Money In The Bank LD Is Hoping For Some Major Transactions on 7/18

Odds of winning Raw MITB.
Henry = 0%
Bourne = 9%
Dibiase = 11%
Morrison = 10%
Orton = 20%
Edge = 15%
Jericho = 12%
Miz = 23%
Comparing Rey to Hogan is laughable hyperbole if I've ever seen it. Try another one.

No, I think I'll stay with Hogan. A guy who uses his backstage persona to get his way with the WWE writers, and work out to bigger success, refuse to do jobs, and constantly get his way. Yeah, I haven't heard those same charges ever levied against Hogan

While you're at it, open your eyes, realize how unpopular Rey is around these parts these days, and stop pulling the flippy card.

Because he does play the bullshit politics, and playing the underdog card just isn't entertaining anymore. It's called "no one giving a shit". Happens every now and then, really.
Kane deserves a title reign. His first is one of the biggest jokes in wrestling and the guy has jobbed for about 15 years and has somehow kept credibility. Rey has ridden Eddie's coattails ever since Eddie died and that is pure fact. He was a midcarder before then and a damn solid one, but if Eddie is still alive, no way Rey wins a world title ever.

Kane's been a midcarder pretty much his whole career. When has he ever been interesting when he's not involved with Taker.
Kane deserves a title reign. His first is one of the biggest jokes in wrestling and the guy has jobbed for about 15 years and has somehow kept credibility.
Really? I'm all but certain he's done nothing but signal a bathroom break for most of that time. The man actually got Rey Mysterio to suck, FFS. Sure, he gets the nostolgia pop. But he wasn't credibile up until two months ago.

Hint: Around the time he was scripted to talk about Undertaker.

Rey has ridden Eddie's coattails ever since Eddie died and that is pure fact. He was a midcarder before then and a damn solid one, but if Eddie is still alive, no way Rey wins a world title ever.
Rey was beating world champions on a regular basis before Eddie bit it. He was feuding with JBL when Eddie died. He was the cornerstone of WWE's desire for Hispanic audience. He had upward momentum.

Champion in 2006? Maybe not.

Champion someday? Considering the names who have gotten the belt since, most definitely. To suggest otherwise is blind hate.

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