My mother is a lovely lady - What's yours like?

latino World order

Dang it Bobby
I often here about people calling their mothers "bitches" and taking everything for granted, so I thought I'd share a story of my latino World mother.

She is the nicest lady on earth. She cooks us dinner every night. She still takes the stuff I don't like out of the food. She does my washing. She irons my work clothes. She laughs at everything - and she has the funniest laugh, really cacks herself. She does charity work. She loves us no matter what stupid thing we do. She makes me a hangover breakfast cure when I need it. She loves my dad to death, and he loves her too. They've been together since they were teenagers. Now both in their 40s. She never judges people before she knows them. She's awful at texting but tries anyway, best text was whatbuttonisthespacebarroberto. She loves eBay shopping, she always buys me cool stuff. Although she buys us things, she doesn't spoil us and never has. We are the classic from rags to riches story, my mum stuck with my dad through losing their house, cars, and still looked at the positive side. Now we have a lot of money and she is still humble and isn't stuck up. She would give up anything for somebody who needed it more than her.

My mother is a genuinely nice person and I love her to death. I don't give a fuck if I'm a mommy's boy. She is amazing.

What's your mother like?
Your mother is in her 40's even though your 65? Wow, that's blown my mind.

My mother is pretty cool, I guess.
Mine died in September. She was a kick-ass woman. She raised my 3 sisters by herself, then had me in 90' and raised me while my dad was battling alcoholism, she always managed to keep a roof over our head and food on the table, and she'd help me with anything I needed. She was diagnosed with Stage 3 Lung Cancer in May, and it spread throughout her body and destroyed her in just a matter of months.
My mom is a wonderful lady. An absolute heart of gold. She gives out free checkups and stuff at her office a few times a year, donates regularly to charity, and cares about the general welfare and happiness of those around her. She raised me and she did it in the most loving manner. Great woman, I love her with every fiber of my being.

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