My Macios Thread

The Prison will still exist and you'll still be in it. I do however keep an eye on you and I'm liking what I'm seeing at the moment.

Your next task: find the thread where I announced you were in here.
This thread has made me feel nostalgic. I found this beauty on my old photobucket account. It was the first sig I ever tried making. I did get a lot better at sig making as time progressed.

And this one was the first one I ever made for someone else. It's kind of ironic.

My recommendation: watch Behind the Candelabra.

I highly doubt you want me to be a mold of you. Unless that's what you want of course then it's believable. Otherwise, I don't know how to cure blind dogs, and just wanted to throw out I'm not bi I am solely straight fyi.

I do however enjoy listening to the piano.
Let the guy out, for crying out loud. He has grovelled long enough. It would take you 2 seconds to throw him back in if he acts the fool. But, all this hoop jumping and cloak and dagger numbers stuff is a bit ridiculous at best and undignified, at worst. It's beneath both of you.
Let the guy out, for crying out loud. He has grovelled long enough. It would take you 2 seconds to throw him back in if he acts the fool. But, all this hoop jumping and cloak and dagger numbers stuff is a bit ridiculous at best and undignified, at worst. It's beneath both of you.

And uh, who are you again?
Well then i would recommend you shut up and mind your own business, as Macios and I seem fine with this.

Yah, I'm all good with this truthfully. It's fun. Plus KB keeps me on the edge of my seat. Whenever KB is around in the Prison it's the most interesting time for in here. Don't worry about it caws, arguing with an admin will never do you any good.

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