Name Someone You Knew Would Be A Top Star The Moment You First Saw Them

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When I first saw Beniot many moons ago on independent tapes, yes tapes, His skill was just captivating. I knew he was one to watch. Same goes for Eddie.

Another more recent example was with Lesnar and Batista. Brocks debut was breathtaking to say the least. Coming out of nowhere and tossing around 3 superstars like they were ragdolls. Albeit it was Al Snow, Maven and Spike, the closer for me was when he did the same to Rikishi in the following weeks. Before then I can't recall anyone taking The Big Kish off his feet let alone tossing him around like he was a luchador! At that point I knew he was something special.

Batista's debut was quieter than Lesnars but the sheer spectacle of his presence was enough to garner attention. And from the first Pop-back-up Spinebuster (Which I've always preferred to his Batista Bomb) he was golden imo.

my only regret is we never got a proper Batista/Lesnar fued.
There was a few I knew would be stars immediately such as:

Brock Lesnar: he is the definition of intimidating and I knew right away when I first saw him he was going to be a superstar.

Chris Jericho: when he interrupted the rock I knew big things were planned for him and he handled him self well on the mic

Kane: how could you not think a seven foot monster who attacked and beat the crap out of undertaker not be a star

John Cena: I knew this kid had something when he interfered Kurt angle and showed that ruthless aggression and I must say I thought he put on one of his best matches of his career and he almost won his first match

I have to say just for the hell of it I didn't see anything in Randy Orton when he debuted but as you can tell by my name he is one of my current favorites. I also never thought miz would become anything either but then again who really did
I was very young, but I still remember...

Diesel: I think it was the 1994 Royal Rumble, I saw a very, large guy who was younger than the rest. That night he eliminated like 8 men in a row. Then not long after he won the Tag Team Titles w/ Shawn Michaels, I knew he would be big. Fast forward a few years and there he is destroying the WCW along side Razor Ramon/Scott Hall & of all people Hulk Hogan.

I guess I was right.
Im going to say jack swagger, his dorky look with that cheesy heel smile and attitude won me over straight away and then getting to see his move set convinced me completely. ok so maybe hes a bit of an angle clone but thats no bad thing in terms of in ring comparisons. hes held the WHC and with this angle with cole its pretty obvious hes getting built up again ready for a face turn, if its done well and not half assed he will be huge

the guy has all the talents and i expect him to be winning 1 of the 2 big titles this year, if you think of 3 of the top guys for main event picture for the coming years(excluding the obvious) then you would have to say swagger,sheamus and drew mcintyre. all of which deserve mention in this thread
I would have to say CM Punk. Hands down. His debut promos made him a big deal. I knew the first time I saw him on the new ECW that he was going to be a World Champion. I'd have to say one of my favorite moments is when he was feuding with Jeff Hardy and solidified his role as a top heel. Attacking Jeff's lifestyle was the perfect way to garnish hate, being that Jeff was a huge fan favorite, but from there he used his lifestyle as a mark that he was just plain better. It was perfectly done. Punk is such a good heel.
The superstar I knew that was going to be a star was John Cena!
I might not be a huge fan of his, but damn straight this man hustled his way to the top.

He debut getting in the face of Kurt, and his physique and wrestling skills (i know im gonna get shitted on for this by some haters) was amazing.

When I saw the intensity and the in your face style of Cena when he was talking about Ruthless Aggression to Kurt Angle, I knew from that moment he was going to be a star.

I told myself and to all of my buddies, Cena will be a headliner in a couple of years.. watch.

Who else can do a rapper gimmick and actually get over with it? CENA.

When he picked up Big Show for the FU at WrestleMania XX, from that moment he became a star. John was the highlight of every SmackDown! show and he would give 101% to all of his work he has done...this gave him the quality to become a top star.

and now... Cena is the biggest household name in the WWE.
Batista when he was with Reverend D-Von. I was pretty young but the guy was a tank and at that age I couldn't see him not rising to the top.

Lesnar I don't think anyone that saw his debut wouldn't have though he was going to be huge.

I'd seen a fair few Danielson matches before and knew what he was capable of but then again anyone that had seen him knew that, it wasn't hard to spot.

The obvious recent one is Del Rio but that was just the way the WWE pushed him. It's obvious if you have the backing of the E that you'll get pretty far unless you fuck up.
I was at the debut of john cena against kurt angle, and i could tell just by the way they booked his debut (immediately having him take it to kurt angle) that he was going to be pushed to the top of the card immediately.
I first saw CM Punk back in ROH when the 2nd City Saints were running wild and thought he had potential to be a solid guy in a major promotion...I saw him put on a compelling feud with Jimmy Rave and knew he could be a top star...and his ROH Swan Song angle..the whole "Summer of Punk"..yeah after that I thought "if he doesn't become a main eventer somebody at WWE is seriously out of touch"...

I also always thought Daniel Brian was good enough to at least be someone in WWE...true wrestling ability is secondary for WWE but when you're great at it they'll use you regardless and Brian is great at it
Rey mysterio..back wen i 1st say him in wcw i jus knew he wos gonna become one of most loved wrestlers around..jus everything he done was amazing..if only we still got to see the old rey these days:(
I agree with some others around here because there was just something about Randy Orton that caught my eye when he first came. When Bret Hart left WWE and went to WCW only to get hurt, I had nobody to really cheer for(Triple HHH came very close) but when Randy came to WWE, I started cheering for him and haven't stopped... that being said, sometimes his mic work is very dull and seems to never change, but hey, I love the guy!!!! ( no gay)
For my it was the rock....hell i even was behind him when he had his rocky miavia persona,bad choice of haircut though i hated it when fans chanted rocky sucks when i saw something special in him.
When I first saw Brock Lesnar I knew he was going to be huge in the WWE. Vince loves huge monster guys but there was just something about Lesnar. He wasn't just your typical tall big or fat big. The guy really looked like a monster and made you really buy the idea that he could rip someone's head off if he wanted to.
i saw a guy back in 2002 on wwe metal (yes i know back then it was wwf but for arguments sake) he jobbed to the hurricane but i saw this guy and something told me he could be very big one day. this man is known simply as the phenomenal aj styles
I saw Brock Lesnar at a house show before he made his debut. He just mopped the floor with Tommy Dreamer. I remember watching the match and everyone in the arena was stunned by his performance. He was such a dominant figure, you know right then, he would coming into the WWE and make an impact.
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