Morrison and Melina


Layeth The Smackdown!
Now I am not sure if these two are still going out or not, but even if they are not this could still work somehow. On tonight's Raw Morrison confronted Ted and Maryse and he beat down Ted, but Ted was able to escape. Now, before Melina was injured she was in a feud with Maryse if I remember correctly. Now notice how Maryse was put with Ted over anyone else. If I am right this could have been done to give Melina something to do when she returns and that is to reform this couple and feud with Ted and Maryse. I believe that Melina is due back before Summerslam and I can almost confirm that this will happen because why else would they put Ted with Maryse and have them feud with Morrison?

Ok I know this has nothing to do with this thread but they just showed Jeff Hardy on WWE TV I am shocked.
1st off love the sig. bryan danielson is a total badass.

anyway....i was thinking the same thing when these two started to brawl on raw. and i would love for them to reform and take on the million dollar couple. too bad morrison and melina are much better as heels.
You know that could actually be good. Just think of it Maryse and Ted Dibiase the power couple vs. Melina and John Morrison it would be something new I think it would be great lets see if the WWE goes along with it. Of course Melina has to be cleared to return to wrestling before it can happen.
First off, I was really shocked they showed Jeff too, and as champion as well. Maybe they showed it because it involved him loosing lol.

Any who, back on topic. I think it can work, but where will it go from there? Honestly I think it would be a step back for Morrison if the stayed together longer than this feud. It would take all focus from Morrison, and put it on Melina's entrance. Also if Melina was made his valet, it would be a step back for her as a wrestler.

It can work only if it is for a short period of time.
According to Wiki, they split up. Still doesn't mean they wouldn't pair them up, but I'm not sure it will matter. If I'm not mistaken, Melina suffered a pretty serious injury and still has some time to go before she returns. It's not like Edge or Cena, they wont rush her back to tv because honestly, she really doesn't habe anything to contribute to the show.
I was thinking the same thing now that DiBiase & Maryse are going to fued with Morrison, It makes sense for Melina to team back up with Morrison.

Most likely, If Melina does help Morrison, it will be a mixed tag team match at SummerSlam. (Much like the Kofi/Mickie James Vs Santino/Beth Phoenix from 08.)

It would work, because as mentioned in a recent thread not many noticed Melina's absence from the Diva's title picture and Eve, Alicia even Jillian have stepped up and there is no need for Melina in the division at the moment.
I think tonight was the start of the angle where Melina comes back to reunite with Morrison to feud with Maryse and Dibease. I think it will be good for JoMO to reunite with Melina. His character has been getting stale lately, it could help rejuvenate his career. They do both work better as heels they will probably turn after their feud ends.
I was thinking the same thing but I don't think that's the only reason they put Maryse with Ted. I also agree with whoever said Morrison and Melina are better as heels, especially Morrison on the mic as a heel, by he's a great wrestler either way.
Funny, that. I actually posted something about this this afternoon in the Melina thread. Here's what I wrote, in the context of mentioning her would-be feud with Maryse prior to her injury:

"Viper brings up an interesting point about pairing her with Morrison, which could certainly work, but I'm not sure they feel like doing a rehash of the past. It could bring some sort of relevance to JM though, which would be a great thing. As he's had a few matches with Ted lately, inserting Melina for a feud with Ted and Maryse could be a good angle."

Great minds think alike. :p
Yeah I could see this happening, I miss Melina b/c I felt she was one of the few Diva's with actual wrestling ability (but my mind has been changed as of late). My original take on the MITB PPV was that Morrison would win and cash it on Sheamus at SS with Triple H interferring for the Morrison win. I still think Morrison will win but this will set up a mixed tag match of Morrison/Melina vs Ted/Maryse with the briefcase vs the Million Dollar Belt.
Now I am not sure if these two are still going out or not, but even if they are not this could still work somehow. On tonight's Raw Morrison confronted Ted and Maryse and he beat down Ted, but Ted was able to escape. Now, before Melina was injured she was in a feud with Maryse if I remember correctly. Now notice how Maryse was put with Ted over anyone else.[/B]

well maryse use to be ted dibiasie jr's manager back in FCW so maybe they just reunited them just to reunite them.

wouldn't doubt doing the mixed tag thing with melina and morrison tho, that could be good
For the record I do believe Melina was interviewed maybe a month or 2 ago (it was posted on here) and she said that her and Morrison are in fact still dating. As Wiki can be updated by pretty much anyone it's hard to maintain it as a reliable source. Now as far as Melina/Morrison vs. Maryse/Ted Jr. that would be awesome! young blood, with HOT women and both pairs can actually..get this..wait for it.. WRESTLE!!! I just hope Melina doesn't come back too early and shes fully able to do her ring apron split...Come on I can't be the ONLY person that's missed that! :)
This duo vs duo feud could actually turn out to be DECENT with the in ring abilities of JoMo, Melina, Ted Jr, and Maryse. Bravo WWE creative! you might have actually done something right AGAIN!
Melina said on Twitter not to long ago that her and JOMO are dating. i was thinking the same thing because JOMO is not the best on the Mic and Melina is pretty good on the Mic so that would help him alot but as long as they dont stay together for along time
It'd be the most logical thing to do with the least amount of effort. Melina's only known ally to have stayed loyal to her over the years has been John Morrison, so pairing them up is a sensible choice. That's without considering what JoMo had to endure with Ted recently and that Melina's biggest rival currently is DiBiase's partner. The division on RAW is too stacked for her to make a return there and any other option would make creative put in effort in the diva's, something rarely done.

It kills so many birds with the one stone that it'd be stupid on the WWE's part to pass up this opportunity if Melina is slated to return soon.
I thought the excact same thing,
Then I realized,
That this would be a huge waste of time,
It would be a great storyline,
But the Raw Diva Division needs her more wrestling wise,
She needs to go back and immediately and win the Divas Championship
I definitely think that JoMo and Melina will work together again. It's pretty much set up for a JoMo/Melina - DiBiase/Maryse feud. Melina and JoMo work really well together, and I think that his best stuff has been with Melina. This might finally be the thing JoMo needs to be propelled into the Main Event even if it isn't there is no way this storyline can fail.
OMG I WAS JUST GONNA POST THIS SAME EXACT THREAD BUT YOU BEAT ME TO IT! Anyways, I would Love to see this happen and I think it would be a great fued. Ted and Morrison can put on pretty good matches as well as Melina and Maryse. Before Melina got injured, I was REALLY looking foward to a Maryse/Melina fued and now I might get the chance to finally see that happen. It also gives Ted and John an actually fued instead of just working random matches.

So to get to the point, I really hope we see this happen and it is pretty likely that we will :)
I'd love to see this happen. Her flare might give Morrison a little buck in the right direction. I'm not sure they will ofcourse. The Diva's division needs a good face wrestler and they are seriously lacking, and bringing her in as Morrison's eye candy again might not be the best way for her to return.
I'm mixed on my feelings towards this idea. On one hand I'm all for it, because Morrison desperately needs a mouthpiece. He's one hell of an in-ring competitor, but he's loses a lot of credibility when he gets on the mic (or simply because he rarely ever does so). Morrison and Melina work really well together, have a lot of history, and came into the business together, so they wouldn't have to try that hard to make it work. I also like the idea of a Melina and Maryse getting involved in the DiBiase and Morrison feud. Normally I hate mixed gender tag teams, but that would actually be a PPV quality bout in my opinion. What would be really cool, but probably won't ever happen, is if Melina could win the Divas champion before teaming with Morrison, and Morrison could beat Miz for the US championship (since Miz needs to go into the main event, IMO). And then eventually have a mixed gender tag team match with both titles on the line at Summerslam or even on Raw.

Now, the only reason I wouldn't want this to happen, is that I really want to see Melina come back and rejuvenate the Raw divas division. From her interviews it seems like she's really passionate about delivering emotion and passion into a match, and teaching the other girls how to do that as well. She's a great worker, and if she can stay healthy she's one of the best divas we've got. And I would love to see her come back, gauge how well the fans are receiving her, and then figure out if they need to turn her heel or not, because she's one of the only divas who can pull off a heel character and have people care.

So, like I said I'm mixed about the idea. It would be cool if they used Melina right to get Morrison some more mic time and legitimize him a little more. It wasn't too long ago that people were calling for a Morrison World Title reign, and now it's all about the Miz. Maybe Melina can get him to that place again, who knows...
i agree i could see it happening.. i read on here that Melina and John were back together since they both watched the last show of the Lost Show together and it said they were together again... so i don't know

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