New Book This idea

[QUOTE="The Olympic Hero" Christian Battlez;956605]There will be a great challenge for you in taking ECW. I'm afraid that if you did WWE it might slow the big one down since WWE is the biggest promotion and you've never done a BT that im aware of. But I don't want it to look like im politicing and giving myself the big one so if you prove yourself I'll take ECW later on and you can do a bigger one like WWE.[/QUOTE]

Technically, ECW superstars of today should go to ECW. So, I say we could be generous and give him superstars such as Miz and Morrison and Finlay and Swagger.
Technically, ECW superstars of today should go to ECW. So, I say we could be generous and give him superstars such as Miz and Morrison and Finlay and Swagger.

Finlay should go to WCW everyone else I have no problem with. Fit Finlay was originally known for his work in WCW unless you count his work in Ireland which all of 5 of the earths population knows of. But anyone else you mentioned is fine.
WWE: Battlez
WCW: Profit
ECW: PlaytheGame
TNA: 48.7
ROH: ???
AWA: ???

Still unsure as to include NWA or not if anything I could include it with ROH or WCW.
How exactly will we all be determining the final rosters for each promotion? I dont care how honestly, j/w.

Well there are the obvious ones like

WWE: Cena,HHH,Edge,Angle,Taker,Michaels
WCW: Sting,Booker,Steiner,
ECW: RVD,Sabu,Rhyno,Sandman,Dreamer
TNA: Jarrett,Styles,Abyss,Daniels,Monty Brown.

Then others are debateable if you know someone you want is debateable take it up with the other guys writer.
I like Suicide. I don't like Daniels or Kaz. One of them will be Suicide.

I have no problem with you taking the Dudleyz, PTG. It's up to Battlez though.

The Dudleyz thing is hard because they were huge in both WWE and ECW

I have way more star power though so i guess you can have them.

but if you waste them theyre jumping ship for lots of money:)

also im scratching the awa since you have to use active wrestlers its too hard.
I would have taken Mexico, but that ship has sailed.

If Andy Awesome wants to split it into AAA and CMLL I'd still do it, preferably CMLL.

I know nothing of ROH, and I'm average at Japan, anything else on offer?
Alright, well I'm assuming Battlez would get Foley, but if youre not planning much with him, then I'll take him... after all, you are STACKED lol..
If Tastycles or CCS or someone else wants in on this, I'd be willing to give up my TNA spot. I'm always interested to see what new people do in Book This!

No, early TNA doesn't interest me enough. I may be doing a TNA one for now anyway, so I'd like something else for this. Ideally a Mexican promotion, but I'd take Japan or any other ideas that people have.
No, early TNA doesn't interest me enough. I may be doing a TNA one for now anyway, so I'd like something else for this. Ideally a Mexican promotion, but I'd take Japan or any other ideas that people have.

CCS can have ROH Tastycles can have Japan .

Foley can go to ECW.

If Funk is still an active wrestler than hes yours I won't fight you for Foley.

All the Mexican and Puerto Rican promotions are gonna be combined.

All the japanese promotions as are combining with each other as well.

that is all.

I just saw Funk is retired so he's out but you don't really need him you prolly have the second best roster on here.

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