Mount Rushmore of WWE


Getting Noticed By Management
Quite Simple Who would be on the Mount Rushmore of WWE? (mount rushmore is a moutain with some of the great presidents of the united states carved in it just for ur info) Four figures in WWE. Can be wrestlers announcers and owers. and tell why.

MY 4.
1.Vince McMahon- Easy he pretty much created The WWE and made it what it is today...and made it a part of our culture.

2.Hulk Hogan-Every Wrestling fan knows this man, his look, his saying, and that sexy daughter he helped make (haha ok maybe not the last one). Hulk Hogan put Wrestling on the map and made brought it to the main stream. He is the Babe Ruth, Tiger Woods, and Michael Jordan of Wrestling.

3.Stone Cold Steve Austin- Again he was almost maybe even as big as Hulk Hogan....him and a certain electrifying wrestler brought wrestling back to the main stream...and he had to sell the most merchandise ever....i mean who didnt have something of Stone Cold on it....and his rivilary with Vince McMahon riviled those of such great ones such as: Michigan vs. Ohio St. and DA Bears vs. Green Bay (fans of Bears and Michigan if u havent noticed).

4.The Rock- i know i know....omg rocky left us...he abandoned the WWE..wah wah wah...It doesnt Matter what u think....Cause the Fact of the matter is the rock, the brahama bull ,the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, the peoples champion and the great one....was that great....i gurantee you u remember one promo he does and u laugh...and not only did the man do the best promos the guy was an amazing wrestler (i think underrated at that too) The guy was the great one.

Your Turn.
I would have to agree with all of them. I contemplated putting Cena on there in place of The Rock, however The Rock was certainly the bigger draw of the two, and was certainly a lot more entertaining and creative than Cena. Rock was as good, if not a better wrestler than Cena, and he certainly was better on the mic than Cena. So given all of that, and the fact he drew more fans to the shows, I give The Rock the slot over John Cena.

So, Vince the Owner, goes on Mt. Rushmore ... along with his 3 Biggest Draws.
I would also have to agree with all of them. The only exception with these would be to give Cena another year or two, and then have him replace the Rock since after Rock and Austin left, Cena has pretty much been the face of the company for the new "era" or what have you. So right now, it's Vince, Hogan, Austin, and The Rock. But ask us again in two years. It will change since the Rock copped out on the WWE.

However, I do have to throw in one more. They have talked about there possibly being room for another face on Mount Rushmore. If that ever gets to be the case, you have to throw Taker up there. He's still putting on Grade-A matches and is arguably the greatest big man in the history of the business.
HBK, he's an icon, produced alot of great matches through his career. Bret Hart, imo one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step in a ring. The Rock, perfect on the mic & entertaining in the ring, gave us some great years while he was in the WWE. The Undertaker, he has put up great matches since his debut, he also has been in almost every match created in the WWE.
I'm gonna speak in terms of wrestlers, no buisness figures or announcers, etc.

1.Hulk Hogan-No surprise here, put WWE were it is today.

2.Steve Austin-Made the attitude era what it was, and made wrestling entertaining

3.The Rock-Like austin, made wrestling entertaning, and if you could smell what the rock is cooking, then you know he should be here.

4.Undertaker-The deadman, Phenom, whatever you want to call him, undertaker is one of the greatest to ever step foot in a ring, and deserves his spot here.

Honerable mentions:Shawn Michaels, Edge, Triple H, Kane, Mick Foley, Bret Hart
1.Vince o Mac.he made this company what it is today,and without him The Rock and Stone Cold would probably still be jobbing
2.The great one,the brahma bull,the trail blaizing eyebrow raising pie eating jabroni beating most electryfying man in sports entranteinment history.It doesn`t matter if i talk about the rock.IF YAAAAAAAAAAAA SMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING:lol::lmao:
3.Rob Van Dam.for being an ecw original,for bringing us athleticism and extreme,not to mention numeruos failed heel turns(the fans cheered him even as a heel)
4.Stone Cold.for having the guts to run down rocky`s car with his truck,being badass...
i would also include hbk and undertaker because they were on the very first raw...etc
One Owner: Vince McMahon. No Vince, no WWE. Obvious choice.

One Wrestler: Hogan. Look up "wrestling" in the dictionary and you see his face. Another obvious choice.

One Announcer: Jim Ross. In a sense, the announcers are every bit as important as the wrestlers in the ring. They give clarity, insight, and context to everything that's going on.

One Writer: Vince Russo. Yeah, I know, I don't really care for him either for the most part, but he contributed some of the biggest and most important angles in the Monday Night Wars. Love him or hate him, he's made a big enough impact to be included here.

Id put

Hulk Hogan : Everyone in the world knows him

Vince Mcmahon: The creator

Steve Austin: Attitude era

Last one is very hard, I wouldnt put Rock because he just turned his back to wwe. Cena maybe, its really hard. But in all that Ill go Cena, the new generation.
Hogan and McMahon have to be on everyone's lists. There are many possibilities for this, and I can see some lists are leaning towards their favourites, which is understandable given the large choice. However, Hogan and McMahon are the only 2 who have really changed the business to the extent that there's a possibility it wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for them.

The other 2 I'd choose between Austin, The Rock, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and John Cena. I don't think too much of an explanation is necessary as we all know how great each of these wrestlers are, with each giving something different to the business. I think Austin deserves third place due to his work in the Attitude Era. What the WWE is today is shaped around the attitude era, not copying it, but the opposite almost - they're working to put wrestling to what it was before that moment.
First, Vince Mcmahon. Raw, Wrestlemania, Hulkamania, they were all his vision. He made the promotion. He found the stars, the stars didn't come to him. So he's gotta be the first person named on this list, cause he is the founding father!

Secondly, Hogan. Vince had the vision and Vince found the stars, but the stars had to work too. And Hogan worked his ass off for Vince to try and make WWF successful, and he was very successful. Him and Andre drew over 90,000 people for WM 3, and that never would've happened without him.

Third, I think I gotta go with Bret Hart. The guy carried the company after Hogan left even though he wasn't quite ready. People can talk all they want about Hart not drawing, but it's silly. The fans loved him, he sold merch, and Wrestlemanias were still successful when he was headlining. Whether it was Hart, HBK or someone else to blame for WWF going around at this time, Hart still did a better job helping the company recover after Hogan left than anyone else could've.

And lastly, Austin. The guy who was the Hogan for generation X. He was possibly the biggest factor in causing the wrestling boom of the attitude era, the catalyst if you will. The guy got pops like no other and was the protagonist in one of the most popular stoylines of all time. Even in 2001, 2 years past his prime, he was still given the title for almost a year despite The Rock, Angle, Jericho, Undertaker and Kane all being around then. That shows how good he was.

Now, people are talking about possibly putting Cena on there, but Cena just wasn't able to maintain his popularity for very long. Jeff Hardy seems to have surpassed Cena as the most over person in WWE even though they're both in their primes. Did you hear the pops Hardy got on SD this week? Crazy. John Cena hasn't got a pop that big in quite a while, at least not with some of the crowd booing him. So I don't think Cena is good enough to replace Hart on the list, but perhaps the next generation's mega star will.
I think Vince, Hogan, and Austin are obvious choices. I have to go with Bruno Sammartino as the fourth. He was the face of the company during it's first 15 years. He was a two time champion who reigned for 11 years combined. Such an old school choice may not be popular, but I think Bruno must be included on this list.

If you want to argue which four wrestlers should be there we can eliminate Vince. That would leave Hogan, Austin, and Bruno. Here the fourth choice is more complicated. I would choose between Andre, Bret, Taker, Triple H, or Cena. I would probably lean toward Triple H. I'm surprised no one even mentioned Bruno, Andre, or Hunter.
What a difficult decision to narrow such a list to just four people as there would be so many deserving candidates for such an honour. As I see it, there are three slam dunks.

1. Vince McMahon. Without his knowledge and vision there'd be no WWE and pro wrestling would not be what it is today. Heel or face, he personifies WWE, not as a wrestler obviously, but as owner and visionary.

2. Hulk Hogan. Like him or not he is the greatest wrestler of all time. Not in terms of actual wrestling ability which actually matters very little, but in terms of mic skills, charisma, crowd response, marketability, main stream recognizability, etc., Ask anyone who doesn't follow wrestling to name a professional wrestler and every single one of them would say Hulk Hogan.

3. Stone Cold Steve Austin. The face of the Attitude Era. The second greatest wrestler of all time in terms of the parameters mentioned above. He and McMahon allowed WWE to survive and eventually surpass WCW back in the only days that WWE's dominance was ever threatened. Could possibly have exceeded Hogan if his career could have been longer, we'll never know.

Then it gets much tougher to decide. Cena may eventually earn a spot up there but doesn't really have the longevity to deserve such as honour. While I understand the Rock's decision to leave WWE to pursue a movie career (better money and less and easier work, I'm sure I would make the same decision myself), the fact is that he left, he displayed a lack of loyalty to WWE and thus foregoes his position as top four, especially with so many other deserving choices who have been loyal (Taker, HBK, HHH, etc.,). I especially feel this way because of how Dwayne distances himself from his wrestling past, without which he would likely not be in a position in Hollywood now as he is. Dropping his title of the Rock, never referring to his past in WWE in interviews, etc., I just can't put the Rock in the top four. If he had stayed, absolutely yes, but he didn't.

Big fan of the Hitman but ultimately he left too, and on bad terms, so he's out. Someone suggested RVD but he did very little and only for a short while, so no. Hardy, God no. Most of Flair's accolades were outside of WWE so no to him too. I wouldn't put announcers or writers up there, so Vince Russo or Jim Ross are out. Someone suggested Kane, why? A 24 hour title reign doesn't warrant a position in the top four. Mick Foley left, so did Kurt Angle so thumbs down to both of them as well. Plus to satisfy Angle's ego, he'd only be happy if it was his head all four times and on a bigger mountain.

The choice for the last position comes down to HBK, HHH, or the Undertaker. And you couldn't go wrong with either of them, they're all deserving. Love the Undertaker and really respect his undefeated WM streak which I don't feel should ever be ended by anyone, plus he has had title reigns and great non-title feuds and is the definition of loyalty. HBK has been the showstopper for years, very loyal as well, very versatile, but unfortunately has not been a major title holder for very long or on very many occasions, albeit not his fault. His title time were during the darkest days of WWE as well.

So, by a nose (no pun intended), the final position on WWE's Mount Rushmore goes to HHH. Multiple time champion, always in the main event, loyal as can be. Heel or face, faction or solo, and despite his IWC reputation, puts people over all the time. And don't give me the bullshit about his success being because he's married to the boss's daughter. While I'm sure this doesn't hurt, it's disrespectful to what he has done to suggest it's all because of Stephanie.
The WWE Mount Rushmore is as follows.

1) Vince McMahon - The man who created it all. Owner, visionary, took the WWF/WWE to where it is today in terms of promotion.

2) Hulk Hogan - The first wrestling icon, and for years the most recognisable wrestler ever.

3) Stone Cold Steve Austin - The next 'Icon' in wrestling, helped usher in the Attitude era and rebelled against authority, something EVERYONE wants to do.

4) The Rock - Reached the same level as Austin and took the WWF to new heights in 2000, perhaps the most charasmatic and loved wrestler ever.
There would have to be a Mount Rushmore of WWE for the different eras because there were major players in each time period. Of course you need Vince and Hulk Hogan, but you also have to think of the stuff before Hogan. It wasn't half as big before Hulkamania and Vince buying out all the territories, but it was important.

Names like Bruno Sanmartino, Andre the Giant, Bret Hart, the Rock, Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker, Steve Austin, Macho Man, etc. These guys all played major roles.
1.Vince-He made the business
2.Hogan-The first icon in the business
3.Stone Cold-Quite possibly the most popular ever,ushered in the attitude era,made the WWE as popular as it is today
4.The Rock-How can you leave this guy out?Him and Stone Cold were the two biggest names in the whole company since Hogan,and the best ever on the mic IMO.
they could carve it out on Triple H's nose.

But it would have to be a thing by Era.

I say this because at different times over the past 20 years the top guys in the business have been completely different. If it was right now it would be Jericho, Orton, Hardy and Cena. If it was 10 years ago it would have been SCSA, The Rock, Taker and Triple H. If you were to put Vince on everytime you would have to bump somoene off. Would you feature good Old JR on it because he's been around for so long? What about the Fink? Guerrero? The Original 3 NWO Members?
Hmmmm, I'd have to put...

1) Vincent K. McMahon, what else can be said that hasn't already been said. He put wrestling on the international map. He took it mainstream and turned it into 'Sports Entertainment' as we know it today. He HAS to go up there.

2) Hulk Hogan, the man is a living Icon, a living Legend who has been one of wrestling's biggest names ever. He is mainstream and known through all walks of life. No name is more well known in wrestling than Hulk Hogan, that's a fact.

3) Stone Cold Steve Austin, leader of the attitude era, the boss beating, brow bustin', beer swelling son of a bitch that is second only to Hogan in over all popularity. He is without a doubt one of the biggest name ever as well.

4) I have to give this last spot to the Deadman. Yeah he may not be as mainstream as Stone Cold or Hogan, but damnit if he isn't one of Vince's biggest stars and biggest draws ever. He is has the longest running most over gimmick we have seen since Hogan himself. The Deadman is a WWE Icon and will be known as one of the greatest ever in the WWE.

Honorable mentions to of course, HHH, HBK, Bret Hart, The Rock, Cena, and etc.
I'm doing one strictly for wrestlers. Believe me, Vinnie Mac would be in it if I included non-wrestlers.

1. Hulk Hogan- brought wrestling mainstream. Face of the WWE from 1983-1992.
2. Bret Hart- leader of the New Generation. Great performer, one of the greatest wrestlers ever.
3. Steve Austin- made wrestling "cool" again, if that makes any sense. Transformed the business.
4. The Undertaker- the best "gimmick" ever. Great charisma, great performer, best big man ever, period.
Look there are three guys that have to be on everyones list.

Vince McMahon: He's the creator, the man that had the vision of what wrestling could be. He is a must on the mount rushmore of wrestling.

Hogan: This is the man that took Vince's vision and made it into reality. Hulk is the one that made wrestling popular and was everyone's childhood hero. He also had so many memorable moments.

Austin: Hogan made wrestling popular in the 80s Austin made it cool in the 90s. Austin was one of the leading pioneers in the Attitude era. Bring wrestling back from it's lull when Hogan left wwf. Austin brought wrestling to it's highest point in history. Thus why he should be on there.

Now with the last one it's manly preference. With that said I have to go with the Rock.
Rocky was right beside Austin when wrestling came back in the 90s. The Rock was one of the biggest draws that Vince ever had. He was without a doubt the best that has ever been on the mic. No one ever comes close to Rocky in that regard. Without The Rock, Austin and Hogan in the NWO Wrestling wouldn't have come back in the 90s.
If you're talking Mount Rushmore, we're talking about people that have impacted the WWE over the ages. And people putting Cena on there is a damn joke. The man's not that good, folks. Get over it.

1) Vince McMahon Sr. All the man did was start the original promotion. Without him, you have no WWF/E and you don't have Vincent K. McMahon. Simple as that.

2) Vincent K. McMahon Without this man, you don't have the modern, worldwide phenomenon the WWE has become. Vince invented Wrestlemania, sports entertainment, and helped create the biggest wrestling superstars in pro wrestling history.

3) Hulk Hogan Hulk Hogan started it all. Bruno Sammartino may have been big before Hogan, but not on the mainstream basis that Hogan was. Hulk was on the Tonight Show for God's sake. He headlined all the historic Wrestlemania moments and is a living legend.

4) Stone Cold Steve Austin When Hogan left, no one could pick up that brass ring and run with it. Until Steve Austin came along. He ushered in another era in the WWE and became one of Vince's biggest moneymaking superstars. His attitude and actions were revolutionary for a time where it wasn't commonplace to see a guy who does heel actions get face cheers from the crowd.
My 4 would be....

Vinnie mac- absolute great business man and made the WWE/WWF the strongest thing out there. buying BOTH ECW and WCW absolutely made him the man

Hulk Hogan- Now full disclaimer I absolutely hated Hogan.... until he turned heel.... black boa, black beard.... monsterous. PLus in his hayday there was no one bigger. He was the rock before the rock by being WWF's first major star(as far as movie, tv, etc.)

Stone COld Steve Austin- In my opinion not at all a great wrestler but he was the best man in the wwe/wwf history with a mic(close second the rock) he carried the company through the 90's and when u can have a feud with your boss... you are the man PERIOD

Bret Hart- If Hogan was the man in the late 70's and early 80's... Hart was the guy directly after that. He was part of one of the greatest stables ever, He was an excellent performer and could wrestle with the best of him. He is one of the very few to actually live of to his last name and legacy. Everyone talks about the feud with him and michaels as being the best of his career but to me when he and Undertaker were feuding was for me the best. He had the mic skills, in ring ability, and even swagger with the shades adn the leather jacket(when he was in the stable about canada)

HONorable mention- Ultimate warrior, HHH, Rock, UNdertaker, HBK, Superstar billy graham
I say you have Vince, and three wrestlers or an announcer and two wrestlers. Here's who I'd put
Vincent Kennedy McMahon: He made WWE what it is today and part of American pop culture for multiple years not an easy feat when you think about it, how many one hit wonders are their compared to pop singers with multiple hits
Hulk Hogan: Everyone knows who Hulk Hogan is, he made wrestling what it is today.
Stone Cold Steve Austin: one of the most known wrestlers in WWE sold the most merchandise and made the attitude great.
John Cena: Face of WWE, one of the most loved wrestlers today, great wrestler and worker.
honorable mentions: HHH, HBK, Bret Hart and Jim Ross
Putting Cena in the Mount Rushmore of WWE is laughable. He is good but he is nowhere near the greats of the WWE yet.

1. Vince McMahon- Brought wrestling to the mainstream, helped create Hulkamania and Wrestlemania. Without him, WWE wouldn't exist.

2. Bruno Sammartino- He was Hogan before Hogan. Eight year reign as champion and one of the best wrestlers of all-time. Biggest draw in wrestling during the 1960s.

3. Hulk Hogan- What more needs to be said that hasn't been already stated. Huge draw, great entertainer, and great merchandise seller. One of the first to mix wrestling with entertainment such as movie roles.

4. Steve Austin- Frontrunner of the Attitude Era. Made it cool for fans to cheer faces who do heel things. Took what Hogan did for Vince and equaled and maybe surpassed it.

Honorable Mentions: Rock, Undertaker, HBK, Hart

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