TNA: The Right Way 2010 and beyond.

workhorse review

*Alright SXE lets have a look at iMPACT, the go home show for Genesis. The format is really good and so easy to read but there's some bad grammar and punctuation errors. A few missed commas, fullstops etc. I know it's only a small thing but it just makes the show easier to read and a lot cleaner. The matches were very well written, especially the main event. I think your choice to have a 6 man tag match might seem a little generic, but when you're writing such a short show, it was the right choice because it was a great way to bring 3 feuds together and build towards Genesis. I really liked the Kaz vs Aries match was really good so well done.

*RVD and Punk segment was pretty good, the promo's need a little work but I think your getting a fairly good grip on CM Punk's character. In fact I think most of your promos were good, but some still need work. I just couldn't get into the Bully or AJ promo. That might just be me but I think you're improving enough that it won't be an issue in a few shows. One other gripe I have was that Heyman kept interrupting. I know he's the GM and wants to have control over the show, but, especially in the Abyss/Hardy segment, I would've liked to have seen Abyss make a statement without the interruption of Heyman. Then have Heyman confront him backstage or something like that.

*Overall I'd say you've built an excellent looking card for Genesis. You're putting together really nice shows consistently but still need to do a little work on your promos. You're a great match writer and I'm sure Genesis will be jammed with exciting action.

Good Luck,

TNA Genesis!

*Pyro goes off all over the stage*

The cameras pan around the iMPACT zone showing all the fans in attendance tonight and the arena is jam packed then the cameras go to the announce table.

Mike Tenay: Ladies and Gentleman welcome to the first Pay-Per-View in the Paul Heyman era TNA Genesis! Tonight we have a great show for you including our main event of the evening CM Punk vs Rob Van Dam for the TNA Heavyweight Championship!

Taz: Thats right Mike, Besides that we have 3 other title matches tonight including the tag team titles on the line with The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe and his partner Magnus defending the TNA Tag Team Titles against The Motor City Machine Guns tonight!

Mike Tenay: And Taz, That match is our opening match to the show tonight!

We see a video package begin on the screen showing Samoa Joe & Magnus win the triple threat match to become tag team champions then it shows the backstage brawl the champions and challengers had the week after leading to Sabin's knee injury and The Machine Guns becoming #1 Contenders to the belts then a clip of The Guns diving out of the ring onto Samoa Joe & Magnus then the video package turns off.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for 1 fall and it is for the TNA Tag Team Championships! Introducing first the challengers at a combined weight of 420 pounds the team of Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley The Motor City Machine Guns!

**Motor City**

The crowd cheers loudly for the challengers for the titles tonight as Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley walk out onto the stage wearing their usual gear along with leather jackets and Sabin has his injured knee taped up instead of in a brace and they pose on the stage before they begin there walk down the ramp and then they run and slide into the ring and Shelley takes off his jacket as does Sabin then they jump onto the top turnbuckles facing the stage and pose for the fans before jumping down and backing up to the other side of the ring as the music cuts.

Christy Hemme: And their opponets at a combined weight of 520 pounds they are the reigning TNA Tag Team Champions the team of Magnus and The Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe!

**Nation Of Violence**

Samoa Joe and Magnus walk out onto the stage Joe with his trademark towel on his shoulders and his tag belt drapped over his shoulder and Magnus with his tag belt around his waist as the champs walk down the ramp never taking their eyes off their challengers then Magnus walks up the steps with Joe walking up behind him and then both men enter the ring as Joe flings his towel off his shoulders to the floor and Magnus takes his belt off his waist and him and Joe hold up the tag titles high above their heads to taunt their challengers as the music cuts.


**The Bell Rings**

Joe and Shelley stay in the ring to start the match and they walk into the middle of the ring and locks horns right away. Shelley applies a side headlock only for Joe to attempt a back suplex but Shelley lands on his feet behind Joe then when Joe turns around he gets hit with a kick into his gut followed by a step up enziguri taking him down! Joe gets right back up only for Shelley to dropkick him into the corner as Joe bounces off the turnbuckles then Shelley comes charging in and nails Joe with a running corner dropkick! Shelley now walks over to Sabin and tags him into the match.

Sabin enters the ring and Shelley gets down on all fours in front of Joe whos hanging on the turnbuckles in the corner as Sabin comes running and jumps onto the back of Shelley then jumps off with a punch right to the face of Joe then Sabin gets down on all fours in front of Joe and Shelley comes charging launching off the back of Joe and hits him with a corner closeline! Shelley rolls out of the ring now and Sabin gets a small package pin on Joe.

NO! Joe kicks out!

Sabin gets to his feet and kicks Joe in the gut then he springboards off the middle turnbuckle but Joe walks away making Sabin crash and burn on the mat! Joe laughs as Sabin rolls around holding his ribs and Joe walks back over and grabs the injured leg of Sabin and drags him over to Magnus and makes the tag then hits a leg DDT and rolls out of the ring as Magnus enters and hits the same exact move his partner just hit to work over the knee of Sabin!

Magnus now stands on the injured knee of Sabin as he yells in pain and Magnus steps off at the 4 count then drags Sabin into the middle of the ring and locks him into a figure four leg lock! Magnus sinches in the hold as Sabin struggles in pain trying to crawl backwards to the ropes but Magnus has him trapped in the middle of the ring! Sabin now lays down flat on the mat to try and relive the pain of the hold and the referee counts his shoulders down.

NO! Sabin sits back up!

Magnus now starts yelling for Sabin to tap out and this fires up the crowd who start chanting MOTOR CITY! Samoa Joe turns around and starts yelling for the fans to shut up which only makes them get louder and this fires up Sabin who turns over onto his belly to put the pressure on the knees of Magnus! Magnus quickly escapes the hold and Sabin crawls to the ropes but as soon as he starts to pull himself up Magnus comes running behind him and kicks out the injured leg! Sabin rolls out of the ring and limps around ringside trying to get feeling back in his leg and Magnus distracts the referee and Samoa Joe jumps off the ring apron and comes running behind Sabin and chopblocks out his knee! Joe rolls Sabin into the ring then gets back on the ring apron as Magnus hooks both legs for the pin on Sabin.

NO! Sabin kicks out!

Magnus now whips Sabin hard into the corner Joe is in then comes running in with a running dropkick right into his knee! Magnus then tags in Samoa Joe and they drag Sabin out of the corner then both men come running off the ropes on either side of Sabin and take him down with a high low attack then Magnus knocks Alex Shelley off the ring apron and bails out of the ring! Samoa Joe now locks Sabin into a single leg boston crab right in the middle of the ring!
Joe yanks back on the injured leg of Sabin as he screams in pain but begins crawling towards the ropes only for Joe to drag him back to the middle of the ring! Seeing his partner in trouble Shelley slides into the ring and comes running with a low dropkick to the face of Joe knocking him off the hold! Joe goes down and Shelley leaves the ring and gets on the ring apron as Sabin starts crawling towards his partner meanwhile Joe rolls over and makes the tag to bring Magnus into the match and he charges over and grabs the foot of Sabin but Sabin hits a enziguri taking him down then dives and makes the tag to Alex Shelley to a big cheer from the crowd!

Shelley springboards off the top rope and hits a cross body taking down Magnus! Shelley gets right up and he knocks Samoa Joe off the ring apron then Magnus comes charging but Shelley sidesteps and Magnus runs face first into the top turnbuckle! Magnus stumbles out of the corner and turns around walking right into a springboard tornado DDT from Shelley! Magnus is laying on the mat holding his head and Joe enters the ring now and comes running nailing Shelley with a big boot to the face then Sabin enters the ring and comes charging but Joe backdrops Sabin over the top rope only for Sabin to land on his feet outside the ring but Sabin lands wrong on his knee and he goes down holding his knee!

Shelley now gets up and lifts up Magnus onto his shoulders then turns around and he gets blasted with a big kick from Joe! Joe then whips Shelley hard into the corner and Joe comes charging into the corner looking for a running snapmare but Shelley gets his boots up to block it! Shelley then jumps up to the middle turnbuckle and then hits a diving spinning back elbow to the face of Joe sending him out of the ring under the bottom rope! Magnus then comes running and nails Shelley with a big running closeline!

Magnus now drags Shelley away from the ropes and into the middle of the ring and lifts him up onto his shoulders but before he can attempt the move he was looking for Shelley slides down his back and applies a rear waist lock and pushes off the ropes and gets a roll up pin on Magnus as the crowd counts along with the referee!

NO! Joe knocks Shelley off the pin!

Joe begins stomping on Shelley until the referee forces Joe out of the ring and Magnus walks over and now legally brings Joe into the match and Joe lifts Shelley up to his feet and headbutts him sending Shelley stumbling back and Joe comes running now for a closeline but Shelley ducks and then dropkicks Joe into the ropes but Magnus comes from behind and clubs Shelley in the back of the head taking him down! Joe comes out of the ropes and whips Shelley into the corner hard as Magnus gets on the top turnbuckle in a opposite corner and Joe comes charging and hits a running snapmare sending Shelley out of the corner into the middle of the ring then Magnus hits a Diving Elbow Drop! Magnus rolls out of the ring and Joe covers Shelley.


Christy Hemme: Heres Your Winners And STILL TNA Tag Team Champions Samoa Joe & Magnus!

**Nation Of Violence**

Samoa Joe and Magnus hold up there tag titles celebrating there victory and they leave the ring as Shelley gets up with his hand on his ribs in pain and he rolls out of the ring and checks on Chris Sabin at ringside whos still down and the referee follows Shelley and Shelley helps his partner up whos seen mouthing "My knee, My knee" and Sabin gets helped to the back by Alex Shelley and the referee and the cameras then go to the announce table.

Mike Tenay: Wow that was a great opening match to the show tonight wasnt it Taz?

Taz: Yeah Mike, Samoa Joe & Magnus keep their momentum rolling with a big victory tonight in there very first title defense but im worried about Chris Sabin his knee seems to be injured.

Mike Tenay: Hopefully we can get a update on his health his knee was injured going into tonights match but he landed wrong on it outside the ring and went down tweeking it further and lets hope Sabin doesnt have to miss any ringtime.

Taz: I agree Mike, But we gotta move onto our next match of the night the open challenge match.

The cameras now focus on the tron above the stage and we see a video package begin and it shows James Storm issuing the open challenge then Jarrett coming out the next week to accept the challenge leading to the two men having a arugment in the ring and then the video package ends with a clip of James Storm taking the gutair out of Jarrett's hands as he trys to hit AJ Styles with it and then James Storm hitting the Last Call Superkick on Jeff Jarrett then the tron fades out as the cameras go to the ring where Christy Hemme is standing with a mic.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first he weighs in at 230 pounds, From Leiper's Fork, Tennessee he is the Tennesse Cowboy James Storm!

**Longnecks & Rednecks**

The crowd cheers for the TNA Original as he walks out onto the stage in his usual ring gear along with his long leather jacket, Cowboy hat and sunglasses holding a beer bottle and he takes a swig of beer then walks down the ramp quickly spraying some fans with beer on his way down the ramp then James Storm walks up the ramp and enters the ring then climbs up the turnbuckles and poses taking another swig of beer then spraying some more fans with the rest of the beer then he takes off his hat and jacket tossing them out of the ring as the music cuts.

Christy Hemme: And his opponet weighing in at 235 pounds, From Hendersonville, Tennessee he is The King Of The Mountain Jeff Jarrett!

**My World**

Jeff Jarrett walks out onto the stage to a chorus of boos from the fans and Jarrett walks down the ramp but stops and throws his arms up in the air and poses to set off his pyro. Jarrett then walks the rest of the way down the ramp ignoring all the fans as he walks up the steps then enters the ring and takes off his jacket tossing it out of the ring then he backs into the corner waiting for the match to begin as his music cuts.


**The Bell Rings**

Storm and Jarrett step out of their respective corners and lock horns in the middle of the ring. Storm takes the early advantage and brings Jarrett to his knees with a knuckle lock then kicks him in the gut to take him down but Jarrett gets right back up and Storm trys to surprise him with a Last Call Superkick but Jarrett ducks and rolls out of the ring to avoid it!

Storm laughs as Jarrett walks around ringside with an angry look on his face and Storm rolls out of the ring and walks over to Jarrett who turns around and catches Storm in the jaw with a big punch! Jarrett then grabs Storm by the hair and slams his skull into the steel steps then throws him into the ring and rolls in after him and hooks the leg for a pin.

NO! Storm kicks out!

Jarrett starts stomping on Storm until Storm trips Jarrett taking him down and Storm goes for a quick elbow drop but Jarrett rolls out of the way then gets up and comes running but Storm kicks him away while in the ropes then comes running and hits a running double knee facebreaker on Jarrett taking him down! Storm rolls over onto Jarrett now hooking the rear leg for the pin.

NO! Jarrett kicks out!

Storm gets up to his feet and punches Jarrett in the side of his face to keep him down then locks him into a crossface. Jarrett is reaching for the ropes but there just out of his reach and Storm is trying to make Jarrett tap but Jarrett finally makes it to the ropes and Storm breaks the hold right away then waits for Jarrett to get up and then he comes running and closelines Jarrett over the top rope and to the floor! Storm waits for him to get up then springboards over the top rope looking for a cross body but Jarrett moves out of the way and Storm crashes and burns!

Jarrett sees his chance here and starts attacking Storm with punches pounding on his back but Storm shoves him off then gets up only for Jarrett to come running but Storm backdrops Jarrett onto the steel steps! Jarrett rolls off holding his back and Storm walks over and throws Jarrett into the ring then slides in behind him and waits for him to get up then Storm hits a jumping double knee backbreaker taking Jarrett down! Storm then rolls over onto the pin.

NO! Jarrett kicks out!

Storm gets up in a bit of shock by the fight left in Jarrett and Storm backs into the corner and begins stomping on the mat with his right foot looking like hes setting up for his finisher as Jarrett gets to his feet in the middle of the ring and turns around and Storm goes for the Last Call Superkick but Jarrett ducks it then rolls up Storm using the tights!

NO! Storm kicks out!

Jarrett now kicks Storm in the groin as he trys to get up and the crowd boos him loudly for that but the referee didnt see it! Jarrett now does his famous strut in the ring as Storm is slowly pulling himself up using the ropes and Jarrett turns around and pulls Storm away from the ropes by his trunks then hits him with The Stroke! Jarrett rolls Storm over onto his back then drops down to his knees and ends up covering him for the pin.

NO! Storm shockingly kicks out again!

Jarrett cant belive it and he begins aruging with the referee and Jarrett looks pissed but turns around and sees Storm crawling to the corner and Jarrett comes running and hits a running knee smash to the face taking him down! Storm is laid out now and Jarrett rolls out of the ring then looks under the ring as Storm is pulling himself up using the ropes in the corner as Jarrett pulls out his trademark gutair from under the ring! Jarrett slides into the ring with his gutair now as Storm gets up and Jarrett has the gutair up on his shoulders but the referee grabs it from him and throws it out of the ring! Jarrett, Fed up with the referee now grabs him by his shirt and raises his fist but then Storm walks over and turns Jarrett around then trys to deck him but Jarrett ducks and Storm decks the referee by accident!

Storm checks on the referee right away and Jarrett grins as he rolls out of the ring and crawls around ringside so Storm wont see him and he grabs the gutair from ringside then crawls back to the side of the ring he slid out of and slides in behind Storm and stands up as Storm begins helping the referee to his feet then he turns around and Jarrett smashes the gutair over his head knocking him out! Jarrett kicks the broken pieces of gutair out of the ring and throws the handle out of the ring then quickly hooks both legs for the pin on Storm as the referee wakes up and sees the pin and counts it quickly!


Christy Hemme: Heres Your Winner Jeff Jarrett!

**My World**

Jeff Jarrett celebrates the cheap victory with the crowd booing him out of the building but Jarrett keeps celebrating until he sees James Storm get up then he leaves the ring and backs up the ramp celebrating and Storm begins aruging with the referee that Jarrett used his gutair but with no luck as the referee wont hear it and Storm now glares at Jarrett who stands on the stage and poses before going backstage and the cameras go to the interview area.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentleman my guest at this time the man who up next will be stepping into the Clockwork Orange House Of Fun against Raven, Crimson.

*Crimson walks over with a pissed off look on his face*

Jeremy Borash: Crimson, A few weeks ago Raven became the first man in TNA to beat you in a match when he won the Television Title and now tonight your about to face Raven again in a match type he created The Clockwork Orange House Of Fun. What is your stragey tonight to avoid beating beat again?

*Crimson glares at JB not speaking*

Jeremy Borash: Thanks for your time.

*Jeremy Borash runs away out of fear as Crimson walks away from the interview area.*

The cameras go to the tron where a video package begins showing Crimson take out Matt Morgan then Raven making his return beating Crimson for the TV Title then a clip of Raven and Crimson brawling up the ramp then backstage during the 6 man tag match 3 days ago on iMPACT then the video package ends.

The cameras now go to the ring where Christy Hemme is standing with a mic and theres kindo sticks,trash cans,trash can lids and chairs hanging from chains above the ring behind her and theres a cage wall on 1 side of the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is a Clockwork Orange House Of Fun Match and it is for the TNA Televison Title! Introducing first the challenger, Now in this match the only way to win is to throw your opponet off Raven's pearch (The cameras show a small perch high up on the side of the cage) and through two tables! And now introducing first, The challenger, He weighs in at 252 pounds, From the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, New York Crimson!

**Not A Stranger To The Danger**

Crimson walks out onto the stage to some boos but mainly no reaction from the crowd as he walks down the ramp ignoring all the fans then he walks up the steps and enters the ring and looks around the ring seeing the weapons hanging and he tugs on a kindo stick before backing into the corner as his music cuts.

Christy Hemme: And his opponet weighing in at 244 pounds, From The Bowery, He is the TNA Televison Champion Raven!

**A Bird Caw into Scream**

Raven walks out onto the stage wearing a kilt and his black t-shirt with the TV Title in hand and he poses with his arms out to his sides to a decent size pop from the fans in the iMPACT zone as he walks down the ramp but then Crimson slides out of the ring and runs up the ramp but Raven sees him and drops the belt then the two begin to brawl!


**The Bell Rings**

Crimson and Raven are brawling on the ramp in a fist fight and Crimson begins to get the better of the fight and he whips Raven spine first against the guard rail! Crimson then walks over but Raven grabs Crimson by his shoulders then tosses him against the guard rail and begins punching away at him until Crimson low blows Raven! Crimson now walks back to ringside as Raven is holding his groin on the side of the ramp and Crimson rolls into the ring and yanks down a kindo stick!

Crimson rolls out of the ring with the kindo stick as Raven walks down the ramp and Crimson cracks the kindo stick over his head dropping him! Crimson then begins beating the hell out of Raven with the kindo stick cracking it again and again over his back before throwing it down and then Crimson pulls Raven up and whips him spine first into the steel steps! Crimson now looks under the ring and pulls out a table from under the ring and slides it in into the ring.

Crimson now throws Raven into the ring as Crimson looks under the ring again and pulls out a second table and slides that one into the ring and Crimson rolls in and stomps on Raven to keep him down then sets up one of the tables under the small perch on the chain link wall then he turns around right into a big closeline from Raven! Raven hits a second closeline then dropkicks Crimson into the ropes and comes charging and closelines Crimson right over the top rope to the floor!

Raven now grabs the second table and sets it up right next to the first one then he pulls down a trash can and two trash can lids from the chains as Crimson slides into the ring and comes running but Raven hits a dicus closeline taking him down! Raven now pulls Crimson up to his feet and Raven puts the trash can on the head of Crimson then grabs the two trash can lids and begins slamming them into the sides of the trash cans then at the same time slams both into the sides of the cans taking down Crimson! Raven pulls the trash can off Crimson then he pulls down a kindo stick.

Raven waits for Crimson to get up then slams the kindo stick into his ribs then cracks it over the back of his head breaking the kindo stick! Raven sees his chance and he drags Crimson to the chain link wall and he begins climbing up it dragging Crimson up behind him in a choke hold but just as they get to the perch Crimson clubs Raven in the back a few times then climbs up next to him and slams his face into the cage and Raven is barley hanging on now and Crimson steps over onto the perch then pulls Raven onto it and headbutts him but Raven is keeping his balance avoiding falling through the tables. Crimson then kicks Raven in the gut and goes for Red Sky off the perch but Raven grabs a headlock to save himself! Raven is wrenching on the headlock with all his strength and he gets his footing back and then he hooks the arms of Crimson and looks down like hes gonna try a DDT off the perch but Crimson sucker punches Raven then climbs down off the wall!

Crimson realizes he has Raven right where he wants him and decides he wants to inflict more damage as Raven is starting to get up on the perch and Crimson yanks down the final weapon off the chains which is a steel chair and Raven now stands up and looks down at Crimson whos holding up the chair daring Raven to dive off and Raven dives off at Crimson and Crimson swings the chair but Raven in mid air hits a missle dropkick into the chair sending it back into the face of Crimson and both men are laid out!

*The crowd begins chanting HOLY SHIT!*

Raven and Crimson are both laid out on the mat as the referee checks on both men then Raven begins pulling himself up using the ropes and Crimson is still down and Raven moves the chair into position then lifts up Crimson and drops him with the Even Flow DDT onto the steel chair! Crimson now has a trickle of blood coming off his head and Raven drags Crimson to the corner and puts him on the top turnbuckle facing the chain link wall then Raven walks away and climbs up the side of the wall quickly making it to his perch as Raven stands up and does his signature pose with his arms out to his sides! Crimson now stands on the turnbuckles and grabs the perch and climbs up onto the perch and punches Raven a few times then trys for a belly to belly suplex off the perch but Raven blocks it then headbutts Crimson and hits a few straight jabs to the face then hits a dicus closeline taking Crimson down! Crimson gets back up and Raven tosses Crimson off the perch and he falls through both tables to end the match!

Christy Hemme: Heres your winner and STILL TNA Televison Champion Raven!

**A Bird Caw into Scream**

Raven celebrates the victory as Crimson is laid out not moving in the broken tables as Raven cholds his arms out to his side then climbs down the chain link wall and looks down at a laid out Crimson then rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp and grabs his TV Title which was still laying on the ramp where he left it and he holds it up for the crowd and slaps hands with a couple fans then walks up onto the stage and poses again with the title before going backstage.

The cameras go to the tron where a video package begins to play and it shows Paul Heyman announcing the battle royal between the Knockouts, Then showing Madison Rayne and Tara being the last two left in the battle royal with Madison Rayne beating her to get to chose the match type for this upcoming match then a clip of Madison Rayne choosing Traci Brooks as the referee is shown along with Traci saying she will call the match right down the middle and her also announcing she has been named Knockouts Law and the video package ends with a clip of Madison Rayne hitting her finisher Rayne Drop on Tara's tag partner Brooke Tessmacher and Tara hitting Gail Kim with Widows Peak to end the video package as the tron goes dark and the cameras go to the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for 1 fall and it is for the TNA Knockouts Title! Introducing first she is the special guest referee for the match tonight and the Knockouts Law Traci Brooks!


Traci Brooks walks out onto the stage in a referee bikini top and black pants and she walks down the ramp to a small cheer from the fans and she slaps hands with some fans on her way down the ramp then walks up the steps and enters the ring as her music cuts.

Christy Hemme: And now introducing first from Columbus, Ohio Madison Rayne!

**Killa Queen**

Madison Rayne walks out onto the stage wearing her red gear with her sash and tiara and she begins doing her wave to the fans who just boo her and Madison begins walking down the ramp with a black glove on her right hand and she gets to the steps and walks up them slowly then demands Christy Hemme sit on the ropes for her and Hemme does walk over and sit on the ropes as Madison holds her tiara and enters the ring and waves as her music cuts and she takes the tiara and sash off and hands them to a ring crew member.

Christy Hemme: And her opponet, From San Bernardino, California Tara!


The crowd gives a small pop for Tara as the former Knockout Champ walks out onto the stage and she walks down the ramp as Madison watches her closely as Tara high fives some fans on both sides of the ramp and then she points to a sign a fan is holding that says "I Love Tara" and walks over to the hard camera side of the ring to where the fan is and she gives him a hug before sliding into the ring and she poses on the top turnbuckle for the fans until her music cuts.


**The Bell Rings**

Madison and Tara now step out their corners and Tara trys for a lock up but Madison backs away into the ropes and Tara walks over but Traci holds back Tara. Madison then steps out of the ropes and waves at Tara who pushes past Traci and comes charging into the corner but Madison hits a drop toe hold and Tara goes face first into the middle turnbuckle then turns around right into a dropkick from Madison!

Madison now does her wave while walking around the ring and when Madison turns around she gets hit with a big closeline from Tara! Tara then waits for Madison to get up and comes running with another closeline! Tara then scoops up Madison and slams her down on the mat! Tara now hooks the leg for a quick pin.

NO! Madison kicks out!

Tara gets up and pulls Madison up to her feet and kicks her in the gut then lifts her up looking for Widows Peak but Madison counters her with a victory roll pin!

NO! Tara kicks out!

Madison gets up and aruges with Traci thinking she got her but Traci assures her it was only a two count and now Tara gets up and Madison grabs her by the hair then slams her face hard into the mat! Madison then wraps her legs around the head of Tara and then slams her face into the mat hard three times right in a row then stands up and kicks Tara right in the ribs and Tara rolls over onto her back holding her ribs but before she can get up Madison quickly covers.

NO! Tara kicks out!

Madison grabs Tara by her hair and pulls her up then puts her knee on the back of her head but Tara blocks the attempt at the Rayne Drop from Madison by shoving her into the ropes then Madison bounces off the ropes and walks right into a closeline from Tara! Madison gets back up and walks right into a second closeline then as Madison gets up Tara whips Madison into the ropes and she comes bouncing off right into a big sidewalk slam from Tara! Madison is holding her back now as she rolls out of the ring and Tara follows her out and a game of cat and mouse has begun with Madison running around ringside with Tara chasing her from behind but then Madison sees Tara get to the steel steps on the opposite side of the ring the chase began on and she kicks the steps right into Tara's knee that has her knee brace on it! Madison laughs as she walks across the knee then rolls into the ring and tells Traci to count her out.


Tara is back to her feet on the floor and she slides into the ring angry with Madison and comes charging but Madison ducks a big kick then dropkicks out the knee of Tara! Madison then stomps on Tara until Tara sweeps the leg of Madison taking her down! Tara gets up and Madison gets to her feet and walks right into a two handed sitout inverted front powerslam from Tara right into the pin!

NO! Madison shockingly kicks out!

Tara cant belive it as she gets up and checks with Traci to make sure it wasnt a three count and Traci tells her it was only a two and Tara looks shocked and she waits for Madison to get up then as soon as Madison gets to her feet Tara hits her with a kick in the gut as Madison bends over then Tara lifts up Madison looking for Widows Peak but Madison blocks it with a tornado DDT! Madison is laid out on the mat as she crawls into the corner and Tara is still down as Madison looks to put something into her black glove and she gets to her feet as Tara begins to get to her feet as Madison stands waiting and Tara pulls herself up to her feet but Madison blasts her with a big punch with her glove hand and Tara drops to the mat laid out! Madison quickly covers Tara now and Traci isnt sure if Madison has cheated or not but she counts the pin none the less.


Christy Hemme: Heres your winner and NEW Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne!

**Killa Queen**

Madison Rayne stands up celebrating the victory as Traci Brooks grabs the Knockouts Title off the podium it was on at ringside and enters the ring with it and hands it to Madison who holds up the title celebrating while Tara is still laid out on the mat and Traci holds up the arm of Madison then walks away to check on Tara and Madison exits the ring and walks up the ramp backwards holding up the title over her head as Traci helps Tara up and Tara looks out of it holding her jaw as Madison waves to Tara before the cameras go backstage to the interview area.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentleman my guest at this time he will be facing The Monster Abyss up next The Charsmatic Engima Jeff Hardy!

*The crowd cheers loudly as Jeff Hardy walks over with his facepaint all done and he has eyes painted on his eyelids then he opens his eyes.*

Jeremy Borash: Jeff, Tonight you will be taking on Abyss a man who has said tonight he will end your career how do you plan on surviving against The Monster tonight?

Jeff Hardy: Tonight Abyss will realize who hes messing with, I have faced Abyss before he doesnt scare me I dont fear monsters and tonight me and my creatures of the night will show him that!

Jeremy Borash: But Jeff, No offense but Abyss took out Sting a legend in this business and one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time and Sting has more experience then you.

*Jeff Hardy now looks over at Jeremy Borash*

Jeff Hardy: Your right Jeremy, Sting is a true legend and he does have more experience then me but im faster then Sting and I know how Abyss's mind works but sense you brought him up Stinger, I know your watching at home and tonight im gonna put The Monster on the shelf in your honor!

Hardy walks away as the cameras fade away from the interview area and then the cameras focus on the tron where a video package begins
The video package shows Abyss and Jeff Hardy brawling from this past iMPACT then Abyss interfearing in Hardy's match with Punk to cost him the match the video then shows Hardy calling out Abyss some more of there brawl then finally it ends with a clip of Abyss hitting 2 Blackhole Slams onto a steel chair on Hardy as the video ends and the cameras go to the ring.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first he weighs in at 215 pounds from Cameron, North Carolina he is The Charismatic Enigma Jeff Hardy!


Jeff Hardy walks out onto the stage to the loudest pop of the night wearing his usual facepaint and gear and he does his usual motions on the stage then walks down the ramp high fiving some fans along the way then he walks around ringside holding both hands out high fiving some of his creatures before he walks up the steps on the opposite side of the ring as the ramp and he enters the ring and runs across the ring and poses on the top turnbuckle for the fans as his music cuts and he jumps down.

Christy Hemme: And his opponet weighing in at 350 pounds from Parts Unknown he is The Monster, Abyss!

**Down in the Catacombs**

The crowd is booing Abyss out of the building as he walks out onto the stage in his all black gear with the black mask and he has that sick weapon "Janice" in his right hand as he slowly walks down the ramp and Hardy is pacing back and forth in the ring waiting for him. Abyss now gets to ringside and looks up at Hardy and just manically laughs before walking up the steps and he enters the ring and puts Janice down in the corner and as his music cuts the crowd is still booing him out of the building.


**The Bell Rings**

As soon as the sound of the bell reaches the ears of Hardy he charges at Abyss and dives onto him in the corner and begins pounding on him with punches and kicks! Hardy is kicking away at the gut of Abyss until Abyss headbutts Hardy to stumble him then Abyss comes out of the corner with a big closeline taking the fired up high flyer down! Hardy gets right back up and Abyss tosses him like a rag doll into the corner then charges in and squashes him in the corner with a huge splash! Hardy is now leaning against the turnbuckles and Abyss comes charging again and nails another huge splash! Abyss now rips open the shirt of Hardy to reveal tape on Hardy's ribs and back and he tears the shirt off Hardy and throws it out of the ring then drags Hardy out of the corner by his hair and knees him in the ribs then clubs him across the back taking him down!

Abyss now stands on the injured back of Hardy and Hardy yells in pain as Abyss walks off his back then pulls Hardy up and tosses him into the ropes as Hardy bounces off them and walks right into a sidewalk slam from Abyss! Abyss rolls over into a quick pin.

NO! Hardy kicks out!

Abyss gets up with a sick smile on his face as he peels Hardy off the mat then grabs him by the throat! Abyss now lifts up Hardy but Hardy lands back on his feet then out of nowhere drops Abyss with the Twist Of Fate! Abyss goes down face first but rolls over onto his back from the impact and now Hardy goes out onto the ring apron then climbs up the turnbuckles and gets to the top and he goes for the Swanton Bomb but Abyss gets his knees up driving them into the spine of Hardy! Hardy rolls away holding his back and Abyss gets up and grabs Hardy by the hair and tosses him with ease over the top rope and he crashes hard on the floor!

Abyss quickly rolls out of the ring and Hardy is crawling away but Abyss walks over to him and drops a elbow onto his back taking him down! Abyss now sees the steel steps and he grins while Hardy gets to his feet and Abyss now whips Hardy hard spine first into the steel steps taking him down! Hardy is down and Abyss rolls him into the ring then rolls in after him and hooks the leg for the pin.

NO! Hardy kicks out!

Abyss gets up and he looks around as if deciding how hes gonna hurt Hardy next while Hardy is pulling himself up by using Abyss as support and Abyss pulls Hardy up to his feet then whips him hard into the corner turnbuckles and he comes charging in but this time Hardy sidesteps him and Abyss smashes face first into the top turnbuckle! Hardy then comes running from behind and dropkicks Abyss back into the turnbuckles then Hardy gets up and runs into the corner but Abyss moves out of the corner although it doesnt stop Hardy who runs up the turnbuckles and nails Abyss with the Whisper In The Wind! Abyss goes down and Hardy quickly crawls over and covers Abyss.

NO! Abyss kicks out!

Hardy gets up holding his ribs and he comes off the ropes and hits a low dropkick to the face to keep the big man down! Hardy now mounts Abyss and begins punching him in the face non stop until he gets pulled off of The Monster by the official! Hardy yells something about Abyss trying to end his career and begins taunting waiting to go for the kill shot as Abyss stumbles up to his feet and he turns around to a kick to the gut from Hardy then Hardy attempts a Twist Of Fate but Abyss turns him around and counters with the Blackhole Slam! The energy is sucked out of the crowd that was cheering on Hardy and now Abyss covers Hardy not even hooking the leg.

NO! Hardy gets his foot on the bottom rope!

Abyss cant belive it as he thought he had Hardy knocked out and he walks over and grabs that sick weapon of his out of the corner. Hardy rolls over to the ropes and slowly begins pulling himself up with them and Abyss sees this and walks out of the corner and raises the weapon over his head but the official runs over and demands he put it down! Abyss refuses so the official grabs it from him and throws it out of the ring! Abyss turns around fuming mad and he scoops up the official and drops him with a Blackhole Slam!

The crowd lets Abyss hear it for not only trying to take out Hardy with the weapon but then laying out the official as Hardy gets to his feet and he runs over and dropkicks out the knee of Abyss taking him down to one knee! Hardy then dropkicks out the other knee and he begins punching away at Abyss before seeing "Janice" laying on the ground on the floor and he rolls out of the ring and grabs the weapon and slides into the ring with it and hes now demanding Abyss gets up!

Abyss begins getting to his feet and Hardy is tapping the weapon on the mat then he raises it up over his shoulder and Abyss gets up and turns around and Hardy swings trying to take Abyss out with his own weapon but Abyss ducks then hits a big boot taking down Hardy! Abyss then looks at Hardy then at his weapon before pulling Hardy up and he lifts him onto his shoulders then comes running with Shock Treatment! Abyss now rolls over Hardy and covers him hooking both legs as another official runs down the ramp and slides into the ring and counts the pin!

NO! Hardy shockingly kicks out!

Abyss now gets up and grabs his weapon as Hardy gets up and Abyss swings it like a baseball bat but Hardy ducks under it and now the second official gets taken out with a shot to the skull from that sick weapon Abyss calls "Janice"! Hardy then turns Abyss around and drops him with a Twist Of Fate onto Janice! Abyss rolls over and has a trickle of blood on his head as Hardy covers him but theres no official to count the pin! Finally the first official slides into the ring and counts the pin himself.

NO! Abyss uses all his strength left to kick out!

Hardy cant belive Abyss kicked out and he wonders what he has to do to put Abyss away and he climbs up to the top turnbuckle but Abyss gets to his feet and pushes the ropes to crotch Hardy on the top turnbuckle! Abyss then climbs up to the second turnbuckle and launches Hardy across the ring with a huge superplex! Hardy is down and not moving and Abyss is down as well!

Abyss gets to his feet and he sees Hardy down and not moving after that huge superplex and Abyss drags Hardy to the middle of the ring and then peels him off the mat and Jeff is stumbling in place still kinda out of it and Abyss grabs him by the throat and drops him with a Chokeslam! Instead of going for a cover Abyss pulls Hardy back to his feet but Hardy punches Abyss! Hardy is throwing punches out of desperation trying to fight off Abyss but to no luck as Abyss comes back reeling and decks Hardy with a big punch to the jaw then when Hardy gets back up Abyss drops him with the Blackhole Slam spinning Hardy a full 360 degrees in the air! Abyss then rolls over onto Hardy and has him covered for the pin and the referee counts it.


Christy Hemme: Heres Your Winner Abyss!

**Down in the Catacombs**

The crowd cant belive their hero lost and the boos reign down from the rafters on Abyss whos standing over a fallen Jeff Hardy and the referee raises the arm of Abyss and Abyss asks for a mic and is quickly handed one from a ring crew worker.

Abyss: Jeff...Tonight I proved you cant beat me. I could end your career tonight but he...He told me its not time yet!

Abyss drops the mic on the lifeless chest of Jeff Hardy then he leaves the ring and walks up the ramp grabbing his sick weapon along the way and he stops on the stage and laughs at Hardy whos still down before going backstage.

A video package begins on the tron and the cameras zoom in on it for the fans watching on PPV. The video package shows Austin Aries and Doug Williams winning their matches to earn a place in tonights match, Then it shows Aries hitting Williams with the Brainbuster followed up by a clip of Williams hitting Choas Theory on Aries. The video package then comes to an end with a clip of Aries and Williams staring each other down.

The cameras now go to the ring where Christy Hemme is again standing holding a mic and a podium can be seen in the background behind her with a plush velvet cushion on top and the TNA X Divison Championship is sitting on the cushion sparkling in the light.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the vacant TNA X Divison Championship of the world! Introducing first he weighs in at 210 pounds from Minneapolis, Minnesota Austin Aries!

**Raging Of The Region**

Austin Aries now walks out onto the stage wearing his normal gear with his black cape that says "Greatest Man To Ever Live" and the crowd boos him loudly while he struts down the ramp in a cocky way then walks up the steps and jumps over the top rope into the corner of the ring and takes off his cape and tosses it out of the ring and begins jumping in a circle in the middle of the ring before going into the opposite corner of the ring from where he entered as his music cuts.

Christy Hemme: And his opponet weighing in at 235 pounds, From The United Kingdom Doug Williams!

**The British Invansion**

Doug Williams walks out onto the stage to a roar of cheers from the crowd and Doug begins walking down the ramp while Aries stares him down. Doug now shakes hands with a few fans at ringside before he walks up the steps and enters the ring through the middle rope and now both challengers stare each other down before Doug turns around and jumps onto the top turnbuckle and does his signature pose for the crowd before jumping down and standing in the corner while his music cuts.


**The Bell Rings**

The match begins and both men step out of their corners and walk into the middle of the ring. Aries points at the X Divison Championship and motions around his waist but Doug shakes his head no and to that Aries decks him with a big punch! Doug gets up and Aries dropkicks him to take him down but Doug gets back up to his feet and Aries applies a rear waist lock but Doug counters and gets his own rear waist lock and goes for a german suplex but Aries blocks it with a elbow to the jaw then turns around and kicks Doug in the ribs knocking him out of the ring.

Aries now waits for Doug to get up then comes bouncing off the ropes on the opposite side of the ring then dives through the middle rope and hits his heat seeking suicide dive! The crowd pops for the dive as Aries gets up and tosses Doug into the ring then gets on the ring apron only for Doug to get up and punch Aries in the face! Doug then slingshots Aries over the top rope and into the ring! Doug quickly covers him now.

NO! Aries kicks out!

Doug gets up and applies a side headlock keeping Aries grounded on the mat. Aries is down on the mat and he rolls over and Doug is on his knees keeping the headlock applied but Aries fights to his feet then backs into the ropes and shoves Doug off then comes charging and goes for a closeline but Doug ducks the closeline and Aries stops himself from running over the ropes then Doug runs up behind Aries and applies a rear waist lock and pushes off the ropes and he gets a roll up pin.

NO! Aries kicks out!

Doug now gets up just before Aries and pops him with a european uppercut as Aries falls back into the ropes then Doug comes running but Aries backdrops Doug onto the ring apron! Aries now applies a front facelock on Doug then lifts him up in the air and walks into the middle of the ring but Doug then hits a few knees to the face of Aries to make him drop him then Doug hits a fisherman suplex into a pin.

NO! Aries kicks out!

Doug now whips Aries into the corner then Doug comes charging in but Aries gets his boots up to block it! Doug stumbles away and then Aries runs up behind him and turns him around whipping Doug spine first into the corner! Aries then backs up and comes charging and nails Doug with IED (Running Corner Dropkick) then pulls Doug out of the corner and Aries hooks both legs for the pin on Doug.

NO! Doug kicks out!

Aries looks a little surprised and he drags Doug to his feet then nails him with a knive edge chop! Doug then reels back and nails Aries with a big punch but Aries fires back with a few quick chops then shoots him off the ropes and leap frogs over him as Doug bounces off the other set of ropes and he comes running right into a picture perfect dropkick to the face! Doug rolls out of the ring now holding his jaw and Aries waits for Doug to face him then he comes running and slingshots himself over the top rope going for a corkscrew dive and he nails Doug!

Aries now gets up to some cheers from the crowd and he lifts up Doug and shoves him against the guard rail across from the ring then Aries backs up to the steps then comes running and nails IED on Doug making the back of his skull bounce off the guard rail as he goes down! Doug goes down and Aries quickly tosses Doug into the ring then rolls in and hooks the leg for the pin.

NO! Doug kicks out!

Aries asks the referee if it was 3 to which he gets a no and he gets up waiting for Doug to pull himself up using the ropes then Aries turns Doug around and kicks him in the gut then lifts him up and drops him with the Brainbuster! Aries rolls over into a pin trapping his arms down.

NO! Doug puts his foot on the bottom rope!

Aries cant belive it and he drags Doug to the middle of the ring then hooks both legs covering him again.

NO! Doug kicks out again!

Aries is in shock while Doug is down and he walks over to him but Doug pulls him in for a small package pin!

NO! Aries kicks out!

Doug gets up now and he begins pounding on the back of Aries before shovig him into the corner then Doug comes charging in with a corner closeline! Aries is hanging on the turnbuckles then Doug walks over and puts Aries on the top turnbuckle then climbs up and hits a few punches on him and now he trys for a superplex but Aries fights it off then begins punching him and knocks Doug off the top turnbuckle to the mat! Aries stands up then dives off nailing the 450 Splash! Aries now hooks the rear leg for the cover.

NO! Doug kicks out again!

Aries has a look on his face wondering what he has to do to put this match away and Doug is trying to get up with the ropes but Aries grabs his head and turns him around then lifts him up only for Doug to land on his feet behind Aries then grabs a rear waist lock and charges into the corner ramming Aries face first into the top turnbuckle then Doug hits Choas Theory out of nowhere right into the pin and the referee counts it with the crowd counting with him!

NO! Aries somehow kicks out of the pin!

Doug cant belive someone kicked out of his brutal finisher and he rolls out of the ring while Aries is holding his neck on the mat and Doug walks over to the X Divison Title and looks at it long and hard before looking back into the ring and he sees Aries getting up and Doug looks like hes about to grab the title but instead he rolls into the ring and charges at Aries and wraps his arms around his waist before pushing off the ropes looking to hit Choas Theory again but this time Aries hangs onto the ropes!

Doug gets up now after rolling through and he walks right into a running big kick to the face! Doug goes down and Aries then goes for the Pendulum Elbow but Doug rolls out of the way of it! Aries gets up holding his arm and Doug then gets up and grabs the arm of Aries and looks to take him down into a cross armbreaker but Aries blocks it then turns Doug around and lifts him up then drops him straight down with a nasty Brainbuster! Aries then bridges over and locks Doug into Last Chancery! Doug struggles trying to reach the ropes but there just out of his reach and Aries has the hold sinched in! Doug now makes one final attempt at the ropes which has no sucess and hes forced to tap out!

Christy Hemme: Heres Your Winner And NEW X Divison Champion Austin Aries!

**Raging Of The Region**

Austin Aries gets up celebrating as the crowd is on there feet cheering for the great match both men put on and the referee hands Aries the X Divison Title and he holds it up over his head with both hands as Doug Williams pulls himself up to his feet and he turns around and stares at Aries whos holding up the title and Doug offers him a handshake. Aries looks at Doug then smirks and holds the title up over his head before rolling out of the ring and he begins walking up the ramp and Doug turns around and bows to the fans to show his appreciation before leaving the ring and walking backstage himself.

The crowd is still hot from that great match we just saw as the cameras zoom in on the tron and a video package begins showing Bully Ray vs AJ Styles in the first round of the tournament and it shows Bully laying out Styles with his chain to advance to the second round then a clip is shown of Styles costing Bully Ray his match against Rob Van Dam to knock Bully out of the tournament followed by a clip of Styles hitting Bully with his own chain and laying down the challenge for tonights match. The video package ends with a clip of Bully Ray accepting the challenge three days ago and Paul Heyman making the match official.

The cameras now go to the ring where Christy Hemme is standing holding a mic again.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and per orders of General Manager Paul Heyman, Bully Ray's chain is banned from ringside and Bully Ray will be FIRED if he gets DQ'ed tonight! And now introducing first he weighs in at 326 pounds from Hells Kitchen, New York Bully Ray!

**The Beaten Path**

Bully Ray walks out onto the stage to possibly the loudest negative response from the crowd yet tonight and he walks down the ramp quickly so the fans cant touch him and he walks up the steps clearly without his chain hanging out of his pocket then steps through the ropes into the ring and he throws up the longhorns then takes off his hat and tosses it out of the ring and waits for Styles as the referee checks Bully to make sure he does not have his chain on him at all while the music cuts.

Christy Hemme: And his opponet weighing in at 215 pounds from Gainsville, Georgia The Phenominal AJ Styles!

**I Am, I Am (Remix)**

The crowd gives a pretty good response to the TNA Original as he walks out onto the stage with just his white hooded jacket on along with his red gear and he walks onto the top of the ramp then flips off his hood and his pyro goes off behind him and he walks down the ramp slapping hands with a few of the fans on his way down the ramp on the left side and he stops at the bottom of the ramp and stares down Bully Ray whos staring back at him and AJ takes his jacket off and slides into the ring under the bottom rope and trys to go right after Bully but he gets stopped by the referee who holds him back while the music cuts.


**The Bell Rings**

As soon as the match begins Styles comes flying out of his corner and goes running at Bully but Bully quickly leaves the ring to avoid contact. Styles stops himself from smashing into the corner and he looks at Bully whos yelling not right now AJ as he begins walking up the ramp. Styles rolls out of the ring now and walks around ringside and then runs up the ramp and nails Bully in the back of the head to stop him at the top of the ramp! Styles rolls Bully over onto his back then mounts him and begins punching him in the face and he does so about 10 times before rolling off him and Bully gets up and AJ pops him with a elbow to the jaw making Bully stumble down the ramp.

AJ now follows Bully and Bully rakes the eyes of AJ then low blows him but the referee couldnt see it! Bully now stomps on AJ then drags him to ringside and throws AJ head first into the steel steps! Bully then places AJ sitting in front of the steps with his head against the steps then Bully backs up and comes running nailing AJ with a running knee to the face bouncing his skull off the steps! Bully rolls AJ into the ring then rolls in after him and drops a elbow on his chest then covers.

NO! AJ kicks out!

Bully now pulls AJ up to his feet and headbutts him sending him back into the ropes and AJ stumbles back right into another big headbutt from Bully this time taking AJ down! Bully now throws up his longhorns again as AJ stumbles to his feet and Bully waits for him to turn around then comes running and nails a big boot to the face! Bully then quickly covers AJ hooking both legs.

NO! AJ kicks out!

Bully now kicks AJ out of the ring to some boos from the fans and Bully yells at them to shut up which makes them get even louder booing him and Bully spits in the air then catches the spit in his mouth then AJ trips up Bully pulling his legs out from under him then AJ pulls Bully out of the ring and then smashes Bully face first into the steps and when Bully turns around AJ nails him with the Pele Kick on the floor! AJ now rolls Bully into the ring then gets on the ring apron and goes for a springboard 450 splash but Bully gets his knees up to block it! AJ rolls off Bully holding his ribs and Bully gets up then walks over to AJ whos getting up and Bully lifts him up onto his shoulders and then drops him with a samoan drop right into a cover.

NO! AJ kicks out again!

Bully gets up now and hits three quick elbow drops onto the chest of AJ then Bully comes off the ropes and looks to splash down onto Styles but no luck AJ rolls out of the way! Bully holds his ribs now as AJ gets up and rolls up Bully for a pin!

NO! Bully kicks out! AJ now begins firing punches at Bully to keep him out of it then AJ closelines Bully over the top rope to the floor! Bully gets up to his feet and AJ hits a cannon ball dive over the top rope onto Bully taking him down! AJ now high fives a few fans at ringside before throwing Bully into the ring then AJ gets on the ring apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle and he waits for Bully to get up then AJ hits him with a beautiful missle dropkick! AJ now crawls over to Bully and pins him!

NO! Bully powers out!

AJ goes flying off Bully into the ropes and he has a surprised look on his face as Bully gets to his feet and AJ comes running but Bully closelines him! Bully then drags AJ to the ropes and ties him into the ropes! Bully laughs at the trapped AJ Styles and Bully slaps AJ in the face a few times to taunt him and AJ tries to fire back at him but he cant sense his arms are trapped in the ropes! AJ begins kicking but Bully stands out of his reach then Bully grabs the legs of AJ to stop him and Bully slaps his hand on the chest of AJ! AJ falls down sitting still tied in the ropes!

Bully now rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring and pulls out a chair from under the ring! Bully now slides into the ring with it and the referee right away gets in his face demanding he puts the chair down but Bully just yells at him to move and Bully picks up the referee and moves him out of the way putting him down in the corner but then all of sudden AJ comes running behind Bully and gets a school boy roll up pin stacking up Bully and the referee counts it.


Christy Hemme: Heres Your Winner AJ Styles!

**I Am, I Am (Remix)**

AJ Styles celebrates the victory as Bully Ray gets up with a shocked look on his face surprised AJ caught him with a roll up and AJ rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp backwards smiling as Bully gets up and looks at AJ who now goes backstage then Bully turns around and stares at the referee who trys to leave but Bully pulls him back close to him then Bully htis him with a Bully Bomb! Bully now grabs the steel chair he tried to use earlier and he slams it across the back of the referee! Bully then does it 4 more times before throwing the chair down and Bully rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp to loud boos but he doesnt care and he goes backstage.

The cameras now go to the announce table.

Mike Tenay: Well Taz, How are you liking tonights show?

Taz: Its been a great night so far Mike! And up next were gonna get a brand new Heavyweight Champion!

Mike Tenay: Thats right Taz, And I just got word that for his actions tonight Bully Ray will be punished for attacking the referee as for what the punishment will be we will have to see what punishment Mr.Heyman gives him. But now lets send things to the ring for our main event tonight between CM Punk and Rob Van Dam to decide who will become the first TNA Heavyweight Champion in the Paul Heyman era!

The cameras then go from the announce table to the ring where Jeremy Borash is standing holding a mic and the TNA Heavyweight Title can be seen in the background on the same podium that was used for the Knockouts Title and X Divison Title earlier tonight.

Jeremy Borash: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the vacant TNA Heavyweight Title!

**Miseria Cantare (The Beginning)**

CM Punk now walks out onto the stage wearing his black and red trunks and the crowd gives him the loudest response of the night so far and CM Punk looks around at the fans in the iMPACT zone before going down on 1 knee on the stage and he cups his hands then yells ITS CLOBERIN TIME! before standing back up and he walks down the ramp with his arms out slapping hands with fans on both sides of the ramp as he walks down the ramp and then walks up the steps and climbs up to the top turnbuckle then looks out at the fans before jumping off into the ring and he shuffles his feet along in a circle around the ring before backing into the corner and his music cuts.

**The Whole F'n Show**

The crowd gives a pretty good response to Rob Van Dam as he walks out out onto the stage and Van Dam walks half way down the ramp then stops to set off his pyro before walking the rest of the way down the ramp and then he rolls into the ring and jumps up onto the top turnbuckle and does his finger taunt as the fans chant with him ROB-VAN-DAM! and RVD jumps down and him and Punk stare each other down as Van Dam backs into the corner and his music cuts.

Jeremy Borash: And now introducing first challenger number one he weighs in tonight at 218 pounds from Chicago, Illinois CM Punk!

CM Punk sarcastically waves then bows.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponet challenger number two he weighs in at 237 pounds from Battle Creek, Michigan (at this point the crowd says it with JB and Van Dam does his finger taunt again) Rob Van Dam!

RVD raises his arms and JB steps out of the ring.


**The Bell Rings**

As the bell rings both men walk into the middle of the ring and slap hands then they lock up. Punk applies a side headlock on RVD but RVD is quick to turn it into a armbar but before he can bring Punk down to the mat, Punk elbows him in the face then takes down RVD with a jumping armbreaker! Van Dam goes down now but hes quick to get back up and Punk takes him down to the mat with a armbar! Punk has him trapped and Van Dam begins to stomp on the mat before fighting to his feet and he elbows Punk in the ribs to break the hold then looks for a superkick but Punk ducks and gets a school boy pin.

NO! Van Dam kicks out!

Punk gets up but Van Dam sweeps his legs then gets up and hits a standing moonsault into the pin.

NO! Punk kicks out!

Van Dam gets up as does Punk and they kinda smile at each other before locking horns again. Punk backs Van Dam into the corner then hits a slap to the face followed by a slap from the other hand then he hits a spinning back elbow before backing out and coming running but Van Dam sidesteps the double running knee attack Punk was looking for and his knees slam into the turnbuckles then Van Dam runs up behind him and dropkicks Punk into the turnbuckles and he stumbles out and Van Dam hits a springboard kick!

Van Dam doesnt go for a cover instead he waits for Punk to get up and he drops him with a superkick! Van Dam then comes off the ropes and nails Rolling Thunder! Van Dam looks down at Punk whos still down and then Van Dam jumps up to the top turnbuckle but just when it looks like hes about to go for the Five Star Frog Splash he gets stopped by a punch to the face from Punk! Punk now punches Van Dam a few more times before climbing up to the middle turnbuckle and then he superplexs RVD off the top turnbuckle into the middle of the ring! Punk now rolls over onto his belly and crawls over to RVD and covers him hooking the leg.

NO! Van Dam kicks out!

Punk now pulls Van Dam off the mat and hits him with a spin kick into the ribs! Punk then grabs the arms of Punk and hits Welcome To Chicago Mother Fucker! (Double Underhook Backbreaker) Punk now gets up to his feet and pulls RVD up and whips him into the corner then comes charging in with a big running knee to the face! Punk now waves to some fans as his knee is still in the face of Van Dam then Punk comes running and goes for a bulldog but Van Dam shoves him off then when Punk turns around he gets taken down with a spin kick to the face! Van Dam now grabs the leg of Punk only for Punk to pull Van Dam in for a small package pin.

NO! Van Dam kicks out!

Punk gets up and waits for Van Dam to stumble to his feet then Punk lifts him up onto his shoulders but Van Dam quickly counters with a sunset flip but he doesnt go for a pin instead he lets Punk get up then nails a roundhouse kick knocking Punk out of the ring! Van Dam soaks in the cheers from the fans then backs up as Punk begins to stumble to his feet and Van Dam comes shooting off the ropes but when he goes for the suicide dive Punk sidesteps and Van Dam crashes head first into the steel guard rail! Punk sees this and pulls Van Dam up then whips him head first into the steel steps! Punk rolls Van Dam into the ring then gets on the ring apron and climbs up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving elbow drop! Punk covers him now.

NO! Van Dam grabs the bottom rope!

Punk gets up and shakes his head at the rookie mistake he made of not hooking the arm of Van Dam and he lets him get up then goes for a roundhouse kick but Van Dam ducks it then wraps his arms around the waist of Punk and pushes off with the ropes looking for a roll up but Punk hangs onto the ropes then springboards off the ropes looking for a springboard closeline but Van Dam moves out of the way making Punk crash and burn on the mat! Van Dam then comes running and hits a low dropkick to the face of Punk! Van Dam then gets up and comes off the ropes and hits Rolling Thunder again! Van Dam now jumps up to the top turnbuckle and then goes for the Five Star Frog Splash and it hits! Van Dam hooks both legs for the pin and the crowd chants along with the referees count!

NO! Punk shockingly kicks out!

Van Dam cant belive it as he gets up breathing heavy and Punk gets to his feet and Van Dam comes running but Punk pulls down the top rope and Van Dam flys out of the ring and to the floor! Punk now holds onto his ribs and backs up waiting for Van Dam to get up and Punk comes running and hits a suicide dive taking down Van Dam!

The crowd begins chanting This Is Awesome! as Punk gets up and moves the steps out of the way then Van Dam gets up to his feet and Punk grabs him by the hair and drags him to the ring post then Punk slams the face of Van Dam into the ring post! Punk then does it again and again before tossing Van Dam into the ring and Punk gets on the ring apron waiting for Van Dam to get up then Punk springboards and hits a springboard closeline right into a pin!

NO! Van Dam kicks out!

Punk now looks around the ring as if deciding what to do next and then Van Dam gets up and walks right into a roundhouse kick from Punk! Punk now instead of going for a cover pulls Van Dam right back up and lifts him up onto his shoulders then drops him with a knee to the skull! Punk then covers him and the fans count with the referee!

NO! Van Dam gets his shoulder up at the last second!

Punk cant belive it and he brings Van Dam into the corner then puts him on the top turnbuckle and Punk climbs up and trys to hit the Pepsi Plunge but Van Dam blocks it! Van Dam now hits a few punches on Punk then kicks him off the top turnbuckle and he falls to the mat! Van Dam then goes for the Five Star Frog Splash but Punk rolls out of the ring to avoid it and Van Dam crashes hard into the mat! Punk then slides into the ring and rolls up Van Dam!

NO! Van Dam kicks out again!

Punk cant belive it and he brings Van Dam into the middle of the ring but Van Dam hits a jawbreaker to stumble Punk then goes for a superkick but Punk ducks it and hits a elbow to the back of the head of Van Dam! Punk then hits another elbow to the back of the head then he takes down Van Dam into the Andaconda Vice! Punk has Van Dam trapped in the middle of the ring with the hold sinched in and Van Dam struggles reaching for the ropes but he cant get there and Punk starts yelling for him to tap out! Van Dam refuses to give up and he kicks Punk twice in the back of the head to break the hold!

Punk and Van Dam get up at the same time and Punk hits a elbow smash to the face of Van Dam sending him reeling but Van Dam fires back with a punch to the face of Punk but Punk hits another elbow smash but Van Dam hits another punch then kicks Punk in the legs to take him down to his knees then Van Dam comes off the ropes but Punk gets to his feet and catches Van Dam with a tilt a whirl backbreaker! Punk now climbs up to the top turnbuckle and stands up but before he can go for whatever he was planning Van Dam gets to his feet and runs over and crotches Punk on the top turnbuckle!

Van Dam then climbs up to the second turnbuckle then hits a roundhouse kick and Punk almost falls off the top turnbuckle but Punk hangs on! Van Dam now puts Punk's arm over his shoulder then applies a front facelock and then hits a huge superplex and both men are laid out in the middle of the ring!

The crowd begins chanting TNA! while both men lay on the mat not moving and the referee looks confused as to weather or not he should begin counting them out but he does.


Van Dam now gets to his feet and so does Punk and Van Dam comes charging at him and Punk goes for a closeline but Van Dam ducks then springboards off the ropes and nails a springboard kick to the chest of Punk! Van Dam sees his chance and he bounces off the opposite set of ropes but Punk jumps up and catches Van Dam with a roundhouse kick out of nowhere and quickly covers him for the pin!

NO! Van Dam kicks out!

Punk cant belive it as he runs his hands through his hair and Van Dam is crawling to the corner and Punk pulls down his knee pads and Van Dam gets up in the corner and Punk comes charging in with a running double knee attack right to the face of Van Dam and that causes Van Dam to get busted open from a exposed knee to his mouth! Punk then grabs the arm of Van Dam and nails a jumping armbreaker and Van Dam goes down and rolls into the middle of the ring!

Punk now looks at Van Dam whos starting to get to his feet and Punk comes running and hits another jumping armbreaker on Van Dam to take him down again! Punk now pulls Van Dam up and trys to throw him shoulder first into the ring post but Van Dam counters by jumping onto the turnbuckles then hitting a cross body on Punk taking him down! Van Dam then gets up and drags Punk a little closer to the turnbuckles then Van Dam jumps up to the top turnbuckle and stands up and does his finger taunt and the crowd chants with him ROB-VAN-DAM! but before Van Dam can do anything Punk runs up the turnbuckles and out of nowhere hits the Pepsi Plunge on Van Dam!

Both men are down but Punk drags himself into the corner and sits there looking at Van Dam who isnt moving and Punk then crawls over to him and locks him into the Andaconda Vice! Punk yells for him to tap out and the pain on the neck and arm is too much for Van Dam to handle and he taps out!

Jeremy Borash: Heres your winner and NEW TNA Heavyweight Champion CM Punk!

**Misera Cantre (The Beginning)**

CM Punk celebrates the victory and the crowd is again on there feet cheering for that war of a main event title match we just saw and Punk gets handed the TNA Heavyweight Title and he holds it up high over his head and jumps up on the top turnbuckle celebrating as Rob Van Dam begins getting up and Punk jumps down and sees this and walks over and helps him up and Punk offers him a handshake! Van Dam shakes his hand then holds up the arm of Punk and then claps for him showing respect as Punk rolls out of the ring with the title and walks up the ramp as the PPV goes off the air!
Note - This is my first ever review.
Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin v. Samoa Joe and Magnus = My first prediction was right! Congratulations to me. I'm glad Samoa Joe and Magnus won as this was one of the better tag team matches. Good match overall and I liked the use of Tag Team Wrestling.

James Storm v. Jeff Jarrett = This was a match I was looking forward to. I loved the ending with the weapon use. I love it when the heels do that. It was a good back and fouth match. My prediction was wrong. I thought Storm would win.

Raven v. Crimson = Is anyone dead yet? Raven brought the hardcore to Crimson! Shucky Ducky Hardcore Quack Quack! Great hardcore match between them. My pick of Raven was right.

I'm not reviewing the women match as I hate women wrestling

Abyss v. Jeff Hardy = I liked that start to that match alot. I'm actually suprised at the way you booked Abyss. I thought it was going to be one of those matches with the "Cena effect" Abyss gets beaten lots by Hardy then mounts a come back but My prediction was right.

Austin Aires v. Doug Williams = That was certainly, ahem, competitive. That's what I liked about that match. Good choice having Austin Aires winning as he was my prediction.

Bully Ray v. AJ Styles = Now we get to the Cena affect. I didn't actually like your choice of having AJ Styles win but get dominated throughout the match but great match anyway. My prediction was right.

CM Punk v. RVD = Match of the night right there! Great match for both men. Hope to see the rematch between them soon. It was real good. My prediction was right.
Great PPV if I'm honest however I think it was too predictable. I like suprises and unpredictable things happening such as Jarrett's win. Anyway, my rating? 6.7/10.

The GrandSword Comment

Very strong ppv mate, all matches well written. Was predictable but as you are setting the scene for your whole BT moving fwd it is the right way to go. Was hoping for a Paul Heyman joining forced with Punk to screw RVD to create a feud out of the two top guys, but looks like you might heading towards Punk/Abyss.

Solid ppv without having any big swerves or surprises.

One thing I didn't like was the Jarrett guitar shot win. He's been doing that since the 90's was hoping you weren't going to go that way and give us a 2012 Jarrett.

iMPACT Preview​

Its the first show after Genesis and 3 new champions have been crowned! We can report that the new TNA Heavyweight Champion WILL be opening the show along with Paul Heyman! What will the GM and the new champ have to say?

At Genesis during the tag team title match Chris Sabin injured his already injured right knee further we will have a health update on his conidition for all of you. Tune in to find out if Chris Sabin will be missing any ring time.

Austin Aries has confirmed on twitter that on iMPACT he WILL be action against a X Divison star who will he face? Did Aries beat Doug Williams at Genesis? Tune in to find out!

All this and much much more on a brand new episode of TNA iMPACT tune in this Thursday at 9 PM/8 PM Centeral for the answer to all these questions, And great action!

Confirmed For iMPACT:
1. The new TNA Champion & Paul Heyman open the show!
2. A health update on Chris Sabin.
3. Austin Aries in action!

*Pyro goes off on the stage and on the tron*

The cameras pan all over the iMPACT zone showing the exicted fans for tonights show and Mike Tenay welcomes us to another exicting episode of TNA iMPACT.


Paul Heyman walks out onto the stage in a grey suit and a TNA baseball cap on holding a mic as he quickly walks down the ramp to some cheers from the fans and he walks up the steps then enters the ring and he has a big smile on his face as his music cuts.

Paul Heyman: Ladies and Gentleman lets get right down to business shall we? Last night was the very first PPV in TNA history run under Paul Heyman's control and if I do say so myself it was a huge sucess!

*The fans cheer*

Paul Heyman: Also last night, We crowned a brand new Heavyweight Champion so Mr.Heavyweight Champion would you please come out here right now?

*The fans begin chanting CM Punk!*

**Miseria Cantare (The Beginning)**

CM Punk walks out onto the stage to a roar of cheers from the fans and he has the TNA Heavyweight Championship around his waist and hes wearing his ring gear along with the brand new CM Punk TNA shirt as he walks down the ramp and then up the steps getting handed a mic along the way then he enters the ring and shakes hands with Heyman as his music cuts.

CM Punk: Paul, You brought me into this company to be the voice of change and last night that change began after I defeated Rob Van Dam for this title and I thank you for giving me the chance.

Paul Heyman goes to speak but before he can...


The crowd boos as the lights go out and a single spotlight shows Mr.Anderson standing on the stage and it follows him down the ramp and Anderson quickly enters the ring holding a mic and his music cuts when the lights come back on.

Mr.Anderson: Do we really have to suffer through this? Seriously both of you shut the hell up right now!

Paul Heyman: Ken, Dont you speak to me that way!

Mr.Anderson: Paul, Ill speak to you however the hell I want! What are you gonna do? Make me face Kurt Angle again then dont put me on TV again? Well I got news for you Paul thats not gonna fly with this asshole anymore! I want the first shot at Punk's title!

*The crowd has a mixed reaction for this and Punk steps forward*

CM Punk: Kenny boy id be happy to kick your ass right here right now.

Paul Heyman: Gentleman now is not the time for fighting! Now Ken you may want a title shot but the way I see it you need to earn it because I think these fans wanna see...

**The Whole F'n Show**

The crowd cheers as Rob Van Dam walks out onto the stage with a mic and he walks down the ramp holding a mic and he enters the ring and his music cuts.

Rob Van Dam: Actullay Paul with all due respect I know what these fans wanna see and they wanna see Rob Van Dam taking on CM Punk 1 more time tonight for that belt!

*The fans cheer for this*

Paul Heyman: Well Rob I actullay was getting to you because its clear the fans wanna see you and Punk again but heres what im gonna do, Rob, Ken tonight you two will face off in our main event to decide who will go 1 on 1 against CM Punk for the title at Against All Odds!

*The fans cheer loudly for that*

Paul Heyman: But im not stopping there because CM Punk, Tonight your gonna be in action as well in fact your match will be up next against this man!

*Punk looks at the stage as Down In The Catacombs hits and The Monster Abyss walks out onto the stage and iMPACT goes to commerical*

We come back from commerical and see Abyss and CM Punk both standing in the ring and everybody else is gone and Abyss's theme cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

Abyss has a sick grin on his face as he knows the champ is still sore from last night and he charges at him in the corner but Punk sidesteps then roundhouse kicks Abyss in the corner! Punk begins attacking Abyss in the corner with punches then backs up and comes charging and nails a running knee to the skull! Punk then charges out of the corner and goes for a bulldog but Abyss shoves him off and Punk gets rammed right into the opposite turnbuckles! Punk turns around now and walks right into a big boot from Abyss!

Abyss now pulls Punk up and grabs him by the throat and goes for a Chokeslam but Punk blocks it with elbows to the jaw then he kicks Abyss in the gut then slaps him in the face before coming off the ropes but Abyss catches him with a sidewalk slam! Punk is rolling around in pain and Abyss backs up waiting for Punk to get up then Abyss grabs him by the throat and drops him with a huge Chokeslam! Abyss now covers Punk.

NO! Punk kicks out!

Abyss cant belive it as CM Punk crawls to the ropes and begins pulling himself up and Abyss waits then turns him around but Punk rakes the eyes then dropkicks Abyss in the knee to take him down to one knee! Punk then goes onto the ring apron and springboards but Abyss catches him on his shoulders then nails Punk with Shock Treatment! Punk now rolls into the middle of the ring and Abyss stops him then hooks both legs for the cover.

NO! Punk kicks out again!

Abyss now pulls Punk off the mat then goes for the Blackhole Slam but Punk counters it with a torando DDT! Punk now rolls out of the ring onto the ring apron and waits for Abyss to get up then Punk nails him with a springboard closeline but Abyss doesnt go down! Punk is in shock that didnt take down Abyss then Punk lifts Abyss onto his shoulders but Abyss hits a few elbows to the jaw to get down then drops Punk with the Blackhole Slam! Just as Abyss goes for a cover we hear....


Abyss now stands up and looks around with an angry look on his face before the tron lights up and shows Jeff Hardy on it to the cheers from the fans! Abyss sees this and starts yelling at Hardy who simply says that next week hes coming for Abyss and Abyss keeps yelling but the tron goes dark! Abyss has a pissed off look on his face now and then Punk comes running behind Abyss and traps him in a crucifix roll up pin trapping his shoulders down on the mat and the referee counts it!


Christy Hemme: Heres your winner CM Punk!

**Miseria Cantare (The Beginning)**

CM Punk rolls out of the ring quickly and celebrates the victory as he gets handed his belt and he holds it up as Abyss gets up in the ring and runs his hands through his hair and he looks steaming mad! Punk waves at Abyss from the stage and holds up his belt high above his head and iMPACT goes to commerical.

We come back from commerical and the cameras go to the announce table.

Mike Tenay: Ladies and Gentleman before we keep going with tonights show we wanna update you all on a scary situation from last nights Genesis Pay-Per-View. Last night during the tag team title match between the Motor City Machine Guns and Samoa Joe & Magnus, Chris Sabin was backdropped over the top rope to the floor and he tweaked his already injured right knee.

Taz: Thats right and we have found out that Chris Sabin will be out for about a month to recover but we wish him a speedy recovery and hope to see him back in action as soon as possible.

Mike Tenay: I agree but now we have to get back to the action because up next Alex Shelley will be going one on one with Samoa Joe.

The cameras go to the ring where Christy Hemme is standing with a mic.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Detriot, Michigan Alex Shelley!

**Motor City**

Alex Shelley walks out onto the stage to a good size pop from the fans and he walks down the ramp high fiving some fans along the way then he slides into the ring and jumps up to the top turnbuckle and takes his leather jacket off and tosses it out of the ring as his music cuts.

Christy Hemme: And his opponet from The Isle of Samoa, He is one half of the TNA Tag Team Champions Samoa Joe!

**Nation Of Violence**

Samoa Joe walks out without Magnus and he has his title over his shoulder as he quickly walks down the ramp and then walks up the steps and enters the ring and takes his trademark towel off his shoulders and tosses it out of the ring then turns around to hold up his title to taunt Shelley then Joe hands the title to a ring crew member and backs into the corner as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

Shelley and Joe walk into the middle of the ring and they lock up. Joe powers Shelley into the corner then hits a few knees into the ribs then backs up and comes running but Shelley sidesteps and Joe smashes face first into the top turnbuckle then turns around and Shelley comes running and dropkicks Joe into the corner! Shelley now hits a jumping kick to the face of Joe and Joe stumbles out of the corner and Shelley springboards off the ropes and hits a springboard kick to the face then covers Joe.

NO! Joe kicks out!

Shelley waits for Joe to get up then hits a few kicks to the knees bringing Joe down to his knees then Shelley shoots off the ropes but Joe gets up and lifts up Shelley and hits him with a one handed spinebuster! Joe now comes off the ropes and hits Shelley with a running senton then covers Shelley for a pin.

NO! Shelley kicks out!

Joe now waits for Shelley to get up then kicks him in the gut before hitting a straight punch to the jaw followed by another one then Joe hits a dicus closeline taking Shelley down but he gets right back up and Joe hits him with a running big boot to the face! Shelley now rolls out of the ring and Joe follows him out of the ring and grabs his head and bounces it off the steel steps! Shelley stumbles away now and Joe walks up behind him and tosses him back into the ring then slides in after him and hits a elbow drop into a pin.

NO! Shelley kicks out!

Joe now hits three elbow drops right in a row on Shelley before pulling him up and Joe tosses Shelley into the corner then comes charging in but Shelley kicks Joe away! Joe stumbles away then Shelley comes out of the corner and comes running and takes down Joe with a running shining wizard! Shelley now hits a standing moonsault then hooks both legs for the pin.

NO! Joe kicks out!

Shelley now lets Joe get up then grabs his arm and goes for a cross armbreaker but Joe shoves him off then closelines Shelley over the top rope and to the floor! Joe then backs up and waits for Shelley to get up on the floor before he comes charging and dives through the ropes with a forearm to the face of Shelley! The fans begin chanting "Joe's Gonna Kill You!" now as Joe nods in agreement with the fans then he tosses Shelley into the ring and slides in and brings him into the corner then lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle and punches him right in the jaw! Joe now lifts up Shelley onto his shoulders and goes for the Muscle Buster but Shelley counters into a tornado DDT! Shelley rolls off and begins taunting yelling for Joe to get up and he stumbles to his feet and Shelley hits Shell Shock right into the pin!

NO! Joe kicks out again!

Shelley cant belive it and checks with the referee to make sure it was only 2 and the referee assures him it was and Samoa Joe stumbles up to his feet and Shelley hits a spin kick into the ribs on Joe then lifts him up onto his shoulders but Joe quickly slides down behind Shelley and takes him down into the Rear Naked Choke! Joe has the hold sinched in and Shelley is fading away trying for the ropes but Joe has him trapped and Shelley taps out!

Christy Hemme: Heres your winner Samoa Joe!

**Nation Of Violence**

Samoa Joe gets handed his tag title and he holds it up as Alex Shelley is down on the mat and we see Magnus walk down the ramp and Joe asks for a mic and he gets handed one and his music cuts.

Samoa Joe: Alex, I warned you and Chris you guys would get hurt messing with us and now your partner is on the shelf. Unfortunately
for you right now...Joe's gonna kill you!

Joe drops the mic and Magnus walks up the steps and enters the ring as Alex Shelley stumbles to his feet and he turns around and Magnus comes running and smashes Shelley in the skull with his tag title! Magnus now traps Shelley in a figure 4 leg lock as Samoa Joe rolls out of the ring and demands Christy Hemme get out of her chair and he grabs it and slides into the ring and raises the chair over his head but then we hear...

**Tattooed Attitude**

The crowd cheers as Shannon Moore and Jesse Neal run down the ramp and slide into the ring and Magnus breaks the hold and Joe swings with the chair but Shannon ducks then dropkicks the chair into Joe's face knocking him out of the ring! Magnus now clubs Shannon in the back but Jesse turns him around then tosses him over the top rope to the floor! Ink Inc help Alex Shelley to his feet as iMPACT goes to commerical.

**Killa Queen**

We come back from commerical and Madison Rayne is standing in the ring with the Knockouts Title over her shoulder and shes in her ring gear and her music cuts.

Madison Rayne: Last night I proved to that old hag Tara shes a has been by pinning her to win back the title that rightfully belongs to me!

*The crowd boos Madison for this*

Madison Rayne: But apperently the "Law" of this divison Traci Brooks didnt think my win last night was enough! She informed me earlier today that tonight I would have to face that skank Velvet Sky and thats not fair! I DEMAND Traci comes out here right now and cancells that match!


Traci Brooks walks out onto the stage holding a mic to some cheers from the fans.

Traci Brooks: Madison, I will NOT cancel your match against Velvet Sky tonight as the champion of this divison you will be a fighting champion! In fact if Velvet Sky beats you here tonight im gonna give her a title shot next week!

*Madison is screaming at Traci now but Traci walks backstage and Angel On My Shoulder hits*

Velvet Sky walks out onto the stage in her pink gear and Angelina Love walks out behind her and both ladies walk down the ramp as Madison takes off her tiara and sash then takes her title off her shoulder and hands it to Christy Hemme as The Beautiful People get to ringside and jump onto the ring apron but Madison runs over and knocks them both off the ring apron and the music cuts!

**The Bell Rings**

Madison now rolls out of the ring and throws Velvet in then slides in after her and hits a running kick to the face keeping Velvet down! Madison now starts stomping on Velvet before slamming her face hard into the mat! Velvet rolls away now and begins getting up and Madison walks over and kicks her in the ribs then hits a snap suplex and rolls over into a pin.

NO! Velvet kicks out!

Madison now pulls Velvet up and whips her into the corner then comes running but Velvet kicks her away! Madison stumbles away and Velvet comes running out of the corner and hits a closeline on Madison! Velvet waits for Madison to get back up then she hits her with another big closeline! Velvet now kicks Madison in the ribs as she gets up then goes for a double underhook DDT but Madison shoves her off into the ropes then comes charging at Velvet but Velvet kicks her away then comes running and hits a one handed bulldog! Velvet rolls Madison over into a pin.

NO! Madison kicks out!

Velvet now trys to get the fans behind her and they give her some mild cheers as Madison stumbles up to her feet and turns around right into a kick to the gut from Velvet! Velvet then hits Madison with a double underhook DDT! Madison rolls into the ropes and Velvet walks over and grabs her legs and yanks her away from the ropes slamming Madison's head hard into the mat! Velvet now drags Madison into the middle of the ring but then Madison catches Velvet with a small package pin!


Christy Hemme: Heres your winner Madison Rayne!

**Killa Queen**

Madison celebrates the victory and gets handed her title and rolls out of the ring with it and Velvet Sky gets up with a surprised look on her face and Angelina Love walks away disapointed her partner lost as iMPACT goes to commerical with the image of Angelina looking back at Velvet and shaking her head.

We come back from commerical and the cameras go backstage to Paul Heyman's office where hes sitting behind his desk and standing in front of him are Kurt Angle,Christopher Daniels,AJ Styles and The Pope.

Paul Heyman: Gentleman, Thank you for coming. I asked you here because at Genesis Raven sucessfully defended his TV Title against Crimson and that means we need a new #1 Contender so Pope,AJ,Daniels,Kurt next week you four will battle it out to decide who will be next in line for a shot at the Television Title.

All four men begin aruging about next week then the cameras go to the ring.

**Longnecks and Rednecks**

The crowd cheers as The Tennesse Cowboy walks out onto the stage in ring gear with his black jacket and cowboy hat on as well and he has a mic in hand as he walks down the ramp slapping hands with a couple fans along the way before walking up the steps and he enters the ring and his music cuts.

James Storm: Last night at Genesis this ole cowboy had a match against the founder of this company Jeff Jarrett, And last night this ole cowboy had that match won....that was until Jeff Jarrett decided to cheat and bash his damn gutair over my damn head!

*The fans boo for this*

James Storm: So Jarrett how about right here right now you get your ass out here and I kick your damn teeth down your throat like I was gonna do last night!

*The fans cheer until My World hits then those cheers turn to boos*

Jeff Jarrett walks out onto the stage in jeans and a dress shirt and hes holding a mic laughing and when he puts the mic to his mouth his music cuts.

Jeff Jarrett: James, James, James you really think im stupid enough to come down to that ring and brawl with you right now? If you really belive that you must be a even bigger dumb redneck then I thought you were!

*The fans boo Jarrett loudly for that comment and Storm leaves the ring with a pissed off look on his face*

Jeff Jarrett: Woah hang on there you stupid hick calm down!

*2 security guards walk out from behind Jarrett and they step in front of Jarrett and cross their arms*

James Storm: I see how it is your too much of a coward to fight me? Well fine I guess ill just whoop some security guard ass!

James Storm walks up the ramp and Jarrett runs backstage and the guards step forward but Storm blasts the one on the right with the Last Call Superkick! The guard on the left now grabs Storms arm but that was a big mistake as James Storm takes him down into a Crossface and the guard taps out but Storm refuses to let go trying to make him pass out! Jarrett now comes back out onto the stage holding a gutair and blasts it over the skull of Storm forcing him to break the hold! Jarrett now pulls Storm up and drags him onto the stage then drops him on the middle of the stage with The Stroke! The crowd boos Jarrett like crazy and he raises his arms into the air as he stands over the carcus of James Storm until iMPACT goes to commerical break.

**Raging Of The Region**

We come back from commerical and see the new X Divison Champion Austin Aries standing in the ring in his gear holding a mic and his music cuts.

Austin Aries: I told you all it would happen The Greatest Man That Ever Lived has once again become The Greatest Champion That Ever Lived!

*The crowd has a mixed reaction but mostly boos*

Austin Aries: You people can boo me all you want but the fact remains im the X Divison Champion and tonight I will begin my path to becoming the greatest X Divison Champion ever! But along my path I must face worthless no talent idiots like my opponet tonight so bring him out here!

**The Star Attraction**

The crowd gives a small amount of cheers to Mark Haskins as he walks out onto the stage wearing his gear with his fur coat and sunglasses. Haskins begins doing a cocky dance on his way down the ramp as Aries jumps onto the top rope and lays down waiting as Haskins dances his way up the steps then enters the ring and takes off his fur coat tossing it outside the ring and he takes off his sunglases and backs into the corner opposite of Aries as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

Aries jumps off the top rope and tells Haskins to come to him and Haskins comes charging into the corner but Aries easily sidesteps making Haskins smash face first into the top turnbuckle! Haskins turns around and Aries kicks him in the ribs then goes for a Brainbuster early but Haskins counters into a small package pin!

NO! Aries kicks out!

Haskins gets up and quickly hits a few punches to the face of Aries before coming off the ropes but he gets caught with a spinning back elbow from Aries! Aries pulls Haskins up and sends him into the ropes on the other side of the ring and Haskins comes running and Aries hits a dropkick! Haskins gets up now and Aries dropkicks him again then waits for Haskins to get up then hits him with a closeline and Haskins rolls out of the ring! Haskins stumbles away outside the ring and Aries comes running and nails him with a suicide dive! Aries struts around ringside and Haskins gets up and Aries comes running but Haskins catches him with a one man flapjack!

Haskins now curb stomps Aries on the floor then rolls him into the ring and gets on the ring apron waiting for Aries to get up then Haskins springboards into the ring and hits a springboard torando DDT taking down Aries! Haskins then crawls over to Aries and hooks the leg for the pin.

NO! Aries kicks out!

Haskins sees Aries getting up and he runs to the ropes then springboards off them and nails a kick to the face of Aries! Haskins now goes for a standing moonsault but Aries gets his knees up to block it! Haskins rolls off holding his abs and now Aries gets up and comes running with a kick to the gut of Haskins! Aries watches Haskins roll onto the ring apron then Aries walks over as Haskins stands up and he lifts him up and drops him in the ring with the Brainbuster! Aries rolls over into a pin now hooking both legs!


Christy Hemme: Heres your winner Austin Aries!

**Raging Of The Region**

Austin Aries celebrates the victory and holds up his belt standing over the body of Mark Haskins and Aries asks for a mic and he gets handed one and when he raises it to his mouth his music cuts.

Austin Aries: I need better competiton if im gonna be the greatest X Divison Champion in history...I had a war last night with Doug Williams but even hes not good enough to challenge me again! Paul Heyman I know your back there watching this so heres what I want you to do, I want you to pick just 3 of the many former X Divison Champions backstage and put them in a match next week whoever wins I will give a title shot to at Against All Odds how does that sound Pauly?

*Aries drops the mic and his theme kicks up again as he rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp holding up the X Divison Title and the cameras go backstage to Traci Brooks office*

Traci Brooks is sitting in her office when Tara walks in.

Traci Brooks: How can I help you Tara?

Tara: Look Traci, I dont blame you but at Genesis, Madison Rayne screwed me out of winning the Knockouts Title she knocked me out with whatever she put in her glove I want another shot at the title!

Traci Brooks: Well Tara its like I said Madison will be a fighting champion and after reviewing the footage from the match your right Madison did cheat so I will grant you another title shot.

Tara: Thank you so much! When is it?

Traci Brooks: It will happen at Against All Odds and to even the playing field im gonna make the match a Last Knockout Standing match!

*Tara smiles at this and the crowd gives a small postive reaction to this and Tara walks out of the office*

The cameras now go to the ring where Christy Hemme is standing holding a mic.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is to decide the #1 Contender for the TNA Heavyweight Championship! And now introducing first from Battle Creek, Michigan Rob Van Dam!

**The Whole F'n Show**

The crowd cheers as Rob Van Dam walks out onto the stage and he walks onto the top of the ramp then throws his arms up in the air to set off his pyro. Rob Van Dam now walks the rest of the way down the ramp then rolls into the ring and jumps up onto the top turnbuckle and with the crowd chanting along with him does his taunt ROB-VAN-DAM! RVD now jumps down and stands in the corner waiting for his opponet.

Christy Hemme: And his opponet from...

Before Christy Hemme can finish speaking she gets cut off by Mr.Anderson's theme and the lights go out besides a spotlight on the stage where Mr.Anderson walks out into and he raises his arm in the air and his mic drops causing the music to cut.

Mr.Anderson: You can leave the ring now you dumb bimbo I got this.

The crowd boos Anderson and Christy Hemme leaves the ring with her head down.

Mr.Anderson: Are there assholes in the building here tonight?

*The fans give a mostly booing reaction but some fans cheer for this*

Mr.Anderson: I hail from Green Bay, Wisconsin my name is MISSSSSTER....ANDERSON!.....ANDERSON!


Mr.Anderson now lets go of his mic and begins walking down the ramp as RVD paces in the ring and Anderson gets to the bottom of the ramp then slaps the second step before running up them and then he enters the ring and glares at Van Dam whos glaring right back as his music cuts.

**The Bell Rings**

Just as the match begins we see CM Punk walk out onto the stage and he walks over to the announce table and takes a seat between Taz and Tenay and puts on a headset. Anderson uses this distraction to charge Van Dam in the corner and closeline him against the turnbuckles! Anderson begins attacking Van Dam now and he beats him down to the mat with punches on his back and now Anderson stomps away at him before the referee backs him out of the corner and Van Dam drags himself up to a sitting postiton in the corner and Anderson comes running and hits a running face wash on Van Dam! Anderson drags Van Dam to the middle of the ring and hooks both legs for a pin.

NO! Van Dam kicks out!

Anderson pulls Van Dam up and nails him with a punch to the face as Van Dam stumbles into the ropes and comes back and goes for a spin kick but Anderson ducks then comes off the ropes and closelines Van Dam in the back of the head! Van Dam stumbles back up and Anderson applies a side headlock but Van Dam shoves him off into the ropes and Van Dam drops him with a superkick! Van Dam now covers Anderson!

NO! Anderson kicks out!

Van Dam waits for Anderson to get up then spin kicks him in the face but Anderson gets right back up and walks right into a springboard kick from Van Dam! Van Dam now drags Anderson into position then comes off the ropes and nails him with Rolling Thunder! Van Dam now jumps up to the top turnbuckle but Anderson gets up and shoves Van Dam off the top turnbuckle and he smashes ribs first across the steel guard rail! Van Dam falls to the ground at ringside holding his ribs and Anderson rolls out of the ring and lifts up Van Dam and goes for a Mic Check into the steps but Van Dam blocks it and goes for a superkick but Anderson ducks then slams the skull of Van Dam into the steps! Anderson rolls Van Dam into the ring and rolls in after him and hooks the rear leg for the pin.

NO! Van Dam kicks out!

Anderson has a annoyed look on his face now as Van Dam is using the ropes to pull himself up and Anderson clubs Van Dam in the back of the head then he turns him around and lifts him up onto his shoulders and then hits a Green Bay Plunge! Anderson now gets up and pulls Van Dam up then goes for a Mic Check but Van Dam counters by slipping out then he scissors Anderson's legs and takes him down into a roll up pin with the legs trapped.

NO! Anderson kicks out!

Van Dam now gets up and pushes Anderson into the ropes then comes running and closelines him over the top rope to the floor! Anderson is down outside the ring and Van Dam waits for him to get up then launches himself over the top rope and he takes down Anderson with a cross body! Van Dam now lifts up Anderson then drops him ribs first across the guard rail! Van Dam gets on the ring apron then hits a spinning leg drop across the back of Anderson and the crowd roars for that move!

Van Dam high fives a few fans at ringside as Anderson crawls to the steps and the referee is at a 8 count Van Dam walks over and pulls him up but Anderson drops Van Dam with a Mic Check into the steps! Van Dam is knocked out and Anderson realizes the refs count and slides into the ring and the refree counts out Van Dam!

Christy Hemme: Heres your winner via countout Mr.Anderson!


Mr.Anderson is celebrating his victory to a ton of boos from the fans and CM Punk now takes off his head set and stands up grabbing a mic along the way as he walks up onto the stage and the music cuts.

CM Punk: Kenneth that was cheap whats the matter cant beat Robert fairly? I think these fans deserve better then what you just did, I think next week there should be a rematch!

*The fans cheer loudly for this and Anderson begins yelling NO!*


Paul Heyman walks out onto the stage now holding a mic and his music cuts.

Paul Heyman: Punk, I agree with you these fans deserve better then a countout loss leading to a new #1 Contender but I dont agree with a rematch next week....instead this is what were gonna do at Against All Odds you CM Punk will defend that TNA Heavyweight Title against Mr.Anderson AND against Rob Van Dam!


The fans go nuts at the announcement of the triple threat match and as iMPACT goes off the air we see CM Punk holding up his title over his head and Mr.Anderson making a motion around his waist telling Punk the title is coming to him!

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