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Occasional Pre-Show posted their new DVD lineup for the year, for those of you that didn't see it here it is.

Armageddon 2006 1/16/07
ECW Extreme Rules (2-disc DVD) 1/30/07
New Year's Revolution 2007 2/06/07
The New and Improved DX (3-disc DVD) 2/20/06
Royal Rumble 2007 2/27/07
Royal Rumble: The Complete Anthology 3/13/07
No Way Out 2007 3/20/07
Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen 4/10/07
WrestleMania 23 5/22/07
Backlash 2007 5/29/07
Great Families of Wrestling 6/05/07
Judgment Day 2007 6/19/07
ECW One Night Stand 2007 7/10/07
Vengeance 2007 7/24/07
The Great American Bash 2007 8/21/07
The Ladder Match 8/28/07
The Triumph & Tragedy of WCCW 9/18/07
SummerSlam 2007 9/25/07
Unforgiven 2007 10/16/07
Rey Mysterio: The Biggest Little Man 10/23/07
No Mercy 2007 11/06/07
John Cena: My Life 11/06/07
Stond Cold Steve Austin's Life & Legacy 11/20/07
WWE Cyber Sunday 12/04/07
Survivor Series 2007 12/26/07
ECW December to Dismember 01/01/08

Im exited about the 4 horseman DVD and the Austin one. And it looks like another One Night Stand is in the works.
Thanks for the list man. I think some i will buy is the ladder match and the Royal Rumble Anthology both should be really good.
those are some really good dvds coming out soon, and i can't wait for the austin, and the ladder match ones. I think the four horseman will be really good, and so will the royal rumble anthology. I'll probably end up getting most of those on the list.
I hope the Austin one is similar to Taker's with just matches and a few promos. I hate it when they release profile dvd's and there like an hour long.
I'm kind've disapointted that there's no hell In The Cell DVD on that list, bit the Ladder Match DVD looks good, I wonder if it will have the ladder match with Bret Hart and HBK, I've never seenthat match but heard it exists, I also like the Idea of the WCW DVD, and hope that the Mysterio DVD consists of mostly matches, similiar to what RVDs was like.
ECW Extreme Rules (2-disc DVD) 1/30/07
The New and Improved DX (3-disc DVD) 2/20/06
Royal Rumble: The Complete Anthology 3/13/07
Ric Flair and the Four Horsemen 4/10/07
The Triumph & Tragedy of WCCW 9/18/07
Stond Cold Steve Austin's Life & Legacy 11/20/07

Ive got to say that I will probs buy all of these, along with any good ppv's. I usually just get the big four, but I suppose its now a big 5 what with one night stand. Im not sure about the wcw dvd though, if its just gerald brisco saying "we kicked their asses" like the last one i wont be buying
ECW Extreme Rules (2-disc DVD) 1/30/07
The New and Improved DX (3-disc DVD) 2/20/06
Royal Rumble: The Complete Anthology 3/13/07
The Triumph & Tragedy of WCCW 9/18/07
Stond Cold Steve Austin's Life & Legacy 11/20/07

These are the ones that I am pretty excited about. Especially the DX one. I love DX and I hope that the dvd is great. The Royal Rumble one should be great too, there have been some pretty good matches at the Rumble. I am looking foward to 2007 lol
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