My sig is for you, Dave!

I'm ashamed this thread has my name on it...

I'm kidding. I love you guys.
I tried, I really did. But I couldn't sit through TNA tonight. Too boring. Too non-sensical. Horrible production. The backstage segments suck. Why is it everyone tried to get DQ'd in the matches? Kazarian went for a low-blow against Lethal in front of the referee, which is an automatic DQ? I can understand Angelina, as she wants to hurt them, but why would Velvet, wouldn't it be easier to beat her. Abyss was the only upside I saw. Of course, I quit after about 50-55 minutes. It was that bad.

And, on a side note, what do people see in Lethal and Kazarian. I think they both suck.
***** you wish you had an action figure that looked like you.

He does...

It's Scotty!
That is very true, but a champion is a champion, and he held it for a decent while, and came out showing he can put on great matches.

Hell dude we started calling him Swangle, I see the resemblance.

I like Swagger, but I'm not going that far.

I didn't say they were getting better, I said they have more time to get better, they have the time to get over because they're most likely to be build before what could be considered their prime, instead of peaking their prime like Batista in age 40-41.

Which of course makes sense. But why is it that age is used as an insult against TNA right now, before these young prospects are even that good?

And sign guy, I committed suicide in hopes of KB not giving the title to Abyss in his OCW thread.
I like Swagger, but I'm not going that far.

There's a lot of matches where he does things that Angle did, the top rope throw, the ring attire, the constant bragging about amateur wrestling accomplishments.

Which of course makes sense. But why is it that age is used as an insult against TNA right now, before these young prospects are even that good?

The fact of the matter is that TNA's tag team champion's prior to last weeks iMPACT had 2 45+ year old champion's, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair gets massive air time, RVD is 39 and world champion after not even half a year with the promotion, practically getting the belt "instantly".
There's a lot of matches where he does things that Angle did, the top rope throw, the ring attire, the constant bragging about amateur wrestling accomplishments.

Doesn't mean he's as good.

The fact of the matter is that TNA's tag team champion's prior to last weeks iMPACT had 2 45+ year old champion's, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair gets massive air time, RVD is 39 and world champion after not even half a year with the promotion, practically getting the belt "instantly".

Again, their age has nothing to do with this. If Angle was TNA champ, would you be complaining? It's about your ring ability. Granted, Hall and Nash don't have any, but that's related more to the fact that they've sucked for quite a few years. Hulk Hogan and Flair haven't gotten massive air time in about a month+, unless you call 10 minutes to announce matches and continue angles massive. Yeah, they put the belt on one of the two most recognizable faces in the company, RVD, and tried to market the hell out of him. And why not, most people that watch TNA know of RVD's legacy, even more know him from his WWE championship reign.

Why not try to market him over someone like Abyss and Kazarian?
Doesn't mean he's as good.

All a matter of who's eyes look upon the product.

Again, their age has nothing to do with this. If Angle was TNA champ, would you be complaining? It's about your ring ability. Granted, Hall and Nash don't have any, but that's related more to the fact that they've sucked for quite a few years. Hulk Hogan and Flair haven't gotten massive air time in about a month+, unless you call 10 minutes to announce matches and continue angles massive. Yeah, they put the belt on one of the two most recognizable faces in the company, RVD, and tried to market the hell out of him. And why not, most people that watch TNA know of RVD's legacy, even more know him from his WWE championship reign.

That is true, but with TNA constantly announcing their use of pushing the young talent, I have yet to see anybody try and convince me that RVD and The Outsiders are young (Outsiders = Nash and Hall, WCW name for the tag team if you do not know)

Sure giving the belts to these guys generates discussion and it pushes the viewers to watch because "oh, I liked this guy in WWE, let's go watch him in TNA".

But why not put the belt of Anderson, Hardy or A.J (who's TNA but the top guy) who are younger, and could possibly be bigger draws as well.

Why not try to market him over someone like Abyss and Kazarian?

That is true, but as I mentioned above, there's great choices for people brought in from WWE, who has the talent and most importantly, the age, to stick around for quite a few years.
All a matter of who's eyes look upon the product.

No way Sawgger is half as good as angle just because he can do a few of the same moves.

That is true, but with TNA constantly announcing their use of pushing the young talent, I have yet to see anybody try and convince me that RVD and The Outsiders are young (Outsiders = Nash and Hall, WCW name for the tag team if you do not know)

Just because the young guys aren't holding titles doesn't mean they aren't getting pushed Ferb. You know that.

Sure giving the belts to these guys generates discussion and it pushes the viewers to watch because "oh, I liked this guy in WWE, let's go watch him in TNA".

But why not put the belt of Anderson, Hardy or A.J (who's TNA but the top guy) who are younger, and could possibly be bigger draws as well.

Anderson was a heel at the time, Hardy could be landing in prison at anytime, and A.J. has proven he isn't a huge draw. Now granted, RVD isn't either, but he's at least more recognizable than Styles and they had to take the belt off of him sometime.

That is true, but as I mentioned above, there's great choices for people brought in from WWE, who has the talent and most importantly, the age, to stick around for quite a few years.

Refer above for my response.
No way Sawgger is half as good as angle just because he can do a few of the same moves.

That is true, Angle is in a league of his own, but Swagger is nowhere lost in the shuffle when it comes to in-ring abilities.

Just because the young guys aren't holding titles doesn't mean they aren't getting pushed Ferb. You know that.

I do know that, but wouldn't a championship reign do the most for you? feuding with the champion works, but mostly it only works feuding with the world champion.

Anderson was a heel at the time, Hardy could be landing in prison at anytime, and A.J. has proven he isn't a huge draw. Now granted, RVD isn't either, but he's at least more recognizable than Styles and they had to take the belt off of him sometime.

A heel champion can always work.

They hired Hardy, why wouldn't they give him a championship belt as well? they can't possibly gather heat from that when they already have hired him.

A.J might not be a draw, that I do not know, it was an assumption, but RVD might be more recognizable for the WWE fans that casually flip through the channels, but A.J is more known to the hardcore TNA fan.

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