Monday Night Massacre


The early numbers for last night's episodes of Raw and iMPACT! came out a few minutes ago and it just keeps looking worse for iMPACT!. Raw was back up in its usual territory last night with a 3.7 Nielsen Rating while iMPACT! scored a 0.6.

The actual number for iMPACT! was a 0.56, which will be rounded to a 0.6. This is...damn...this is the lowest number TNA has drawn since it was airing on Saturday nights at 11 pm. TNA needs to get its ass to another night and/or another timeslot because they're getting the ever lovin' shit kicked out of them.
I actually laughed out loud when I read the ratings. If TNA's move to 8-10 doesn't work, they are better off on Thursday. That rating is a complete kill, although WWE had WrestleMania last night and a farewell speech for HBK.
What exactly did you expect? When you have an episode where one of the best wrestlers of all time makes his final appearance, obviously people are going to tune in. How the ratings could be a shock to anyone is beyond me.

What people fail to notice is that, outside of anything with HBK, it was back to business as usual for WWE. Poor, lazily made storylines with guest "celebrities" thrown in for the hell of it. This is why I've been saying that people need to wait. Now that Wrestlemania is over, WWE's going to go back to what they did last year, and that'll hurt them big time.
Nah, this isn't time to panic. The WWE was coming off a hell of a Wrestlemania, which is the biggest show of the year, they had all the top stars there, plus Bret Hart, and HBK's farewell address.

Anybody could have predicted that the WWE would trounce TNA last night had they just taken a second to think about it. Besides, what people seem to forget is that WCW didn't just beating the WWF back in 1995, it took a while before they got over the hump.

Don't dismiss TNA, just because of one show the night after the biggest PPV of the year.
Wow you guys are more optimistic than me. I am starting to watch TNA more and more since they got Hogan and the coming of the Pope, but that rating is bad. Check this out, March 27 of WWE AM RAW scored a 0.65 cable rating, with 767,000 viewers. That show is like at 2 am and it did a better rating than Impact.
Like I said in the other thread, Mania had a LOT to do with this. While this certainly isn't good, it's far from the end of the world. What it might be the end of however is going head to head with Raw. There comes a point where going head to head just isn't working and I think they're approaching that. There is no shame in going up against the biggest dog in the yard and losing. There is shame however in knowing when you're beaten and still doing the same thing over and over. TNA is not ready to go head to head and they need to change times. The company is far from dead, but the time slot of going head to head may be. I'd move to either 8-10 or back to Thursdays before things (potentially) get worse.
like i said in another post wcw beat wwf in the first night of the war, and wwe always post better numbers the 2 months after wrestlemania than they do before the big dance. tna needs to relook at things. look at the link below
What exactly did you expect? When you have an episode where one of the best wrestlers of all time makes his final appearance, obviously people are going to tune in. How the ratings could be a shock to anyone is beyond me.

What people fail to notice is that, outside of anything with HBK, it was back to business as usual for WWE. Poor, lazily made storylines with guest "celebrities" thrown in for the hell of it. This is why I've been saying that people need to wait. Now that Wrestlemania is over, WWE's going to go back to what they did last year, and that'll hurt them big time.
What in the hell did you watch on Monday Night. The WWE is all about passing the torch to the next generation of guys. Lazy booking, far from it. The WWE class of 2002 was clearly put in the spotlight on Monday Night, and the WWE finally began to close the door on the last remnants of the New Generation stars.

The Hart Dynasty, Mizshow, Sheamus, Ted Jr., Jack Swagger, all of these guys got great rubs from Monday Night on a show packed with star power.

How anyone says not too panic with a .56 rating is an eternal optimistic or flat out naive. That is about as piss poor of a rating as you get, regardless of taped show vs. post mania. TNA on Monday is simply not getting the job done. Maybe the early switch will help this coming week in the first hour, but who knows until it gets here. Clearly though Hogan and Flair are not the draws people assume they are.
Anybody could have predicted that the WWE would trounce TNA last night had they just taken a second to think about it. Besides, what people seem to forget is that WCW didn't just beating the WWF back in 1995, it took a while before they got over the hump.

Sure, everone predicted Raw would beat iMPACT! but I don't think anybody really expected the rating to dip to a 0.56. As for WCW, well WCW was a different company than TNA and was stronger at the time. As far as it taking a while to get over the hump, I wouldn't say that. According to this chart, WCW Nitro was pulling numbers close to WWF Raw from the beginning of the Monday Night War. During Nitro's debut, it pulled a bigger rating than Raw. It may not have been that much bigger, but it was a victory for Nitro all the same. And, even before Nitro pulled away with the big 80+ consecutive week winning streak, it did still often outdraw Raw.

Don't dismiss TNA, just because of one show the night after the biggest PPV of the year.

It hasn't been just one night though. TNA has been pulling low numbers since they initiated this new "Monday Night War". Tonight was just the lowest number they've pulled yet and just because WrestleMania is over doesn't necessarily mean that the numbers for iMPACT! are just miraculously going to go up. I know that the "It's WrestleMania Time" crutch is one that a lot of fans have been leaning on for a while now, but I just see no way to not be disheartened over this number.
What in the hell did you watch on Monday Night. The WWE is all about passing the torch to the next generation of guys. Lazy booking, far from it. The WWE class of 2002 was clearly put in the spotlight on Monday Night, and the WWE finally began to close the door on the last remnants of the New Generation stars.

The Hart Dynasty, Mizshow, Sheamus, Ted Jr., Jack Swagger, all of these guys got great rubs from Monday Night on a show packed with star power.

How anyone says not too panic with a .56 rating is an eternal optimistic or flat out naive. That is about as piss poor of a rating as you get, regardless of taped show vs. post mania. TNA on Monday is simply not getting the job done. Maybe the early switch will help this coming week in the first hour, but who knows until it gets here. Clearly though Hogan and Flair are not the draws people assume they are.

Mizshow: Hardly the "New Generation". Miz fine, but Big Show's been around since 98. It seems as though they're trying to recapture the magic they had with JeriShow, and it's not working.

Hart Dynasty: OK, I'll give you that one, but an actual victory over Mizshow to prove that there will be a program afterwards would've been nice.

Ted Jr.: I wouldn't call losing to the odds-on-favourite for MITB that couldn't win, and then starting a program with your father an actual push.

Swagger: Beat the crap out of Cena to start things off, then suddenly bailed when Cena transformed to SuperCena and was miraculously OK. Yeah, there's a push.

The reason people watched RAW is because HBK was leaving. If he wasn't, RAW's ratings would've dropped again. Cena back on top once again, along with two unknown actors from what looks to be an inanely stupid movie? Oh yeah, I'd love to watch that again. The move to 8 will help TNA, but I think people need to show a little more patience before saying that they're going to fail.
Mizshow: Hardly the "New Generation". Miz fine, but Big Show's been around since 98. It seems as though they're trying to recapture the magic they had with JeriShow, and it's not working.

So wait. When Jericho, who is older than Miz as well as a far bigger star that didn't need a push, was with Big Show it was magic, but a mere four months later, Show is too old? So it's ok for Jericho to be older but not Big Show? In more or less the same team but with a younger guy, there's less of a youth movement/ So by your logic, Jericho is younger than Miz?

Hart Dynasty: OK, I'll give you that one, but an actual victory over Mizshow to prove that there will be a program afterwards would've been nice.

Last time I checked, winning by countout is a win. I could be wrong but I don't think I am. Is there a fake win?

Ted Jr.: I wouldn't call losing to the odds-on-favourite for MITB that couldn't win, and then starting a program with your father an actual push.

So wait. Fighting against a big star with no Rhodes or Orton, meaning this is a new thing for him, isn't better than old stuff? So you like the old stuff better? And feuding with the featured HOF inductee 48 hours after said induction who happens to be his FATHER isn't a good storyline for him? It's not a good idea for a guy that is where he is because of his father to go after his father in a way to draw heat? How would you prefer he get heat them?

Swagger: Beat the crap out of Cena to start things off, then suddenly bailed when Cena transformed to SuperCena and was miraculously OK. Yeah, there's a push.

So what you're saying is you want Swagger to go from midcard nothing to MITB winner to beating the world champion in 24 hours. Ah I see. So we'll skip building up drama for him and forget the big match he won at Mania that got him into that match. Apparently winning MITB like he did is enough to catapult him over Cena, who won the world title, meaning that by your logic, MITB > WWE TItle, meaning winning a shot at the title is better than winning the title. I learn so much from you.

The reason people watched RAW is because HBK was leaving. If he wasn't, RAW's ratings would've dropped again. Cena back on top once again, along with two unknown actors from what looks to be an inanely stupid movie? Oh yeah, I'd love to watch that again. The move to 8 will help TNA, but I think people need to show a little more patience before saying that they're going to fail.

Ok, so the whole crowd that watched Raw was stupid enough to think that every time Raw came back on it could have been Shawn? Were they too stupid to change the channel? Cena being back on top is stupid because he's the most over and the best for the show and the ratings. Because clearly the .5 jump in the ratings had ZERO to do with having Cena back on top right? All the 8 year olds that were in the audience and watching on TV last night were there for Shawn, who, assuming they were watching the day they came out of the womb, they have seen half of his career at best. The actors weren't unknown. Their names were said many times. And clearly no one that watches wrestling and is in the target demographic would want to see women in swimsuits with them right? I mean boobs. Just EW!

I think people need to show a little more patience before saying that they're going to fail.

Because after one night in the new direction on Raw, it's clear where they're going so 2 hours of patience is enough. Clearly.
So wait. When Jericho, who is older than Miz as well as a far bigger star that didn't need a push, was with Big Show it was magic, but a mere four months later, Show is too old? So it's ok for Jericho to be older but not Big Show? In more or less the same team but with a younger guy, there's less of a youth movement/ So by your logic, Jericho is younger than Miz?

I never said that JeriShow was an example of the "New Generation". I just said it was a good tag team, and it was. It was the only thing keeping the tag team division going last year. The Miz is good, but he's not Chris Jericho, and I think Miz should be focusing more on his reign as US Champion than as a tag champ.

Last time I checked, winning by countout is a win. I could be wrong but I don't think I am. Is there a fake win?

Fine, a pinfall victory. Whatever term you want to use.

So wait. Fighting against a big star with no Rhodes or Orton, meaning this is a new thing for him, isn't better than old stuff? So you like the old stuff better? And feuding with the featured HOF inductee 48 hours after said induction who happens to be his FATHER isn't a good storyline for him? It's not a good idea for a guy that is where he is because of his father to go after his father in a way to draw heat? How would you prefer he get heat them?

Am I the only one who remembers that he got into a fight with his father when he was the RAW guest host? That went virtually nowhere. If people want Ted over, maybe they should have him feud with an actual member of the roster. Like, say, his former tag partner?

So what you're saying is you want Swagger to go from midcard nothing to MITB winner to beating the world champion in 24 hours. Ah I see. So we'll skip building up drama for him and forget the big match he won at Mania that got him into that match. Apparently winning MITB like he did is enough to catapult him over Cena, who won the world title, meaning that by your logic, MITB > WWE TItle, meaning winning a shot at the title is better than winning the title. I learn so much from you.

When Edge, RVD, and Punk held the briefcase, they each teased the audience for a while in regards to when and against who they would cash in. Night after he wins it, Swagger pretty much reveals who he's going to be facing, which hints at the possibility that he will be the first to cash in and lose. Add in the fact that, when guys cashed in before, the victim wasn't suddenly OK ten seconds after they were attacked. This does not look good for Swagger at all.

Ok, so the whole crowd that watched Raw was stupid enough to think that every time Raw came back on it could have been Shawn? Were they too stupid to change the channel? Cena being back on top is stupid because he's the most over and the best for the show and the ratings. Because clearly the .5 jump in the ratings had ZERO to do with having Cena back on top right? All the 8 year olds that were in the audience and watching on TV last night were there for Shawn, who, assuming they were watching the day they came out of the womb, they have seen half of his career at best. The actors weren't unknown. Their names were said many times. And clearly no one that watches wrestling and is in the target demographic would want to see women in swimsuits with them right? I mean boobs. Just EW!

They kept doing flashbacks of Shawn's career. I'd like to think that drew in SOME people. The 8-year olds you're referring to would most likely be the ones who watch WWE regardless of what's going on, for whatever reason you can think of. The jump in ratings is more than likely due to older fans, who heard of Shawn's retirement and wanted to see. In regards to the actors, name one other film they've been in besides Hot Tub Time Machine. As for the women in swimsuits: It's called the internet. A couple of seconds of searching and you can find that easily.

Because after one night in the new direction on Raw, it's clear where they're going so 2 hours of patience is enough. Clearly.

What new direction? I didn't see a new direction at all. Killing time while the next event comes along while having segments with "celebrities" that don't add anything at all is not a new direction.
I never said that JeriShow was an example of the "New Generation". I just said it was a good tag team, and it was. It was the only thing keeping the tag team division going last year. The Miz is good, but he's not Chris Jericho, and I think Miz should be focusing more on his reign as US Champion than as a tag champ.

Fine, a pinfall victory. Whatever term you want to use.

Am I the only one who remembers that he got into a fight with his father when he was the RAW guest host? That went virtually nowhere. If people want Ted over, maybe they should have him feud with an actual member of the roster. Like, say, his former tag partner?

When Edge, RVD, and Punk held the briefcase, they each teased the audience for a while in regards to when and against who they would cash in. Night after he wins it, Swagger pretty much reveals who he's going to be facing, which hints at the possibility that he will be the first to cash in and lose. Add in the fact that, when guys cashed in before, the victim wasn't suddenly OK ten seconds after they were attacked. This does not look good for Swagger at all.

They kept doing flashbacks of Shawn's career. I'd like to think that drew in SOME people. The 8-year olds you're referring to would most likely be the ones who watch WWE regardless of what's going on, for whatever reason you can think of. The jump in ratings is more than likely due to older fans, who heard of Shawn's retirement and wanted to see. In regards to the actors, name one other film they've been in besides Hot Tub Time Machine. As for the women in swimsuits: It's called the internet. A couple of seconds of searching and you can find that easily.

What new direction? I didn't see a new direction at all. Killing time while the next event comes along while having segments with "celebrities" that don't add anything at all is not a new direction.

Funny how I don't remember Edge teasing cashing in the briefcase. I remember Edge being in feuds with Kane and Hardy before cashing it in. I don't think he teased cashing it in once. RVD was in a feud with Benjamin over the briefcase and he went to Cena straight up and challenged him.

Swagger teasing it doesn't mean he is going to cash it in and lose. For all we know, he may get drafted to Smackdown and cash it in there.

Last night was a huge step in the progression of the young guys. DiBiase had a good match against a established veteran in Christian, Sheamus attacked HHH furthering their feud, Orton is over more and more by the minute, and the Hart Dynasty got one of the biggest pops of the evening. TNA had 0% chance and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
ZeroVX, you just hold on to that hope man. I'm sorry but I don't see TNA ever dethroning WWE. They have pulled out all the stops, they have Hardy, they have RVD, Angle, Styles. I can go on and on, I don't see what else they can do. They are pretty much building TNA with ex WWE guys and nothing. When WCW went under, they still had better ratings than TNA. I wanted a Monday night War, but I'm ok with Monday Raw, Tuesday NXT, Thursday TNA, and Friday Smackdown.
I never said that JeriShow was an example of the "New Generation". I just said it was a good tag team, and it was

No you said it had magic. That's a step above good to me. Show isn't New Generation. He's Attitude Era.

I think Miz should be focusing more on his reign as US Champion than as a tag champ.

So he should feud with midcarders on his level rather than talking to one of the biggest stars in company history? Having a match with Kofi which we've seen before isn't as good as a new argument with someone that is a bigger deal than Kofi has ever been?

Fine, a pinfall victory. Whatever term you want to use.

The term I use is victory. Which they got.

Am I the only one who remembers that he got into a fight with his father when he was the RAW guest host? That went virtually nowhere. If people want Ted over, maybe they should have him feud with an actual member of the roster. Like, say, his former tag partner?

So you complain about the show being stale, and your solution is to have DiBiase associate with the guy that he's associated with since the day he debuted and was teaming with and facing in his debut match? It's better to do that than it is to go out on his own in a new direction, which is the point of his character, based upon the first four words of his theme song, "It's a new day"?

When Edge, RVD, and Punk held the briefcase, they each teased the audience for a while in regards to when and against who they would cash in.

Same as Swagger did last night as he changed his mind while showing he could attack at any time before canceling like Punk did just before he cashed in. Go on.

Night after he wins it, Swagger pretty much reveals who he's going to be facing, which hints at the possibility that he will be the first to cash in and lose.

You're right. Even without having seen Smackdown, you know he won't be there to do the same thing to Jericho or even win the title this coming Friday. Tell me, who do you like for Mania 27? I could make a fortune off you with the ability to read the future like that.

Add in the fact that, when guys cashed in before, the victim wasn't suddenly OK ten seconds after they were attacked. This does not look good for Swagger at all.

You're right. When Cena kicked out of Edge' first spear after surviving an Elimination Chamber match and when Hardy kicked out of a GTS after a ladder match it had been 12 seconds rather than ten. Amazing isn't it that a fresh Cena can get up from an attack where he had time to recover and stand up without actually fighting back against Swagger. HE STOOD UP! He really is a superman isn't he?

They kept doing flashbacks of Shawn's career. I'd like to think that drew in SOME people

Oh I know it got me in. I couldn't wait to sit down and watch Raw for the potential to see clips of matches that I can see in full elsewhere. Oh give me the clips baby! 10 seconds of a match that could be upwards of 20 years old is FAR better than anything TNA has, or at least that's what you just said.

The 8-year olds you're referring to would most likely be the ones who watch WWE regardless of what's going on, for whatever reason you can think of.

So they all buy or are given Cena shirts and hats because....they're pretty? And they stand and cheer and wave signs praising Cena and saying how much they love him because....they can't spell anything else and they react like Pavlov?

The jump in ratings is more than likely due to older fans, who heard of Shawn's retirement and wanted to see.

So the audience that TNA caters to, the older fans, were swayed by the promises of an old man talking rather than younger guys having wrestling matches. We have found the solution to TNA's problems: air reruns of Larry King. If a guy in his mid 40s draws ratings, imagine what LARRY KING would get!

In regards to the actors, name one other film they've been in besides Hot Tub Time Machine

Give me another 4 minutes of them on TV. They weren't on long enough for me to catch them. I was looking at the Bellas.

As for the women in swimsuits: It's called the internet. A couple of seconds of searching and you can find that easily.

Or in even fewer seconds with fewer movements, I could have seen them last night. But the Knockouts segments featuring the Beautiful People are rated as high as they are because people want to see their abilities right? No fan tunes in to see how they look. They were tiny outfits and move around provocatively for better aerodynamics right?

What new direction?

I believe that would be up. They want to follow the ratings they're getting.

I didn't see a new direction at all.

That's because you're looking at TNA and their direction is the opposite of WWE's.

Killing time while the next event comes along while having segments with "celebrities" that don't add anything at all is not a new direction.

Right again. The celebrities receiving a combined 6 minutes of a 120 minute show, or 5%, certainly were the moments that showed the direction of the company. We clearly saw nothing in the Sheamus attack, the Hart Dynasty match, the Swagger segments or the Batista/Cena argument. Those segments were ads for popcorn I think.
Wow, that number is dreadful. Admittedly Raw wasn't stellar last night but, and to me here's a big plus point for the show, my girlfriend who doesn't like wrestling but has to watch it because I PAY THE TV BILLS DAMMIT watched it with me and said "seems to be less big names tonight" which, to me, says something about the lay-out of the show. People saying that Raw only got that high because HBK was leaving haven't been paying too close attention to the ratings lately, it seems that HBK didn't spike them at all, they've stayed consistent and, if they can do a consistent number while starting to creep up the pushes for people like Swagger/Dibiase/Sheamus and ShowMiz, it'll end up with more larger named wrestlers, and a more varied show. I'm mainly grateful the guest hosts are getting less time on the show then before though.

I watch TNA every week but, for the life of me, I still don't understand half of the stuff that goes on there, and can't stand Abyss being near the top of the card. Wrestlemania has nothing to do with TNA's low numbers, it's a poor, muddled creative direction with too much emphasis on stars from the past and, as one of those stars has Dixie Carter in awe of him and is seen as pretty much running the show at the moment, I can see even more of a lack of TNA young 'uns getting a push as he will blame them for the ratings drop and not the legends!
This is a pretty low number even for TNA. WrestleMania or not, TNA has been on sliding slope for the past two weeks. I'm not panicked thinking of TNA going out of business, but I don't think we will be seeing a new Monday night war anytime soon. Hopefully TNA can have some better numbers at 8 pm, but I somehow doubt it. It seems TNA are losing more fans then they are gaining I hate to admit.

I really hope TNA either stay on at 8 pm or moves to Thursday night because I don't see how they can compete against Raw. TNA has all the stars they need, but they need a better time slot and better booking. The Band needs the axe immediately to start with along with some other talent that isn't needed. We will have to wait and see what happens next week, but this hasn't been good change for us to believe. A few hardcore fans stay but most of the old ones have gone. I'm sure TNA has gained new fans too, but not enough to make an impact.
I continue to be amazed at the level of TNA smarkdom throughout these forums and throughout the IWC in general. 3.7 versus 0.56?? That's astonishing, and if that's not cause for concern, I don't know what is. After TNA throwing absolutely everything they have at the WWE, while WWE continues to build with a mixture of established veterans and up and comers, the discrepancy between WWE and TNA continues to grow.

How can you not marvel at 3.7 vs 0.56? Jesus, RAW, SD!, ECW (while it was still around), Superstars, NXT, even the Hall of Fame ceremony are beating these numbers. And the parade of excuses to justify it! It's the return of Bret Hart. It's the Road to Wrestlemania. It's the retirement of HBK. Blah blah blah! The reason is simple, it's an inferior product going head to head with an established giant in a colossal display of arrogance, ignorance, and apathy. What excuses come next in the next few weeks when WWE continue to show its dominance. The NBA playoffs? MLB? NHL? There's always something else to watch.

What shocked me last night on a personal level was when I realized that after watching RAW (and loving it!) I actually completely forgot that iMPACT was even on. It wasn't a decision to watch WWE versus TNA, there was no conflict or soul searching. TNA was such a blip on the radar that I didn't even remember it was on. Mind you, had I remembered, I wouldn't have watched it anyway. But if TNA cannot even impress me enough to have to make a choice, that's telling.
.56 and your going to tell me your not worried SlyFox? Your full of shit sir. You might convince a very select few there isn't reason to worry or panic, but anybody with an IQ above your shoe size can see TNA is in deep shit.

I will say it again. Impact drew a .56 A POINT FIVE SIX. That's horrible. That's worse than horrible. That's atrocious. TNA can't stay on Monday Nights if they don't draw past a 1. That's a fact. I still chuckle at you Sly and Lord Sid when you guys were SO excited the Nasty Boys were in TNA. So happy that Hogan was bringing them mainstream exposure.

Point.......Five....Six. Is what Hogan/Bischoff regime is bringing TNA. You can sit there and spin it, you can sit there and blame it on Wrestlemania, or NCAA, or there was a full moon. But the fact of the matter is the ratings is what dictates how much the sponsors have to pay. A .56 and they will be paying Spike TV in 20 dollar bills. TNA is losing more and more fans every single week. That is alarming.

If you think Sly, that you could be a CEO of a company that continues to lose it's fan base on a week to week basis, and you shouldn't be alarmed, then I guess there's no changing your mind
How's this for a follow-up thought to the Monday Night Wars/Massacre situation?

Let's look at the egos of several of the key guys on the TNA roster. Kurt Angle. Hulk Hogan. Ric Flair. Ken Anderson. How long do you think they are going to be content functioning in a losing battle situation, a distant second place in a no-win situation? How long before they get pissed off, their patience runs out, and they either attempt to bail back to the WWE, or if not welcome there, they just choose to retire?

Let's face it, Kurt Angle already thinks the world revolves around him. How long will he be satisfied being the punch line in the joke of professional wrestling? When he wasn't the focal point of every aspect of the WWE, he took his ball and went home and jumped to TNA. Will he be content to finish up his career in obscurity, or will he want one more shot at the big time before he hangs the boots up? And if TNA is struggling with these guys, how much will they struggle without them?

Hogan and Flair cannot last much longer, nor can Foley or Sting. RVD and Hardy want a limited schedule only, how much longer before they disappear again.

TNA has put all of their eggs in one basket, so to speak, with this select handful of guys, and few people coming behind them to fill the inevitable voids.

When these guys start disappearing, TNA will be screwed even worse.
I don't believe that the full numbers for last night's Raw and iMPACT! will be available until tomorrow. These numbers should include the total number of viewers for both shows and most of the quarterly hour segments.

However, a couple of segment ratings have been released thus far. The TNA segment featuring Chelsea, Dinero and the return of Samoa Joe drew a 0.5 for iMPACT! while the Raw segment featuring HBK's farewell speech pulled a 4.1.

I expect TNA's ratings to increase at least some next week as it will have at least one full hour in which it won't be going head to head against Raw.
0.56..............that is TERRIBLE.......... i mean i dont think they ve ever had that kind of rating before..... say what you want about the wm fallout or shawn s farewell but Impact this week was terrible.... i hope with the move next week the rating recover.....i mean if withing a month the rating dont go back to at least 1. or higher tna should really bail on the war and go back to thurdays.....
Seems like a clear sign that there is a finite wrestling audience and as such TNA is almost always going to do worse on mondays than it would on thursdays. They should live to fight another day and move back. Then try and grow the audience up to a point where it would have a prayer of working. The writing has been on the wall for this ever since hogan v flair did a 1.0. Creative and quality has nothing to do with it at this point unfortunately. It is a numbers game and habit game that they simply cannot win. It could be good though. Humble some people and get everyone to stop worrying about competing with wwe and start focusing simply on putting on your best show possible.

It would be pretty cool if they wrote this failure into a storyline of some kind because I can think of some interesting angles but I am not sure Hogan's ego would allow most of them to happen.
Wow this is a new low, they must realise now that they jumped the gun big time. Hogan needs to get his head out of his own *** and realise hes getting it all wrong. There's so many mistakes it would take a whole thread just to say them all. Maybe going an hour earlier will improve the ratings abit but if its only the first hour then whats the point?!
Now I have not watched TNA iMPACT this week, but after seeing the rating, is anybody else worried about TNA and their move to Monday's?

Sure HBK's retirement had a bit to do with the ratings going down but a 0.6 is awful. I mean really awful. When they kicked off on Monday nights the rating for the first Monday iMPACT was a 0.84.

Correct me if I'm wrong but since the move to Monday's I don't think TNA has hit 1.0 yet. Even with Hogan, Angle, Foley, Sting, Styles, Anderson, RVD and Jeff Hardy, they can't pull a 1.0?

This says to me that the caliber of wrestler that you bring to the product doesn't matter. Its the production values and the audience that matter, and TNA doesn't seem to be appealing to their audience at the moment.

What are everyone's thoughts? Is TNA's adult theme not connecting with the modern day PG wrestling audience? Or is it something more complicated?

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