Most Overrated Wrestler on the Roster?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Just like the underrated thread was to focus on who the most underrated star was in TNA, the purpose of this thread is to focus on who the most overrated star(s) is/are in TNA.

When dealing with underrated stars the focus is generally on the less featured and seldom used on television. On the flip-side of that coin, however, are the overrated – that is to say, those often seen as the "stars" in/of the company who fans may not feel is a warranted title or privilege for them to carry.

So, who do you consider to be the most overrated star in TNA? Who's featured too often despite bringing too little? Who's resting on their past laurels? Who's continually marketed despite a failure to draw money to the company?

I want to know your opinions on this, but please don't make my job any more difficult than it already is – please provide a reason behind your post so I don't have to warn/infract anyone.
I figure this is of currently active wrestlers. My first thought is Mr Anderson. Not because he's not good and all that, but I just do not see the love for this guy.

He's good on the microphone, and half decent in the ring. That's about it, but we act like he's the second coming of greatness. At least from what I've heard the people seem to love this guy, even in WWE. And quite frankly, he bores me. Yes he bores me.

Hell I could probably make a whole list of the WWE guys in this thread. Because in the end a guy like Jeff Hardy is also overrated, always have been. RVD as well, but RVD has been catching a lot of heat for it as of late, so there's no need to pull that one on him.

Another one that has kinda caught me as a bit overrated. But that's been for the most of his career really. That is - Kevin Nash. Don't get me wrong, just like Anderson, he's not that bad. But the fact that he has accomplished miles more than what Scott Hall has accomplished is bullshit. I've always felt Scott is the better talent of the two. It's just a shame that Scott got caught up in all the alcohol problems.
I think I'm gonna get heat for this because I was just reading some of the "who is the most underrated" posts

But the person who I think is most over rated is Kaz. I do not like this guy. He just can't get over. He had to become Suicide because he couldn't get over, then he returned as a heel and he still isn't getting much of a reaction... People say he is really talented but I just think he is too boring for the push he is getting. Didn't they already try to push him hard a long time ago by beating Christian & Angle and he still couldn't get over? I wish they'd give his push to Wolfe or somebody who might actually have a chance of getting over with the crowd
Jeff Hardy: He was overrated in WWE, but at least he had better matches in the last couple years, in TNA he just sucks

Hogan: They thought putting Hogan on tv would really do something special, seeing Hogan when he is on TNA makes me look forward to Monday night Raw
If Dixie were smart at all...and that is debatable, she would show Hogan the door.
and Ric Flair as well. fighting absolutely not
Jarret, Hogan, Nash, not cause he never accomplished anything but what has he accomplished recently and of course Flair....
I'll probably be verbally strung up by the TNA hardcore for saying this, but I think the most overrated person (in-ring competitor, personality, or otherwise) is Jeff Jarrett. Yes I know TNA is his company... he spent the better part of a month or more telling me this when the Hogan/Bischoff regime took over. I know he has been TNA world champion a bunch of times and fought (buried?) lots of wrestlers during his tenure. I know that he's "King of the Mountain" and all that nonsense too.

Question is, was he anywhere close to any of those things in other places he worked, namely WWF or WCW? Other than a stint as world champion in WCW during its death throes, Jarrett tended to flounder around in the mid-card more times than not. I never saw him as a "credible threat" to the world champion in either organization, let alone someone who had "all the stroke" or the audacity to declare time and again, "ain't I great?"

So what to do when you can't get over in the big leagues? You start your own company and put yourself at the top of it. I honestly feel his success (if you can call it that) in TNA is directly attributed to the fact that he was either running the promotion outright or had a significant controlling interest in it. If TNA was owned/operated solely by a third party, I can't help but think Jarrett would've been shown the door or at the very most, continued to languish in the lower mid-card to be beaten by the younger guys, not the other way around.

Up until only very recently though, he has been the "face of TNA"... the consumate main eventer and world champion. Even a legend perhaps, if only in his own mind. Truth is, he's not great and honestly, he's not even that good. The fact that he's still given quality TV time (ie; top of the second hour) with the Sting feud and now with Nash is amazing to me.

Mike Graham certainly said it best when referring to Jarrett in the "Rise and Fall of WCW" DVD...

He broke 6,000 guitars and never drew a dime.

Well played Mike, well played.
Kaz Kaz Kaz, and it baffles me to no end too, the guy is without a doubt super talented, but as info posted he has gotten so many runs and the only one that worked was when it wasn't Kaz, he has no mic skills and no charisma... maybe this run will work for him, I doubt it tho, maybe if he went back to suicide... or maybe jus some face paint... but letting him talk should not be an option (and to a lesser degree pretty much all of that could be said of Hardy too)
It's easily Jeff Hardy. He can't talk, he's a charisma vacuum, his in-ring work consists of being a spot-monkey because he can't fluidly put 3 moves together without looking awkward and even his finisher is piss poor and utterly unconvincing, which makes anyone he beats look pretty bad.
He has improved in the last 18 months but considering how bloody awful he was before, it was no surprise that being with genuine and deserving main event talent made him look better.
Kurt Angle. the most over-rated guy in the history of wrestling!

j/k. we all know he's the best in any company today. off subject, but i'd love to see an Angle vs. Bret Hart match back when Bret was healthy. or an Angle vs. Bryan Danielson match today. that could be pretty freaking epic. but yeah, seriously, Angle is the MVP of wrestling today. and i don't mean the WWE superstar either. i mean that he is just simply put the best there is in the world at what he does. sorry, Jericho. you're still good though.

anyway, back to topic. the most over-rated wrestler on the roster...? tough to say. there are a few that have been pushed to the moon and back and drawn very little or offered very little value in return.

like Ferbian, it's easy to look at some ex-WWE guys and say that they were over-rated mid-carders then and are seriously over-rated main event guys now. RVD and Hardy come to my mind.

i actually like Anderson though. and Pope. of course Angle. even Morgan is okay and i look to see Morgan become the next Kevin Nash if he can tighten up on some of his work.

but the most over-rated guy to me right now is Orlando Jordan. to be fair, he's not getting as big a push now as he was a few months ago when he started feuding with Rob Terry for the Global Title, but he's still on TV which just doesn't make sense to me. this guy has a pretty good look actually and can do a decent job in the ring. his debut match on Smackdown was actually very good. and he can go when he has to. but he's getting older and i felt that the reason for his push was backwards.

it just felt like to me that he was pushed as a bisexual guy that just so happened to be able to wrestle instead of a wrestler that just so happened to be bisexual. does that make sense? anyway, i just thought that he was pushed too high, too fast and for too long for all the wrong reasons. plus some of his segments were just a bit on the creepy side to me. i'd blame creative and booking for this as much as i would Orlando himself. but still, he gets the nod for most over-rated.
I don't see how so many people are considering Kevin Nash overrated. Or even Hogan for that matter because he doesn't really wrestle on a regular basis - which means he's not really on the "roster" anyway. Also, the majority of people on this thread have a general bias against the older generation of I don't see how they could be currently overrated if the majority of the population here dislikes them anyway.

That being said, my clear answer is Rob Van Dam and I've beaten the dead horse every which way in the other thread about the most valuable member of the roster. The fact that nobody has mentioned his name on here even once but have named random guys, who barely ever wrestle anymore or even at all for that matter, speaks volumes and shows just how irrational people really think about everything.

Rob Van Dam is boring. Plain and simple. He has the personality of a dead moth and a slightly above average set of moves in his arsenal. Nothing extraordinary. Yet, he's loved by countless amounts of individuals on this site for what reason?? He's a portly stoner in a ponytail and a one piece bathing suit who's ballerina act around the ring only goes so far. He's basically a less presentable John Morrison with significantly less in-ring ability...yet he's praised as if he were Shawn Michaels or something.

Just boggles my mind. A legendary veteran who is barely on tv...who still has quite a lot of what made him popular, Kevin Nash, is somehow overrated (even though he's hated by the majority here) but a guy who's also up there in age and is literally hogging the spotlight over the younger guys is heralded and praised?? My head is spinning in circles. I just don't understand it and I don't think I ever will.
The Pope D'Angelo Dinero

I wouldn't be surprised if he's actually stolen another wrestlers promo such as Dusty Rhodes or Ric Flair from the 70s-80s(like watching it and adjusting it enough to match his style.) His back stage promos seem to be well enough thought out ... but in the ring he doesn't seem to have much to say and is very awkward when there is someone else in the ring especially another face like Kurt Angle.

I think part of it is that the character is made to be a heel and if he's a fan favorite, it won't work as a face. Like if he's a harlem street preacher that sells ****es(Pimp) ... it doesn't send a good message if he gives his shades to a little kid.
I know TNA has said they want to turn him into their John Cena (as in being a super hero for the kids. Remember 8 card stud tourny when he beat 2 guys, was attacked by Hall/Xpac for no reason, still came out and fought Mr Anderson, kicked out of Mic Check and won like the SUPER Pope) so I guess that's part of it.

What I meant about in ring promos is, he doesn't seem to be able to interact well when someone else is out there and if it's another face ... he loses his balls. Like even if it's another face, shouldn't Pope still have the need to be competitive and want to beat the guy.

If Pope is so great all around, on the mic, as a wrestler ... then shouldn't Angle vs Pope been a much bigger angle then it was? It kind of just sneaked it's way through the PPV and now it's over. Now I know the circumstances and Pope came off an injury for that PPV... but does ne one even remember Pope vs Styles?

All in all I just think the guy is way overrated, everyone mentions his name when they talk about pushing young talent, who should get the air time and who the face of TNA should be and I don't agree he could be.

He cops every gimmick/maneuver that has ever been OVER in the past.
I think the responses and this thread in general will prove The Pope is THE MOST OVERRATED ... because no one else will agree with my view lol.
You will hear Anderson, Hardy, Nash, RVD, Angle, Jay Lethal, Aj Styles ... you'll hear how they are all overrated ... but not The Pope.

I think the best way to explain it is this ...
The Pope's athleticism and gimmick have him set to be consistently good.
If he were a student he would consistently get B's and B+'s lets say.

When a guy like Anderson might get B's and C's ... but once in a while he will deliver an A+.

For Example ...
Has Pope given a promo like Anderson gave at Sacrifice?
Was The Pope's match against Kurt Angle or any match as good as the Angle/Anderson cage match when Kurt hit the moonsault on Anderson?
The fact that nobody has mentioned his name on here even once but have named random guys, who barely ever wrestle anymore or even at all for that matter, speaks volumes and shows just how irrational people really think about everything.

maybe you were typing your response while this happened, but Ferbian and i both mentioned RVD in our answers. just sayin'... don't make yourself the lone ranger or some kind of martyr needlessly. there are, in fact, others that said the same answer you did before you did.
Im probably gonna to get lots of heat but thats ok but i think that Desmond Wolfe is overrated dont get me wrong i like the guy but i really dont see what people were fussing about when he came to TNA the only good thing he has done is get in a feud with angle and looking good but after that total waste of time hopefully he does improve cause i do like the guy
I don't have anything against the older guys....who actually perform good enough to want to watch.
I love Taker, I love Sting and it's no secret there both old.
I have nothing against the older guys who are in shape and can perform.

Nash still has all the upper body strength in the world but watching him trying to run to the ring or do anything that isn't involving his strong suits is painful to watch.
If you could wrestle sitting down, then I'm sure Nash wouldn't have any issues.

Hogan may not be performing pysically but the reason why I think he's overrated is cause TNA thought simply by placing an older then dirt legend on tv would bring some sunshine and ratings to the company, Dixie was so High on Hogan that she thought he was gonna bring miracles.
Thats overrating something as well so I put him on there.

Flair, I'm not against Flair as just a manager but when Flair is taking up that much time, and there's him and lethals feud going on, and now Flair making up a new faction it's just like how much time does he freaking need, even if he's not on tv people are still talking about him and it's just irritating.
He retired and he should get over it, go home and die off already.

He's overrated cause he overrates him self by calling him self a wrestling God.

Kurts an older guy but I still like him and I don't consider him overrated.

For TNA a lot of the people who I think are overrated happen to be some of the older guys.
maybe you were typing your response while this happened, but Ferbian and i both mentioned RVD in our answers. just sayin'... don't make yourself the lone ranger or some kind of martyr needlessly. there are, in fact, others that said the same answer you did before you did.

My apologies. I did see that now. I read the initial thread in its entirety and quickly skimmed through and must have overlooked your posts. My mistake.

I don't have anything against the older guys....who actually perform good enough to want to watch.
I love Taker, I love Sting and it's no secret there both old.
I have nothing against the older guys who are in shape and can perform.

Nash still has all the upper body strength in the world but watching him trying to run to the ring or do anything that isn't involving his strong suits is painful to watch.
If you could wrestle sitting down, then I'm sure Nash wouldn't have any issues.

Hogan may not be performing pysically but the reason why I think he's overrated is cause TNA thought simply by placing an older then dirt legend on tv would bring some sunshine and ratings to the company, Dixie was so High on Hogan that she thought he was gonna bring miracles.
Thats overrating something as well so I put him on there.

Flair, I'm not against Flair as just a manager but when Flair is taking up that much time, and there's him and lethals feud going on, and now Flair making up a new faction it's just like how much time does he freaking need, even if he's not on tv people are still talking about him and it's just irritating.
He retired and he should get over it, go home and die off already.

He's overrated cause he overrates him self by calling him self a wrestling God.

Kurts an older guy but I still like him and I don't consider him overrated.

For TNA a lot of the people who I think are overrated happen to be some of the older guys.

What does Taker do that Nash doesn't do? Give a top rope double axe handle? The difference is the Undertaker is more in the spotlight and has all these undefeated streaks, 20 years straight in the same company, etc. that surround him that garner him the respect and outside entertainment that help prop up his perception. Where Kevin Nash has bopped around from company to company and has been successful...he has been given a bad reputation due to his politics with the "Kliq" in WWF and then again in WCW so people get a bad taste in their mouth when it comes to looking at him in general. But if you look at the two side by side...there really isn't much of a difference...other than Kevin Nash being over 5 years older than the Undertaker and Nash wrestling in significantly less amount of well as significantly less meaningful matches. Nash isn't main eventing anymore. Nash doesn't have any milestones that adds to his mystique or would grab the attention of the fans. To me, as similar as they are side by side, when the additional outside factors are weighed's almost impossible to compare the two.

As for Sting. His crow gimmick will never die. It's been entertaining for quite some time and he's significantly smaller than Nash so his Stinger Splashes into the corner are still effective as well as his addition of using the baseball bat, etc. Kevin Nash is just literally a 50 year old bar brawler who gives you his fists...his elbows and knees in the corner...his big boot...and hopefully a jacknife and you're down. The Undertaker doesn't do too much more than that either...but the fact that he has a similar gimmick to Stings as well...where he sits up after a devestating move to get a pop...or gives one of his 4 finishing moves (Tombstone, Last Ride, Chokeslam, Hells Gate - half of these were just recently added within the past 5 years or so) to entertain the crowd.

I could see if Nash was still out there every week stealing the spotlight and wrestling main event matches all the time...but he's doing the exact opposite. Therefore, I don't see how somebody who's barely visible (let alone barely liked for reasons unknown) can be overrated. That's all.
Van Dam, guy hasn't been all that good since ECW/his early WWE run. As much as I enjoy his matches guys like AJ can wrestler that style far better than RVD can currently, his mic. skill has never been all that great and his in ring stuff has gotten boring. As much as I despise people who claim TNA puts older guys over their young stars, Van Dam is one of the few people I do consider to be putting himself over younger guys. At the last PPV he beat 3 guys all younger than him and he's certainly not deserving of that kind of star treatment. I don't consider many people in TNA overrated but RVD definitely is.
I want to say Abyss, but I'm pretty sure the only people to actually give a damn about him is TNA management. You know...Abyss...the mockery of Kane/Mankind, who doesn't really have a whole lot of in-ring ability or mic talent, but is really good at being "scary" and can throw people through glass and shit? Yeah...that guy. For some reason, Hulk Hogan decided he needed to be the next big thing in professional wrestling, gave him a Hall of Fame ring, and...he failed. Over and over again. Abyss to me has never had what it takes to entertain on the main event level. I hardly think that he ever could... But like I said, he's only overrated when it comes to TNA management, because nobody gives a damn about him in the real world.

So, controversial call here, but I think Team 3D is one of the most overrated things in the history of pro wrestling. I mean, don't get me wrong, they're good. But they're not as great as they put themselves over to be. I believe their tag team title reigns are in the 20s now... they've held ever major tag team belt in several different countries... but they're not that great. Bubba is well known for being terrible to work with, and the team just isn't as entertaining as others on the roster. I don't think Team 3D is bad...just not the supposed greatest tag team that ever lived.
RVD. He has absolutely no personality. In fact, his promos are difficult to watch. And his in ring work isn't too impressive either. I think even though he's not that old, his best days are far behind him. They need to take the world title off him & let one of the younger guys run with it. The Pope maybe?
Sometimes I feel these threads are completely useless because people are taking overrated to mean different things.
Some of you are discussing guys who are over payed, over pushed, over the hill ... I thought this thread would be about guys who we as fans, think are overrated by other fans. I just assumed by overrated, I was assuming it was by the IWC(Bryan Danielson is loved by the IWC, and was fired by the WWE so if you are calling him overrated ... obviously he's not held in high regard by the WWE, he's beyond underrated by them lol, so you must mean by the IWC.)

Some of you are mentioning guys who most of the IWC hates or is indifferent too, but who TNA are giving pushes too or even just a job.

I mean the thread is THE MOST OVERRATED Wrestler ... I have no clue how some of you come up with like Kevin Nash or even Kaz. And it's funny because the ones who don't like Nash want to see the young more athletic guys (which Kaz is) pushed and then others say Kaz is boring (yet, he can prolly pull off any move all you spot monkeys love.)

But neither of the guys are even main eventing TNA atm nor do they seem to have huge undying IWC followers. Kaz is playing second or third fiddle too Flair and Styles right now and is about to be in a 5 man group and Nash has a small little thing with Jarrett that also involves Sting/Hogan/Bishoff.

It's kind of hard to watch Nash go in the ring, but the guys mic work is great. He might be overpaid (who knows what he's making) but does that really make him THE MOST OVERRATED WRESTLER ON THE ROSTER? The guy has prolly been with the company as long as anyone and has quietly helped TNA out a lot. How awesome were those paparazzi productions skits?

I mean, I've never been a big Flair fan but I think he's giving some of the best promos of his career, he's helped AJ Styles get a little more pesonality, trying to help Kaz and whoever else is a member of Fortune.

But anyway, I do not think you can call guys like Hogan, Flair, Nash overrated because they've already accomplished galaxies in the wrestling realm. Their time might have passed, but as a wrestler their is no retirement pension or even health benefits, so it's not easy for them to stop. And the young guys aren't exactly making it hard for them to keep the jobs.

So I think it would be good if everyone stuck to who is loved by the IWC that you think is overrated.

I heard Desmond Wolfe ... that's a good one (even if I don't agree.)
At least he is someone that is well liked by the IWC, but is he THE MOST OVERRATED?
Too judge that, I suppose you have to look at his position in the company atm. I guess there is a lot you have to look at. Like his ability to sell, his ability to entertain. Is his wrestling style fun to watch, does he make a good heel/face?

I believe Desmond holds his own weight pretty well. I enjoy his promos and want to see more from him. Is there room for improvement? Of course. From what I've seen, he does look like he was a bit better in ROH promo/wrestling wise. Is that him or TNA though? (I think he really needs a belt and the global title really needs him ... and a new name.)

I've already said The Pope. I think he's overrated b/c TNA and the IWC all seem to think he's great.

After him I'd prolly have to say "Joe's going to kill you" Samoe Joe. I can't stand the chant and I do not understand people's obsession with him. They don't put him on the mic cause he can't talk and in the ring he's this massive blob in a pair of humongous boxers that squashes people and will prolly crush someone trying to pull off a move ment for a guy who weighs 150 lbs less then him one day.
Lots of choices in this thread are A-OK. Kaz is clearly awful, but I don't consider him overrated, as I'm pretty sure he has about 4 current fans. My choice, surely, is Jeff Hardy at this point.

I was a fan of the guy in the WWE. Great stuff. I nearly shed a tear during his championship celebration. Great stuff, great in ring work, great brother, great music. Now though, it just ain't the same. For whatever reason, he's be absolute shit in TNA. I don't think much has changed for him, personally. TNA just isn't the right fit for him. Smackdown, that was where he belonged, man.

Jarrett as well. What a cunt.
I've only been watching TNA for a year or so but I don't get the big deal about Abyss. He comes off as a Kane/Mankind wannabe. Sure he seems crazy because they are constantly trying to convince me of this but he's not that good in the ring or on the mic.
Sometimes I feel these threads are completely useless because people are taking overrated to mean different things.
Some of you are discussing guys who are over payed, over pushed, over the hill ... I thought this thread would be about guys who we as fans, think are overrated by other fans. I just assumed by overrated, I was assuming it was by the IWC(Bryan Danielson is loved by the IWC, and was fired by the WWE so if you are calling him overrated ... obviously he's not held in high regard by the WWE, he's beyond underrated by them lol, so you must mean by the IWC.)

Some of you are mentioning guys who most of the IWC hates or is indifferent too, but who TNA are giving pushes too or even just a job.

I mean the thread is THE MOST OVERRATED Wrestler ... I have no clue how some of you come up with like Kevin Nash or even Kaz. And it's funny because the ones who don't like Nash want to see the young more athletic guys (which Kaz is) pushed and then others say Kaz is boring (yet, he can prolly pull off any move all you spot monkeys love.)

But neither of the guys are even main eventing TNA atm nor do they seem to have huge undying IWC followers. Kaz is playing second or third fiddle too Flair and Styles right now and is about to be in a 5 man group and Nash has a small little thing with Jarrett that also involves Sting/Hogan/Bishoff.

It's kind of hard to watch Nash go in the ring, but the guys mic work is great. He might be overpaid (who knows what he's making) but does that really make him THE MOST OVERRATED WRESTLER ON THE ROSTER? The guy has prolly been with the company as long as anyone and has quietly helped TNA out a lot. How awesome were those paparazzi productions skits?

I mean, I've never been a big Flair fan but I think he's giving some of the best promos of his career, he's helped AJ Styles get a little more pesonality, trying to help Kaz and whoever else is a member of Fortune.

But anyway, I do not think you can call guys like Hogan, Flair, Nash overrated because they've already accomplished galaxies in the wrestling realm. Their time might have passed, but as a wrestler their is no retirement pension or even health benefits, so it's not easy for them to stop. And the young guys aren't exactly making it hard for them to keep the jobs.

So I think it would be good if everyone stuck to who is loved by the IWC that you think is overrated.

I heard Desmond Wolfe ... that's a good one (even if I don't agree.)
At least he is someone that is well liked by the IWC, but is he THE MOST OVERRATED?
Too judge that, I suppose you have to look at his position in the company atm. I guess there is a lot you have to look at. Like his ability to sell, his ability to entertain. Is his wrestling style fun to watch, does he make a good heel/face?

I believe Desmond holds his own weight pretty well. I enjoy his promos and want to see more from him. Is there room for improvement? Of course. From what I've seen, he does look like he was a bit better in ROH promo/wrestling wise. Is that him or TNA though? (I think he really needs a belt and the global title really needs him ... and a new name.)

I've already said The Pope. I think he's overrated b/c TNA and the IWC all seem to think he's great.

After him I'd prolly have to say "Joe's going to kill you" Samoe Joe. I can't stand the chant and I do not understand people's obsession with him. They don't put him on the mic cause he can't talk and in the ring he's this massive blob in a pair of humongous boxers that squashes people and will prolly crush someone trying to pull off a move ment for a guy who weighs 150 lbs less then him one day.

This is one of the best posts I've ever seen. If I were able to give you positive rep points I would...and I will make a note to do so when I get home (for whatever reason my work computer won't let me click on that button...not sure why).

Anyway. I agree with you 100%. Everything you said is right on the money. Bravo and keep up the good work.
Jeff Hardy - I don't see the buzz...he is just overrated IMO, even in WWE..his last run..seriously what was that all about...I think people love it when a guy climbs a ladder jumps on it and misses his that it? other than that!! I don't know...

Mr. Anderson - I don't see the buzz on this guy as well..other than be good on the mic..I don't see him as a guy who can put on good matches...I can't remember a single good match of his when he was in the "E"...apart from when Taker carried him in their first blood match etc..when they were feuding...
i'm surprised nobody mentioned Eric Young, he is not my choice because for some reason i like him, but i thought he'd be a popular choice.

my answer is Rob Terry. he has the look, but he is very clumsy in the ring and he needs to put in some work to become good.

i'll also say Tommy Dreamer. I never seen him as a main event guy, but i think TNA is gonna give him the strap.
LOL at Tommy Dreamer being TNA champ. It'll be a cold day in hell before that happens, he is so not main event material, never has been. He is a master at the art of taking an ass whupping though so I'll give him props for that.

This is a easy question and one that didn't need much thought. Abyss is pretty much the biggest piece of crap in TNA that is always sucking up television time. I can't remember the last Impact I saw that didn't have Abyss on it. I'm assuming TNA must feel he is a draw but the only thing he draws are flies around my tv screen when he's in the ring stroking his bitch. He was boring before Hogan came to TNA, he's only gotten worse. Yeah he's getting better now as a character but the in ring work is the same and I'd rather watch Raw... live :(.. before I sit through an Abyss match.

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