer Driver, but New Jack gets out of it & then hits Dreamer with the Belly to Belly Suplex to the turnbuckle at 10:32. New Jack then grabs a barbed wired steel chair & goes to the top rope. New Jack then flies off the ropes & treis to hit The 187, but Tommy Dreamer wisely moves out of the way & New Jack lands hard on the barbed wired steel chair. Dreamer then gets new Jack up & plants him with the Dreamer DDT onto the barbed wired steel chair & then Dreamer goes for the cover.
1...2...3. Your winners of the match at a time limit of 11:14 & NEW WPWF Rampage Tag Team Champions The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer.
*The referee then raises both The Sandman & Tommy Dreamer's hands & then gives them the title belts. New Jack & Mustafa Saed then get to their feet & extends their hands out to their fellow ECW alumni. Dreamer & Sandman then accept the hand shake & The Gangsta's then raise Sandman & Dreamer's arms in victory.*
*We then go backstage where "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles is standing by with Becky Bayless.*
Becky Bayless- A.J. Styles tonight you will go one on one with CM Punk in the main event. Now what are your thoughts on the match?
A.J. Styles- Well I have the opportunity to represent Rampage in the WPWF World Heavyweight Championship match & if I lose then I get a second round match up in the WPWF Television Championship Tournament. My main goal is to get to be the WPWF World Heavyweight Champion & tonight that quest will be starting tonight. Now if you excuse me, I gotta go get ready for the match.
Becky Bayless- Well the best of luck to A.J. Styles in his match with CM Punk.
Ring Announcer- The following contest is a first round match up in the WPWF Television Championship Tournament. Introducing first from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 242 pounds "The King of Old School" Steve Corino.
Ring Announcer- And introducing his opponent from Windsor, Ontario, Canada weighing in at 179 pounds "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams.
Match 4: WPWF Television Championship Tournament: Steve Corino vs Petey Williams
Steve Corino & Petey Williams lock up in the middle of the ring as this match up gets underway. Petey gains the early advantage by hitting Corino with a series of speed moves. Corino then comes back & hits Petey with a Snap Suplex. Corino then grabs Petey's leg & tries to lock him in a single-legged Boston Crab, but Petey kicks Corino off of him. Petey then hits Corino with a Standing Dropkick. Petey then tries to lock Corino in the Sharpshooter, but Corino reverse it into a school boy pin attempt, but Petey instinctively kicks out at 2.
Corino then kicks Petey in the gut & attempts to give him a suplex, but Petey gets out of it & then hits Corino with the Russian Leg Sweep. Petey then gets Corino up & tries to hit him with the Cradle DDT, but Corino reverses it & hits Petey with a Bridging Northern Lights Suplex & the pin attempt, but Petey kicks out at 2. Corino then switches to a submission style of wrestling as he locks Petey in a side headlock. Petey then uses his leg strength to get out of the hold by hitting Corino with a sitdown Headscissors. Petey then goes to the ropes & then hits Corino with the Springboard Hurricanrana & the pin attempt, but Corino kicks out at 2.
Petey then goes to the ropes & attempts to hit Corino with another Springboard Hurricanrana, but this time Corino catches him & then slams Petey down to the mat with a Powerbomb. Corino then drags Petey into the middle of the ring & then locks him in a single-legged Boston Crab. After a couple of minute of being locked in the hold, Petey gets to the ropes which forces Corino to break the hold. Corino then attempts to drag Petey's body back to the middle of the ring & try to lock him back in the single-legged Boston Crab, but Petey reverses Corino's momentum into a School Boy Pin Attempt, but Corino kicks out at 2.
Corino then goes back onto the attack as he repeatedly stomps on Petey's chest. Corino then gets Petey to his feet & tries to hit him with the Old School Kick (Superkick), but Petey ducks the kick & then hits Corino with a sitout Jawbreaker & both men are now down in the middle of the ring at. Both men then eventually get to their feet with both of them throwing right handed punches at each other with Petey eventually gaining the advantage over Corino. Petey then hits Corino with a series of clotheslines to fully gain the momentum into his favor. Petey then gets Corino up & signals for the Canadian Destroyer, Petey then attempts the Canadian Destroyer, but Corino reverses it into a Back Body Drop. Corino then gets Petey up & attempts to hit him with the Old School Bomb (Scoop Brainbuster), but Petey reverses it into a Victory Roll Pin attempt & the cover.
1...2...3. Your winner of the match at a time limit of 11:55 "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams.
*We then go backstage where Eric Young, Teddy Hart & Doug Williams have approached Konnan.*
Eric Young- Konnan. I'm sure you remember me from our days together at TNA.
Konnan- Yeah I remember you. I remember when The 3 Live Kru was whoopin' Team Canada's ass at every opportunity we got. What do you want?
Eric Young- Well the last time I checked, your not a US Citizen unlike all of these pathetic American morons. Doug Williams, Paul Burchill, Teddy Hart & myself had a long talk & we've decided to form a new alliance here in WPWF that'll in turn lead us to take control of this show. We were wondering since Teddy was aligned with you back in AAA. Would you like to join our new alliance?
Konnan (smiling sarcastically)- Sure i'd like to join you, but I won't join you. Actually I like it here in America & I don't need Teddy, you or your two british gringos Doug Williams & Paul Burchill to help me achieve success here in the WPWF.
Eric Young- Well Konnan you have just made the biggest mistake of your life.
*Suddenly Paul Burchill comes from behind & attacks Konnan with the steel chair. Eric Young, Doug Williams & Teddy Hart then join Burchill in on the attack by stomping on his kidney area repeatedly.*
*Eric Young then kneels down & looks at Konnan's bloodied head & smiles.*
Eric Young- Oh Konnan. Your just the first of many victims that will fall to The Foreign Nation. Doug, Paul. Pick this worthless motherfucker up & throw him into the dumpster.
*Doug Williams & Paul Burchill then pick Konnan up & throw him into the dumpster.*
*We then cut back to the announcers.*
Mike Tenay- That was a heinus assault on Konnan.
Taz- I agree, but if you wanna get ahead here on Rampage or wrestling in general then you gotta get noticed by any means necessary & The Foreign Legion definitely got noticed in this situation.
Mike Tenay- Well anyways. Coming up right now is the main event match to determine who will be Rampage's representative in the 5 way WPWF World Heavyweight Championship match at December to Remember.
Ring Announcer- Ladies & gentlemen this is your main event match & it is scheduled for one fall with the winner of the match getting to represent Rampage in the WPWF World Heavyweight Championship match while the loser gets a second round match up in the WPWF Television Championship Tournament. Introducing first from Chicago, Illinois weighing in at 220 pounds CM Punk.
*CM Punk then makes his entrance to the ring with boos from the crowd.*
Ring Announcer- And introducing his opponent from Gainesville, Georgia weighing in at 215 pounds "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles.
*A.J. Styles then makes his entrance to the ring to a standing ovation from the crowd.*
Main Event Match: CM Punk vs "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles
CM Punk & A.J. Styles lock up in the middle of the ring as this main event match up gets underway. Styles gains the early advantage by hitting Punk with a series of speed moves. Punk however makes a comeback by hitting Styles with a Step-Up Enzuigiri. Punk then delivers a series of Martial-Arts Kicks. Punk then wraps his legs around Styles' neck & proceeds to lock him in a grounded version of the Figure-Four Necklock. Styles uses his body strength to get out of the hold & then proceeds to hit Punk with an Electric Chair. Styles then gets Punk to his feet & then drops him with the Spine Breaker (Backbreaker followed by a Gutbuster) & goes for the pin attempt, but Punk kicks out at 2.
Styles then gets Punk to his feet & attempts to hit him with the Verticle Suplex, but Punk gets out of the move & then hits Styles in the back of the head with a Roundhouse Kick. Punk then repeatedly stomps on Styles & then follows that up by hitting Styles with a Running Knee Strike to the head. Punk then locks Styles in a side headlock. Styles then wraps his legs around Punk's head & then hits him with the Crucifix Headscissors. Styles then attempts to go for the Styles Clash, but Punk instead reverses it into a Back Body Drop. Punk then proceeds to mock Styles & then repeatedly kicks him in the ribs. Punk then locks Styles in an Abdominal Stretch Hold. After a couple of minutes of being in the hold, Styles then gets out of the hold & then hits Punk with a Neckbreaker Drop & both men are now down in the ring.
Both Punk & Styles then get to their feet & both of them start throwing a series of right handed punches at each other with Styles eventually gaining the upperhand over Punk. Styles then whips himself off of the ropes & hits Punk with a dropkick. Styles then goes to the ropes & then hits Punk with the Springboard Flying Forearm & goes for the pin, but Punk kicks out at 2. Styles then goes to the top rope & tries to hit the Spiral Tap, but Punk moves out of the way & Styles crashes down to the mat. Punk then gets to his feet & hits Styles with a series of Martial Arts Kicks & follows that up with a Spinning Back Fist. Punk then goes to the ropes & then hits Styles with the Springboard Flying Clothesline. Punk then gets Styles onto his shoulder & attempts to hit him with the Go To Sleep, but Styles gets out of it & then hits Punk with the Pele from out of nowhere. Styles then gets Punk to his feet & again tries to give him the Styles Clash, but Punk gets out of it & then kicks Styles in the gut & hits him with the Pepsi Plunge & the pin attempt, but Styles somehow kicks out at 2.
Punk who is clearly frustrated then gets Styles up & tries to hit him with Welcome To Chicago Motherfucker (Double Underhook Backbreaker), but Styles reverses it into a victory roll pin attempt, but Punk kicks out at 2. Styles then goes back to the ropes & tries to hit another Springboard Flying Forearm, but this time Punk catches Styles & then hits him with the Go To Sleep & the cover.
1...2...3. Your winner of the match at a time limit of 11:59 CM Punk
*CM Punk then cockily celebrates his victory as the crowd is booing him. Punk then grabs a microphone.*
CM Punk- See I told all of you mindless sheep that I would claim victory over A.J. Styles & become Rampage's representative for the 5 way WPWF World Heavyweight Championship match at December to Remember. Well all of you sheep are looking at your next WPWF Straight Edge World Heavyweight Champion & there is not a damn thing that any of you can do to stop me from achieving that accolade. I am Straight Edge & I am better than all of you.
*Rampage then closes as CM Punk smiles cockily at the camera.*
Head Bussa by Lil' Scrappy plays as we go live with shots of the crowd holding signs and flashing cameras then to Joey Styles & Joel Gertner standing in the ring.
Joey Styles: Hello ladies & gentleman, welcome to the debut episode of WPWF Guerrilla Alpha. I'm Joey Styles and...
Joel Gertner: Well...well...well! It is I, your quint essential stud muffin, Joel, harder than the day is long, the reason your wife is humming that song, what she has between her cheeks more often than a thong, if you have a sister, please send her along, I guarantee you can't go wrong, because like a redwood, I'm always standing strong...Gertner.
Styles: That being said, lets get down to business. Join us in welcoming our boss, Guerrilla Alpha GM Eric Bischoff.
Crowd boos as Bischoff's theme song hits. He walks to the ring holding a briefcase and taunting the crowd as he usually does. He gets in the the ring, takes a mic, & dismisses Styles & Gertner.
Bischoff: You guys know you love me, you really, really love me, and I love all of you. First off, just let's get a few things straight, this show; THIS BRAND is the ONLY ONE that matters. In a few weeks, World Pro Wrestling Federation will be crowning the first ever Undisputed champion. The who walks away with the title that night will be a wrestler from this show. In this case is the Undisputed title belt. Do you want to see what it looks like? I said, DO YOU WANNA SEE WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE? (the crowd is cheering in unison) Well that's too damn bad! Your just going to have to wait just like every body else. (the asshole chant wrings out) The question is, who will represent this brand in that match...
DDP's music hits to a thunderous roar from the crowd:
DDP & Kimberly make their to the ring. They pause in the isle to give the Diamond Cutter sign. DDP and Kimberly climbs into the ring and picks up the other mic.
DDP: I'll answer that question for you Bischoff. If your looking for somebody to represent this show as Undisputed champion, who better than a former TWO TIME, TWO TIME World Heavyweight Champion. I've taken 'em all to the limit. I mean, you remember when I caught Savage with the Cutter? NOBODY saw that coming! Eric, choose me, choose the original People's Champion, Diamond Dallas Page!
Bischoff: Well Page...
Scott Hall (off camera): Hey yo!
Style: That's sounds like... Gertner: Joey could it be....
Scott Hall walks out doing his usual Scott Hall walk and pose to no music and a big crowd pop with a mic in hand.
Style: OH MY GOD...It's Scott Hall Gertner: You mean he ACTUALLY showed up to work? Hell must be frozen over.
Scott Hall: Looks like somebody throwing a party. Am I invited? Was I hearing things, or did some one mention something about crowning an undisputed champion? Allow me to throw my hat into the ring.
Bischoff: Look who actually decided to show to work for a change. Why would I take a guy who's notorious for not showing up for work the face of my show, which is what all of this is about.
Scott Hall(now in the ring): the past is the past. My life is back on track, I'm in the best shape of my life, I'm sober, and I'm as handsome as ever been.
Bischoff: Sober, really? For how long? The time it took you to get the arena? Please!
Hall: Eric, seriously I'm you guy. No disrespect to you page, but you had your time in the limelight. Now, it Scott Hall's turn.
MVP music hits to a chorus of boos.
He walks out all iced out in a pimp ass suit, grabs a mic and gets into the ring.
MPV: This is a joke right? Eric, tell me your not seriously considering making either one of these fossils the face of the this brand! Diamond Dallas Page? Seriously? I loved you when I was a kid, but come on. By the way Kim, you still fine as hell. What you doin' with a geezer like Page.
DDP: Because she likes MEN, not kids!
MVP: Please, old man shut up unless spoken to. Back on track, Eric if you want somebody to rep this brand the way it should be, look no further than MVP. Look at the alternatives: one the one hand you got DDP, Diamond Dallas Page, a man who became famous because of his finisher....the Diamond Cutter. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice move, but it's the only thing you've got. If not for that and Kimberly making you look good, you'd be a nobody. The same nobody you were when you were a manager back in the day. Which brings me to Scott Hall. That's right, the Diamond Stud himself. Quite frankly, your history in this business speaks for itself.
HALL: You mean how I was one Hall of the most over tag teams of all time, or about how I made the ladder match what is today, or about how I shocked world and helped change the business forever? You're right, it does speak for itself.
MVP: Actually, Scott I was referring to how your an non-trustworthy drunk who doesn't honor his commitments. I on the hand will always show up to work on time. The choice is yours Eric. Do want to see a has been trying to hold on to his former glory, a perennial no-show, or the man who half man, half amazing, and two times better than both of the chumps put together.
HALL: How about this, how about we let the fans decide? How about...we do a little survey?
Do you people DDP-(loud cheers) want MVP-(LOUD boos)...or, or do want SCOTT HALL-(MASSIVE POP) Survey says, one more for the good guy.
Bischoff goes to speak but is interrupted.
VICKIE GUERRERO: EXCUSE ME....EXCUSE ME....I SAID EXCUSE ME!(MASSIVE BOOS)I am flabbergasted that the four of you could be having this discussion and not a single one of you mentioned the only name that matters. Bischoff you said that this is the only brand that matters, so why not choose the only name that matters? My husband, Eddie Guerrero.
Lie, Cheat, Steal plays as Eddie walks down the ring to where Vickie is standing with a look of disdain on his face as the crowd chants his name. He holds the ropes for her as she steps through the ropes. He then get's the mic.
EG:First of all, all of you should be on your knees showing wife the proper respect she deserves. You don't deserve to kiss the ground she walks on. Youre lucky we even agreed to set foot in this hellhole. As far as the Undisputed title goes, Vickie is right, the GUERRERO name is the only name that matters. That name is synonymous with pro wrestling. The Guerrero family is pro wrestling royalty. From Gory to Mondo to Hector & both Chavo Sr, & Jr., the Guerreros have been champions where ever we have gone. I'm carrying the banner for the Guerrero family now. It's my birthright to be face of this business, let alone this brand. In life you're guaranteed three things, death, taxes, & Eddie Guerrero. I'm not going to stand out here and call names or bicker back and forth because that's beneath me. I'm certainly not going to proclaim myself a champion of the people, because I could give a damn about the people. The only people I represent are my family. If anybody has a problem with that, then I'm not hard to find. I'm standing right here.
Bischoff: Before their any more interruptions, I've made up mind. We are going to decide this in the ring. Tonight, the four of you are going to compete. In one match, it's going to be MVP vs DDP, and in the other match, it's going to be Scott Hall vs Eddie Guerrero. The winner of those to matches will face each other next week to determine our #1 contender. Now get the hell out of my ring! We have a show to run.
Styles: Talk about a double main event. In addition to those huge matches, we also have the SST(Eddie & Rikishi Fatu) vs The Blk Out(Ruckus & Sabian) and Trish Stratus & Lita vs Lacy & Hamada in tag team action.
[Spoiler="In the Can" ][YOUTUBE]yZX9Rv_2_C0[/YOUTUBE][/Spoiler]
Back from commercial:
SAMOAN SWAT TEAM theme plays
Dave Pensar: Ladies & gentleman tonights opening match is set for one fall. Introducing first: being accompanied to the ring by Paul E. Dangerously, from the Isle of Samoa, Eddie & Rikishi Fatu, the SST, the Samoan Swat Team.
Rikishi and Sabian start as Nick Patrick calls for the bell to start the match.
Rikishi over powers Sabian driving him back into the corner. Patrick calls for a a clean break, but Rikishi goes for a short clothesline. Sabian ducks and slaps Rikishi in the back of the head. This angers the big man. Dangerously barks at Rikishi to keep his cool. The lock up again with the same result. Rikishi drive Sabian into the corner and tries to punch him again, but Sabian escapes again. This time he slaps Rikishi on the butt and moves toward his corner. Rikishi charges him only to have Sabian duck and pull the top rope down. Rikishi falls over the top rope to the floor. While Nick Patrick is keeping Eddie Fatu & Dangerously on their side of the ring and out of it, Ruckus launches himself off the top turnbuckle hitting a shooting star press on to a staggering Rikishi. Patrick gets to an 8 count before he can roll back into the ring. Paul yells for him to tag in Eddie while Sabian tags in Ruckus. Ruckus comes in and turns things up a notch. He uses his quickness to get the upper hand on Eddie Fatu. But, he can't get him of his feet. He hits him with diving elbows, a clothesline off the second rope, a rolling thunder lariat, and a diving drop kick. Eddie was staggering, but he wasn't falling. Ruckus tags in Sabian and the go for a double clothesline only to eat one themselves as Eddie Fatu levels them both. Eddie Tag Rikishi back in and they start to dominate both men. Rikishi fire Sabian off to the ropes and catches him with a devastating Samoan drop. Eddie lifts Ruckus and launches over the top rope to the floor. While the referee was busy trying to get Eddie out of the ring, Paul cracked Ruckus in the back of the head with his old school cell phone. Then he gets up on the apron to distract Patrick. Rikishi throws Sabian into the corner, then Eddie fires Rikishi into the corner to squash him. When Sabian drops down, Eddie delivers the Samoan Bulldozer(hip attack). He pulls on Sabians prone body until he's lying flat. Then Rikishi climbs to the second rope to deliver the Banzai drop. 1,2,3!
Dave Penser: You winners, the Samoan Swat Team!
The bring Ruckus into the the ring and Eddie tosses him into the air and catches him with an amazing Samoan drop. The leave Blk Out laying in the ring.
Style: Devastating.
Gertner: Hey Joey, the Blk Out have been...blacked out!
Leticia Cline: Thanks Joey! I'm standing here with one of the men who will be competed in the first of our two main event matches, Montel Vontavious Porter, MVP. MVP, your going to be facing DDP for the first time ever. What's your game plan?
MVP: I don't need a game plan. The only thing he has going for him is his history, that one move, & his hot wife. After I'm done him, he might not even have that. DDP is going to realize that he is in way over his head against me. I'm better than that has been on my worst day. When this night over, he'll be a cripple old man crawlin', and I'll be on my way to a tile match. Along with his wife, I'll be leaving here straight BALLIN'
Cline: Lets send over to Scott Hudson. Scott!
Scott Hudson: Thanks Leticia. DDP, your thoughts on what you just heard from MVP. Scot you've known me for a long time. Does it look like I'm sweating him. The only thing on my mind is competing for that Undisputed championship. One things for sure is MVP will NEVER experience a woman who's even half the woman Kim is. And as far as my one move goes, that he will get to experience. Because, I'm going to make him FEEL THA BANG!
Dave Pensar: The following match is set for one fall, & is to determine one half of next weeks #1 contender match. Introducing first from Miami, Florida, the Franchise Playa, Montell Vontavious Porter-MVP!
His opponent, being accompanied by Kimberly, from the Jersey shore, the original People's Champion, Diamond Dallas Page-DDP
They stand face to face in the middle of the ring, the MVP turns and blows a kiss at Kimberly. DPP starts wailing on him with shots to the head. He connects with a discus lariat on the staggered MVP. Goes for a quick pin, but MPV kicks out at 2. Page lifts Porter up and fires him into the corner. When he walks over, the refs get's between them allowing MVP to sneak in a poke to the eye. MVP takes control with a shot to the kidneys. and takes page down to the mat. He starts working over Page's taped up ribs by hooking on a bear hug which causes DDP to scream out in pain. The ref asks him if he wants to give it up, but he says no. DDP tries to make his way to the ropes, but MVP, keeps pulling him back whenever he gets close. He delivers a couple of open arm shots to the ribs, which causes to DDP to scream out again. The agony of the pain is evident in his face as he desperately reaches for the ropes. Kimberly starts banging on the mat getting the crowd into the match. Chants of DDP wring out and Page starts to react only to have MVP apply the bear hug more tightly. Once again the crowd starts chanting; DDP...DDP...DDP! DDP manages to get to his feet and lunge forward sending MVP out of the ring through the ropes. The crowd rejoices and the ref puts on the 10 count while trying to keep DDP in the ring. DDP slips by Charles Robinson and goes to floor after MVP. He throws MVP into the security wall, then into the steps. He goes over and starts kicking him in back. Robinson yells for DDP to get back into the ring. Page throws MVP back into the ring and hooks on a standing surfboard applying lots of pressure to MVP's back. The ref asks but he wont give it up. Page lifts him up and fires him into corner than before and catches with a clothesline. He tries for the Diamond cutter, but MVP pushes him off and crawls to the outside.
Back from commercial, MVP has regained control. We go to clips from what happened during the break. Back to live action, MVP is using the ropes to choke Page. He releases the ropes at the ref's 4 count. He throws Page into the corner and goes the PLAYA'S BOOT. Page avoids it and tries to set up the Cutter for a second time, but MVP hits a reverse DDT for two. He goes for an Irish whip but Page reverses it. MVP ducks a clothesline and hits one his own. He see Page on the mat and gets a smile on his face. He goes for 'Ballin Elbow' to a loud chorus of boos. He delivers but only scores a 2 count. He pulls to his feet by his hair and hooks on the 'Play Maker'. DDP reverses it & hits the Diamond Cutter out of no where. 1...2...3...DDP advances.
Penser: Your winner DDP!
Styles: What a great match, but the question is, who will DDP face next week? We'll get our answer later tonight Eddie Guerrero faces off with Scott Hall.
Back from commercial, we got to Bischoff's office:
Bischoff(on the phone): Absolutely. Yeah! Not only will I invite them onto my show, but I'm going to embarrass them. Regal & Nash have no idea how to run a wrestling show and don't get me started on old Peanut Head. In fact, I'm inviting all of them and their representatives to the show next week & watch the real #1 contender for Undisputed title get crowned.
(knock on the door)
Talk to you later. COME IN!
In walks Paul E. Dangerously.
Dangerously: You wanted to see me Mr. Bischoff.
Bischoff: I have a situation that needs to be taken care of by a man with your expertise. I want you to keep an eye on Scott Hall. Given his history, I just don't trust him. I have this sinking feeling that sooner, rather than later, he is going to do something to embarrass this company, this brand, & more importantly me. But, I, meaning you are going to head him off at the pass. I need you to assign to let Mr. Hall know that his history has no place in my future. If he should be lucky enough to get past Guerrero tonight, fine, just hold off until I give the go ahead. But, if he loses, then next week you make him suffer the consequences for all the hell his personal life put me through the last time he worked for me. You take care of that, and then I'll personally owe you one.
Dangerously: You know, I have just the man for the job. I promise you wont be disappointed. See you next week.
Cline: Tonight ladies, you start the road toward becoming the first team to capture the Guerrilla Alpha Women's Tag Team Championship. But, your opponents, Lacy & Molly Holly also plan on becoming the first any thoughts?
Trish: We've been for this night forever it seems. Lita & I are going show the world we are the best female tag team to ever be assembled.
Lita: Not just the best female tag team, the best tag team period. Tonight is just the first step. No disrespect to Molly & Lacy, but those titles are ours.
Cline: Thanks ladies. Let's toss it to Scott.
Hudson: Thanks Leticia. I'm here with the afore mentioned Lacey & Molly Holly. What's...
Molly: Scott, do we look like we care what some blond bimbo & trashy skank has to say? We're going to make them regret showing up tonight. Interview over.
Lita makes her way to the ring and is attacked on the ramp by Lacey. Lacey takes her by the arm and sling her into the security wall. She then puts the boots to her as Trish's music hits. Trish runs out to help Lita, but is cut off by Molly. Molly get's Trish on the ground, pulls out a set of brass knuckles, & commences to pounding them into Trish's forehead. Trish's face becomes a crimson mask. Molly takes her hand and smears the blood all over Trish's face and in her blond hair. Meanwhile, Lacey is holding Lita on the ground forcing her to watch as her tag team partner is decimated. Security arrives to remove Molly & Lacey.
Styles: O....K! Anyway, welcome back to the show ladies & gentleman. We're glad your with us! Here's what we have schedule for next week: Cryme Tyme battle Triple Threat members Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko, Elijah Burke faces Jamie Noble, and DDP faces the winner of Scott Hall & Eddie Guerrero to determine our number one contender for the undisputed title. All that and much more next week right on Guerrilla Alpha only on Spike Tv! Leticia Cline is Standing by with Eddie Guerrero.
Cline: Thanks Joey. Eddie tonight.... Vickie: The last thing my husband needs or wants is to answer questions from some bottle blond dimwit who only got her job because the boss like the way she looks. Eddie is going to go out there and prove what he said earlier tonight. The Guerrero name is the ONLY name that matters.
Lance Storm makes his way to the ring and takes the mic away from Pensar.
Storm: If I can be serious for a minute. I wanna know I wasn't considered for that little mini tournament we have going on to crown the #1 contender for the WPWF Undisputed title. If thee is anyone who should be in that championship match, it's me. All I'm asking for is a little respect....a little appreciation. Is that too much to ask. I demand somebody come out here and give me an explanation.
Homicide's theme interrupts Storms whining.
Homicide: You wanna know why you're not getting a title shot? I wanna know why you're out here crying. The people don't care you, Lance. The people at home don't care about you either...hell, I don't care about you! Why don't you take your whining ass out of this ring and go cry somewhere else.
Storm: You know what? You are exactly right. These people don't hear me cry, huh. Ok, I'll leave.
Lance turns to leave, but out of nowhere, he nails Homicide in the mouth with a super kick.
Storm: Why don't you keep your nose out of grown folks business. Get in my face again and I'll show you just how serious I can be.
Gertner: I think Homicide just got what he had coming. ever get between a man and a world title.
Styles: Speaking of titles, Eddie Guerrero vs. Scott Hall is next.
Ladies & gentle our main event match is set for one fall & the winner witll fave DDP next week to determine the #1 contender for WORLD PRO WRESTLING FEDERATION Undisputed Championship. Coming to the ring first, accompanied by his Mamacita, Vickie, from El Paso, Texas, Eddie Guerrero.
His opponent from Chuluota, Florida, The Bad Guy Scott Hall.
They go to lock up, but Hall stops & throws the toothpick in Eddie's face to the delight of the crowd. They lock up for real & Hall drives Eddie into the corner. Billy Silverman calls for a clean break. Hall obliges him. The go to lock up again, but Eddie pokes him the eye & delivers a quick arm drag. Eddie stands over him with that wicked smirk. Hall gets back to his. The lock up again & Eddie lets Hall push him back into the corner and waits for the clean break. When Hall starts to back away, Vickie distracts the referee allowing Eddie to deliver a low blow. He takes Hall by the hand, walks up the ropes, and flips him across the ring with the head scissors. When Hall sits up, Eddies runs over and kicks him in the mouth. Hall writhes on the while Eddie admires his work. He steps on his face and starts putting the boots to him. Guerrero applies the Magistral cradle but only gets a two count. Eddie taunts the crowd only to be school boyed for a two. Hall reverses an Irish whip attempt into a fall away slam. Eddie rols out of the ring and is comforted by Vickie until the ref yells forher to get away from him. Eddie & Scott go back and forth for 15 minutes with several heated near falls. Eventually, Hall gets the upper hand, delivers a choke slam, and signals for the Outsider Edge. When he lifts him up, Vickie gets up on the apron distracting both Hall and referee Billy Silverman. Eddie hits yet another low blow on Hall, pulls him into the corner, and nails him with a tornado DDT. He quickly climbs back to the top rope, taunts the crowd & delivers a picture perfect frog splash. 1...2...3 and Eddie Guerrero will face DDP next week.
Grisham-Welcome everyone! We are live here at the US Bank Arena in Cincinnat, OH and this is the 2nd episode of Monday Night Catastrophe! And Matt what a night we have in store for the great fans of the WPWF. Striker-That is indeed the truth Todd. Tonight we will find out who will be representing our show in the Main Event at December to Remember for the Undisputed Championship. Grisham-That is right Matt, Undertaker, Cena, and Mark Henry will duke it out in our main event. Bu that isnt all we have in store for you guys to .
*Grisham is interrupted as a camera shows a panicked Lauren backstage*
Lauren-I dont want to do this. This isnt part of my job Voice in background-Look Lauren, I could very easily put you out of commission. Just read the cards I gave you and itll be all over. Lauren (frightened)-Last week, you took out Hulk Hogan. How do you explain your actions Swagger? Swagger-Great question Lauren. I took out Hulk Hogan because it needed to be done. This isnt the Hulk Hogan I grew up watching, this isnt the Hollywood Hulk Hogan. This Hulk Hogan is a has been, a shadow of his former self. He is just sucking money out of the WPWF and they are only using him for name recognition alone. Hulk Hogan is a nobody. Hulk Hogan just wants attention. The WPWF wants to put their organization on the map. Well the man who will do that for them is me, Jack Swagger. Im the man who will put this company on the map. Im the man who will go down as this companys greatest star. Lauren-I cant do this. This is terrible Jack, you are insane. Swagger-Just ask the question Lauren before you suffer the same fate that Hulk Hogan suffered last week. Lauren-What was with calling out Triple H and what about John Cena? He called you out last week. Swagger-As you heard me say last week Lauren, what I did needed to be done. It was about time someone called out Triple H for his fraud of a career. And regarding John Cena, I dont care about Cena. He isnt in my worries right now. Ill take care of Cena when I need to take care of Cena.
*GM William Regal storms in and grabs the mic out of Laurens hands*
Regal-You look here Mr. Swagger. You blatantly disobeyed my orders last week. You take out one of my main event superstars and I threw you out of the arena. Then you come back and interfere in my main event match. Swagger-Look Mr. Regal, no offense but you cant control what I do. You may be the authority figure around here, but you arent exactly the guy anyone takes seriously. So I did things on my own terms and you nor anyone else can stop me. Regal-I cant control what you do? Is that what you think Mr. Swagger? Well guess what Jack, you are suspended indefinitely from the WPWF. So you can gather your stuff and leave my arena. And dont even think about coming back. Ill call you when you are able to return to action. Cheerio. Swagger-Youre gonna regret this Regal. Just watch, your show will suffer without me. When I get back Regal Im gonna make your life hell, just watch.
*Swagger storms off as Regal smirks as the camera pans back to Todd Grisham and Matt Striker*
Grisham-Well it doesnt look like we will be seeing our residential big mouth for the coming weeks Matt. Striker-Thats a bit harsh Todd. Swagger can back up what he says and he may be right when he says this show will suffer. Like him or hate him, he is one of the best talents the WPWF has. Grisham-In some serious news Matt. On our, our shows main reporter, Theo Mays gave us an update on Hulk Hogans condition. He said Hogan will be taking some time off to think about his future in the business and whether it is worth staying in the business. I know Matt that you were looking forward to watching Hogan and so was I. Lets hope Hulk gets the time he needs and makes a comeback here on Catastrophe. Striker-You got that right Todd. Im a Hulkamaniac through and through. I know I cant wait for Hogan to step into the ring. If I know Hogan he will be back and Hulkamania will rule supreme in the WPWF.
Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and the winner will receive a future shot at the Regional Championship!
Roberts-Introducing first, from Harlem, New York EZEKIEL JACKSON!!!
Grisham-Here comes Big Zeke and we know hell be going up against The Blueprint Matt Morgan. A battle of the bigs, next!
Grisham-Welcome back. What a match we have here to open the show Matt. Striker-Yes it is Todd. Two gigantic, freak athletes are going to duel for a future shot at the Regional championship.
Roberts-And his opponent, from Fairfield, Connecticut THE BLUEPRINT MATT MORGAN!!!
Grisham-And here come The Blueprint. A 7 foot creature with the athleticism of a man half his size. Matt Morgan, as he would say is genetically-jacked, athletically-stacked giant walking today. Both these men know what their getting into. Two behemoths of superstars colliding only here on Monday Night Catastrophe!
Referee Noah Wilson rings the bell and the match is underway. Zeke and Morgan stare each other down. Zeke shows off his massive arms. Morgan just looks at his wrists as Zeke continues to flex. Morgan signals time is up and he starts striking Zeke with lefts and rights. Zeke fades into the ropes and Morgan grabs him and whips across the ring. Morgan nails Zeke with a clothesline, but Zeke just shakes it off. Morgan runs and hits him with another one. Zeke just screams and smacks his chest. Morgan is furious and he runs for another clothesline. This time Zeke nails him with a giant shoulder block, knocking Morgan to the ground. Morgan hops back up and applauds Zeke. The two lock up and Zeke just shoves Morgan off. They go for another lock up and Zeke again shoves Morgan, this time to the ground. Morgan gets back up and again locks up with Zeke. This time Morgan shoves Zeke off. Zeke is barely affected. Zeke storms at Morgan, but Morgan dodges out of the way and Zeke charges into the corner. Zeke turns around and Morgan nails him with a dropkick and Zeke falls to the outside. Morgan celebrates as the crowd erupts at the match thus far.
Grisham-What a match thus far Matt! Striker-That it is Todd. And what a move by Matt Morgan. A man that size performing an excellent, perfectly executed dropkick.
Morgan rolls to the outside and lifts Zeke up, but Zeke counters with an elbow right into the midsection. Big Zeke gets to his feet and he throws Morgan into the steel post shoulder first. Morgan crashes into the post and is favoring his right shoulder on the outside. Referee Noah Wilson yells for Zeke to get back in the ring, but Zeke gives him a stern look and just ignores him. Morgan is up on one knee, but Zeke knocks him back down to the ground with numerous forearm shots to the back right shoulder blade of Morgan. Zeke lifts Morgan up and rolls him back into the ring. Zeke goes for the cover.
Zeke pounds the mat and Wilson signals it was only a two count. Zeke yells for him to speed up the count. Zeke shifts his focus back on Morgan and he kicks him while he still lays on the mat. Zeke gets Morgan in a shoulder claw on Morgans damage shoulder.
Striker-Can you imagine the pain that Matt Morgan must be going through right now. The shoulder claw is an effective maneuver to a non injured shoulder. Now imagine your shoulder after being rammed into a steel post. And with a man with the size and stature of the massive Ezekiel Jackson, the pain has to be unbearable.
Zeke keeps the pressure applied, but Morgan will not submit. The crowd gets behind Matt Morgan, as he tries to get back to his feet. Zeke is shocked the Morgan starts to power out. Morgan is up on both feet. Morgan hits Zeke with an elbow to the gut, followed by another. Zeke releases the hold on his own power and he grabs Morgan and throws him, shoulder first, into the turnbuckle. Zeke then runs across the ropes and hits Morgan with a giant clothesline and goes for the cover.
Big Zeke lifts Morgan up and goes sets him up for the Ura-nage. He goes to lift Morgan, but Morgan blocks. He tries again, and Morgan blocks. Morgan hits Zeke with an elbow, followed by another. Zeke breaks the hold. Morgan tries to gain some momentum with jabs to Zekes midsection. Morgan then whips Zeke into the turnbuckle. Morgan runs and nails Zeke with a big splash. Morgan then entraps Zeke in the corner. Morgan rips off his elbow pads and hits Zeke with alternating elbow shots. Morgan pumps the crowd up as Zeke staggers out of the corner. Morgan awaits Zeke to get up to both feet. Zeke grabs onto the ropes and Morgan runs and hits Zeke with a Guillotine Leg Drop. Morgan falls to the outside as Zeke falls to the mat. Morgan poses for the fans and heads back into the ring and goes for the cover.
Morgan lifts Zeke up and has him all setup for the Hellevator. Zeke blocks and pushes Morgan into the ropes. Morgan bounces off the ropes and Zeke goes for a big clothesline, but Morgan ducks. Morgan bounces off the other ropes and hits a turning Ezekiel Jackson with a Carbon Footprint. The crowd pops as Morgan poses again. He lifts Zeke off the mat and looks at his wrist as if a watch is there. He signals it is time and he lifts big Ezekiel Jackson up and drops him with the Hellevator. Morgan goes for the cover.
Referee Noah Wilson signals for the bell. Roberts-The winner of the match, by pinfall MATT MORGAN!
Grisham-What a way to end the match! Unbelievable to see Matt Morgan lift a man the size of Ezekiel Jackson up and drop him like he was a pillow. Striker-That just goes to show how strong Matt Morgan is. And while it may have looked easy, it was no easy feat, as you know Morgan is hiding the pain behind those eyes. But Matt Morgan won, and well deserved. Now he joins Dolph Ziggler for a future shot for the Regional Championship! Grisham-Speaking of Dolph Ziggler, Lauren is backstage with him now. Lauren.
Lauren-Thanks Todd. Like you said Im back here with Dolph Ziggler. Dolph, you just watched the match, what are your thoughts? Dolph-Well Lauren, my thoughts are simple. There is no doubt that Matt Morgan is bigger and stronger than myself. But what Morgan lacks is what I rule supreme. And that is a brain. Morgan is just a big dummy who wants to hurt people. When I go out there, my goal is to win and I have tons of strategies in my head that could defeat any opponent that steps in my way. Morrison-Is that so Mr. Ziggles? You have a strategy to defeat anyone. Well Dolphin, we shall see about that. Cause later tonight, the Monday Night Delight makes his WPWF debut and I go one on one with Rey Mysterio. The winner of that, joins you and Mr. Morgan in the future shot for the Regional Championship. Dolph-First off its DOLPH ZIGGLER. And secondly, I dont really care about you or Mysterio. What I care about is winning the Regional Championship, which I can guarantee you that I will do.
*Ziggler walks away as the camera zooms in on Morrison who chuckles*
Triple H (screaming)-Where is Regal! Where is he!
*Triple H storms through the backstage area and he pushes through Regals door to his office*
Regal (scared)-What in the bloody hell is your problem Triple H? Triple H-What is my problem? My problem is that you suspend that punk, Jack Swagger. Regal-I had no other choice Hunter. He was a hoodlum and creating a ruckus and causing havoc on my show and I will not tolerate that. Triple H-He called me out Regal. He had the audacity to call me out. And you go and suspend him. You know the best thing for this brand is for me to rip him apart, limb from limb and we wont have to deal with him anymore. Regal-I cant do that Hunter. Like it or not, Swagger has a bright future in this business. And he is a very valuable asset here. So Im keeping him and the superstars he is targeting out of harms way with his suspension. Triple H-You wanna know what I think? I think he has gotten to you Regal. He wanted you to suspend him, because he doesnt know the pain that I will put him through. So do what is best Regal, lift the suspension and give me a match with him TONIGHT! Regal-I will not do such a thing Triple H. Now I suggest you leave, take some time off. You are obviously not emotionally capable of competing tonight, as you have revenge on your mind. So go back to your hotel, relax and I will have a much for you next week.
*Triple H grunts at Regal and he walks away, slamming the door behind him with such force that it knocks Mr. Regals pictures off the wall*
Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and the winner will be declared the LADIES CHAMPION!
Roberts-Introducing first, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada MARYSE!!!!
Grisham-Here comes the self proclaimed hottest lady in the WPWF. And Matt she makes a good case. Striker-Yes she does Todd. And Maryse has always reminded me of the woman that you want to do many dirty things with, yet you are happily married. Grisham-I dont think that would stop Maryse from getting what she wants. Striker-Touche Todd. But right now, you gotta think Maryse has two things on her mind. Number one being that she is the hottest thing on the planet and number two, winning the Ladies Championship by defeating Mickie James.
Roberts-And her opponent, from Richmond, Virginia MICKIE JAMES!!!!
Striker-Listen to the ovation Todd. The fans here in Cincinnati love the ever adorable Mickie James. Grisham-Mickie has accomplished so much in her illustrious career and she looks to add some more gold to her resume by becoming the first Ladies Champion here on WPWF Catastrophe!
Referee Jack Doan rings the bell and the match is underway. Mickie stares a whole straight through Maryse, but Maryse is unaffected as she flings her hair and poses for the crowd. Whistles follow and Maryse throws her hand up as she could careless what the fans think of her. The two start to circle the ring and they lock up. Maryse gains control and Mickie is in a headlock. Maryse looks confident as she shouts at Mickie. The headlock doesnt last long, as Mickie shoves Maryse off. Maryse stumbles and grabs the ropes to keep her up. Maryse turns around and looks disgusted that Mickie would even think about breaking the hold. Maryse shakes it off and the two ladies circle the ring again. They lock up and Maryse again gains the advantage as she was able to get behind Mickie and now has her in a bear hug from behind. Mickie tries to hit elbow shots to Maryses temple, but Maryse is ducked down. Maryse hits a German Suplex and goes for a quick cover.
Maryse glares at Jack Doan for only counting to two. She starts to flirt with Doan and he tries to tell her he is the ref, as she slowly rubs her finger against his chest. Mickie, meanwhile is up and she sneaks behind Maryse and scores with a school girl. Doan is a bit distracted, as he is slow to make the count.
Doan shakes his head, as Mickie lets him know that he was out of position. Mickie lifts Maryse up and hits her with forearm shots to the head. She whips Maryse into the ropes and hits her with a back elbow shot, right to the jaw. Mickie gets the crowd pumped up as she heads to the top rope. The crowd starts chanting Mickie, Mickie, Mickie Maryse gets to her feet and Mickie goes for a missile dropkick, but Maryse ducks out of the way and Mickie crashes to the mat.
Grisham-That is why they call it the high risk district. Lets see what Maryse can do to capitalize here.
Maryse throws her hand up and generates some heat from the audience. Mickie is slow to her feet and Maryse toys with her by slapping her nonchalantly on the side of her head. Maryse helps Mickie back up and goes for a suplex. Mickie blocks the first attempt. Maryse tries again and she gets Mickie up, but Mickie forces herself back to the ground. Maryse tries a third time but Mickie pushes Maryse. Maryse bounces off the ropes and falls down. She holds her ankle as if it is injured. Jack Doan checks on her.
Striker-This could be bad Todd. Maryse seems to have legitimately injured that ankle. Referee Jack Doan may have no other choice but to stop this match.
Mickie goes to get Maryse, but Doan holds her back. Doan goes back to checking on Maryse. Mickie has seen enough, as she goes to the outside of the ring and pulls Maryse out with her. Mickie hits Maryse with consecutive right elbow shots to the cranium. Maryse is woozy and Mickie rolls her back in. Mickie heads to the top rope, as Maryse is slow to get up. Maryse turns and Mickie his a diving Thesz press. Mickie punches away at Maryse, and Jack Doan separates them. Doan holds James back, as she flails her body to get him to let go. Maryse crawls to the ropes to help herself get back to her feet. Once Maryse has regained her composure, Doan releases Mickie. She charges right at Maryse, but Maryse ducks and pulls down the middle rope and Mickie crashes to the outside.
Grisham-What the hell is this Matt? Did you see who just came out of the crowd? Striker-As a matter of fact I did Todd. It is none other than Rene Dupree and Sylvain Grenier, La Resistance. And if you remember correctly, they played a major part in Maryse getting this title match.
Jack Doan goes to check on Mickie, while Maryse crawls across the ring to Dupree and Grenier. Doan helps Mickie back up and he sees La Resisitance, and he confronts them. They back away from the ring, as Doan helps Mickie back in. Maryse crawls to Mickie and goes for the cover.
Maryse is shocked as she yells at Doan. Maryse grabs Mickie by the hair and starts pounding her head into the mat. Doan tries to break it up, but Mickie counters and the two start rolling across the ring and Doan is joined in the action. Maryse is now at the bottom, but she kicks James off and Mickie crashes to the mat. Grenier hops on the apron and starts to chat with Doan. The ref yells at Grenier to get off the apron, but he continues his chat. Meanwhile, Dupree hands something to Maryse. Mickie heads over to Maryse and Maryse throws the substance that Dupree handed her in Mickies face. Grenier hops off the apron and Maryse then plants Mickie with the French Kiss (snap DDT) and goes for the cover.
Roberts-The winner of the match, by pinfall and NEW Ladies Champion .MARYSE!
Grisham-For the second week in a row, Maryse has had the assistance of La Resistance in aiding her to victory and now she holds championship gold here on WPWF Catastrophe. Stiker-While Im not a fan of her method, Maryse deserves a hand as she is the first superstar, male or female to hold championship gold here on Catastrophe.
Grisham-Welcome back to WPWF Catastrophe and what a show we have had thus far Matthew. Striker-It has indeed been a fantastic show here in the early going. We crowned our first champion here on Catastrophe, as you just witnessed. Maryse pulled a fast one on Mickie James and is our new and first ever Ladies Champion. Speaking of championships, Matt Morgan moved closer to becoming the Regional Champion, as he joins Dolph Ziggler as two of the guys who will fight for a shot at the title at a later date. Grisham-And speaking of the Regional Championship, we learned earlier tonight that John Morrison will be facing Rey Mysterio and the winner will join Ziggler and Morgan at that later date. Plus Matt, we still have our MAIN EVENT to determine who will represent Catastrophe at December to Remember between Undertaker, Mark Henry, and John Cena. And right now, Lauren is with John Cena!
Lauren-Thanks guys. Now John, last week you said you werent thrilled with how you got into this match, as Hogan was attacked by the recently suspended Jack Swagger. But you have to think and the fans have to think you are the favorite to win this match. Cena-To be honest Lauren, I cant blame their thought process. Mark Henry had a fantastic match with Sting last week and Undertaker and Triple H battled it out until Swagger came and interrupted. But that match was brutal and both men gave it their all no doubt. Me on the other hand had off. I didnt wrestle a match, I was given my spot. Some of the fans have asked me if Im behind Swaggers attacks. And the answer to that is no. Im not the one telling Swagger to do this. Swagger is out their making his own mark, and Im here to continue my career and as of now, Im not fond with my start. Lauren-Wait John, are you doubting yourself? Do you honestly believe that you dont deserve to be here? Cena-I dont know what Im thinking right now Lauren. All I know is I gotta match to prepare for and Im gonna do all I can to EARN my way into the Undisputed championship match.
Grisham-That is not a great site Matt. Cena seems to have lost his confidence and this could effect his performance tonight. Striker-Well Todd, knowing Cena he will get out of whatever this slump he is in and he will bounce back. Now that weve heard from Cena, I can tell you we will be hearing from Mark Henry a little later and we will do our best to track down The Phenom. But right now, lets send it to Justin Roberts for our next matchup.
Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and the winner will be granted a future shot at the Regional Championship!
Roberts-Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California JOHN MORRISON!
Grisham-A solid reaction for the Shaman of Sexy, John Morrison. And you know the ladies love him Matt. The luscious locks of hair, the fur coat, the tight pants, the designer glasses, and a great set of abs! Striker-Are you sure it is just the women who like him Todd? In all seriousness though, this match is going to be a fantastic bout and the crowd is going to be split. At least that is how I see it. We shall see though when Rey Rey makes his entrance.
Roberts-And his opponent, from San Diego, California REY MYSTERIO!
Grisham-Well Matt, you know I love it when your wrong. It looks like our fantastic fans here in Cincy are favoring the Master of the 619, Rey Mysterio. Listen to that ovation. Striker-Yeah, yeah Todd. Rub it in, rub it in. No disrespect to John Morrison, but Rey Mysterio is a future hall of famer in this business and Morrison is just a budding young star. The fans are behind Mysterio, but believe you me, they know what Morrison is capable of and they know Morrison can pull off the upset.
Head official, Mickie Henson signals for the bell and the match is underway. Rey and Morrison shake hands and start to circle the ring. Morrison goes to take down Reys legs, but Rey ducks out of the way. Morrison is right back up. The two circle the ring again. This time Mysterio goes for Morrisons legs. Morrison dodges and Rey hops right back up. Rey claps and the crowd is getting into it. The two finally lock up, Rey gains control, but Morrison shoves Rey into the ropes. Morrison falls to the ground and Rey hops right over him. Rey bounces off the other ropes and Morrison gets right up. Rey runs at Morrison, but John leapfrogs Rey. Mysterio again runs off the ropes and Morrison goes for a clothesline, but Rey ducks. Rey runs to the other set and he jumps and springboards off the 2nd rope and hits Morrison with a cross body. Rey lands it into a cover and Henson goes to make the count.
Morrison throws Rey off after the one count. Morrison gets up and Rey runs at him, but Morrison catches him into a spinning backbreaker and Reys back crashes down on Morrisons knee. Morrison keeps Rey on his knee and JoMo gets his hand under Reys jaw and pushes back. Mysterio screams in agony as Mickie Henson checks if Rey submits. Mysterio shouts no, as Morrison continues to apply pressure. The crowd is heavily favoring Mysterio with faint chants for Morrison. Rey builds off the crowd and lands consecutive kicks to the head of Morrison. Morrison releases the hold and Rey rolls out to the apron. Mysterio pulls himself up and Morrison heads to the ropes. He goes to grab Mysterio, but Mysterio ducks and rams his shoulder into the sternum of Morrison. Rey flips back into the ring and rolls Morrison up with a sunset flip. Henson goes for the count, but Morrison rolls right out it and nails Mysterio with a knee to the cranium. Morrison rolls Rey over and goes for the cover.
Morrison lifts Rey up and throws him into the corner. Morrison lifts Rey up and sets him on the top. Morrison climbs up and attempts a superplex. Rey grabs hold of the ropes and Morrison cant hit it. Rey manages to shove Morrison off and Morrison lands on his feet. Rey starts to stand up, but Morrison nails Rey with a spin kick and Mysterio crashes to the outside.
Striker-What a move there by Morrison. A somewhat of a modified inziguiri there and Mysterio has to be in some serious pain, as he crashed to the floor and hit pretty hard Todd.
Mickie Henson goes to the outside to check if Mysterio still wants to compete. Morrison follows and he helps Rey up and rolls him into the ring. Morrison heads right back in and goes for the cover.
Morrison is stunned that Rey managed to kick out after taking the shot to the head. Morrison lifts Rey up and goes for a suplex. Rey blocks and Morrison tries again. Rey again blocks the suplex and manages to roll Morrison into a small package.
Morrison is right virtually right away and Rey struggles to get up, as he needs the ropes to help him up. Morrison backs Rey into a corner and hits him with a chop to the chest. WOOOOOs rain through the arena. Morrison again chops Rey in the chest and the WOOOOOs again rain through the arena. Morrison Irish whips Rey into the other turnbuckle and follows with a running clothesline. Rey falls to the ground and Morrison goes right to the top rope. Morrison waits for Rey to get back to his feet and Morrison goes for a flying cross body, but Mysterio rolls out of the way and Morrison crashes to the mat.
Grisham-Can Mysterio regain control in this match, or will John Morrison remain in the driver seat? Find out after this quick commercial break.
Grisham-Welcome back to Catastrophe and during the break it looked like Rey would capitalize, as he countered a Morrison maneuver into a DDT. But Rey went for a springboard cross body and Morrison drilled Rey in the ribcage with a dropkick.
Morrison now has Mysterio in a bear hug. Rey wont quit as Mickie Henson checks on him. Morrison keeps squeezing Rey and Rey begins to fade. Mickie Henson raises Reys arm and it falls back down. The crowd starts a heavy Mysterio, Mysterio chant as Henson drops Reys arm for a 2nd time. He goes for a third, but Reys arm stays up. Mysterio hits Morrison with numerous punches to the head and Morrison releases the hold. Rey hits three consecutive kicks, one to the right thigh, one to the left, and one in the ribcage. Morrison falls to his knees and Mysterio runs across the ropes and nails Morrison with a dropkick. Rey goes for the cover.
While Mysterio went for the pinfall Dolph Ziggler started to make his way to the ring with a chair. He catches Rey off guard as Ziggler shrugs his shoulders and opens the chair and sits down. Mysterio shifts his focus back on Morrison. Rey grabs Morrison and hits him with a few jabs and chops. Rey whips Morrison across the ropes and jumps up for a hurricarana, but Morrison catches him in a powerbomb. Ziggler stands up and claps and Morrison tells him to sit back down. Morrison lifts Rey up and goes for the Moonlight Drive, but Mysterio ducks out of it and dropkicks Morrison in the back and Morrison crashes and lands in position for the 619. Ziggler is out of his chair and Rey runs across the ropes and goes for the 619. While in turn to kick Morrison, Ziggler out of nowhere hits Rey in the knee with the chair, simultaneously hitting Morrison in the head with the chair. Ziggler laughs as Rey falls to the outside and Morrison is holding his head on the inside.
Grisham-Dolph Ziggler had no right to be here Matt and he ruined this fantastic match. Striker-It is tough to tell how Mickie Henson is going to make this decision. From our monitors and the replays you can see clearly that Ziggler hit both Rey and Morrison at the same time with the steel chair. Not sure if Mickie Henson was in the right position to be able to tell who was hit. But this is why he is the head official for the Catastrophe brand and whatever decision he makes will be the right one. Grisham-Well it looks like the decision has been made, so lets here the explanation from Justin Roberts.
Roberts-From referee Mickie Hensons vantage point, Dolph Ziggler hit the chair shot on both Rey Mysterio and John Morrison at the same time. Due to that, the referee has decided to rule this match a no contest.
Ziggler walks away smiling as Morrison and Rey both look on glaring at him as he heads up the entrance ramp.
Striker-Well Todd I think we know what Zigglers intentions were. With this being a no contest, you have to believe that neither Mysterio or Morrison will get that future match for the Regional Championship. And that leaves it open to just Matt Morgan and Dolph Ziggler.
Grisham-It looks like Dolph Ziggler has outsmarted everyone here and makes his chances of winning the Regional Championship that much better.
Lauren-What a fantastic match from Rey Mysterio and John Morrison folks. And I got some breaking news regarding those two superstars and some news regarding next weeks Catastrophe. I just spoke with our General Manager, William Regal and he told me that due to Zigglers interference, Rey Mysterio and John Morrison will both be included in the match to determine the Regional Championship. So we know Matt Morgan, Dolph Ziggler, Morrison, and Mysterio will battle it out for the Regional Championship at a later date. And next week, we will crown our Regional Tag Team Champions, as we will have a tournament over the course of the next few weeks to determine our tag team champions. The teams will be announce that night on Catas
Maryse-Excusez-moi, mais laissez le champion du parler. Lauren, there is no need for a tag team tournament, as we all know La Resistance will come out victorious. Because I dont associate with losers and Rene Dupree and Sylvain Grenier are far from losers. So Mr. Regal might as well just hand Rene and Sylvain the Regional tag team championships and we will become the most powerful force on Catastrophe.
*Maryse and La Resistance start to walk off, but are stopped in their tracks by Beer Money*
Roode-Did I just here you say that your French stooges are going to walk away with the tag team titles? Well Maryse, you have the looks, but you certainly dont have the brains. Storm-You see sweetheart, if you were smart youd associate yourself with a pair of handsome, yet rugged men like Rob and myself. So if you think Fefe and Pepe are gonna beat us out for the tag titles, you have another thing coming. Sorry bout your damn luck.[/
*Maryse just rolls her eyes at Beer Money as the Storm blows kisses at her. Maryse holds back Dupree and Grenier as Hart Dynasty joins in*
Natalya (chuckling)-Well, well, well. I couldnt help but over hear that you two actually believe you have a shot at the tag titles. You see there is only one true dominant country in the tag team division and it is Canada. The French are pronoun losers and Americans are always over confident. You see, us three are the true elitist here on Catastrophe. Tyson, David, and myself were trained in the historic Hart Dungeon. And we know for sure that we will be the tag team champions come the end of Catastrophe.
*The three teams just have a stare down as we cut to a dark room filled with fog and smoke*
Undertaker-Tonight I will reign supreme and move one step closer to the ultimate goal of becoming the World Pro Wrestling Federation Undisputed Champion. Hells gates will be opened as I bring in two new victims in John Cena and Mark Henry. Their livelihood is in jeopardy as their souls are in my hands. And I will put them out of their misery and they will Rest In Piece.
*Taker rolls his eyes back and the screen fades to a commercial break*
Justin Roberts-In the ring, from Orangeburg, South Carolina SHELTON BENJAMIN!
Grisham-Welcome back everyone. As you see Shelton Benjamin is already in the ring as he awaits his opponent. Striker-Ahh the Gold Standard, arguably the most athletic superstar to grace the squared circle, Shelton Benjamin.
Justin Roberts-And his opponent, from Ghana, West Africa KOFI KINGSTON!
Grisham-What an ovation for the energy surge that is Kofi Kingston! Striker-Kofi is one of the hottest rising stars in this business. And what a match this shall be. These two, like good ole JR would say are quicker than a hiccup. This will be a fast paced, high energy match and can only be seen here on Catastrophe!
Referee Noah Wilson rings the bell and the match is underway. Kofi gets into his trademark stance as Benjamin tries to take him down. Kofi jumps the leg sweep and goes for a sidekick, but Benjamin ducks out of the way. Benjamin wraps Kofi up. Kofi tries to elbow his way out of the move, but Benjamin dodges the elbows and slams Kofi onto the mat. Benjamin releases the waistlock and slides right into a headlock. Kofi tries to get back to his feet, but Benjamin keeps him on the ground.
Striker-This is just what Benjamin wants to do Todd. Kofi relies on that quick pace, while Benjamin can easily adapt to that, he prefers to keep it on the ground. As we all know Shelton was an amateur wrestler back in his college days and was a darn good one and he has translated that into a WWE.
Kofi chants pour through the arena. Shelton releases the headlock and goes into an armbar. Kofi grimaces in pain, as he tries to break the hold. Benjamin revs back and keeps applying some serious pressure to Kofis arm. Kofi taps his foot along with the chants and he gets to his feet. Benjamin gets a shocked look on his face that Kofi is back up. Kofi hits Benjamin with an elbow into the sternum and you can see the intense look on Kofis eyes as he nails Benjamin with another elbow shot, causing Benjamin to break the hold. Kofi runs off the ropes and Benjamin ducks, but Kofi rolls off his back right into a rollup.
Benjamin is shocked as he goes for a clothesline, but Kofi ducks and hits Shelton in the head with a huge kick.
Grisham-Did you hear that?! What a kick to the head by Kofi Kingston. Shelton Benjamin has been tweeting lately, as the little blue birdies circle his cranium.
Kofi lifts Benjamin back up and hits him with a combo of kicks and backhands. Kofi takes Benjamin back down with a spinning double backhand chop. Kofi heads to the top ropes. Benjamin gets up slowly and Kofi dives and nail Shelton with a cross body drop, but Benjamin rolls through into a cover.
Both men get up right away and start trading off fists. Benjamin looks to have control, hitting three consecutive shots, but Kofi jumps right back into it with shots of his own. Both men run across the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Referee Noah Wilson checks both men and begins his ten count
Both men start to move slowly to get to their feet.
Both men are up and Noah Wilson signals for the match to continue. Kofi goes for a big right hand, but misses and Benjamin goes for a kick, but Kofi grabs his leg. Kofi spins Benjamin around, but Benjamin nails him with a Dragon Whip kick and takes Kofi down. Benjamin goes for the cover.
Benjamin lifts Kofi up and whips him into the turnbuckle. Benjamin goes for a splash, but Kofi ducks out of the way. Benjamin notices this and hops up to the top rope. Benjamin jumps off, but Kofi counters and hits Trouble in Paradise in midair on Shelton. Kofi crawls towards Benjamin and goes for the cover.
Roberts=The winner of the match, by pinfall KOFI KINGSTON!
Striker-The match might have been a short one Todd, but what a showing by both superstars here in their Catstrophe debut. Grisham-That it was Todd. Both stars brought it all and they had themselves a fantastic match!
Kofi celebrates and gets the crowd pumped up with Boom Boom high fives. Shelton gets up looking disappointed. Kofi jumps off the ropes and stares Benjamin in the eyes. Benjamin shakes his head and puts his head down with his arms by his side. Kofi goes to walk away, but Benjamin grabs him by the arm. Kofi goes to hit him, but Benjamin sticks his hand out. Kofi looks around and smiles and shakes Benjamins hand. Shelton claps and walks out as Kingston continues to celebrate.
Striker-What a sign of respect from Shelton Benjamin. He knows Kofi was the better superstar tonight and he is man enough to admit that. Grisham-Im going to speak on both of our behalves here and I know Id love to see these two battle again in the near future.
Grisham-Before we send you to Lauren who is backstage with Mark Henry, we want to recap what happened earlier on tonight involving Jack Swagger. Now if your just tuning in, Jack Swagger was suspended until further notice by our general manager, William Regal. Regal has suspended Swagger for his actions at last weeks Catastrophe. Swagger, as we all know, viciously assaulted Hulk Hogan and put him on the shelf for an uncertain amount of time. Then he got involved in our main event last week after being escorted out of the arena. Swagger intentionally got Triple H disqualified and gave Undertaker the third and final spot in our main event tonight. And if that wasnt enough, Swagger hijacked Lauren at the beginning of our show and forced her to give him the interview he felt he deserved. During the interview, Regal informed Swagger he was suspended. Striker-Lets not forget him calling out Triple H last week. And Hunters reaction to Swaggers suspension was less than pleased. Triple H wants a piece of Swagger, but right now he will have to wait. Mr. Regal has also given Triple H the week off, as he was pissed off about not being able to get a piece of Swagger. But we do know that Triple H will have a match here next week on Catastrophe. Now lets send it back to Lauren who is with the Worlds Strongest Man, Mark Henry!
Lauren-Thanks guys. Now Mark Henry, the main event is just minutes away and you have heard what John Cena and The Undertaker have said. So what is your gameplan tonight? Henry-The Worlds Strongest man doesnt need a gameplan Lauren. I didnt have a gameplan last week when I get rid of Sting. Sting isnt even here tonight from the damage I inflicted on him. And tonight I plan to do the same to Undertaker and John Cena. After tonight, the Worlds Strongest Man will reign supreme on Catastrophe.
Justin Roberts-This match is scheduled for one fall and the winner will represent Monday Night Catastrophe at December to Remember in the Undisputed Championship Match!
Roberts-Introducing first, from West Newbury, Massachusetts JOHN CENA!
Cena comes out to a huge pop and he salutes the crowd and he runs down to the ring.
Striker-John Cena is officially making his in-ring debut tonight here and you can see and hear that these fans are glad to be a part of it.
Cena rips off his hat and throws it into the crowd. Cena takes off his shirt and it follows the hat. The girls whistle and Cena chants start before the match begins.
Roberts-And the first opponent, from Silsbee, Texas THE WORLDS STRONGEST MAN MARK HENRY!!!!
Grisham-And here comes the man that has promised us that he will reign supreme on Monday Night. Mark Henry has to be considered the favorite in this match, as he was the only one of the three to gain a pinfall or submission victory last week. And add in the fact that he is the Worlds Strongest Man.
Henry has a serious look on his face and he heads to the ring to some good heat. Henry doesnt enter the ring, as he stands on the outside by the announce table.
Roberts-And the final opponent, from Death Valley THE UNDERTAKER!
The roof explodes as the lights turn to that blueish purple and the fog pours the arena.
Striker-Listen to this ovation! It is an experience to see The Undertaker. And no matter how many times I witness this entrance, I got some serious goosebumps Todd. What a spectacle and what a match this is gonna be!
Referee Jack Doan rings the bell as the three men just stare each other down. Mark Henry poses to the crowd to heavy boos. Cena follows and poses to the fans to a big ovation. Taker one ups the two of them and rolls his eyes back, sticks out his tongue, and does his trademark pose. The crowd erupts and Mark Henry runs at him, but Taker moves out of the way and Henry slams into the corner. Taker starts jabbing and throwing punches into Henrys back. Cena sneaks up from behind Taker and rolls him up.
Both men hop right to their feet and Taker stares a whole through Cena. Cena looks worried, but he isnt backing down. Henry runs and hits Taker with an avalanche. Taker falls to his feet and Henry starts to kick away at Taker. Cena joins in on the beat down and then shifts his focus to Henry. Cena hits lefts and rights on Henry, back him into the ropes. Cena grabs Henry and goes to whip him, but Henry wont budge. Cena tries again and Cena gets him, but Henry reverses and takes Cena out with a big clothesline. Henry lifts Cena up and throws him into the corner. Taker meanwhile is getting back to his feet, but Henry takes him down. Henry lifts Taker up and throws him into the same corner as Cena. Henry runs and hits a big splash, knocking Taker down and he rolls out side the ring. Cena holds his ribs as Henry nails him with a splash of his own. Cena falls to the mat and Henry drags him to the middle of the ring and goes for a cover.
Taker goes to crawl back into the ring, but Henry kicks him back to the outside. Henry shifts his focus back to Cena, who is struggling to get back to his feet. Henry lifts Cena up and clubs him in the back of the neck and knocking him back down to the mat.
Striker-Smart and effective offense by Mark Henry in the early going thus far. He is keeping it an one on one contest, by keeping The Undertaker out of this match. And look where he is focusing Todd. Mark Henry is focusing on the neck of John Cena, which we all know has been surgically repaired in the past.
Henry has Cena in a camel clutch now and he is refusing to give up. Henry keeps yelling at Jack Doan to check if he has submit. Cena chants start to pickup and Henry yells at the fans to shut up, showering him with a round of boos. Taker is now back to his feet and in the ring. Henry doesnt see him, as he still has the camel clutch locked in. Taker runs across the ropes and hits Henry in the back of the head with a big boot. The camel clutch is broken and Taker starts going to town on Mark Henry. Henry tries to block the fist shots, but Taker just keeps them coming. Taker has Henry backed into a corner. Taker runs for a splash, but Henry moves. Taker saw it coming and manages to stop before crashing into the corner. Henry tries to blindside him, but Taker nails him with an elbow to the head. Henry shakes it off and runs back at Taker who moves out of the way. Henry nails the turn post and is now woozy. Taker runs across the ropes and nails Mark Henry with a giant big boot, knocking the big man to the outside. Cena is up at this point and he runs across the ropes, but Taker catches him with a throat thrust, knocking Cena down to his feet. Taker goes for a cover.
Taker lifts Cena up and whips him across the ropes and goes for a clothesline and Cena ducks and runs across the ropes and hits a turning Undertaker with a flying shoulder thrust. Cena lifts Taker up and does his spinning back drop. Cena pumps up the shows and holds five fingers to the sky and the crowd cheers along You Cant See Me! Cena runs across the ropes, but Henry grabs his foot and pulls Cena to the ground. Henry pulls Cena to the outside and puts him a bear hug and rams him into the steel post and drops Cena to the ground. Taker is up at this point and flies over the top rope and hits Mark Henry with a flying clothesline.
Grisham-All three men are down and thus far they are bringing everything they got. Who will gain control of this match and represent the WPWFs best brand at December to Remember in the Undisputed Championship match? Find out after the break!
Grisham-Welcome back to Monday Night Catastrophe. During the break Undertaker took our announce table apart and try to put Mark Henry through it, but Cena broke it up and now has the Deadman back in the ring and Mark Henry is still out here in front of our table.
Cena is working on Takers knee, which he injured while jumping the top rope before the break. Cena keeps slamming Takers knee on the mat. Taker holds his knee and tries kicking Cena away. Cena tries a figure four, but Taker kicks him into the ropes. Taker hobbles to his feet and him and Cena start to duke it out. Taker gains control and has Cena backed into the corner. Taker twists Cenas arm and climbs the ropes for Old School. Taker walks the ropes, but Henry jumps on the apron and clotheslines Takers knee, knocking him onto the ropes and back into the ring. Henry gets back in the ring and starts stomping away at Takers knee. Cena gets back to his feet and he goes after Henry. Henry shoves him away, but Cena gets right back up and continues to come to Takers aid. Cena gains control on Henry with some kicks and some fists. Cena gets Henry into the middle of the ring, as Jack Doan checks Takers knee. Cena gets Henry bent over and he nails a running bulldog. Cena goes for the cover.
Henry tosses Cena off like a rag doll. Cena gets right back up and tries to keep Henry on the ground, but Henry shoves him away as he tries to get to his feet. Henry is up and Cena charges at him. Cena runs into Henry, but it was like running into a brick wall and Cena falls to the mat. He gets back up and charges Henry again. Henry moves out of the way and throws Cena into the ropes. Henry goes for a clothesline, but Cena ducks. Cena continues running the ropes and he nails Henry with a flying shoulder. Henry doesnt fall, but he bounces into the ropes and bounces off and he goes right to Cena who sets him up for a FU. Cena has it set, but Taker out of nowhere nails Cena with a big boot and Henry crashes onto the back of John Cena. Taker falls to his knees, as Henry rolls off of Cena and slowly gets to his feet. Henry is first up and he heads towards Taker. Taker sees Henry coming and hits him with a thrust into the sternum. Henry falls to one knee and Taker gets up and nails Henry with a huge DDT. Taker is slow to roll Henry over and go for the cover.
Cena came from nowhere to break the count. Taker is slow to get up and he lifts Cena to his feet. Cena can barely stand as Taker goes for a huge hand, but Cena blocks and gets Taker set up for a FU. Cena nails the move, but cant make the cover. Cena crawls and goes for the cover.
The crowd erupts and cant believe Taker kicked out. Cena has a glazed look on his eyes as he tries to get to his feet. Cena is up and so is Henry. Cena and Henry fight, with Cena gaining the advantage and going for a FU, but Henry clubs him in the back of the head and nails Cena with an avalanche. Cena crashes to the outside and smacks his head on the mat. Henry mocks Cena and Undertaker is now back to his feet. Henry turns around and Taker goes for a Tombstone and nails it on Henry.
Grisham-Can you believe that the Undertaker Tombstoned the Worlds Strongest Man!? Striker-You can never doubt the strength of the Undertaker, but he needs to capitalize and make the cover here Todd!
Taker crawls towards Henry. Cena is starting to get to his feet. Taker makes the cover.
Cenas dive in was seconds late as the Jack Doans hand hit three right before Cena tried to break the fall.
Roberts-The winner of the match by pinfall and Monday Night Catastrophes Undisputed Championship match representative THE UNDERTAKER!
Takers gong echoes through the arena as Jack Doan checks on Henry and Cena walks up the entrance ramp and he points at Taker as a sign of respect and claps as he heads backstage.
Striker-Is there anyone youd rather have representing Catastrophe than the Phenom, the Undertaker? The Deadman showed to us tonight that he still has it and he has got to be considered the favorite to walk away Undisputed Champion!
Taker celebrates in the ring as the lights fade to a blueish purple. The crowd is giving the Deadman a standing ovation and chanting Taker Taker Taker as the screen fades to block to end the show.
J.R.: Hello everybody, and welcome to WPWF Attitude. We have a slobberknocker for you all tonight. Im Jim Ross alongside me as always Jerry The King Lawler.
Lawler: We definitely do J.R., we are going to name number one contenders for the hardcore, tag team, and knockouts champions.
Ladies and Gentleman please welcome The Legend Killer Randy Orton
Orton: Last week, the worst possible thing for this company has occurred. Goldberg is our representative for the WPWF Undisputed Title. But you see, I wont let this happen. There should never have been a match to crown our representative when you have The Legend Killer on your roster. The only people in this match are legends, so it would make perfect sense to but the LEGEND KILLER in this match.
Ladies and Gentleman please welcome the General Manager of WPWF Attitude, Mick Foley
Foley: Randy, you had your chance in the fatal four way last week and you lost. I will not give you a rematch with Goldberg and that is final.
Orton: That is why you are the worst GM in WPWF as you have no clue what you are doing. It is not about what the fans want (Crowd Boos heavily). It is what will bring this brand the title and by keeping Goldberg in this match is going to prevent this from happening.
Foley: Im sorry Mr. Orton but you are not getting a rematch. Have a nice
Orton spits in the face of Foley
Foley wipes off the spit off his face with his sleeve
Foley: You know what Orton I will give you a shot to be named number one contender for the Undisputed Title after all. You are going to run the gauntlet tonight.
Orton: What? Are you kidding me? That is ridiculous.
Foley: You said you are the legend killer. And your three opponents are Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, and GOLDBERG!!! Have a nice day.
J.R.: This show just keeps on getting better. But now it is time for the number one contender for the tag team titles.
[YOUTUBE]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE] Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the WPWF Attitude Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase.
The following tag team match is schedule for one fall and it is for the number one contender of the tag team championships. Introducing first, weighing in at a combined weight of 445 pounds, Muhammad Hussan and Daivari.
And their opponents, from New York City, weighing in at a combined 585 pounds Brother Ray and Brother D-von, Team 3-D.
Hassan and D-von start off the match, and lock up. D-von overpowers Hassan and brings him into Team 3-Ds corner. D-von hits a few punches into the midsection of Hassan followed by a head butt. Brother Ray tags himself in, and continues the assault on Hassan. D-Von follows in with another tag and he drags Hassan out of the corner. D-Von goes for a vertical suplex, but Hassan escapes. Hassan pushes D-Von away and runs to tag in Daivari. Daivari takes his time to enter the ring. He walks up to D-Von and punches him but is countered by D-Von and this time connects the vertical suplex. D-Von goes for the cover, but kickout at 2.
D-Von tags in Ray and they try to set up the 3-D. But Hussan rolls into the ring and chop blocks Ray. D-Von has to head to his corner. Both men are crawling to their corner and they both make the hot tag. Hussan goes for a clothesline, but it is ducked by D-Von who then hits a shoulder block. D-Von picks him up and he connects with the clothesline, he goes for a cover but another kickout at two.
J.R.: This is a great match so far. Cody: What are you watching, these two teams are inferior to us as we are the future of this generation and we are already champions. If Ted and I were in this match we wouldve won already.
D-Von goes for another clothesline but he misses and Hassan hits the STO. Hassan goes for the cover but it is broken up by Brother Ray.Daivari hits the ring and Brother Ray quickly clotheslines him over the top. He then hits Hussan with a clothesline. D-Von has recovered and they are signaling for the 3-D. It connects. Ray the legal man goes for the pin, and he gets the three count for the win.
Here are your winners, Brother Ray and Brother D-Von, Team 3-D!!!
J.R.: That was a great opening contest and we now have number one contenders for your tag team titles.
Ted: We have beaten them once and we will beat them again.
Lawler: Good luck to you guys and thanks for joining us here tonight.
We now go backstage where we see Goldberg knocked out unconscious.
Foley: EMT, we need an EMT right now. ORTON!!!!
J.R.: Wow what does this mean about the gauntlet match tonight.
Lawler: The gauntlet match, what about the Undisputed Title match at December to Remember.
J.R.: Hopefully Goldberg is all right and we wish him the fastest recovery. But we got to move on and that means a battle royale for the number one contender of the Hardcore Title.
The following is a 6 man battle royale for the number one contender of the hardcore title.
J.R.: Already in the ring are The Miz, Brutus Magnus, Suicide, Rodney Mack, and Brother Runt.
[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE] Introducing last, from Atlanta Georgia, weighing in at 234 pounds, The Rabid Wolverine Chris Benoit.
All six men are in the ring and as the bell rings we see the Miz taunting all of his opponents screaming Im The Miz! And Im All five men dont let him finish and quickly throw Miz over the top rope. The Miz is furious on the outside and he is trying to reenter but the ref is preventing him. Miz shoves aside the ref and he enters the ring once again. He goes straight for Suicide who is working on Rodney Mack. Miz turns Suicide around and hits the Skull Crushing Finale and then throws Suicide over the top rope.
J.R.: Get him out of here, he doesnt belong in there. The Miz is out and he just eliminated Suicide.
The Miz continues to beat up Suicide on the outside. The refs finally break it up and send the Miz to the back. As we see Chris Benoit trying to throw Brutus Magnus over the top rope, and Rodney Mack has recovered from the beating by Suicide and is working on Brother Runt. Both Benoit and Mack try to throw their man into the opposite corner but Runt and Magnus both collide in the middle of the ring. Benoit and Mack then stare each other down. Benoit hits the first punch then Mack follows and they are matching each other blow for blow. Brother Runt gets up and hits Benoit in the back. Benoit and Mack stare at each other and nod. They both grab Runt and easily toss him over the top rope.
Lawler: We are down to three. I am picking Chris Benoit
J.R.: Way to go out on a limb there, King.
Mack and Benoit seem to be teaming up as they have Brutus Magnus leaning over the top rope. Mack gets kicked in the face as Magnus tries to fight back but Benoit is still attempting to throw him over. Mack recovers but instead of helping Benoit, he throws him over and with Benoit goes Brutus Magnus which leaves Rodney Mack left in the ring.
This following contest is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall and it is for the number one contenders for the Knockouts Championship.
[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
Introducing first, from New Orleans, Louisiana, Jazz.
[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]
And her opponents, introducing first, from Jacksonville, Florida, Kelly Kelly.
J.R: These three knockouts were unable to claim the Knockouts Title last week and now one of them will be ODBs next challenger.
Kelly Kelly and Daffney quickly go after Jazz. They drag Jazz into the corner and they both continue to give blows to Jazz. Jazz finally pushes them both away. Jazz then throws Daffney out of the ring and works on Kelly Kelly. Jazz runs off the ropes and connects with a clothesline. Jazz is ready to set up her finisher when Daffney comes into the ring only to be thrown out once again by Jazz on the other side of the ring. Kelly Kelly goes for the roll up, kickout at 2. Jazz gets up first and kicks Kelly Kelly to the head. Jazz connects with the Jazz Stinger. Jazz covers Kelly Kelly, and a kickout at 2, as Daffney breaks up the count and drop kicks Jazz out of the ring and covers Kelly Kelly, and gets the 3 count.
Here is your winner and the number one contender for the Knockouts Championship, Daffney.
ODB comes out to the ramp and just raises her title from the ramp as Daffney stares her down.
J.R.: Coming up next is the 3 on 1 gauntlet match.
King: Now it is a 2 on 1 gauntlet match as Goldberg is unable to compete.
[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE] The following is a 3 on 1 gauntlet match and if Randy Orton can run the gauntlet he will be the new number one contender for the Undisputed Championship.
Introducing first, from St. Louis, Missouri, weighing in at 245 pounds, Randy Orton.
Orton: You guys all probably think I attacked Goldberg earlier tonight, which is typical from all of you. Well you guys are right (Orton laughs). But dont worry, I didnt hurt the other 2.
We see Legacy on the Titantron.
Cody: Randy, dont worry it looks like you are going to be the new number one contender for the Undisputed Title.
Cody and Ted then both raise their lead pipes, and then step out of the way as we see Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle down and bloodied.
Ted: Randy you should just have the ref raise your hand now, and this moment will be priceless.
Foley: I am truly sick of you and you will not be given the representative spot on a silver platter. I have an opponent for you tonight.
Orton: Bring him out here; I will gladly end his career right here right now.
Foley: Its me!!!
Foley then goes after Orton and jumps on him and land punch after punch.
The ref rings the bell, indicating the start of the match.
Foley is just landing blow after blow on Orton and finally stands him up and irish whips him into the corner. Foley continues to punch Orton in the corner landing a 4 count by the ref before Foley backs off. Orton then cheap shots Foley after the distraction. Orton has Foley in a headlock while putting his knee into Foleys back. Foley tries to rally up the crowd but to no avail as soon as Foley gets up Orton lets go and connects with a dropkick. Orton goes for the cover, but Foley gets out at two.
Orton continues to work on Foley and lands a backbreaker. Orton then does his signature taunt getting heavy boos from the crowd. Orton is signaling the end of the match and is preparing for the RKO. Orton connects with the RKO. Goldberg's music begins to play and Orton instead of going for the cover heads to the ropes and stares at the ramp waiting for Goldberg to come down. Out of nowhere, Foley gets Orton in a rollup, and gets the three count.
*Ante Up by M.O.P. hits & the fireworks go off to kick off the first ever episode of WPWF Rampage.*
Mike Tenay: Hello ladies & gentlemen. It's Mike Tenay here alongside my broadcast partner Taz & Taz, if you thought last week's Rampage show was off the chain, well this week's show could very well top that.
Taz: Very well? What the hell is wrong with you Mike? Last week's show was the better show out of the 5 shows that's under the WPWF banner & this week's show will top last week's.
Mike Tenay: I was just trying to be a bit more humble about Rampage's greatness. Anyways without further interruption, let's get to our first match shall we.
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a second round match up in the WPWF Television Championship Tournament. Introducing first from Brooklyn, New York weighing in at 147 pounds, Amazing Red
*Amazing Red then emerges from the curtain to a massive ovation from the crowd. He then slaps hands with the fans on his way to the ring.*
Ring Announcer: And introducing his opponent from Atlanta, Georgia weighing in at 225 pounds, "Primetime" Elix Skipper.
*Elix Skipper then emerges from the curtain to a massive ovation from the crowd as well. He then slaps hands with the fans on his way to the ring.*
Match 1: Round 2 in WPWF Television Championship Tournament: Amazing Red vs "Primetime" Elix Skipper
Amazing Red & Elix Skipper then shake hands as this second round match up gets underway. Amazing Red gains the early advantage by hitting Skipper with a series of speed moves. Skipper then comes back & hits Amazing Red with a series of speed moves of his own. Skipper then goes to the ropes & hits Amazing Red with a Diving Dropkick. Skipper then switches his style to a technical style of wrestling as he locks Amazing Red in a Body Scissors hold. Amazing Red then gets out of the hold as he hits Skipper with a Victory Roll pin attempt.
Kickout at two.
Skipper then gets up to his feet & hits Amazing Red with an Enzuigiri. Skipper then gets Amazing Red up & tries to hit him with a Suplex, but Amazing Red reverses the attempt & hits Skipper with a Dragon Whip kick. Amazing Red then goes to the top rope & tries to hit a Diving Hurricanrana, but Skipper catches Amazing Red & drops him to the mat with a thunderous Powerbomb. Skipper then gets Amazing Red to his feet & tries to hit him with the Play of the Day (Overdrive/Playmaker), but Amazing Red then reverses it into another Victory Roll pin attempt.
Skipper just barely kicks out at two & a half.
Amazing Red then gets to his feet & then hits him with the Spinning Enzuigiri. Amazing Red then goes to the ropes & just as Skipper gets to his feet, Amazing Red then springboards off of the ropes & hits him with the Springboard Draganrana. Amazing Red then attempts to hit the Shining Wizard, but Skipper ducks it, springs up to his feet & then hits Amazing Red with a Jumping DDT. Skipper then attempts to lock Amazing Red in a headlock, but Amazing Red then kicks him & then hits him with a Dropsault. Amazing Red then hits Skipper with a Running Knee Strike to the head. Amazing Red then gets Skipper up to his feet & tries to hit him with a Brainbuster, but Skipper instead counters it into the Sudden Death (Over the shoulder belly to back piledriver) & both men are now down in the ring. Skipper then drags his body to Amazing Red & then hooks Amazing Red's leg for the pin attempt.
Thr.... No Amazing Red just managed to kick out as the ref's hand was about to go down for the three count.
Skipper is distraught as Amazing Red kicked out of the Sudden Death. Skipper then gets Amazing Red to his feet & attempts to hit Amazing Red with the Instant Replay (One-armed thrust spinebuster), but Amazing Red instead gets out of it & then hits Skipper with a thrust kick & then follows that up by hitting Skipper with the Red Spike (Back to Belly Piledriver) & both men are now down in the middle of the ring.
Both Amazing Red & Skipper then get to their feet & both of them start throwing numerous amounts of kicks & punches at each other with Amazing Red eventually gaining the upper hand over Skipper. Amazing Red then hits Skipper with Seeing Red (Hip Toss turned into a Full Nelson Facebuster). Amazing Red then goes to the top rope & attempts to hit the Infrared (540° corkscrew senton), but Skipper then moves out of the way & Amazing Red crashes down onto the mat. Skipper then gets to his feet, gets Amazing Red to his feet & attempts the Play of the Day (Overdrive/Playmaker), but Amazing Red gets out of it & then hits Skipper with the Step-up Enzuigiri.
Amazing Red then gets Skipper up to his feet & attempts to hit him with the Code Red (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb), but Skipper reverses it into a Back Body Drop. Skipper then goes to the top rope & just as Amazing Red gets to his feet, Skipper then walks on the ropes & then hits Amazing Red with New School (Rope walk hurricanrana). Skipper then gets Amazing Red up & again tries to attempt the Instant Replay (One-armed thrust spinebuster), but Amazing Red gets out of it, kicks Skipper in the gut & quickly hits him with the Code Red (Leg Trap Sunset Flip Powerbomb). Amazing Red then goes to the top rope & successfully hits Aries with the Infrared (540° corkscrew senton). Amazing Red then goes for the cover.
Your winner of the match at a time limit of 10:08. Amazing Red.
*Amazing Red then gets to his feet & gets his hand raised by the referee with the entire building going crazy for Amazing Red.*
Mike Tenay: Very impressive victory for Amazing Red.
Taz: No doubt. This kid can definitely go very far if he keeps up this great performance.
*We then take it to the backstage area where Eric Young & The Foreign Legion are backstage with Eric talking to someone.*
Eric Young: So you remember the plan right.
*A pause occurs.*
Eric Young: Right I agree that Konnan needs to be put in his place & you sure could get your revenge out there tonight, but you do remember the plan that I set out though right?
*Another pause occurs.*
Eric Young: I'm glad we're on the same page here. I'll be seeing you out there very shortly then.
*We then switch it back over to Mike Tenay & Taz.*
Mike Tenay: I wonder who the hell Eric Young was talking to there Taz?
Taz: That's a very good question Mike. I guess we'll find out about that very shortly.
Mike Tenay: Let's take you to the ring announcer to announce the second match of the night.
Ring Announcer: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing team number one first being accompanied to the ring by Eric Young & Teddy Hart, weighing in at a combined weight of 482 pounds, Doug Williams & Paul Burchill together they are The Foreign Legion.
*All of the members of the Foreign Legion walk down to the ramp with cocky smirks on their faces as the crowd heavily boos them.*
Ring Announcer: And introducing their opponents first from Mexico City, Mexico weighing in at 245 pounds, Konnan.
*Konnan emerges from the curtain to a huge round of applause as he makes his way down to the ring.*
Ring Announcer: And introducing his tag team partner also from Mexico City, Mexico weighing in at 170 pounds, Juventud Guerrera.
*Juventud Guerrera then makes his way to the ring to a great reaction from the crowd.*
Match 2: The Foreign Legion (Doug Williams & Paul Burchill) vs Konnan & Juventud Guerrera
Doug Williams & Konnan start the match off for their teams as this match up gets underway. Konnan gains the early advantage over Williams by hitting him with a series of power moves. Williams then makes a comeback by hitting Konnan with a series of technical like moves. Willams then gets Konnan to his feet & hits him with the Northern Lights Suplex. Williams then goes for the pin attempt.
No. Konnan kicks out at two.
Williams then drags Konnan to the middle of the ring & locks him in the British Figure Four Leglock (Reverse Figure Four Leglock). Konnan then eventually gets to the bottom rope which forces Williams to break the hold. Williams then drags Konnan over to his corner & Williams then makes the tag to his tag team partner Paul Burchill. Burchill & Williams then double team Konnan by hitting him with a Double Suplex. Burchill then locks Konnan in the Royal Mutilation. After minutes of fighting the hold, Konnan powers out of the hold & then hits Burchill with an Electric Chair Facebuster & both men are down in the ring. Burchill then tags Williams back into the match while Konnan tags in Juventud Guerrera. Juventud & Williams then stare at each other for a bit until Juventud smiles & hits Konnan with a low blow. Juventud then gets Konnan up & hits him with the Juvi Driver (Sitout scoop slam piledriver). Williams then goes for the pin attempt.
Your winners of the match at a time limit of 8:04. The Foreign Legion.
*Juventud Guerrera & all of the members of The Foreign Legion then start kicking & spitting on Konnan's body. Juventud then grabs a microphone while the fans are giving him some major heat.*
Juventud Guerrera: Usted ve un rato atrás cuando estuve en AAA, había un incidente pequeño como Konnan tomó una mierda en mi bolsa. Ahora como empezaba a ser sabido de mi ira con la situación, Konnan tuvo a su compañero pequeño que Jack Evans me ataca por detrás y ayuda a romper la nariz. (You see a while back when I was in AAA, there was a little incident as Konnan took a shit in my bag. Now as it was beginning to be known of my anger with the situation, Konnan had his little buddy Jack Evans attack me from behind and help break my nose.)
Juventud Guerrera: Basically the reason why I turned on Konnan during the match is because I wanted payback for that humiliating incident back in AAA. I am now an official member of The Foreign Legion & if all of you don't like it then go to hell. As for more revenge, well this little bag in my hand will tell the story.
*Juventud then unzips the bag & then dumps the bag of human shit all over Konnan.*
Mike Tenay: That's just disgusting. Juventud Guerrera has just dumped a bag of human shit all over Konnan.
Taz: You heard Juvi. He wanted revenge against Konnan & well he got a form of revenge alright.
Mike Tenay: But don't you think he went a bit far?
Taz: It's like an eye for an eye or a tooth for a tooth but in this case it's a pile of shit for a pile of shit. Things will play out eventually. I'm not condoning this, but remember, payback really is a bitch.
Mike Tenay: Well I guess we can say that Juventud Guerrera was the mysterious person that Eric Young was talking to.
*We then go to the backstage area where the lovely Becky Bayless is standing by with Austin Aries.*
Becky Bayless: I am standing by with Austin Aries. Now Austin, tonight you go one on one with CM Punk who last week became Rampage's representative in the 5 way WPWF World Heavyweight Championship match. Now it's known that both you & Punk have a history with each other as it was CM Punk who ended your first reign as ROH World Heavyweight Champion. How are you feeling about facing Punk again tonight here on Friday Night Rampage?
Austin Aries: Well facing Punk again is just like old times. Now the last time I faced him, he defeated me for the ROH World Title, but tonight's result of the rematch will be with me defeating Punk & it will happen one way or another.
*We then go to the ring announcer who is about to announce the third match of the night.*
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a second round match up in the WPWF Television Championship Tournament. Introducing first from Yonkers, New York weighing in at 255 pounds. Tommy Dreamer.
*Tommy Dreamer then makes his entrance to the ring to a standing ovation from the crowd.*
Ring Announcer: And introducing his opponent from Gainesville, Georgia weighing in at 215 pounds. "The Phenominal" A.J. Styles.
*A.J. Styles then makes his entrance to the ring to a standing ovation from the crowd.*
Match 3: Round 2 in WPWF Television Championship Tournament: Tommy Dreamer vs "The Phenomenal" A.J. Styles
Tommy Dreamer & A.J. Styles lock up in the middle of the ring as this match up gets underway. Styles gains the early advantage by hitting Dreamer with a series of speed moves. Punk however makes a comeback by hitting Styles with a Falling Neckbreaker. Dreamer then delivers a series of Elbow Drops onto Styles. Dreamer then attempts to hit Styles with a Running Knee Strike to the Head, but Styles ducks the attempt & then proceeds to hit Dreamer with an Electric Chair. Styles then gets Dreamer to his feet & then drops him with the Spine Breaker (Backbreaker followed by a Gutbuster) & goes for the pin attempt.
No. Dreamer kicks out at two.
Styles then gets Punk to his feet & attempts to hit him with the Verticle Suplex, but Punk gets out of the move & then hits Styles with a Back Suplex. Dreamer then repeatedly stomps on Styles & then follows that up by hitting Styles with a Running Knee Strike to the head. Dreamer then locks Styles in a side headlock. Styles then wraps his legs around Dreamer's head & then hits him with the Crucifix Headscissors. Styles then attempts to go for the Styles Clash, but Dreamer instead reverses it into a Back Body Drop. Dreamer thengets Stules up & sends him crashing into the turnbuckle. Dreamer then hangs Styles on the turnbuckle into the tree of woe position & then hits Styles with the Running low-angle dropkick. Dreamer then locks Styles in the Texas Cloverleaf. After a couple of minutes of being in the hold, Styles then gets out of the hold & then hits Dreamer with a Reverse Frankensteiner & both men are now down in the ring.
Both Dreamer & Styles then get to their feet & both of them start throwing a series of right handed punches at each other with Styles eventually gaining the upperhand over Dreamer. Styles then whips himself off of the ropes & hits Dreamer with a perfectly executed dropkick. Styles then goes to the ropes & then hits Dreamer with the Springboard Flying Forearm. Styles then goes to the top rope & tries to hit the Frog Splash, but Dreamer moves out of the way & Styles crashes down to the mat. Dreamer then gets back up to his feet & hits a few styles with a few right handed punches, then whips him off of the ropes & hits him with a Spinebuster. Dreamer then gets Styles onto his shoulder & attempts to hit him with the Spicolli Driver (Death Valley Driver), but Styles gets out of it & then hits Dreamer with the Pele from out of nowhere. Styles then gets Dreamer to his feet & again tries to give him the Styles Clash, but Dreamer gets out of it & then kicks Styles in the gut & hits him with the DDT & the pin attempt.
No. Styles somehow kicks out at two.
Dreamer then gets Styles up & tries to hit him with the Pumphandle Suplex, but Styles reverses it into a victory roll pin attempt.
Thr.. No Dreamer just barely kicks out at two.
Styles then attempts to hit the Styles Clash onto Dreamer, but Dreamer again reverses it into a Back Body Drop. Dreamer then gets Styles onto his shoulder & tries to hit him with the Spicolli Driver (Death Valley Driver), but Styles gets out of it & then hits Dreamer with the Starmaker (High-angle belly to back suplex). Styles then goes to the top rope & this time he successfully hits Dreamer with the Spiral Tap & the cover.
Your winner of the match at a time limit of 12:47. "The Phenominal" A.J. Styles.
*A.J. Styles then celebrates his victory. A.J. then stops & helps Dreamer up to his feet. A.J. then extends his hand out to Dreamer & Dreamer then accepts & shakes A.J's hand as a sign of respect.*
Mike Tenay: Great sportmanship shown by A.J. Styles & Tommy Dreamer.
Taz: Well Tommy Dreamer has always been a consumate professional & right there was an example of how professional Tommy is.
*We then show a clip of Consequences Creed heading to the ring with Becky Bayless right beside him.*
Mike Tenay: So what do you think of the situation with Scott Steiner & Consequences Creed that involves Becky Bayless here Taz?
Taz: Well it seems that Steiner thinks that Becky wants him & it may look like Consequences Creed has some sort of feelings for Becky as well.
Mike Tenay: How do you figure that Taz? He & Becky could just be friends.
Taz: Well if you have a hot broad like Becky Bayless, is it really possible to not think of her as more than just a friend?
Mike Tenay: Well i'm not gonna comment on her looks, but you could be right though Taz.
*Consequences Creed & Becky Bayless then walk down the ramp holding hands while the crowd then cheers for them.*
Taz: Do you see that Mike? They're holding hands. Hmmm who's right here?
Mike Tenay: There's not a definite conclusion behind that Taz.
*Consequences Creed then lowers the rope so Becky can step in between the ropes. Consequences Creed then grabs a microphone as he steps in the ring.*
Consequences Creed: Now last week on Rampage, I attacked Scott Steiner from behind after he attempted to harass Becky Bayless.
*The crowd then starts up a Steiner sucks chant & some of them then whistles at Becky Bayless.*
Consequences Creed: Well when I saw Scott Steiner try to harass Becky last week. Something inside me just snapped & it made me attack him very violently. Now the other question that's being asked around here is just what is the relationship between Becky & I are.
Taz: Alright we're about to find out.
*Camera then switches back to Consequences Creed.*
Consequences Creed: Well instead of telling all of you with words, i'll tell you with actions.
*Consequences Creed then kisses Becky Bayless on the lips. Becky then seems surprised for a moment until she kisses him back.*
Taz: Now do you believe me.
Mike Tenay: Yes I believe you. Do you think they make a good couple?
Taz: Who the hell knows.
Mike Tenay: Wait. Oh no he's out here to kill this warm moment.
*Scott Steiner then comes out to the stage with a microphone in his hand.*
Scott Steiner: Am I hearing this correctly or are all of these fat inbred rednecks too loud for me to hear you.
*The crowd then gives Steiner some huge heat.*
Scott Steiner: Oh shut the fuck up you stupid redneck fans. So Consequences Creed & Becky Bayless are a couple. Well while you may have the keys to her heart, I however will make her into one of my freaks.
Consequences Creed: There's obviously some motive to this, so what do you want?
Scott Steiner: I will reveal what I want at a later time. None of these fat rednecks deserve to hear my demands.
*Steiner then leaves the ramp area while Consequences Creed & Becky Bayless look very angry.*
*We then go to an advertisement for December to Remember.*
*We then cut it back to the ringside area where the ring announcer is gonna announce the fourth match of the night.*
Ring Announcer: The following womens tag team contest is scheduled for one fall. Intorducing team number one first from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada by way of Mexico City, Mexico she is the WPWF Womens Rampage Champion, Sarita.
*Sarita makes her way down to the ring to a huge ovation from the crowd.*
Ring Announcer: And introducing her partner from Los Angeles, California she is Melina.
Ring Announcer: And introducing her opponents first from San Francisco, California she is Cheerleader Melissa.
*Cheerleader Melissa makes her way down to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd.*
Ring Announcer: And introducing her partner from Buffalo, New York "The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix.
Match 4: Sarita & Melina vs Cheerleader Melissa & Beth Phoenix
Melina & Cheerleader Melissa start the match up off for their teams as this match up gets underway. Melina gains the early advantage by hitting Cheerleader Melissa with the Forearm Splash to take her down. Cheerleader Melissa however comes back & hits Melina with a Snap Suplex. Cheerleader Melissa then locks Melina in a Body Scissors Hold. Melina then uses her flexibility to get out of the hold & then proceeds to hit Cheerleader Melissa with the Headscissors takedown. Melina then makes the tag to Sarita & Sarita then hits Cheerleader Melissa with the low drop kick. Sarita then tries to hit an Electric Chair Facebuster, but Cheerleader Melissa then reverses the hold into a victory roll pin attempt.
Sarita kicks out at Two.
Cheerleader Melissa then tries to go for the powerbomb, but Sarita then reverses it & tries to hit the Hurricanrana, but Cheerleader Melissa then reverses it into a sitout powerbomb & another pin attempt.
Thr... Sarita manages to kick out at two.
Cheerleader Melissa then start to repeatedly stomp on Sarita's legs & then locks her in an Indian Deathlock. Sarita then manages to get to the ropes which forces Cheerleader Melissa to break the hold. Cheerleader Melissa then drags Sarita to the middle of the ring & then repeatedly stomps on Sarita's legs again. Cheerleader Melissa then drags Sarita to her corner & then Cheerleader Melissa tags in Beth Phoenix. Beth Phoenix then gets Sarita up & then plants her down to the mat with a scoop slam. Beth Phoenix now gets Sarita back up & then nails her with a Samoan Drop & the pin attempt.
Thr... No Sarita just barely manages to kick out at two.
Beth Phoenix then drags Sarita back to the middle of the ring & then proceeds to lock her in a Cloverleaf. After minutes of fighting the move, Sarita then gets out of the hold & then manages to hit Beth Phoenix with a Snap Suplex & both women are now down in the middle of the ring. Sarita then makes the hot tag to Melina & Melina is on fire as she hits Beth Phoenix with a series of Lariats to take her down. Melina then hits Beth Phoenix with a Sit-out Facebuster to shift the momentum back into her teams favor.
Melina then goes to the top rope & hits Beth Phoenix with a Diving Leg Drop. Melina then gets Beth Phoenix up & tries to hit her with the Primal Scream (Inverted Leg Drop Bulldog into a split-legged pin), but Beth Phoenix then reverses it into a Electric Chair. Beth Phoenix then gets Melina up & tries to hit her with the Glam Slam (Elevated double chickenwing wheelbarrow facebuster), but Melina counters it into a Voctory Roll Pin Attempt.
No. Beth Phoenix kicks out at two.
Melina then goes to the top rope & tries to hit her with a Diving Neckbreaker Drop, but Beth Phoenix catches her & then hits Melina with the Beth Valley Driver & the cover.
Your winners of the match at a time limit of 11:40. Cheerleader Melissa & "The Glamazon" Beth Phoenix.
*Cheerleader Melissa & Beth Phoenix then look down at their fallen opponents with cocky & vicious expressions on their faces.*
*We then cut it back to the ring area where the ring announcer gets ready to announce the fifth match up of the night.*
Ring Announcer: The following contest is a second round match up in the WPWF Television Championship Tournament. Introducing first from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania weighing in at 240 pounds, this is The Sandman.
*The Sandman then enters the arena through the crowd & the fans are giving him a huge ovation.*
Ring Announcer: And introducing his opponent from Windsor, Ontario, Canada weighing in at 179 pounds "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams.
*Petey Williams then makes his entrance to a huge ovation from the crowd.*
Match 5: Round 2 in WPWF Television Championship Tournament: The Sandman vs "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams
The Sandman & Petey Williams start brawling with each other as this match up gets underway. Petey gains the early advantage by hitting The Sandman with a series of speed moves. The Sandman then comes back & hits New Jack with a Flapjack. Sandman then grabs his Singapore Cane & starts hitting Petey repeatedly with it. The Sandman then attempts to lock Petey into a single-legged Boston Crab, but Petey kicks The Sandman off of him. The Sandman attempts to hit a Back Suplex, but Petey reverses it into a Hurricanrana & the pin attempt.
Th. No Sandman kicks out at two.
Petey then tries to hit The Sandman with a Headscissors, but Sandman instead drops Petey down on the mat with a Powerbomb. The Sandman then goes to the outside of the ring & starts throwing various weapons into the ring. The Sandman then grabs the steel chair & starts whacking Petey in the head with it. The Sandman then gets Petey up & suplex's him onto the chair & then hooks the leg.
Thr... No Petey somehow kicks out just as the referee's hand was going down for the three count.
The Sandman then gets Petey up, grabs his Singapore Cane, wraps it around Petey's throat & then gives him the White Russian Leg Sweep. The Sandman then sets up a table in the middle of the ring, places Petey ontop of the table & then goes to the top rope. The Sandman then flies off the turnbuckle & hits Petey with the Rolling Rock & the cover.
Thre... No Petey again kicks out as the referee's hand was going down for the three count.
The Sandman then gets Petey back up & whips him into the turnbuckle. The Sandman then places Petey ontop of the turnbuckle & attempts to hit him with the Heineken-rana (Super Hurricanrana), but Petey somehow manages to reverse it into a powerbomb & both men are now down in the ring.
Both The Sandman & Petey Williams eventually get to their feet with The Sandman holding the Singapore Cane in his hand while Petey has possession of a steel chair. Both of them then start trading weapon shots with each other with Petey finally gaining the upperhand over The Sandman. Petey then gets into a headscissors position & then turns that into a Russian Leg Sweep to complete the Canadian Legsweep. Petey then gets The Sandman inbetween his legs & signals for the Canadian Destroyer, but The Sandman instead reverses it into a Back Body Drop. The Sandman then gets Petey up & tries to hit him with a DDT onto a chair, but Petey gets out of it & then hits The Sandman with the Canadian Destroyer from out of nowhere & the cover.
Your winner of the match at a time limit of 11:19. "The Canadian Destroyer" Petey Williams.
*Petey Williams then celebrates his victory on the top turnbuckle.*
*We then go back to the ring where the ring announcer gets ready to announce the main event match of the night.*
Ring Announcer: The following contest is the main event match & it is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring from Chicago, Illinois weighing in at 220 pounds, CM Punk.
*CM Punk then makes his entrance to the ring with the entire crowd booing him.*
Ring Announcer: And introducing his opponents from Milwaukee, Wisconsin weighing in at 202 pounds, Austin Aries.
*Austin Aries confidentally walks down the ramp to a mixed reaction from the crowd.*
Main Event Match: CM Punk vs Austin Aries
CM Punk & Austin Aries lock up in the middle of the ring as this highly anticipated rematch gets underway. Ariess gains the early advantage by hitting Punk with a series of speed moves. Punk however makes a comeback by hitting Ariess with a Spinning Wheel Kick. Punk then delivers a series of Martial-Arts Kicks. Punk then attempts to wrap his legs around Aries' neck & triess to lock him in a grounded version of the Figure-Four Necklock, but Aries uses his body strength to get out of the hold & then proceeds to hit Punk with an Electric Chair Facebuster. Aries then gets Punk to his feet & then drops him with the Crucifix Driver& goes for the pin attempt.
No. Punk kicks out at two.
Aries then gets Punk to his feet & attempts to hit him with the Double Arm Suplex, but Punk gets out of the move & then hits Aries with a Bulldog. Punk then repeatedly stomps on Aries & then follows that up by locking Aries in a grounded version of the Figure-Four Necklock. Aries then wraps his legs around Punk's head & then hits him with a sitdown version of the Headscissors. Aries then attempts to go for the Brainbuster, but Punk gets out of it & then hits Aries with a Russian Leg Sweep. Punk then proceeds to mock Aries & then repeatedly kicks him in the head & the ribs. Punk then locks Aries in a Sitdown Dragon Sleeper Hold. After a couple of minutes of being in the hold, Aries then gets out of the hold & then hits Punk with a Forward Russian Legsweep & both men are now down in the ring.
Both Punk & Aries then get to their feet & both of them start throwing a series of right handed punches at each other with Aries eventually gaining the upperhand over Punk. Aries then whips Punk to a turnbuckle & then hits Punk with a Running Dropkick. Aries then pulls Punk to the middle of the ring & then hits him with the Powerdrive Elbow & goes for the pin.
Thr... No. Punk kicks out at two.
Aries then goes to the top rope & tries to hit the 450° splash, but Punk moves out of the way & Aries crashes down to the mat. Punk then gets to his feet & hits Aries with a series of Martial Arts Kicks & follows that up with a Spinning Back Fist. Punk then goes to the ropes & then hits Aries with the Springboard Flying Clothesline. Punk then gets Aries onto his shoulder & attempts to hit him with the Devil Lock DDT (Hammerlock legsweep DDT), but Aries gets out of it & then hits Punk with the Rolling fireman's carry slam. Aries then gets Punk to his feet & tries to give him the Brainbuster, but Punk gets out of it & then kicks Aries in the gut & hits him with the Pepsi Plunge & the pin attempt.
Three! No the referee saw Aries get his foot on the bottom rope.
Punk then argues with the referee. Punk with a clearly frustrated look on his face then gets Aries up & tries to hit him with Welcome To Chicago Motherfucker (Double Underhook Backbreaker), but Aries catches him & then reverses it into a victory roll pin attempt.
Thr.. No Punk kicks out at two and a half.
Aries then goes back to the ropes & tries to hit the Springboard Flying Clothesline, but Nigel McGuiness comes to ringside & whacks Aries in the back with a steel chair which causes him to fall from the ropes & onto the mat below while the referee is distracted by Punk. Punk then capitalizes on what just happened as he gets Aries onto his shoulders & then hits him with the Go To Sleep & the cover.
Your winner of the match at a time limit of 13:07. CM Punk
*CM Punk celebrates his victory in a cocky manner as Austin Aries is laying on the mat in pain as Nigel McGuinness just looks on from the ramp with a smirk on his face.*
*That concludes this week's edition of Friday Night Rampage. See what happens next week on Rampage.*
The intro video airs with the new theme song playing over it.
The video blends into the opening pyro display. The cameras show the crowd going nuts.
Cole- Hello and welcome to WPWF Nightmare! Tonight we will witness a tag team match between participants that are still unknown. The winning team will face the Hardyz at December to Remember for the International tag team championships, should the Hardyz still be champions because tonight, the Hardyz will defend their belts against London and Kendrick. Also, tonight we will have the return of the Masterlock challenge with Christopher Daniels.
JBL- But first and foremost, we have the new intercontinental champion and 10 time holder of the belt, Chris Jericho's championship address.
Cole- Yes, John and you have to wonder. How big is Jericho's ego going to be after winning that battle royal last week?
JBL- He has a right to be cocky. He's the intercontinental champion! He's the face of Nightmare and, after December to Remember, he'll be the face of WPWF.
Cole rolls his eyes.
Cole- Here's hoping.
Chris Jericho's music hits and a huge fireworks display hits, making the last one look like crap. Jericho walks out in a suit with the belt over his shoulder. He stops at the top of the ramp and lets some more fireworks go off. He makes a very slow entrance down the ramp and into the ring. He stands in the middle of the ring as sparks go off from the roof and rain down around the ring. He gets a mic and signals for his music to stop.
Jericho- That should be my entrance every single time I come out here. It would be if money was no option. When I win the Undisputed championship and become the first ever undisputed champion for the second time, that entrance will be the best damn thing you hypocrites will ever see.
Crowd start booing.
Jericho- Last week saw me become the Intercontinental Championship for the 10th time. This marks the fourth time that I have broken my own record. I have become the first ever WPWF Intercontinental champion and at the same time, the face of Nightmare. On Sunday, I will become the face of this company!
He pauses for effect. The crowd start a 'you suck' chant.
Jericho- You people don't understand true talent. Every hypocrite, every sycophant, every alcoholic, drug abuser, criminal, every single little piece of filth that dares insult me has paid to come here and see me. It's a well-known fact that I am the best wrestler in the world today. Hell, even my close friend, JBL, will tell you that even a wrestling god understands that.
JBL starts applauding.
Jericho- Thanks John. Now, I've promised Kevin Nash that I'd present him with a championship match tonight. So I am issuing an open challenge against whoever wants a shot. Who is brave enough to take me on?
Kevin Nash's theme hits. He walks out with a mic and Jericho starts panicking.
Jericho- No way, no. You said last're retired!
Nash- Jericho...Four men have accepted your challenge and I'm not one of them. So, tonight, you get a little warm up for December to Remember. It will be You vs Kane vs Abyss vs Joe vs Michaels for the belt! Good luck.
Nash's theme hits and he walks off. The announcers immediately start hyping the five way before talking about December to Remember and showing this poster for the first time.
Daniels vs Dykstra
Daniels and Dykstra both make their entrances. Chris Masters walks down after the entrances, grabs a chair and sits on it. Daniels shakes his head before getting a clothesline from Dykstra as the bell rings.
Daniels gets up quickly. Dykstra tries a lariat but Daniels ducks and hits a Pele kick! He covers for a two count.
Daniels picks Dykstra up and whips him into the turnbuckle. He tries a running clothesline but Dykstra jumps through the ropes and out of the ring. Daniels does a fake baseball slide instead. Dykstra covers his head in his arms. Daniels hits a springboard split-legged moonsault onto Dykstra. The crowd start chanting 'fallen angel'. Masters stands up and slowly walks towards Daniels but stops a few feet away. Daniels rolls Dykstra in and hits a BME for the three count.
Daniels starts to celebrate but Masters gets into the ring with a chair.
Masters sneaks up behind Daniels with the chair but Daniels spins around. Masters backs off, sets up the chair and gets a mic.
Masters- alright, let's do this. You sit on the chair and wait for me to lock it in. As soon as I do, you can try to break it. When you pass out, I win and my future success starts rolling in.
Daniels stares at Masters before sitting on the chair. Masters drops the mic and gets behind Daniels, trying to lock it in. When Daniels doesn't co-operate completely, Masters slaps him over the back of the head. Daniels jumps up and Masters takes advantage by quickly locking in the Masterlock!
Daniels starts to struggle with it. He kicks the ropes and keeps pulling down with his arms. As Daniels starts to fade, Masters pulls Daniels side to side. As Daniels looks completely gone, Masters hits a move similar to the skull crushing finale onto the chair. He picks up the mic.
Masters- The first of many to fall at my feet...Christopher Daniels!
He gloats cockily and flexes his muscles.
Jay Lethal and R-Truth are backstage with Cole for an interview.
Cole- Tonight you two have a match against the Motor city Machineguns. What are your thoughts considering the fact that you two had a one on one match just last week.
Lethal- Well, Cole. Last week we tore the house down in the first match on nightmare and this week we're gonna tear the house down with the Motor City Machineguns.
Truth- That's right, Jay. We've only known each other a week but we both already know that we are gonna be one hell of a team here in the WpWf. Our first step is against the Motor City Machineguns but at some point down the line, you are gonna see us two holding the tag team championships high above our heads!
Lethal- Hell yeah! It's gonna be gold all the way, man!
Truth- Now that's the Truth!
Lethal and Truth walk off to their match. Cole looks after them and mutters.
Cole- Vintage Lethal.
Lethal and Truth vs Motor City Machineguns
Lethal and Truth come out first to Lethal's theme music. They make an entrance together before the Machineguns come down to their theme.
The bell rings with Lethal and Sabin in the ring. They lock up and Sabin gets behind Lethal. Sabin lifts him for a back suplex but Lethal does a backflip and hits a reverse atomic drop before hitting a clothesline. Shelley hits a springboard clothesline on Lethal before hitting a dropkick to Truth. The referee starts shouting at Shelley which allows Sabin to rake Lethal's eyes and roll him up. The referee turns to see the cover. Two count.
Sabin picks Lethal up and whips him into the turnbuckle. Sabin hits a stalling dropkick before hitting a bulldog. Sabin tags Shelley, who hits a frogsplash! 1...2..KICKOUT. Shelley locks in a sleeper but Lethal quickly works his way to his feet and reverses it into a hip toss. He tags in Truth as Shelley quickly tags in Sabin. Truth hits a hip toss to Sabin into the corner but Sabin rolls up the turnbuckle. Truth hits Shelley with a spin-out forearm. He jumps to his feet as Sabin goes for a flying hurracanrana but Truth reverses it into a sit-out powerbomb for a two count.
Truth picks Sabin up and hits a suplex. Truth tags Lethal in, who hits an elbow drop. Shelley runs in but gets hit with a Lethal combination! Sabin starts to get up but gets hit with a Scissor kick from Truth Lethal covers for the three count.
Lethal and Truth jump up in celebration and start celebrating on the turnbuckle. Sabin and Shelley both attack Lethal. Truth comes over to help but ends up getting hit with a cradle shock! Sabin and Shelley hit the Sliced bread/Powerbomb combination to Lethal and pose to the crowd.
Kevin Nash is in his office, looking at the pictures at the wall. He picks up a dart and throws it at a picture of Shawn Michaels, it hits him right between his eyes. He throws up his arms in celebration as Batista and Hernandez walk in. They stare at the dart for a second before walking in and talking to Nash.
Nash- Can I help you?
Batista- You remember last week, when me and Hernandez fought to a draw and instead of both being included in the battle royal, you went through the trouble of booking a last minute match?
Nash- ...what's your point?
Batista- You screwed us last week, so we want a championship shot this week.
Nash- You want to be in the five way? No.
Batista- Then what are we supposed to do this week?
Nash- Your friend doesn't speak much does he.
Hernandez- Answer his question.
Nash- Wow, OK, let's compromise. How about you two go for the tag team championships?
Hernandez- Tonight?
Nash- No...You guys get to be in the tag team match to determine the number one contenders to the championships at DTR.
Batista- DTR?
Nash- December to Remember. How does nobody get this?
Batista and Hernandez look at each other.
Batista- We'll take it.
They walk off.
Backstage, Masters is posing to a punch of girls. The squeal whenever he flexes his muscles. The Machineguns walk in.
Shelley- Ladies, if you'd excuse us for a moment.
Masters- Sorry, girls.
They leave, groaning. Masters calls after them
Masters- Show starts again in 5 minutes
He turns to the guns.
Masters- ....Yes?
Sabin- Well, we saw how you handled Daniels and...
Shelley- We want in.
Masters- In? In on what?
Shelley- In on whatever you're trying to pull off.
Masters- What?
Sabin- What Alex is trying to say is that us three could run Nightmare so easily. It's be a shame to let the opportunity pass us by.
Shelley puts an arm around Masters.
Shelley- Just imagine it. The Motor City Machineguns, the International tag team champions and standing between, them Chris Masters holding his newly won Intercontinental championship high above his head.
Masters- You know what...when you guys start winning your matches, I'll consider it.
Sabin- You can already help us start winning. Next week it's us three against Lethal, Truth and Daniels. If we win that, will you consider us?
Masters- I'll think about it...but for now, I need a favour from you guys.
The Hardyz vs London and Kendrick
(Tornado tag, International Tag Team Championships)
Both teams make their entrances. As the bell rings, L+K hit simultaneous hurracanranas to the Hardyz. Matt and Jeff scramble to their feet and both try clotheslines. L+K duck and try simultaneous hurracanranas again but both get power bombed! The Hardyz pick L+K up and try simultaneous suplexes but both are reversed into DDTs. L+K run to the top rope and both hit Cross-bodies! London hits a standing moonsault and goes for the pin. Two count.
Kendrick picks Matt up and goes for a sliced bread. Matt reverses it into a reverse atomic drop and clotheslines him. London runs into a back elbow from Matt. London springs to his feet but gets whipped into the turnbuckle and gets a clothesline and bulldog. Matt covers for two.
Jeff gets up and hits a double suplex with Matt to London. Jeff picks Kendrick up and goes for a Twist of Fate. Kendrick reverses it into a roll-up. Matt breaks up the count and clotheslines Kendrick over the top rope. Matt follows after him and starts using the steps and barriers. Jeff goes over to London, who tries a small package but Kickout.
Both get up quickly and Jeff ducks a clothesline and hits a neckbreaker. He goes to the top rope and hits a diving legdrop. He goes to the top again to try a Swanton but London avoids and hits a standing shooting star press! 1...2....Matt pull London out of the ring, who lands with a dull thud. Matt rolls Kendrick in and whips him into the turnbuckle. He helps Jeff up and together they hit poetry in motion! Kendrick falls into the middle of the ring. Matt and Jeff go to the top and hit the Leg drop/Splash (Extreme combination). Jeff goes for the cover. 1...2...3!
Jeff and Matt celebrate after being given their titles. After some time, London and Kendrick offer their hands and the Hardyz accept. They all celebrate together before leaving.
The camera is zoomed in in Nash's office. It's zoomed on the picture of Michaels, which is now covered in darts and has devil horns drawn on. The camera zooms away to Nash laughing at it and Edge impatiently waiting.
Nash- Isn't it great?
Edge- Yeah...awesome.
Nash- Anyway, what do you want? A match?
Edge- I wanna be in the tag team contender match.
Nash- Alone? Because you know I can't let you do that.
Edge- No, no. I have the perfect partner.
Nash- As long as he's on the brand, you guys are in. You're against Batista and Hernandez.
Edge- Thank you...
Nash- ...What are you waiting for? Get the hell out of my office.
Edge walks off and Nash goes back to drawing on the picture.
Shawn Michaels is being interviewed backstage about the Five way coming up.
Cole- Shawn, what are you expecting to accomplish during this match?
Michaels- ...Are you an idiot?
Cole- Well, no. Not neccesa-
Michaels- Shutup.
Cole- But-
Michaels- Shutup. Now, I am expecting to either win this match, or to help Abyss win it. Last week, Abyss saved me from an attack from Kane. As far as I'm concerned, I owe him whatever I achieve in the rest of my c-
Abyss flies through the background and lands with a thud on the floor, covered in blood. Kane walks through the hole wit a barbed wire bat. He swings at Abyss again but gets Sweet Chin Music from Michaels. Paramedics run in as Michaels helps check on Abyss.
Batista and Hernandez vs Edge and ???
(International Tag Title Shot)
Batista and Hernandez come out first. They do a joint entrance to Batista's theme song.
Edge comes out next with a mic.
Edge- My partner came out last week and you guys cheered for him... He's changed his mind. You're not worth his trouble.
Christian's theme hits. He walks out with a cocky look on his face. He takes the mic.
Christian- And now...For those with the benefit of flash photography.
The both do the five second pose and run down to the ring. They slide in and size up Batista and Hernandez. Christian offers his hand to Batista. Batista reluctantly accepts but Christian punches him! Batista goes down quickly. Christian blows his knuckles and you can see he is wearing brass knuckles. The bell rings and Hernandez starts towards Christian but edge spears him and covers! 1...2...3!
Edge and Christian quickly roll out of the ring and jump around celebrating. Batista and Hernandez get to their feet soon enough and just stare at E+C. The Hardyz run down and attack E+C with their belts. They roll them into the ring, allowing Batista to Batista Bomb Edge and Hernandez to hit the Border Toss on Christian. The Hardyz show off their titles to all four other men.
Daniels is walking backstage. He knocks on a door but gets blindsided by the Motor City Machineguns. Chris Masters walks out of the room and low blows Daniels. He locks in the Masterlock and lets the guns hit back chops to Daniels. Shelley hits the Sliced bread as Lethal and Truth run in, attacking the guns. MCMG and Masters back off, having done the damage.
Masters- Save it for next week, boys.
They walks off, leaving Lethal, Truth and Daniels.
Samoa Joe is being interviewed about the five way.
JBL- Joe, how are you feeling about the Intercontinental Championship five way match?
Joe- John...Commentating Icon? I've just been told that Abyss is not cleared to compete because of Kane's attack, and for that exact reason, Kane has been banned from the rest of the show. So there is no five way. Tonight, the Intercontinental Championship will be contested in a three way match between Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels...and me.
JBL- Well, I don't know where you get your sources from-
Joe- Nash just told me.
JBL- ...Well
Chris Jericho walks in.
Jericho- Sorry to interrupt, John, but I need to speak to Joe.
JBL seems happy to leave and walks off.
Joe- What do you want, Chris?
Jericho- Well, seeing as we're now down to a triple threat...the weak link is Michaels.
Joe- No, no. The weak link is you, Chris.
Jericho- Ha-ha. Nash just told me that, at December to Remember, on top of the Tag team Championship match there will be a Number one contenders match between two people of my choice. So, I want to cut a deal with you. You help me retain my championship tonight, and you get to be in the match. Hell, you can even pick your opponent at DTR!
Joe- We'll see...for now, go away.
Jericho scampers out of the room.
Jericho vs Michaels vs Joe
(Intercontinental Championship)
After everyone has entered, Jericho offers his hand to Joe. The bell rings and before anyone can react, Michaels hits Sweet Chin Music to Jericho. Michaels offers his hand to Joe, who uses it to hit a step-up enziguri. Joe rebounds off the other rope and hits a vicious clothesline to Michaels. Joe covers for two.
Joe picks Michaels up and whips him into the ropes. Michaels hits the forearm smash and kips-up. Joe gets up quickly and hits a back chop.
Michaels falls into the corner and Joe hits a corner clothesline. Joe lifts Michaels onto the top turnbuckle, but Michaels pushes him away. He tries a diving spear, but Joe reverses it into a DDT. Two count. Michaels kips-up again. He turns into a codebreaker from Jericho! Joe goes to attack Jericho, but reconsiders, gets out of the ring and walks away. Jericho looks confused before he hits a Lionsault and covers Michaels for the three.
Jericho's music hits and he celebrates with his title. For the second week in a row, Jericho holding the title up is the end of the show.
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