Money In The Bank LD Is Hoping For Some Major Transactions on 7/18

Kane's been a midcarder pretty much his whole career. When has he ever been interesting when he's not involved with Taker.

Back in like, 2002. When he was feuding when HHH back in the day when his mask was on the line. Despite the lame ass Katie Vick thing, the rest of the program was damn good.
Kane's been a midcarder pretty much his whole career. When has he ever been interesting when he's not involved with Taker.

2002 when he made his return and went on to almost capture the title against Triple H. His mask coming off and subsequent heel turn. I was interested in his little thing with Edge a few years ago.
Cena needed to be distracted in order to lose against six people on Monday. You're setting yourself up for a long fall.

We both know there's one hammer to rule them all.

*cue Triple H's theme*

HHH will definitely be introduced into the Nexus equation. Depending on how it pans out he will either be its destroyer or its mastermind.

I favour the former but the latter is a possibility
No, I think I'll stay with Hogan. A guy who uses his backstage persona to get his way with the WWE writers, and work out to bigger success, refuse to do jobs, and constantly get his way. Yeah, I haven't heard those same charges ever levied against Hogan

Because he does play the bullshit politics, and playing the underdog card just isn't entertaining anymore. It's called "no one giving a shit". Happens every now and then, really.
Allow me to educate you in the difference.

Hogan held on too long at times and raped companies for all he could get out of them.

Rey spent years putting midcarders over before asking for a few crumbs that he had long since earned.

Absolutely not the same.
Really? I'm all but certain he's done nothing but signal a bathroom break for most of that time. The man actually got Rey Mysterio to suck, FFS. Sure, he gets the nostolgia pop. But he wasn't credibile up until two months ago.

Hint: Around the time he was scripted to talk about Undertaker.

Rey was beating world champions on a regular basis before Eddie bit it. He was feuding with JBL when Eddie died. He was the cornerstone of WWE's desire for Hispanic audience. He had upward momentum.

Champion in 2006? Maybe not.

Champion someday? Considering the names who have gotten the belt since, most definitely. To suggest otherwise is blind hate.

Just wondering how much do u hate kane and love mysterio?
What everyone else said. From 2002-2003, Kane was interesting without Taker. Then, when everyone shit over it because we all knew what Triple H was doing, Kane got blamed, because Triple H can do no wrong in the WWE.

Glad to see Henry back in this match. Am I the only one who can't get into this match?
Kane's been a midcarder pretty much his whole career. When has he ever been interesting when he's not involved with Taker.

Well there was the time that he got unmasked. There was the feud with HHH and Katie Vick that while stupid certainly got attention. There was when he was ECW Champion. There was when he was in the main event of Survivor Series 2001. There was the Kane has a Bag angle where everyone and their mother thought it was his mask and it was one of the biggest angles on Raw. There was the feud he had with Rey that was decent. There was the feud with Shane that got a lot of time. There was the time he tombstoned Linda and got a lot of happiness out of people.

I could go on if you would like.

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