new SD feuds?


Dark Match Jobber
If rey's feud with jericho is over, who should he feud with?

I vote for morrison, have him and rey rey wrestle for the IC title at NOC, or they could tag team them against edge and jericho.

Ialso, what are the odds of having a morrison-HBK summerslam match?
I think Rey should feud with Ziggler. He just came off from a big win over Khali, and in the kayfabe sense, should equate him at a shot at the IC title. Remember, we hardly see Face Vs Face matches anymore. I think ziggler is ready for a shot at the IC title. I like his in ring skills, his mic work is pretty good, and his storyline of getting respect is old, but im digging it.

Again, HBK-morrison is unlikely to happen because rarely do faces fight each other. One of them would have to turn heel, and i doubt either of them will, HBK is HBK and morrison just turned face so turning him heel so soon would be stupid.
When the Jericho and Rey Mysterio feud ends I think Rey will be busy with two other pending feuds he has. One being with Dolph Ziggler and the other one being with Matt Hardy when he returns.

First and foremost I don't think we are going to see a John Morrison vs Mysterio feud since they are both babyfaces. Unless they switch one of them heel (which I don't think will happen) then I don't think we are going to see this feud happen.

Now, while we await for the feud with Matt Hardy, I'm sure we will get a Dolph vs Mysterio feud for the Intercontinental title. I think this is the most obvious choice since they only have two true heels on the Smackdown mid-card. So, since one of them is out with an injury I think they will put him up against the other. I think Dolph will probably get a good rub and if Hardy is going to be out for a long time then they might give him the Intercontinental title for some time.

Now, after his feud with Dolph (if it does happen) then we will probably get a feud with Matt Hardy (who is the other heel) for the Intercontinental title once he returns from his most recent injury.

This in my opinion is what is going to happen once the feud with Jericho is over.
Id like to see Hardy win the world title...That way a Morrison/Hardy feud could happen...That would be EPIC, seeing high flying moves and quick action is the thing the WWE is missing these days.
i like the morrison/hardy idea alot. both of these guys can pull of some amazing moves. mysterio and ziggler would be a good feud. ziggler has shown alot of improvement and if he were to go over rey then it would really jump start his career. i hope they keep kane away from rey. if they have another feud i will stop watching smackdown just to adoid seeing it.
Rey should be a champion's champion defending his title with integrity. I don't think Rey should face anyone in particular. Rather every week should be a guess at who will dethrone Rey from the IC title scene. Maybe for a month or so Rey goes unmatched for a week in week out storyline. Then, a start a feud with someone credible. My only guess would be Jeff Hardy. I could see Rey dropping the title to him. By the way Jeff turns heel on Rey, and Rey is the only one that Jeff can turn heel on in the WWE. Imagine that folks.
I doubt Mysterio vs. Morrison won't happen but, imagine Tyson Kidd vs. Mysterio :) dream come true IMO or what about Natalya vs. Melina? Hotties fighting is always a good this :]! How about Hatt Hardy vs. David Hart Smith? That won't be bad. Or Morrison vs. Tyson Kidd! Maybe if John Morrison gets his push, a possible feud with Jeff Hardy? Or how about Hart Dynasty vs. Y2J and Edge? The possibilities are endless! SMackdown is looking REALLY good right now! Especially 'coz of Melina ;]!
I think there are a lot op great possible fueds on smackdown right now..for one I see rey defending his title against 3 guys like a fatal 4 way style fued...I see dolph..finlay and r truth battling for the title..I also see a possiblemorrison and punk fued if hardy leaves the wwe or a triple threat style fued...then I would assume that matt hardy would be thrown into that fued somehow...there is also an x factor in all of this I would like to seemaybe charlie haas in the ic title fued which could put maybe finlay in the world title picture..and of course we have the crappy fued kane and khali...the only positice thing out of this is that this may be the way the undertaker makes his return a possible kane and taker fued later on down the road..
I am very hopeful for a Mysterio/Ziggler feud as it will elevate Ziggler even more and could yield some pretty good matches. I was also thinking about a few others:

- CM Punk vs. Undertaker- With Punk probably turning heel and Taker possibly returning soon, this is a huge possibility.

- Jeff Hardy vs. Kane- I can't recall these two facing each other too much, so this could set up some interesting matches.

- Edge vs Khali- I always thought it would be cool for the Rated R Superstar take on the Punjabi Playboy. Could be a damn entertaining feud.
If rey's feud with jericho is over, who should he feud with?

He's got a multitude of a mid-card to feud with. Pick any of them, really. The Hart Dynasty, Kung Fu Naki, Matt Hardy, anyone. Mysterio will make the crowd care. He pulls it off, somehow.

I'd go with Hardy though. It'd be a decent feud. I don't like Matt Hardy at all, but he can keep it together long enough for a decent feud. Oh shit, he's out with a muscle tear or some shit. Give his feud to the Hart Dynasty then. Make him even more of an underdog and have him fight an entire stable by himself. Fuck. Might as well. Give him a feud with Ziggler. It'd make about just as much sense.

I vote for morrison, have him and rey rey wrestle for the IC title at NOC, or they could tag team them against edge and jericho.

Isn't Morrison face now? Could have sworn he was. If he is, a face vs. face for the WHC title wouldn't work, let alone for the IC title.

If he's heel though, might as well. Mysterio'd make it work.

also, what are the odds of having a morrison-HBK summerslam match?

Almost none.

1) That's assuming HBK returns anytime soon. He's nursing injuries and spending time with his kids. And he's taking his sweet ass time doing it.

2) That's assuming HBK will return to Smackdown. Fuck that. He's needed for a DX reunion on Raw! (Because everyone wants that, right?)

3) That's assuming Morrison is big enough to face HBK. Which he's not. Even if he wasn't Mr. Flippy Kicks no one cares about Morrison. HBK would have to do all the work in that feud.
I now see Cryme Tyme feuding with The Hart Dynasty in the tag division, because I just can't see Hart Dynasty feuding with any other tag team mostly because there aren't any more tag teams on Smackdown besides Edge and Jericho, but Kidd and Smith aren't ready for the main event yet.

When Matt Hardy is fully healed I see him feuding with Rey Mysterio over the IC title or with Jeff Hardy. Matt needs a title to save his career or he will end up being a jobber if Jeff does leave. If Jeff stays, Matt will feud with Jeff and Matt would be main eventer then. This trade does all good, or all bad for Matt if Jeff leaves

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