My God, the stupidity of some.


Staff member
So, I was on the Sky News website and decided to check out the petition to have a live debate at the next general election in the UK. Needless to say, I love politics and I really do want to say this. However, on my weary journey across the petition, I found the stupidity of some people to be grand. Look at this and see if you can spot the stupidity. If you can't, you are probably the person who signed it...


That's why idiots should not be allowed to vote. I don't even know where the great countries of Essex and Cornwall are. Maybe I am just the stupid and ignorant one.
Maybe they support Mebyon Kernow and they are making a political point. Didn't think of that now did you?
LOL I think this is Sky just wanting shit loads of viewers. They're right it should be on BBC.
Loving the guy marking out for BBC there haha. BBC have a base in Manchester, what are the chances its one of their employees?
How about we fix the shit that's actually broken first? First Past The Post needs to go for one thing.
You think so, Sam? I think that too. Hybrid theories work much better and are much more proportional to the relative votes that each party/person receives. Why do you think so? I mean, I agree but I just want to pick your brain.
First past the post is a piece of shit. True story. If and when Scottish and Welsh MPs effectively cease to exist, there will be a 100 years of a Conservative government in England.
FPTP sucks, they do it different for local elections, assemblies and london mayoral election. it's not too hard to change it.
First past the post is a piece of shit. True story. If and when Scottish and Welsh MPs effectively cease to exist, there will be a 100 years of a Conservative government in England.


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