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Most Shocking: Randy Orton's vipers attacks

El Rev sXe

If you have ghosts...
hey guys! third thread of my series "Most Shocking. This time let's discuss about one of the greatest stars that the E has to offer: Randy Orton!.

well we know him first as,er... no one; however he then joined one of he greatest stables in the WWE: Evolution. he was the "Legend Killer". a great gimmick if you ask me... but then, at Judgement Day 2006 he kicked in the head Shawn Michaels, starting this way his "sadistic persona". Since this moment, IMO he started to become one of the top dogs of the WWE but also one the top HEELS. being that said, I think that Orton has provide us some very heel-ish moments where he was absolutely hated by the E universe.

so, my question this time is: What moment involving a Randy Orton's attack is the MOST SHOCKING?

well MY pick this time are: August 27th 2007, Randy lost his match for the E championship at the PPV Summerslam the night before. he was demanding a rematch. then, VKM tells him to "prove it" (how much he wants it). In order to make his statement, Randy interferes a match involving John Cena. he is about to kick him (I don't remeber well) but NO! he takes a person from the crowd: Cena's father! and POW! Randy makes the unthinkable and kicks John senior in the head! talking about making an impact as a heel. I pick these cuase people were discusted by the attack. I mean Cena's expression was priceless!

2nd pick: the storyline before Mania XXV: HHH vs RKO five freakin years in the making. so we all remember this one is more recent, blabalbala Randy kicks VKM, then comes Shane and Steph blablablabla anyway he DDTed Steph making HHH go completely insane (can't blame him) and seals it with a kiss! well, I think that I don't have to explain this, many here in the IWC were shocked by this and mention it pretty often..

anyway as I said before those are MY pciks. you know how it goes: feel free to agree or disagree or mention other moments that shocked you involving a Viper's attack! (RKO to Stacy Kiebler, punt to HBK, punt to Dusty Rhodes, spitting Mick Foley... there are many!;))

I would definitely agree with your second pick. While I wouldn't say the kick towards Vince McMahon I would say the DDT to Stephanie McMahon where Triple H was handcuffed to the ring ropes.

I was still a mark back then. Believing it was all real and everything. I really hated Randy Orton for doing that and I thought that the fact that he planted that kiss only solidified the shock behind it.

The whole storyline behind it had a lot of shockers that truly solidified him as a heel. Just as well as it build the Viper gimmick to an even more sadistic point. And the majority of the attacks that Randy made through this storyline would be honorable mentions. But the above one would be the most shocking.
I definitely agree with the second pick. The DDT on Stephanie and the subsequent kiss while Triple H was forced to watch due to him being handcuffed to the ring rope was sadistic at it's finest. I think what would make it even better is during an interview beforehand, Orton would explain in detail what he is going to do, and then go out and do it. Because it's one thing to do something when you least expect it, but it's another thing to do something and everybody knows it's coming.
You're going to get a ton of votes for your #2 attack so I'm going to try and add in a couple that I don't think a lot of people will mention.

How about..

1) After flirting with Brooke Hogan, Orton comes running out of no where and lands one of the greatest RKO's ever. Great spot... (on Hulk of course)

2) How about Legacy planning on turning on Randy Orton and he turns on them before they get the chance. This ultimately ended up screwing Ted Dibiase over (his plan for a big face push) but it's not Ortons fault he's so believable he got mad over with this. Not to mention I feel Orton as the viper, teddy the trust fund, and Dashing Cody are all good story lines right now.

Like I said, I think #2 of course is the most shocking, but I tried to add in a couple more so you didn't get sick in tired of us talking about the kiss heard around the IWC. HHH's face told everything..
Definitely the DDT on Steph definitely belongs on the list, but there is another attack that I thought was pretty heinous.
Mine was at ONS 2007 after his stretcher match with RVD. After RVD won the match Orton just beat the living shit out of his head which emded up with RVD getting punted in the head from the apron to the first row of the crowd, I believe that was the last time RVD was in the WWE full time, so basically Orton literally kicked RVD out of the WWE.
When Randy had Triple H handcuffed, kayfabe or not, it was clearly someone troubling to watch. Imagine yourself in HHH's position, you're utterly helpless while you're worst enemy has isolated your wife/girlfriend/spouse. The kiss was incredibly evil. Personally I would've loved to have seen him "rape" her but due to the PG Era that was not a possibility.

I also love how he can be on top of the world, yet he'll put people over. But there's nothing better than a deadly RKO. A big STFU or GTFO to anyone that gets in his way.

His short feud with Sheamus was also good as it symbolized "Move over John Cena, My Time Is Now"
everything you guys said was good but my favorites are when he RKO'S Stacy after he kissed her (didn't see it coming) and then of course the RKO on eric bischoff was great
Randy's most hellacious attack was definitely the one on Stephanie McMahon. When he hit her with the DDT and kissed it, that was the breaking point in that feud. It was the be all, end all moment. It helped to add to Orton's credibility as a top heel and even more so it helped to solidify the Viper gimmick.

Any attack from that feud could honestly be his sickest, most symbolic attack, but I think that one definitely takes the cake as far as solidifying the gimmick and adding interest to the feud and his character.
The attack on Steph with Trips watching was shocking to say the least. I look at it as if I were in Triple H's position and my worst enemy was beat up and then proceeded to PG-rape my girlfriend and I was entirely helpless, and then get hit with my own weapon seconds later. That is one of the worst things that could possibly happen, from a realistic and non-prison standpoint.

Also, does anyone else remember when Orton and Teddy stuffed Kofi's head in between the Elimination Chamber chains? That was fucking crazy.

I still go with the Steph attack from the standpoint of how sadistic it was and how it really made Orton look evil.
everything you guys said was good but my favorites are when he RKO'S Stacy after he kissed her (didn't see it coming) and then of course the RKO on eric bischoff was great

I was there when that happened, pretty intense.

With the undeniable vote of the Steph Strike, I have to go for second place winner.

It was a Saturday Night's Main Event in 2007, I believe, and Randy Orton had come out to capitalize on a well-fought match which Cena won, and BAM! RKO right through a steel chair, bending the seat.

Close thirds would be Orton RKO'ing Punk off the ladder at Wrestlemania 23, The botched RKO into tacks (even though that backfired), and the RKO on Shane through the table at No Way Out.
I'm leaning more towards the attack on Shawn Michaels on the Raw before and during Judgement Day 07. That's where The Punt debuted and he sold it perfectly like he was in a coma. Fast forward to Sunday, Michaels gets attacked backstage, wants to fight anyway, collapses, gets a sick RKO and wasn't seen again till October.

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