Most Talented Wrestlers In TNA

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I haven't seen this one yet,so i thought i'd post it.
1.Samoa Joe-Really any explantion needed.Former ROH World and Pure Champion,like 3 or 4 reigns as X Division Champion,A TNA Tag Champion.Not to mention his submission/shootfighting training.
2.Kurt Angle-He's a former WWE/World Chmpion,TNA World Champion,WWE Tag Champ,Olympic Gold Medalist.He was the first man to defeat Samoa Joe by pinfall or submission and can draw great fan reaction wether he's a face or heel.
3.Chris Harris-He may have not won all that many championships,but he has great in-ring skills,can work great in singles or tag teams,can play a great face or heel,and can cut an interesting promo.All-Around great assets.
4.Robert Roode-He plays a great heel.He has great in-ring skills and cuts a dang good promo.And he does great in his fueds,just look at Robert Roode vs. Eric Young.
5.Lance Hoyt-Well to start of with he has the looks a woman dreams of,which defintaly dosen't hurt.He has some amazing speed and agility in the ring for a big guy.He works a good match most of the time.TNA dosen't so it much but he has petty good mic skills from what i've heard him say.He does make for a good heel and when was the last time you saw a big guy like him fly from the top turnbuckle COAST TO COAST?
6.Chris Sabin-Well,to start off with he's a good heel.His in-ring skills are amazing and he's young with a great future ahead of him.Throw in his mic skills and good looks and you've got heaven of earth.
7.A.J. Styles-He plays a pretty convincing face or heel.He has great looks and mic skills and charisma.I love the Paylay and Styles Clash,but he has such an breathtaking,exciting,and electrifying moveset past that.He has so many moves i can't remember them not to Mention he's a two-time trple-crown champion.
8.Triple X-Turning Point 2004=All that needs to be said other than i'm glad to have them back.
9.Alex Shelley-Great moveset.He also has this aweome charisma about him that i love.Convincing heel and good looks with the fact that he has the ability to cut a great promo makes this this man a a talented wrestler.
10.Christain Cage-His moveset is one of the best in TNA and i give it an A.He's one of the best heels TNA has and can make a dang good World Champion.He can do real good ladder match if TNA wood have more and i love his promos.
11.Serotonoin-People just don't realize how talented Raven,Havoc,and Martyr are in the ring.All are former champions in their own right and they all have tag team experience.I love their gimmick and i also like their promos.I can see a Triple X fued or Tag Team Title push if bad booking doesn't get in the way.
12.Kaz-I'd like to see him as X-division champion just because he deserves it.He has amazing in-ring skills and has great charisma.He truly is ""The Future"".
Agree with your take on most. I would rate AJ Styles much higher than 7 though. Also, I would have included Abyss. The guys is amazing for 350lbs. His ability to sell for smaller opponents and take some huge bumps is amazing. The only thing I see holding him back is his mic work, but with his gimmick I guess he doesn't need it.
10. Gail Kim - I am so glad that TNA has let the ladies do some wrestling. Yes, there are some women out there that can still wrestle! Gail is so strong for such a small girl; she's athletic and is never afraid to take a risk or perform a high spot.

9. Sonjay Dutt - Stuck in the hunt for a gimmick right now, but extremely talented. I have been able to see a few matches of his on the Indy scene and he is really a talent. I think he is completely underrated and is not getting any kind of push in TNA. It's a shame they are wasting his talent.

8. Kaz - While I like the Serotonin gimmick, I think Kaz was a bad fit for it. I'm glad to see he is on his own again getting a little bit of a push. This guy has a good look, hits his spots well and is over with the crowd.

7. Senshi - Very intense at all times in the ring. Is technically sound but can also perform high spots with ease. Always entertaining in the ring.

6. Kurt Angle - I dislike Kurt, but there is no denying that he is a great wrestler. He executes every move with grace, has good psychology and cuts a good promo. Is a fantastic heel and I'm glad to see TNA finally taking advantage of that.

5. Chris Sabin - The future of TNA. Has good charisma, is innovative and fit nicely into both the role of heel and face. A tremendous asset to TNA.

4. Samoa Joe - Disgustingly agile and quick for a guy his size. Is way over with the fans and has a connect with crowd that not many wrestlers are able to attain. Cuts a great promo and has good psychology.

3. Christian Cage - Charisma, charisma, charisma. This guy pisses charisma. He can generate heat with a simple smerk and could hold a seminar on being a heel in the business. Is always solid in the ring as he can take a bump and sell moves very well.

2. Alex Shelley - Fantastic in the ring. Is techincally sounds and innovative as hell. Also fits nicely into the role of heel or babyface. Cuts a good promo.

1. AJ Styles - Being phenomenal is not just a gimmick. AJ Styles, in my opinion, is probably one of the top 5 wrestlers in the world. He is fearless and can execute just about any move. He is agile, quick, strong, technically sound, innovative and fearless in the ring.
I would figure someone who called themselves Umagafan wouldn't know talent if it gave him a high velocity stink face. TNA has all types of talent. I agree with most everything thats been said, except yall need to show Homicide some love, now that he is the mouth for LAX he is about to blow up in TNA. in fact LAX is the shit. Jay Leathal is the shit too, and the Black MAchismo thing has run its course in my eyes. Petey Williams is also good.
I would figure someone who called themselves Umagafan wouldn't know talent if it gave him a high velocity stink face. TNA has all types of talent. I agree with most everything thats been said, except yall need to show Homicide some love, now that he is the mouth for LAX he is about to blow up in TNA. in fact LAX is the shit. Jay Leathal is the shit too, and the Black MAchismo thing has run its course in my eyes. Petey Williams is also good.

Oops...I did not intend to leave Homicide off my list! I think he is fantastic and is definately one of the most talented guys in TNA. Make him #11 on my list.
5) Chris Harris- very good wrestling abilitys and im glad he's going up to main event

4) Christian Cage- he's always been a good heel character and he's just got such good mic skills. but i think getting rid of tomko would be a good idea

3) Petey williams- fantastic technical skills and the best finisher in wrestling today

2)Abyss- some people think he's a ripoff but i think his hardcore wrestling skills make up for that. he's more hardcore than anyone in wrestling today

1) this is a tie for me AJ styles and Kurt Angle-

AJ Styles will always find a way to amaze people and he's good in both a face and heel role with great interviews aswell

Kurt Angle is probably the greatest wrestler that ever lived. amazing wrestler, he can be hardcore if he needs to he can be a high flyer and he has great mic skills too. this isnt exactly relevant to TNA but his mach with HBK at Wrestlemania 21 was the greatest wrestling match i have ever seen. a true legend. and thats real. thats Damn real.
Finally, a message about TNA. It's a shame that there are not enough people that care about actual wrestling, and have been involved in watching the "entertainment' drivel that Vince shells out. I'll take a TNA wrestling match any day over WWE's garbage. Either way...

1. Samoa Joe - See Ring of Honor and his matches vs Styles/Daniels - Nuff said.
2. Christopher Daniels - Drop the lame new gimmick, and return to the XXX and New Church angle that makes him awesome....
3. AJ Styles - He never ceases to amaze me.
4. Alex Shelly - I've watched him in indy feds up here in Canada, and this man can his ROH stuff is priceless....he's the most underrated guy there.
5. Christian Cage/Abyss - Both for their own reasons...but Christian is proving his worth being out of the WWE, and I would love to see Abyss take on Umaga just to show him how a big man can wrestle.
suppppppppppp by far the most tatlentd big man in pro wrestling ever and the most in t.n.a Kevin nash!!! with the aligty of cruizaweight the spped of rey mystro and the strength of steroids he makes mark henry a look like a sissy girl
suppppppppppp by far the most tatlentd big man in pro wrestling ever and the most in t.n.a Kevin nash!!! with the aligty of cruizaweight the spped of rey mystro and the strength of steroids he makes mark henry a look like a sissy girl

am sorry what?

I don't see the point of putting kurt and cage is here, because they will be forever known as wwe boys.

I think the top 3 people in tna are joe, aj and christopher daniels.

the matches between them three are awsome.

you got strength in depth aswell with lance hoyte, jay lethal, dutt, kaz i could go on for days
5- Chris Sabin- i just love to watch this guy go to work. He's got some of the more innovative moves out there

4- Homicide- can't believe no one has mentioned him yet... anyone ever seen his indy fed or RoH matches? this kid is talented

3- Christopher Daniels- My personal favorite in TNA or anywhere really for that matter. would love to see him out of the x-division, but wth xxx back i dont see it happening

2- A.J. Styles- I hate this dumb ass gimmick he's stuck in now as part of cage's little supportin cast. He should be the one leadin that stable, not "The Canadian Rage ...right

1- Samoa Joe- The speed and agility this guys posseses at his size is unreal. Probably wont see many more like him in our lifetime. If TNA eoul catch on and put that world title on him i think they would have a better chance of breakin out more.

I'll go with ten, and in no particular order.

1. Kurt Angle: Come on, this should be an automatic. Best technical wrestler of this decade, along with Chris Benoit, period. He always knows where he is in the ring, he knows how to work the crowd, the man is a natural and a gem, and TNA should feel pretty damn lucky to have him.

2. Christian Cage: Another guy that just gets it. He has an impressive move set in my opinioni, and the un-prettier is still one of the sweetest finishers I have ever seen, that thing is nasty looking.

3. Samoa Joe. Light on his feet for a big man. The best way to describe him, he's a chunky Taz. He's pissed off, he'll suplex you, and he'll stretch you. Joe is a badass, and if he's not in your top ten, he's going to kill you.

4. AJ Styles: They don't call him phenomenal for nothing. Hell, you'll probably find AJ Styles on a top ten WWE list before Dave Batista. Batista is a bitch, he calls out styles then pops a muscle in his back, way to go big Dave. AJ is just sick to watch in the ring. His move set is insane, and he does some of the msot amazing things with his body I have seen this side of 1997 Rob Van Dam.

5. Christopher Daniels: Again, wish he would get his rightful push with the company instead of being buried in the undercard with (yawn) a return of Triple X. Best Moonsault Ever, the name speaks for itself.

6. Alex Shelley: Being strangled with another lame gimmick. Seriously, fire Russo is deserved in this case. The X-Division stars can get over on their own merit, not with lame gimmicks. Shelley, hopefully he doesn't get pissed and want to leave, is going to be a star.

7. Homicide. The Greengo Killer, another one of my all time favorite finishers. This is a guy that simply put, just gets the business. The only thing that is hurting him is his size, and it's going to be hard for him to come across as a credible main eventer.

8. Petey Williams: Canadian Destroyer, need I say more? The Best Finishing move today in wrestling bar none. Another guy that has insane talent, but unfortunately, size will play a factor in his career.

9. Abyss: Ya, I'm giving some love to the big man. The IWC falls into the stereotypical, we hate guys over 6 feet tall mentality. It's bullshit, and people really need to wake the fuck up. Wrestling isn't how many body rotations you can do while jumping off the top rope, that's gymnastics. Abyss plays the role of the monster perfectly. He started off slow, but the man gets it, and is damn good. I'm willing to say Abyss is the best big man/monster heel since Vader and the Undertaker of the early 90's. Yes, He's better then Kane of 98.

10. Rhino: Another big man getting some love. This guy hasn't disapointed me any where I have seen him. He alone kept ECW alive while RVD was injured. He was a company guy for the WWE before getting screwed over by "uncreative" in titan towers. He is a team player to the end. I hope the stories are true of him burning the ECW title.
10. Rhino: Another big man getting some love. This guy hasn't disapointed me any where I have seen him. He alone kept ECW alive while RVD was injured. He was a company guy for the WWE before getting screwed over by "uncreative" in titan towers. He is a team player to the end. I hope the stories are true of him burning the ECW title.

Major props for including Rhino in your list. He was the anchor for ECW from 2000-2001 and he has been solid since coming to TNA. He keeps the mid card matches solid and steps up when he gets a spot in main event level matches.

Oh yeah, he still has the original ECW belt at his house. The burning of it was just a work. You didn't think he'd really agree to destroy such a precious piece of history, did you? :)
Ok, I can agree with Joe, AJ, Chis Daniels, as well as many others, but I have to ask, Why the fuck hasn't anyone brought up Senshi?, He is by far on the best things TNA has going for them, even if they are to blind to relize it, Senshi could single handly rebuild the X-Division and be as big as AJ, Daniels, or Joe, if TNA were to give him a proper push
First off, his name is Low Ki, not Senshi! Secondly, hell yea he's awesome. He's been one of my favourites ever since I saw his matches with Styles and Jerry Lynn in the early days of TNA. He's got a style that's so difficult to copy, he's simply amazing. And then, of course, there are the obvious choices of Joe, Styles, Daniels and the majority of the people in the X Division. Sabin, Dutt and Shelley are particularly underrated.
1. AJ Styles - the only Triple Crown Champion (loved it when he said to Chritain at least I held more titles than you and Christian made him shut up)

2. Samoa Joe - really will be the second Triple crown champion sooner than later

3. Angle - a reason he is TNA champ is because he is that good i just hate when he says he is the best acts all smug, is a great technical wrestler and that's why i put him on here although his heel character in TNA does my head in.

4. Abyss - A Sting/Abyss Tag team is really cool they should get the straps, hes taken more of a beating than anyone in Pro Wrestling and still continues to brawl with them, he has a good technical Ability and can sell any move very well, look back at his more hardcore wrestling and see what i mean, he always get to chase Christian and his coalition backstage which is cool.

5. Daniels - one of the best in TNA and i wish hed drop the act "world title is the main goal although if god wants me to be TNA Tag team champ/X Division champ he works in mysterious ways" his character is way to ungrateful.

6.Rhino - his "gore gore gore" still sells and looks devastating and i love it, he is this kinda fat dude but is fast and can pull of those powermoves, he isnt mistreated either although he seems to get put in title story's for the sake of it, the king of the mountain and he was done pretty quick with that then the match of champions he was in for the sake of it even though Kurt was its main guy.

7. Christian - he can be annoying but man he sells heel like it was raining heel or something, he reeks of heel, he can cut promo and his matches arnt boring never have been, i don't love him but the only annoying thing is how he treats Tomko and Styles, why dosnt Christian go for the TNA X division that would be different.

8. Homicide - Great Tag Wrestler i mean he can go all out as people have said, sometimes size does matter and it would be harder for him to get over as a credible main eventer with current TNA managment making storylines the way they do.

9. Chris Harris - He has a good promo skill and can sell himself very well, his ability is great and he is one of the first people to do the i have heart things successfully, he seems to never get the big one the World Championship but will do sometime because he deserves it.

10. Jay Lethal - he can sell his character very well, looks good in the ring, he can fight well with other X Division Wrestlers from what ive seen, if he gets another shot at the X division it would be good, he dosnt have the exposure in TNA but that's mainly due to a lack of time rather than anything else, when he gets a rivalry its like his time then after 1 big match its done its someone else's time.
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