montreal screw job 2009


Pre-Show Stalwart
did anyone else see Breaking Point tonight? this screw job was worse than the first i mean come on they said that taker tapped which he didnt. teddy says that the hells gate is banned hey why didnt they dq taker at mania when locked it in on hbk. so now with teddy being a heel and watch vince says he didnt like the idea then he will say teddy i loved it i never knew you had it in you bla bla . i think the ending is the worse . hell kanes match was better so what do u think on screwjob 2009

Goodness are people actually angry over this "Screwjob"? Tell me some of you are more intelligent than this. The match, while short, was good. The ending is what really saved it though. I should have seen the Screwjob angle coming, but I didn't (I figured they'd use that in the DX match instead somehow), and to see Punk go back in there and get the win ala Survivor Series 97 was a great, great booking idea. Seriously, try to argue that wasn't a genius move. You're able to put Punk over and keep the title on him, maintaining his credibility and momentum, and at the same time not make the returning star look weak. It's an absolute win-win situation if there ever was one, and it makes for great television. I'm quite excited to see how this develops on Smackdown.

Great move by the WWE here. They seriously pissed off alot of that crowd, and that's the point. Sometimes it's not only okay to piss off your crowd, it's required.

Very, very intelligent decision by McMahon and company here.

I simply cannot BELIEVE you two don't realize this is a work though. My god, have you ever watched wrestling before?
kinda pisses me off actually. i know as of this morning they didn't know really how the match was going to end..but this could be bad for the E depending on what was actually known.
If taker thought going in he was to win the title just to have Teddy come out and say hell's gate was banned and the quick end after the Anaconda Vice..then i think the E is in some trouble.
But if Taker was in on the "FIX" meaning he knew that the false finish followed by the quick bell to end it. then i think they will be okay. Just all depends on what Taker knew going into the match
Going to have to agree with X above me on this one. They used to use this kind of stunts back in the Attitude days and it always made everyone mad, which makes everyone tune back in to make sure justice is done sooner or later.

I simply cannot BELIEVE you two don't realize this is a work. My god, have you ever watched wrestling before?

you obviously didn't read my post to carefully. because i gave both sides. in my first post.

either it was a legit screwjob..or Taker knew about it.

i'm not sure. i really didn't see any reactions from Taker as Teddy was talking cause i was in the bathroom and came back just in time to see Punk put on the A.V. and the bell ring
you obviously didn't read my post to carefully. because i gave both sides. in my first post.

either it was a legit screwjob..or Taker knew about it.

i'm not sure. i really didn't see any reactions from Taker as Teddy was talking cause i was in the bathroom and came back just in time to see Punk put on the A.V. and the bell ring

The fact that you even question whether it was legit or not is what amazes me. It was blatantly obviously a work. They were in MONTREAL, the place of the screwjob, at a submission-themed PPV. How can you possibly even question if this is legit? What POSSIBLE reason would Vince have to "screw" Undertaker, the best employee he's ever had?

Seriously now man, the fact that you even question this being legit or not is pretty sad. It was a work. 100% guaranteed. I would literally give you the keys to my home to wager on this.

this doesn't deserve to be called the new montreal screwjob. I said a few days ago that rules in WWE no longer exists. First one puts them, another one forgets them and suddenly, they turn out to be current. This was a lame copy and a way to destroy the little dignity that WWE still had.

We are saying that the Attitude Era should return... new push for talents....create people with mic skills and everything they care is in the screwjob of 1997...

Bret Hart has been teased to return, al of that times in Canada, and all were lousy jokes, and now they 're repeating the screwjob???? what they don't have any ideas???

At least when Vickie banned the Hell's Gate it was for Edge, and Edge and Undertaker, after all, had a good feud. But this is just unexplicable. This PPV had 7 matches (not 8 as always) so, why the match last for 10 minutes ??


And I bet that next time SD/ECW go to Canada, they will make something about the Screwjob
It's a work, they're not doing a real screw job. Come on, seriously.

The ending is perfect. It keeps the belt on Punk who is now gaining tremendous momentum and it sets up a rematch at HIAC with Taker who has just returned and hasn't been made to look weak by being beat by Punk legit. Seriously, this ending is pure gold by WWE.

I can't believe they pulled it off, it's a great booking decision and I'm very, very keen to see SD this week and as usual it'll be the better show. Fuck, SD is totally shitting on Raw right now.
jesus christ, are some of you guys really complaining over this? i think most of you guys just like to complain about things...

- if punk cleanly makes taker tap, youll call shenanigans cuz taker shouldnt ever tap

- if taker cleanly makes punk tap, youll call it bs cuz u want a longer title reign

so what do you guys want? this ending felt exciting and made me jump out of my chair. one of the best endings to a ppv since hardy winning the title at armageddon
I don't really care much about the ending. It benefits both stars, angers the fans to tune into next week & gives something for the SmackDown brand. Win-win situation all round.

What I cannot wrap my head around is the fact that the WWE can find a way to make an SD! match between two superstars who cannot win the match otherwise the other will look weak & are able to find a way to end it... YET, they pull off the other SD match featuring Dolph Ziggler & JoMo for the IC Title that was going to be the saving grace of the rest of the Breaking Point card excluding World Titles due to the fact they cannot find a finish that makes both men come off as legit the same way Punk/Taker did. It amazes me the lengths of the creative can get to pull off pure gold but cannot use there intelligence for the areas that need the benefit of storytelling.
i dont care as long as the world heavyweight title didnt change hands for the 4th-5th consecutive time on PPV im good

hopefully punk wins this feud although i do not wanna see the title change hands back & forth but wouldnt be surprised if taker wins at HIAC
did anyone else see Breaking Point tonight? this screw job was worse than the first i mean come on they said that taker tapped which he didnt. teddy says that the hells gate is banned hey why didnt they dq taker at mania when locked it in on hbk. so now with teddy being a heel and watch vince says he didnt like the idea then he will say teddy i loved it i never knew you had it in you bla bla . i think the ending is the worse . hell kanes match was better so what do u think on screwjob 2009

Do you know what your saying? How was this screw job the worst than the 1st? The 1st screw job was real and unscripted. This screw job was scripted and they know it was going to happen. I am a fan of Taker but it will suck to see Punk lose the title so fast. Especially this being the 1st match Taker and Punk had. Punk look so weak in this match, I rather see him go back to ROH man.
WOW!! Undertaker screwed? There will be hell to pay on SmackDown and Teddy Long, CM Punk, AND Scott Armstrong will all feel the heat from this one. I know that Vince has said time and again that Long is on probation and he wanted Long to impress him, but I'm not sure if Vince meant for Long to screw over Taker. Bad, bad news for Long and for Punk who will more than likely face Taker in Hell in A Cell. Oh, and for the Hell's Gate submission being illegal, Taker's a smart guy, he'll figure out another one.
WOW!! Undertaker screwed? There will be hell to pay on SmackDown and Teddy Long, CM Punk, AND Scott Armstrong will all feel the heat from this one. I know that Vince has said time and again that Long is on probation and he wanted Long to impress him, but I'm not sure if Vince meant for Long to screw over Taker. Bad, bad news for Long and for Punk who will more than likely face Taker in Hell in A Cell. Oh, and for the Hell's Gate submission being illegal, Taker's a smart guy, he'll figure out another one. do know what kayfabe is, right?

Good lord I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading on here. How old are some of you?

This was, again, a perfect booking decision by McMahon and company. CM retains, Taker doesn't tap, win-win. do know what kayfabe is, correct?

Good lord I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading on here. How old are some of you?

This was, again, a perfect booking decision by McMahon and company. CM retains, Taker doesn't tap, win-win.

lolzzz tell me about it....while I am reading this post it makes me think how long these people have watch wrestling for. Bret Hart screw job was much serious and surprising.
Obviously this was the only way the WWE could this without making Punk's title reign look like shit and actually having Taker tap to Punk. Think about it, if Punk lost the title to Taker, it would make him not look legit at all, he'd look weak and appear as is if he couldn't beat a major star.

On the other hand if Taker tapped, it would make him look like shit. If Hogan, Flair, HBK, Rock, Austin, any other major star could not make Taker tap, then why should Punk? Exactly it would not be believable at all, it would be a mockery. So how else would they keep the title on Punk, while not having Taker submit? Some sort of screwjob had to happen. So all in all it works and will make for a good feud I think.
your all morons because all the "screwjobs" have been scripted for the all the reasons listed:

While it was rather obvious how scripted Taker screwjob was, the 1997 one still has you people out there doubting your own preaching of KAYFABE.

Bret bashed Americans and needed a reason to be cheered in America when jumping to WCW so they had him get "screwed" so the fans automatically sympathize with him on this "real life" situation.

Vince therefore becomes the companies top heel and allows him to enter the GREATEST FEUD IN WRESTLING HISTORY with Stone Cold. Without the 1997 work, and i do mean WORK, Vince can't be an effective heel enough for Stone Cold to become the icon that he is today, which would have stunted the growth of characters like The Rock and Triple H.

KAYFABE IS PRESENT WITH 100% OF WHAT THE FANS SEE. Always remember that people.
This is the funniest thread i have read in weeks, if only for how many people are talking about the match as if it wasn't kayfabe. The only unscripted thing going on in wrestling right now is Jeff Hardy's arrest, which means he's probably not coming back, why on earth would anyone want to actually pull a screwjob on the Undertaker, who is one of the top wrestlers in WWE history? the answer is they wouldn't. this was done to keep the belt on Punk, without Undertaker actually having to tap out so the feud can continue. If Taker made Punk tap, it would KILL Punk's legitimacy, and knock him right off the main event level. If taker had tapped, wait i'm not even gonna discuss it, because it would not and should not happen. Anyways a clean ending kills the feud, which is brand new. Not only was this the appropriate ending, but it was also entertaining and did exactly what it was meant to do. incite and anger the fans, even you bunch of internet smarks. it was not original, but it did what it was supposed to.
I agree that WWE needed to come up with an ending in which Taker did not submit yet Punk retained the championship, BUT this ending angers me because it is so unoriginal. If I were a creative writer for WWE, my goal would be to script innovative storylines, not re-rehashed ones. The recreated Screwjob in '98 was lame, and this one is even lamer.
I never thought it was possible, but this was worse than most of the BS that TNA feeds us. I am probably giving up on ANY wrestling using common sense after this screwjob. Why not have the Hart Dynasty screw DX instead? NO COMMON SENSE AT ALL
your all morons because all the "screwjobs" have been scripted for the all the reasons listed:

While it was rather obvious how scripted Taker screwjob was, the 1997 one still has you people out there doubting your own preaching of KAYFABE.

Bret bashed Americans and needed a reason to be cheered in America when jumping to WCW so they had him get "screwed" so the fans automatically sympathize with him on this "real life" situation.

Vince therefore becomes the companies top heel and allows him to enter the GREATEST FEUD IN WRESTLING HISTORY with Stone Cold. Without the 1997 work, and i do mean WORK, Vince can't be an effective heel enough for Stone Cold to become the icon that he is today, which would have stunted the growth of characters like The Rock and Triple H.

KAYFABE IS PRESENT WITH 100% OF WHAT THE FANS SEE. Always remember that people.

...Wait a minute, are you actually sitting here and saying that the Montreal Screwjob was a work? Seriously? I'd love for you to provide even the tiniest sliver of evidence to support that ludicrous claim. It's common knowledge that Bret never agreed to lose to Shawn Michaels in Montreal.
...Wait a minute, are you actually sitting here and saying that the Montreal Screwjob was a work? Seriously? I'd love for you to provide even the tiniest sliver of evidence to support that ludicrous claim. It's common knowledge that Bret never agreed to lose to Shawn Michaels in Montreal.

I know I read that and couldn't believe what I was reading.

Nothing is a hundred percent kayfabe willross and the real Montreal Screwjob was one of those things that wasn't kayfabe. It was real and it was a bad deal all around. This new Montreal Screwjob of '09 though is kayfabe or scripted if you will, there really is no comparing it to the real one.
Yall pissin' me off! All storylines are recreated time and time again! This story in particular happened over ten years ago and ya'll actin like the shit was done last year! Dude, WWE are doin' three things with that GREAT finish! Establishin' Punk, creating a great fued, and turnin' Teddy Long heel! How the hell can u not like that finish!
I belive Teddy said the move was banned on Smackdown, so at WM it would've been legal to use on HBK since it was a cross brand match, as for tonight it would illegal since it was a SD match.
i actually had to set up an account on these forums just so i could post on this thread because it was so funny.

some people on here really don't have a clue, to be honest. there were 2 obvious options for the end to the match:

1) a clean victory for taker, which would have essentially made punks title reign look like a joke and would have ruined any main event credibility that punk had established over the past few months

2) a clean victory for punk, which would have killed takers return momentum, made his return pointless and would have been a huge mistake by creative. it would also have been the first time taker tapped, which i think would have been terrible for the undertakers overall credibility (punk is my favourite wrestler but even i didn't want him to make taker tap cleanly)

so because creative did not want either superstar to lose credibility and wanted to keep the feud going for Hell in a Cell, they had to come up with a twist that nobody would expect.... and they decided to dig up the Montreal Screwjob, which gave punk a chance to prolong his title reign, did not make taker look weak as he did not actually tap, and sets everything up nicely for a rematch at Hell in a Cell (which hopefully punk will win haha)

i just think it's funny that some people think that taker might actually have gotten screwed over.... HE KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN!!!! being completely honest taker doesn't need to have the title to be feared or to be loved by the fans, he's never had any problem putting over new champions and he knows that no matter what he will always be one of the most over babyfaces within the company and will always be considered one of the greatest legends of all time (if not the greatest)

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