Most Underrated Female Wrestler Ever


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Hey everyone. I really enjoyed reading the responses to my very first thread. I was glad that my idea was well-received and got a lot of responses. Thank you all for that. Here's a completely different subject and one that I don't see talked about much. Who do you think is the most underrated female wrestler of all time. For me, that would have to be Leilani Kai. She had a certain factor that made you hate her, she was good at playing the heel that everyone wanted to see Wendi Richter vanquish. That was her most high profile feud in the WWF and she was used to put her over at the first WrestleMania. She was paired with Moolah to be her manager and mouthpiece. She was right in there and at the same time got lost in the shuffle as the extra baggage in the Rock and Wrestling age. She also had a match at WrestleMania 10 where she did the job for Alundra Blayze. She's never been on anyone's short list that I've seen of top performers. I think this is unfortunate. Who would you consider to be the all time most underrated female wrestler?
Personally I think Kai receives enough credit as is. Like you said, she was a good heel that did her job well. But there were plenty of others that did just as well playing the role they were given, and were actually known for more than just one angle or one match. For every Lelani Kai there's a Jazz or a Victoria or an Ivory to go along with that. And personally I think that all 3 of those women were likely better.

For most underrated that would have to be Candice Michelle. Very popular as a face, great performer, and she made Beth Phoenix's career. Her main drawback was that her prime was very short. Like maybe a year and half. But she did more in that time period than most others with a career of 6 to 8 years.
Good thread. For me, I think it would have to be Sheri Martel. Now some fans probably only remember her as a valet in WWF an WCW. But she was arguably the best female wrestler that AWA had up until about 88/89. She drew heat better than just about anyone. She could talk the talk and walk the walk.
I'd go with Molly Holly. In many ways, she was the anti-diva; a gal who really knew what she was doing in the ring, yet wasn't a glamour girl. When teamed with Bob & Crash Holly, she got a chance to show some personality as member of a faction, even with the silly "superhero" gimmick. I was surprised that the company released her, and never read an explanation of why they did.

Of course, having the other divas making fun of the size of Molly's butt didn't exactly help, did it?
I've always liked Victoria/Tara/Lisa Marie Varon more than Trish Stratus. Trish was in huge feuds, and WWE pushed her to the moon long enough to get the "best of all time" title, but I always thought Lisa was just slightly a better wrestler. Lita was better than both of them, but she is in no way under-rated.

Lisa was a 2-time women's champion in WWE. She existed in the same era as greats like Trish, Lita, Molly Holly and the rest. In TNA she at least held the title 5 times, but amassed only 222 days as champion with all of them combined. I really thought her relationship with Jessie Godderz was some of the best female work I've seen this side of Trish's retirement. They had such a good vibe. I don't know, I just always thought wrestling companies used Tara as a jobber to the stars. The chick they used to rebound the title to better perceived talents. An enhancement talent in WWE for Trish to look good; in TNA for Gail Kim, Madison Rayne and Mickie James to look good. Never thought she was given the proper credit for carrying the Knockouts division the past few years.
I'm gonna go with Jazz. She could have been played up a bit more, as it always felt like they booked her to be kinda-sorta-but-not-really-a-monster-only-when-we-need-her-to-be diva. She should've got the same monster diva push Beth got
This is a thought provoking question. Most people don't take time to consider if a diva is being under rated, as most are too busy complaining about them being over rated eye candy.
For me thinking back over the years, I might have to go with someone recently who had their career cut too short due to injury. Sure they are still around in TNA, but not as a wrestler. Christy Hemme.
Interesting question. Molly holly jazz and Victoria/Tara all r good candidates but i hafta go w/santina marella:lmao: naw seriously luna vachon. She was always put over as mad dog daughter but never as a great in ring performer. And i don't ever remember her being women's champion
I think Molly Holly asked for her release in the end.

I'd go with Ivory. She was the only one in the women's division in the Attitude Era, aside from Luna, who wasn't just there because of her looks. I know Trish eventually got better in the ring but at the start she was only really there to look pretty.

She was also kinda an anti-diva type character, especially during her Right to Censor stint, where she drew a lot of heat and was IMMENSELY annoying. She completely downplayed her looks for that. I remember King and JR would always say she looked 'shrewish' etc. which I always thought was funny since she was pretty hot when not in RTC.

It might also be because she's always come across quite pleasant and bubbly on interviews. Shame that all she really had to feud with was The Kat, Moolah and Mae & people like Debra and Terri who were more managers. I think if she'd had better opposition at her peak that Ivory would have been able to demonstrate her ring skills a lot more.
Lita truely is most underrated Female Wrestler, you never know the power of that lady. She helped the wrestler win various matches and indeed is a very strong competitor but wrestles very less.
Some good names have been mentioned so far, i.e. Jazz, Sensational Sherri and Leilani Kai. My pick is Luna Vachon. She's always had a truly unique character, could outwrestle most of the men, gave great promos and was damn certainly Women's Championship material. I'm really surprised that she never won the WWF or WCW Women's Championship..

Luna could've fit in great with ECW if she would've actually stayed in ECW for a good 2-5 years, say-1994 til 1999 instead of the short stint she had in it. With her wildass punk rock look, the way she talked, the way she wrestled and the fact that she liked to wrestle men would've definitely gotten her over in ECW to a huge degree if done right. ECW could've had a great women's division with Luna as the centerpiece and 1st ECW Women's Champion.

Luna promo from 1993 where she talks about tormenting Sensational Sherri

Here's a video of the only ECW match of hers that I could find..It's Luna vs Beulah McGillicutty

If anything, Luna Vachon should be inducted into the Hall Of Fame next year.
Sensational Sherri. Tremendous wrestler, and probably the 2nd most hated female manager of all time after Vickie Guerrero. Completely overshadowed by Miss Elizabeth back in the day.

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