

Getting Noticed By Management
I'm not sure about you all, but I think these two would be a solid fit. Except get rid of the Leprechaun suit and gimmick. Make him like the midget on Jackass. We don't have to mock the man like they currently do with his gimmick now. Miz looks like someone who would make friends with someone like Horny. They would be hiliarious as friends, not as a tag team though. Horny could just be a new friend for Miz that he knows won't steal his spotlight because he came up short in life.
I don't really see that happening. The Miz is pretty much the cocky pretty boy. I don't know if anyone else saw his promo w/ Joey Styles after he got drafted but I liked it. He talked about how he carried Morrison and he was the only good part of the dirt sheet. I like him that way and hope to see him come out and be like back in the day chavo, lie cheat and steal to get the win. Maybe in the near future he'll get a US title run.

But, I do like the idea for Hornswoggle, not w/ the Miz but someone else. I don't see Hornswoggle doing any good by himself, is he really a threat to anyone in a match?no. I don't think that means that he won't beat Santino or someone like that in a quick match.

I was thinking having Hornswoggle has an identity crisis and just try to find someone to be his new "leader". He'd dress up different every week, almost like Charlie Haas, and come down with different people act like them and try to find the perfect fit for himself. Try something different than just being little finlay.
are we really talking about hornswoggle ? do u really want to put him with the miz of all people ? lol he belongs where he was found under the ring and hopefully he stays there !!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Spanky would be a good fit with MIz lol. But I heard that hornswaggle was a dick in real life, so changing his persona and putting him with the Miz would be kinda cool.
that's actually a really great idea. wwe does a lot with the jackass guys so why not make there own. maybe even do and angle with the guys from jackass against miz and hornswaggle. have miz claim they are more extreme then the jackass dudes. if you ask me thats entertaining tv.
I'm not sure about you all, but I think these two would be a solid fit. Except get rid of the Leprechaun suit and gimmick. Make him like the midget on Jackass. We don't have to mock the man like they currently do with his gimmick now. Miz looks like someone who would make friends with someone like Horny. They would be hiliarious as friends, not as a tag team though. Horny could just be a new friend for Miz that he knows won't steal his spotlight because he came up short in life.

Pretty sure this is the worst idea I've heard in a long time. No logic for them to even team together, and besides, Miz is a HEEL. A bad guy. Horny isn't a bad guy...and to be honest, may not be on the WWE roster too much longer.

The Miz is way better off simply being the mid-card heel that may give trouble for someone like an MVP or possibly Cena on down the road. Hornswoggle's not in his future.
Haha wow! I would have never thought of this, and the more I think about it, the more I love it! It's pretty common consensus that The Miz doesn't have what it takes to make it in the ring by himself, so comedy could be his saving grace. If they had Miz befriend a newly repackaged Hornswagle (he can still make all his mischief, but it would be more like an immature teenager than a little rascal seven year old) and they can go around humiliating people, making fun of people, and winning matches in a similar fashion to the way Doink would win his, by pranking their opponents. I think it'd be a very refreshing funny segment on RAW, as Santino can only carry the comedy so far.
I could see Hornswoggle "falling in love" with one of the Divas on RAW now that he has been drafted there. He and Finlay have had their farewell.
Hornswoggle could manage one of the divas to winning the Divas Championship, like Kelly Kelly. He could fall in love with her and one time he'll pop up when the refs not looking and spray something in Maryse's eyes then Kelly will get the roll up and win the title. Or something along those lines.

I Must admit, at Smackdown and ECW tapings in England, it seemed like they were gearing up for Finlay going heel again and turning on Horswoggle, that didn't happen, but it could of been good.

The only other option for him I see is him bugging Vickie Guerrero until she re-instates his Cruiserweight title that she took from him ages ago. Only for Horny to lose it to Chavo and then get released most likely.

I like the idea of him teaming with Miz. But Miz has tried so hard not to be like a reality tv star, and more a wrestler that it would be a step back for him personally. But it could be a step forward for his career though??
I hope The Miz and Hornswoggle don't team up especially not on RAW. I would surely not watch that. Those two are probably 2 of the most annoying guys in the WWE right now. I wish they would both be 'future endeavored' as soon as tomorrow!
I dont see Hornswoggle getting any air time on RAW in the near future whats he gonna do ? wrestle? and against who the divas? that would get played out fast and if he wrestles one of the wrestlers it wouldnt be believeable so they'll show him running around backstage making that annoying laugh/noise he makes. I wish he would just be released i cant stand the little fucker.
Also the Miz is just as bad the guy thinks hes all that and hes not. Hes this kid from MTV who trys to be a wrestler he sucks, has the most annoying personality ive ever seen in the wwe is way too loud. Cocky and has no reason to be. Trys or sleeps with the divas (so ive heard).
I mean only if your the Rock you can think your all that because The Rock had 'it' he could do anything and the crowd loved him. The Miz is the exact opposite he'd be horrible as a face and as a heel he just doesnt belong in the wwe. Go back to the clubs miz or try to get on real world season 20 or whatever it is. He belongs in reality shows not in the wwe.
No offense to little people but I see guys like Hornswoggle in the same way that I see guys like Zach Gowen. At the end of the day, they're a novelty act and have little value outside of cheap face pops.

The first time you saw Gowen do a moonsault it was pretty impressive, wasn't it? How about the second time? Did you ever think he had a chance in hell of winning a title outside of maybe a fluke tag team?

Apply the same logic to Hornswoggle. It's funny to see him interfer in matches but it got old really quickly. Could you ever see him win a title outside of a tag reign with Finlay?

Guys like Hornswoggle are fairly pointless once the initial novelty wears off. No one buys him as an actual wrestler. Even having Natalya lose to him made me put my head in my hands. He can't announce. I guess he could be a GM. But what real value does he have?

Hornswoggle will do the same thing on RAW that he did on ECW. He'll detract from the person he's paired with and he'll get a cheap pop week in and week out from the kiddies. As a Finlay fan I'm excited that I'll finally be able to take him seriously again.

It sounds harsh but if you name any wrestler and then put Hornswoggle with them I'd probably end up saying, "can't I just see the wrestler wrestle instead?" Hornswoggle wrestling is like the coach of a sports team having the mascot go in for a few plays.
I always hated the Finley/Hornswaggle combination. Finley was so much better with his old music and playing the "tough guy" gimmick. I wanted to throw up when he would come out with blow-up hats and hammers, and dancing to that crappy kids music. He turned into a complete joke. Hopefully this will mean Finley can go back to his old persona, cause the "I'm a father to a midget" routine was getting very stale.

I dont know what they'll do with Hornswaggle now. They can honestly phase him out for all I care. He's a novelty act designed at making money.
Santino and Horny would be a good fit. Just the pure comedic portion of it would be the reason. Once Santino is dumped by Beth, then he and Horny are all alone, they become friends. Maybe Golddust with Horny.
Well I think its not a bad idea at all. Miz ISN'T a pretty boy, he only sort of played one w/ Morrison. Miz is more of a prick asshole. The "chick magnet" doesn't mean he's a pretty boy. He's a goofy prick. You know, the guy from real world. Perfect reality show material. I don't think he'll be a strong singles competitor on Raw so the only way he'll make it on it would be something like this. Horny will wreak havoc on Raw, see they won't be "good guys" or "bad guys", they'll be comedic reliefs, kinda like Santino. I could totally see it happening. Perfect fit to me. Miz is like one of the guys from Jackass who didn't do much in Jackass number 2. One of the ones who thought he was too Hollywood for it, but still a Jackass nontheless.
I can't picture it happening. Horny is popular, especially amongst kids. The demographic the WWE is targeting. I don't see why they would turn one of their most popular current faces, heel. Just wouldn't seem like a smart business move to me. Its not like the crowd is getting tired of Horny. I also don't see it in the Miz's character to team up with Horny. I'm sure i remember the Miz making fun of Horny and bullying him a couple of times. If the Miz would ever have some type of manager or helper, it would probably be a chick since it would play into his ladies man character.

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