I was talking to Marquis last night, and he brought up two very interesting points:
1. Forrest fights only top guys. When you look at who he's been matched up against lately, it seems like the UFC uses him as a punching bag for fighters who need a big name to defeat.
2. We always here how great of a grappler Forrest is, but the only time we've seen him on the ground was against Shogun (which, granted, he did tap Shogun, which is impressive, but it was against a Shogun who wasn't anywhere close to being healthy). This fight against Machida is the perfect opportunity for Forrest to show everyone just how good he is on the ground, because if he goes in there looking to bum rush Machida on the feet, then he will get KFTO just like he did against Anderson Silva. He MUST take this fight to the ground, if he stands any bit of a chance at winning.
The funny thing about Forrest, he's a huge fucking guy for a Light Heavyweight, but the guy has ZERO punching power. Seriously... look how many times he nailed Tito Ortiz in his last night, and none of them even dazed the guy. Forrest needs to become more of a ground fighter, if he wants to continue to have success in the UFC, because the stand and bang Forrest just isn't going to work against most top Light Heavies.