Name Change Request (Please read Requesting Rules)

I used to post on wrestlezone more then a few years ago as showtyme27 I was even an Moderator for Book This! back in the day, I was just wondering if there was anyway for me to regain My former handle? I have long forgotten My password which is why I am joining under a new tag. If not I will continue to enjoy the site as a new member. Thank You in advance.
Please change my name to either:

1. nWoWolfpacTV
2. nWoWolfpackTV
3. nWoWolfpacTV2015

In that order. Last time I requested I was told username was already took (which would have been me making accounts & forgetting email/passwords) so if nWoWolfpacTV username is already took you have my permission to delete that account so I can use the name. If that is possible try option 2. Pretty sure option 3 will be available.

Please change my name to either:

1. nWoWolfpacTV
2. nWoWolfpackTV
3. nWoWolfpacTV2015

In that order. Last time I requested I was told username was already took (which would have been me making accounts & forgetting email/passwords) so if nWoWolfpacTV username is already took you have my permission to delete that account so I can use the name. If that is possible try option 2. Pretty sure option 3 will be available.


You're allowed one account. You can stick with this one.

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