The Ultimate Fighter: Team Nogueira vs. Team Mir


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So the first episode of "The Ultimate Fighter: Team Nogueira vs. Team Mir" premiered after 'Ultimate Fight Night 15' Wednesday night and it was fantastic. Great fights, and the attitude and professionalism of Nog and Mir were awesome to see as well. Mir was actually so pumped to be on the show, he couldn't even sit down during the elimination fights. He's on track to be one of the best TUF coaches ever.

But anyway, what stole the show for me was that dumb ass Jose Aguilar saying, “I belong with Alexander the Great! I belong with Hitler, dawg!” HAHAHAHAHA!!! What a fucking moron! “I belong with Hitler, dawg!” That is quote of the year. And then what makes it even better, he gets his ass kicked by Junie Browning right after they show him saying that nonsense. But man… Junie Browning looks awesome. I also liked the kid who fainted, Phillipe Nover.

If the rest of the season is as good as this first episode was, then we’re in for a fucking treat ‘til December.
I won't be watching it. I don't have Setanta, but I save every series I like of any kind for DVD.

But the season needs to be good. Neither coach has anywhere near the same name value as previous coaches. If it's not good it might kill the whole concept. It's on it's last legs anyway. But if it's a good enough season it can make the coaches into name stars. To non hardcore fans I mean.
I won't be watching it. I don't have Setanta, but I save every series I like of any kind for DVD.

But the season needs to be good. Neither coach has anywhere near the same name value as previous coaches. If it's not good it might kill the whole concept. It's on it's last legs anyway. But if it's a good enough season it can make the coaches into name stars. To non hardcore fans I mean.

I beg to differ Nogueira is a legend in the sport he has lots of name value. Im not to to excited about this season nor was i excited for any other except hughes vs serra since they legit didn't like each other. But the contestants so for look good looking forward to see how philipe nover does.
He has name value to the sport. But he's not a mainstream name. Ask casual fans who he is and they won't have a clue. They'll know nothing about his Pride work. This program needs to make new fans. And it would be a lot easier if they used a bigger name, the two they are using aren't nowhere near as high profile as previous coaches.
I like Nog, but I have to agree with Jake. Pride just wasn't big enough to make mainstream stars. I mean, to make a pro wrestling comparison, AJ Styles might have "a lot" of fans, but ask a normal WWE fan who he is and they'll have no clue. UFC and Pride are the exact same way WWE and TNA currently is as far as American exposure is concerned. And unfortunately, in Nog's two fights in the UFC, he didn't look that impressive. He beat Heath Herring in not a very good fight and a fight that a lot people feel he was VERY lucky to have won, and then defeated Tim Sylvia, a guy hardly any UFC fans respect, for a fake Heavyweight Title and he didn't completely dominate the fight like one would expect. So, yeah, I'm not sure you can add his name among the most popular names in the sport. He's one of the most respected by hardcore fans, sure… but by casual? He's just some guy who speaks bad English. However, that'll change if he beats Mir and then goes ahead and defeats the winner of Couture/Lesnar.

Also Jake, if Brock Lesnar wins his next two to three fights, don't be shocked if he becomes a coach of the show within the next two seasons. That'll definitely garner a shit load of viewers.

But I'm hoping the next season of The Ultimate Fighter is another "Comeback" season, featuring the Heavyweights in particular. I'm shocked Dana didn't book this season of TUF as a Heavyweight contending season. The Heavyweights are hot now because of only four people (Couture, Nog, Lesnar, Mir), but very soon all those four will have fought each other and the division will then be out of guys who can be considered as legitimate contenders; that is if they don't sign Fedor anytime soon, or get AA or Barnett from Affliction.
I can't remember who bought it up. But somebody said what would have happened if Lesnar hadn't lost to Mir. Would he have been given his spot on the show. Could have been intresting. Would some of the fighters involved like to take advice off somebody who has significantly less experience than them.

I actually think that with hwo the heavyweight division is they could have tried something new and had 4 coaches. I'm not sure how it would work, but it would be intresting with Lesnar, Mir, Nogueira & Herring.
While i agree most casual fans wont know who he is a good bunch will zuffa makes pride dvds here in the states and around here every dvd store i go to has the pride dvds and ufc dvd clumped together in one secton. Im sure the casual fan would pick up these dvds to actually understand what the hells going in the ufc. Also the aj styles to wwe comparison is totally different. The wwe biggest fanbase is kids you think kids are gonna come on sites like these or any other for that matter to actually find out tna even exists. Cause as far as i know besides the game i have never seen a tna commercial besides on spike. The casual ufc fan is different since its an adult chances are when they see nog on tv they probably type his name on google or something to see who he is and his record.

Also if brock had beat mir i still dont think they would make him a coach since hes still learning himself. But what i could see happening is 2 coaches on one team i can see Team werdum and lesner against Team Nog and Herring. Then once the show is over they can have pride style tournament throw in mir,kongo,sokodjou and there you go tournament for number 1 contender.

Also i agree this season should have been a HW season i mean honestly LHW division is stack do they honestly think anyone from this show can compete with the monsters in that division. HW division is in real need of some decent fighters especially since most of the good hw arent even in the ufc.
Watched tonight's episode a couple of hours ago. Some decent fights, but nothing too special. I really liked the tall lightweight, George Roop, and I thought that Elliot guy who got screwed out of his victory was really well rounded (for those who didn't see it, even though Elliot lost, Dana thought he won and choose him to come back on the show after a Light Heavyweight couldn't stay on due to a broken hand). Those two and the guy who claimed to have ADHD stood out the most to me.

However, the best part of the program was at the end of it when they showed a "This season, on 'The Ultimate Fighter'" commercial. And it seems as far as drama in the house is concerned, this looks to be the best season since Season 1 (you know, with the whole Leben/Koscheck/Southworth debacle). I cannot wait to see what these crazy fuckers pull off. Junie Browning, the guy I praised in my first post, seems to be the wildest and the one who stirs up the most trouble. Should be fun to follow.
This season is looking pretty good so far. I cant wait to see what Juni Browning gets kicked off for. He seemed to be a front runner to win the light wieghts division. But evidently the guy has serious emotional issues. In one commercial it showed him jumping the cage and pressumably running into a fight. If he does he is my new favorite fighter.
This season is looking pretty good so far. I cant wait to see what Juni Browning gets kicked off for. He seemed to be a front runner to win the light wieghts division. But evidently the guy has serious emotional issues. In one commercial it showed him jumping the cage and pressumably running into a fight. If he does he is my new favorite fighter.

The thing is, I don't think he gets kicked off, lol. I think Dana gives this dude a TON of leniency for whatever reason, because last week when they showed the commercial that featured all the highlights for this season, Dana told someone that "You should've been kicked off this show five times already" and I'm certain he was talking to Junie, lol.

But yeah... what a crazy motherfucker. Someone nailed it right on the head calling him bipolar. I mean, we already saw the roller costar of emotions he displayed this week, but next week he obviously fights someone in the house and doesn't get kicked out for it, but then hops in the fucking cage and attacks someone a few days later? Lol.... what a nut job. I can't wait 'til next week's show, lol.

Oh, and for those who didn't see it, here's a gif of this week's knockout below. It was really the only good thing about this week's episode other then Junie’s odd behavior.

(Only posted link so gif won't slow page down)
I'm getting tired of these alcoholics, troublemakers on TUF house. Day one: crazy little blond guy gets hammered and starts to transform into a bipolar troublemaker. i dont know, but if you are gonna train for a shot at a UFC contract, the last thing I would do is get fucking wasted like that. Where's the self-integrity in here? I dont want to sound like a purist, but hell, these guys are training to be PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES!! there's nothing wrong in having a couple of drinks, but abusing it during extreme training?

What happened to Jesse Taylor at the last TUF? He got a shot at the finals and because of his addiction to alcohol, the guy screwed up his biggest chance to become a UFC star. He could have beaten the living shit out of CB Dollaway(sp?) but no, instead, he went into a frenzy "rampage" (PUN intended).

I hope this Juni guy get himself together cause I dont think Dana is ready to deal with more JT's.

On a side note, I guess this guy Bader is seeing as this season's CB. Cocky, but can back down his words. Gotta love the TKO!

Great coaches, but Nog stands out. The guys oozes charisma and is really passionate in what he is doing. Great move by Nog visiting the guys before the fight for a dinner. that only give them more confidence on them selves and also they can trust their coaching team more.
I'm not liking this season at all. I just finished watching todays episode and i don't even know where to start. First of all the disrespect Elliot Marshall showed Nog when he came in to talk about the stupid shit they been doing was horrible. Who the hell does Elliot think he is talking to a legend like that? All of team Mir disrespected him surprise to see junie kept his mouth closed. Nog is right how is a fighter suppose to come in and train and fight if hes tired from getting no sleep. I mean peeing on a bed honestly. These people are suppose to represent this sport their should be a line drawn of how far you can go. Also ontop of all this Mir just ignores Nog when Nog asks him to talk to his fighters more disrespect. Nog is a man of respect and is a genuine good person and i hope people watching the show realize that.

As for the fight Elliot completely dominated. Great ground control and just waited for the perfect time to sink in the choke. Next week Junie is gonna fight which i cant wait. Sadly in the preview it's shown the guy Junie fights is a black belt in jiu jitsu and you see frank calling him out on it asking if he really is one. So chances are this guy wont be the guy to get Junie kicked off which i deeply hope happens soon since i cant stand him.
Wow, Junie is worse than I expected. His has the cardio of a 450 pounds movie critic and he has to be the most disrespectful individual in the history of the show. Hell, he even make Chris Leben looks like Mother Theresa.
He beat Rolando Delgado in a split decision!! I mean, if you watched the episode, this guy (Delgado) is (apparently) a BBBJ. My view? He is absolutely awful. He looked like a scared little boy who picks a fight against the school bully. the problem here was, the bully looked awful as well. If Junie connected some big punches it's because the other guy forgot that he had to defend himself.

Video of the First round here:

Here is the video of his qualifying fight. Not bad, but again, look his performance in the floor. also, check how fucked up he is when the round is over, the guy can barely breath.

I don't see how Juni would pass the semis, specially if they put him against guys like Efrain Escudero, who is 10 - 0 with more than half of his wins by submission. The guy is a beast and is my early pick to win his division.

Just watch this video from some of his previous fights.

...and his last fight against Shane Nelson HERE

Escudero is just too much of a fighter for Junie and I hope he kick his alcoholic ass out of the show.
It's the same rinse-repeat stuff that's already been done on the show several times before. Mir's a smug prick and I hope Nogueira crushes him come December. I can hardly wait for that one. As for the contestants on the show...the UFC hasn't done much to garner top-tier talent since the first three seasons or so. Because in recent years, for every Gray Maynard they've procured, they've also reeled in some real stinkers. That's why I'm happy that the guys have to fight their way onto the show instead of being picked based on entertainment value and then getting squashed. Fuck personality. I want to see top prospects on the show. If they have a problem doing that? Cut it back to one season per year so they don't exhaust all of their options so fast. Either that or incorporate some of the WEC weight classes into one season (Featherweight, Bantamweight). Or, maybe get some ranked fighters and have them get an automatic bye into the final and have them make their debut on the Ultimate Finale or something.

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