WrestleZone Forums - Frequently Asked Questions

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Excellence of Execution
Welcome to the Official WrestleZone Forums FAQ. In here you can find answers to the most common questions we receive. We ask that if you have a question, you search this thread first before asking on the open boards. Click a subject in the Table of Contents to jump to the explanation.

Table of Contents

1. [jumpto="anchor1"]I have a question/problem/complaint/suggestion for the main WrestleZone.com web site. Can I post it in the forums?[/jumpto]
2. [jumpto="anchor2"]Help! I have registered on the WrestleZone Forums, but can't post![/jumpto]
3. [jumpto="anchor3"]What is the definition of Spam, as defined by the WrestleZone Forums?[/jumpto]
4. [jumpto="anchor4"]What is a Warning?[/jumpto]
5. [jumpto="anchor5"]What is an Infraction?[/jumpto]
6. [jumpto="anchor6"]Do Warnings or Infractions ever expire?[/jumpto]
7. [jumpto="anchor7"]Do you allow posting links to live PPV streams?[/jumpto]
8. [jumpto="anchor8"]What is an Avatar, and how do I get one?[/jumpto]
9. [jumpto="anchor9"]Can I upload or link to my own Custom Avatar?[/jumpto]
10. [jumpto="anchor10"]When can I begin creating threads?[/jumpto]
11. [jumpto="anchor11"]How can I change my User Name?[/jumpto]
12. [jumpto="anchor12"]Custom User Title - What is it, and where can I change it?[/jumpto]
13. [jumpto="anchor13"]What do I need to know about Reputation?[/jumpto]
14. [jumpto="anchor14"]What are User Ranks?[/jumpto]
15. [jumpto="anchor15"]What are BBCodes, and which ones can I use?[/jumpto]
16. [jumpto="anchor16"]How do I get a custom Signature and/or image to appear after my post?[/jumpto]
17. [jumpto="anchor17"]How can I find out the dimensions of my Signature Image?[/jumpto]
18. [jumpto="anchor18"]I have an image I would like to use as my Signature, but it is too large. What can I do?[/jumpto]
19. [jumpto="anchor19"]How do I post videos?[/jumpto]
20. [jumpto="anchor20"]I see some posters' Custom User Title as "Future Endeavored". What does this mean?[/jumpto]
21. [jumpto="anchor21"]What is the difference between the "Complaint Thread" and the "Ask a Forum Question Thread"?[/jumpto]
22. [jumpto="anchor22"]Who is on the Staff?[/jumpto]
23. [jumpto="anchor23"]What is the difference between the Staff positions?[/jumpto]
24. [jumpto="anchor24"]How can we tell Staff from regular members?[/jumpto]
25. [jumpto="anchor25"]How do I become a Staff member?[/jumpto]
26. [jumpto="anchor26"]Can you create a Forum for "X" subject?[/jumpto]
27. [jumpto="anchor27"]How many images can I include in a post?[/jumpto]
28. [jumpto="anchor28"]What can you tell me about the Arcade?[/jumpto]
29. [jumpto="anchor29"]What is the WrestleZone Prison?[/jumpto]
30. [jumpto="barroom"]How do I enter the Bar Room?[/jumpto]
31. [jumpto="postedit"]How long do I have to edit my post?[/jumpto]
32. [jumpto="anchor32"]Another poster is harassing me through PMs and Reputation. What do I do?[/jumpto]
33. [jumpto="anchor33"]Why did a certain poster get banned?[/jumpto]
34. [jumpto="anchor34"]Why was my thread closed and/or my post deleted?[/jumpto]
35. [jumpto="anchor35"]Why are there so many advertisements on the WrestleZone Forums? Can I get rid of them?[/jumpto]
36. [jumpto="anchor36"]Buddy List - What is it?[/jumpto]
37. [jumpto="anchor37"]Ignore List - What is it?[/jumpto]
38. [jumpto="deleteaccount"]How do I delete my WZ account?[/jumpto]
39. [jumpto="spoilers"]What's the deal with Spoilers?[/jumpto]

[aname="anchor1"]I have a question/problem/complaint/suggestion for the main WrestleZone.com web site. Can I post it in the forums?[/aname]

The Staff members who run the WrestleZone Forums have nothing to do with the main WrestleZone web site. Any issue you would like to take up with the main WrestleZone web site, you need to find someone to contact on the main page. We have nothing to do with the main page. If you do wish to post it on the forums, please understand that the WrestleZone Forums cannot guarantee that anyone from the main site will ever look at it. Your best bet will always be to contact people on the main page.

[aname="anchor2"]Help! I have registered on the WrestleZone Forums, but can't post![/aname]

Most of the time this occurs, it is because you have not responded to the Validation e-mail that is sent to you when you sign up. Check your e-mail for your Validation key, and be sure to check your Junk/Spam folders as well. Please allow for up to 24 hours after registering to receive your Validation e-mail.

If your Validation e-mail never shows up, even after the 24 hour period, then there is a place at the very top of the WrestleZone Forums for non-Validated members. Post in the the appropriate thread that you have waited 24 hours and have not received your Validation e-mail, and an Administrator will try to correct the problem as soon as possible.

[aname="anchor3"]What is the definition of Spam, as defined by the WrestleZone Forums?[/aname]

Here on the WrestleZone Forums, we have a slightly different and more strict rule on spamming. It is not simply enough to post what you think. You must also tell WHY you think what you do. It is similar to a paragraph in writing. In a paragraph, you must always have the main idea of the paragraph, and several sentences to support the idea of that paragraph. While we do not require a paragraph for every post, we do ask for more elaboration than most forums require, and do so to provide a better posting atmosphere.


Spam: "The WWE is the best."

Non-Spam: "The WWE is the best because they have a rich history of wrestling greats, from Buddy Rogers to The Undertaker, and have persistently been the most financially successful wrestling company."

The first example gives a position, but doesn't support it. The second example gives a position, and then goes on to support the position.

[aname="anchor4"]What is a Warning?[/aname]

A Warning is simply a reminder that you haven't been following the WrestleZone Forums Rule Book, and that you need to review the rules in order to better follow them. It carries no lasting punishment or penalty, but is simply an official notice that you have violated the rules and to not do it again.

[aname="anchor5"]What is an Infraction?[/aname]

An Infraction is a violation of the rules. Like a Warning, it is to tell the poster to pay closer attention to the rules and not break them. However, unlike a Warning, Infractions carry a penalty.

If you receive THREE Infraction points, you will be banned from the WrestleZone Forums for one week. If you come back after your week off, and receive a FOURTH Infraction point, you will be banned for two weeks. If you come back and receive your FIFTH Infraction point, you will be banned for one full year.

[aname="anchor6"]Do Warnings or Infractions ever expire?[/aname]

Yes, some do. Warnings carry no penalty, so expiration date on them does not matter. Most of the minor Infraction penalties carry an expiration date of 60 days. After 60 days of receiving your Infraction, the point is erased from your profile, and does not count towards any possible future banning. Be advised that major Infractions never expire.

[aname="anchor7"]Do you allow posting links to live PPV streams?[/aname]

No, we do not. Any poster who is caught posting a stream to watch a program illegally will have their post deleted, and is subject to being permanently banned. Any poster to who ASKS for an illegal stream, is subject to having their post deleted and a permanent ban.

[aname="anchor8"]What is an Avatar, and how do I get one?[/aname]

An Avatar is an image that appears next to your User Name when you post on the WrestleZone Forums. It helps to add a bit of uniquity to an individual's profile. To equip an Avatar, go into your User CP and click on "Edit Avatar" on the left hand menu. From there you can choose one of the many Avatars provided to you by the WrestleZone Forums.

[aname="anchor9"]Can I upload or link to my own Custom Avatar?[/aname]

As of this time, no. The WrestleZone Forums do not allow for Custom Avatars. Do not request this policy to change, as it will not.

[aname="anchor10"]When can I begin creating threads?[/aname]

New members must wait until they have reached at least 10 non-spam posts before they are eligible to begin creating threads. Sometimes, the ability to create threads does not kick in right away once you reach your 10 posts, so you may have to wait a short period before being allowed, while the forum database catches up.

[aname="anchor11"]How can I change my User Name?[/aname]

To change your name, first enter the "Important Site Administration" forum, at the top of the forum home page. In that forum, there will be a Name Change Request thread. In that thread, simply post what name you would like to change your screen name to.

Before you request a name change, make sure you meet both of the following criteria:

1) You have amassed at least 50 non-spam posts. This means your post count on your profile must be at least 50, or above. If you do not have a least 50 posts, your request will be denied, and disciplinary action may be taken.

2) It has been at least TWO months since your last name change. If your last name change has not been longer TWO month or longer, your request will be denied, and disciplinary action may be taken.

Once you reach 50 posts, the first requirement will always be met, so you can continue to request name changes anytime, as long as you meet the two month requirement. The 50 posts requirement is one time deal.

[aname="anchor12"]Custom User Title - What is it, and where can I change it?[/aname]

A Custom User Title will appear under your User Name whenever you post in a thread. It is simply another way to personalize your WrestleZone Forum experience.

You can change your Custom User Title by going into the User CP. Once in the User CP, select "Edit Profile" in the left column. Find the heading for Custom User Title, and you can submit your Custom User Title there.

[aname="anchor13"]What do I need to know about Reputation?[/aname]

On the WrestleZone Forums, we have a system to provide feedback to members on their individual posts call the Reputation system. If you come across a post that you find to be remarkably well-written and insightful, you may click the "Rep!" button at the top of their post, and tell them you approve of their comment and, if you wish, even leave a short comment explaining why you like their post. Also, if you find a post to be terrible, you may click the "Rep!" button again, and disapprove of their post.

Other facts about Reputation:

1) You may only give out a total of 10 Reps in any twenty-four hour period.

2) After you give reputation to a poster, you will not be allowed to give rep to that poster again until you have repped 10 other posters.

3) In order for the reputation you give to "count", you must have at least 10 rep points yourself, AND to have posted at least 30 times in non-spam areas.

4) Green bars on your profile represent positive reputation, and red bars represent negative reputation. Blue/Grey bars represent neutral reputation, as the poster giving you the reputation does not have any reputation power. At this time, the most green bars you can have is 11, and the most red bars you can have is 11.

5) If you give reputation, it does not take away from the total rep that you have. The reputation points that you give to other posters is as follows:

a) 1 Point of Rep Altering power for every 750 non-spam posts that you make.​

b) 1 Point of Rep Altering power for every 1000 points of Reputation that you have.​

[aname="anchor14"]What are User Ranks?[/aname]

User Ranks are found beneath your Custom User Title. It is a system here on the WrestleZone Forums to display quantity of posts. It is merely for fun, to personalize the WrestleZone Forums, and you may not disable your User Rank.

Below you will find a list of the User Ranks. To achieve the next rank, your non-spam post count must reach the next level.

User Rank Levels said:
201-400: Comedy Jobber For Life: AKA Santino
401-600: WWE Diva's Champion
601-800: Knockout Champion
801-1,000: WWE Women's Champion

1,001-1,200: WWF Hardcore Champion
1,201-1,400: Million Dollar Champion
1,401-1,600: ROH Pure Champion:
1,601-1,800: WCW TV Champion
1,801-2,000: WWE European Champion

2,001-2,200: Mr. Money in the Bank
2,201-2,400: ECW TV Champion
2,400-2,600: X-Division Champion
2,601-2,800: United States Champion
2,801-3,000: Intercontinental Champion

3,001-3,250: King of the Ring
3,251-3,500: Ring of Honor Champion
3,501-3,750: ECW Champion
3,751-4,000: TNA Champion

4,001-4,200: NWA Champion
4,201-4,400: World Heavyweight Champion
4,401-4,601: WCW Champion
4,601-5,000: WWE Champion

5,001-7,499: Undisputed WWE Champion

7,500+: WrestleZone Hall of Famer

[aname="anchor15"]What are BBCodes, and which ones can I use?[/aname]

BBCodes is a message board formatting language, used to maximize a message board experience. They can be used to format text, to post images and videos, to create hyperlinks, as well as many other uses. To find a list of BBCodes used on the WrestleZone Forums, and how to use them, please visit the following link: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/misc.php?do=bbcode

[aname="anchor16"]How do I get a custom Signature and/or image to appear after my post?[/aname]

You can edit your Signature by going into the User CP, and clicking "Edit Signature" on the left side menu. Users are allowed a few lines of text and only one image in their Signature. Signature images are expected to follow the WrestleZone forum rules on Signatures. If you wish to use a signature image, copy the URL link of the image and place it between the [IMG][/IMG] tag (Example: [img]http://yourlink.com/image.jpg[/img]). Before you post an image as your Signature, please consult the WrestleZone Forums Rule Book first, to make sure you are not in violation of the rules.

[aname="anchor17"]How can I find out the dimensions of my Signature Image?[/aname]

For most Internet Web browsers, you can Right-Click on any Image, and select "Properties". The Properties box will pop up, and will give the height x width dimensions of the image. In the most current versions of Mozilla Firefox, you can find the dimensions by right-clicking the Image and selecting "View Image Info". Please remember to check the WrestleZone Forums rule book to find the maximum allowed pixels for a Signature image.

[aname="anchor18"]I have an image I would like to use as my Signature, but it is too large. What can I do?[/aname]

If you have an image that is too large to be a Signature image, and you do not know how to shrink the image, please visit the "Resize Your Sig" thread in the Requests sub-forum of the Digital Arts and Graphics forum. If you post your image in there, somebody might be kind enough to resize it for you.

[aname="anchor19"]How do I post videos?[/aname]

To post YouTube videos, you will use the BBCode [youtube][/youtube] or you can use the simpler [MEDIA=youtube][/MEDIA].

To post videos from Dailymotion, you will use the BBCode [MEDIA=dailymotion][/MEDIA].

If you want to post videos from any other site, you will need to upload it to either YouTube or Daily Motion. At this time, the WrestleZone Forums do not accept any other video hosting web sites.

Now the question is what do you put in between those bracketed codes. Let's take a look:

If you have a YouTube URL that looks like this: "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zldHoEaolhs", then you need to take the "zldHoEaolhs" part of the URL and put it in between the YouTube BBCode. So, to post that video, it would look like this when you enter it as a post.


Dailymotion is a little more difficult, but the premise is the same. If your Dailymotion URL is "http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance/search/steve+austin+beer+truck/video/x9679v_steve-austin-drives-a-beer-truck-in_sport", you want to take the seemingly random set of letters and numbers that appear together, in this case "x9679v". You then put this letter/number combination in the Dailymotion BBCode.


[aname="anchor20"]I see some posters' Custom User Title as "Future Endeavored". What does this mean?[/aname]

This means a poster has been banned. They may be banned for a week, two weeks, one year, or permanently. Anytime you see "Future Endeavored" in the Custom User Title, this means a poster is banned.

[aname="anchor21"]What is the difference between the "Complaint Thread" and the "Ask a Forum Question Thread"?[/aname]

The Complaint thread is the opportunity for posters who have recently received a Warning or Infraction they feel is unjustified to RESPECTFULLY bring up the issue. If you wish to have your Infraction reviewed, you do it in the Complaint Thread. All WrestleZone Forums complaints go in the Complaint Thread.

The Ask a Forum Question thread is a place to ask questions about the WrestleZone Forums, that is not a Complaint. If you wish to ask how something works, or why something is done the way it is, you bring it up in the Ask a Question thread. Do NOT ask a question that is already covered in the Rule Book or the FAQ. Doing so may result in disciplinary action.

Complaint Thread = Make Complaints about the forum
Ask a Forum Question = Satisfy a curiosity

[aname="anchor22"]Who is on the Staff?[/aname]

To find out who is on the WrestleZone forums Staff, please visit this link: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showgroups.php

[aname="anchor23"]What is the difference between the Staff positions?[/aname]

Moderators: Are able to infract anywhere, but can only moderate posts and threads in their section.

Global Moderators: Are able to moderate discussion anywhere. They can infract anywhere. They have the ability to ban and unban posters when necessary, and can alter parts of a User's profile, such as Signatures, Avatars, and Reputations.

Administrators: Can moderate and infract anywhere. Can issue bans, both on posters and on a poster's IP address. Can alter any part of a User's profile. Can put posters in the WrestleZone Prison. The Administrators are the top level of Staff on the WrestleZone Forums.

[aname="anchor24"]How can we tell Staff from regular members?[/aname]

Each level of the Staff have their own unique formatting on their User Name.

Moderators: They are defined by having a Bold User Name.

Global Moderators: They are defined by having a Bold and Underlined User Name.

Administrators: They are defined by have an Bold Italicized User Name.

[aname="anchor25"]How do I become a Staff member?[/aname]

There is no set application or criteria for becoming a Staff member. When the current Staff feels the need to add a new member, they discuss it amongst themselves and decide upon the poster they feel is the best candidate for the particular job. The only thing regular members can do is show they are a quality poster and can get along with others. After that, it is all up to the Staff.

[aname="anchor26"]Can you create a Forum for "X" subject?[/aname]

Forums are created based upon the popularity of a subject. Since this is a wrestling forum, making a separate forum for Elephants is highly unlikely to happen. We will create forums for subjects when we feel there is a demand for it. And no, we will not create a forum for various types of Pornography.

[aname="anchor27"]How many images can I include in a post?[/aname]

You may include up to, but no more than, five images in any one post. This includes linked images and smiley emoticons. And before it is asked, no we will not increase the number of images.

[aname="anchor28"]What can you tell me about the Arcade?[/aname]

The Arcade is a place where members can go and play games while they are on the WrestleZone Forums. You can find the Arcade by clicking the link on the navigation bar near the top of the forum page. At this time, we are NOT able to provide more games for the Arcade, so please do not ask.

[aname="anchor29"]What is the WrestleZone Prison?[/aname]

From time to time, the WrestleZone Forums will encounter posters who seem to desire to cause more mischief than contribution. Those posters may be put in the WrestleZone Prison and confined to posting in that section only. The purpose of the Prison is to give these posters one last chance to show that they wish to remain on the WrestleZone Forums. If, during their Prison sentence, they demonstrate that they can act right and contribute, they will be released and will be free to post every where on the WrestleZone Forums. If they do not demonstrate a willingness to quit causing mischief, then they will be banned from the WrestleZone Forums.

When a poster is put in Prison, they may receive a Prison sentence, or they may be sentenced indefinitely. For a poster to show willingness to be apart of the WrestleZone Forums, they must try to create discussion in the Prison, as well as follow the WrestleZone Forums rules when posting. Other members of the WrestleZone Forums are allowed to come into the Prison to antagonize the Prisoner, taunting and insulting as they see fit. If a poster can keep a cool head, and provide good contribution, then they will be released.

[aname="barroom"]How do I enter the Bar Room?[/aname]

You can enter the Bar Room by clicking on the forum link and, the first time you enter, inputting the password "123456ab". We require you to enter a password so you understand you are voluntarily entering a forum which has very few rules and could offend you.

[aname="postedit"]How long do I have to edit my post?[/aname]

You may edit your post for up to 10 minutes after you originally submit it.

[aname="anchor32"]Another poster is harassing me through PMs and Reputation. What do I do?[/aname]

If another poster is constantly harassing you, please contact a Staff member through PM about your problem. If it is PM harassment, please forward the harassing PMs to the Staff member. If it is reputation harassment, please let us know who the offending member is. The Staff will check into the situation and deal with it as they see fit.

[aname="anchor33"]Why did a certain poster get banned?[/aname]

The short answer is because he or she broke the rules. That is all the Staff is required to say.

[aname="anchor34"]Why was my thread closed and/or my post deleted?[/aname]

The reason your thread was closed, or your post was deleted is because a Staff member felt it was unnecessary and/or violated the WrestleZone Forums Rule Book. Re-posting the same thread or post may result in further disciplinary action.

[aname="anchor35"]Why are there so many advertisements on the WrestleZone Forums? Can I get rid of them?[/aname]

Advertisements exist so the WrestleZone Forums can continue to be brought to you for free. Having advertisements help make back the significant money it costs to run a vBulletin forum.

If you wish to block those advertisements from distracting you during your forum visit, I suggest downloading Mozilla Firefox Internet Web Browser, and the Ad-block Plus add-on for Firefox.

[aname="anchor36"]Buddy List - What is it?[/aname]

The Buddy List allows you to keep track of posters on the WrestleZone Forums that you enjoy. The Buddy List allows you to see when your Buddies are online, and make it easier to send them a Private Message. As of this time, there are no additional advantages to the Buddy List system. You can find your Buddy List by first going into the User CP, and then clicking on the left menu where it says "Buddy/Ignore Lists".

[aname="anchor37"]Ignore List - What is it?[/aname]

The Ignore List allows you to hide messages from people you do not wish to read. In a thread, the people on your Ignore List will show up as a hidden message, allowing you to skip over what they have written. If you feel a certain poster is harassing you, or simply annoys you, then put them on your Ignore List. You can find the Ignore List in the same place as the Buddy List.

[aname="deleteaccount"]How do I delete my WZ account?[/aname]

You cannot delete your account. Additionally, the Staff of the WrestleZone Forums will never delete your account, so please do not ask.

[aname="spoilers"]What's the deal with Spoilers?[/aname]

A “spoiler” is any information that will happen in the future that is not already common knowledge. For example, revealing the results of a taped episode of WWE Smackdown before the show airs would be considered a “spoiler”. The posting of spoilers is not allowed on the WZ Forums, with the ONLY exception being the Bar Room (and please put any Bar Room spoilers in the spoiler tags). For the sake of clarity, and because of the locations of the primary wrestling promotions discussed on this board, the WrestleZone Forums will go by the American schedule of television programming. If it has not aired on television in America, it is considered a spoiler.
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