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Monster Face - Good or Bad?

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Sheamus' Suntan

A hound of justice
I take a look at WWE now and see something that actually is...not good.

Every big guy barring Mason Ryan is a face. Now, bare in mind this is an odd complaint...but WHY would you want a monster guy who is twice the width of most of the roster to be face?

Let's see.

Kane went from being the big bad heel recently to switching sides for NO explanation whatsoever and becoming face to team with Big Show again. Kane is undoubtedly stronger as a heel, and everyone "wants" to see him don the mask again and BE that big bad heel again. His character DOESN'T work as a face. We've all seen he becomes almost a trianwreck when he's face and it's a shame because he's shown that he CAN pull promos...

Big Show
Going from one to the other here, Big Show is someone who WORKS as a "bully" character. He could easily use that weight to knock people around and his knockout punch works far far better as a heel tool than face. He's a dominant guy and should be used IMO to push the younger, more athletic talent around him. People like JoMo/Kofi could get a MASSIVE push off of beating a 7ft giant like Big Show. As heel he could work as enhancement better AND work as a threat to the world title if it came to it.

Ezekial Jackson
Why they turned this guy is beyond me. I get Wade is a big heel and would fail as a face but tbh, Justin Gabriel SHOULD have been the one to turn in this feud. Zeke is HUGE, an absolute monster and should be booked as one. With a bit more work, Zeke could be a credible heel threat to the world title, but I feel his turn is unwarranted. He can't speak well on the mic so his actions have to speak for him, if he trampled people, he'd get heat because he can manage that...but well...as a face, surely isn't he going to HAVE to speak or he's going to get dominated. I don't know, I don't think Zeke as a face has any potential.

Vladimir Koslov
In his heel days was an ABSOLUTE beast. I understand he's meant to be "funny" now but honestly, he worked SO much better as that big heel that destroyed everyone in his path. He even did so, so well that he got a WWE title feud out of it...

The Great Khali
As a face, this guy is absolutely awful. When he's heel, he's bearable. He actually CAN make some matches pretty exciting when its against the face that needs to overcome the odds and he had a decent feud with John Cena. (Not great but decent). Then he does the Kiss Cam. Just WHY?!

The rules of being a good face is that the crowd should be able to relate to the guy in question. Cena - people can relate to having to overcome odds. Christian - people can relate to chasing a dream, Orton - people can relate to punting people in the he...wait. People can relate to having voices in their he...wait. Okay, Orton is the exception because he's probably better suited to being heel too but that's not the point I'm looking for.

The big guys are COMPLETELY impossible to relate to. Most people cant relate to being in a fire and having facial discrimination, to being a 7'2 punjabi etc.

I understand Khali was because of a film, as was Big Show's but AFTER that face turn to promote the film they're in, I think they should be turned heel again. Either that, or keep them heel throughout and promote the movie off the merits of seeing that person in the film "get their own", a bit like Kane in See No Evil.

I personally see giants as heel. They lose momentum as a face because they simply DON'T have the bodies or skills and often mic skill (though arguable) to pull off the face style. So what does everyone think about "Monster faces"?
Dude, you have asked a right question.
Frankly speaking, I can't imagine Kane or BS or even Kozlov becoming face and giving us some entertainment. They are meant to be heels - just like JC is now meant to be a face. The expressions and attitude they had could send any kid running.
However, that's where it stops.
Big Show approaches his retirement days and Kane is in the last lap. WWE is currently in the mode to create new heels and faces. Faces are coming in - thanks to Punk, Rio and others - but what about heels??? They can't just feud with someone like Bryan or Bourne. These guys are yet to make their mark. John Cena and Orton are already involved taking heels - Punk and Miz to name a few - to next level. What about the first level?
I seriously think BS and Kane's face-turn is good. It gave Ryan and Jackson an opportunity to showcase their talent. Kozlov - he was monotonous. A Russian guy who can't even make a heel promo - something what a good heel should cut - special mention to the new heel Truth.
Khali's experiment didn't work, and, as you can see, he'll have a heel-turn soon with Jendal - something I am waiting for. Maybe Khali doesn't wrestle properly, he can create good matches (someone remember his feud with 'Taker?). Jendal is promising and has the looks of a mean heel.
Turns that worked: BS, Kane, Kozlov
Turn that failed (or will fail): Khali, Jackson

For special mention, I would like to see a new heel stable involving Henry, Khali, Mahal and Kozlov, managed by Daivari.
I think the problem is that there are simply too many heels on both shows and not enough faces, so it was necessary for some of these people to turn face.

Kane and Big Show will eventually turn heel individually later in the year after their feud with Del Rio. If it wasn't for them though, Del Rio would have no-one to feud with and would fade into the background on RAW

Kozlov had his chance in the title picture as a monster heel, and I must say, I didn't enjoy any of his matches. I would have stopped watching Smackdown if he had become champion. He works much better at putting Santino over.

Zeke is the only one I'd agree with you on, but I have no doubt that he will turn into a monster heel again later this year or next year once he's built up more credibility.
I take a look at WWE now and see something that actually is...not good.

Every big guy barring Mason Ryan is a face. Now, bare in mind this is an odd complaint...but WHY would you want a monster guy who is twice the width of most of the roster to be face?

Let's see.

Kane went from being the big bad heel recently to switching sides for NO explanation whatsoever and becoming face to team with Big Show again. Kane is undoubtedly stronger as a heel, and everyone "wants" to see him don the mask again and BE that big bad heel again. His character DOESN'T work as a face. We've all seen he becomes almost a trianwreck when he's face and it's a shame because he's shown that he CAN pull promos...

Big Show
Going from one to the other here, Big Show is someone who WORKS as a "bully" character. He could easily use that weight to knock people around and his knockout punch works far far better as a heel tool than face. He's a dominant guy and should be used IMO to push the younger, more athletic talent around him. People like JoMo/Kofi could get a MASSIVE push off of beating a 7ft giant like Big Show. As heel he could work as enhancement better AND work as a threat to the world title if it came to it.

Ezekial Jackson
Why they turned this guy is beyond me. I get Wade is a big heel and would fail as a face but tbh, Justin Gabriel SHOULD have been the one to turn in this feud. Zeke is HUGE, an absolute monster and should be booked as one. With a bit more work, Zeke could be a credible heel threat to the world title, but I feel his turn is unwarranted. He can't speak well on the mic so his actions have to speak for him, if he trampled people, he'd get heat because he can manage that...but well...as a face, surely isn't he going to HAVE to speak or he's going to get dominated. I don't know, I don't think Zeke as a face has any potential.

Vladimir Koslov
In his heel days was an ABSOLUTE beast. I understand he's meant to be "funny" now but honestly, he worked SO much better as that big heel that destroyed everyone in his path. He even did so, so well that he got a WWE title feud out of it...

The Great Khali
As a face, this guy is absolutely awful. When he's heel, he's bearable. He actually CAN make some matches pretty exciting when its against the face that needs to overcome the odds and he had a decent feud with John Cena. (Not great but decent). Then he does the Kiss Cam. Just WHY?!

The rules of being a good face is that the crowd should be able to relate to the guy in question. Cena - people can relate to having to overcome odds. Christian - people can relate to chasing a dream, Orton - people can relate to punting people in the he...wait. People can relate to having voices in their he...wait. Okay, Orton is the exception because he's probably better suited to being heel too but that's not the point I'm looking for.

The big guys are COMPLETELY impossible to relate to. Most people cant relate to being in a fire and having facial discrimination, to being a 7'2 punjabi etc.

I understand Khali was because of a film, as was Big Show's but AFTER that face turn to promote the film they're in, I think they should be turned heel again. Either that, or keep them heel throughout and promote the movie off the merits of seeing that person in the film "get their own", a bit like Kane in See No Evil.

I personally see giants as heel. They lose momentum as a face because they simply DON'T have the bodies or skills and often mic skill (though arguable) to pull off the face style. So what does everyone think about "Monster faces"?

The question is, how many heels do you want? If each of the people you mentioned all turned heel I guarantee there would be 10 threads here saying there are too many 'monster heels'.

Big Show and Kane have been around for a long time and are very over, I think having them as faces has worked well, they have still dominated and some of there mic work has been funny (i.e Kane talking about the rapture).

Turn Justin Gabriel???? So we are supposed to believe that Justin Gabriel is capable of beating Zeke, Wade and Wendy? I have no doubts he will turn way in the future, but it will be not to fued with Wade or Zeke it will be to go solo.

Koslov and Khali give me no interest at all, face or heel I couldnt give a crap.
I don't mind BS as a face. While he isn't the best talker, he can be pretty funny, while still maintaining an air of "I'm gonna knock you the hell out." (ie. when he had the gimmick of imitating movie characters like Fat Bastard) Truthfully, BS can be whatever the hell he wants to be, and on some level, it'll pass. Kane, and Khali on the other hand? If Kane is going to cut promos on the level he did when he was feuding with the Undertaker then he needs a monocle and a cape, otherwise it's not as effective, at least to me (ha)
Khali needs to go home.
My Girlfriend is Punjabi, and she is embarrassed by him.

I had high hopes for Zeke. Sadly they died when ECW did. I did like the "Ruthless Roundtable"/ "League of Nations" thing they had going with Zeke Koslov and Regal. It was perfect for Zeke and Koslov, as they had a vet who could get them over on the mic, and all they had to do was beat people up, which shouldn't be too hard.

HEY! If they do bring back managers, revive that stable with Zeke, Koslov, Batistwo, and regal as their manager. Hell throw in Slater and ka-zang! You have a decent stable.
Its not about wanting "Loads of heels", its about finding the right place for the right people.

IE, Justin Gabriel shouldnt be heel in my mind. Purely because his moveset is designed to EXCITE the crowd.

I haven't said turn EVERY SINGLE monster back heel. Some work with it but the ones above I feel are troublesome, IE, I believe Sheamus with the right backing could work as a face.

I purely see some people don't look like they're in the right place. Would people REALLY complain that much if we had these 4 that I've highlighted back in place as heels? Koslov possibly could stay face to put over Santino - fine. No prob with that. The other three though...SHOULD by all right be heel. Purely because of the fact that they're MADE to be heel.

Big Show can JUST about pull it off.

One comment by Kane makes him funny and therefore a good face? Hardly. The guy is DESIGNED to be heel. Him being face to me makes little sense. Just something I picked up off there.

And why does everyone want to see the next big stable? I have NO problem at all with these guys all being individual. They could all have their place and so long as the gimmick was in place it would work.

IE, Kane = Tortured Soul gimmick (what he would do just after he was unmasked in effect and what he did when he feuded with Taker last year.)
Big Show = Big Bully
Ezekial Jackson = Powerful Statement Maker (get him a manager, that's the speech prob solved and then Zeke can go on to be a powerful force in WWE)

I think people are caring less about these big guys and they're drawing less because the big guys are billed as good and it ends up boring.
Being a "Monster Face" is tough, you not only have to likeable which relates to charisma (Khali doesn't have it here) but you have to be seen as a throroughly dominating force (not easy to do when you're likeable). Hogan did it for awhile in the 80's, Goldberg did it, it's tough.

Big Show can successfully play both sides, scary dominant bad guy and scary but likeable dominating good guy. He's the best right now
Kane and Show became faces because the only people challenging for the tag belts are Nexus and Corre, two heel stables. It made sense at the time. Now Kane is gonna go after Del Rio while Show is injured because they are trying to push Del Rio as a main event heel.
Big Zeke was turned face, because he defected from a heel stable. Your suggestion that Gabriel should turn is fine, but not now. There is no believabilty in seeing the smallest guy in a group turn and say I'm better without you guys. They would bury him.
As far as Kozlov and Khali. Honestly who cares. They aren't on tv long enough for me to care at all whether I'm supposed to cheer them or boo them.

In general, monster faces don't work. But at this time, there is a method to the madness. Give it a few months. I'm sure some will be heel again.
Kane- I agree works best as an evil destructive person with no alliances

Big Show-I actually do not mind him as a face. Actually I think he does play a better face Character then an heel

Zeke-Would definately work better as a monster heel, just to help him get over. Unfortunately I have not seen him in enough one on one matches that weren't squashes to tell if he has the talent to get over the fans as a face.

Kozlov-Was bland and boring as an heel, at least he is now somewhat entertaining siding along with Santino

Khali-Should be Future endevoured. He is just terrible in the ring, and I actually can't remember the last real feud I have seen him in. Khali now falls under the Hornswoggle category, bring him out occasionaly to entertain the kiddies and then send him back to the back
A few points. For starters you occasionally want to push these monster faces if they aren't already established superstars, because just like Batista that puts them over, and over people is a good thing. That explains Big Zeke.

Another point worth making is that WWE is in the process of turning The Great Khali heel again probably for another monster heel run. That whittles down the list even further.

And now for the most important point. Oh yeah and you forgot Mark Henry! That wasn't the point. The point is monster heels are incredibly easy to get over. Do you need look any further than Kharma. She has been around for a month or so and people legitimately buy her as the most dominating diva around and she hasn't had to compete yet. Monster heels pretty much have to be top of the card as long as they are around but they are that dominating everyone looks at them as championship material.

Monster faces, on the other hand, can put sit back and be content to be fodder. They always look like a very tall hurdle for anybody. You beat Big Show and you look like a real threat, and they aren't going to go off the deep end and attack everyone. Basically, monster faces are more stale than their heel counterparts and are always good to have around, because they are great losers. Monster heels have to be pushed and so they have to come to a dead end at some point and cool off just like Khali.

We don't need anymore monster heels. You've got two working simultaneously and that's plenty enough.
monster faces is for established wrestlers for kane big show but makes rising stars like big zeke makes him look weak for me keep zeke as a badass heel for about a year.Monster heels makes sense for big wrestles since their size makes them look badass
For some reason Monster Faces mean comedy roles in the WWE. They don't dominate like they used too. Look at Kane and Big Show. When they're heels, they're total badasses (most of the time, Big Show still did comedy with Jericho and othertimes as a heel).

I like Monster Faces that actually dominate and have a meanstreak. Goldberg comes to mind. Yes, he wasn't as big as Zeke, etc but he's still a big guy. If you could get a big guy like Zeke with Goldberg's kick ass style, WWE would be great to watch!
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