NBA Thread - 2011-12

Actually Pippen I think it was already annonced that Oden is out for the season. I saw it on twitter or he will at least be out till early February or something like that. I would post an article but I'm iPod.
Blazers got a good player in Crawford. That puts a band-aid so to speak on the big wound that is Roy's retirement. Now, I've got the Blazers in the same position I had them the past two seasons: First-rounders that will compete with anyone. Can even advance to the second round for that matter. If Aldridge's play doesn't regress too much(The guy just had surgery I think?) and is able to even increase his level of play as the season progresses along, then Portland is in good shape to land a playoff berth IMO. If Crawford, Batum, Wallace, Camby, Mathews, Felton, and Oden all have decent/great seasons, the better.

Chris Paul landing on the Clippers makes the latter a playoff team. They'll be fun to watch but I'm giving them a second round appearance at best. Chemistry, depth, playoff experience, and health(Especially for CP3 and Blake) are all factors that can easily ruin this promising team. If everything goes well, they can land a 4th-6th spot in the West. They add to the uncertainty of the West. There are now 7 teams that can really make some noise come playoff time: Thunder, Grizzlies, Mavericks, Lakers, Spurs, Clippers, and the Blazers. Well, this is always the case for the West anyways and I wouldn't be surprised if come playoff time there'll be some first-round "upsets" again(Which really aren't from a certain perspective because the gap in talent between teams is really small or almost non-existent in some cases).
I HATE YOU DAVID STERN! I have already my emotions on the Chris Paul to Clippers trade, I am very disappointed. However whats done is done right. If Stern vetoes a trade for Dwight Howard into Laker land then I am never watching NBA again.

Anyways onto other deals. David West in Indianna is a great sign. This gives the Pacers a much needed 2nd scorer and also gives them a decent PF. I really see Pacers making some noise in the East, not a championship yet, but give Hibbert, Collision and George a few more years and they might be a top 4 seed. Shannon Brown is now a Sun :( I guess he really wanted a starting position and I don't blame him. The kid could be a star, but it is a bit disappointing seeing him leave.

Vince Carter and Odom are now in Dallas and ready to get another championship for the Mavs. The Mavs now have 6 players over 32 and have played atleast 13 seasons each. How will they old up?

So you think Tyler Hansbrough isn't good? During the second half of last season after being able to start over Josh McRoberts he averaged over 16ppg. Month of March he averaged 17, he was a big reason why Pacers got the 8th seed. I'll take that from my second year PF. Now in his 3rd season he should be ready to play at an even higher level. I think David West is a good acquisition and could be a good scoring option second to Danny Granger - however he has to stay healthy. To me their focus should be on their backcourt.
So you think Tyler Hansbrough isn't good? During the second half of last season after being able to start over Josh McRoberts he averaged over 16ppg. Month of March he averaged 17, he was a big reason why Pacers got the 8th seed. I'll take that from my second year PF. Now in his 3rd season he should be ready to play at an even higher level. I think David West is a good acquisition and could be a good scoring option second to Danny Granger - however he has to stay healthy. To me their focus should be on their backcourt.

No, no, no. Don't get me wrong, I really like Tyler Hansbrough and think he is a good player, but I meant David West is a better player and will probably benefit better with having a big threat center in Hibbert and a pretty good small forward in Granger.
Of course, it is just preseason. But seeing the Clippers come into their house and actually leave with the win? It took me off guard a little. Maybe they still have some holes to fill and they're still not a perfect team, but I can't see how fans shouldn't be celebrating right about now. When have these guys even looked like contenders? Not for a very long time. I feel a lot of teams have taken steps towards leaping over that bar soon too. You look at Portland and even a team like Charlotte, both don't look so awful anymore. How many clubs actually fulfill their dreams? Who knows. But whether or not this season is rushed and squished, I'm quite excited.
I know it's just one preseason game and I'm a biased Michigan fan but the Lakers need to make Darius Morris their starting point guard at some point this season. He was the steal of the draft going in the second round as he would have had a chance at going top 10-15 in 2012 if he had returned to Michigan for his junior year and improved upon his sophomore campaign.

The guy can score and is an even better passer and ball handler. The two biggest knocks against him were his strength and deep shooting. He added 10 pounds of muscle in the off season and worked a ton on his three point shot. The guy can hoop.
I know it's just one preseason game and I'm a biased Michigan fan but the Lakers need to make Darius Morris their starting point guard at some point this season. He was the steal of the draft going in the second round as he would have had a chance at going top 10-15 in 2012 if he had returned to Michigan for his junior year and improved upon his sophomore campaign.

The guy can score and is an even better passer and ball handler. The two biggest knocks against him were his strength and deep shooting. He added 10 pounds of muscle in the off season and worked a ton on his three point shot. The guy can hoop.

I agree, I love the kid from his first game and it doesn't hurt having Fisher as well. I dunno about starting because we have Fisher and Blake who are both very well suited for the job, but if he has a good defense against the fast points then we should definately start him.

I am not so upset about the Chris Paul deal now, I realised that the Clippers have no depth at all and Paul, Caron and Blake have all had major injuries in the past. I would like to see them trade Mo Williams for atleast 2 decent players if they are to make a deep playoff run.
I'm so glad the season has started, everything is back to normal again :). What a great opening night as well.

I really thought the Celtics would get away with the win against the Knicks but Melo caught on fire at the right time, and STAT now has a 3 point shot which will make him and Melo a hard duo to defend. Rondo really looked good tonight with 31 points and 13 assists. He may have found himself a consistent jumper. Pierce was out as well which hurt them.

It was hard to see my Lakers lose in the fashion they did. Kobe once again tried to do too much and pretty much cost us the game even though Roses shot was lucky and Luol Dengs may have gotten a lucky non call but still thats no excuse. I really don't know why Kobe wouldn't pull up for a jumper, it would easily be the better thing to do rather than try and lay up over Deng and Noah. His wrist must be bothering him. We showed some good signs against the Bulls anyway who are definately one of the best teams in the league. We probably could have won if we had Bynum.

Miami, wow. They just look so motivated and if they play like that every night then nobody is gonna stop them on there way to a championship. They were forcing turnovers, finding the extra man and spreading the floor really well tonight. It's gonna be hard to stop them I say.

The other two games were pretty obvious what the outcome would be. Howard with only 11 points was weird but KD and RW would of been to much for them to handle anyways. Clippers shredded as well which was expected. The one thing I bet alot of people didn't notice is how good their defense was. It was phenominal tonight!
Feel the Bulls are going to be the team to beat, they got that missing piece to the puzzle in Rip Hamilton and they're dangerous in the front and backcourt.
This season is basically gonna be a sprint to the finish. Teams like the Mavericks and Lakers will have troubles with this schedule because they're adjusting to various situations(Coaching for the Lakers and the absence of a key piece in Lamar while the integration of the new players for the Mavericks) and they have to do so on the fly. They're both 0-2 now and I feel that they're gonna struggle a bit early on but I think the Mavs are gonna be more prone to struggles because they had more drastic changes in personnel where as the Lakers, despite losing Lamar Odom, have stability in their frontcourt(Once Bynum returns) and arguably the best player in the world, Kobe Bryant. The Mavs are still trying to figure out what line-ups they could use to give them the best chances to win.

The Heat, Thunder, and Bulls IMO are gonna benefit from this "sprint-season" because they didn't make any drastic changes in their personnel, only additions(Helpful I might add). The Heat especially, coming off their dominating performance against the unprepared Mavs, are gonna be focused and primed to win the title come June. Barring any injuries to their key players, I'm expecting these three teams to be the "top-tier" this season.
I only got to catch the Thunder game on Christmas, but they looked REALLY good. I'm hoping they'll be in the finals this year. I'm told the Heat looked really good too, however I think Dallas is significantly weaker and that the Heat are probably marginally better.

Dream finals for me is Bulls/Thunder.
I like that finals idea. I respect homegrown teams more, than teams that acquire multiple superstars players to force the chemistry(Miami, NY & the 03-04 Lakers). Still say Thunder should've never traded for Kendrick Perkins as the trade was pointless to me. Rose and the Bulls really upgraded by signing Rip Hamilton who can spread the court. But anyone in free agency is an upgrade over Keith Bogans.
I like that finals idea. I respect homegrown teams more, than teams that acquire multiple superstars players to force the chemistry(Miami, NY & the 03-04 Lakers). Still say Thunder should've never traded for Kendrick Perkins as the trade was pointless to me. Rose and the Bulls really upgraded by signing Rip Hamilton who can spread the court. But anyone in free agency is an upgrade over Keith Bogans.

How is Perkins a pointless trade? Jeff Green was a small powerforward that was more of an offensive player than defensive player. Thunder already have Durant, Westbrook to be the first two options in the starting line up and then Harden coming off the bench. They didn't really have a great centre or a big defensive presence (You could put up the arguement that Ibaka is good but he cant defend like Perkins). Perkins is a terrific defensive player just what the Thunder needed to stop the powerhouses that have good big men e.g. Lakers/Magic/Mavs etc.
You want to know how it was pointless? Look at how "great" his defense was this past post-season. The bad part is he was the guy with the playoff experience on that team.
Perkins was definitely an upgrade over Green, I'd rather have a frontcourt of Ibaka and Perkins than Ibaka and Green. It's not like Perkins has to play 36 minutes a game anyway. Collison may actually get more minutes than him in the long run. The key for the Thunder, and why they lost in the postseason, will be figuring out how to involve both Westbrook and Durant on the offensive range down the stretch of games.

I still think the Heat are clearly the team to beat and it'll be an uspet if they don't win it all this year. The east is really a two horse race, maybe more if you could convince yourself of the Knicks or Celtics. The West is more wide open. 5 or 6 teams have a shot to win it.
The Perkins trade was great for the Thunder. The thing that will be key to them making a title run is the play of Russell Westbrook. Once Westbrook learns to be more of a true point guard and less of guy who tries to do everything himself down the stretch, the better off the Thunder will be. Durant is the top superstar and the guy who should be taking the big shots. I admire the competitiveness and tenacity of Westbrook but the sooner he becomes more like Chris Paul and less like Allen Iverson, the better.
Good to see Bynum is back and definately will be a huge factor in whether or not the Lakers can make a serious run. He had a great time tonight and he just looks like a man among boys out there. Had a great game in the post and on the boards. If he stays injury free I don't see why this cant stay the same. Pau Gasol but, I just don't know anymore. He just doesn't look motivated out there. Maybe he is upset that he got but didn't get traded..
Last night was proof of Miami's greatness, no Bron or Dwade, but Bosh and Terelle Harris stepped up and got the win in triple OT. The East is obviously the Heats too win, and I can't see anybody in the West stepping up.

And the rookies this year have been better than expected, I've been really impressed with Rubio, he seems to really have benefited from the extra years spent in Europe or wherever. Norris Cole has also been kicking ass and really gives the Heat a spark off the bench, Marshon Brooks is also looking like a fucking scoring machine lately, the Nets got a great wing and a great asset in their quest to keep Williams. Kyrie has looked solid so far, kind of what I expected from him.

Oh and fuck the Rockets, they need to trade Marcus Morrris ASAP, they shouldn't have drafted him if he isnt gonna play over any of those scrubs in their current rotation.
I agree with Beiber, I honestly thought the Hawks could have won and they should have won. If they want to be a playoff contention team they have to beat Miami especially when they don't have WADE OR BRON! I brighter note on the Hawks list but is T-Mac. He has been playing really could considering his injuries and age. He may only average 10 points 5 rebounds and 2 assists, but when he is playing 20+ minutes he is getting like 13/6/5 which is terrific for a bench player. It's also good to see he has finally accepted a role instead of convincing himself to be the first option in every team.

Kobe and the Lakers are 0-4 on the road which is not a good sign, but a good sign is that Bynum is becoming a force and Kobe is averaging 26/6/5 which is also good. Kobe is getting others involved despite the lack of play by Pau Gasol and co. I hate to sound bias but I truely believe there is only 3 teams that can compete with Miami in the finals. Bulls obviously are on a role and nobody in Miami would be able to stop Rose. Deng is also playing at all star calibar level. He is definately the most underrated player in the NBA. Bulls also now have a consistent scoring threat at the SG spot in Rip Hamilton who is also a great defender. Bulls have the depth and talent to take it to Miami. Blazers are my team to win it from the West and they are proving me right. They have amazing depth, amazing scoring talent in Crawford and Aldridge and amazing defenders in Batum, Wallace, Camby and Felton can easily guard any PG Miami has. I really like this Blazers team and I think they can definately take it to Miami. The other team to take it to Miami I firmly believe is the Lakers. We have amazing defenders and Barnes and Artest are very physical so they can easily piss of Bron/Wade and get them off their game. We also have depth with Blake, McRoberts, Murphy and Metta on the bench. Our big men are awesome. I know Pau has lacked this season but he is an awesome player and just needs to find his confidence again. Lakers also have one weapon which Miami don't. A clutch player. Infact we have 2 clutch players in Fisher and Bryant. If Bryant gets his wrist right and stays injury free then nobody in Miami is stopping him. I know Lakers got swept last year but even if our team was 100% last year, nobody could stop Dallas. Also expect the Lakers to make a trade or two by the deadline for a guard and another defensive big man.

As for trades I hear Dwight and Deron might be teaming up next year in Brooklyn which would be magnificent for both but yet unfair on other NBA teams because of the superstars joining up once again. What are your thoughts on other trades that could occur?
I've been very happy with what the Utah Jazz have been able to do so far this season. They were written off by most, but they've put up a respectable 5-3 record and they're riding a 4-game win streak right now. I'm certainly not expecting them to keep up with the wins, but I won't be surprised if they manage to sneak into the playoffs as a 7 or 8 seed (they're at the 6 right now). They've got to start scoring more points, as they're 24th in the league with 90.4 PPG, but the defense hasn't been atrocious. They're 13th in the league in points allowed with 93.9, and Al Jefferson, Paul Millsap, and Derrick Favors have played some nice defense.

I'm fairly optimistic for our future, especially when I look at the guys we have on our team. Alec Burks, Derrick Favors, Gordon Hayward, and Enes Kanter all have some major potential, and I wouldn't sleep on Jeremy Evans either, who has been a solid energy off the bench (when he plays). That being said, we're going to have to get rid of Raja Bell as soon as possible, dude has been an absolute atrocity this year (his PER was 1.2 last I checked, not to mention he had the lowest PER of any starting 2-guard last year). His defense has been off, he's been ICE cold from the field, and he's failing as a starter. Tyrone Corbin seems to have some faith in him, but it doesn't seem to be working. Burks is a viable replacement, but I think it's too early to put him into the starting line-up at this point. I'm also not sure if we'll be keeping Millsap for much longer, our front court is loaded, but it all hinges on Derrick Favors' development. That being said, I'm a big fan of Paul Millsap, so I have mixed feelings about it. Millsap offers toughness, tenacity, he's an all-around good player, and a damn good rebounder, but we just won't need him when Favors is ready to play full time. Then I question what we could get for him, but I don't really know.
Kobe Bryant has turned back the years on his body clock and has become a beast lately. His last 4 games he has scored over 30 points and last night he scored 48 points. I don't see this last that long though as this season is very compressed with lots of back to back and 5 games in 7 days but anything can happen.

Another thing that has surprised me is Ricky Rubio. He was my pick for ROY and he isn't proving me wrong. He is avering 10 points, 4 rebounds, 8 assists and 1.6 steals off the bench! He is a beast and as good as Luke Ridnour is, I think Rubio has to start. Some might argue that he is getting enough minutes off the bench but thats not the point. Everyone knows that starting on the bench does far less to your confidence than when your starting (not that Rubio needs more, but if he had that tiny bit more maybe he would turn it over less) and with him being the point on offense it would ultimately make the Wolves a better team.

A thing that I found interesting is that Dwight Howard said that Orlando aren't going to trade him before the end of the season, even though he hasn't withdrawn his trade request. He says as long as the Magic are winning then both are happy. I highly doubt that just because Magic are winning that they would let Dwight walk for free at seasons end. I think D-Will is coming from the Nets and joining Dwight in a magic uniform at the end of the season. I don't see no other reason why Magic wouldn't trade him unless they were getting another star.
Kobe is scoring, but he's been taking an absurd number of shots at times. Bynum and Gasol have to be getting some more touches. Not only do they score more efficiently, but if they get it going that'll open things up for Kobe. The Lakers have a good shot in the west as there's no clear number 1, but for my money, I still like the Thunder. With the way Harden's been playing they are in great shape as long as they can figure out how to use Westrbrook and Durant together at some point before the playoffs.
Being a long-standing Knicks fan, they have a pretty solid lineup this year. And with fresh blood and returning talents, they should bring me some satisfaction this year. I predict they will actually pass the first round of the playoffs. All we need is more time so the team can mesh together and work as one. See you in the Finals :D
Kobe is scoring, but he's been taking an absurd number of shots at times. Bynum and Gasol have to be getting some more touches. Not only do they score more efficiently, but if they get it going that'll open things up for Kobe. .

I disagree, well not on the Kobe taking alot of shots but I'll get onto that in a minute. Gasol and Bynum each are still taking 12/13 shots a game. Which is a terrific amount considering Kobe can still dominate a game. Why should we give them more touches when Kobe is getting 35+ a night and Gasol is having a bad year and Bynum has slowed down. You always gotta give it to your hot shooter and Kobe is doin' work.

As for Kobe taking too much shots, thats true, to an extent. He took 31 against Utah which is definately to many (if you only scored 40). But for Kobe to take anything less than 20 shots because we have guys like Pau (who is playing poorly) and Bynum (who I love but is inconsistent and should focus more on defense while Kobe is moving) is absurd. Lebron James still takes 20+ shots a game when he has Bosh and Wade on the team! Maybe if Kobe is not producing like he is now then it would be fine for Pau and Bynum to get some rhythm, but not the way Kobe is playing now.
Ya, obviously 20 or so shots is fine, but consistently in the high 20s/low 30s could be a bit of an issue. Especially with that injured wrist. He's a warrior and will play through it, but at some point it's going to start affecting him and he can't be chucking up 30+ shots a night. There's no way it can continue for the whole season.

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