Mr. Royal Rumble

Who is MR. Royal Rumble?

  • Hacksaw Jim Duggan

  • Kane

  • Shawn Michaels

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Drew Carey

  • Santino Marella

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SV, yes Austin has thrown 36 wen over the top but Kane has thrown 33 over the top rope as well. Kane has always been the epitamy of dominance when it comes to the rumble. Look no further then his record of 11 eleminations in 2001. He averages about 3 eleminations every year and always comes ready to kick ass. Just cause he doesnt have a rumble win doesnt mean he shouldnt be known as Mr. Royal Rumble, imo.
How can you be "Mr. Royal Rumble" if you've never actually won the Rumble Jon? Your argument is that Kane has thrown out less men than Austin and hasn't won a Rumble, whereas Austin has won 3? I mean, no offense, but that doesn't make a lick of sense.

As everyone else has sad so far, Austin has to get the nod here, with Shawn Michaels getting the second nod. Maybe I'm just an HBK mark but I always thought his two Rumble wins were the most memorable. Austin gets the nod as the top dog though, not even Hogan could compete with him on that one. The only reason he doesn't have 4 Royal Rumble wins is because of the joke that was the end to the '99 Rumble.
X, no offense taken its just my opinion. But when I start talking about the royal rumble and the most dominate man in it Kane comes to my mind. His 11 eleminations in 2001 is my favorite moment as long as ive watched wrestling. Regardless of winning or losing when you talk about a guy who dominates Kane comes to mind. I would have never guessed Austin had that many eleminations if I hadnt looked into it. But when you do think about it Kane has to come mind for that and you know hes going to break it in the next 2 years. All he needs is the win and it will be unarguable that he is better then HBK and if he were to win 2 in row by some stroke of a miracle hed be better the Austin. Not that that will ever happen, but imo Kane is Mr. Royal Rumble based on dominance. Plus ive never liked Austin.
good thread btw :P

i would say that i agree that kane, is "Mr. Royal Rumble", kane has been in 11 royal

rumble matches, eliminated 11 men in one match, and when he enters the match, you

know something is going to happen. he also has the fastest elimination, elminating

santino marella in 1.9 seconds!!!!! he doesnt have to win a royal rumble in order to be

considered it. but yeah kane in my eyes is considered mr royal rumble.
Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels left their mark in this match and Kane did a hell of a job, but by far this goes to Stone Cold Steve Austin. All his accolades, whether it's the 3 wins or the 36 eliminations, he's dominated the match enough said. Everytime his music came on at the Royal Rumble everyone lost it and knew hell was about to break loose!
I say Kane, just because he deserves it more, and because he is still trucking. He is going to put Austin's elimination record down, because you know he is going to eliminate at least 3 people. Austin may have the most wins, but HBK didin't become mr wrestlemania because of his win/loss record, Wrestlemania is just where he does the best, and thats exactly what Kane does for the Rumble. Plus, Kane's music hitting, and seeing the faces of the guys in the ring scramble to get out of his way before he makes it to the ring is priceless, major Mark-out moment. I say that even after he retires, have him come back each Ruble nd eliminate a bunch of people before eliminating himself, just for nostalgia purposes.
I would say it comes down to either Kane or Stone Cold. Kane puts on a good show eliminating many people at the past several Royal Rumble's and might break the elimination record, but I've gotta give it to Stone Cold. Stone Cold is "Mr Royal Rumble" because he has won it the most times out of anyone and he still holds the record for most eliminations.
For those that didn’t pick Stone Cold Steve Austin, more specifically for those who picked Kane to be Mr. Royal Rumble. What is more important in any sport, scoring the most in a losing effort, or winning period?? Yes 11 eliminations in one Royal Rumble match is impressive to say the least, but translating that into anything BUT a victory is all for nothing, technically. Hogan and Michaels are the only two that can come close, and are tied for second place in Rumble history, but Austin, by far, is Mr. Royal Rumble.

Take Mr. Money In The Bank for example. Edge was considered “Mr. MITB” for being the first two time Mr. MITB (one in the MITB match and one in regular match), but as soon as CM Punk won back to back MITB matches, there really is no question. If this is clear, then the “who is Mr. RR??” question is as clear as day.
I have to go with Kane. Although I would have liked to go with Austin, I just think that Kane has had a greatly fabled and tested history with the Royal Rumble match and Austin has superseded that, going on to accomplish much more than winning the Royal Rumble match. Whilst it is regrettable that Kane did not and has not won the Royal Rumble, he is the man that I think about when I picture the Royal Rumble match. Kane started his Royal Rumble tenure around the time that I started watching wrestling seriously and since seeing him take out 11 men in the one Royal Rumble, I have been on his side.

I really think that the WWE missed a trick by not having him with that Royal Rumble but it also led to one of the greatest main events in WWE history with Austin and The Rock at Wrestlemania. However, the memory of that Royal Rumble still lives long with me and it is my favourite Royal Rumble match in it's history. Kane has become synonymous with the Royal Rumble match and I think that he is Mr. Royal Rumble for sure.
I am not sure how Kane having one good Royal Rumble can give him the Mr. Royal Rumble title. He has never won a Royal Rumble, and that automatically takes him out of the running, in my opinion. Austin has three wins and the most eliminations. While Austin is my favorite superstar of all time, I have to agree with a few of you and go with Shawn Michaels. He won two Royal Rumble's (so far), and like CKDaimen said, he put on great performances even when he lost the match. Austin had some great showings in losses as well, but not as many as HBK.
P.S. Just because HBK refers to himself as Mr. Wrestlemania, doesn't mean he is ACTUALLY the best performer in the history of Wrestlemania.
I really have to go with Kane. Despite not winning it, he has been in, what 11 consecutive Rumbles? This year will surely be 12 consecutive years he's been in the event.

Add to that, the most eliminations in a single Rumble when he had 11 back in 2001, and I think someone mentioned it, that he has a total of 33 eliminations which is second to Stone Cold's 36 which Kane will probably tie this year, or even next.

Finally, with the exceptions of a few quick exits, he generally does pretty well in these events. Kane has been in the Final 4, if you will, probably more often than most of the other Rumblers, it's practically every other year. Last year he was in the final 7, and realistically final 5 since DiBiase and Rhodes were only in it as accessories to Orton.

Plus, from the Undertaker's bell gong marking the "Phenom's" return to the orderlies and Drew Carey to the temporary reunion of Taker and Kane in the ring cleaning house, something interesting usually happens.
I really have to go with Kane. Despite not winning it, he has been in, what 11 consecutive Rumbles? This year will surely be 12 consecutive years he's been in the event.

Add to that, the most eliminations in a single Rumble when he had 11 back in 2001, and I think someone mentioned it, that he has a total of 33 eliminations which is second to Stone Cold's 36 which Kane will probably tie this year, or even next.

Finally, with the exceptions of a few quick exits, he generally does pretty well in these events. Kane has been in the Final 4, if you will, probably more often than most of the other Rumblers, it's practically every other year. Last year he was in the final 7, and realistically final 5 since DiBiase and Rhodes were only in it as accessories to Orton.

Plus, from the Undertaker's bell gong marking the "Phenom's" return to the orderlies and Drew Carey to the temporary reunion of Taker and Kane in the ring cleaning house, something interesting usually happens.

Kane is far from Mr. Royal Rumble as you can get. So what if Kane has had the most Rumble elimination? To be considered Mr. Royal Rumble, I would think that you would have to win one at the most. Kane had his chance at 2001 and he didn't capitalize. It's Austin by far because he has won three, was 2nd in another and realistically could have had four rumble wins in five years. The title of Mr. Royal Rumble goes to Stone Cold Steve Austin.
It could be Austin, as the above poster says, but in my opinion it's not. Kane has had a lot of "close but no cigar" situations in the Rumble and has never won, sure, you're absolutely right. But you have to take everything into consideration and with 11 consecutive years, most of which he actually has a pretty good run, half of which he's one of the final superstars left, will likely have the most eliminations in Rumble history by the time he's retired, and record for most in a year, and Kane has been the most consistent Rumble superstar in history.

If it's based on wins, sure it's Austin. I just go with Kane for other reasons. That's why we've got a forum and that's why we've all got our own opinions.

Since I'm a hockey fan, I'll equate it to that. Let's say Joe Thornton won 3 scoring titles in 5 years, and then over the next 6, never even competed again. At the same time, let's say Jaromir Jagr never actually won a scoring title, but has been in the hunt for one in 11 straight years and has finished top 5 in the league in points every 2 or 3 years. That's consistency.

Austin was the most DOMINANT star in WWE history in my view. But it's hard for me to go with Austin because he hasn't competed in years, when Kane, amongst several other guys have. Austin had a dominant 4 years in WWE. Kane had 1 dominant year, brief dominant stretches over the course of other years, and has always at least been consistently involved in feuds and on TV and almost every single PPV for 11 years.

Now, not saying Kane is Austin, but all these little comparisons are just to demonstrate where my opinion comes from, at least on the Rumble front.

Austin and Rock are the two most successful stars ever in my book. They did what other legends did in just 5 years and they did it when it was harder to acheive things such as titles and main events because there was one title and one WM main event.
It could be Austin, as the above poster says, but in my opinion it's not. Kane has had a lot of "close but no cigar" situations in the Rumble and has never won, sure, you're absolutely right. But you have to take everything into consideration and with 11 consecutive years, most of which he actually has a pretty good run, half of which he's one of the final superstars left, will likely have the most eliminations in Rumble history by the time he's retired, and record for most in a year, and Kane has been the most consistent Rumble superstar in history.

If it's based on wins, sure it's Austin. I just go with Kane for other reasons. That's why we've got a forum and that's why we've all got our own opinions.

Since I'm a hockey fan, I'll equate it to that. Let's say Joe Thornton won 3 scoring titles in 5 years, and then over the next 6, never even competed again. At the same time, let's say Jaromir Jagr never actually won a scoring title, but has been in the hunt for one in 11 straight years and has finished top 5 in the league in points every 2 or 3 years. That's consistency.

Austin was the most DOMINANT star in WWE history in my view. But it's hard for me to go with Austin because he hasn't competed in years, when Kane, amongst several other guys have. Austin had a dominant 4 years in WWE. Kane had 1 dominant year, brief dominant stretches over the course of other years, and has always at least been consistently involved in feuds and on TV and almost every single PPV for 11 years.

Now, not saying Kane is Austin, but all these little comparisons are just to demonstrate where my opinion comes from, at least on the Rumble front.

Austin and Rock are the two most successful stars ever in my book. They did what other legends did in just 5 years and they did it when it was harder to acheive things such as titles and main events because there was one title and one WM main event.

Being consistent doesn't mean that you're the best. Dan Marino was consistent his entire career but he isn't considered the best quarterback of all time because he never won the big one. Kane being consistent is good but you would think he has to at least win a rumble before he can be considered as "Mr. Royal Rumble." HBK doesn't win all of his WM matches but he is considered Mr. Wrestlemania so why shouldn't the same apply to everywhere else. It shouldn't matter that Austin hasn't competed in years. Austin won three rumbles in five years and Kane for all the consecutive years he has been in the rumble, he hasn't one won yet. Kane is the Atlanta Braves of the Royal Rumble minus the championship.
Everyone's got their American sports fan hat on here. Being "Mr. Whatever" isn't about winning the most or eliminating the most or even appearing the most, but by the quality of the appearance and the ability to step up to the stage. That is why people like Kane and Benoit are not Mr. Royal Rumble, because they have had shit performances there at some stage. Austin on the other hand, has not. Even as The Ringmaster he lasted a while and eliminated someone. I think he is probably the only person to have been in a few rumbles and eliminated somebody in every single one. He has never lasted less than ten minutes, and in both 1999 and 1998 the event was pretty muh entirely about him. Any argument for anyone else is wrong. Tito Santana has appeared at as many WrestleManias in a row as just about anybody else, is he mr. wrestlemania? No. And rightly so.
OK, so Kane and Austin are out of the way. Great. Let's move on.

I want to bring up some other names that maybe people haven't thought of.

Ric Flair- Flair won the most meaningful Rumble in history back in '92, because his win earned him his first WWF Title. He entered at the #3 spot and survived a field that included Hulk Hogan, Roddy Piper, The Undertaker, Randy Savage, and Sid Justice. It was a massive upset as the guy who arrived in the WWF with the old NWA World Title Belt was now the owner of the WWF Title Belt. Plus, unlike Shawn Michaels' first Rumble Win, the time frame between entrants was 2 minutes, so Flair had to go for well over an hour to win.

I'll come up with others, but can we at least add Flair to the discussion?
this would go to Kane hands down hes been in counting this year 11 straight Rumbles holds the record for most eliminations 11 in a single Rumble always dominates while hes in there why he hasent won one yet is over my head watch the Rumble matches hes been in and you will see especially 2001 he entered at number 6 and was runner up should have won it but thats something else he always dose damage when he enters the Rumble match
Kane definatly, because like everyones said; he has the most eliminations in a single event, hes been in every rumble since 1999, he holds the second most eliminations total and hes been in the last 4-6 almost every time. Quite simply, if they had a year where he wasnt in the rumble, it'd b like a lesser version of undertaker loosing at Mania. It just wouldnt be the same.
hard to choose, either shawn or kane, but ill go with the big red machine kane

3,2,1..*que kane music*......the crowd goes nuts. im always waiting for his entry because he causes serious damage.

and has some killer stats (i know heaps of people mention this,.....but shut up and read:D)
-most eliminations in a single match(we all know:p)
-second most overall eliminations
-most consecutive appearances
-second most rumble appearances
-eliminated santino in record time?????
Who is Mr. royal Rumble

If you break it down mathematically, you come up with interesting numbers

I ran some of their stats together and got a percentage

the categories are based on win percent, number of opponents eliminated, number of rumble appearences, and combined total of time spent in the royal rumble match.

Top Eleven

Number 11
Rick Martel - 7 rumble appearances, 8 total eliminations, and 103 minutes combined total spent in a rumble - 0% rumble win percent- TOTAL - (38.55%)

Number 10
Chris Jericho - 5 rumble appearances, 12 total eliminations, 123 minutes combined total spent in a rumble - 0% rumble win percent- TOTAL - (39.6%)

Number 9
Edge - 5 rumble appearances, 16 total eliminations, 122 minutes combined total spent in a rumble - 0% rumble win percent- TOTAL - (40.45%)

Number 8
Chris Benoit - 4 rumble appearances, 14 total eliminations, 157 minutes combined total spent in a rumble - 25% rumble win percent- TOTAL - (45.85%)

Number 7
Bulldog- 6 rumble appearances, 13 total eliminations, 126 minutes combined total spent in a rumble - 0% rumble win percent- TOTAL - (48.68%)

Number 6
Rikishi - 10 rumble appearances, 12 total eliminations, 86 minutes combined total spent in a rumble - 0% rumble win percent- TOTAL - (49.5%)

Number 5
Undertaker- 9 rumble appearances, 35 total eliminations, 142 minutes combined total spent in a rumble - 11% rumble win percent- TOTAL - (67.93%)

Number 4
Triple H- 7 rumble appearances, 24 total eliminations, 213 minutes combined total spent in a rumble - 14% rumble win percent- TOTAL - (69.75%)

Number 3
Kane- 13 rumble appearances, 35 total eliminations, 166 minutes combined total spent in a rumble - 0% rumble win percent- TOTAL - (72.03%)

Number 2
Stone Cold- 6 rumble appearances, 36 total eliminations, 165 minutes combined total spent in a rumble - 50% rumble win percent- TOTAL - (72.98%)

Number 1
HBK - 11 rumble appearances, 34 total eliminations, 201 minutes combined total spent in a rumble - 18% rumble win percent- TOTAL - (74.63%)

Honorable mentions
Randy Orton -38.43%
Rey Mysterio - 37.6%
Hardcore holly -34.5%
Bret hart - 33.05%
the rock - 29.35%
Sorry for the double posts, Im not sure if im breaking a rule doing that....i hope not

I created an Excel spreadsheet based off the stats of Rumble participants, doing so I created a formula to give a percent on those who competed. I found something odd happening and realized my formula was wrong. Any wrestler who had not spent a total amount of time in the rumble exceeding 1 hour was given a 0, when the truth is they should of been built into a percentage. I fixed it and came out with diffrent results.

Top 25

Hardcore Holly 45.76
Rob Van Dam 45.94
Yokozuna 46.71
Lex Luger 47.81
Mabel 48.28
Chris Benoit 48.33
Ric Flair 49.08
Rick Martel 49.23
Batista 49.6
Chris Jericho 49.74
Vince McMahon 49.75
Rock 49.87
Rey Mysterio 51.66
Bret Hart 51.66
Edge 51.92
British Bulldog 52.59
The Big Show 53.06
Randy Orton 53.64
Rikishi 57.99
Hulk Hogan 62.74
Triple H 63.55
Undertaker 68.005
Steve Austin 68.7
Shawn Michaels 73.58
Kane 73.61

So congrats to the Big red machine, I feel he should get the title of MR. Royal Rumble


Below are some intrestings fact found collecting DATA

3 men have drawn the sme number on 3 dffrent occations

Undertaker (#30), Edge (#5), and Jake roberts (#7)

Kane has eliminated Albert in 3 diffrent Rumbles
HBK has eliminated Shelton in 3 diffrent Rumbles
Hogan has eliminated The Warlord in 3 diffrent Rumbles

Faarooq has been eliminated 4 times in under 1 minute of entrance

Triple h, HBK, and the big show have been runner ups twice

Marc Mero was eliminated by austin in both of his Rumble appearences
Maven was eliminted by undertaker in Both of his rumble appearences

Cody Rhodes has been eliminated by Triple H. in both of his rumble appearences ( the two will both appear this sunday, can HHH go 3 for 3)

R-truth was eliminated by the big show in Both his rumble appearences ( the two will both appear this sunday, can Show go 3 for 3)

Despite Greg valentine and Ric flairs brilliant performances, the #3 slot is statiscally the worst. in 22 rumbles the combines time #3 has been in the rumble is 187:41 minutes= 8 minutes and 52 second average for the #3 spot

lastly here is an odd one

steve austin has eliminated the #30 entrant, #29 entrant, #23 entrant, #21 entrant, # 20 entrant, and #13 Entrant 3 times each

HBK has eliminated #16 and #17, 4 times each

Undertaker has eliminated #26, 4 times

and Kane has eliminated #12, 4 times

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