Karma the greatest Female of all time

LMAO!! already the greatest female, without having any match?!

OK, when it comes to the greatest female of all times 2 divas come to my mind, trish and lita. Both of them have the whole package, and unlike the current divas, they actually know how to wrestle and put on great matches. In fact, the women title meant something when these two were fighting for it. Trish is a 7 times women champion(record), and lita is a 4 times champion. Also, I believe they're the only divas in history to be in a main-event(hhh and trish vs rock and lita).
The only reason I don't find the divas division relevant is because the damn chicks can't wrestle flat out. im speakin in a general sense i know that some matches are decent but Honestly in my opinion, Theres no way in hell that ANY divas draw money i mean theres only one divas match per show and its usually five minutes. Kharma is different and I like different. ALOT. I just don't see who would be a credible opponent though....
Before we go crowning her as the greatest female wrestler of all time, I would like to see her accomplish some stuff in the WWE first. Sure she has been all over the world and competed unlike 80% of the current divas roster, but all she's done since she's been in the WWE is come in and squash divas. Don't get me wrong, I have seen her wrestle in other places and she is legit, but I think she needs a few more notches under the belt before she can even get into the greatest of all time discussion.

Last I checked female wrestling existed outside of the WWE's women's division...yep, it definitely does. Has Trish Stratus ever drawn 40,000 people to watch her specifically wrestle? Fuck no she hasn't. Manami Toyota has.


Who? 90% of this board, scratch that, anyone who watches wrestling doesn't know who the hell that is. If she's so god damn great people who know her the world over. I'm pretty confident Trish wins that round. The best overall has to come from the best company- but that's just my opinion. And yes, I was bored well before 19 minutes in.
Alright, I'm going to try to reconcile two main camps of thought I've seen in reading through this thread.

First, we are in the WWE forum, so I don't think it is unreasonable to assume that very few will know who toyota, or any of those other women are. I did not watch the clips, but I do believe xfearbefore in that these women probably are more talented than anyone in the WWE right now, but I do not think it is necessarily fair to make a comparison to folks that very few others will recognize, especially since this is a WWE forum.

On the other side, we seem to have a lot of people jumping on Trish and Lita, which I can understand because really, who in the WWE has really stood out and been as memorable as them in the last decade or so? Honestly, a decade from now people will still know and remember trish and lita. Can we say with certainty that anyone a decade from now will remember...oh, say maria kanellis or candice michelle? Or even some folks on the current roster, like alicia fox or rosa mendes? Hard to say....but I'd be willing to bet that Trish and Lita are more likely to remembered than them. So just on a basis of comparison alone, I think it makes sense that most people seem to think that trish or lita were two of the best from the WWE (and while I agree that they probably were just by comparison, to be totally honest, for me personally I can't think of a specific match or feud or opponent that either of them had that really stands out in my mind as being a truly fantastic or memorable confrontation).

I do think it's a little strange though to say kharma is the greatest "of all time", when again, in a WWE forum, no one who watches only WWE has any way to judge that. I'm also not convinced of the "of all time" argument but then again, I don't really care enough about that distinction to go back and look at old tips of moolah or others who were considered great women wrestlers.

So yeah, to nutshell it: I think it makes sense to think that trish or lita stand out the most when considering performers within the WWE only.

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