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More False Hope for the Guns?


Plump, Juicy User
So it appears the Motor City Machineguns have become the number 1 contender's for the TNA Tag Titles yet again. Shocker? Not really. The bigger shocker where come if the Guns actually win the tag titles, which isn't very likely.

Sure, they may be spotmonkeys and a lot of there matches don't make a ton of sense, but they're entertaining as hell both in the ring and on the mic, which is something you can't say about 90% of TNA's roster. They've been champs in Japan for fuck's sake, but not in TNA. Hell, Lethal Consequences and Matt Morgan by himself have been tag champions before, but not Shelley and Sabin.

So, how do you think this run at the titles will pan out for the Motor City Machineguns. I want to be optimistic, but there really isn't any reason to be. If TNA hasn't put the belts on these guys previous times when they were way over, why would they bother now?
i ddont think they will win the titles this time around. the emergence of ink inc has made the tag team division better but with the team 3-d fued about to begin again i think they went through all this work 2 end up losing like they did 2 matt morgan for the tag titles.
Oh boy, let me guess...The Machine Guns only got their tag title shots just so they can waste it this week in some 3 minute match on free TV. I'm just gonna place my bet then ;)...

These guys don't belong in TNA; especially where TNA is right now at this point in time. I saw these guys at a recent ROH show and believe me, they were appreciated WAY more by the fans and they got to showcase their true talents for once. Fuck TNA, The Guns don't need 'em.
I can't see Hall and Nash holding the titles too long. I also can't see the guns beating them for it..yet. At this point I'd probably say we'd have to wait for a 4 way tag at slammiversary between MCMG/Ink Inc./Team 3D/Band. I can see them finally getting the gold after chasing it for the better part of like 2 years and the fans going apeshit.
I'm sadly going to have to agree with my fellow posters. This makes the hundreth time The Guns have won a #1 contenders spot, and just like every other time, I see them getting crushed on Impact, and while the Band beats them down 3D will make the save. The usual TNA bs, burying the most exciting and potentially interesting team in TNA. Hmmm, a couple of older guys way past their prime dominating the future, or two young guys in their prime getting the bump fom the older guys? I really hope TNA makes the right call this time, but they probably won't, as usual.
What exactly is that soooo interesting about these guys? They've both been on TNAs show for how long? 4 maybe 5 years or longer?

They don't draw money and don't tell me they've never been given a chance or that they've been held back. They've had twice as much TV time as some other talent from TNA and WWE and aren't half as over.

A Couple of double team moves doesn't draw money and if it did the independents wouldn't be doing such bad business these last 8 years.

One thing I will say is from what I've heard said about Shelley he appears to have a great mind for the business; which is why it boggles my mind that he still insists on using the "makes no sense why is he climbing the ropes he has the guy beat why doesn't he pin him this looks so set up and does more damage to the credibility of the business than anything else I can think of it looks fake"....style

No believability; No emotional investment; No money drawn.

Its not rocket science.
This number one contenders spot isnt going to get them anything. However I do feel like there are two possible outcomes to the MCMG's getting anywhere. Either A. They will be pushed back further by Ink Inc. and will really never get anywhere or B. Maybe TNA is going to start pushing them since I have a feeling after tonight that Ink Inc is going to go into a Feud with 3D. I guess we will just have to see where TNA takes it from here.
So heres why the guns won, and its the same reason ink inc even exists, Nash and Hall are champs, they need small guys to work with, so they can actualy do moves to them, and not look like complete chumps, there is no way either of those old slobs could hit a jacknife or Razors edge on any guy who is not cruiser size, thats why the Guns won, so yea, it is false hope and its sad, TNA has no clue wat they are doin with Tag teams, hell with anyone.
Mark my words. Motor City will be the next Tag Team Champs. They are the most over of any tag team. And they're being put in position to be champs by beating both Beer Money and Team 3D.

Heres how :

Matt Morgan set to defend the tag belts at Sacrifice right? Well, he comes in number 1 on the ranking votes so hogan devises a plan. Matt Morgan was originally set to beat Ink Inc. at Sacrifice BUT now that he will be number 1 contender for RVD, He has to lose the belts. The problem is, Ink Inc. is in no way going to win those belts. So in order for Morgan to lose the titles (Not to Ink Inc.) They pull out the band to basically fill in for Morgan at Sacrifice so he doesn't have to drop the belts to Ink Inc.

Make any sense? lol

MCMG will def be the next champs. Especially after watching Hall and nash tonight. It was sad... lol.
While it was nice to see TNA actually use the Guns decently, something that hasn't happened very often for about a year and a half, I'm not going to hold my breath on this lasting. The Guns have been placed in this position on a number of occassions and the results have always turned out to be the same. It happened when TNA was using the NWA World Tag Team Championship and it's happened after TNA created their own titles.

And now, as if history working against them wasn't enough, the current TNA World Tag Team Champions are a couple of the biggest and, overall, most memorable stars of the 90s and were the most dominant tag team in WCW for the last 5 years or so of its existence. The Guns have worked hard and they're pretty entertaining. It's always nice to see hard work rewarded but I've seen TNA do this with them far too many times to get my hopes up.
It's a joke how the MCMG have been booked recently. For some reasons TNA rather have the washed up Band and one guy make a mockery of the titles instead of letting an established tag team of TNA originals hold the belts. If they had a title run I think they could bring prestige back to that titles. I honestly think they wont win the Titles, but if they do they do they'll probably have a short reign and drop them to Ink Inc. Or some other non deserving thrown together team. I also think they would be champions if Hulk Hogan wasn't there.
I also think they would be champions if Hulk Hogan wasn't there.

Hogans been there for what, 0.1% of the entire time the guns have been at TNA but he's responsible for they're lack of title runs?

Axe to grind much?

Ever considered the fact they dont have a track record of drawing money as singles or tags?

Nah nah its all Hogan cos you smarks cant be wrong
The Guns will not hold the TNA tag titles. Period. They just won't, they've been put in this exact position before, and haven't won the titles. This won't change now. If they couldn't beat Amazing I actually suck at wrestling Red and Morgan what hope do they have of beating an actual tag team in The Band? None, TNA won't have it. Fuck young, entertaining tag teams, let's keep those belts on old guys that don't draw as much as people like to believe.
Beer Money should have the tag titles. They can work with any type of team, big or small. And they are over as heels or babyfaces.
if tna really listens to there fans like they say they do mcmg would be champs, i sure as hell hope they get to hold the belts, them and beer money are the most deserving of all tag teams in all of wrestling
Sabin is not good on the mic at all and I really don't get why people keep saying he is. Shelley has mic skill Sabin doesn't. And they really just ain't that good of a team. Shelley telling a few jokes, pointless spots and pointing at their hands make them a great team how? I've just never understood why people like them so much.
Its sad, the MCMG will probably be like The Rockers, such a great tag team that could never get done in the big time. Though I do hope i am wrong because the guns are such a great tag team that deserves a title before they split up, which seems ineveitable. But that wont be such a bad thing because they would both be a great addition to the dying x division
This is for JackBurton: These guys aren't over and can't draw???????????????? Are you fucking kidding dude? These guys get over half the crowd to chant "Motor City" EVERY time they are performing...plus their black MMG shirts sold pretty damn well considering I could only get one 2 sizes too big cuz they'd sold out of all but two sizes, oh, and they have the matches of the night half the time too. Like against Generation Me, and back at Final Resolution against Brittish Invasion. Oh, but they can't draw and aren't over, right? Yeah, your statement is about as correct as saying Elton John is straight.
Also, Nash has a lot of respect for the guns, so we could see the band dropping the titles to the Guns, and I hope to god they do. Hall looked horrible in the ring, both physically and visually. I will give up hope of the Guns ever getting tag gold if they don't win them this time...sad as it may be.
Whilst I like the fact that The Guns are once again number one contenders, I'm not going to hold my breathe for them winning. They have been in this posistion many times and TNA haven't given them the titles which they deserve. They're like the Cryme Tyme of TNA meaning they have been together for a long time yet still haven't captured the championships, except people like The Guns. So in conclusion I see TNA once again letting MCMG lose but I'd be shocked if they threw us a curveball.

Also I wouldn't be shocked is TNA didn't give 3D another shot like last time which was utter bullshit. Anyway maybe this is the time for them to win, who knows maybe TNA won't be stupid.
The Motor City Machine Guns are a perfect example of whats right and whats wrong with TNA these days. The Guns are a fantastic team who have a stigma of being nothing more than flashy spot monkeys, while at the same time are described as one of the best legitimate tag teams around at the moment. And so here they are as number one contenders again to the tag titles held by Hall/Nash and I'm back to thinking who the current tag team title holders are going to be feuding over the belts with next since I assume The Guns will be buried in another useless TV match.

So we have one of the greatest legitimate tag teams of our era unable to win the straps in one promotion due to poor booking and a fantastic range of tag teams in the company. Hopefully TNA management is able to see that the reaction from the crowd and a long time dedication to TNA is enough for a great tag team to finally pick up a win for the belts. Unfortunately, I'm not holding my breath.
Ditto to TLC.

I was pissed when Cryme Tyme broke up; for eff's sake they were the only REAL tag team WWE had for years. I do have to get this out of the way first: I understand this is a post about MCMGs and it makes sense to talk alot about TNA, but we also have to keep in mind that WWE's tag division is a thousand times worse than TNA's right now. Until the Hart Dynasty, the last real "fresh" tag team to hold the belts were the Colons who lost the belts over a year ago. Everything since, aside from an interim DX run, has been two random guys (Jericho/Miz with Big Show as the foil) put together for the sole purpose of allowing a top multitalented heel to draw heat on both shows.

I'm tired of the "can't draw money/heat/pop" arguments; these arguments almost always seem to come from people who like bad wrestlers to support whatever it is that makes them like bad wrestlers like Batista, Cena, HHH and all of those guys who, granted, do justifiably draw, but it doesn't mean that us serious wrestling fans have to appreciate them just because the masses have bad taste. I think if critically acclaimed movies like Hurt Locker can win Oscars even though they couldn't "draw a dime" in theaters, then any serious wrestling organization can reward an exceptional tag team with at least a short title run, or some show of appreciation.

But seriously, how much merchandise has Matt Morgan sold? I've never seen a single t-shirt; but I've seen plenty of MCMG shirts all over the place. The crowd goes apeshit for MCMGs everytime they come out even though they haven't had a solid push in nearly two years. Before WWE decided their tag titles were all about interbrand cross-over, they had London and Kendrick over with the titles for over a year, I'm not sure why TNA won't take a chance with MCMGs, but I do appreciate that there is at least a depth to the tag roster that serves as an obstacle (the same argument can't be made about WWE's inability to push Cryme Tyme). I think Ink Inc. will be a good tag team in the future, Beer Money is great, and you always have Team 3D on standby if all else fails in the tag team division. Add into that The Band's going Freebird (which probably means whoever's osteoporosis is acting up the worst will get replaced by Eric Young in any given match-up) and any possibility of the British Invasion or LAX ever re-uniting and there are definitely a lot going on in the tag division; not that I'm implying necessarily good, just alot.

All said, I think we have a lot of Fabulous FreeBand to look forward to. 3d will be used to put Ink Inc over and a couple of months down the line we'll have Ink Inc. win the titles. Not that I would book it like that.
In a prediction of the match result thread I stated that if the winner of this match was getting their shot on PPV it would be Team 3D and if it were on Impact it would be the Guns getting fed to The Band to make them look stronger. I maintain that opinion. Hall and Nash will likely drop the belts to a returning LAX down the line, and in the meantime need to remain looking dominant. And who does the job for tag teams? MCMG.

It's a shame because it seems Hogan and Bischoff have noticed the crowd like these guys, something Russo and whoever else was in charge of booking them failed to do. But ah well, look for a 5 minute glorified squash this week or next week in Impact.
Whytravisfelt mentioned this and I almost fotgot but the band is freebird which automatically makes me know due to any wrestling storyline in the world that they aren't dropping the titles any time soon the pairing will switch up a couple of times before they ever drop the belts
This is for JackBurton: These guys aren't over and can't draw???????????????? Are you fucking kidding dude? These guys get over half the crowd to chant "Motor City" EVERY time they are performing...plus their black MMG shirts sold pretty damn well considering I could only get one 2 sizes too big cuz they'd sold out of all but two sizes, oh, and they have the matches of the night half the time too. Like against Generation Me, and back at Final Resolution against Brittish Invasion. Oh, but they can't draw and aren't over, right? Yeah, your statement is about as correct as saying Elton John is straight.

Half the crowd? So like, 250 people? Wow, yeah these guys are exactly what you want when going toe to toe with WWE.

They are over with a group of fans who are constantly castigated for being smarky and not really understanding the business. There are plenty of other single or tag wrestler going out on TV week in and week out having the best matches but the majority of people who watch wrestling don't watch for the matches. Being over with the majority is being over; being over with the minority is not. If knew half as much as you think you do - you would understand that, and why they're not on top. Its got fuck all to do with Hulk Hogan.

My statement stands pal;

5 or 6 years they've been there and they've done nothing noteworthy.

You're a fan of them and that's fine - I enjoy some of their work aswell but I wouldn't be stupid enough to claim that putting the straps on them is somehow gonna turn TNA around or even just the tag division because they have never done any sort of business that suggests otherwise. Fact.

Get over it.

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