Moment that still gives you goosebumps today (PART 2)

The Idiot

Getting Noticed By Management
I went to try and dig up my old thread but it got sent to the archives, which is fine. It's one of my favorite topics because people have brought back so many memories that I had forgotten about.

So with that's the second edition. What's the moment that still makes the hairs on your arms stand up? The moment that you can watch over and over again. It can be a match, an interview, a debut, a retirement...anything from any organization.

I'll let you guys start!
Without hesitation... Jericho's debut in the WWE.

I was following wrestling with a bunch of friend back then but we were not always on the Internet for it like people are these days and while it seems that some people knew that it was Jericho that was coming, we didn't and we were wondering what the countdown was for. A part of me wish thing could be kept secret again and spoilers and news site would just go away (or that I had the force to stay away from them) because it was really more special back in those days.

The beginning of Jericho was really awesome and unexpected to me and it still bring me chills when I watch it.
The one thing that always brings me goosebumps is when Steve Austin saves Stephenie McMahon from the Undertaker when he was suppose to marry her. And also when Randy Orton injured Triple H and when he was suppose to come out and congratulate him on winning the title, and then everyone thought Triple H was going to come out but it turned out to be Shawn Michaels. That was really cool.
Stone Cold Steve Austin returning at Backlash 2000 to foil Mr. McMahon's attempts to hold the WWE Championship in Triple H's and McMahon-Helmsley's grasp. The crowd was silent as Triple H held The Rock up, between Briscoe, Patterson, Hunter, Vince and Shane, The Rock had the hell beat out of him. Vince claimed Austin would be a no-show, but as JR predicted, Stone Cold would show and when the glass shattered, the place went ballistic for Steve as he helped The Rock regain the WWE Championship.


One month later at Judegment Day, The Rock and Triple H went at it again, this time in an Ironman match. The Rock again was having the shit beat out of him, this time by Hunter and D-Generation X, but the bells tolled and the little girls sang - The Undertaker returned on a motorcycle, speading down the aisle way as everyone looked on thinking what the hell was happening, but it was just The Undertaker's return as The American Badass which shocked me, looking back it still does it today.

Mankind; or known more these days as Mick Foley, winning the WWE Championship from The Rock with the help of Stone Cold Steve Austin, and then parading around the ring with it. Before I knew the whole deal behind Tony Schiavone making the "asses in the seats" comment, I thought it was great. Mankind was one of my favorites at the time and even when I was young, he didn't look like someone who'd be a Champion of that calibure. Still remembering jumping around the place.

Finally, a moment that made me jump out of my seat was actually Goldberg's WWE debut. I'd heard he'd be coming, and to debut by taking out The Rock was pretty big, the pop was huge and that is probably why I was so amazed by it. He was one of the few guys I liked in WCW, so for him to come to the WWE was pretty cool to me.

Mine has to be when Jericho beat HHH for the world title but HHH had it reversed. The pop Jericho got when earl hit the 3 count is amazing.
Mine has to be when Jericho beat HHH for the world title but HHH had it reversed. The pop Jericho got when earl hit the 3 count is amazing.

This was a great moment...and I couldn't believe it happened, especially on Raw and not on a PPV!

One of my favorite moments was when Jannetty finally returned from his absence to get revenge on his former partner. Watching the video, you might not think this was a big deal, but it was at the time...especially for the Rockers fans. The way they had pulled it off was perfect, with Shawn seeing Marty in the mirror. Good stuff!

Finally, I'm going with the debut of the big ladder. The first time in WWE history the big ass ladder was used. What made it even more special is that I was there live at Wrestlemania 2000. It wasn't the best fact many fans rank it up there with the worst. But this raises the hair on my arms everytime I see it...because I remember how I felt when I was there. When Bubba Ray pulled the ladder out the fans in attendance sitting by me looked at each other as if to say, "No f'n way!" Of course, they raised the bar since then...but the first time is always the most memorable.

Without a doubt for me, it's Mick Foley being thrown off the Cell.
to do this day, I can't watch that without remembering it being the first time I was legitimately concerned that I just saw someone murdered (I was at that level of maturity where I hadn't yet traded my belief for Santa with my belief for Kayfabe)

Knowing the backstory and the aftermath of that moment makes it my goosebump moment.
For me it's title wins of my two favorite superstars of all time, not only their biggest wins in their careers but their most surprising.

Chris Jericho becomes the 1st Undisputed Champion
Vengeance 2001, a four man tourny for the WWE and World championships in order to have one Undisputed Champion, either Kurt Angle, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin or Chis Jericho will win. Now that is a pretty stacked group of superstars, I love Jericho and I always have faith in him but that night I did not expect him to come out on top against probably the two biggest names in wrestling at the time. When he beat The Rock I was happily surprised and relished the moment as a fan but I had a feeling it would be short lived when I heard the glass break and saw SCSA heading down the ramp. Then with a little help and a lot of determination my hero Y2J beat the Texas Rattlesnake and became the first ever Undisputed Champion. I was so happy and so shocked that it was one of the best moments as a fan that I can remember.


Randy Orton becomes the youngest world champion in WWE history
Without a doubt his most memorable win for me, keep in mind this was back when he was with Evolution and he was not supposed to be the world champion, that was Trip's spot but Orton won a 20 man battle royal for the oppertunity to face the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Benoit at SummerSlam. Orton went on to face Benoit in an excellent back and forth match that ended with Orton hitting an RKO from out of nowhere and pinning Benoit to become the youngest World Champion at 24. As a fan it was the sign that he had finally made it and that he would be around for a long time, it was a huge victory against a grinder like Benoit and an excellent match, when I think of Orton's title wins a few come to mind. You've got him winning the Six Pack Challenge at Night Of Champions, defeating Triple H at No Mercy to become Champion twice in one night and defeating Benoit at SummerSlam, He hits the european uppercut, spins around and hits that RKO and the rest was history.

Three moments in particular stand out for me. The first one would have to be the tribute to Owen Hart on the episode of RAW following his untimely death. No storyline, no kayfabe, that was as real as it gets. Pretty emotional stuff.

I also really loved the debut of Chris Jericho. Back before the days of the Internet spoiling everything, at least for me, there was still the shock value of the debut. Even though it was rumored, I still had no idea, at least for sure, that he was the focus of the millennium clock. And of course there was the return of Triple H from his first quad surgery. The two loudest pops I can recall seeing and hearing was this return of HHH and that debut of Y2J.
I'd say Hogan Slamming Andre at Mania 3, HBK beating Bret for the WWFC. in the classic IRON MAN MATCH from Mania 12, and the boy-hood dream coming true. Also, Hogan beating Yokozuna at Mania 9 in a non-scheduled match to steal the show, and end it with a mark-out moment, as people would call it today. Of course Mick Foley getting tossed of the Cell by Undertaker. Brock F5 the Big Show the first time, as well.
Not too long ago but Triple H tombstoning The Undertaker at Wrestlemania XXVII. It was the one and only moment i thought the streak was in genuine threat. In hindsight, i should have known they would never let taker lose the streak in such a way, but at the time, my heart skipped a beat! Amazing!
Without a shadow of a doubt, the wrestlemania when eddie guerrero and chris benoit won the big titles; best friends coming a long way to finally make it to the top as they hug each other in sweat and tears in the middle of the ring. That was a real moment right there. Not only does it bring goosebumps, but it brings tears to real wrestling fans who followed both of these guys careers.
Totally selfish memory, but I was at Triple H's return at MSG and it was the most deafening thing I've ever experienced. Thanks to a recent forum post I was able to watch it again but for the first time as broadcasted (forgot to set my VCR for Raw). Chills. Remembering now how Hunter was Mr. Olympia sized and when the shirt came off the entire place gave a collective "Holy Shit!" Also loved having Kurt Angle come out and ruin the moment too. Pissed me off to no end at the time but now I realize how much more awesome it was that Hunter got to pedigree someone that night.

Runners up include Bret beating Mr Perfect at Summerslam 91 (my first live show), and Mick falling off the top of the cage at KOTR. To everyone posting about Jericho's WWE debut, I'm right their with you. I've looked that clip on on youtube sooooo many times. Amazing.
first off,taker vs. mankind hell in a cell,classic,hbk vs.jericho nonsancioned match was very emotional considering what jericho did to hbk and his wife,brock f5ing big show and superplexing him off the top rope,stone cold with the beer truck,my personal favorite when hogan left wwe,the montreal screw job was a shocker to everybody,hhh return after injury,john cena being drafted to raw in 2005,jeff hardy swanton off the scaffold onto orton,i have over 30 years of memories,but these are some of my goosebump moments (hogan is not a goosebump moment but seeing that i never was a fan of his and he held back some guys,tell me why he had to win at wm9 when bret lost to yoko only made me hate him more)it gave me goosebumps because i didnt have to see him anymore,until i tuned in to watch wcw a few months later
The Undertaker's entrance at Summerslam 92, when he rode to ringside on the back of hearse while Paul Bearer walked out in front. Even thinking about it now does it for me. Undertaker's best entrance ever, IMO.

When Ms. Elizabeth jumped the rail to save Randy Savage from Queen Sherri, and then when they embraced, and then when Liz held the ropes apart for Savage and he waved her off and instead held them apart for her. It's not often you get to see a wrestler be a classy guy and get over by doing so, but Savage earned his spot in the Hall of Fame that night.

When Mr. Perfect poured a pitcher of water on Bobby Heenan and asked Ric Flair how he liked the wet weasel. I loved The Perfect Team.

If you grew up in the 90's and weren't a fan of the Ultimate Warrior...then you didn't exist. I had already been watching wrestling 3-4 years at this point so I knew all the wrestlers and the history.

There we were...sitting on the ground in front of the TV listening to the scrambled PPV (for you young kids probably have no idea what that means, but that's ok). We hadn't seen Warrior in nearly a year and when his music sounded me and my friends went nuts!!

Before the internet and dirt sheets...all we knew about wrestling was from the WWF magazine and watching Superstars on Satruday mornings. We all know the Warrior is looked down upon today because the smarts label him as a poor worker and how he acted back stage and bla bla bla. Doesn't matter...this brings back great childhood memories and wanted to share with you all again.
Savages title win at WM8 was epic

Warriors return at WM8

Closing moments of Summerslam 1992, what a great ppv and great way to end the match I consider to be the GOAT.

Shawn Micheals winning Royal Rumble 1995 and winning his first world title.

Bret Harts small package on Desil to win the wwf title. First table bump I can remmeber in WWF.

Micheals/Austin and Austin/Dude Loves title wins over Bulldog and Owen. Summer of 97was full of great moments.

Jericho debut was the best debut ever. The pop when his name came up on the screne was amazing.

Angles title win over austin during the invasion angle.

Triple Hs return at MSG. Even enjoyed the beatiful day video package ....gotta love a guy with that much passion.

Benoit/Eddie title wins and closing out WMXX. They finally made it to the top.

Rockers reunion match was great for nostalgia.

The Rock returns to RAW being annouced as guest host of WM27. classic entrance, what a pop
I have a lot of "goosebump moments," but nothing tops Undertaker's Royal Rumble '94 post-match promo.
I can still clearly remember that monotone, almost soulless voice echoing through the arena, and that close-up on his corpse-like face. Then the effects with the lightning hitting the casket, the smoke coming out from around it, him becoming a "ghost," the silhouette, and topped off by Paul Bearer holding that urn with the light in it.

It was so over-the-top, but it was over-the-top done right.
id have to say when the nWo returned to WWF they had one good night out of that whole mess which was thier first night on raw beating up the rock, hitting all thier moves and spraypainting him and you could hear the crowd pop louder than they did for austin or rock or anybody at the time, nWo was white hot that night and it go]ave me goosebumps as a huge nWo fan to see the classic beatdown happen that night

If you grew up in the 90's and weren't a fan of the Ultimate Warrior...then you didn't exist. I had already been watching wrestling 3-4 years at this point so I knew all the wrestlers and the history.

There we were...sitting on the ground in front of the TV listening to the scrambled PPV (for you young kids probably have no idea what that means, but that's ok). We hadn't seen Warrior in nearly a year and when his music sounded me and my friends went nuts!!

Before the internet and dirt sheets...all we knew about wrestling was from the WWF magazine and watching Superstars on Satruday mornings. We all know the Warrior is looked down upon today because the smarts label him as a poor worker and how he acted back stage and bla bla bla. Doesn't matter...this brings back great childhood memories and wanted to share with you all again.

Just had to reply here. All in good fun man, but I was a Hogan mark all the way. I loathed the Ultimate Warrior. I even made a thread about taking a swing at my warrior fan cousin when he beat Hogan at mania 6. After mania 6 I hated warrior more, and when savage cost him the title to slaughter it ranks right up there with my first sexual experience haha j/k but you get my point. On to the thread My first goosebump moment is when Elizabeth jumped the rail to save randy, and again when he opened the ropes for her. In between that the goosebumps were the worst when in the middle of some classic heenan commentary he says.. "she loves him,....and he loves her" coming from heenan I thought i was going to start crying. Jericho's debut would be my second moment, and third would have to be HBK's first title victory in the ironman match.
i am totally fan of the promo splendid for the match Taker vs Taker,the face of Dibiase when he see the REAL Undertaker at summerslam,he was stupefied and surprised.

The moment that when Paul bearer betrayal Taker at Summerslam 2 years after his return,an bad alliance with Mankind.
Rock vs Hogan, the whole match is a goosebump trip

HBK saying "i love you" before beating Ric

Those are the 2 instances in the "newer" era that stick out, i dont think anything truly special has happened since.

The best moment was Savage and Liz reuniting, it was a magical moment that wasent suppose to happen in pro wrestling. When has a relationship between a man and a woman ever had any sort of effect in "pro rasslin'"? Yet that moment stands above all, it was masterfully done

Watching it today is even more powerful, knowing the problems both of them faced, the drug abuse, their recent deaths and the realization that day by day, a chunk of your childhood is dying, dissapearing. But that moment still represents something pure, not just about pro wrestling but about people.
I went to try and dig up my old thread but it got sent to the archives, which is fine. It's one of my favorite topics because people have brought back so many memories that I had forgotten about.

So with that's the second edition. What's the moment that still makes the hairs on your arms stand up? The moment that you can watch over and over again. It can be a match, an interview, a debut, a retirement...anything from any organization.

I'll let you guys start!

- The Rock and Hogan shaking hands. Something I never expected going into the match. Two icons and legends of the business.

- Undertaker finishing HBK after he slapped him and giving him the tombstone. It marked the end of a legendary career.

These two stand above everything else.
Wow, two posts in one day. Damn the interesting threads.

Anywho, a couple come to mind, all from my youth.

WM VI, Warrior beating Hogan. My friends and I were all tired of the Hogan schtick. We ended up cheering almost anybody that opposed him. Taker, Perfect, etc. But when Warrior showed up (being a bunch of long haired, headbanging metalheads probably helped), we were hooked. He was the epitome of cool. Then, when he beat Hogan, we damn near tore the house apart. I still remember the adrenaline flowing like a river.

Side note: Had a bet with a guy at school over the match for 10 bucks. I won. I never got my 10 bucks. Hogan's fans were just like him; phony. Ha!

But seriously, Mr. Carpenter, one day at a class reunion, I will finally get my 10 bucks or you had better be prepared to be gorilla press-slammed.

Second one relates to Warrior as well. His return promo in WCW. Seeing him back in a ring again, calling Hogan out on all the crap (kayfabe and otherwise), and just his larger than life presence was amazing. I didn't even care how long it was, I was hung on every word. Plus, that trenchcoat was simply bad ass.

Another one was when Taker initially turned face. Me and my buds were already Taker fans (because he was cool and also was against Hogan) but when Jake "the Snake" was getting ready to clobber the next person to walk through the curtain (which, incidentally, was Miss Elizabeth) and Taker grabbed the chair so he couldn't swing it, I literally blew a gasket (yeah, I know. But the gasket paid very handsomely and I was young. I'm not proud). I was ecstatic that the Undertaker was now a "good guy" and I didn't have to feel like I was going against my own moral code for cheering an evil, supernatural "bad guy". My life was perfect.

I'm sure there were a gazillion more, such as the Bret Hart/Stone Cold "blood from a stone" Survivor Series match, almost getting trampled by Kamala at a live event, Demolition's face turn (told you I was a metal head) and walking around the mall with a Red Rooster mohawk (yeah, I did that. I was a pretty impressionable fella. Plus, I was dared. Sigh) but those three above are ones that seem to stick out in my head moreso than others.

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