Why the low numbers?

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I have been thinking about the low numbers TNA(Impact Wrestling) gets and yet everyone seems to know all about TNA and who wrestles for them. When Kong(Karma) debuted on Raw she got a big pop. Clearly everyone knew who she was and what she could do. So if no one is watching Impact then how does everyone know so much. Reading spoilers can only get u so much info. Yes u can catch it on youtube and the like but does that in-it's- self show that people are interested?

I know the numbers are based on actual veiwers at the time of airing but my question is how many are DVRing and watching later, why don't those numbers count? Granted if they did count the numbers may not change much but it seems odd that so many who claim to dislike TNA know all about them.

So the questions:
1. If the numbers of DVR veiwership counted do u think TNA(Impact Wrestling) would do better in the ratings?

2. Since many of the TNA haters know so much about the product why are they interested?

And please don't hate on TNA for the sake of hating them. Please have a point.
I've often wondered about this myself.

Of course, it doesn't matter because the industry is going to use them, but I've always wondered about the accuracy of nielsen ratings. Not everybody has a nielson box in their house, and the amount of people watching any program at a time is only estimated based on the nielsen families.
It's because it is the WWE. BTW I am a huge TNA fan and don't watch WWE, so this is not a hate post.

Anyways what I mean is no one wants to watch TNA for many reasons.

1. Booking
2. Its not the WWE
3. They have taken other peoples word for it
4. Impact Zone
5. Hulk Hogan
6. Lack of X Division

Since the middle of last year I have had the mind set that TNA can't succeed regardless of what they do. Fans will always be more cynical towards TNA while WWE gets to be the exception to everything. Lets face it. Anytime someone has a debate of TNA vs. WWE it never comes down to in ring product it comes down to well WWE has better production and makes way more money. Hence the WWE does everything right.

After DVR views Impact gets around 2.4 million viewers. Looks a lot better than 1.5-1.7 million viewers, but of course they want more. This is from PWTorch BTW who keep track of these things.

Those 6 things I mentioned up above is like a revolving door for people who don't watch the product. Here is an example. Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson could be putting on a great program. Yet people won't watch because Hogan is on their television. I mean really? However i don't see people tuning out Raw when John Cena is running over the roster like he has done for 85 percent of his career.
^^Well, I guess hating on WWE fans for the sake of hating on WWE fans is still in play.

DVR ratings DO count when it comes to selling advertising space. Right now, the standard used is C3, where everyone who watches a DVR'd show 3 days after it airs are counted in the final ratings. (By the time Monday morning hits, people on dirt sheets no longer care what Impact pulled on a Thursday- the ratings you see here are the overnights.) The standard will be changing eventually to C7, which is 7 days.

The Nielsens aren't exact, but they're an accepted standard because it's impossible to measure every viewer. The idea is to get a sample size representative of the general population, then extrapolate those results to the rest of the country. Don't ask me exactly how they're calculated, there are plenty of people in television who couldn't explain that to you. Nielsen doesn't publish information such as the standard deviation for their results, so you do have to go by assumption. For all the critics of the Nielsen system though, no one's been able to offer a better, workable alternative- else we'd be using that. If you're looking for MB1025 "exact or you can't know anything" numbers, you'll never be able to get those for any program.
I think the low numbers are more or less a creation of the IWC... any way you cut it impact wrestling is the highest rated show on spike.
It's because it is the WWE. BTW I am a huge TNA fan and don't watch WWE, so this is not a hate post.

Anyways what I mean is no one wants to watch TNA for many reasons.

1. Booking
2. Its not the WWE
3. They have taken other peoples word for it
4. Impact Zone
5. Hulk Hogan
6. Lack of X Division

Since the middle of last year I have had the mind set that TNA can't succeed regardless of what they do. Fans will always be more cynical towards TNA while WWE gets to be the exception to everything. Lets face it. Anytime someone has a debate of TNA vs. WWE it never comes down to in ring product it comes down to well WWE has better production and makes way more money. Hence the WWE does everything right.

After DVR views Impact gets around 2.4 million viewers. Looks a lot better than 1.5-1.7 million viewers, but of course they want more. This is from PWTorch BTW who keep track of these things.

Those 6 things I mentioned up above is like a revolving door for people who don't watch the product. Here is an example. Kurt Angle and Mr. Anderson could be putting on a great program. Yet people won't watch because Hogan is on their television. I mean really? However i don't see people tuning out Raw when John Cena is running over the roster like he has done for 85 percent of his career.

The reason people watch RAW is becuase Cena is the top face, the most over superstar, is completey relevant, a good wrestler and worker, does the charity work and Make A Wish foundation. Is generally known to be a good person outside the ring and is also is known to ask WWE to push young star's like Evan Bourne and Zack Ryder. Has brought good matches out of many bad wrestler's and has been carrying RAW on his back for the last 6 year's.

Hulk Hogan, is a narcissitic douchebag, is only in TNA for himself, has done nothing for TNA since coming in, is known to politic his way through WCW and WWE, will do whatever it takes to be on television, is completely irrelevant, bashed Edge when Edge retired just to make himself feel over. Used "Tsunami" to explain Immortal after the Japan Tsunami earlier this year, when he had the "apology," he still bashed WWE to make him feel over. Refused to job to Shawn Michaels becuase his "leg hurt," then he wrestled a year later and beat a young star in Randy Orton. He still think's he's over. My respect for him is in the negatives at this point, he makes it hard to watch Impact, and I have a bitter disdain everytime I watch one of his matches.
MB - I'm confused you list 6 reasons people don't watch TNA and I think all but #2 are legitimate gripes. Am I wrong? Why would someone watch a show if they disliked so many things about it?

Then your only support for the product is based on a program from a long time ago (Angle/Anderson). What else do you like about TNA?

You criticize people for not watching cause of Hogan but then you say you don't watch WWE because of Cena. Seems unfair that you can't appreciate Orton/Christian, Miz, Punk, Del Rio and others because of Cena.

Howver, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume there are other legitimate reasons why you don't watch WWE. Just know that most people that don't watch TNA, don't watch because it is not entertaining to them.
MB - I'm confused you list 6 reasons people don't watch TNA and I think all but #2 are legitimate gripes. Am I wrong? Why would someone watch a show if they disliked so many things about it?

Then your only support for the product is based on a program from a long time ago (Angle/Anderson). What else do you like about TNA?

You criticize people for not watching cause of Hogan but then you say you don't watch WWE because of Cena. Seems unfair that you can't appreciate Orton/Christian, Miz, Punk, Del Rio and others because of Cena.

Howver, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume there are other legitimate reasons why you don't watch WWE. Just know that most people that don't watch TNA, don't watch because it is not entertaining to them.

I'm pretty sure you misread MB's post somewhere along the lines there. What MB was listing were common reasons given by people for not watching Impact, while the final comment about Cena and Raw was more of a balance statement on how stupid it is to ditch the whole product for the sake of one character you may dislike. In essence, you both already agree. Just thought I'd point that out.
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