Anybody interested in starting a league with me.

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Old School #1

Dark Match Jobber
I was a booker in this place a few years ago and was pretty big time.

The way the league would work is Me and at least two other, more is better would each pick name for our brands.

EX: WWE, WWF, WCW, ECW, TNA, RAW, SmackDown, etc.

Then we have a draft to determine the rosters. And feedback should determine the ratings.

We had something like this in 2002 called the Book This League and it was a huge success.

So what do you guys say.

(I will explain more of the rules as people sign up. If there is a huge turnout in signups we can have several leagues.)
Hye, I would be actually interested in doing this.. been trying to start uop my own book this show... but due to work other commitments and a lack of motivation I havent as of yet.

I guess it would also depend on whether or not e would need to do a set number of shows a week, mopnth etc.. or just go at own pace till ppvs whateva.. and also how you would like results to be writeen..

But i am interested....
Hell, I'll do it. I've already got a company, VWF, but it seems that people haven't really been paying attention to it. So I'm interested. Check out my first show, that's what I work with.
Kool sounds very good... wouldnt wanan get too many people drafting as you wouldnt wana dilute the rosters too much.

How are you planning on doing the drafting?
Heyy can I be in this thing also u know we can have like 3 shows or something this way like more wrestlers could be on a show?
hey i have the HWL(Hardcore Wrestling League) promotion whos first show i just finished and i was wondering if i could make it a part of your league and like put my roster into your draft and re-draft my roster ( iwould only need to keep X-pc and Chyana cause they my only storyline going on right now)
I think I'll close this thing up now. We have to many already.

I think it should be me, wotdoiput, hbkrocker, and leoretalriven.

That's all. Even four is pushing it really.

Sorry to Wrestledude but you can't hold on to anyone on your roster. just keep your show going.

For everyone else. I'll have the full details in an hour or two.

P.S. Wrestledude, start a league with some other people if this is something you really want to do.
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